VfftT ft C1IAS B. JOlf ES, Editor Ac Proprietor Iftrnoao at thx jarOmcs at Cbablottb, BalrttfiytMibiisnes a cody a aper wpicU HVC nic icu ; m and Dhu ulJmlB ufuMili wiu tu iBTrnt further apprroriatiunafjubUmex to the Westttn Jforfh flarqjin. Jwf road, and ti divide Up tfemofiratfc party of JN(Tii yarcain. yiiieprtpri, published in full, occupies three col umns of the Weekly, which summarizes it as follows: 1. That in consequence of Demo cratic legislation more than two mil lions of dollar have been wasted in building the road from Henry to Ashe ville, a distance of only 2i miles by Htage road, a gap that it was unnecessa ry to nil, ana inai wnen nueu must evci remain unprofitable ; and further, that unless the aforesaid Democratic legis lation is ufldoierm will be w nw,nt on the Western Kailroad, or to be spent on it under Democratic administration, is money wasted. There is neither complaint. is neicner compiauu, we believe, as totorHM W M dr Radical lejnslAlwnf nor any ialalronf njr arryewn-' plaint made as to management under a Radical administration of the affairs of the company. It is only Democratic waste that makes the boom roll its thunder ind,:scatter its forkfed.nght- rilng. y'Vi .'T V jt'. . .';': .!' :' 2. That the Spartanburg & Asheville Railroad Company, a private corpora tion, is both able and anxious to con tinue its road down the French Broad River to Taint Kreg;WTny Tennessee line, and there make connect listing a eastrf the road with apenie,tatfaiei ? r 3. mac me conuuuiuict; oi u by the State under existing legislation will advantage, and in point of fact is intended by the leaders of the Demo cratic party to advantage, only the mortgage bondholders of that road by laying down more track for them to gobble up when they foreclose their mortgage which they can and will do speedily. The anonymous writer wants the road stopped at Asheville, and, as a rea son why it should be, points outlet, small tax-paying capacity of the othih-' ties west of Buncombe, which would be benefitted by the extension of the road' going on to show that the money for the .building qfj ttie road: Toms ftt$t yalL' from the counties of the ceTatre and e.ist. In support of his position tbe boomer prints the following table : State Taxes 1877. Cherokee 81,728 Clay 503 Votes for Vance. 490 324 IT Jackson l,13o Swain 67 553 377 Total $8,637 fil8 And adds : Their "Great West" for which they clamor for our millions to build them a railroad Jgp taxes, iffingaT)out one-seventieth Ci-to) of the total of the tttate taxes, while the single eastern county of Wake the same feaTfara-OTT or oveAFreeirmes as much as th w4ioi-r sven countie which com bosklfeir'KreutrWestif Tha whole seven countrw ofthis soaHwf "Great West" gave Vance 3,618 votes, being one thirty-fifth of the Democratic vote of the State and a little mote tUanj the total vote cast by the one eastern county of Franklin wbjDh"iaso mill that it sends but pee member to Vtbjr lower House of the General Assembly. In contradistinction the writer adds the following1 '' i- ' In conclusion, the amount of burdens borne by a few of the counties for the payment of this railroad subsidy is sub joined. In calculating it, the approxi mate value of their convict labor, whieh might be hired out, but is now nst. to them, is added to the amount which the counties named pay into Stjiid trefcv sury in casn ior tiieir part or tins rail road subsidy : Wake 215,000 Cumberland.... $4,500 Mecklenburg., tl04Wa- llfor4 rMKW Augecomoe ..jm,uuo Kowan . ....... . -5,000 New Hanover. 11,000 Wayne H.OUO Wranvllle H.OOO Northampton... 3,300 Orange 4,300 CbathaiJ S 1.1 Alamance 8,500 Craven 4,500 Holds Weekly reidies very fullv to the arguments advanced. A discussion of the matter we do not proooeeltoleni ter upon at this time. What is given, above is merely as a part of the current litMattffhda1 aedJtecauge sm of jeagpeopjjpd rjbajjr 1jiPk.8f?t - 1 tning 01 tnis anti-raiiroad Doom and wanted to hear some more. We have ing letter from Hon. R. Y. McAden, of this city, which is used by Hale's Weekly as a rejoinder to the second of the soints made bf tie ibyinosJwmef1 1 'A CnARLOTTE, N. C, Nov. 17, 1879. P. M. Hale, Esq. : In reply to yours I will state that the assertion in the Spartanbu: company was ablandafensJL btfildu the road to Paint Rock, is made without tne authority or approval pi any one counecteu witn me company. t'Jt. tnonties or the Spartanburg a: vine company nave never won any connection with the Great West Asheville company is without means to build from HendersonvillaAq Ashpff Ulei and is anxiously looktogtDcTmplP tion of the Western road, hoping that the western connections will so help its credit that means can be raised to get tAl ABUBfUU!, enterprises will, we omne. h nriA At t .rt o itrnriaoa will wa nnin v iri.. I living issues of the campaign of 1880. If sor we shall JhaJin) ladv sJy as we invariably have it upon all mat- ters tomjptmmht'm Dem WIS I 1 1 T .vnv. jrri i-iiralkit i-,. u.m..'k ocratic tic party ana the public welfare pa theT wc being synonymous terms. Gei. Hawlet foe President. A correspondent of the wants Gen. Jos. R. Ha Qgine! ent by ttie ticut, nominatea ior vresiaent oy Republicans next year. After reciting a multitude of good qualities, of which he is the alleged possessor, the corres pondent alleges further, that he "Is a stronger man than Grant, an, honest- ling' !Mnia mora -tJ(Uiait cm an, tQheara native North Carolinian (as fin. TTawlev is) thus pleasantly spoken of, if ReWerevki6feamcafbut.ttireJ enougn tiawiey is oetter uwu u uv of them a fact which is due, of course, to his antecedents, to the North Caro lina blood -which courses mTouga.an Lnar ttpnJ! olli HSonly North Carolina isjsspDtil iVarlet.tthul Mcdnfp Ition fnl part I Kestetn g INoctk Caxotiiai Bail he road 1 tmu nrcular jelerredtoat rg aid Ahifiifjuiltcrj: "mppte: . - CHARLES DICKENS.- It is Dleasant to turn for a moment from the cansifjerion -2ipprffeee IfldeSiM tremlndlAis firm- litical. to wartWtbianzb ODaumniide voted to "Th4triipuiiiiedrJLetteii of Charleicls.'ereiaagiodthi name seen anywhere it arrests atten tion, and glancing over the ample pages of the New York Herald, the admirer of the great novelist will stop when he ji&hes itjie.wferqning of the ninth page tf ' L . . ll 1 Ilk mr 1 1. rv self ud to the feast before him. Noth ing dull ($coipe fifotj 5ks. Ulf books 1 lrvethoui fil age$ a models If ther ort aid f eneral3on yet un&ern fH ara'w from tnenf draughts of the liveliest pleasure. He seems nearer to us, however, in his let ters than in his books. It is true that in David Copperfield we are brought v6ry close to him butin his letters we are, ns it were, facte to face. -Therefore it is that the collection which has just been published under the title indie ated above, will be eagerly sought after. Xba yoUime, we, are given to under- stab! iTBted bfr tie uAotj daujegb- J ter, Miss Mamie, and his sister-in-law, Miss Hogarth. In the review of the advance sheets by the New York Her TOo - , ..,. thaf i9 nir and mU LKtXBT lnU r-ruimms unuuga Umo r,c.i " there a thought, a sentence and a fact which will interest thfr admirer of Dickens. bheof the firt letters, he vrites to ills wif e,.thea Miss Hogarth, address ing her as "Dear Kate" and telling her ljh$haajufc 'ciyed Jan (dffer'.bf "emolument too' tempting (o resist, this offer being "fourteen pounds a month FronAajdter wf ittn fog Hafiad4 the actot.Mfe is learned thfrtDickerra had written for him a farce which was unsuccessful, but, he says his ardor is only 'increased, not dampened by the experiment." In January 1842 Dickens paid his first visit to America. Of his reception he writes thus to his friend Mitton : - I can give yon no conception of my welcome here There never was a king or emperor upon the faee of the earth q oheered and follofrcd byorTwds,mi t&tti&inc&m pujbfiewi splandifl aball and dinners, and waited on by public bodies and deputations of all kinds. I have had one from the far West-a jour ney of 2,000 miles. If I go out in a car riace. the crxwd surround it and escert -me fibmergO 'tbbe' theatre, Ithte wholeshouse, crowded to the door, rises Nis taaVanAKter'timbem . niig agHiku You cannot imagine what it is. I have five great public dinners on hand at tbis 'moment, and invitations from every town, village and city in the -lV - i.'it H jfer, i-iti U't He saystMS isllbtnnr retJuWlW IieTThfa "warning "was given by Ux had expected. He was disappointed in it. He would not condemn his friend to a year's residence on this side of the Atiauiic "for any money." Freedom of opinion! Where is it? rlSeeSCviess netntean:- toaTaIE. fnnd slllf; 'iaffd tlisracefu! ' fMn In country 1 ever knew, if that is its strndard here it is. But 1 sneak of tncroft, and am adviseTT to oiUhat subject, fox he isl'a blacJtsheejil 3a iJemocra i speaK oj JBryam, and a eh'trtated-tobemore caiefui 6rtrlie same reason. J .peak fiLinternational copyright, andam implored not to ruin nyselfc outfight: ,1 peak jf 114s8'Mai tineau, and all parfies--slave holders aboiitiotti4s-u."VVJii2i-Tvier Whics TjBnd Democrats-Hshowerdownlipbu, mC ferfrercaftrrttef'bfbiis"i-But wMt has she done i Surely she praised America enough T "Yes, but she told us ' erf' some of oar faults, and Americans can't bear to be told of their faults. Don't split on that rock, Mr. Dickens; don' frilabOiitA,Wdri.qaf, we are so very Suspicions.' ' iT , ButstiUj K ! . ; ' J The people are affectionate.' generous. optnef hearted,, hospitaWe;t-n4lMiliajS-gAod litimorexl, polite tb 'women, iranK and candid to all strangers, ttfi ou3 to oblige, far less 'pjhciced'tlian they, have been , described 0 be, re-1 vjuinij jiunaiicu iiiiu jciincu, very oei- uom ruoe or disagreeable. rflrpdj lettervto WzthTtr Uylinrn h earned that David Copperfield was his "favorite story, for he says so in men- lioning tliiit he Jias just been "porina ovfer!?iu K t-J"m 1 .1 f At (."Vyritng.froni America- while on his i second visit to this country in 18G7, he speaks of fsonjrferhJw.BviHr nhimIi hadiiffid, as aem.ajailjrTatids1 and nnttthlfi lnnkinp mun - Df H gocjai custom he thus writes: F where at half-past two and to snnnpr somewhere else about eight. I have run this gailLffit Mofe TmTh once, and 8 !f,ecf f th&$JKfa ?ojdayrotia4iy Aseflil pHirposev Mitte MgWvf 1 thV evening is multiplied by one hundred. Yesterday 1 dined with a club here at half-past' two ;and came; back here at linlf wm4- 1. 4- ...lit. . oHUAwnb li&woa b '"""ii jjmft print ir. ejuomunr. wh o dav tirfnri TTinri with Longfellow at half-past two and lauic uauK ai eignt, supposing it to be t. r ElThe ba&I- a are gweTTThfflollo wing, which contains a slioM mistnkp gives'!ati''inteMihg 'inslgh,?lnt6; the writer's views of slavery, and negro says: This is one of the places where J3ufc. ler carried tt with- so nigh a hand m the ItBtill wears, 1 Wncv. a look of tmiion It, Vt.ill wpara r a lir -.,11 v reuiemurauce. i :Lue laates re xemark- aQiy nanasome, with an Eastern look ut vm, aress with a strong sense A T ' " ..- . QCliOC color and make a brilliant-, nnriionoo The ghost of slaverv h j j ww W1V and the old, untidy, incapable, lounging, ShamhHrnr hlanlr rv yrm aa o frco man. Free, of course, he ought -to be ; uuh uie bLuoenaom laDRornitv nr m air ing him a voter glares out of every roll yi jiis eye, stretcnpi nis mout iHilnuil hV heaVJB have Ktfo JiwsiKUjrat tneKcsvmust lafla o the States very fast It never can hold its own against a strivincr. restless. y CierrT t CJ he writes: I dined (against ray rules) with t"b W ! rf1! m fliH .WS-fiU lie isa maa.ot.fti vers f eakAblaiaaente KIM TO tL,aun Hdff amol fJHflS jqwJfn(J'iwri . , . ; . uivejum.anj.jassgft answjiterAnaiJied will instantly caD it and go on with the A4tekiAl0 was commander-in-chief of all the Northern forces concentrated here, and never .weni -to -sleep at night without first reading something from my uooKS : wnicn were . always ' vietj'AUfflftiftioir),iiaiTic1' ifasueEwi up than L was. r r -He called upoesj?pt Johnson and 1 rounn nim "a man aryvftrvirpBaariran m tofceflJ with." iroes setdte upon 2ke ikens leHcahi their liWMrand cus toms, but his own couotrymen did not always escape the lash. AVe instance the following account of an English dinnerparty, writtea rto.Dauelas- Jer, Ui r rold: with me at a hospitable dinner last MonfiTiy! TherA were men there who in ad such speeches and expressed such senamenls asiny moderately intelli gent dustmanf would have blushed through his indfery bloom to have thought of. Sleek, slobbering, bow paunehed, over-fed, apoplectic, snorting cattle, and the auditory leaping up in their delight! I never saw such an il lustration of the power of purse, or felt so degraded and' debased by its contemplation, .since I have had eyes and ear?. The absurdity of the thing was too horrible to laugh nt. ' It -was perfectly overwhelming. . . . So much for this morning, and what rqgtdej will say that lhisdisb is not bet- tejl IJaohfc of politics? Trade Mark Laws. In a case which came up from Ohio, the Su preme Court of the United States de cided, iStdmiaythat the trade mark laws of the United States are invalid and unconstitutional, and this opinion was ordered to be certified to the Cir eaitCourtf whence it came. Does not this ' decision stop proceedings in the McEl wee-Black well case from North Carolina, which is a suit for infringe ment upon the trade-mark the Durham 13Tftr? "TennnTFcToes. 1 r- II Ui (Continnaden ot ibe Iivfstlsat1u. I jPniL-tDliWiAl Nov. iel Iriie first Witness Mtaminedr to-day 'before the I nited States local inspectors of steam boats in reference to the recent collis sion off Delaware Breakwater, was the second mate of the Champion. This witness said the Champion had four men on the watch. One of these is kept at the wheel and another on the lookout. When three men were re quired to set sail they took the men on lookout to help, provrded the weather was clear. There "was no standing or der on the steamer against taking a lookout from his post. iFrank Jackson, who was at the steamer's wheel that night, testified that just before the collision he saw Paul Hand, lookout, engaged with two others setting sail. This witness alter ed the steamers course by orders of the flapta iif ftve! oc even auirlutes; Before the collision. v Fredertck Richards, seaman, on the Champion, testihed that Paul Hand, the lookout, went alolt to loosen the top sail just before the collision no one that witness knew of was on the look out while Hand was aloft. JSpon after nthi kt fcearjl.the alarm fSail ahead ng "was given bv Lookout A. Paul Hand, but witness could not tell what part of tire steamer the cry came from. It was forward some where. Immediately after the cry "Sail ahead" the collision occurred. These witnesses and Charles Ehler, another seaman, all testified that it was the Octavia that rareiiKto the Champion ; none of them saw any lights on the Octavia, though alter tne collision they clul not look ' i """ " o. o. iuiicueu, piisaeiigt'i uii me iiaiu- pibjateslifjed tliafc fDefQje the steamer sairkjie. searched ibv a1 lie preserver or anything else that would afford him as sistance, but could hnd nothing, Tbe investigation thpn rlosprl for th dat. Til orronb.KELMGu case. Part of the Tewtimonv Taken Yen- terdaj New Orleans, Nov. 10. In the-Sen- ate sub-committee investigation to-day. Bernard Williams was recalled and UMtified : Jim Lewis uaid his wav to V.r;ishinor. tpfc, And while in Washington Gover ner Kellogg gave him all the money he fronted. Kellogg instructed witness to offer Murray $5,000 to eo to CanHl;i Jid not testify. 'in answer to senator amfirnn' question as Xo who was present when Kellogg told -witness1 to offer Murray $5,000, witness replied, "nobody. You don't tlrink that u llPIl A man rinaa !..(- jot l6iiness he is foolish enough 1i have anybody present? Jim Lewis mi.l Morris j Marks, tried to keep me from Iif 4 n would be well paid, and they would send me awav. Marks spnt fur Hie three times last Saturday to come to the custom house. I did not go be cause Lwasaraid fhey jiAulLk d-p amatisfiid if I had loiie wbifldnh X 1 f The crns'irfxaminatiow W4kmmn developed the fact that witness hart Ten if!1tP303ederate army, had de- aerieuHiwranrrirea ana punished, a Nota. WHiiatns's - connection with the Confederate aamy may account for his failure to collect the pension which j;Vljmed JPt1? ,the- d.eral govern- Several witnesses were examined re garding the election and the events of 76, but nothing of importance was elicited. Albert W. Flanagan said he saw-a jnan named Harris give money to Defbret nfemb of tYi Pur-trri ialftUlte. wfcodivlded it. with nn. other member; heard them talking about the election of United States tibST toflf? not certain about. th ai $JeJcross-examined by Cam wrcrressTteid he could not sav nosi e tively what the men were talking about whenj; dividing) i the Mtm obey. Could not rememibeta word that eithef of them said. TNote Flanaean made nd4vjttAibDV Aonths ago relating to theincldeiit above referred to. After correcting the date, the paper was placed in evidence. The tcommittee then adjourned until to-morrow. 08 bttiUzLuaMm. Denver, Col., Nov. 19. LosPinos dispatches indicate that the peace com mission is making slow progress. Ouray exhibits ill-feeling towards General Ad ams, who, he said, was incompetent as commissioner because, as he alleged,, of his lack of knowledge of the Utes and thflif nlTaiis. Or try piuuuaai. mat ah- ams be recalled, and stated .axlesire to so with a number of 'Uw'chieft to Washington to lay the matter before 1fTrr 4- -M HlWi-tfWrfn Ttti" Fi rt Degree. Carlisle, Fa., Nov. 19. The jury in ie cv.se of Mrs. Catherine Seell, chare- edjwitn poisoning mrs. jvieni, Drougnt a verdict of murder in the first de gree. ' i m I ciHsiJirleMaUH twl .ikiu 1 i m inai cut ai an esruuwy ""f rr-1?, -mm.h the Louuiana Ktatn -Lottery. wnicn occurs on n.un.h.. . i uttk nniter Tn sole . Buuerviaiun or these liten who deservedly enjoy the poiMilar con fldence over half million i -of pilars will te distributed, and any one anxious, to try their luck should write to M. A. Dauphin. P. O. Bo 692, New Orleans, La., or same person at No. 819 Broadwai, New ypfWl T Seftl qlerk'S Sale. THE Srlri O? SOUTH diEOIJNA--COTJS- r. ii i ii tt n irwroN. m 11 UNION. S It - 14 th rvttti nf rvunauHi Fleas. isafl - ' : .'Alexander WHllfonC PlalntlH, Against Adallne Rutland, Charfotte M. K. Button, et al , Defendants. Judgment for sale in Partition. Tn obeditnoe to n order made In the erttf- X ad case, brail Hooob w. u. wauaco, Jiu&a I will un hafnm ttut MHITI nOOSC OOOF in lowing described property, to wit: Three certain tracts of land, situated, lying and being In the county of Union and State aforesaid ; to wit: TRACT NO. 1. One tract known as the Nott Gold Mine tract, containing one hundred acres more or less, bound ed by lands ef Sr. B. K. Gates, Sr. John B. Little w. K. Eison and Sr. A. W. Thomson. j (, t TRACT NO. 2- - One tract knewn as the Butledee p!aee. contain ing thirty-four acres, more or less, bounded by lauds ot Sr. John B. Little. James Hyatt and the Nott Gold Mine tract and Sr. A. W. Thomson. TRACT NO. 3. And one tract containing nine acres, more or less, bounded' by lands of Robert Cates, Peter West and the Nott Gold Mine. AU the said tracts of land bounding and batting each other. The said tracts of land will be sold as one tract TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, the balance In one year from day of sale, with interest from day ot sale. The purchaser to give bond and a mortgage of the premises to se cure the balance of the purchase money. Clerk's Office, Nov. 6, '79. JAMES MUNRO, - Clerk of Court nov!2 2woaw lotteries. -QNPCECEDENTED ATTRACTION Over naif a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 18118, fob thx tsbm of twknty-fitk TiARS, to which contract the inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DRAWING will take place monthly. It never i-cales or postpones. Look at the follow ng distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, During which will take place the I 15th Grand Monthly AND TU XTRAOKDINART SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At New Orleans, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1879, Under the personal supervision and manage ment of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and GEN. JUBAL A. EAR LEY, of Virginia. CapitalPrize, $100,000. Nones Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, 82. Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize of $100,000 $100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 50.000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,000 20,000 20 Prizes of 1.000 20,000 50 500 25.000 100 " 800 30.000 200 " 200 40,000 000 " 100 ttO.OOO 10,000 " 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES t 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 100 $200 100 75 $20,000 10.000 7,500 11.279 Prizes amounUng to $522,500 Gen. . T. BEAUREGARD, or La., I rm, . Gen. JUBAL A. KARLY, of Va., f 1 omm rs- Application for rates to cTubs shculd only be made to the office of the Company in New Orleans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana or same person at c iso. aiw Broadway, New xork. Authorized by the Commonwea'th of Kentucky. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Comcionwfahh Distribution Company, AT MAC A UL EY3 THEATRE. In the CitT of Louiavllle, on KOVEiUBEIl iWTH, 1S79. These Drawings authorized by Act of the Legs lature of 1K69. and sostuned bv all the Courts of Ken iu-ky (;u fraudaleitt advertisements ef other lottery cotuuiui es who claim tbrs4e ownership of "all the grants In Kentucky. to the contrary notwithstanding) occur ft'gutarly en the last day f every mouth 8inday excepted), and ere saper vised by prominent citizens of the Btata. Grand and -unprecedented success of the new features.) iv Every ticket bolder can be hU own supervisor, call out bis number, and see it placed la the Wheel. - The Management call attention to toe grand op portunity presented of obtaining, for only 9&, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. 1 Prize,, 1 Prize,. 1 Prize. $30,000 10.000 5.000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, zu razes, 100 Prizes, 200 Prizes, ,600 Prises, 1000 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 iuu eacn, 10,000 50 each...... 10,000 20 each, 12.000 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes.' $aod each: ipproxlmatlon Prizes $2.' 9 Prizes 200 ' " 1.80i fi Prijs, .100 M. " 00 1,60 Prizes ....... .$ 12,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $1 ; 27 Tickets, i $50; 5& Tickets, $100. Applications for ' dub rates should be made to toe nome office, ' Full list of drawing published In Louisville Cour-ier-Journal and New fork Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders.: For tickets and Information ad- ' iept 6. - ' A Genuine Duchess IN TIE., ill roa hane- pever ttl4 fee delicious Duckets I PeaK by minsTatf ai p'kiatrA H Also Has Alwahi lotot Apples, Grapes. Figa, ,The lat;9t the Bananas ana iOrangesi 2 foriftc., ttf Jhfcr 6'Clga,8lfai B,Siiiwkotrjfit 8afeipf6hdli!fH, io i- "tn ti-a ;A!'CJ'TTH!AWLlCrED.'J -noiC ISWlIMOBXi Ifn I , ,,, Maryland. vVlSi toTf ," .University ol. of Bumore? 8r!L,nT laJIu physicians r- "umuMHUUB i uun mom IO an - i UUII UMHIL1BJ BIW1 I i J. iio'J yHi stanm for rani. TXTSrHhyZii, r "PW enclosing 1- i nnO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. 13 FGTEKING iin X ndof excellent quality; and our llneof FINK D6S nia.Cj( couuuk uo Bui pooom au vcxmiv ui iniioiit ojio, quauij auu ciroapun. nuui mam AiUUirBIl, Of U16 Yen These Goods were all carefully selected, with reference to the wants ot oar customers, were bougbfTet? eheaniv- i.wsi.i' j.,.- .ji- ores, we lnvue au purcnasers to inspect oar stoat, i i i ? vf . 5 gew jftxrjerttstmjeuts. JMINENT DR. Wx. ALEX. GREENE, . MACON, G A., . Writes: ' I cheerfully state that I have tested the virtues and effldencr of CoWen's Llebbrs Llauld Extract of Beef in my private practice in cases of meral debllltr. weakness, oe loss of aDDetite and nervous afflictions, when med- bas Droven more than useless. I have found it the best remedy I have ever used in chronic ai. co holism, when the stomach is always Irritable and food required to nourish. Sold by Leadlnft Druggists. A! BDQD PIJLM. CombhUnc and apcimtlnc many ardan id one Taat aunt naa avvry tvu(airr m capiw, wiw kilirnl niBaet- lMrt-i-"tf ,:liilxiBTorata vn 1 IntnamH -t M In 1.M trnUr, wtlh fnli - planatinnahow ail ran aaccaatl in him U 4ltua,lB(IIrea. LAWKKNCK ft CO.. 21 Bnuui lwtl, New lurk. t i- 4 1A TA 4 IHA A Invested In Wall Street 91V IV IVVV stocks makes fortunes ev ery month. Book sent free explaining everything. Address BAXTER & CO., Bankets, 7 Wall St., New York. tife T7 a month and expenses guaranted to Agents ft I Outfit free. Shaw 4 Co., Augusta, Maine. rrrrrr A YE A and expenses' to Agents; Outfit $111 free. 'Address P.O. V1CXEBY, Augus ta, Maine. ADVERTISERS GEO. F. BOWXLL & GO'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York, can learn the exact cost of any propos ed line of ADVERTISING in American newspa pers. 100-PAGE PAMPHLET IOC. TO THE CHARLOTTE PUBLIC! COMPETITION IS THE LIKE OF TRADE. I desire the Charlotte public to know that the BOUNDARY AVENUE Beer Bottling Establishment has reduced the price of first class Lager Beer to seventy-five cents per dozen bottles, and that I will In the future, as in tne past, try to deserve the patronage of the public by delivering free of charge to any part of the city only etricUy Bret class beer. I nave ordered and will receive In a few days a supply of new patent bottles, for the eouvenience of my cu-toiuers. '. C. MUNZLER. Nov. 19. CHARLOTTE DEPOT OF Poi-tiier's Alexandria BREWER Y. I would respectfully inform the citizens of Char lotte, and vicinity, that I have opened in this city, on Trade street (next dour to the office of the Car olina Central Kailroad t a BRANCH OFFICE AND DEPOT of my well known Brewery, where I Mil constAatiy keep oa hand my celebrated Tirol. Lager Beer In k-gs, as well as bottled In conveiiteet vte. for family use and for ahlppiug. Tne reputation of this beer is tstabii&bed; ia fact it has received the highest prtx-s at tbe Nnk Carolina and Virginia State Fairs. Our bottled beer Is especUUy pure and stwDetlt enlng, and Is highly reeommenoed by tb mnexai fraternity for delicate persons, and those Deciding a tonic tSr Delivered dally In any pari of : fc ei' t of extra charge. ROBERT T T XH- Nov. 18. fi (ANALYZED BY LR. W. H. TAYLOR. STATE CHEMIST OF VIRGINIA. AND FBOKOU3C ED PURE, AND RECOMMENDED AS A BEVERAGE OR MEDK I K. The attention of ihecftlZRiiH of ( b miotic and the surrouiuiti ettiuiuy Is .inu ctlteii to tuis PUir WhiS' vy, i"w so poi'jilar both N rth. ;unl Hotitli. WV h iv-- tlie ii H'niiitlon o" niany Iir ig gUt"iid l'iihu In Ncn Yii 1ty. nshl.tdn, li,t .. ew.UfWjun .bua ' -jiu'CinCo, uud ianlif otb r cities, mul w ran cu,.mintly rroouinieiid the DiirbiHn" lobe Hjuiil to any W bi-Kt y uustlilwl in thiscuUMtn. Vtwl or ' ii'hMiii ' al W. H. CochKint's fetitral Ilotel Sal on. ELI. 15 N A HAHVET. . -olo P,ryirleiors uot. 2 1 utr. HAPPY JOE FISCHESSIiR. 80LK AUINT rOR TUB ATLANTA BREWERY " Let those who never drank Beer before, Qo to Joe Flschesaef's and drtnk the more." FRESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL TH WAY. I hav an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, by which lam able w keep on draught, and for sale by Uie keg PUR? ICE COLD LAUER BEER Brought to m door In an Joe-cold refrigerator direct from th Brewery, ; i ; Pemoni ln Clmrlotte, Of ftt a distance, can bny beer from irt lHtteni roek 'prices, and mimal ed tebeuuraiHlfr.h,alf JasCmade. - ; My fwilUUwi tula suHwner.lVr the dellvrf o Beer are belter Uianew. and aa MlP wl agent In Charlotte of tha Atlanta Brewwry, T tv-pectfully 80llrttth)imtn4Nplwwt- ale D, I -Ufa-flu te. , n ) ; i OYSTER S On tlia hnK- tUI1, U mn u lld liWdoBM blvalveav JOHKl FJSCHE8SEft."i tit ju27 IIIIIHWH W.l -l-'li' FOll KENT. .11 lilf : 1 1. tJ ' lflj. VIII I " " THE St. Charles Ihrtel, in WWyMWi l wrwufj It Is an exoelfcjii liiviw. wall furned iu in good repair. , rwmM (ftvr' 1st JAnuH-r. Liberal terms to'ft kimmI ihiiIT Addraw ' 1 HI novii eoa aw ii i t la flfTii 'V.lli.i ,i'i (IV 11 .1,1 . . Ti ' . . i : . ...1 . 1mM. bumilaVt'a Oh Ohnnth U7Aji .iTitaiMilioai wUtlMt!lwt.e4islstof erki Vnnelliu', ui objeoi beliui to soui the bust) MMlbls laMll!a. Moir i'ortlrtliat ti e jttuis. (payable ittioathly.) Prlman Depart mi ' 3 I T 1 '''':immmiimmamHmmmamHmmmtmmmmKmmmmiimimZ ' 00 k- RECEIVED BY TJ8. OUR STOCK OF B1C1V MACHINE and HAND-MADE GOODS for UenUemm i5L5u1LS)MMON WEAR IS VERY ful ieeung weu assured we cm sou ever one, in style; . A A ,Ju HSurgess PARLOR AND weema u all Kinun u iiajnu. fw NO. 5 WEST TRADE SOLD BY ft! ' -JO! S1500.' BZVARE n j ill X FOR PARTICULARS - WhiteSewing Machine DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. LINENS, COTTOBTS, V fUUUiTKii , TRTMMTKGS, FLANNELS, GLOVES, aScTif HOSIERY, satisfy wwiaaBBaMa, ladles' TJ: you can DRESS KAEXNG) DRY WBAPg, ' OOSTTJKE8, J r RIBBONS, of u I v RTJCHING8, HANDKJERCHISR, WHITE GOODS, BTjTTOSS, Jzjr-f SK3RTBRAIDi ' SHWTXB FINS, FAJTCT May 1 1 JJwcIX jai fc Cwer 2,000 CriLSisSS isr signatures of wbicL can 1 sbsl. c - ibic 1 pnut pneter eerssn's Capcine Porous Plaslfer T owrs. "We S53TTl7T14PSg HIDtFPDKKs With afbraag&oarSAXKK iVXO XlTX. neeiaed,wfflrve, by retro agde!Bjed Goods BT UAH. OE EXPRESS. Tbroufh this mesas ladies e-renrwkere elTea of a rerv convcnkaU lam of leeemag Outfit from the headentres of feadTkera they can at atttixnea ob4ik io beat good, newest and latest styles to be bad 2a. the least money. HOMER. COLLADAY . CO. JtawMautSMK i, JTef wgsi-sS)iisT Impmi ; .-.i.'.i -jmiaBTtimmimiSfete ant cHESTznnvAjstrTO broad street, PHILADELPHIA, PA.ji And 13 Hue Richer, Paris, France " Sar the chll,drtn' tend tof n. aet of our Fancy Advertising Ouda.'t Oct. I4rdwlia,. f.ii - -OT ? J1 - SOLE ACitNT FQB JOA SCHLITZTS CELEBRAiED EXPORT COHNEli BALTIMORE 73I,'n6liLIDAY STBEETTS, BArjTIMOR E, MP, o o- noy7 2w, BUtTKRiCl aotq list a n- i theno bsfkWbfin the Din has not Men removed parinr ,texcbangeable for others; inese conaif jnf rraposea pr"!r;. w. ana we car awirom ! . f r BRO. JER8. XI Vie sfa -ii gtP""it ni 8?"aadHead - -r t otu. o j Sandl .. -t' u. B. S9.r vr s- --WM8 200 Chauu i BepttU ''l.u' i.i J-ktiiii. ik.-.H. irl . i'tJ?JA air - , iftr-fxxillfi witt'T -rurto aiiwo 'mat V ' .:i' 'UVin,iin ji. - i A AT. CyHcPam.u-at -TlDiAi When thlsWrin Sm1''fi removed Waf jespecro'' itry'6r lanfli 'i mi" I quality oivl L - " extfemeiy low i ithae&it Klichols. WHOLESALE AND RKTAII. VtUJLXB IS KIKD8 OF BEDDING, &C. .rFCLL LINE OF Cheap Bedstead, AND IT CHAMBER S LaJJ' andiaem(i Burial STREET, CHIBLOTTeTn. C. b- ne ipvj. 50 SIMPLE . WARJMITED 1 I ii i ...,uaro ' ADDRESS: Co. Cleveland, ohio. BY?TT.nTT. ' f?r Samples or information, and y?urclf harm ckeaphu awL quickly pi everything in GOODS AND HOnTjrJS Mjd or Erpresi. We carry an Vie . riudrsn send for a d 'of ovr WGES. cooper a coriio, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ad the TuUa-rji': r Hee : ff Till ! '- OJSXJSSSS1L OBDKS DXMJtnxn is sfaBpla, thronzhocit tbe United States ana Dress Goods, TTjmminga.ama a General far fChUem JssstWes Jhretm CssaTs, in n 7 1 -T" ! -ii li ws-"lflii b )jKsM tdJ , f'jiiu-i t:.J nbGiio"4.atlin' it.i,. nm K" Hlw ti iK rrl lo v ao eUI)ni!p fSdiMtb tiuic i.'w tn) jtu-' ns to ,ikn lr,- U- no it-bio ; ?. Cakes at Miiy 22. at A U &IV Orders for ornanKntalCatesjDrompl finsiMa OliijpecJtnaine toUHom ptMajp auarina irorn w w ood a MajuuKnxiiMa frtnn t to IoraFowr JUtte 40 Bon Powitr: StjUionariaa ; Ad jnatatoie vjot-un IJ uo Iron lifnawB w rwtabla Oon Saili 1 iMilUnnllanbattatMLltiUl!ttTWM one rant: BouarMU nm; fKrniwIilf&tiMvaa. all a?aa, niaw WP awvc Wi ml: laMDOWW, M;0OarU(4m.UMrorli.THXTA Mro. .S.A.; Ihim-a'puilmett; fic-:. Jii.rjiii. js ir.Lwa'rt!iVi noni Oa o WsmaKszzBjCp.MWi August 2d dw6m. Mtmiaater.M . iVAltli OUT - ---W. M. Wl tin KtiMyal 3 epu vu;lo(?$ r I- Iiu t " - ' . , '"

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