1 tU5 jr. sVBSCRrFTlOir Baa been I JSWy, one year. nnL and wtta the latest ttrii sue Momnx . Time Monti " aS ,, W minntr of Jon PrtntlM can no la at aniii noOoei 7 ) Z. fJA IKi M 1 1 l,-7 'A "? xy. r.. -it " r in i Hi ' " " ' T3i P If T 31 li-ll. D i fli lift :J fTI -rf. kJV- TI ...... - v- ' - . , . .I I OH ELEGANT LINE VOL. XX ...... I'- IU V-"J1. i -..,!J4 . i 1 M IUIW .!- CHAEEOlTmi N. CJ, ERNESIJAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1879. NO. 3,348. TAOS, RSeEIPTS, F0S1 BSaWw, -" xjj-. ,.... , '-If 1 THIRD STOCK OB" DRESS GOODS. A so "It 'Only Me." -466 wtrai camfrWirfprlsr to let the answer fall Roniy me. ItBatMCWtt'' Q BUDuressed Mnri feu 'mamma; f 'I Fancy ana staptek jjresa at extifniely low prices. Ladles', entsand less Tartety. Dalmona. ' we a&K special attention to our large stoek of kid Gtovea, In all colors, from two to six buttons. A new arrival o.; .'-, t I.. The Quivering batby 11)8 I-fhey had not meant Toatterany wowltljat eou2d plant a sting, W4wnaotbsJieart;steange paig went; urn .wuuinow aaocK OFr'rJ'-' .tHiumam .sismw .niiki'i' which. e wlU seHf tn instanty and a happy little faoi N - t lllUluUQSuaa 'neaU-nBWOBtedlEtilflAtiiialftcul ahnna. Udren's BofderrlniAiufJ AQdtromitbtimomnt.,:tOnlK Ma'i! had' nlarot loaka, Bepellants, laif if i . An4part Uh i;Fe(? to tender jnotir-love. OBSERVATIONS. MISSES' 't$l: V 4 yrr- i i lattona. fo w-f rlmml: ananl-T!i reteens. bli I and colored 811k Worsted Fringes, is the most va-" Wto1)efjndhSjajj C f J.C8T. .A. JC3 Hi j;AAHI. ViTv - : 223Q3A .OIH0 .QMAJ3V3 JD ALEXIN HO FLftlTI EL i. U :1D ERVJEfi R. A French novella turaally a story with an lnv moraL . . ,; ' Can a mart Intoxicated by music be said to be alr-tlght? ' Is lenffing a friend sa 'waah-dtoh showing basin iiaXmkdZilr ihtnk ibat ad bunions give the feet a knobby appear- coms ance mna pmb woe. uur srK oi immnmitunks lit Brocaded and Plain Sllksrstrtperand-Tflalh .1 It Is wuently believed, that woman Is a bard Mirocaaea ana ttinpea velveteens, Diaer l nurrgw.see tnrongn. Ana se is ner.nairanne oper A TULL LINE OF C&RPETSillD OIL CLOTHS. ,Yr ftl V-. e x . . -r ; i f rocicoF"- "ANDSBWBS, "That's the first hop of the season." remarked a dancing m aster as hie ' loung hopeful sat down a tack.' Xiiu Qiinustc tarjed nd the bawl began. The man with new tight shoes and an Ingrowing nail seems to be the one who Is always selected br fate to be compelled to run for a train. New York mar.';"' -" -' '-- i ' Melancholy barber (with soul above his business") "Idotf tgetmuoh;r a Uvta' by it, slrl" Cuar fnmar (through tha lat.har-'Thwn ymi flight Hats an ;M 4aafMadeNCWthI miW32:;t:hV for you scrape hard enough lot it V Punch, p tt n t tt tr ii Vj r f Some Ingenious Creole at New Orleans has In vented a lover's alarm clock which strikes loudly at tfcerreasopable hour of 10. i Asr it sounds two little doers open and a man with a dressing gown and cap glides out holding in his hand a card in scribed "Good night." As he bows and smilingly retires the suitor 'takes tne hint, says "Good night," and then departs. 18 vantage to buy from us, rthat will be ttrytfnr ad- THE NATION'S BftONZi: WAICDS. wm &ei.ar JbatiiixiivMf DKUOfiI8T UKD CMJUUBT. . i 1 Now offers to Ue trade a fuU stock of 12MQIT0H m. 20003 - TT LublaV Extracts wd CUgnes ''A Engusa Select Knghsh, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES; PREicST10 ."it1 WOT Trunks and Valises. . j . is TJ.. QEIGLE 4 Orders promptly f ' .'. ; Nov. m eet. MM. tore ic. HQ THr61BMKa! Da.c;mxANE's liver:;bills ; ' FOBtJ!yKE OF Hepatitis,., ar-Li ver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AJP 3CK HEAPACHE. CafeMprepacadUatJOl Jtov dayat H. MOADXN'8 Prescription Stor. SECURITY, SECURITY, of 1 C. WEST Jt SONS' r k in 5-i SyQptoms of . a Diseased Live. T)AiN in the right side, under the , Ja ?dge of the ribs, increases on pres- f .stdft; the atienis jrareile to lie don the left side : sometimes the Dain fig frit iinder.thfcshoulderlJadev And , it frequevtlv- extends to thetop of the shoulder, ''vail ts1 somethties Tnistaken ' for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected, with loss of -appetite, and sickness; the bowels in general r are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory. d. wUn a pamiui sensation -I- .... h mi i ifirirn iirv b&rOn of weatmess Sily startled! his g, and heom- rplains a prickly ' sensation of the SKin; msspirs.areiow; anaaitnougn he ia satisfied that exercise would be t beftical"him,7yetyhe can scarcely J shmmow w'p-rtiWidetnough tqtry it Tti act;:WcBtstt eveW retMdy. :fLL.l i fit-.T am wi e "i--. a -Taa ..i i " Ouray's Power Trembling in tlte Bal anceA Chieftain as a, Liar. Denver, Nov. IS A Los Pinos desr, patch of the 15th, says: "Ouray's power tcHflaji igimm Wing; in thfe balance, and within a few days we shall witness final success on his part in establishing his absolute authority over the tribe, or his virtual dethronement and the as cendency Of the war faction. He has succeeded in exacting from the hostiles i promises to appear, but its to giving testimony and all turther proceedings, hey decide for themselves. Sower wbo testified bii lied from beginning to end. Gen. Adams having put the question : 'Was I eyer in your house on Grand river?' lie answered,HbYsSbw erwack was then discharged arid Adams made the following speech to Ouray: The last answer was not true, I did stop in Sowerwack's tent and there we had a council from ll o'clock until 6 in the morning Sowerwack was present and with others was fully cognizant of what was bemg done, and to-day he comes here and says he does not know anything. For that reason I believe he has not spoken the truths nor does he wish to speak the truth. I believe al so that none of them wish to speak the truth, and therefore it is almost unnec essary to go any further. They have re fused to mention the name or a single Indian while they well know the names of all ot tnem, andl now present tne situation to you so that you can recom mend some other course whereoy we mav execute the laws of the govern ment. The government wants us to ascertain who were engaged in the dif ficulties of White river. We want tne names of the eruiltv Darties. and if vou , think we cannot find out who they were we had better so home. "Ourav replied: 'I cannot force them to sav what they do not wish. I brought them here that they might speak for themselves. He afterwards added 5how me anv act of law by which a man mavJSe-, comDeTTecTto convict him- ttAlf t tni"iiT'6Di'ii;'inla- 'QVniwl&ricwrt mil. vuiaj cuuu iJ . ' ACl4HUftpT ,Xt Chandler. Bev. JVH. Riddick preacheff yester- in Centennial M. , church, col- a. vr ahttwn. 5he ajwrejatta vbaire been ;exten ry deranged. UZLJX , U YL i. SO..fcLU ilia JpaAJIEiSE AND FEVE 3UIBltaATisT t: . amarne- cae iisetf'pi cwrhttfiy to, or after taking Quinifie.' We1 woirtd "aavise "aTTwho are afflicted "with tEi s Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposiapn, CrysEa OU Works, Canton. Wartaoted to stjnd i Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before v will burn. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. VstBatokf bs. 3. H. IfcADXIT, Sole Agent, WWPV J. -T. iAL'N H ON Yv DEALER IN NortkeiHiictsL A. Loraber. HavWjuslwjoVWd rwpWpjridoalfor the ensuing season, I am prepared to fill all orders at shortest notice. My stock Is the largest ever offered m tKia ifaHrat anil mhnMi aJI tne various kinds i or Families', Foundries' and Smiths' V other Markets ta an; toad .lotiMrould cod suit their interest by giving me a call before ordering else where. Special contracts for orders in cargo and cur load lots. . j J . Ice on hand the year round, from first of Oc berunuiftrst of May next My cart will not ran' I shall also continue the Lumber business and keep full stocki on bandy together with Lathes, Shingles, Ac Bills cut to order on shortest notice, of any quality desired; also estimates furnished on appli cation at office, comer of Trade st and N.C.K.B, V .,. n-J.X.ANTHONTJ ; P n Daw i cro ni..CnM. XT n i ! "VA, tW, VUO. 1VKW) W. MOST APPROVED FOBM tfust f tinted and. for Sale a the OBSERVES OFFICE ottai J)B. A, W. ALEIANliER, I r DlTlgT.-n..Aj rTiov i' Mutactton .ju-Ij! -villl i H Hi. t-4 ored, Caroline aMEanks stieets, on the UXA&mtl&jChZm6t.:r-.H:.!.4oolc for Ms text King (Bayid's question as to has fallen iri Israel P; 'ttodi, h said, has alwava sial times fdf 'special pur- it&liti&&?tW:t j liQses, iatid fleets special aen to carry Jm deahas of the Jewish and Christian dispensa tions, and then, coming down to modern times, dwelt on Washington, the hero of the American independence, An drew Jackson who routed the nullifiers, Sumner, who helped to put down Slav ery, and the old rail-splitter, Lincoln, throueh"Whom f our millions of people were made free. Then, when defeat hung over sthe Union arms, Grant was raised up, although he (the speaker) would admit that braver men never drew swords than the Confederates, and that there never was a braver gen eral than Lee : but he was on the wronsr side. Some one was needed next to undo the evil done under Grant bv Belknap and others, and for which Grant was to a certain extent respon sible. A crreat many bad men were in i Tinwer. and earoet-bacrsrers. such as Moses and Kelloex. ruled the South; Hayes was then brought to the front in order that a conciliatory policy might be tried, andhis . JohntheBafctis was 7l.nm'ni PKonlnr TTaH if. Tint" hMn jot cEancttftfiHMs.would never have occunied the plaeeie does. It was he1 . . j & t a. a J disease t give them a fair trial. 'For air bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un-equaled. BXWAJME OF IOTATIONS. -T 'iittittvaKeWstWted. Every box has a red wax seal on the hi, with thq impressiqn: Dr. Mrt-AMB's Liver Pills. " -The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and I LM ROS. nj the; wrappers. k,kk .ont tra4tI.ral :rliSinaiJh.' thai. Anubi upon niYing me Kcnume uk, ri Txt,ma WIbtlrt 'nnrt whifVr.hfiT' tlorht C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by '4ftPnrthelOT Opnltm- TKrhing iwos., ot Pittsburgh. Pa., th jj. chandler was not & first-class "MIWKJS" ?f h I statesman, but he had an uncommon MmWcLane, spelled differently but . f irhnnht of . eood common sense and same pronunMioa. n yr,,TIT(T i 1 was an honest man. He fought princi- r t ,f il ill i 1 I ' i ' I lul, ,,.iiui- llian iiipii a.nd-Kl,riiiJt?lRrr to bring abouJ;h& pyifleges which the colored race e'njoys. IDs place cannot be filled. - Conkhng even, witn dis au hurn locks iaid his uristocratic bearing, J cannot fill it. because, unlike Chandler, - i -t. J ii i- L ' K,if a millirvWoSroY 11H fULU BCD Mr UUv UUI mmiviunv Tffftithi-!an Blaine fill it, with all his gush, and aggressiveness, and there ia !!;i1grean cause arenuffuaB iaw gives tuetuiwcw tedple'thB Suffrage, tney are aeprivea ntf t'Jl Thft wiftairlangflronajnenlo be mm mm nu Kirw -)! XS? CELEKUIEO . T?. .'illiif tort -Vilill til Ulftf! v IS trusted with ciyil power were, he said, military mlo'jJuit fits player was that seme one might be raised up who wftiiiri taaA4hemohe mount or ris- gah anditaWltiem wmfe to Canaan's ! sljQre. rnHpConpluaeftHpj, asKing,nis Wrpr "tn remain loval andVi trufe to the Reptfbliean wrty until the ;laat6yl- lablA M l-feeaam time, wnen eveirtmng isnalltove sunk into the-darkness of - " it Vtthr flrat attackhlbrestlon be last ' Kouse inejoormaut euergicByi mo .w wiih tha Bitters.- - Tihe 1," i",nrte main. ThiU a f t ' wltn'Mses, wt'"' a --i T general debility of eve: lUWWSWUWS' tne then strength. .;&sale braa.1 rats geaoroiijU 'a iijfU in Virffinif - i ,n, iA.k.Mii.Mbv4-A'ir;it f.iiti'''p.t.i(mrBf tne thai ;i pOI,ITICAEi IXUJtUNATIONa. Ii" I- - ii- ! ' ',.:- .. ' Attitude of IfewTorkand the Sontb--- j.ii :.JJi he Grant Electric' Beom. Special to the Baltimore Sun. WAsniNGTjQNi KoVeiriber Id it has been an open 'secret in Washington sijice the.New Ydrk election that many Kepttbiicaff leaders appreciated the hol- o wness ot.! tneir apparent 1 trinmDh in the '"pivotal State" in? nfext year's con test, and sa w the necessity of looking elsewhere for compensatine siren arth. The united Tote off Kelly and RCDinson leaves no ground ror ae tjate or specula tion as t-)'thci attitude of New iTork next; year1 with 1 Bayard 6r -any other Democratic ucanaiaate tnoroughry ac ceptable to the commercial interests of the East: aid a Democratic politician ot well-known astuteness theotherday : "The Republicanassault upon the Dem ocratM eitadeti,cf New rdrk leaves their i party iin: a position: like that of Lee's army 1 after Pickett's repulse In WscharffeOH Cemetery Hill. Thev have metvwith a' bloody i repulse in art effort to carry a point essential to their sucr cess, Everybody knew on that hot Ju ly day at Gettysburg that the Confeder acy had reached its climacteric. Lee till had left a compact and prurient force of forty thousand men, but it was plain that all their' unnumbered victo ries for tnree years 'nearly were fruit less triumphs in the face of their over throw upon a field that both sides had accepted as 'decisive. So as to New York: of what account, is sixty thous and itepubhean malontv in Pennsylva nia, forty thousand in Iowa, or twenty- nve thousand plurality in Ohio, so long as they are powerless to carry either New York or Indiana V" Where, then, is the Republican opportunity to gain new territory? They think in the South. Encouraged by delusive indica tions of Democratic dissension in the South, it is really true that the Repub lican leaders are meditating an active campaign throughout that whole sec tion, and are already seriously engaged in plans to carry several Southern States. How deluded they are is plaiu- ly revealed by the actual situation in the South, m no Southern MState are there serious menaces of schism or mu tiny. Just now the Republicans take great comfort from a letter recently written by Congressman Pelton, of Georgia, and from some interesting gossip by ex-Chief' Justice Lochrane, of the Same State. Leading Republican newspapers are actually felicitating themselves upon the fact that a gentle man who was chief justice of Georgia in the days of Bullock, and who was an avowed supporter ef Grant throughout his two terms, now talks kindly ot Gen. Grant, and thinks his election to the presidency would be a good thing for the South. They derive , eomfort, jtob, from a captious letter from J3rf Eeltbh, wno nas oeen elected tnree times to Congress as an independent by receiv ing the solid Republican vote, reinforc ed by disaffected Democrats, whose party allegiance had grown 'slack by means of defective local leadership in a district which never ought to have been lost by the party nominee. He has always been very bitter anti-Til-den and an intense Greenbacker, posi tions that his letter re-athrm. A close examination of the Georgia press, and ot the positions ot ueorgia Democratic leaders leaves no room for apprehen sion of serious rupture among Demo crats there. The same is true of every Southern State. Merely local dissen tions are evidently mistaken by the Re publican leaders and newspapers as au guries of revolt against the national Democratic organization. It is not the first time that they liave misjudged the temper of the Southern people in mat ters involving their serious convictions of duty to themselves and the country. While this is believed to be the exact political situation as it at present ap- Eears, and while it is thus recognized y some of the politicians here who are working the Grant movement, it is still claimed by them that certain contin gencies may arise which will entirely reverse the situation, not only as re gards the South, but as regards New York. Within the last few days con ferences have been licld in this city by certain friends of Gen. Grant, includ ing some who are known to possess his personal confidence. The suggestion was made that the whole country would be electrified if Gen. Grant was prompt ly brought out as a candidate for the presidency, not of a political conven tion, but as a non-partisan in every sense of the term ; as the candidate of the people, both of the South and of the North. It was argued that if this was done at once, and the boom started pro perly on its way, the refrain would be promptly taken up, and when the con ventions of the two political parties came together the force of public opin ion in favor of Grant would have gath ered such weight that they would find nothing left for them but to dissolve at once without action or else to nomi nate Grant by acclamation. Jt may not be doubted that such a programme as this would meet entire sanction from Gen. Grant if he should once be satis fied that it can be successfully executed. That is the question. ' It is considered as settled and this is thorouffhlv un- iderstood bv Gen. Grant's friends here that his . candidacy inany event, wheth er partisan or non-partisan, wiilepend upon his own tidifnnent and confidencB as to the certainty of his election, . . A Democratic statesman, whose own name has several times bepjinientined in connection" With his party i .nomina tion for the presidency, in conversation with your correspondent since General Grant's return to the United States, re marked thatnothltigfwas more convin cing to his mind than "that Grant would never run for thrprraideftcyif afljrrea sonable doubt surrounded the result. There is no difficulty, therefore, in ac counting - fori ihe reserve which Gen. Grant has taaalnmnieabn the subject of the presidencyr since, he self potion his natitrelshoresl Nbrneedtbefe'ria any apprehension that when the time comes ior mnr to speaK vw; ne will not; ao so in terms which cannot be mistaken. It is .freely assert.by.,Mrticulai: admir ers of Gen. Granthere that all the other presidal 3nk!idatcf thc Realf can party ar working in, concert to so shape matteraaa to secure his accep tance of the presidency of the Nicara guans.iCanal . Cpmpaay-u; But they say even if Gen. Grant should accept this position it would have no effect on the question of the presidency of the Unit ed States when that - more important point presented itself, , A . t , 'P 'ii i.. 1 ii , , , ,4 ym,. lT,.t li ,i '' f.f ft IP" -..1 Wlflj tBJL ;.; ... .1 :i'i- ?lofttu;vbli isi u,! ii ;)ihiq '! ui n THff; '! vYy.i -V.;. lii yt flllllliu'' ! (! is i:i. : i:niiirt iu' ' ..:t .!"! M ;1 ji 7 f!ut iiMii;rw wiuini ntioit When a noWe eed ta performed, a great battle fought an important assembly convened, theneeforlfr the plaM of their occumhee teeonkei f- mous-. The same result follows whenever a great enterprise is originated or carried on. This holds true In conunercial 'expenehees; eeriam portions ' - ' ' " . . - "ii i:!j Jm; ' Jin..!) (.ii .),(( . .U- of a etty become known as the centre ef important enterprises. The hlstorj of our house is a practical UlustraUoq of this fact, tpr who does, not know that the ' I ' ' frr!: i (! i ii' f - (!'!)) 1 I-. liWI'Mj 1'l.tlHlII ll ttllij A Is the best place hi toe city .to purchaser Clothing and General Furnishing And this Is because we have made tt so to all by oaertng greater toduoemehta than any other house. 1 1( c.dii q .- .. . 1 k i J .... ('!.;-1 1 1 . !'.i '" ! ji il Dili u 'ujj lu nu 1 n iimai Ilia 'iiiii !-,' i-Mi; 1 ; it'U.i .ii i:t 8toce we have occupied the above premises our business has grown immensely, attributable to our entoelri new prbdoetJons In kbaoai'iAlUiliti va riety, the careful taste displayed in selections, the faultless Ot obtained, with the greater advantages of. lower prkx tbrcwh mapualejeur business, establishes us permanently at the head of our profession and characterizes the "Open House Block'' beyond rrvaT the CENTREOF XlJOTElNO.' '- ' - i ,, ; ill i; ( .-. ! .ii ii ill . iVc 1 If' iiiii! ii t E. D. LATTA & BRO. t'H nf . i I '.in! i'iii'i R TIE BENEFIT IFIHillii ' 1 " - : ! M'Mi-'!! i"'. -VI i; 1 1 I Our stock is now complete in every branch, and for the interest of the public we will dudtifftWj prtees' bbotet) of our goods: r : .: !;: -. -.tul liiiiilja V shui- Men's all wool Business Sack Suit, at $10. A very nobby Scotch Cassutiere Suit at X fii lansh, lined, in single-breast and Frock Suits, our leaders, for Sflft. Ouroyrn mariuTacttireVl 8, 4 and 5 button1 suita'from $15 to $25. These suits are all of foreign goods. Imported by ;'ou'r own House dlrectl ii;ii) to .hio ?)!i tti MioijjuiJm sill 1 ' . i :- f ; ' f , -m)j;.-j u i u.- . rn niijjB bi - t U . wiiJn-1iii9 -'ill ir. , ji Liii, , :i i 7,'ijtl ,fei .J ll..li :i'tr ! ; GENTS' .)Lrf ,11' 'j Ml! iO.rii .'i i::-iTto Iiintuiii') a J .u.bfft'M) til : 'i ll i i; i. rit: 1 .!,; i!tj till ui i !.- in ft 'I'.iJJjwii j: All the leading styles; and smgle-breast 3 button Cut Away f roc .: i nr. J:. I.-I IS -'11 I'll , $4f50, S5.0pJ$5;50 ! . ' i in : lib i atH a-1 " iTi m n r.i YOUTHS' SUITS FROM $8sTQ$l8rBOYS' . .' 7 i: .;.') Ji.il) ;:.;;iif)Jj;j T -oin 1 School Suits for Boys a specialty; Don't Buy any Overcoats Before Yu. SBemiBioGUj ill 111 :ir)o'ii( fciJj viiqo!iiu!q .,') ni 1;;... h ihtii.i'1 vlJiwi-t t. if'jJ -Aiiind : ulT :iiuu i!-)i oJ tJi.Jir. aiiJ 'lu 3iq yill isbntl 9i'.Of facets. i ; iKti iii t As we have the largest stock, best assortment and cheapest in the Sotrtlt AH we ask is a call, and we will show you fl ... f . i . - ' mii tilj : .I) )-t)'t''ri(a -d vfcoi ll Respectfully, X.. - "t ! i 111 I'll) l :! Fin Clothier and Tkllors. rij.ij- ia!- ATTENTION, GENTLEMEN ! nit IT IS COLD, AND YOU NEED Tilll-H.ll 'ini'ilio , U ' .111 til. I 'I I "I iWeltetvnd streams are;dTyingirp, and taase will And this medl- I compeuea to uravfiSiDUiiM y wiwrnu iiMingmp ana senewit-garcn!orwater ior iamHy usetfi'lu ev- wBWl HllTlTTTr f 1 1 , .I.IIW.inww of-z-nr- f ' 'Te,'.I Rnsw.hat Is Sw, '.Tint i.iiii h'Jljl ntOUr': it., I'lf''; Augusta Chronicls.:, dii tnut m- -hi 3ri&aaeii ianot m aaldefiincfe aa Bome people prematurely suppose.1 i The. special Wjtthfntdn lot unable to save-Robmson he neverthe- lessaired aa tiif-cafIidaJcsivio were elected, andthal hecanntot baJeparated fairly from the party's success. They iikf tor an imnienwei reacuon or sympa thy in Ws favor, and nfid,entte 'm his nomination and election next year.? rrJHoJtf SmmS mmm up smiling yet He is a hard man to kill. TStft I Then do NOT buy until vou have examined and priced our stock. . Our motto is and ever has been to Dlav "second fid dle" to no house in any of the lines of goods we deal in, and hence we say it with fullest assurance that yoii are UNTRUE ti i vriii i" iiurn l rir iajwi irr i i 1 1 n iia . . .. For a Or for a Or for a WORKING SUIT, BUSINESS OR OFFICE SUIT, SUNDAY-GO-TOMEETINO SUIT, "OTaH OVER-COAT, AS IN THAT LINE WE PRESENT SOMETHING QUITS NOVEL IN ITjS KIND. Taj Shirts Laundried or Unlaundried, We are headquarters on, and everything that appertains to a Gnttenian'SjWrrobi," WHITE VESTS-A SPECIALTY. t - ' ' : - i i . j " i ' ' HATS Soft and Stiff of the Latest rashions.)i(i j : a 1 1 i si. a 1 : 1 1 1 : . i 'Mi,.' WITTKOW8KY & .).; .i;hu;I1. ti .I " " -U ,i'l i i ii; - ' l " i i.ij'n i;ii) L FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, FACTS ARE.FACT8. The Liveliest Place in T6n is il'Xl ,-)(; :'ll! II ' 1 .liOK.jfIli;i! J ')!tJ i And when yon want to save dollars Jn. buying QL0THING, come'iSpriogs' Corner, WV'- for vonr monev . We believein ; ..: I "'"lr!f": ."jRiMiTus- nil ! i r illtlur', V,: I oi.lTn TiiiTIitoi! i iiij.il ) I i I LARGE SALES AND LlfPlKE ' j; ivii; now is ths rim tomrt vj : .' i U ).'; . . . i I r 1' . , i Vhf 'ill 1 -li;",fVl4r1,iHfBi') .Yr-A ih-imIi y;ij rj. (! t; ;jlff ii ''' . nuiju" -.in ) iii),-.il lii.iliiulJ ! 'ii(r,fojq vllfi in (j'ji r 1 1 ,' t;m in:rtfffnp,,,J 7tn J ( I -nil li Ji i ill ui ) r:-n ini Nov. 14. lVleh'S and Boy's Clothing, :;0X :;&pm ' ' ' " .! -vj-"' l.l'i:b I ; i j ' Hf vyaUt AND K . it rr i.TT.mr .a Hkt o ' Cear'aiiaidot CflnofTTry'tt i at : iimuij-; ii yo utvuiiai 'mi ruia ih vifu;y )i Hi yiil) ,'.. !.iit-iiiii!! t)iti. .i liidlKj 1 1 ll I ii'' U rf,-r va,;T vf.,.. P.SCHIFP. &SCHTFF. l. : : j.i! cirinJ-d Villa i , c , I t . t , . .... il ' U -M- yi.f--! iv iitiiiiii ""f;1 CUtynTlbn to their stock !f Harin Aim TuSOML OfitMesL Maearou.Cra Wheat, Fartna, Split eas,( ed r6eoda"vi;, VegetoWeslftuiifrstei les, in Jars and one gaopnj'Ilwr'S Koilo nS ahllili n wQl Mll at MTT LOl goods in ear Une.as tow as can he bought la 'H;e nave a splendidTw-agftaTaf ia lit ill i lfij: s.m ;i:i... .. i ... -. 'Sill i i . . . l-1-v! till tifo Iffifi)-) liJ ftbiJv'ItVi i'Hi; ial iMfi t iiii -. tii'ii it j'iiiVli;K" Jt.ti v tmu Itiiil l) a 'u.-ii - tiil 11. .riurnii iit i) lii.'t .ii!f itirViWui'.A ii.; Vj ;!! V, Id ..( If 7uiIii (i,lU 'fit ; among i which liar baXouodi Fearl m Bj Floor. LeaUlea. -Vermaoiin, !'' 'Dili il.il .UUIlJjP '! iJiii. 'KUii:.: ilatoiav.ok aoaLotarters14o a.WUkbifresh.afuf saeeuogoBeten and iDsttoPUk- im uin ijBpeoM wwinot w wmuM maw bbwhwi eau aoaetai aoenuoa to our rateai jrraoeM j tour, m m OBPKS TO INXttOPUCB IS. r ,T tb WtiissaM Trsae we oaer mmt&MiA wwisei wa weca :.iti!i:. a y rait df our' store for the use f our eduntr frtonda) Xeaahtt . - Otr and doiintzv eonumerartn ritul it to theis mtoreat to eallonna bet era Duxchaaiua elsewhere. flrlsJ oJ but; )iifrrbpt nvo mo jjj sj SCHIFj ttYtliltembi n t,- fffRjSii nmj5. ,i;io Silii sirt ti 'li no; vrm tl. n , t Having become iBtawfeed in AmlmmM W;ipjnjly and cordially invite my old titotoM&Mwito. toaUm&BbV&wbm.tb9 wan! goc4s in mf.Vm.aS24il $M-nimttu 1 ?A Mm m. Aimtt M fi THOSI CwSB. October 2dvl3TS. i , .j . ! " u , .-rfir:-i m hull itmit .,. :4.'.v,b y.l mio vi in-at