sus'l0iV hates : THE OBSERVER JOB -DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now bedocf wr neatness, dispatch and cheapness. W can furn ish at short noOoe. BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, . LETTERHEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, ' PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, AC Six 3M "' r, 3fi VjtifontM Liberal Reductions jot Clubs. VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C.v THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1879. NO. 3,367. S2 00 ' . . 2 10 - - ; 1 00 Oa Monday, December 8, Our counters will be Twidad with new and beauti ful goods. We nave never had such a display of FANCY ARTICLES. Tiiose wishing p'etty fhtngs for Christmas will do well to call ou at. Dj its!; to see those oeautlful Op-ra COIFFURES. A ni.-utfiMcmit dir!ay of liar Bixps. A dan-1 oltptay of Tlrklsh Tulies. A nj line o; Lame seethe S.rtpel Kiaaue's for doiw mock or Nuoia-.. humxis MLsnes and Cull lri;i. Pa Omarasiw for C!ji;s .vk' lite our icerchleN 'u Fancy Embroidered Neckwear. Ask to Dresses. A tvemen- mm'-js lor Ladles, otery Looos and PMrdAus. Nothing did HOSIERY Depart Teui -x". eve. bee-) set very ia e itocfc, cheap and o We wil' commcn'jeon Monday, 10 ciose oui o-ir stcc r or. ' j .h's market. A ty. . December 8th, Cloaks anil Dolmans. Great bargains will be ofered In this line. Remembe our CARPET DEPi RTMENT Is the largest and best st ; ;ked in the State. We have lots of pretty good and we want every - wujr w tern aim tyse worn. Dec 7. ALEX AS DEB & HARRIS. 1 ( l E (DO g O a55 00 CO u M a. 8 - UU8 50 a ft "ill SM .r coa 4), i 0 a a 2S8s J. T, ANTHONY, ' DEALER IN Northern 4 Ice, Coal & Lambert Having Jast received my supply ol Coal for the nsulng season, I am prepared to fill all orders at shortest notice. My stock Is the largest ever offered on thls Market and embraces all the various kinds lor Families', Foundries' and Smiths "use. Persons who have formerly bougbt-from vther Markets In car load lots-would consult their interest by tiring me a call, before ordering else-, where. Special contracts for Orders In cargo and car load Jots. SJi'-- . Ice on hand the year ttranaMrom first of" Octo ber unUl (1st of May ne-t. lly cart will not run on Sundays,! but WPP1 double quantities on Saturday, It " V , I shall also continue the Lumber business and keep full. stock on hand, together. with Lathes, Shingles, - ' - Bills cut to rdr on shortest notice, of any j:i.-illty desired; Also estimates furnished on appli cation at office, corner of Trade st. and N. C. R. R. t7v- - J. T, ANTHONY, r. a Bofc lS Charlotte, N. C . J. KiHARDIN, agem, G ZBAI COilHIS tfON MERCHANT a nd rfeavt 6t Cigars, Tobaced; Graliv, Flour, Meal, flutter, KB, Poultry, and all kinds of country pro- Orders and conslgrrments Solicited. Grain sacks ana priee fist furnished on application. B. N. Smtth's old stand, Charlotte, N. C. flrtj ma&sf l0tMn Sec CLOAKS AND DOLMAIS WB HATE JOST RECEIVED OUR FOURTH LOT OF 100 Cloaks and Dolmans TO-DAY. Call and see the handsome :o: of Fld Tartan B a'ds, Passamont le Tr"mmlis-i "f1 Sk Trimmings. Nov. 27. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Tryon Street THE GENUINE DR.C.IcLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the . lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbincr of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing tke slightest injury to the twst tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatares of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McJLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a reinedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a sirop1? purgative they are un equaled. A OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. Ira CP CELEBRATED m 9 the 8iewalk. Here the publican walks with the sinner proud And nHiwt n Ma -And Hives walks in.the motley crowd . n uu uuoiua, UJ JOWL, And the daughter of toll, with her fresh young heart, As pure as her spotless fame, Keeps step with the Woman who makes her mart . in the haunt of sin and shame. How lightly t 'ps the country lass In the midst of the city's Ills, As freshly pure as the dasied grass That grows on her native hills! And: the beggar, too, with his hungry eye, And his lean, wan face and Ci Jtch, Gives a blessing the same to the passer-by As lie gives hJm life or much. When T"me has beaten the world's tattoo; na in aussy amor aignt, Is treading with e?holess footsteps through The gloom of rhe silent night. How many of these shall be daintily fed And shall sink to slumber sweet. While many wl'l go to a sleepless bed, And never a crumb to eatt Ah met when the hours go joyful by, How UtUe we stop to heed Our brothers' and sisters' despairing cry In their woe, their bitter need ! 1 Yet such a wo-id as the angels sought This world of ours we'd call. If the brotherly love that the Father taught Was felt by eash for e' o v Ai i o ,s. Gen. Butler Is "I'd io be an c e and revenous reader ol Frenc uoveis. - They say Jay God 1j now'a b'gsr maa than old Croesus." an. cor.i. The lew Yot-k t-tar thinks lnd;gest!on Is at the bottom Om. A s siji-ii; of sectionalism. In that ease It U plain that tue fepubl'.can leaders eat a street carmine ior o noer every aay 1 53te queen's bench prison, where so many eml nent men have been confined, and which has been made famous by D'c'iens and other authors, .has .been handed over foi dest-uctiou. and In the course of a few weeks notbi ig wi-l remain of this large pile bat us inie-es; ngrem.niscences. A returned New Ca'edonian met Victor Huso the other day and c-:ed to him: 'How goes it, you grayuiai'sa oia cus7" iiugo cuicnea at the welk in fora.thunderrbjlt. '"You g'sy-oaired old cus- roaianor uie people s iiDe.i es!' tne man con cluded. ugo ej) oraoea mm n-ta eu jsion. buckwheat cake t Ui.t away v, in more butter, at 4lKcents per pound, t an any other eat- aDie thing or i.a se. Korean ue Doa ii'Dg house Keeper econom-ze oa Daicer Dy the use of moiassss. The hungry boarder may swim his buckwheats in a sea of golden syrup, but be will at the same time load them down to he guards with Goshen Duller. WASHINGTON NOTES. A stool backbone is as essential' to nhraicsl health as to po!-Uca? consistency. . For weakness ' o' the uacc sod disorders or the liver and kid-' ney. iue tonic and moderate dietetic action of the Bitters s he one thing needful. Remember that' the 8 jomaca 1' the mainstay of every other organ aod that by invigorating the digestion with this preparation, the spina! column and all Its depen-, denotes are strengthened." , . ., . For Hosterter's ilmanoc for 18S0 applyjto drog glf and dealers generally. Dec. 1. lm. The Financial Question and tue Ite publican. Plau of Aelion JVatonal Republican Coiumillcc -I'ay of . TTl&rklialH, Sec. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. THE FINANCIAL QUESTION. Washington, Dec. 8. The commit tee which was appointed by the Repub lican caucus last Tuesday to propose a plan ot action tor the party with refer ence to the financial legislation that has been or will be proposed has had several meetings, and is ready to report i,o the caucus. The committee consists of Senators Morrill, Conkling, Hamlin, McMillan, Booth, Kirkwood, Logan and Carpenter. The committee has, as already stated, decided unanimously, with the exception of Senator Morrill, to recommend that the Republicans in Congress, as a party, oppose all legisla tion whatever, the passage of which wili affect the present financial status of the count jy. They will report that even the agitation of the subject must disturb, and may damage, the commer cial Drosnentv tnat is now Deins emov ed, and that no sort onegislatiorr, "pro posed, or un proposed, anecting the finances could improve the present monetary condition. This report re ceives the assent ot all the committee except Senator Morrill, of Vermont, who wiu recommend, as a minority an immediate attack upon the legal-tender quality or the government notes and the adoption of a plaa for their future retirement. Senators Conkling and Hamlin, of the committee, agree to the report, although both of them favor Senator Morrill's views, as far as the greenback is concerned. The legisla tion that the committee opposes in cludes not only the Bayard resolution, and other measures relating to the greenback, but also all silver legislation the Warner unlimited coinage bill, the redemption of trade dollars, and kindred propositions. The recommen dations of the caucus committee will without doubt, be adopted by the lie publicans, and their policy in Congress for the session will be opposition to all action on the finances. As the Demo cracy is widely divided in the Senate on financial questions, and the Repub licans have the balance of power, the action of-the Republican committee, if approved by Ihe full caucus, will be of great importr. nee if the Democrats at tempt any positive action. For this reason the friends of Gov. Hendricks are to-night claimiag that the wisdom of the do-nothing pol'cy on the finances, as advocated by them, is abundantly demonstrated. The finance committee of the Senate meets to-morrow, and the Bayard resolution will probably be taken up, but the Republicans will op pose its consideration, and with Beck and Voorhees, who are opposed to it, will carry the point. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE. A New York member of Congrers has received information that Governor-elect Cornell has wvicteo his resig nation as a member of the national Re publican committee, and that the Conk ling interest is being exerted to secure the appointment of ex-Congressman T. C. riattin the place of Mr. Cornell. The withdrawal of Mr. Cornell from the committee changes veiv much the situation i n regard to the chai rmanship, made vacant bv the. death ot the late Senator Chandler. The gentleman se lected to succeed Mr. Chandler on the committee belongs to what is known as the anti-Chandler wingof the Michigan Republicans. In the meeting. Oj: the national committee on the 17to instant the Question of the cha-vmanship and of the place for holding the next na tional convention wUl be the subject of animated and protracted discussion. The three places to be most prominent ly pressed upon the committee are Phil adelphia, Indianapolis and Chicago. The Blaine men on the committee, who claim that they are in the majority, favor Chicago. PAY OF UNITED STATES MARSHALS. A Democratic member of the com mittee on appropriations said to-day that the delay of the committee in mak ing appropriations for the marshals, who were not provided for last session, was entirety intentional, as the commit tee desired to wa'fc untd the lUa'ted States Supj-eme Court bad rendered its decisions in what are known as the Baltimore and Cincinnati "election cases," which involve the constitution ality of the Federal election laws au thorizing the appointment of deputy marshals on election days. .TCew Tlp.rnfi Nutshell: The Keuse "Manufacturing Company's cotton mills. were sold satuxiay. Alter consiuera ble spirited bidding, the property; was knocked off to Thos. A; Green, George Aiien;;'an Witfc,.,wh6 already owned, (the larger portion of the tock. a W& learn that the rovlUl be. jHi m compleieoraer and. tta5t;win.coAUhue work :giV)hsr, em ployment to a large number of ropera-tives. STATE NEWS The Midgets are creating a sensation in Wilmington. A $150 burglary was committed in Wilmington Tuesday night. Mr. Don Mitchell and Miss Carrie Carr, of Oxford, were married last Wednesday. Monroe has contributed about fifty dollars to the Orphan Asylum within the last two weeks. - The Grand Lodge of Masons has made an appropriation of $2,000 for the re-establisnnrentoi the Orphan's Friend W. B. Farrar, of Greensboro, has in vented a water wheel, which has been tested and found to fte a decided suc cess. . f Dr. J. F. K ng, a p"pno'ne..'tphy?'tc':'n oi Wilmington, who Iihs been some time in New York, d'et the e Scnday night, aged 50 year's. Dr. Chas. Phillips, o the State Uni versity, has gone to New York for med ical treatment. He is still as cheerful as evet but very much of an invalid. An attempt was made by inoendia ries to set fire to the machine shqps of P. J.. Mangum, of Durham, but the flames were discovered in time to pre vent a conflagration. Im Wilmington' daring the month of November 38 pet-sons aied, the number of whites and clacks' being exactly the same, and each belnT g males and 10 females; 9 adults aii 10 child en. The Eobesonlan i ecbrds the death of Col. N. A. McLean, a distinguished cit izen or Lumberum, And remarks that "one of the brightest j atellects which the county of Robeson ever produced is no more. In the Moravian chu' eh at Salem, on the 4th of December, at 4 o clock . m Dr. S. J. Mootakue, formerly of Vake Forest, was married to Miss Ella, youngest daughter of Judge D. H. Stai- buck.ot vV'QSton, Rev. ii. A. Rondtha ler officiating. Goldsbovo Mesjenfjer : A capital stow appeais on our fiVst page to-day, entitled "The Deserted, snip. we are 'iioeuted ."or it to the famjliar pen of our Ci-end Capt. Appletou Oaksmith, of Csrteret, and the su): v is as t' ue to i: "e a3 Rob inson Ciusoe. Raleigh Observer : General Johnstone Jones writes that he cannot possibly be here in less than two weeks. He is still in the University Hospital at Philadel phia. He receives many courtesies at the hands of Gen. Latta and Coi s Snow den and Bonaffon of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Raleigh Observer: Judge Avery will hold the Superior Court during the month of January, and Judge Gudger will hold it during February. The term will begin with the new year and continue for six or seven weeks. The dockets, civil and criminal, are heavy, but not unusually so. A young man, claiming to be from Petersburg, has been committing for geries in Wilmington, under the name of J. E. Whitehurst He is described as beiug five feet six inches high, dress ed in dark brown cneck shirt, black coat, black javeteoatnd round, stiff, black hat ; hap a father" fed face, small, black moustache, slight hair-lip on left side of the mouth, and is addicted to hard drink. Stealing; Sermons. Ner Yor'-: i. Most of tho Baptist preachers agreed yesterday that to pi each other men's sermons under pretence that they are their own, is dishonest, and some of the brethren went so far as to call the prac tice stealing. A result of the discussion has been the -disco very that very many plagiarJzed sermons are preached. Some times the exact language is appropriat ed, as well as the thoughts and argu ments, but of tener the discourses are rewritten. Many rural clergymen find their burdens materially lightened by subscribing to a weekly publication which contains abstracts' of sermons preached by the most noted of New York and Brooklyn pulpit orators. In each number are half a score of ser mons skilfully divided into heads, which any preacher of average intelli gence can stjin out into a forty-minute discourse. The sermons cover such a wide range of topics that, by running through a few back numbers, a subject appropriate to almost any occasion may be found. The editor of this sheet, which has a large circulation, employs two or three reporters, and also obtains abstracts of sermons from clergymen themselves. The Effect of the No ih Carolina Ne gro Exodus. Wasb. Cor. Bleb roond Dispatch. The fact that the negroes from North Carolina en route to the Western Prom ised Land stopped here ha3 been the means of attracting the attention or the whole country to the movement, and eliciting from Republican as well as Democratic sources a good deal C in form at on ih regard to the treat nent and condition of the colored people of the Siutof .Hon Joseph. Martin, Re publican member of the House from North Carolina, says that the move ment will Tb6 highly injurious to the colored race, and that those who are encouraging it are making a fatal mis take. . The .negroes n bis section, he savs, are well treated and have work. Their personal rights, as a rule, are re spected, and they have advantages of schools and churches. He knew of no ostracism of white men on account of rnliiifs Mr. Cobh. of Indiana, thinks this movemerk is bound, to fail, because the negroes are not suited to the coun try, and are taken there in a way and for a purpose that excites the indigna tion and opposition of the citizens ot the State.' The Dealb List of Congress Death has been pretty busy with the members , elected-, to the Forty-sixth Congress,' Congressman Lay, of Mis souri, being tne jourtn wno nas aiea. Alexander Smith, who was elected from the twelfth New York distiict, died on the night of bis election. The seat was vacant all of "the extra session. Waldo Hutchins was reeeutly sworn in as his successor. Gustav Schleicher, o f Texas, died last Spring, and was succeeded by Columbus u psonj riusn tjiarK, or lowa, died duriftff the extra session., His suc cessor is W. G. Thompson. ; Mothers 11 others !! Slot Vers 11! J son d&u&edTai "n&ht KBdifcokeu of i rour lest by a fii(X child. Ruffe -t-jg an) eryins wth the cac uc'mtius pa:a , cntt'ns leeth t U s, go at ooce and get a bottle of MBS i WiNSLOWs SOOTHING SYRUP Alt will relieve the poor littl sufferer rmmenlalelyj-depend upon 1 : there Is no mistype anouw .u xne not a mourer ou earra who has ever used 4t who will not tell youatouee thai, t will regulate Ihe bowels, and give rest to ihe mo' he?, and Mile and health to Jft& child, op&ar lug like magic. .. It .la-. perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pfteasabtthe lasie, and Is toe pic, 8ctpkn of one of ihe oldest and best physicians and nurses la the United States. -Sold eveiywhere. 23 cents a bottle. " novo A YICTOEY WON ! When a noble deed la performed, a great battle fought, an Important assembly convened, thenceforth the place ot their occurrence becomes fa mous. The same result follows whenever a great enterprise Is originated or carried on. This holds true In commercial experiences; certain portions of a city become known as the centre of Important enterprises. The history of our house Is a practical Illustration ot this fact, for who does not know that the OPBEA HOU8E BLOCK Is the best place ki the City to purchase Clothing and General Furnishing Wear! And this is because we have made It so to all by offering greater Inducements than any othei house. Since we have occupied the abirre premises our business has grown Immensely, attributable to our entirely new productions In &moAlmItd to rlety, the careful taste displayed in selections, the faultless fit obtained, with the greater advantages of lower prices through the ' njlVmSX ' establishes us permanently at the head of our profession and characterizes the "Opera Bouse Block" beyond rival the CENTRE OF CIOTBIH V. E. D. LATTA & BRO. OVERCOATS In large quantities, best styles and lowest prices, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. A new and fresh line of Boys' Clothing, Just received at L. BERW ANGER & BRO'S. Broken Suits at half their value, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. 500 Pairs of all wool Job Pants at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, worth $5.00 a pair, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. Only First-Class Goods Sold in Our House. The enterprise of manufacturing our Fine Clothing ourselves, makes our house beyond any doubt THE MOST RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE IN THIS MARKET. We Invite the public to call and see for themselves. Respectfully, Fine Clothiers and Tailors. CS 3La O AND FANCY ARTICLES! JUST RECEIVED. LADIES AEE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR (THIS SEASON) Til ARRIVAL DFI BW COD WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH tie MMWuj mm i FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, BUT FACTS ARE FACTS. The Liveliest Place in Town is SPIilNGSCORlSrJER ! imp mt he frail ! And when you want to save dollars in buying CLOTHING, come to Springs' Corner, where you will get nmt and be3t for your money. We believe in LARGE SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS. . - NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Men's and Boy's Clothing, at Springs' Corner. x BT COME AND SEE W. KAUFMAN & CO., Not. 14. Cheapest and Best Clothing Hoose, Comer of Trade and Tryon Streets. P.SCHTFF. J. SCHIFF. THOS. GRlERy CHHTF1 6d QRIER, GROCERS, ...ii .oiJj.b Ji',.JtijJ x uiii-jJa S&8ffltf FANCY AND HEAVY GROCERIES,' SninLKiwtftrtaa, Split Paas, Chocolate, Flavoring Kttraets, Potted Meats, Cream Cheese, Choice 'Goshen Butter. A full llae of Cann edoSvlveaetaJMos, Fruits Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters. Oscm, Condensed Milk, As., all ot which are JEresh and cholc Foreign atiJ D junastlo Pick. taMntai and onazaSon buoltets. Oar Una of Tms and Coffees cannot ba excelled in the city. Wa call spaolil attention to oar Pjtsat Process Flour, a f5 of which we will sell at very LOW PaiCBS IN OBDSft TO IXPaODOCS IT. To the Wttolesile Train wa offer a lara and weU selected stock goowtoutow as onn hn hmiiht In aay muet. CUy and country consumers will And It to snelr Inter to call on tu bdfora porohwing elsewhere. J N.B. We nave a splendid WagoaYar la tha rear of oar'storTfor the use of our country friends. ' ' ; -7 :;;--7-SCHIFF &G Havfogtecomfr interested in the 'firm of Sctitff & Grikr, I respectfully and cordially invite my oH rriendsand H8. tomers to caU and see me when they want goo4a in my line t iiirr. THOS. GRlEBv , t)ctober 18T8.