t)e t)orlottc bstraer. SVBSCIIIPTIOH rates : Vr, (port) advance......- Six yfontfa. Three Mont KjtUuftt county, poitp- ... 2 00 ... 75 ...S2 00 ... 2 10 100 On Monday; Deecmber 8, Our counters will be loaded with new and beautt lul goods. We have never had such a display of FANCY ARTICLES. Those wishing pretty things for Christmas will do well to call on us. Do asE to see those beautiful Opera COIFFURES. A magnificent display of Handkerchiefs In Fancy Boxes. A grand display of Turkish Embroidered Tidies. A new line of Ladles' Neckwear. Ask to see the Striped Flannels for Dresses. A tremen dous stock of Nubias, Hoods and Sacks for Ladles, Misses and Children. Pussementery Loops and Ornaments for Cloaks and Dolmans. Nothing like our HOSIERY Department has ever been seen In this market A very large stock, cheap and pretty. Wu will commence on Monday, December 8th, to close out our stock of Cloaks and Dolmans. Great bargains will be offered In this line. Eemember our CARPET DEPARTMENT Is the largest and best stocked In the State. We have lots of pretty goods and we want every body to call and see them. Dec. 7. ALEXANDER 4 HARRIS. o CO 00 A O ft O ft Hi 0 Q A CO. O w - o rfl .a, iJ.-pitl i O 8 M " VfniV- . ; jfl y rT VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1879. NO. 3,369. THE OBSERVER JOB DXPABTJCKNT Has been Uwronghly supplied, with evenr, neede4 want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing aa nwR badona wttto neatness, dispatch and cheacnesa, , - Wa aan fjnji- ish at abort notloar - BLANKS, BILL-HEADS. - y LETTER HEADS, CARDS, . TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PR0GRA5OO3, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULAES, CHECKS, AC 53 &bMff XtrtMttfl to CL0K8 AND DOLMANS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUB FOURTH LOT OF 100 Cloaks and Dolmans TO-DAY. Call and see the handsome lot of Raid Tartan Braids, Passamontile Trimmings and 8'.lk Trim Nov. 27. T. L. 8EIGLE A CO., Tryon Street, pXisceUaweotts. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE - DR. C. McLANE'S . CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, SYSrBPSIA AND SICK RBASACHK. "5 ' te .iMfcr yif ".'(Oil I av fif : o 1141 N ef-P 5 on ' ; wls-i- J. T. ANTHONY, , DEALER IN , Northern. Ice, Coal & Lumber. it' llHTlng Just recelred mj supply of Coal for the ensuing season, I am prepared to fill all orders at shortest notice. Mf stock Iff the largest erer offered on this Market and embraces all the various kinds for Families', Foundries' and Smiths' use. Persons' who j have, formerly bought from other Markets In car load-lots-would consult their Interest by giving me a call before ordering else where. Special contracts, ior orders In cargo and air load lots. " 1 - ice on hand the year round, from first of Octo ber unHl first of Mar next My cart will not run on Sundays, but will 10ppirdouble auantltles on &fshalI"also continue th Lumber business and keep full stock on hind, together with Lathes, eningies, so. ins Bins ui io , oraer puwvvo u''i",y vwuy dlreUwestlnWes furnished oft appll tscon at OCQce, comer of Trade st and K. C. TvR. J. T. ANTHONY, P. O. Box, 158, CharlotteN. a And deaiw Ui CT,T6ba;Mhl;;lTouti VeaV Orders and uraen ana iim,u aniifa an and price llstfarRUWin nnnllcatlon. DecenTbSr 7 0l 8nd' C0"10"6' N G tents Solicited. Grain sacks on application. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ;' sometimes the pain is feltrunderjhe shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to. have been done.. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness v, and debility; he is easily startled, his i"'eet are cold r burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he Is'satisned that exercise would be .beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every -remedy. Several of the above symptom's attend the disease, but cases havg6ccurrea where flew of them existed, ,yet exam- j inztiMm$Md. atejr &$th, has shown 'tKeXJttiT to JiAtateeri exten sively deranged. AGUE AN D FEVER. Dr. C. McLajte's Liver PiLls, in i cases of 'Ague and Fever, when ; r taken witb1jurnine, are productive of -'themost happy results Nobetter cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equaled. BEWAKE OP IMITATIONS. The genuine 'are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane f spelled differently but, same pronunciation. CELEBBATED, "U( M'a Jp A stout backbone Is as essentlalfto physical health as to political consistency. Tor weakness of the back and disorders of the liver and kid neys, the tonic and moderate dietetic action of the Bitters It the one thln needful 1 Remember, that th stomach Is the mainstay -of every other organ, and that by Invigorating the digestion with this nmrjaration. the solnal column and all its depen dencies are strengthened. 0 rot Bosteners Almanac ior ibsu aypii.w uru glstsand dealers generally. Dec,l.-lm. .? : a : WOMEN GOSSIP. TtMtmtrtortvny lovely Btory. There was once a perfectly modern girl, With perfectly modern ways, whosaw-perfeetlonlnvenblng That, happened to meet her gaze. Such perteetinoTely things she Saw, - And perfectly awful, too, That none would have dared to doubt her word, So perfectly, perfectly true. The weather, he said, in summer time Was perfectly, awfully warm; The winter was perfect too, when there came Somejerf acHx terrlble.BtornU I She wf nt to a perfectly iorrfd school, In a perfectly horrid town; ( ,JLnd the perfectly hateful teachers there . . Did things up perfectly brown. Her lessons were perfectly, fearfully long,! But never were perfectly said . And when she falied. as often she did, Her face grew perfectly red. The church she attended Is perfectly mag With a perfectly heavenly spire, r And perfect erowds go there to hea' A perfectly stunning choir. I might go on with this "perfectly' poem And write to the end of time, But, fearing to wear your patience out, Will bring to an end m rhyme. OBSERVATIONS. There are rumors that Keeley, the motor man, has turned his attention to a machine for sticking pins through: a starched collar. "There is no rale without an exception, my son." .'Oh, isn't there pa? A man must always be pres ent when he Is being shayid." Nobody expects any congressman to distinguish himself for the first six weeks. After that it is expected that they will throw their whole sOuls Into a "here?' at roll call. The idea of teaching a elrl music because she may some day have to depend on herself, Is a good one. If she had to depend on h irself, and knew how to make her own dresses. It would be outrageous. Bummer to educated man on train: "What house do you travel for?" "My own." "What line of goods do you deal in?" "Common sense." " Well, my friend, I must say you carry a very small sample-case." McGregor New. A Yankee woman recently mai led a Chinese laundryman, and in three days thereafter the un happy Celestial appeared at a barber's shop and ordered his pigtail to be cut off, saying, In ex planation, "f oo muchee yank." In seeking to invent a troche to take away the odor of onions, a Quebec dnigglst Invented some thing which removed his breath altogether. The man who gets ahead of an onloa bas to peel hid coaL The ambition of our best young merrls to get an undercoat just long enough to cover up the rear suspender-buttons of their pantaloons, and an overcoat Just short enough to miss being tangled with the protruding nails of their boot heels. In the name of modesty we suggest a general average. Ntur Haven Register. If old Mrs. Guelph, sometimes alluded to as Queen Victoria, has a chill or eats too much lob ster for supper, the enterprising chaps at the other end of the cable telegraph over here, "Alarming rumors of her Majesty's dangerous illness." And likely as not when some great editor over there dies they won't find It out for three weeks, until they get American newspapers containing special correspondence telling all about it. XHKTK'HEELS Ilf THE HOUSE. Bills and Petitions Introduced by Them Monday. Congressional Record, Tuesday. Mr. Armfleld introduced a bill (H. E. No. 2573) to authorize registration and protection of trade-marks; which was read a first and second time, referred to the committee on commerce, and order ed to be printed. Mr. Vance introduced a bill (H. R. No; 2574) to amend section 6072 of the Revised Statutes of the United States ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the committee on the judi ciary, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Scales offered a resolution direct ing the committee on Indian affairs to investigate the cause of the U.te out break at. the .White River agency in Colorado. - By Mr. Armfield : The petition of citi zens of Statesville, North Carolina, against the extension of the cotton-tie patent of George Brodie to the com mittee on patents. .it By Mr. Vance: the petition of citi- zens oi xonu v;aronna, lace soiaiers in the United States service; for legisla tion that will place them on a footing with the bondholder. To the commit- ptee on military affairs. 7 By Mr. Vance: The petition of citi zens of West; N?rlfv Carolina, that the place of holding the United States dis trict court "be changed from Statesville to Morganton, North Carolina; To the committee on the judiciary. SOUTH CAROLINA ITG3IS. Hon. Charles H. Simimton, of Ciiari leston.is thought to be the ablest? 5tnem ber of the General Assenbly. A newspaper correspondent states that more cotton has been purchased and more goods sold in Lancaster this year than any year siace the wax.,.. j Charters of incorporation, have been asked for four cotton factories in Ches ter, county, one for fishing Creek cot tori factory ; one for Cedar Shoals- cottori factoryrone fur Mount-Deabornxottori factory, located.at or near Rocky Mount, arid one for the1 Chester cottonJ factory, located in the town of Chester. The News and Herald says Hugh Wylie, the son of Mr. John Wylie, living near Winnsboro, was riding behind a buggy in which his two sisters were rid ing: Themule became-frightencd, ran against the buggy, and bucked several times, throwing Hugh between the bug gy and the wheel. His fooc caught in the spokes and his leg was twisted around the axle, the thigh being broken and the bone protruding. He is now doing well. A Disappointed Lover. Balelgh Observer. ( The stern parent is at all times the terror of young men and maidens lov ingly disposed, for he is always ready to nip, 16ve's plans ia the bud andthrow the coldest of cold water on affection. Last week in Chatham a young man was jubilant at his approaching mar riage to one of the charming girls of that county. Now he is plunged in the depths of despair. A local paper pub lished the news of the approaching event, giving the names of the parties to the proposed match. This struck the eyes of the damsel's father, who re solved to let the affair go no further. His way of preventing it had certainly the merit of novelty. " He waited until a few hours before the time announced for the celebration of the ceremony, ap parently being delighted thereat; and then hid the clothes of the bride. Of course she couldn't or wouldn't be mar ried without clothes, so there was no match, but an indefinite postponement. The hearts of. all thevoung people Will throb in sympathy with those of . this toair 6f tender lovers;; ;Who ; nre: thus crueny sai uown u uj umou Cincinnati's KoadT Completed. The Cincinnati Southern Railroad, aa-enterprise upon whfch, that pity.i has lavished 018,000,000, has -been competed, the last rail connecting Cincinnati With Chattanooga TenhJ having been laid at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. A move ment is on foot f oTrbringing to Cincin nati at aAwiy4aymmfiW excur sion paxty of 5,0Q(X(Southexn merchants and business men to celebrate the com pletioh'df 'thS rc-tfdJ -. ... . . STATE NEWS. Thexe was not a .single death in Ral eigh last week. The Midgets are winding up a very successful engagement in Wilmington. There are rumors of a Republican campaign sheet, to be started in Salis bury. Wilmington Review : As near as we can ascertain Dx. J. F. King had $20, 000 insurance on his life. Of this he held a paid-up polipy for $5,000 in the Piedmont & Arlington Company, f ox raexly represented here by the late Maj. J. A. Byrne, but not now doing busi ness in the State, and one for $15,000. Wilmington Review ; Twenty-six can non have been taken from Fort Cas well and placed on scows to be trans ported to this city to be shipped to Philadelphia. Recently while one of the scows was lying at the wharf at Caswell, it careened and dumped nine teen of them into -the river, just on the edge of the channel. Salem Press: We have a font of bourgeois and pica type which has en dured 800,TKX) impressions, and which wears a pleasant and readable face yet. The type are from the foundry of Mo Kellar, Smiths' & Jordan, with whom we have had : satisfactory dealings for upwards of fifty years. We are using job type which are fully fifty years old, and are yet in style and fair order. The Chatham Record, speaking of the audiphone, says that while an inven tion of this kind may be new and won derful, yet the principle of it was dis covered and successfully tested two years ago by a citizen of Pittsboro, for merly of Wilmington, Capt. W. E. Bou dinot, at one time an officer in the Uni ted States navy, upon the little deaf anu dumb son of Sheriff Taylor, of Chatham county. The Raleigh Observer says that the reports coming in from the various commands composing the State Guard are in the main satisfactory, as show ing that despite certain drawbacks the organizations have striven to fulfil the requirements of the law. There are at present a total of 52 companies in the Guard. Of this number 40 are white and 12 colored. All of the infantry, save 8 companies, are armed with breech-loading Springfield rifles. The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Maj. A. Pope, of the Atlantic Coast Line, decline to sell emigrant tickets to the colored exodusters at less than half rate fare. Upon which the Goldsboro Messenger says: This action of Major Pope's is highly commendable from a business standpoint. Labor makes freights for railroads, and as scarcity of labor would reduce our productions, it is easily seen how the exodus will hurt railroads as well as our planters and land owners. BKIEF NEWS ITEMS. Under the revised constitution of the Republic of Hayti the presidential term is fixed at eight years and the sal ary $25,000. In Baltimore Wednesday Mr. John W. Garrett was elected president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for the twenty-second year. Mr. Randall thinks- the session will close by May 1st, and sees no reason why an adjouxnmfnt cannot be reach ed by that date. He 1S of the opinion that there will be no tariff or financial legislation of importance. Thieves entered the dressing room of Emerson's Minstrels, at the Royal Ope ra House in Toronto, Canada, Tuesday night, and rifled the pockets of most of the performers, securing money and watches. SOme clothing was also laken. Gen. Wade Hampton has received an invitation to deliver an address before the Grand Army of the Republic of Pittsbnrg, the time of the delivery of the address to be made optional with him. Gen. Hampton will accept the in vitation. St. Louis estimates her cotton receipts for the year at 450,000 bales about 23 times what they were in 186(5, before the Iron Mountain and Missouri, Kan sas and Texas Roads had laid Arkan sas, Texas and part of Mississippi trib utary to her thrift. The Posteffice Department has deci ded that the acCeptakce by a postmas ter, whose salary is less than $1,000 per annum, of the 'Office of supervisor of the census, will not .vacate his postoffice ex cept in cases where, for some special reason, the supervision of the census will interfere with the attention of the postmaster to the duties at his post office. ' CONGKUSSIONAL. COMMITTEE-"'. : Some ol the Matters Before Commit ,, tees on Thursday Washington, December It. The House committee on manufactures to day authorized Representative McCoid to report to the House at the earliest opportunity his joint resolution propos ing an amendment to the constitution, giving Congress the power to grant, protect and regulate the use of trade marks. The sub-eommitteC on agriculture re ported favorably to the full committee this morning on the House bill provid ing for the repeal of so much of the sixrtyf ourth clause of section. 3,244, Re vised Statutes, asi prohibits farmers and planters from selling leaf tobacco at re tail directly to consumers, without pay ing a special tax; and allowing them, to sell such tobacco of their own produc tion to other persons than manufactur ers," without tax. The committee in structed its chairman to report the bill to the House. The House committee on education and labor listened to-day to the argu ments of Prof.Paynter.of Fisk Univer sity Nashville, and Dr. Harvey, of Howard University, Washington, in advocacy of Mr. Goode's biHVto aid the education of colored people by appro priating unclaimed bounties and pay of colored soldiers. No final action will pxobably be taken on the bill until af tex the holiday xecess. A Fraudulent Old Man. TO the-Editor of The Observer: Hnr f rifin1- T)r. C. Jj. TTnnter. Tias hfien ;reatly imposed upon as to the age of Vnsa Wnndis. T remember him . verv "welt-a barber in Concord in 1826 or '27, thdn in the vigor of early manhood, certainly not . above 30 yeaxs, I think below that age. I have met with hirA tWo' 'of three times since. Jr 1J-: A In 1842. or '43 rsaw him at Beattie's Ford, a welMfgger. ' He! then claimed to be 70 or 80 years, ol .age, only to be ridiculed for it. 1 reminded him of my knowledge of hinv when he was little more than grown. ' ' - 5 jHe has told of his great age until ha may now believe that it is true. He, Is about 80 years of age.. ... .wm.i J Vaii XVUiM) - t i Lenoix,N.34 December io;i870.1 1 PREPAEATIOM ir i . . i ' : a I ARE NOW BEING MADE FOR A Grand Bisplay of Holiday THIS WEEK ! Goods ':;JiM An immense assortment, which will surpass anything ever offered out of the great Metropolis. USEFUL, SERVICEABLE AND ACCEPTABLE C11M1A GIFTS; Our MR. E. D. LATTA has been in New York for three weeks, and every obtainable novely will be presented upon our counters. With compliments of the season, we remain, respectfully, E. D. LATTA & BEO. OVERCOATS In large quantities, best styles and lowest prices, at L. BERW ANGER &:BRO'S. A new and fresh line of Boys' Clothing, Just received at L. BERW ANGER & BRO'S. Broken Suits at half their value, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. 500 Pairs of all wool Job Pants at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, worth $5.00 a pair, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. Only First-Class Goods Sold in Our House. The enterprise of manufacturing our Fine Clothing ourselves, makes our house beyond any doubt THE MOST RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE IN THIS MARKET. We Invite the public to call and'see for themselves. Respectfully, , . . ;.iJu... Fine Clothiers and Tailors. CS ILd O SSL S AND FANCY ART 1 0 E I JUST RECEIVED. .:!!;!: it LJlDIES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR (THIS SEASQN) ' ' ' ';' '. ARRVAL ati TitntrT nnnnn II 111 1J 111 1 1 1 11 II1.V Ur MW UHUIM. t tie Miramoips MM ! PACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, BUT FACTS ARE FACTS. The Liveliest Place in Town is . : . ' ; BPJElINGr' CORNER ! MUD IDT flE TEWJ And when you want to save dollars in buying CLOTHING, come to Springs' Corner,' where you will get most and bast: for your money. Webelievein : ; LARGE SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS. : 7; : NOW IS TEDS TIME TO BOY Men's and Boy's Clothing, at Springs' Corner. COMB AND SEE . it.: 1 . , J.N: Nov. 14, W. KAUFMAN & CO., ; Cheapest and Bpothlpg Hoqad, Comer of Tade aod 3jryon Street P.SCHIFF. J. SCHTFF. SCHLIF-JET &c GROCERS, " 1 SStfSftMSfsiFANOIl AND'HEAYY. (DKSi ' SSSffiSLi oS"omUrSt Ts and CoSoea caanot bs exetrtiwi In ufe : W efit wscUi atteatlou pipit Patant Pf03ass yfdara . i.hh will b1 I S TrrlJo W Paicis IN OBDEB TOXSiaQtUJCK IT. To tba WaolejUe Trala wa o.taf Iapjj ani mm sateeted rtoofc i iSSS!SiSSSlSS SboUW et wnliadlt to ftelr latere to Oflf' H iL'.'lFonimM iiu1o'M:iW of par Kora loctboM of w WP7..lifc .' .''T : ? ' yv:!:. - v1;,:.:'-' ' . - - semFF & GRIER, Trade Street Charlotte, 3ST. ... . .'. . . ", : 1 - ; : ; -; v; . .'i ItUf- . ! ':. j liiJ. '"!. h: hi, H ; y.-,. ' . ! o i : : . -, .. . i ' ) ,! i;! ;, v;.!::-ujr !" ;. .. ... Y. ':: .; .,(V '.; . . ;.. ;. . .. .: : " ji '-; '" '"J in-iU-iU -nil hu& 1 Haytaglcon iterated In the firm of 'scHtrr & Grikr, I respectfully and cordially invite hay M4 atadfwii). October tdjw - t -.. m j ' - . : :U

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