, j ----wsMPawagSMM- v IX. 'firesnD'.V if A-i-tSll64Mtir social well- Kl TSfl A J fjmw&i ' AAn M. I WHYS Ub LUitbbCl.9 iui vv."'- eri far in advanoa of lative action lean Pwpsp erl we invite public aflZhtioH torn si riisfiissfid bv afcorrafooadefet Jwritil another column of this morning's Ob server our criminal classes and what shall be done with them. The sugges tions made meet with our cordial ap- s a ee tn my ,rohaiftii- and in thfliabse.ace.ftf bejiamACOiemDthh 4Qsd .we. would be gratified ta see themopi;: ed. We have no doubt that the closest ODservauon win uear uut tuc uicgouuu of the correspondent that but the few est of those who undergo penal servi tude evertlrifpetamtli paths of retJSiMbVetoteoa' izens. At the present moment we can not recall a single instance while our after serving ouf tetJ36Wie f4vfi tiary, have renewed the course ot life in which they were summarily checked, by the hand of the law. Hence, we tagrfr jrfladttx, a3..all obwaBt, Rwaws jatC Blwaxs, maintained, the lash ia .more eecUveiit the whip Icaiifitlbej sl;)ll,ed e: laraeiflilenf 14 til tJistitutkii.Lmd I pivpnlifl it fvm lalaiiJ an iniStiEran itheteyl:Urfn44bili it t reach, and again we are confronted by the penitentiary. We have it, we must keep it, and the question which forces itself upon us is, how shall it be made , mp jsflectiy, inftthpii8.ujpwess.ion of, crime? Nothing has presented itself, the situation: In the case of a trial for. a criminal offence, make the question, Has the defendant ever served a tgjnrj in the penitentiary ? a part of the cstse a matter 'for investigation by the court and if the inquiry shall be an swered in the affirmative, and convic- criminal be sentenced for life, ine philosophy of this proceeding is s- ciently pointed out in the communica tion : There having been a failure on the part of the State to reform the of fender, it becomes its duly to itself, to himureaaE dbio socie wtu) QabC the most good or at any rate the least It may be objected that the punish ment is too severe. We think not. En mity to society, to law, and to good or der is lilfc&fr egce, ad thefeii whiflfc- SWhesstirtrtKmi should te atayed. .Society Bhows itself very lenient when, affpj rppp.at.ftri in- fractions, it still spares the life of the offender :f thTjT3atr4iFcanJh re on expecfr of It n ktrat itrsn ould-Aref6r his life ; the least service that he can render it is to refrain from assault up on its interests. If he will not' do So" voluntarily it is no mrthanigh$ tnat ne snouia onaagiQjw so. 1 miL, We can, however, add little to the stren'gt'h. of the argument advanced in " the cbmmunlcatfo'ri' upon which these comments are based. The force of the argument, and the practicability of the legislation suggested, will, we take it, commend themselves to reflecting po. pie at a glance. The suggestions arerat least worthy serious cosleijaiionj ciety at large, we are'persuaded, would be the better for their adoption, but the discussion of the measure will, not be altogt-tlreTTiiiprotlilbtiv'e' of gooi iV it shall procure the adoption of a measure, however much modilied )xmKHivi any way akin to it. tiUAXT AND TIIE SOt4n A'iii a.-flrLJl- ?J uT " The person who is primal sible for all of this silly twaddle that wfl have had within the past two weeks jibolt HlieV$JutI" btin anjfcusCoTan ppirtHnity to 1 upfoift- ClaikCrXhe -piuidtiitj iu 1000, ij MrrHemyW.-Oftf dy, of Atlanta, Ga. Wehsery x ew x ors tieraca, Dr MomLnr. a: letter on the same sibjel! ting, no doubt, from the same source. Now, Mr. Grady is a very brilliant plis'hedjournalistbut we sublnit thai if this Grant business is to be taken as evidence he ought to keep his pen out of politics. The wjiole. .South ha: right to protestTwhjp e . st put her people !h tne axtftud al wot u: servers and spaniels. The South has nothing but indignity tA e hands of Grant, as witness I. 1 Ibl ing editorial paragraph from the The spoil-hutlting Bonrbons b South may indorse General Grant for President if they wanticr and 9ftep as they deem best, eimefr'bef ore W af ter his apparently probable nomination by the next Republican convention ; but unless they do so with the distinct un derstanding that he ia a (Republican, and that bH S$tQ HJt shAfQ ptltu would be followed nty a Staiwrt ; Ad ministration, they will be sadly disap- nnintAd. Yes,(iArtZilpHtrJtifofl witMmPlies- We lwlWSWftSng of those wnrdt They mean the bottom rail UprT,K6fS-tO'-Tittfl6 the voice of the penpWieoflnleTs to .alter returns and count out the elected; licensed robbery, and everything thatisivfliaao potic and unrepuWiAiJLllollNrJ er fear ! We have not forgotten in this , , ... , . ,. ... . . . . j .. . formatofy institution is a failure. To uo" ucLinjs - 1 A gold watch, r . . all at once, the turncoat first becomes l.rooertv recently aoonsn it. nowever seems mMVuUv UAUl mLiVhm vUUU lis .toio dence of Mr. M. P For tne punishment or minor cnences, t - . r- , Uwpfnnnri nn Dinc-ost J like y. as.the suegest;on of pur A 1 J- 1 .V I Tim ijjnii A t.Mll il'U Tir w Drier time wnai -otaiwart uminiscraonreJen ine jseajjai. tion" means. All the same we thaMTinSiny apiefdmenj orc)frrmns-m4 the Remihliaari for this fair warrfmffriulomTmteecoaneil onefectiotts Wfl mav Vnnw now of a suretv that ' -"j " ' ... - - ri&woi,ivjBUB till raridiiriiiaLi.aTBr fc -- -, - o-.- t . . n i tm . r trust our own judgment and to take, in . RepubUcanQtzxA ,"is a Repubhcan, and his election,' if it should occur, would be followed by, a Stalwart Ad- dnHh facd bf this frank avowal, wby need any one be deceived? A LJKE The Ashe&jf during the trujl United Satesi)isi place lasweeTnhlPdMrir attorney alluded to the fact, that-the last Con gress passed a certain act, relating to mileaere of witnesses in the United J o iurt.Tfudee Dick, however, quicW tola the attorney, that Congress uthorky- It ill beep. esttu from his ace ina t Dower wBicnrflraKes meiawwiucv iki . , H . t .14 m SB ii v is his dutv to expound. He had best have a care - These expressions are calculated to bring the people to enter tain for him and.; his little court the ,! ,i j--,-,.'-- -) ,n Political Conversions Republi- cans need not rut tbelr hands with any cteJalfiCaS pjllcAaxly Jlooiiy oil the recent letter of Congressman ei toi,1GtetH?'wihd,r'aw1ilgfrbm the Democratic party. Dr. Felton with- pendent" until now, when he goes the Waf6f alf WeWhtf b6me : tbb'-inde- Ipde- sisrn of a change is abuse or his own artylTlextraaica ongneiiSi FeltOn inaififi two sicBsme tiole IstTj IchangeJome. Jj01Acgf pjitoj is going exactly tne same way, oniy Death and the Radicals have about even chanceson him, Stephens Democracy. Headers of TiiE,,OBRV'ftR,,fen6w''very HrtH the opinion which it entertains of Alexan- -tler H,;8teihen&. 'If anv- proof further than ' lt(''has already :affdticfecy efe" e-l cessary 10 esutuiisu lue justness oi uie jsstimate hjph it has awjayspcd uOimO I34PPua the Ciiffi9g3 Being interviewed as to the rumor that some prominent Southerners are irt f&voof goteg in fotfJraftttiei colt-' tents himself with the remark that "in pinion the South pigpt gqa f neat arfdiCaiiigteat meW Heis.a: Isa York." .ri. . f. ' And y'el tliere" are those who call this man a Democrat and persist in auotineu oiotoJ3' etfiOOTyQ opinion. ' The New York Herald does'' 'com'' plete justice to this section, and more than this does it a real service when it says : uthern people on any subject, and an effort to quote anv of his freaks as an exponent of public opinion wouTcTHo the South great 4ii- GfovMej wtout-: hfiTa rtghi stnaf t littA boom. Tmouoi ipt. MakwHtiud Others. PniL'AiELPnTA. ? vTov. 1S. Tbp. inves- 'tigatibh bthc Unitetl States l6cal in spectors ot steam vessels at this port into the collision of the steamer cham pion with tfrfiadriJctaYfaj fatfbegain to-day. The1 offieirs' and crew'df 1 both vessel iMVf beei rsAiminonej tor atteHd add fUe?feCMJ7 Eefif5i-rajtfitll the collision, and thifc4s)itft!ifeUJl subscquenlly to iftoSeirt the of H W-j , lp iji ?ittf jviittw swhf tbej! -Qr j$t it was the custom ot his mate to take a man from the lookout to set sail. If his -fllie captain), lie had nut .given any posi-thWfei'A'onI;tlie-siibfe'c:biit it w;as aJL'ledVoltnril,n5L4erf iniiLleJ wiLhti collision .occurred, but 4ad not gW'to sleep. He"liHrd; We Cr 6? "sail ahead, and when he got on deck r I ne saw a -wrjjpprcJyHtrmt 3 nunuwu yaoreiaiinryi i. nirgnt on tfle-shTfTanrt lnrtrho time to look lui one, I le i ainj ttigUi?ll to stap m uw h&JTe" did you strike the shioV" Cant. Lock. wood ano wod.V4kl not strike the eigni ieet aoait. Tnat s as near as we can judge, becansewe had no chance to iiSM UCk,n9t!.abt, an angle of 4o degrees. She went into our ship t-waniycr iwBXV-IiMB TPsr.TWiJfri-- envfeef of therfWffflpst.J' yr i apx L.dCkwood then explained bv means of medfls-the positions of the s, itiJUL..vnaijq T.nat ula. naies.on pi- . ji uituini. , rnirTrit ebylhfirL'lsIlff thrUiilllAJ,nw oi tne cnammon. The engineer and seamen nf th 3ailip'itm m& mMhhMesmmeti witness was asked whether his vessel give a positive answer on the point. The examinattoft-rras then closed but Will tw.IUMM.mal itv.Ha Tnnminn ThTL'r S9e k nAA, lX ft. A.L mx Md several da 14 T.XHE MAINE EXIBBOGLIO. Excitement Running: Hig-n Over the Proponed "Counting' Out" of Re publican. AuausTA, MfiirNovrl7j- JExeitement over the rumqrfidTCftjjnling out of the Republican Legislature' runs high. A number of prominent .Rewblicans are InMeity. niGoveiarfOninlEl asfonjlled iaiwltate IJbifce atlpJb.. The Governor this afternoon informed I tucvulUUllliUn uiauicuuiun nuuiuuuu reports the result of the canvass to the i iiAirAiin Ai i"f AAnTiPi i ann rnoro waiiii irKMr sT.At rArtTTmr q: i rm uwcuii ut g -if' w t gietbeitpublcaa!t9AHdliiothers Eliza Pinkkton as a Murderess. T jOtttsvtt.t .u. Vnv. " 18. A spei from Canton, Miss., says Eliza Pinkston was- ArtmeO' 1 Saturday murdering he2tti&andVnb demy that morning. DANCER OF BEGETTING FEEIiIIG. 4. r1 a m -A. a if.i,L. . m. aste Jjicsio hcuk lieus,u xn&oc m.- t. wi mm mm tfc Kpnr. nf Uifi3 lzea XT' W -r' C A Tir M pendent for .their own party. " his fSeTlfi 1 JU mm now statesman that ever came from New oflicer detailed the scene at the lime ot n vessel, out naa narniv stnnnprt tIC HSkfifT T IreTh pfifl rt it ' "TvTi air 8TATJB KKU. ose .' Ten interments in tue Hiinwisiuu cemeteries during the past week. Thome's Comedy Company will fur nish the an.usement for the people at the Wfj ro KTr ma Yf In the absence of that meteoric dis play1 to1 iiaaBgraroyd uiuuyyu myw- y senamaup sKy-rocKeis, ccc iety of riends have organ- church i: you? has a I i a i f ' ; L VJI! r-f; s vsiaae ism-if urn. ML' Sew Hope townshijvilfofl fisp, ;Until ary-ligLtJ(butithe fleet e coumy.s Mrs. Bettie Herring, of New Hope township, Wayne county, had the mis fortune to break her right leg, Mondays in accidentally falling out of her kitch en door. , ' ja;Mi- SaiHiHeroft--?elOB, -tlie sima- dayioisht - 'thl2tlinst.,agdyearsr Deputy Collector NicholSiteJOfts the amount of tobacco stamps sola to tne mm tor tne ight at $17, The Plant says John W. Ferrel, whq, lives two and a half miles from Durr ham.- killed a verv large American eli tW -Ilia Inalitation last Wcdnes-, Mr. H. M. Williams, of Tarboro. call- n wi -frt sPff thA rtiitnr ot the if lue Kiaae Blade a few davs ago. He was on his j-.way to jSamFianoisco., and? .-Kneels to' ID Mcti i ,- .-Hi J--i v bracelet, anu oiner. i i . n stolen from the resii . Leak, of Wadesboro, the 12th inst.. savs the Herald, in'flTfr woods nar-that place. he VdTBst( Her ge gin tojls D John U Wl", lllmgin lecease fiin aqpiica iales o rned eifi mars( iy nig lock. "Nalffsi mce, The United States commissioner of agriculture has appointed Dr. Salmon, of this State, to investigate the disease of stock in the South, with a view to determine their nature and, the. best mean's 'of p'reveiitihgthem;1 . ' ., The Piedmont Press says Mr, Jiich artl Wilstfn, of Catabaf finisheVi tip his WW:k"in J -molasses ; lasV 'week- and his 'bobfcs fibo'Vthkt'hef'has marfufactuted 3,500 gallons this fall, 2,500 of which L.ere from his own crop of cane w,iile ljtie balance was custom work. Mr. J. M. Smith, one of the prominent tobacconists of Durham, died of fever last Thursday night. The Plant says that on the 25th of last December he Kir af marliefllt liYttif; Iiinjsind f therefore feares' a young wire and bmany warm mends to mourn his loss. Salisbury News: After participate ing in a dance several miles from this city a few nights since, a young man went to saddle his nag to go home. He had much troubte ii gettrnf a short bVW&vWLWfrs llJWhen he came to, nowever, he found himself saddling a cow. f""':The Blue' Ridge Blade "shys thelosS of hogs and poultry by cholera during ;the summer and fall in some sections of Burke county has been fearful to coitfamplate. 1-ower Creek township alone, it says, has lost several thousand dollars. Two-thirds of the hogs have died. Thu Blade -says a -ziegroboTy-fci ge .wjlv was caught in the room ot . iilasitr, ot Moraanton, while he a3gQuo Aupper oft wie night ot the 13th inst. He climbed up one of the posts of the porch and raised the win dp and entered the room. Several articles of Mr. Frasier's were found on his petaon. jJIa is now in jail. 2Lke-3'e1i4fl says some miscreant went to the mill and gin house of Mr. Irving Grantham, in Grantham's wn ship i Wayne, county, last Thursday night;: and played havoc with his en gine, gin and belts. A negro man, .named Robert Mills, is supposed to be rime villain who did it, and they are af ter him. M The Wilmington Review denies for Col. Waitdell. the statemprit. rej-entlv jjub'l!hiibd ill a .Northern paper to the eltect that he tavored the nomination ctf'Gram eve., ami Grant-bv the Southern Democracy. I savs: Wo believe it to be "a -ihvomeal will ret j qainpaigu lie., -Col. Waddell and will his own turn neiv this week doubtless immediately enter 'l'SBE MtUISIAK k ! !l-l!i' . .. I) . i.NUiJiHV. nn JTetiaion Yeu rday Ilelore this Nkw Okleans, Nov. 18 In the Senate Sub-Committee investigation io- M.ay, rjjtej; Williams testmed rtgaxding teletinriij tne IsvfntiraTd in ejectxilto the, legislature fraui-this ward, told witness that the clerk in the Faqkifflaegiaiature used to answer for the, mbjrif when the roll was called. Mobi gAire Witness to understand that he could tell a tale about Kellogg's election that would be useful to the Democrats, out of which they could fnWIpity dflrdoney.f Ttify Agreed to this but Moore being dffere'd' a place in the custom house, which he accepted, would now testify to the contrary. uiancnara, who is now dead, gave oorethr.ee- hundred blank registrar lorvplpflts to jiiMn the seventh ward'. reSsaid fiiewif d went Democratic but was counted for the Republicans. After the election the registration H'CCT taken to the custom house, saints erased. D. II. Monies: tfed'StMes Supervisor in the seventh ward in the election of 1870, testified jtbfiCtnuw.ai.Vry.tjlir, , Nq trouVte4?wedand , Jia.. .protest,, was entered, yet poll No. 3 was thrown out M fje Imuitiing board. Nearly five nnndred Votes were cast at this poll- about 170 majority for the Democrats, w uness said the returns had all been made according to law ; 1! hr - m " mmlmm4 i Df1I SMnSf444cer. St. Louis. Nov. 17. A snerial to tho Post-Dispatch from Sherman, Texas. says W. B. Greenlaw, one of the wealth iest and most prominent citizens of the piace, suicided last night bv takintr muipmuB. j-ne cause is said to De criminal intimacy bet ween.bi wife lit l fill wmon i rt CKai. man, and Rev. Conrad Heneyrone of vuo uiubi liuttsu auu eipqnppv rmniscera m Texas. The citv is said to be ereatlv !XCltedOVer the afFftir. trnd thrAdla iviapr.rA i , rviaJCJLt-)Kt!Il III Ml IK. Readjust era Jubilant Over Their Late Victory, Petersburg, Va Nov. 17. The Rei" rtujusiers nad a grand demonstration here to-night in honor of their success ijSf00 Wsteqtiapi vSj.pslvate V V Ua MJJ. . idlliri 111! Mill! II IIQTWt t . A " -4- I Imil apis BUIFlxue J fhlate Mof Wi&QiXi I ftoltis.jivas Le mgaiasc thatfata -lay aid - m vXT.3lar wiigidiuwwijv wrms opiwmfVsii;fT( M. is- -.f Hearlest ETer Known. m the history of tfetyfjei iviork .1 .EM.PPis, November 18.-.627 baW AIVOTUEIt BZABIIfE iFATAL,ITY . i A fceMlrcaki LjMf vmm Tug an A i . k"Ak K. r7 LI a Jl A ILnU tu At ii J. AM JV k. lO TJtenSeyjjir,f; pgosburg, lelt'CapTiftcent yesterday noon with a tow consisting of tnree dredges, two derricks and seren scows owned by Eckler & Arnold, of Buffalo. They had fine weather until after passing Gallop 'Islands, ioff TSac&etr'aaTtibr when a alerfoHftP ndrtheacst,- with tteavyH rflrrm.efciiuicehtug-aQatow got within five or six miles of Oswegd wheJte fast theij?lKBts,'The tui turned around aBd endeavored to hol uroKe away ana was lost witn Ji nanas excpt6selj-wefe'rcued1by the tug. Thirty-one .pei'sonsy oincluding thiee wpmenndone girlfc were drown fedn.,Tj?flt atayiosg. ',. . . ! i5f ashviliIe.'. Nov. 1 8.-The American .public healths association met to-dav. ,Sanjaaa iroo every State arid. Cana da wji .present,,,, The sanitary com- sipn , ot, th e Mississinpi . V aUey; na tional )oard of, Ijealth ; and representa tives of the leadmor railroads West and South will also rriep ! here hia: week 'fqfilie .parposej, of ; arranging,' . ,w,ith , pne , fteatfi, , athOEiues ; ; abQu?, i qjaaran t4he ftnd tijansportation in casof fu rq.ejjidfimics, , .-, vuuMi-yir u. : "' I ! iTOTtr -rrrrh St Louis. November WThe long pending gas casej of the city against the St. , Ioiuis, i Gas; .company was idecided , yesterday. . The judgment belo w ) .was reversed and the case remanded, with directions to the court belaw to order the receiver, to; turn over, all property and ,, profits i and , to 4iamisa the bills. The money received by ! this decision will enable, the, . company to pay a divi dend of 160 pec cent.- iTnis stockin $50 shares, sold last .week, at 98.; to-day . 850 was bid. : . -; i r - ; The Colored Ieople'w Industrial Fair Baleigii, November 18. The Color ed people's Industrial Fair was formal ly opened to-day. Gov. Jarvis deliver ed, the opening address, and was fol lowed by J. E. p'Hara. Col. Elliot, of South Carolina,, a colored man, speaks to-morrow. It was raining all dav but the fair was crowded. There were eight military companies and five com panies composed the procession escort ing the Governor to the grounds. Boiler Exploiou. . Columbia, S. C, Nov. 17. The boiler of ,an engine attached' to a material train on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, exploded to-day, near Jielton , and instantly killed the engineer, fire man and another man. i . Att Actor Killed. Macon, Ga., Nov. 17. SamuerAimes, of Chillicothe. Missouri, a comedian, of the Globe Comedy Com pany.was thrown from a carriage and instantly killed at Milledgeville. His funeral took place to-day at the Episcopal clwrch at Mil ledgeville. A Kite iu ihe Obio. CiKCiNNATr, Nov. 18. There was a general movement among the steamers in the Ohio river yesterday, preparing for a rise in the river which was begin ning at Pittsburg. The New Orleans packet expects to get away Thursday m m t -M rhe Shenandoah Sank. London. November IS. The former Confederate cruiser, Shenandoah, has sunk off ' the Island of Socotra, in the Indian Ocean. The date of the disaster is unknown. Most of the crew were drowned. The Shenandoah belonged to the Sultan of Zanzibar. Valuable mills Burned. Baltimore, Nov. 18. The large flour ing mills of A. L. Webb & Son, at Cal verton, were burned yesterday. Loss $15,000 to 818,000. Insured for 815,200. CH OF Portucr's Aicxaudria BREWER V. I wou'd resTHHttullr infurni the citizens or C i.ir- lotle, iiivd Ic i.liy. lliat I liuve opened In th.'s city. on Trade stMi (.next or to tbe ollice of the Uiir oHfla Centrnl Kajlioud) a BUA.M O. Utt llK AM) ltri)T of my well known Bre-eir, wherv will constantly Ketu oii liuud iny i-ii'OOiuuiU TiVbli Lafer Kecr In ktfis, as well as bottled, in coavei.leut tttyle, for family use and for hhlppIiiK. Tne reputation or mis ueer is tabil.siieri; m Iaot it nns received tne nlgnest prlzea at the Norm Carolina una vinunm buite H airs. Our bottled beer Is esDeclalhr Dure and strenirfb- fenlng, and la highly recommended by the niedical rraiernuy ior aenoaie persona, anu inose neeuinx atonla tW DeliTered datly In any ptirt of the city freo oi extra tnarge. KOHKBT rUHTJittlv Nov. 18, DURHAM . . ; i (AKlttZED BY DR. W. IL TAYLOR, 8TATK CHEMIST OF VIRGINIA, AND PB0N0UN0- ' VD PURE, AND RECOM UENDEt) AS A BEVERAGE 0B MEDICI vE, The , attenllbit of the citizens of Clinrlotte and fhe sntrotlnding country Is twiln called to, this nn 'Wuitwey. now bo popular DOin nonn ana Soutlu : We have the .endorsaUon of many Drug fists and. Dealers In, Hew. York City, Washington, 1. C.TNeW Orleans. Ban Francisco, and many oth er cities, and we can confidently recommend the 'Durham' to be equal to any Wnlsker distilled in thtn nnnnt.ra. Callfot,rDurliam,f at V. Cochrane's Central aetei-Baioeit' i ' 1 ;i-c) nt hi ! ELLISON 4 HARVEY, .. ., ... .;.' Bole Proprietors u$,-yitr, in .'j-in'i . i it I''jiiJn 4 FISGHESSER. !!(, 'Mill 8QLEj AX3ENT, FOp XBE TUif TA BREWERY (FBJ$p.!WM THE JATLAKTAiPRSWEBlt 0 ! liiulitranfiiatiirtw uw'Atrant Breweirj y jwnidh I ttni able d".'Wt' en ' drW-Ati W14 for 'aieiD)eKe!g'Osl 3irit .ffiu u H i i MU7 i i'M ill 1 H JWfMI, 6diW to toy debr W aW idmtt'ld refngekW direct from the Brewery, .iljj. iyji '.') i' : utj wJWiW diatspoe, can bi T V , a?" v" IUO ooiwm rocK prices, and warran f; .JPW1 116811 u u Justmadenui! AfflM11 k1" summer, for .the1.dellyery of rrTTTTr 11 m itiirrnr mnn nsn.r 1 iwi UI Uil - . . ... ' -, - " i t I r'l I fall npo BE FOUND IN THE CITY. IS NOW BEING and of excellent aualltv: and our line of FINS best TnaKea, cannoi oe surpassed in Deauiy oi nnisn, Tlrese floods, wMraH canMlr selected, with Me Bivtte air purotibslcs lojnspect pur biock, tla'.i E ui Ut-f YsXAfiOIlt e4 2uhrii, --.'IT "Writes r "I cheerfully Mate that I : have! tested the virtues vnd efficiency Of Colden's LleWg's Liquid Extract of Beef la nry private- praotlee in eases ;of general debility, weakness, depression, dyspepslaj. loss of appetite and nervooi afflictions, when'tteoV Iclne has proren wore than useless. ! haTeifound it the best remedy I have ever wsed In 'Xjsjonie fcli cohollsm, when the stomach 1s' Kilways irritable.! and rood required ie-nourian. isoia Dy .beading Druggists..-. o ; i i 7!.ik'-i; : 1' A GOOD PLAN. ombtajN'rtwrM.wwf'ilf j In one vm turn hxa eery .iviiiiii;.f cajilU with j nkilirnl nmnaKcmeut. ljurr hii-j- :tvi,teilpr ' iiveMniiiif 25 to in.fi i i.culai . with full x- LAWEKNCK CO.. SI roil Stiv.t. MwljriTl .: A TA 41 A AO Inwstdd 4Bi!iWall -Btreet $ IV IV V I""" Stocks makes incomes ev ery month. Book sent free explalnJULeyfrythlng. Address BAXTER &,CCy BankerT "Wall St., New YorkT'1 ' ' ,r- ' "'Zl ftwwn mnnth and eznenses guaranted ta A (rents $1 I QutftfiweShOT AiiKUt'jMilnew S777 A YEAR and expenses' to ts. Outfit tree. Address u. vi tAPKOS-.! ta, Maine. i i '-- a. ADVERTISERS GEO. P. ROWELL & CCS Newspaper i dvertlaing Bureau,! 1 0 Spruce street, p Ynrir. nan learn the exact cost of any DrODOS- ed line of ADVERTISING In American , newspa - aa -n a ma Biuwri Tii'iiVt - RYE GR All AM AND ! V. ' 1 1 WHEAT BREAD AT PRATHXR'S. CAKES ! CAKES ! Pound Sponge, Fruit, Jelly, and All kinds of Fancy Cakes at PRATHER'S, May 22. Trade 8treet. Orders for ornamental Cakes promptly attended to. : . ; . ., ... ; FIVE THOUSAND F 1 1 i WORLD'S FAIR CIGARS. JUST RECEIVED, five thousand of the above i brand of Cigars, warranted pure Havana Kil lers, the best 5 cent Cigar m Ihe State . For sale at wholesale and retail by . LeKU I DAVIDSON. septl4 Exclusive Agent CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in an diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz; Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impoteney (loss or sexual power), nervous ueDiu tv and Trembllntr. Palpitation of the Heart. Dim ness of Shtht or (iiddlness. Pains In the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc, all resulting irom abuses In youth or excesses in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured In five to ten days; and the poiion entirely eradicated fiom the system. Also all skin and blood diseases quiCvly cured. Dr Robertson, a graduate or the university or Marvlaml. re:ers to itny of th it-mltmr ""ldans of Baltimore. Special attention jr(v m ;lf nil fe lon ' co'iii)L-iiiU.t and Irregulartie.-, 4 , AU i- (iniit.itli'n -tricrtly c'ifu! '. !:,i'''l- C'i- ':.- ' -V'sj. - ' id -.. -f. .; ctu"yJi.g f- i- Portable andAxnoultur! Knin UlipperMniiie iroin 8 to 10 Hons Power; Dry Steam KMines ftom 4 to 40 IF . m . TT: A Tll.,,,llf llWIUM ITU T tt ooa a nion;m iframeto 40 HomP6w;StetiooMi;AljartaieUu5 Engines from ISte SOQMorie rower; impro Rdrinea fcw 16 tolHoie Power; BoOerryai.nw ; boa FTmme Keverv Portable Corn Rereribie Saw MilU, foar miee; florm uaroun kble Corn HUU : Oorn-MUl Stonei, all ie, guma. teed to prboerMeJ.wWPoT. than on UO.OV WxsnciKSTEB, MB.Wertminster, Hd.,lL 8. A. August (HdAwfirn. c , ,v , !. .j , ; COME AND OUtt NKVi STOCK X)fc" DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS. SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLASKETS, .SHOES AND CLOTHINU. We ure s?UIng them very low, and respectfully ask a call before you buy. 1 : ' i -BAKRISGEB & TROTTER. Nov.. 5. f JUST RECEIVE t). ' I "I'Jii.ij '.r ; !iliiU' i ; 25 barrels fine, Applea, ftne,;Tnrtej.Cfl1-age, 3weet aud Irish Potatoes, and all Wads ctfittry produce attivlng aJmosv daily. Call early' and rive me a War. '- f''" 1 in 1 Respectfully, L. HARDIN. Afleut, General Coinmlsiiou Merchant, Trade street, first door above The ObserTer bnUdioil!. !'. .:u;i1 f.'iMil i:'W i , FOR ON MONDAY, the l?h' of ovWmtet.-ii87fy, at!2 m ,u 'tlie twin t house, Will-b sold tint desira ble cltr property on the center of i.rwh arnev enth streets, known, an. .tlie, . J,. J, BEuRyflTLL PR0PE rtT This proper. fWiitists of twor full lotft, TiiltnTriir frtmnreh to 'Poplar streets Prep erty well liaptored, wlthottjrel of water; m 4 ! 1 i;i FOR; THE St. (Varies HoteUtostatetllIe. ' It is an excellent propertnreU ini .firfor'rent. Inmiahed and in ; good repfiJr. ; Possession - gives., M Jartnary. TlOVl i eOa ZW 1 "iui Annn - fiBstuewine. t 'usTS; r vJwtll epen aeohool for boys on M6n- - 0 V-, nftin J5S. miPwlDg I iThe school wiU, W flrs(.ie4isia of orv-f . 1 r : . unrineuiude. in the best Dos'slble claasltlcat tnnnwtl6a tay be therouHli. t" TJUUit(9fi)Wa ntoutniy.) viPrlmsrvf ftnara.! RECEIVED BY US. OUR STOCK OF HEAVY HEAVY KACHLNE and HAND-MADS GOODS for reference to the wants of witome(SjWereboult siyie. quality ana cueapoes. reeling weu assured w eag svui,8Ypiief m siyeuiaui7.ana once. xaa jmay faTOr ua With . '.,!w ess .('!( ()0 UTT r,I.,l .CII-JWI 1 J"lilj siSt I PARLOR AND Cj iVK O Lift . . Af .i J UOrFLNo OF ALLTIT5H OT ffiJOTOL ET LkMsT and J UJQ OBEHCOUIK, fHAVU, xiKzans, CUTTTWJEK. TBZBOCISeS, BDRZZS1, DliY si COSTOD3B, BCCHnfGS, If or prompt HAXDKEBCHXEFS, Have WHITE GOODS, BCTTOn. Advertising 8KWU6 SIXK, PXXS, yKF.nT.gji, May 1 1 -d&wtm yan 9. - . ir it pig i .M... Over 2,00O XStU Agists taVe signed the following remarkable pain r,. tie signatures of which can be. seen iat our oSoeiLt -i& ; - MESSRS. PEABURY JOHNSON, 21 Platte Street, New.Xacte tiBSTAKMKir - "For tne pa -4 few year we have sold various brands of Porous P.astrs. PhyslciaD s and the puile prefer ' ' Benson's Capcine Porous FTaster To ail others. We consider them one of the very few reliable household remedies worthy of conn dence. They are superior to ail other Porous Plasters or medldJlefbf external yey THE PQPpLAS f(M fnAin n ifUttitinr With os through ottr il AWt HATJ. ORDER DEPARTMEHT is simple), easy, and advantageous.' Anyone writing to us for Samples, mentioning the kind of goods needed, wffl receive, by return man, the desired sample and Information. Goods tent BY HAIL OB EXPRESS. rinnnrh TTKnm ixtipa vanrwhere thronsrhout the United States avail them- p!vp n a. vpjt oonvenieiit'iilan of receivine Outfit fremTje fiea4ehtres of. frad'V vrhere HOMER. COLLADAY JTa wuaeeHW, JTfltffww 4mm4 Importer of Choice JTaWtff M JrM Goods, BiUeMf TrinumAmg, etc, CHESTNUT, ABOVE BROAD 1 PHfLADELPHI A, PA., ;! ; , V hd I3;tii, Richer, Paris. France. ," 49-m,Ve the ciffldrfeh send, for a set of our Fancy Advertising Cards.1 An Skatpllisidtirlsi frtw' to fl parti cf th Un!ti Sttt. vniJt) laib: to i 'fi: SOLE A("iENT FOB-JQa SCHLITZ'S celebhaied export At. COKNKR BALTIMORE rnT ,1 i s.!;trt IT21 mtrn. of are fastetseSwiui pin. hen Ha pin has been removed we can- not take, -noYt.z.w, ; nq H i.I .vJ-M.'' : :' 1 i'i ..n'v.r jiui j 5 YiiiiMTK. i-ai.s'V .UUJLdltV BtolirNS 1H V2J HI ELABLL leK ocft When the pin has not peenW) toisnft mo-fl .bitim iitT sot brud ud remove . r.s a these r. Itticff fe ana i cnm J-4 i T4BR0. day 2r starting taese eouuro. -V. e are tosorigi- rat "nd Headq-'artersl j . 9 fc 1 tfl only two - 5 1 10'JoL'mL-' r- tvIu..&' .& 28 foadt dj ..-A W41r4 i0fi(X?rX9HaStaWwwd-- hlltt iilW -tlH YlHVH lit lli(it..h iMadU ehea imp BBViaiOT " simffirrrrr aiaryatifllin. J;. . . n-:r rr. . .ttti v - 1 rru j ro 1 t3 si GOODS FOllftloVlwKiR fS VERY it, , , VArcheaplr.-and wm bi"oJt k trt.. , BJichoIs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r , DKALXK TH BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OK Cheap Bedsteads, -Vi'iy. Til k-l'jj v - - '-.- - lllfll, HAMBEH StiITM StT'A for Samjqqr inforrnaiipn, and utibt&y yjurzelf how cheaply anat quickly 800DS AND NOTIONS Mad or Exmre&g. We earru an cash. MTry us. the L hilar en send Jor a set of our Curds. 1 coopers cdrtARir, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 6!ft:::l fmm H0US3 C7XSZLASSLPIIA. DESKS a d o o at Dress Goods, TrtainftigVto General they can at all times obtain to6 best goods. o i It Vis U.V,!,' 4 l T.tti A v sfo7 jV tat ni? t? -0-0 oo n:Il5DeJfI 1 . . ..... , .. - . t-. . 1 - ... . i Fit jrfyjHw vicnt ssti OiHr inon-'i sib oviK-j nl (tivt-Hi 10I )i:tiii, iw., i vi,,!.,: . '"""WEDNESDAl- biilJl tl Ja .-i!on Jiiirforfj' bo iinn f! lWJB il' t.sil-nntil Keilnrft. OKitt !!. Jl .'j .. MiwnT To i-jinov , 0 it : Y OHI .fhffefcilnent Actor andl A ithor, Mr. JOHN "Af OTWB. n,fil3irBWiiktiHeJ!M. tfnfitled UNKNOWN, Suppo bung Artiste, E GHURCH, ; stJpertP DramatltrCompanr. NOTE-Speclal Scenery aridSXageapDOintuieiits ttortevrJ,',ift,6Ce ln Mr. 6tevens' SouthernTour hai successful known to tfl.e'Soutn for Tour his Deen tne mw years. ...Prices otadmlsaloiLBa.aod JOCi i saioasa.ai peitatlucif sheet tI IU;f 1m,)I fi )K f ,il t septa tVf O 8. 1 wib Bjgera' FmnuWBi fciilpr.ld-St. 2 c .'if