1 -A l-'i )5; I f M. .ii .fJ ii sVBMxrrriP: Has bwn ttwraagHlr opirflrt WT ed vwt, an4 with UmWM strlM ttjl FI5?Z manner or. Job Prtatlnf CM JaOlw t DiiUy, one year. f. .r Wwk... TArte orrf ' i.n Month , if ' !S LKmR-BKADe. c. g&Mmtiht CHARLOTTE, N. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1879. NO. 3,349, raoe: B1NDBI T literal JtafctftfoMorChtM. . 31 I.trh I II si, 51 Fn PrrMiTU W 11111 11 Hl: i M l! I W 1 ,'. liWiraiAi"'i .-.:,. i..vUri- lul.i.fT .1 .J, w ..J. i i , MWW S3, 00 I . ' .. "'' "' "' " " W riT !(" " '1 - IBM, ' "- V. rzz:::::::.::: 155 vol. xx. , RAMVIM. B1NDBI1X& ? I - " r ff i m l i AN 1 ELEGANT LINE f - OF- MISSES' ClfHS r t ii ,i .TUST1R EGE iGKS-yfeOlI ft tlABft UP. 1 -S C w . .r ;hu tQAJ3V?J ALEXiNDKE HARRIS. TRIED STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. We have a Terr large and handsome stock of B Dress Goods, Whicli we will tall Fancy and Staple at extremely low prices. Ladles', Gentr and CtaOdren's Hosiery lk end less variety. Dalmons, Cloaks, Repellant8, Tlan nels and House-Furnishing Goods. ". r w,k special-attention to our lane stock of kid G lores, to all colors, from two to six buttons. AnewarrlTalof - - -- . GINTS' AND LADIEy f.J:;r. ..' -y.-" : F L A (III EL U fl D ER 7 E A R . The beet assoitaMwt Dwee Battens to be found In the State. Our stock of Dress Trimmings to Sroeaded and Plain silks, Striped and Plain Satins, Brocaded and StrlDed Velveteens, black add cotored 811 worsted tdnie, fe the most ra- nea to oe found mine 'it-. A FULL LINE OF CARPETS UNO 01 L CLOT HS. '-ftJB STOCK or BOOTS AND DHOTIS, Hau. and Cbp sod-jBfladrJIade CVpthlng laoaipteta,nd at prices 4ka wilkbe to-yoiir ad Tantage to boy from ns. " " ". , U i-f f-i i '- X fcSrtfrpnks and VaSUeiC ' st i DR. J..HzHederT, UMiN blrtct uid Colognes Engltfh Select Colgate, upney ana poops- . 3Djy and KngUsh, French and American TQ03H- :BBJJSHES Nov. 16. L'E 00.. 'TTryon Street tliift IJ1MI jaajavua-' THE GENUINE CELEBRATED , It LIYER'PILS 1 ,FO, THE CURE OF g : Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HKADACHE. pa ' CRI i ES 1 r, i ? PT Spiomt a pisasel liter. ti&IN, in tie right sidetmaec; the :t m f ease tt me nos. increases Carefully prepared at all boors, both nlgUl and day at J. H. M0ADET8 PmectpOoa SECURITY, : ! :-..t'; ..SEQUBfTY, O: jnmum ia Escca 22000 Y J 1 urn m W&mrUi 5i I ALADDIN SICURITJ.AfS , A 1 H0! -twttiHS job siae ;sosietunefiepain is felt unijwthe, shoulder bladq, and it ffeqfretttryxfe'rldS to' the lOp of Che shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken . for rheumatism in the arm. The stam ach is affected wkh loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general i cftfyf rf f1 alternative with Tai ; the head is troubled with pain, , accompanied with a dull, heavy sen-i sation in the back part There is eejn-' erauyajrfinsiarCTnicunssi.jnemwy( aeeompantetr1 w turar mi iif AT seiAf-wh LJ yugsWctifnWaA attendaiH plain-if wearineSfe elia eaifetartledhts Jiurj)ine.ajid heTOom- , ; , plauis; ajytly; . sensation - if jhe ,sjcm:LiWHfliaxe low ; ana aitnougn In fed't;stas' Trolly. iW: ti Kqwauthe liver to have been ex Bet exlg 5 .r.?fnoO 3aWtt97ljA X' ;"'r "-:,,J s WMtTi Soo,Ba In m m ii i in irT-rr " f--"1 - Highest Medal awarded at Centennial ItxpciitidE? Crrstal Oil works. Canton. WarraatM 10 mmhi Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenhett before It wui burn. C. West Sons, Baltimore. r;i-1 1 i ..! . ' . - ;tr r Bor Sais a ' " Db. J. H. KoADXN, Sole Agent, M M CHARLOTTE. HITm MJ LT 7 A(I Tfflsr.BW IK Hsvin losreisrvnl JplyCoWr the sulngseasim,lampnparadtoUl all orders at shortest notice. My stock Is the largest ever offered on this Market and embraces all the various klndsor Families', Foundries' and Smiths' mere. Special contracts for orders In cargo and Im on hnnA&L X mm..w,A nt Wa. beruntuflrst of May nexCjiy eart wUl not ran will supply doable quant lues on on Sundays, but ooiuroay. 1 SJ keen Shingles, ice ie Li tot Biiis cut to order on shortest notice, of any quality desired; also estimates furnished on appll cauon wofflos.cMnerof. tfSg J FIX SIMPLE DEEDS, 'mc!a6vkd'fm "UusT '.iri; u W i. ."'1'";' ' '"Jjiwtiiufsi,,ttln,;,l wW faaoo ireraltfet::"T vivayjui ra -rjjliwi m )( ".jiUjii i if i mtbxW f jo I...T. -i Wil' y.ii SHU AND JO' FEVER. H MH(5iN9RiLiAi trivmrrrM 3TBiibAafraruto.M "better cathartic can be used, preparitoijf to -or after taking Quinine. We would" advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and I as a simple purgative, they are un- equaled. The genuine are never sugar coated. , rery box aa air4 wiseal ba' the'1 "lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Livxr. Pills. The genuine McLane's Liver Pills 5t5 fjgnfVfresfrfMcLAWE and P LIMING Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the gentfine' Dr! -C MrfcANs LIVER Pills, nrepared by ?ng Fleminz-.B.. off irittsbuttt.. the befng fulf 'of imitations of the market name same pronu: 2J2aSCn1fllrtt-mi mm mm a m sr- - .11 SOB 1 1 I r : ..a I r j ... xt'if ilia dJ :.1 -! Wt ffl3flliM' Fife i 1 1 r vj MltJL'M II twvoill lhaw f.rii ..1 -. li AjRwlan IMMSOIIIf rW ( J - Let roar with the titters. Tte Um U j Imparted will ? f Of 'tnfrjttirp main. ims is a wt esuu.r'i.pi cyuic- t wltnessesrwhose t-iiooy4Iuiply a-SMtement of Uteur own - expeneneps, , i Dose, aniieq, wii: dne an unfaUirf agent in building np and rentW'f TforsatokvtJMtagglstimd respectable-deUJ era generally. difcwl tttt deott , 11 II r 1MB ThtaraTmerTeiHrglifT- Dont go to toe tlieataooficert or ball, ' But stay In your room tc-nlght ; Tr Deny yourself to the friends that call, Clnd good long Utter nrite Write to the sad old folks at home. Who sit when the day Is done. With folded hands and downcast eyes, , And think otthe absent one. Jon't selhly'scrlbhla; 'ixcuse my haste, ,, I've scarcely tbaUme iowrite,; Xest their brooding thoughts go wandering back To many a bygone night when they lost their needed sleep and rest . And every breath was a prayer That God would leave their delicate babe To their tender love and care. Dont let them feel that ypu've rWrnoW heed Of their love and counsel wise; For the heart grows strongly sensitive ' ' When age has dimmed the eye It might be well to. let them beneie '. ,-Vou never forgot them utt;.. j s M , That you deem It a pleasure when farWft . Long letters home to write ; Don't think that the young and giddy friends Who make your pastime gay. Have half the anxious thought for you That the old folks have to-day. . , , (The duty of writing do not put off;) Let sleep or. pleasure wait, Lest the letter for wbiehiUiaf looked and longed ,3era day or an hour loo, late. i i' For the sad old folks at home, With locksasturoiairwhtte,' i " ' f Are loegtng.tp bear from th hbser.t one4- . Write them a letter to night OBSERVATIONS. The1 manager of a church fair not far away, when asked if there would be nraslc each evening, re plied: "No;" and then added, "but there will be singing." It Is wonderful how silent a- man can be when he knows his eause.lt Just, or when another asks him If he's got a quartet which he can spare until to-morrow. Derrick. Never use fast words. It may not always be agreeable. "How do you like my boots, love?" exclaimed a youthful bride. "Oh, they're Im mense," replied the partner of her joys; and she had the first matrimonial fainting away as the re sult. -The subject of conversation at an evening en tertainment was the intelligence of animals, par ticularly of dogs. Says Smith: "There are dogs that have more sense than their masters." "Just so," responds young Fitznoodly, "Fve got that very kind of a dog. myself." "Vfems and years ago it used to be said I ha a girl might be willing to be kissed when she volun tarily put a boy's hat on her head. This cannot be true, for hundreds of pretty girls are now wearing the little round Derby hats, and looking well under them. JT. ft Picayune. A young Irishman, whose remittances from home bad been stopped, wrote very urgent letters, teUing of his distress, and promising to reform if the remittances were continued. When he failed to get what he wanted, he resorted to stratagem, and wrote a sad letter to his father, tellihg him that be was dead, and wanted money for the fun eral expenses. The Yonkers Gazette thinks the Democracy Is not dead. It is related of Sir Walter Scott that on announcing to a young curate, who was breakfast ing with hhn, that a certain individual was dead, Mrs. Soott,i who had the habit of contradiction, suddenly, and with much earnestness, remarked: "No Sir Walter, he's not dead." "Then." replied her distinguished husband, "they've done him a (treat Injustice, for they've burled him,"', tt the Yankee ?sette,taake the application. Respect fully. Troy Time. STAE HEWS. A battery is to be organized at Salis bury. s . . A Forsythe man measures 6 feet 10 inches in height. ' In Robeson court last week Peter Leach was convicted Of murder. The mayor of Ealeigh disposed, Mon day morning, of an even dozen cases of d. andd. . CapL S. W; Vick, for several years a commission merchant of Wilmington, has moved to Charleston. The Ralx Observer says that in a certain part ofrWake county water is so stearee tl$it is sold for a price. A negro woman assaulted a negro man in Wilmington Saturday night,inV fiicting a wound in his head whicli may prove' fatat 'iTheiWinston Xeaeter leams that Mr. Eli jab 'Stafford; Of ForsVthe, was thrown firpm lis-buggy a few days ago and had an ttrraand thigh broken. I Mft-John Burton 4 stilHtrinpr in Per son on theEoad leading from Hillsboro to RoxborO, at the advanced age of 98, in full possession of all his faculties. Roxbor6 claims to have one of the largest and bestoperated cigar factories in the Southern States, owned and man aged by lssraUerld & Co. There a young man in thisL town, says the Durham Recorder, who is in such distress at not hearing from his tgirl" that hetakes paregoric to make him sleep. Raleigh Observer: We can begin to form some estimate of the fishing inter est of Beaufort, when we know that a hundred dollars a day is required to pay the freights. Hale's Weekly says the condition of Adjutant-General Johnstone Jones is not improved. - tie is still confined to his bed in the University Hospital in Philadelphia. T" SOITTH CAIIIRV-A ITEMS. Treasurer Leaphart says that the State will pay all expenses this year and have a balance of over a hundred thous and dollars in the treasury. The Supreme Court convenes next Monday, the 24th inst, in Columbia. The November term commences on Tuesday, the 25th inst., when the sixth circuit will be called. :The docket is a large one.' " ;: ; The Greenville Daily Directory may be counted among the late lamented newspapers. It has ceased to be pub lished, its publisher, Mr. T. A. Hayden, becoming foreman of the Daily News office,, The Columbia Register says its d'eath 'may be attributed to advertising too cheaply. . ' Some one entered the house of Dr. John Lynch, of Columbia, last Satur day night and carried off several ar ticles of clothing and a pocket-book containing five or six dollars. The clothing wer afterwards-found in a lot in the rear of the premises, but the pocket-book and money have not been .ecptyered s u . n , .; oThe Aikn Jpvywil learns with satis faction that the proposed railroad from Edgefield Court Hduse to Trenton, a station on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, is fast approaching completion, and urges upon the people of -Aiken the importance of also complet ing', at bncp the proposed connection of this road with Aiken. This connection it savs has alreadv been surveyed at n bnstderable ; expense, and . a special committee was appoiubeu soma uiuc ago to procure all necessary informa- ti0IVw.m . '' ; Attorrrefy General You mans is in Washington in attendance on the Uni ted States Supreme Court. The holders 9t the bills of the Bahk.ofthe State em eyeFConk4rr3g arid' ehttflrberfaihJto conduct their case. The State was rep resented by General Youmans and General DeSau3sure. The court had decided in fayotfof the constitutionali ty of the act, and the effort is making tb 4t'ifc,4oeehte thforfner dfeeS&m. General Youmans has been quite suc oessf uh "He -won the case Against the Air-Line, road and one , against the Savahriati and Charleston road com pelling thetn to pay a heavy arrearage of taxes. -Obi! tbs..' Here it is again; They-siH keep on until they kill everybody with- in reacn or xnem; -xxie eparianourg Mr. S. H. Itzeli one day last week. H has two clerks one a brother, and the other an yonfi M-.'iCiavk,i They were for"aale,1indnrMr. Ezell sppje. pft which he suDnosed to be empty, and as suDDosed to be empty, the empty pistol always, does, it went off, a the Wljeuterea tb rigfet sides of the chestrOEiMiaClark.' It didfiot- tWttWBWUfcji r4nr.it. ttii ii -r.Hwri'j in 1 lfl!(f Chicago, November 17. Atii o'clock this mornirrg tire UjiiorXiVlerailjClub escorted Gen. jB rant from the 4irand Pacific Hotel to the exposition building. where,- about noon, the school Childreii' began coining in troops to see. him. did - not attempt to snaice nanas witu the.t3iiesva3 tlulwrAmany thou aands of them, but contented himself with ueuasluually addi'titsstng one, kiss-1 ng another ana, accepuggrptne numer- us uouquBui wksv uuic. presiaenv fltreBaaro oraucauon, hil. A. Hpmapd P Bltwknj addpeag Ran ftrant introduclni? and exuress- tfirho good?-wlslies 'Of 1 the ''chiidrenl' receuredl oye: school hiidrenal i dren of t u et thent SarfFMncisco, anAI ha inn p.d ivdav the. future nation. andlWew Jf Jfhe the y of the rtance of their future mey rnnsi w Pwy riurtdrpahoetipatedtK rleJWst aiifpb-'iiirrt fhft countrv cau have Is edu- eatiu"ltMQCattotlertunlFela Lof iSrMih.-J vmmmMmim xposition buildingvand witnessed ttre f UiaiUI Ff IW VUWl UUAUVVS KWjaniWiff Atf - ! tUCiW Calumet Club to-night About z0Q guests were present. A VI0TG1Y When a noble deed is performed, a great battle fought, an Important assembly convened, thenceforth the place of their occurrence becomes fa- The same result follows whenever a great enterprise Is originated or carried on. This holds true m commercial experiences; certain portions mous. of a etty become known as the centre of Important enterprises. The history of our house Is a practical iUustrattoa of this fact,Jor who dots not know that the O lERA HOUSE Is the best place in the city to purchase , . . ,1 i ;1J. ..i.i -ii-tiiti ii.' 1 - ' " ' i ' r' I , ! . . - J ! i 1 h ! . ' .. . . Clothing and General Furnishing Wear! And this Is because we have made It so to all by offering greater inducements than any pthel house. ' ' , ( .-.! i 111. it T Since we have occupied the above premises our business has grown Immensely, attributable to our enUrelr new productions In almost nety, tne carerui taste displayed in seiecaons, the rauiuess nt oDtained, witn tne greater advantages or lower prices mruuxu tueiuwi establishes us permanently at the head of our profession and characterizes the "Opera House Block' beyond rival the CNTRK OF E. D. LATTA & BRQ. .. Hi' ., mil I THE F t3T Our stock is now complete in every branch, and for the interest of the public we will quote thepceapifsopDje of our goods: -,;r .Si-x Men's all wool Business Sack Suit, at $10. A very nobby Scotch Cassimere Suit at $12.50. A fine Scotch' 'daW&bfe&& lansh, lined, in single-breast and Frock Suits, our leaders, for $15. Our own manufactured 3, 4 and 5 button sultsrfrom $15 to $25. Tlwse suits are all of foreign goods, imported by our own house direct. ' Ml-' Raleigh News.' It is understood that General John O Gorman5 and Colonel A. W. Shaffer are applicants for ap pointment as supervisors of the census in this State. Rev. and Mrs. B. B. Hester celebrat ed their golden wedding in Oxford last week. Forty childreen and grand children, with more than sixty friends and neighbors, were present. Haifa Weekly: During tfie'past week there were four deaths, two white, two colored, two males, two females. The deaths thus far in November have been ten, five white, five colored. There are a few sporadic cases of diphtheria, and a number of cases of whooping-cough. Rev. Dr. Skinner, pastor of the First Baptist church in Raleigh, lately re ceived from Mr. Pierre Lorrillara, of New York, a present of a box containing 1,000 cigars, worth 81 each and a $1,000 bill. Mrs. Skinner is a cousin of Mr. Lorrillard. Winston Leader.' The charter for the Winston, Salem & Madison Railroad Company was obtained on Thursday last Mr. E. E. Gray went to Raleigh and had the papers fixed up. It looks like business -when Winstea -raises-aiJ subscription of $32,000,. and pays m the 5 per cent. When the Frayne-Tiftany Combina tion reached the fonrth act in their play presented in the Wilmington op era house Monday night, the gas gave en tirely out, leaving players and audience in utter darkness, but the latter were so much pleased that they insisted ui oii thM rtav going on, and it was 'thflSn- ,$Lbj the fight of few eandlea and kerosene lamps. The correspondent of the Robesonian states that Rev.dfc Martin -was install ed pastor of the Presbyterian church of Shoe Heel, last sStfndi tilght. Mr. Hill, of Fayette ville, preached the ser mon and propounded the constitution al questions.. ,-Mr; Coble delivered the charge to the pastor, and Mr. Lacy the charge to 'the cbWgregatib'n: f f , Whooping cough has broken out in the Oxford orphan asylum and Super intendent Mills publishes a card an nouncing the fact and asking for con tributions to assist him. He says : "The friends Of the orphans are invited to send us bed covering, flannel cloth, yarn socks and stockings, and any kind of tm, clothing;1. Ve shall also need fat pork and bef, meal, flour, hominy and peas; strongw food being essential1 to ftoTitfbr.''- Lumberton. Robesqnian; Last Fri day night about T o'clock the turpen !tin$ distillery of Messrs. Biggs & Col lins, situated near this town, was ob served to be on fire. The flames spread rapidly, and ignited tlve stables near:by, containing two mules and a horse. The stock were driven" Out before, they were injured by the flames, but they wandered off to the raUrqad in time fot two Of them to be killed, by the 7 :30 through freight. The fire 'is supposed to. have been the work of an incendi ary -pq& a. tyty.pFn".is. '. ; Winston Leaders : rTiieiong bridge over Muddy Creek Jtnotvir as Afepaugh's Bridge, broke down ,on, TuesdaT even big l&t. ::! A train; :ir j.lwflfiSQhs five in numbecweLe crossing at the time and, rortanately only 'oe' wW feamrht iin, the ruins. The mules, wagon, driver and nil were ia the fall and strange to say-, vi'; ;iiq i ; ; .'r ... a i . wuila oJ n. gLMv; i . GENTS' DRESS SUITS, All the leading styles and single-breast 3 button Cut Away frocks. YOUTHS' SUITS FROM $8,TO $18BOYS' SUITS, $4.50;$5p,2$5.50 S6.00, $7.00, $8.00 ANBISIO. School Suits for Boys a specialty. Don't Buy any Overcoats Before You See Our Stock . . i ...,.! , J..-,' t-Co '.Lit. As we have the largest stock, best assortment and cheapest in the South. All we asli, is a call, and we will show you factsi Respectfully, ir.nW- Illi' -l ..(.ellji,! li t! I Fine Clothiers and Tailors. ATTBNTION, GENTLEMEN ! u' .1 .i.l no one wJuueU-thfxtnunanot crip pled arrd-frre wagbh -Was Somewhat smashed. The wagon was loaded with whiskey, part of which was lost. The The county wilL sustain , consideraDle damage in tlris1 Durham Recorder: On Monday moiling last, fust before the arrival of tween z anda o rciock, a lad who was walking on the tratefc didcot ered1 that a' bar of iron had . beejplac,14in4erilth,e) rail in such5 a' position that the rtahge of the whaelsiof tbeengine would catoh it. and throw off the train, Witi great pofpttia-hfJsenWof WnVlhe lad raa up-theroadi to a Held-, in which ; there was a stack of fodder, aqd tak ing a bundle, ran back to th' road, struck a match and ignited the fodder just in time to stop the train which had then come in flight f ?fhe y qupgman's name is Crabtree, ' J - filu&Midge Btode:0 -as,t iseekfjw.hile MY. xjarKin xnomas was traveling tne public road.rleaiUttgiT&oSi Moore's foxe.WKfiiafcibuito suitottheibraiwhicii they overtook i about two Tniies from WTieTe'trietlwertri the tree and After Julling andicrinolimr aaofidogsttnt'idf'th'eewy ' chilli r Bberman in this county m Mick!', want' angent ity at once, at a salary of 4100 per parucuiars For lonth and exnensea naid. address as above. nolo ly. IT IS COLD, AND YOU NEED : CS TLd O TP THE IE '(&',,,. U l ..'II ' . i J I ' ' " ' I t i ' 1 ' Then do NOT buy until you have examined and priced our stock. Our motto is and ever has been t0' play ;4seoond fid dle" to no house in any of the lines of goods we deal in, and hence we say it with fullest assurance that you are UNTRUE to your own interest not to call on us ,,, . . . i For a WORKING SUIT, BUSINESS OR OFFICE SUIT, ' SUNDAY-GO-TO-MEETING SUIT, OVER-COAT, tW AS IN THAT LINE WE PRESENT SOMETHING QUITE NOVEL IN ITS JP, i . 1 1.. i ! Or fori Or for i Or for an , ' M U .'..'Ml' i. ill 1 1 Shirts Laundried or Unlaundried. We are headquarters on, and everything that appertains to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. WHITE VESTS-A SPECIALTY. HATS Soft and Stiff of the Latest Fashions. I .Tiiilii''. I ji'ul... . y iiu-H . ..'liilii WITTKOW8KY & ii; rl.M r. f.' H'A . i- L1' t f TTFTr n J tl"l!. I'M ll'j l-'i I i .- i FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, BUT FACTS ARE FACTS. The Liveliest Place in Town is SPRINGS' ' t ' i J 'iOilli i ' ' i i t ' ' T ' v.-wss rjin.j i aw ii ii ft i jijl.'lUi HiU.i'A r' 0IK3 oho 7iu; lo It: .'! .; I 1.:: :.' I i .-i.. i i'.'. i.. ; J 1 1 r ! !.!i; i; jqniw . tin iiu " ' ' . i;i ii.iC f in - 'J- s !! I ill".' ; in s And when you want to save dollars in buying CLOTHING, come to 'Springs' Cornet, wherVda'l tfet uraSrll ' for your money. We believe in y , - ( ; . nt ' LARGE' SALES AND LITTLE PKOK 1, . . - ill ! )- "Hi I", ii 1 1 Jrt" H i i itwHiji r!T H AUTf tnhl si) lo h-iV'skI id'il , i . , !.. He ji-.Kf it li jnti liiialr.viu iw h, Corner of Tiada and It .Wliitf iiiT(i( iYJ I'lU; yn;4 Men's and Boy's Clothing, at Springs' Gornep' ' OOMS AND JSXK . ."rl '!'i Ki.ii:lii!J.- ;Nov. 14, Mil ! i-ui; it.-.!- ron Streets. set P.SCltlPF. rrrr, : . m .'i.i,.i . ' iJiSCHTPF. id ; -rrt 1 ': u-' !, " ' -V.- : i 1 ir.vo 1 ai'iv.nt nvrt 'ul 1 in . luii. 1 .' lll'l'lt H'i'lH trm Tiiw lea ai nffax$tffib.'a) C lo 3ri')lnN"Ti(- .ii u niwiif mi JiiJJ;!intiiiii ,3ii'.ij I'itif 'rV lomtliinin iKHa 1 li, illli'Klt i! M Ki h :H!v.4r:lni JtJMi(li 1J i ll -s"(t"tT 'ims .;u it null m;m ifioilf: . l.lJ.-!''..'.!..!. Uxd. k rt :k "-.-r rt--r (tTlViTrt 'l-rF')niTVr tTnTnfl ' innn, akMi nu km fn-ini. PA.il . rw . r , . " ,u n , . . .tti...,., - - tiM m n.. rjurfu 'i3A.hu . HaMm . i.iuiiHiuai Im nl "iwLi WHt- carina nitt Pmi ntnmiai.. lnunoHn. KxtiaKa. HMted Meats, .ureaat uneftsa. moiee uosnaa ifufzen t a, aA.mu vMiMn.i TruiU. Oraien. ealmon. LebaCen. Okra. Condensed Miiic c. an or wntoa are iresn ana enotea, jrareien aaa ujmssuo lfiv talari and WMTgMV" Out Ma of Teas aad Ceffeea eaaaot be excelled ta the ettrt We call spaeUl attenaoo. t 9v f?eot 9 ncx ., luiar.aiiji the Wholesale trade we offer a. Urgd and well selected stock . t id, It to tbiotecest to call nr before porciiaslng elsewhere; ' 4 1 rlatlfffit h-J , . . goodTu ? Uae as low ca be bousbt i WR fffW1 M ! 5 ':;;;;":W'2S IMibwBRciX: i!iHii;:ti;.'i" ? 'i.!- .'X:'"-";": ' '' ;-' s i n..-l ni-ji!. U, u fa'M wf! fuaiJ VtlM .i 7jlwi;ll ll3U4.it .aiiiS.'i .siijii' i ,i, .".it ;.t js!S)Jin i Vau i ii il i-'stn tiiS n 'J-'ii JU'wluv' t-rni'1 f.hi. mi1 ; ,p.itt'hn Ida fciil l Havini? become interested in the firm of SCHIFF :& GBiER, i reapecttuuy ana corauny invice my oia menus ana cus, , tomers to call and see me when they want goo4s in my line 3 . ; THOS.GRIER. , October 8d, 1818. it l ! 3; ,'i! h 't "I 1 i l I 'J A ,i '! , ! i til J i n m I i m It 'F ;'!i.i il 'J ! i: ;'! ft f - 3 i 5U: . .V. 1 HA i tr.-t i'J ,u !.:) 1 B: i . !t :

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