I'?.'3T. fro (groceries. J . . . ' - .... - . ..c 7. 5 'm . v m m w . t . as a. a j trmt r -71 w j- . 3 E . hhbb ' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1879. Hon. J. N. Lipscomb, master of the state grange, will attend the meeting of 1. national eranee. Wednesday, at fa n a nrl i CtUL NetVark idaigua, Ney York. T - , sta llairroadlave published a full The rtusuawi ""- ' - iia answer lo the charge mat tne on the road have been treated .cruelly. ThQ&lumbift, Pftte i$W ft the gamblers Thursday night, captuied their tools nndRmamjijed; them to ap pear before Ttlie mayor Friday morning. fiscated their implements. - Winnsborf Nltht Master was jobbW WV4b681?y P1?1" lars in ColumblaTon his way lo the fair. He thinks his pocket was picked about the time he left the cars. Mr. John fc. Douglass was likewise robbed of about one hundred dollars, just as he was leav ing Columbia. rot-iiwpII Sentinel: In order to es- nsLFred. XijC, tha gntrqwtel t aJlaf has bound over Luther "Williams, Jams Thomson and a colored man nameu David Glover, to appear at the Lnited States Court, which convenes at Col umbia on the fourth Monday of this month. This is a novel way of getting Nix's personal encounter into conspi racy shape. HELP FOR ITIUS. POTTS. The Widow in the Hands of Syin pa thetic People at Last. Philadelphia Times, 15th. ': Mrs. Mattie Potts, the unfortimate' pedestrian, who, when found wandering near , the jQermantownr Junctiof om Wednes6Uty4flgb delirM her' intend t ion of throwinz herself under a train, lias fallen into the haaSof sympathet-M m rfiafltt.h6 h& Wavided "her witliM quarters and have obtained the prom ise of a situation for her in a store on Arch stfeetr THSyJ are also collecting money for thi mpov1er46lied woman. She has related -sdme tffherHfe history, from which it appears that she con tracted an unfortunate marriage, her husband being a dissipated fellow, who died three years ago, in New York, af ter the birth of ture&QhikUenj. Shehad employment afterwards iri a suit store, and was thrown into the pedestrian bus iness afterwards as an alternative against starvation in the fall of 182; by J me ianure 01 ner employers, one aiier wards nursed other female walkers, and appears by her own statement to have been several times the victim of too much confidencen, thenttnagersjof such affairs, f S I a Going ihe rT? of WashlBgto J I . . : t I 5 Dr. Felton, who represents the sev enth Georgia district in Congress, has written a letter in which he cuts loose from the Democratic party. He sava that nine-tenths of the intelligent- pfco-i pie of Georgia will sustain nim in thi3 course, lie reviews scathingly the dominant element of the party, and lays particular stress upon the Northern and Western Democrats in unloading everything upon the South, and blam ing that section for everything. He al so refers to the attempted political leg islation of the last sassien.aml says that it was not the attend offch South, but of the Northern andedterft Dem ocrats. The Southern members reluct antly agreed to support the.repeal of the election laws and of the law authoriz ing the presence of troops at the polls, This, he says, is a good instance oi the course that has .been pursued : for, al though the South did not lead in the attempted repeal, it has to bear all the blame. Dr. Felton is one of the "inde pendent" Southern members of the House. He has, however, al ways acted heretofore, with tfie' pemocratic party. What gives it xpotef significance is the fact that both he and Mr. Stephens have always been on the most intimate terms, and generally hold the same views on political matters. The President's lUesftajre. Washington Special, 14th, to New York Herald. The Cabinet meeting this afternoon, with the exception of ordinary routine business, was devoted to an interchange of views as to character of recommend ation to U njade-fcOiCprigress in tnaPre sident'iiitnal raeteage and by-the re spective Mads jot departments in their annual xortsl Tefeneraj qpnclnsfoit was reached ttrat the' reccraimenda tions should be confined to suggestions for improvement in present methods rather than extended to reauests for radical changes in exutiagHlawsA U be mg consiaerea especially desirable at this time to provoke as little conflict in Congress and as little disturbance of business interests as possible. The Pre sident's message is now in course of preparation- 1 1, .will , be f shorter than usual and contain very few recommen dations other than those comprised in the reports of the Cabinet officers. It is believed that the only impoTtant tdpie under the head of foreign affairs will be the re-opening of the fishery question with Great Britain, and it is also under stood that especial attention will bfi di- rectedtQ thettdrif ajblLtj? of legislation to aathoriie-a Resumption-' ofTuhdlng Senator Edmunds Interviewed. Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, who has just returned from Europe, has been interviewed. lie thinks sult of the fall elections, particularly m jNew xotk, insures the election of any gooa itepuDUcan candidate for the presiaency next year. When asked about Gen. Gran t; he responded: "Geii. urant ia a very strong man. He has al ways Deen a very strong man. He is a man of very great modesty, but he is a man ot grip; of very great-grip. . ,He would be a strong candidate, buVl tdh- iuer mat any gooa republican, wheth er Grant, Secretary Sherman Wnah. burne, Blaine or Conklinj? these who should be nominated , by the uvi-uuovauD iui mo uresiaencv would be surely elected. Tou knoW. he saidfvote for Republicans, not men.' uccess is assnrea: mat mv vir nf the elections, Only ot cburse there must be work; every man who expects to get a living must not be lazv. and an rf great political parties ; those who would win must not reiax their efforts. What Blralelyerfslmyi: t. Wilmington BA J:KZS K Mr. Hinton Rowan Helper is a North Carolinian who made himself some what notorious, by hi anti-slavery book before the. war, and by his "No Joque" book after the war. lie is now on a new and more commendable rooiftis trying to build a double-track steel railway from-rpoint airi ur ifrNSrt America to aWjit lir ttuth$ Soju America., lie w-nt3 turnmren cnntinnnua roll lb uv atKitim irom Bn end, or nefely-ito 6lloi!PntrBent to4 the end of the other continent. An ex change says he has deposited five thaus ana dollars, 10 . do aisiriuuweu in nv Drizes.: for the rJestiraausea in trose nnrl nnfttrv on thaSUoieCi V2Uh6 has asked threeprominent citizens , 0 St. Louis to act as judges on the essays, and they have consented to do so. Mr. TTfilner has L talent andBuarr;ivni'ice may yet accomplish. semtfalniirf fire new field he proposes to oDeratp fa$m. idea is grand, to say the least" Wliat Southerner JHad to Say to tlie "American Kin."-" 'f:-. WASHn-TGTC-NoVMiIri tela irram. of NOYemhfitto.me as AfW1 ft flU sn.,rserJ urittfcfefl he ply I can only say if I could be in Chi cago on the occasion General Grant s reception there, referred to in your tel egram, I would certainly ' pay my re spec tsjto him in peraen, and evince my kiid Jtegards by tenpejing him, with thousands of others, irrespective of par ty,a hearty congratulation on his safe re turn from his extensive travels, and for tii hrh honors 1 he , 'reciBLVtfdt ttberBFejf heiwerit onhis tour aCouhd. Uifciiwocldi His generoivil mignanimou ana patri otic sentiments expressed to the ex-Confederates at San Francisco, met a warm xeapmse. in tli p rirp.asr.q nf m i 1 1 i on s 1 n t n 1 s country without regard to seonsor hjf.trafms. 'fraf'sucii d may never rise again should be the earn est desire ot every patriot. Alexander II. Stephens. beleEXtctgrlfal6!i good people of Chicago upon the return nf fltifiral Qximt to vour City. Atn- great American soldier-statesman, and should be remembered with pride, dalsho-UMex-presB fPPJgciatonrto saiwy -reiumef! r native land. We have many excellent men who most naturally , jnd . prpperj aspire to the highest office of the peo Dle. but it seems deeply set in their Ifearts tiUSrtthe SUKifK M amfi I f -hbrioringGt James Longstreet. Atlanta, Ga., November 12. Your telegram received. I decline to t an swer, expept'fcfr say : . Present ray per sonal congratulations to; Geheral Grant on his safe arrival to Aw country. He tfought for his country honorably, and xwon. I fought for mine and lost. I am ready to try it over again. Death Columbia. S. C November 11 Thanks for vour politeness, but I must detlinhnfilafi0Hiliih JL f Tin i 1 MHTON. THE JIKTEOKIC SHOWERS, How Prof. Tice Accounts for Their i , s f V A ITTVl St. ioub Qlobe-Demoat 14UX f . 1 l l r 5 f Prof. Tice was on the street yesterday, and expressed hisevereisapeintmenVi f thjsn(arBlyalbf lretCledipe leont auuwcruiiire luuiiiiiij. xuc yi v fessor had set up all night. He had seen a few meteors. They were isolated and could not be dignified by the name of showers. At tuia stage he isnofcpre ed tq account ?or the. taflure w ins p: diction. Othen eminent astrcmom liavft f Ail fid in Stbei forecasts iTrfM ispDobable thatith shower took pi ti ally auu ..niuxfioiwis uoui points. The professor would anxious ly await advices from the interiqr. Any way he had a limit of two days in which the display should be ipadq. The fltoanac,"Said id" qr I4j Thiti Would occur to-day the professor was not prepared to say. He hoped, but could not believe, that the celestial out break would occur. He would look in to the matter,and,if tiis stars went back on him altogether, he would avail himself of the right of a minority and investigate. Last night.a few Quajitrill-likerfnete- i ors flitted across the sky, bfcjt, H tea "they were not in sufficient numbers to merit the name of a shower." - .,:n . Prof. Tice is perhaps a little previous in his prediction this time. Meteoric showers are peculiar to November 13 and 14, according to the astronomical text-books. The indulgent public will therefore kindly excuse the present mistake, and give the venerable sage another chance in 1880. Tbe.17niuitttak.able .Moral. Twenty-three years ago a young Ken- tuckian visited a gambling saloon in 2ew Orleans, and while -there saw a man of his own age lose his last dollar at the table. The generous Bluesrrass oy, D. P. Todd by name. Ditied the ruined fellow so heartily that he whip ped out his pocket book and loaned him 8500 with which to try again. The gamble, a Frenchman, did try, won and repaid the money. Todd returned to nis home in .Kentucky, worked hard and last summer found himself a bankrupt. On last Wednesday itoll if pTildfgh of despond he opened a lt$eRtiilt Jore a Paris postmark, and rjeaUthM the tian rhom he long-ago bef flea fiedfinl ling ago forgot had sent him a present of $50,000. The moral of which is, when you see a stranger broke at a faro bank enc ip aytae.y Our Paper Currency. The comptroller of the currency is- Bueu a statement, on1 JNovemner 1st. which shows that bti Jahuarv f4. iS?5. me amount ,citulatiOn K r amount oi treasury notes outstanding was msa. 00X)0, 4aki4ga total of $733,801,450. un JNovember 1st, 1879. the amount of national bank circulation was $335,754, 298, and the outstanding treasury notes .o,ooi,uio, matting a total oi u2.4.sn.. 314 h us showing , a rediuetior.qf f51, azoao in,auuiejies3 xmtiUxM Vits. What iTIempbis lias Lost The Memphis Avveal declares that, in two years that citv has lostnearlv eio-ht millions 'of dollars and buried six thou sand ot her people. Filthy gutters, had drainage and accumulated garbage, it 'cu-i, iiu vt yicitus iur sucn metnoa or nnri- ncation by fire, drainage',' fumigation, street paving and the most rigorous en- iorcement of tne well ascertained laws or neaith as shall insure the citv against a recurrence of the epidemic. Other wise Memphis is threated with decay, if noJ;(extinction. 1.1 1.' Bismarck's Heart i Diseased. Berlin, November 14. The organic complaint from which Prince Bismarck t suffering !s said tobe'the' incipient stage ofatty degeneration of the heart. It is as yet slightly developed, and there is no immediate cause for appre hension. WisttlXxiVizanSiti . WHOLESALE AND4KETAIL f I! .It 1 0 Grb'cc and Confectioners, - T I TTM Deglets lnl-obaecilCIgfrs, Ifu&ffl Instruments, .1 .1.1 J H , C. Jw V Jk MflL-- Bs"ii iiW The heat tonk of RmmriM. ' nnnfeetloneries. Prize Candles, Toys, Musical Instruments, Strings, Tobacco, Cigars, Bnuff, Wooden.WareM Paper Bags, i mra C41 4rd ClA ftliA ritr Ka fnnnil Jit (MIT ourH be- p w no4eaie and Rexaii -Btore. uui ano so ,';?Jrf?.U Afl A. B. NISBET ttf BBf. Nov. 1 lm. MIMA HE m-tr easi me mi m ae i mo. oi national Dank notes in ' s $3i,$oio; Wd tibe legal-lender United States mm urn. samyryriu(reTWffiffdSTa-etu turns 6f stocks In Wall Street Business has never been more successful By the new combination plain. wu) are comoinea tn one vast sum, ana opera tea ui wiw KiRrat expemnfer securing immense wewth tMslodk fTaark& ifcd InrtiitnaAnlendld profits. Tbousandsof customers are thus united In one concurrent enterprise, and receive their pro rata profits monthly. An Indiana county mer -chant made S17.892.41 in four operations. A Texas cattle dealer made S32.616.94 In two coi blnatton: a St. Louis shipping merchant ma i3e $47,876 21 in less than six months, aU through the combination plan of. Messrs. Lawrence & Co . which has realized the grandest successes In the. with "unerring rules for success," and complete explanations, now to maice money in siocks. mail ed tar Messrs: Lawrence 6,Coi J Bankers; .H7 Ex- POLL are extracted from Vegetable products, bad after-effects - , c iiu ANTI.RII IQUS ""mm,m7 MEDICINE ' they are incomparable. They stimulate i the TORPID LIVER, invigorate the SYSTEM, and give tone to TVE ORQAJTS.creatingper- fect digestion and thorough BRnimi1atio of food. They exert a powerful influence on the KIDNEYS and LIVER, and through these organs remove all impuri ties, thus ytatupig the taasoeaof the body aiyi (causing, a. jhealtby coaadlticm xrf fee system. AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL REMEDY as a preventive and cure for Bilious, Re mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers, Upn t healthy fh li 1 DYSPEPSIA IS THE, BANE of the present generation. It is for the Cure ofthia disease and its attendantu, sjc&HSADACKE, NESVOUSNESS, DES-L-PQNDEiiCY, CONSTIPATION, PILES, &.C., that TUTT'S PILLS hayej itgainedeucha wie spread reputa iKBemadhaatverbeencLiBcov 13 ea tnat acts bo speedily ana gently on .j digestije organs giving them tone viorpsfnrnilaxerood. Tnis being ,mmemd, cksouWe the NERVOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, , AND THE BODY ROBUST. fietn composed of the juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agen cies, and prepared in a concentrated form, they axe" guaranteed free from any thing that can injure the most del icate person. - A noted chemist who has analyzed them, laya ' TH KRE IS HOSE VIRTUE IN ORE OF TUTTS PILLS, THAN CAN BE FOUND IN A jflNT OF $NY OTHEE." - We Ukerefore say to the afflicted Try this Remedy fairly, It will n4 ' harm you, you have nothing t lose,butwill surely gain a Vig rous Body, Pure Blood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind. PriSclpnJ Office, 35 Marry St., N. T. PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold by J)rpggiaU thronghont the world. , TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Grat Kaib os Wbukkb ehuured to s Glosst Black bj a (ingle application of this t)TK. It fan. parts a Natural Color, acta Instantaneously, and is u Harmless as spring; water. Sold by DroKfista, or lent by express on receipt of fU Office 3S Murray St., Newjfork.. aDr 1 It. a ''mil' lliuttjorB. DURHAM WHISKEY. (ANA L ZED BY DR. H. TAYLOR, STATE CHEMIST OF VTRGJNIA. ANDPRDN( a u mmm The attention of the cftteenk W Charlotte iand the surrounding country is .again called to this Pure Whiskey, now so. popular tooth. North &nd South. We have the endorsatlon pi manyiSrac glsts and Dealers In New York City, Washington, D. C, New Orleans, San Francisco, and many oth er cities, and-wacai tonHdently recommend the "Durham"rTo hefequblltO aty. WUlekey dlsUlled In this country. Call for "Durham" at W. R Cochrane's Central otelSatoo blril . ,t jrtrTC (tVTV Boedlcrpecr, ALE AND PORTER, Is eornet Trade Md Boundarr Arerraet ' Delivered to any part of the city, freeofottarge for Sl-Wper ..II ir. ,,i F. C. MTJNZLER, v : -' Mvu ..Hi ' -"i-.i!::vj AiiWfcll .-! .'I celve prompt attention. mafT" mm ti SOLE AGENT FOJI tHe" ATLANTA BREWERY " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Fisobesser's aad drink the more." 0 FRESttKpMjAANTA BXBWEBY, ON, nui 1 11 li. l ti ICE ALL THE WAY. -wl xi-y Jio -A low bsw buriai aseo !! t.uii I have an arrangement, with the Atlanta Brewery, by which lam able Wkponaraught, and for1 saie oy tne Regoi TTCf T a ;PURi: rill. ICE COLD LAGER 1 BEER Brought to my door In an iccr-cold refrigerator direct Persoruita Charlotte jo-iti-MirtAfn4 ean bnv beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant MrTBterHiAf.5m?ati of Beer are-better than ever d,.asf.th, soiAgewt In CharlotWof the AOantSBreweryri respectfully thfrl ivmesi(flhe Tr.r.r,4sn.si.a x r-.i "SMrs.uwrt xin&i ti9- 13 JOSEPH risc' JU27 t me virtues 01 cnav mineral, witaous ils 11 &C0O 3UNQ; 1 I I M il Fw U U mm. cnia.lieAlDi2: 1'-6 8 J'"i-le ".1 Uin fftYl! ittrtfrirf itl n rf - tt " . : oc J JJLUAtf tu 1 1 1 JUL vl i lirrv. -e; I j ' --Hatful -t.-vT t,p,wia hnl ; ';fct..: i ntit-ftn ) fat.? .'ii s; i . f ; iil iH8md -Kt tilw -Mil mt .wbort rti ihwo ' ;!-i- t '. "" i .. . ,r i, .' : , .-.(.. , : : I !! !..!:!., ; V!iH UHlfp lfHc! V r .. :. Q;: -:..!' , !: .; ..':.;,! .iif ' : ;i .-."J 5 .UsJ-ni'W i!; Ijiib tw: '" Hwl ' ' ,"' ' ' , , " , i , W li.O .t-s-i-t Vi,t -rrl an; rH'.-.-.v-- 7-.l 1 i' . 7 ' ' ' " '-. ' ' ' ' ' 100 BARRELS )Y.IA' .5- ,! -o- .M5IAV(l5iy.H r 7. VI' f0,'3UNOHES Hit;-,! I -JUST RECEIVED AT .7 .' Inn- .. Y j LEROY; DAVIDSON'S. Oct. 0. - CD D Imm CO c o bD o O 'gar-Y-.x. ty-rr RUnC tool, cover and oook only 91 43 to A II UO 255. ORGANS. 13 stODS. 3 set reeds, 2 knee swells, stool, book, only Holiday newspaper free. Address Daniel I. Beatty, Washington, N. 3. Agents, Read This ! W.vant ftnC Atnt tn this eoimt ta ahonn we will pay a salary of 8100 per month and expenses 10 Bell our wonderful invention, sample Tree. Ad dress at onee SHA&MAN 4 CO., Marshall, Michi Kan. HILL'S MANUAL everybody! Agt 90 Fulton street, N. X Social and nts wanted. Business. For wm. Snepard, & i OAA returns in 30 days on SI 00 Invested- Official reDorts and Information free Like Droflts weekly on stock options of SlOto 850- Address T. POTTER WIGHT 4 CO., Bankers, 35 Wall Street, N. Y. $25 lo SoOOOlffSSS:1'? nntllrs bv th Xw Cauitnlizttli'ti Syatcm of i-per.lH in i"ivlt. ' Fill-stpWMrlon ipM--tlon to aoaas, llaowx a Co., Buikin, M Broad St, N. Y. Ii I 1 i r I 11 " ' 1 "OSTCHOMANCY, OR SOUL-CHARMING- How f JT either sex may fascinate and gain the love and Affections nf anv nerson they choose lnstanuy. I' This simple mental acquirement all can possess. jrree Dy mall tor 20c, tpgemer. wtui marring Guide. SsTDtian Oracle, Dreams, ana. .turns w ia- dies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address D. P. MASON.,,700, Sansom street, rnuaaeipnia,.ra. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE '' '' IN THE WORLD. S3.672 Superb EngiisB Books at Our Price. 75,276 New American Books at Your Price. '112,726 8eeondihand Books at Any Price. fiatjilpgue ofGeneral LlteraUirfi-Fjwe 3 Beekman street, pear New Post Office, N. ON 30 DA'TRIAL. JWM will fcrfnH An mmtMv VAltala Beits'atid other Etfectric Appliances upon terial for 30 days to those sunenng irom aeTvous iMDuity suiouujiuuuj, Paralysis of an diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure eure g oaranteed or no pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Mar I shall.Mif,, it j , j , m ; t t, jiU IV i ll 1 I. 'MIU'UU " "' n., y ..iri.. -tl jti) .... f ..... . . , "CifectoKs.fnce,,e0W;Nortn Carolina,' ', Stavuie?N..,Oct. 28V1879. ) ''"'Seized for vlol VPei 4itu,i83V. arinulesaixi.ih&niess.a wag- ftewbygiveijto the owner or dalroants uiereio oeipre the expiration of thirty days from ttafted6? WW ;orfeitedtpthe siT.tn . ? ...vraeswr HthfQi Q.l De ICE OF SEKDTKlt 'cector'spnefflcTNSSca ; w V ? xi-ts H.ti!!mfr i ftefeed fOrvioiatlon of nr ., .-.-'"esvuie, H. c Oct 16. 1879. 'OH Oct. 18,1879 Internal Bevenw MwK, kS'iSPS; Whiskey,- owner A.- MvBhyne; Q wr-7 nauuiw.iunmerCVOI AIAT.-KntlUtt B MlfMI WMalMw. .bmimi k i i cast 01 whisker. onB, jU. Onml -ofrie b?aimanti ;S5r.7,"escvBe3 property, to appear Derore Lt? io'nlrauo ef thirty days frfra 5Li?5?!!'?' wun' Wii.W'lorfPKedto Ihe oltedgtatesi wn t is)iTu$.ii MOTT4' J.G. Yorao. '- .. .Ti nniiiliai.il ': ' Deputy.".- i ' nov5 8t tnSOdys li ill! -J .,. ' U: , Miiii. ON ' ' 100 SACKS .-Ill- CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR inn; 1 i 50 BOXES CANDY. 25 BOXES SOAP, (All grades and prices.) 2() SACKS COFFEE, rlrtESH CH?EESi; AND. MACKEREL. Q. A. McT,EAN CO. Oct 18, 1879. ' ' ' HAMS. HAMS. 10 Tierces Sugar Cured Hams. 1.500 Choice Worth Carolina Hams, Cowies' cure. 100 BARBELS OUR BEST PATENT PROCESS, Warranted equal to any in market I 000 half ro'ls IS4 and 2 yd . Bagging. 800 Bun ches Nellis Tie s, new and first-cuss In ev-ry re spect. All the above to an lve early next week. Send In your orders. BUR WELL & SPRING. sept28 OFFICE OF PIEDMONT NURSERIES, I GRKEN8BOK0.JS. C. May 31. 1K79. f I pn;j ot give, to the i.-tiivij' r Ihe Piedmont Nui ai-ries, TU lti.t Mi i t::: ifavel ti'iiL " coin mission on in 2wmi ravti. cu:.a fe i i iu Tiees, Ac, undli.w rr.iv.o il the i rice 60 per cent. Apples Mid i'too.t 1 .-1 c.ii&, ii to 6 teet; uue improved l'i uits ii.- nr- utm 11 in orth Carolina,, and ready fur iiieu. i;uu... iitrence given to any Nursery in ciunloru uouuiy. Feaeltes and Apples runamc from tne earliest to the latest varieties. Trees will be packed In good strong boxes or bates, and de Ilrered to railroad depots or express offices without any extra charge lor boxes or delivery. 1 win rur nisb at the following low rate: Peaches and d Ap each. pies in any Quantity, improved fruit, 10 cents Pears, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines. Quince, Crab Apples.. Jigs, Cherrlea 88 . cants. . Onuunental Trees, Roses and Flowers will be sold cheaper than nan be void br any nursery in JNortn uaxouna. Cash to accompany the orders. Any one not hav ing cash may fill out note, signed by, purchaser, to be paid when trees are -delivered at depot specified by purchaser. Note to accompany trees and paid when trees are delivered, purchasers raying ftll freights on same. Trees will be shipped In No vember and purchaser notified when to meet them. Persons ordering will state plainly where to ship Name the depots. Letters of Inquiry answered cheerfully. Orders solicited and satisfaction guar anteed, tend In orders at once. Very respectfully, , , 7 M.C; DIXON. Proi rleror of Piedmont Nurseries Tune 7 eoiltfm. WAGON EMPORIUM. For the bett Wagon iu the World, call on; THOS. H. GAITHER. He keeps the celebrated STUDEBAKER WAGON, Which took the first Awaid Merit et Uie Centen nial Exposition at Ph1ladelpla.i Ulsoi the SUver Medal at the world's ureal r uir, at fans, r ranee. He keeps the s 1 i Also, which lves universal gatlsfaciion as a farm wagon, ; C iears Wholesale. Best brands , and cheapest, fr, the grade, on the market' ' . ;i ? SHOW Just the thing for showing goods atth FairW sale or -rent i T :i iti-.i NOv. 4-'dwIy. fj'PR bale..' '(h t jhi i ?ai m jwttiA . ii vmi nouveoise ana tunion im wucara paper was lately printed. It was mde by AbM t Johnson' typtomdm of 'Miieiphiav and was not discarded because mo longer At lot se.toutai ly because it became necessary to se a 41flemit style of type.' It will do good service for several ream to-eome.i JtwUl be sold In lots to tut pur ehRMra. and in foiitaof firt t t.onrtiLw1li to ,witbAut oases. Address OBSERVER ; FLOUR All persons due me lor Guano murt sle 1 mme- oow vnAiioe1xi.u - 111" ' jj IIL13 ; 1 11 mi-" -r f 1471 HU Ill it f'Mii iHp.l XfflJKI .f--.i i ., EBlver TTj i 7 i ii, j 1 if K i . , ' UliiiS') ,V)7) ! .:;; ') IflIU:'- :; IV. ,li! :n;j.'. .It !;!. li ft- 1 in-, K1S 1 )i .O-fSJtU t rifiu li"! -l!: : i Ifli.l i fiLOCS8iT(! !'1 ' 'HiU'J ;U,.ii :J -55 jiwititTi"-'! J. 1 .i - ,M v.! '! riii-i ; 7itii -..it Jialj iHgIIi; fl ll .fftliu : to-) 9nf Hi tjj;:u;.-i lr.pL4.T10 li frod Viypil U J'd .iu;(ii ! i;;i:s.-'1-.i;i:'.txj1i!-j. M?LlAia SILTlai fliiiii-jU'I i - t J ! 1 SEECTAC1jES. fW Gold-Head Canes and everything you want , t. T. BUTLER'S. 'dee24 7 P. LASNE, 1 1 1 ! j 1 Ironi PmrU, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKES,' 6ILDEB and 8IL- 1 " TEB PLATER. Trade Stret opposfte; First Preabrterian Church. .Hat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made atones at half prioe and warranted one ear. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze GlMtogr Tutoring, OTver-Hattog and Gal vanl2 mad at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. Apprentice waited, with premium and good ref erences. fiepamtd ijork uncalled for will be sold at the exptrattoa of twelve months for cost of repairs eptlS Soots and gnats. I We have Just received a nice liae of ZIEGLER'S SHOES, Consisting of LADIES' BUTTON, LACE AND CONGRESS BOOTS, SLIPPERS, NEWPORTS, CHIL DREN'S PEARL SHOES. Also a beautiful lot of GENTS' 6b NEWARK WORE," COMPRISING Gaiters, Oxford and Strap Ties, PLAIN AND BOX TOE, Which we are now prepared to offer at extremely low prices. Thanking our friends for past favors, and wlah ng to merit a continuance of the same by keeping the largest stock, best assorted, SELLING LOWER. And strict attention to business, with .polite young men to show goods without trouble. ' . ; W. S. FORBES, Agent, 8mHBtt Forbes' OKTStand, Trade St June 15fc i iiiii1 tnii''ii .10 i ' i STOCK OUR FALL STOCK OFA BOOTS, 'SI10ES, UATS it AND .ii 01 r.. U. I'M I J 1 . ' I it-id . i-iii! U wmCpietoHe dethie4 to stato .t ili7I !ii-Hi no; '1 ii; to; i im-fi Ifii.fi.ri j s; 7-i i.iv -miu HvriJ Ji;f" fKrr) s; Kt OC gowhf evry.aMiSihte person known to tcnes the Wdl iSiM xk n -j i i.iiiov 3Ailu il'm-i v !. j ielors ;wltisVitV! Wft irU fel ralrly and otor iixBMtaoijnoaiK.i j. i j. -en ; -jut til tbiriw fiirrfi fcits fSQ&AKftO0ui (jOpt!li(i:ltTftai Iti ,s !? fi; 5i'i -i;reknoeritandHonieeoprJ- : -li t-i-j-- " 11 .ill llJ ')liJ 15.'. WtJl 11 THYTtfXrTF t "m-1- t Any pmoswisttmqspnwbjasps) nel ihntw4 aat I men swaiisiine sewns; ana moaexn son wminutei waltoof as pltos4usAe'eBsja oonuaoo oy applying ai - .i. deel THIS OTTICI, CALL COMPL ETED ONE Of THE MOlr T n48aqlo giilniuri sd3 ;. . , , - S2j o -a OK.L-1 .r.n55Jf1te ' toe to St1 HENKY tRBOLlC SALVK ' .n i. r 1 . .. ... ,; forthctHirpoee ot wiring employed .1: d'J.l l .. 'JtisifVi . SOBES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BBDISKS, -tanamed aW abmded gurfaoe8, and ALL SKIN DISEASES. blffisiSfarffoKS " "purities -IJltho6Ui)oi of u the hWPh I Jirtues; and the th7S.p'8tolxtol oe m menmslTZl to Henry', Carbolle Salve, and take no other JOHN F. HENRY, CDBBAK ft CO., Sole Proprietors, 9 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW TOBX. Pe b L- Wristori ft Co., Charlotte. N. C. SMITH'S WORM OIL. . r . ( " Anrjtrt.ija., February 22, i87a SIR My child, nve years old, had aymptoms ol worms, lineo calomel aad other worm medicines vw.jnjea xpei sn7oeeinc Mr, cteVTgot a vlalofTworm OUTand brouftht "forr . werras. and the m many that I did not Mtml them. ui Drat dose dose BO . 8. H. Adams. Prepared by E. 8, LYNDON,' Athens Ga. For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte. N. t. teb2Mdiwly. REAL BARGAINS -IN- China, ihieTOire, Class AND TABLE CUTLERY.. , ,).,. SILVER ARB CHINA. hOUSE", TRYON STREET, Old stand of Tkldj's Book Store. TBE BEST STOCK OF Vim tABLE CUTLERY, HEAYY PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS' Erer lrcr.t ht to Charlotte. Having detei mined to cl se out certain lli.es of goods, we will offer inducements on the same to wholesale and tetail buyers. October 1, 1879. THE CHINA PALACE OF John Drooklidd & Co. - . '.; .!, - ' . V . - . Is the ptfic'. vfyi it' can, bf iounii the tea and ' cfct-apest stock bl GLASSWARE, lamp goods.-siltebwabe. clocks, look- IXG UWSiCCTLEbV, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. FANCY GOODS,. BABY CARRIAGES, ETC.. Wholesale and fteiaii. We sen goods s lew As any Northern hot te i give us a ealL We have just received a freh stcck. I t ;i ti u JOHX BBOOKITED ic CO. Kov. , s ; i j i . ;)!: , 7 , !1 !'' P.4' .00 ,7 i) j.cj. $2.00 'il- MARSHALS. . 7..' H O o 8 TT O Xf E ..(SAyi!NNAH..GA, .. ' A. a'Llici Proprietoc. ' .iH 1,11 j ... Hi h Beducied rAteit MWrdinc to loea- ' " J tioftotltooin.: -! ,. -HlJ In liiu ji. ' '7 M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, Isle of Planters H ital. nil iru! BOBlvH HOCS ji.'.ifi ion i.'8gbibWi'WW:iV '' mill h t-M firpxlsWji" 1 -'''1 rtjWtHAatlonarHotoLKalsIA U'BiW'C Clerk; IT. 6. Alburn U dee 80 ' OJf THE MOST E R .

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