i . ... i iniim mwh'hh 11 nwvn m rmi mr n a wmnmm mm ma . . ... . . - -. a VSf f a . 1 1 Dm n nruKCTO& , W) m. iBi-townd. .,,akn- Leaves - Y ' - I Bit ajaa siBLom Anwtaix arrives from Attpnti,; ' .50 a. m tear for Aantt.gY;:Vrt;-lv.:lS.aO a. m Arrives from Auantsv..... 4.20 p. m Leaves loj AtisjM.ii,.... ....tyil a. m S&iJtm, CTtATMBiAHiriwarrA. ArriTe8tronuTOta,.v. ZSOOp. m. Leaves for. ,Iii,.j.:. firrl2Q5u. m. Arrlvei fcjiii Auzusta. . . .40 a. ra tieaves for Augusta, . . 1 1I a. m. Arrives from ' Wttinlngtoii, . v?&2d'a- m. Leaves for Wilmington, . tri. . . ..?s-8.25 p. m. Arrives from Shelby, - ,6.05 p. m. Leaves forilbypi ..W..wuRXi. . . . : 8.40 a. m. A rrlves from 8tatesule,iC .i.-i&Wi, JVi v 9.30 8. Leaves for BtatesvfUaji.i. mJUif.vy 4.00 p. ' " IN ORATIONS. TTT . T-v . '..-.if O rr re Cihef, Siowai, tOttickb, i w WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 730 P. M. ) .For the SoutfcAlIajiticand Eesfc Golf States, rising barometer, northwesterly winds, qaUter. clear W&lW0?. in western portitfiQf J4 tm&Pf falling barometer and warmer southerly winds. J Si 3 Relative Humidity,...?: 100 Wind Direction, W. " Velocity..,..., Tjt r Weather, $ . . . , J Fagy1 9-1 se N. W. 7 Clear. 8fl N. W. 10 Cleifr. Highest temperature 57 deg.; lowest 40. . " WIATDSB EXPORT. DWJ. 15J 4:20 P. H. "Triii '-'nf '' ' ' ' ' Stations Baromj Weather771.! "ri rum tri -vii Atlanta,.... 80.15 N. W. Clear. Auguatjfc3iJ30l0.c 8t-.xalft. unarieston.1 Cha4ottAL'1 29. BO W, Hftanil-i-Clear. Fair Cloudy. uorsicana. Galveston, Havana 80.24 80.38 80.02 80.80 58 8. E. N.E. ill! XS1 78 21 IndlaoojaU :35t'-Fat? Rti JackSotfliiifaaOB 63 12 161 Fair;-: r:& Cloudy. Key West. 88.06 80 MobUtv .;. Monteom'f, NL Orleans. 80.19 80:18 80.24 30.20 80.05 80.02 59V Ki f'49! I '''ClOUdjUifi " ')-.Ctearr-iv ell 1 8 PensacolawJ 5W 78 15 Fair.; yum; Fair. Cloudy. in n i i. f unta Rasa Savannah.. 2 601 N. W. 10! Index to New Advertisements. Louisiana State "Lottert. rnrlstmas Goods at Law'ai Christmas Supplies at Perrj's. Cotton hasn't rallied still in & -de-cime; ."' - !r" The' streets1 lookM' deair1 ysterday tor toe nrst time since tne summer. A decided remiCjea of (20'Qas was had last nirfi, in ganf ii&Mdhal going through thsteetodiyn horn. Passengers on the incoming Air-Line trains yesterday report the Catawba river higher than it has been tflZ4 yir. Col. Kellogg, revenue agent for this district, is here with his wife, and will make his headquarters in Charlotte for the present at least The rain was so heavy Sunday as to seriously interfere-with'. the religious services. In several of the churches no services were hejdat night. Ex-Senator Merrimon was in the city again yesterday and appeared in the suit of Swepson against the commis sioners of McDowell county. In' the mtyort court y ester d4y4ilH era named Walton 'Womble was sent to jail for stealing: sausage; said he just took it to greaaWiis shoes with. An attempt was made to burglarize the house of Mr. Robt'Beatty, on Ninth, near C street, Sunday night, but the oc cupant! wereiaswakefced.Jby the iioise andfrilhUneatlWlfglar-oC. UV3 4 They say there will be more than the ordinary number of ich ajrgeai Among .th 6 i clerks at tne end or. the present year, and there is fioih&mfle" stir amon this class.in jthe ico.infiwwitiyij if bnurj A, iresniatjyief ;ftuphiladelphia house which manufactures piping, &c, was in4hel city yesterday4 and visited the mayor toi discass.hp question of water works for Charlotte. Persons desiring to know where to purchase holiday, goods pan, get .all the J uifonAktihn thr-atifcy I&nsttrtttTil tne aavertising columns or the ub servee from this time on, . Mr F. B. Alexander, who conducted business in;$U, $jXX,r$gsMQ, vPASti yean has gone to Hickory and settled Ihefre as a mfeiribci' of the flwkf Ai" Ai Shuford&Co.- ,.,h,KtetaidMKnii;i Is You, lf Dr. Woodmiha- iimahMSe for the North CaolnaoardfijHealth, that the chemist oik the board is now pushing forward analyses of drinking waterv1- This workuOnVMetne only expense being the freight to the labora tory at Chapel Bilk- Directions for packing, and other information on the Bubject.wUL, ho, furnished pneouest. This opp9ttbiiilylwilinotlastVery4ong, and all should avail themselves of the TOEy-A4fssfi5' .WM4-k 1 J lO JitX.l Judge Bends rforetaents! " .i eiaiji;) Judge Dick yesterday received i tele gram, from. .Judge. Bond, who is now ii i inn i i iiiM Miiiromi i ii - mrm ri m : m m jm"m mrm riUii. T saying that ho would 1 leave itaieignfa""' oi uie wuwn, wmuuiw vo lotte in tmiVf WW tile courtTiouse Thursday morning ;Q o'clock. This is earlier than he was expected and will give thlhvH.iiifpfcrlui'ti 6f) im posing 6f sermnTpi)ftahrcasesmong others that of the Spartanburg & Ashe Ville Railroad case, which-will come up Under the teptt 'tim mWW' r v. n : rweports irom DOiniS BOUtn oi us mm- uawj very neavy rains-Ounng csaturuay night amd Sunday, especially along the Atr-Line 1RaUwaTl'aa far4tlanta. In ronseauence of thm thn trains on thai Aii-I4nemadta preceeditBry skrwly ior rear oi wasnea ana slides and nave been very much delayed, the passenger train due here at 3:40 yesterday morn ing not arriyip unil 1 JvmiA-the af ternoon. Sf ei9JEE4,0 small slides, but these nave au Ueeh cleared away, and hereafter the trains will run us usual. itrrkT.T Tbo nolidar Cockjyng sn. : Circulars have been issued announc ing offlcialbc , the, three djVockina main IftUbelf air gjduhdB difriiigjOirfel mas week, beginning on the 24th. .The. tight is between the famous Alamance' coimtv chickenaiand those which have been raised in Mecklenburg, and'ithei rrg twenty-one cucks. netseuuj ttreat deal of attnifbViVa feeen paid to raising game clickens3 IJiJ icWfcyB ana some ot uie very tiestibjedB!iii.the country, including the ,frfffi6r!Wi8W necks mmmmm hj inat it is . believed that tne contest fid that, tha A4iM- fl,V holidays wilt attract a large crowd of sporting raeBiifci4tmof . - Proceeding' tkVgvttiiif jeeting1 Board; of Aldermen.- "r " jAjSi lkeeslteldaT , afternoon in regular monthly session at the office of the mayor; ;r Presents His i Honor. Mayor Osborne and Aldermen1 Grier, "Scott, Rigler, Schenck, Butler, Garibaldi, GordonrMaxwell, Wittkows ky and Ward. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ,,.,., The petition tif Messrs.'w. N. Prather & Co. was presented, askingf or permis sion to eritat6t6e side of their bilMife;" thklUs between their store and the city hall. Alderman Ward mo-vfed to feeonsider the vote by which the same petition was not graatpd'ati e i Jst meeting, and Alderma Ceotacki moved that the petition be granted. Alderman ScottfliQyed that the mat ter be referred to a special committee, to report at the next meeting of the board, and the motion was adopted. The mayor appointed Aldermen Scott Ward and Gordon as this , committee, and Alderman Scott, as chairman, re ported at once for the committee that the prayanorftlif vrtiaMrebergranted, and thaAliiPsleiroteJnereafter that the stairway is an obstruction, and is compi4jaed0ii'iaSd interferingsyArith iree paxaagv tuiuugu luo ttiiey. it snail Capt F. S. De Wolfe appeared before the board and asked, for permission to more a mm Bdfldlnr(a crio)on the Kerr estate property, from its present location tofh AttetSflibetitioner agreeing td replace the present roof on the building with one or tin. On motion of Alderman Gordon the rules were suspended and permission was granted as asked for,, , -r Mr. H. puKftskMtclr permis sion to put up in front of his store on Trade street, a large circular sign, five feet in diameter. On motion the per- city marshal be directed to havertwpjf tha cells in the guard Jiou madVybre- SeSSrlrrGrrlffiJv4i aV45oki tute that tieaUe'tbr,efenreli4era committee of three, with the-JxtfftyotfMs chairman, to see to it thatthMvojrS?,s properly done. This was ad6pteu.' -aad the mayor (himsell chairmaiv) appoirrt- ea as the remaioaer'OTtHe cxirj:mitee, Aldermen Grier and GartbolUrojubvif AWerroan -Witysowsky mavedn tbat the city marshal be requested tdalte4' a report to ' the' ri? xt' meeting of, the board of his progress in the collection"1 of tfxef )A.opted' yf f T J Alderman Max Well; referring to " the alleged, sale. of. ;Cigars o.n, Sunday by certain dealers, moved that lhe ordin ance in, regard t& the"Sellrn Mif - cigars and tobpepoa Sunday be suspended. ALfeFtaan Schencfc.joaoved that the i mayor be authorized to appoint arf- amuei;uve to report, vioiauous or the ordinances in refeninjq jbe open ing of liquor shops. Barber shops and cigar and tobacco storea-and stand on Sunday. SbKi61ion:wfr44?ll!l a4ft6 ktki WcohsidereWaydtheVatfeV wi war as Wconsldere left without action Adjourned, Election joliSiUHjBarp Of Horn.- ; Adjutaht Gerleral Jones has issued or ders for the annual election of field officers of the different commands com prising the North Carolina State Guard. The meetings are to be held on the 18th of January " followsffFirst regiment of infantry in New Berne; econd regiment of infantry in Wil smingtongfourth battalion of infantry ill Blljigl, and fifth battalion in Fay ertevriTe.' The elections wtHbeCorfduct ed according to regulations heretofore published. Purchase Tax on Cotton. I The Raleigh Observer publishes a letter from State Treasurer Worth written ia JiUlY.latj , reference to the purchasTtaX m mloti, Jthieb is of in terest just now as purchasers are re quired to make their returns after the 1st of January for the six months pre- ceedingi The trtasfcre says '5'as'k 1st. "Are cotton dealers, who pur chase for themselves or as agents for jothers, subjWSfetdttte' tax 'Of one-tenth pf one per cent on their purchases?" 1 answer, they are. 2nd. "Are merchants who make, ad- MM receive cotton in payment, subject to tax to the amount of money advanc- A Collision that Mig-lit Have Been Worse. A higrhly sensational occurrence look place at the Air-Line depot- yesterday tnnrniner whon thfl f ntjwtvillQ train I I : - ml - VlL 1 came in. Tne a river pr one xujnam- bers's phaettasUMBbtfittW 4voacross he track, in fronLof the approaching rain ; the engine struck the vehicle, the horses and all. The vehicle was dashed against one of Wadsworth's carriages, badly damaging ifTand narrowly es caped a collision with several others, put neither.! tAe-n phaeton J4Cself,ic the horses, nor the driver, was injured. But for the fact that the train was moving InSttUllfylSe ably fatal. It was the result of pure and unpardonable recklessness. Aailroad Notes. ! The two freight ieOtfch- X engine: were both i uxuiiu tyrfiy aod forty cara iiii tf ;rtt i l;tjii Judge Haskell, the newly elefetCdpr'f ben I T Railroad company yesterday paid into iu into So uanviiie itauroau L! US Lit rViUllUiHl, itBBUUlCU uuuuui vca- Miil-MT SIM' VM he Charldtte olrlmbi "AugTista iwwuuw irewury tiio -Dttuiw o;idllng 12c.; good ordlnar llc uix.es on iue puruuu ui luo iuou iu tuia countv, being at the assessors, rate of $5,000"per mfle. Ufficers oi tne xticnmona s uanviiie Railroad passed through the cit; teraatiotCA&saiattexiiireHiiaj) steamship association -orhiAh cymivptips in Atlanta to-dav le board of internal, improvements to lake their first ? trip through the big funnel on t tJVtyn,hjajolina Railroad. The onlv case tried in the Baderai' court yesterday was - mat or rt. iv Swepson, of BichnloTiaTV a, (brother of G.mSwepsonL, pl.,this, toAgajnrt th&eeminissiQrareSJttc in rdfarencwto Crtftin bonds issued by, the county for the constructld'irof ther thA lqr-ftjl tn thn manriAi in wTiinh t lift U1U111 U1A1D DUUUI1ILHI I.I ML . 1.1 in SA , LA 11V 1 im vaaoiM w uic luauuei JII nillVU WO. boffatferfesne those in the casfargjwnAer ngajhst the commissioners ofTMcDowell. re- rjonaa& anouon iTeTitijrnsmaiininstO' i'-eay IS1 tne Time Bpponwea iorv.r8'uuo specmaaon ana export i.uuu, receipts Jarvisandthe remaining members'off 7KFm?elli? . . I r I decline. UDlands low middling clause: December A MW5TlW;i;X0 X .7T K I .T,T. .. .T A3 . was;;euutledT to. the caiuxinsi unUkatr nHeati)&vtllA 't0Q1pO9184JSOOltm,alddlliig. Trrrrr . JH -xne:' paainwrr ?s angrnr8il99.aWP .' defobt has betf &uressdl as. to the genuineness nf thA paHhnnoVo hopk mentioned in Sunday's tissue! at hk Obsekvek those who --4id J not S fc mtisiu&iiiM tdidSoth ShOekS.-- We have not hparrt f rmrr m&&W'MWfc the circle within is radius a great manv nerarmA. fpit feTtheTPrrotTtoensh and all ! ei f wreas J&tn&'g A OTThe public schools: in Petersburg,Va, were last Friday closet f or one , ;month; owing tohe faaTxrQ dt the State to con tribute its full quota of funds to carry themnr- iin Ptfih ft ihe. es' ! Anti-Polvcram ior-tiixpnisien ef Representative iWfWpSqxar e1 Jn f jltwmi .-!.. d "Stii mlfy 'HayWther of jMrl Paul HHayae, Uieoe-died Tuesday evening last, at the reskiehtecirher Son, in Richmond county, Ga,; She i;had reached the age of - T4s years,' was the Wifa.ofiieut. Hayn United States aunUfGbTLP;c:eMm Oro Una. dredit?Ge5Sa?ctnlSeotttt si,;witha3rifig j Ijdoiittbeiieve that tnese ijjwianswiu aiiowthemselves to thathej Jmea eraebCi'an3 1 Deiieva jw migot asrweil end the busi ness and ghtiiienxjriqw." " . 30 ISttO JBSlS A GQYI4nciusSobinsonnd.HQn. San fSrdAia xiurca. utu JSew lYoridhave srgnetheeuTEdaTTpfa Ooh&88 to ; the treasnryiiinQtea of the United; btates. in Joston Hon. Charles-Fran-' cis Adams and ex-Go v. William Gaston have.&gnecl a similar petition;." ; General Grant, on bis trip around the world, maintained remsreaDiy good neaitn.' Query. Wonder if tha general bad not a full supply of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills with him ? They are an In valuable preventive of malaria, fever, etc. DIED. At tae residence of the family, comer Graham and Tenth streets, Monday morning, Mrs. F. L. Market. . The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully mvfteta to attend the funeral from the residence, thlsornlng at 10 o'clock. From Sassafras. Kent county Md. I find that I sell ; as jquqh of JOr. Bull's Cough Srup as of all ower cougn remedies com Din ea. TELEGRAPHIC-. HiffiET REPORTS. ;'V..'.::V,-,UvriBaEMBEB 15. 187!V BA&TnsARK)atsifirm Soataenr 47a4, We, tern wtatft47a4&idouted i45a48Mi. Pennsvl- vanlain47W.'fifirmarket firmj prime Fann- syivania ana Maryland i5ain. to visions oulet: mesa Pfrin 14.00; Umk! neatB loose shoutdera yefirlp sides , de packed 5Vta7 baooo snouiaers tuft, clear awes kia, hams lojaa law renned aerces gift. Uoflee dull; Bio car goes 14al7. Sugar Quiet; A soft (Hfea. Whla- Key arm i.i4W.ib. irreignts to uverpooi ami. Ctacnri! ati Flour steady: famUr &25aA.40. Wheat strong at 1.34a. 36. Corn firm; new ear 4ia44. uats arm at 38a4l. pork duu at 13.25a 13.50. Lard lower at 7.30. Bulk meats dula shoulders 4, clear ribs 6, short clear 7: bacon nominal; shoulders at 5, clear rib 7, clear sides xreen meats heavy; shoulders 4. sides 6 14a tu&hams 77. Whiskey active at 1.10. 8ugar nrmer; naraa mail, a wmta , xuew urieans 7 tOtt Hogs dulli common 8.804:15, light 4.20a packlns 4.60a4.70. butchers 4,75a4.80; receipts ; anipmenis ; U.K6 No.- a t ied winter 1.82, No h snrinff 1 .ZSBMOU cash, r.808.31 January. 1 I4a.32 ieeruary, MoC 3 do XX5, rejected 97. iat 40a oash, 40a Jaanary. 41 4aMav.TOlec3T3ata dull at Com lower February, h, i35MayTTdrk lower at 12.75 cash. LTannnrv Tiaw4 hvw t 1 4R Ttnltr maataiAAT .rf iBBUXTnetMjw a.ig. ... ! ,Ns. raBSr-soircliOT flour rdull;, eommon to fair extra 6.75a7.00, good to choice do 7.10a8.50u wheat closed steady; ungraded winter red 1.48a a.&OMs. am-, o.a fio i.5iai. no ia j4i3.bH4u uuxefli Mnter moderate trade, ungraded 61a65 Oats dull at :or jn9. a. uopea weakf.,Kio,tooBa &xw'T4fcai7.iob frrWCarfattld' eWr&fimWSafin! reflned fWner: staDdaril ftel sXanulaUd: powdered veruslied da Molasses d New Ofletrhk 86a45. PortO Elco 25s ooll Dulled 0a58. un- waslea 1 840: Texas 2 1 aHS. TatK abwetfmfessi bQ,jlM12.50aO)Blddle daflj Wng Jtlea 11,1 snort clear 7, long and snort 7 14. closed lower? nrime steam os snot 7.65- WhiskeYiibm- nsdl &.17.18 -Frelghtstolerpoosteaayl Ji !r3SM uianl toxi.'co-t mud K?..-.q -sn--.-rr:I .fTl MOtOkaaaei t,225; Contmeot I Norfolk Steady; middling !2;t reoaipts t,via; gross ; ataektf, wrpons "uuastwiM ,oa;saies exports v ureal Britain - QB-7-Ouiet: middUnr 1 SJn low HMdlinsH zticirgoea orain y iac ? net receipts droy: gross a2l sales 115; irtock la.OM; errxccoarf 5: spinners ..exports Jto Great .. Britain, i Boston Dun; middling 12; lqw;mWidUng i grajjaary l a i pet ramipts yaw, rrnss les ; stcJrL890? exports to. Great ritain 2,79rj f g JUtti SXOOUt WrLimreTOir Quiet; middling lliclow mldr lng 117-10; good, oray lLijie; receipts 215; oss ; saies 3&u;oc.u,it spinners ;ex rts coastwise 45 o -Great 4 Britain ; to Con ranJLScLPwA-Quiei; fclddnng 8c miadlinl I2e; good oldinary izaka 124; gr&i 724; ale8819j spmnerl? 6.756; ilorti topiSi BjalnS45.y 1 MTwiv fhT vivo Haaln mllfllncv 1 lnv m'jf. dimg livic: good ory4i net receipts 11,740; reat Britain 4,043i eoa3twtee S22. j AuapOTA-r-Quiet; tfOdddliBi Llfl.?iW-ma- dnngll(E. good ofqiBary, snipmema -r saiea nvr i i i . CHARijtaTOH Dull; mldcQIns: 1214c; low mid- net receipts Njw Yobi Quiet;, sales 314: middling .up lands 12I&C1, mlddlmf Orleans 12 consolidated' ni Fi i I Lnrspoat. f- Nopm f- Cotton easier. MfddlfigS tJplaaidA, 4MiflJllngi Orleans. I 7o7-Fafeij enaaL l)eoemberJarul Jnar 8 25-82at4:t uarv and FeDruarr do. FeDruarr and uarcn o 27-ti2al3rl 61 March and April 6 29-32a, 'Aprils ana maj , maj ana June i l-o&m, June ana jui; y7& July and August life. iuafc xYi hah;,Mnancial. il-itLl25"ili4l governments strong. New 5's 1.03. Four and FUTURES. 1 n ii li k"i acl & HA. .rtf ? All ;fi ei b lis a ; Nw Yoitt-Tuttres relosed Weat Sales 158.- fljCember...... ny.Li'i .(' 12 .Sla.83 19 AP.a Aft Marchi.JiT.U.1.:. J.H!l..-llt"il3.96 A0?1 'lZnWumrt-ivf'r&li 44a.46 ia.57 .ojd ,i;iTYJX)JTON MAftnrr The market yesterday elosed wealr. CJow,mlddllnivJJ;WVliiL.-.5.WiVy3? "fl 3"I6 tfCmges ...w.Akt:A...vl,."' "'r liwegrasiutxA.';.V.X'V v mittees of the Senate providing for th afeljtioi? ,ahrepeal of'tHe' IColnttiJsf,' leM.tofidier poWeif hbwV, ftiveh by flaw; CtaCAQo Hour in good demand; extraa'S.Soa 6.00,iJouble extras 5.75aT.OO, patent 6XK)a U.OO. suDerfine 4.25a4.50. Wheataenerallv lower: lttfWdrim;mst recelpU 438 m 4.566: 8ales50 stock.. 00416; exsoits esastwtos 335. I low! Bet ridlptsi o.oya; gross 4aiaa aw;-(oojEixpoKM coastwise 2,896; Greff iBritaln 1 rTrabce -; CoBtmeat 20i to Mantel Wl aJT 4 1 i p mm; s & w y, iat .'490Bi-m JJrL-wl rv tT oristri Supplies.' 5iK i npiftf 3I Jfi It ; f I 't; t-.,;i v ijU mini: H h,: V. v.'..i Kfcfc wfra i: ,9iiwI-JS iti4.'wi. v.i9 a ai . ajij j i "ad .db mo luuii w i Citron, SeedIeasfafllhsJcnantg, Cranberries, r: DsJesCoeeiumtsiillgsVD , Primes, Salsms, Bananas; Nuts la r. variety, Florida Oranges finest in the market; iu Apples, Lemea,.i i Treinjafek orjCBwBsarJrieavy stock Ty4 SPECIAL NOTICE. Wep les -the irallTet finest ever REMEMBER. PERRY opens a splendid line of Toys this week. Ipbe?fraiojil)u.? V rJ A i linU-i-ui' 1 SPLE?W TUNtf-TTHSTCi mWIJiR4TOB- )ISTBJBtmON, CLASS A, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, January 13th. 1880 116ih Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA 8TATK LOTTEBT COMPANY. This InsUtuttoa was regularly incorporated M the Legtslatore of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, fob ths term of twkntt-five tears, to which contract the inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing Its franchise In the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. P.,18TO with a capital of 91,000,000, to which It hai since added a Re serve Fund of S3 50,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never rcales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000- 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Ticc-ets, One Dollar. LIST OF FRIZES 1 Capital Prize... 1 Capital Prize... 1 CaDltal Prize... $30,000 ..10,000 6,000 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500. . 5 Prizes of J.QQQ v v - v 5,000 20,601 y toof. i. :. , . . .C.f .,. .lo,ooo OOTrizesof1 iOOJ.?.... .10,000 100 200 Prizes of 'mo Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 50. ..10.000 20... 10... L..10,O0fr ...10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of 2300 ... $2,700 hsoa 900 $110,400 & Approximation Prizes of . 200w ""0Approxlmation Frizes loo.... 1857 Prizes, amounting to. . ..'. Responsible correeponding agents wanted at all prominent points, whom a liberal compensation will be paid. - Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders by express or mail ad dressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Louisiana, or same person at No. 319 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. iff0 IP- 5 " v - - T i 1 J ' " f " I' "til nil and Fairest la the Wofldt 15th. Il'aw ..,' ui- i ; Jiii ...... POPULAR MOTllLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth ; Distribution Company, ; aT MACATttEY'S THEATRE. ; In the City of Loaisrille, on ! DECEMBER Slt; fS79. i These Drawings authorized by Act of the Legis lature of 1869, and sustained by all the Courts of Kentucky (all fraudulent advertisements of other lottery companies who claim the aoM ownership lottei bf "i potw all the Brants In Kentucky." to the contra rr otwlthstandlng). occur regularly on the last day pi everrgmnin. (annday ccmtBdyanB tfe super- Every ticket holder can be his own supi tell out his number and ; 'se It placed irvisor. in the wneeL The Management call attention to the grand op- nuuiLy presenieo oi ODiaining, ior only &2, any - THE FOLLOWING PRIZES.'1 b '"- $30,000 rTr?T ....f...rj 10,000 lfj PrizeairTJnoo . . . ?.T " fff, 20 Prizes. 500 each ..lOUOfl 100 Prizes, 100 each,.... "TOXoO flOQJtjaea, iMXeaclxfrri r iaO0f 4 9 Prizs;-$00 each, AMroxlmalloff Prizes i2,T0JXj V razes, aoA.iu .m,i JiaMMM 9 Prizes, 100 - , . . 90P t,9WPriaesid.iii.v.viv-.v1t!'iIl2(400 All. aPDlXsatlona foe club jntaaiahnold it xftii w apejsoHi (wwe.;;t? mu't uia novoiq fci;: KoaiViPy Dana oraxt or express: v;,--.-h i pi o na upwaia Dyiexpraas, pur expense, .liinjoa oj i.auiui hoot list of drawlnz nnbllshed hi Trnl rvIUa Crrnr i iertaumaanaaw xotk ueraui. and mKiind to all ticket-holders., For tickets and,lnfarniatlwnnda dress X. X .(WMMEffiPOaiJ- Gourier-Joumal Builds lnar. ImtevllleuflCTjr. - -i t oi a KotlM, la' EtreBi alven by ha, rindArai0Tia4.A- cmJ. -t.tisi, r-i vt-i4A mv niiin I m ewnera oi me Jtuaisui ooiq fining property, tnat I A I II 111! Mt ' 'It Ml I III Ml I "I I f JHF frcsBf amd arte tU4atwwStoeoD&4eB; I -atijttiA 'iH-jnCJi.7 -.O .i siiA jstl llltt Operating the said Mine, or on account of 'rtel fAARiaN. them. -R'XIOflO 7Tf. to JO0 . I,.e DrtA fii gVroiT" Aec Id, 1JH T3JFmK49 SDAIOl 77 j-f?" ):000 FOB SALE LOW, . ClEiEpWwAlTED.UJ We want immediately a Book-keeper.- Must. be strictly sober, of rood character, a dear head, write a fair, legible hand. Bond wIU be required emplaymenstaadyuf Umnarrted man pteferredV linsbl. -JsJWlTTJlOWaitlB BABUGBi ' Dec 14.- ;t ,y r 4l pwoJ.f-l' nttMleioisAriiilttiamClipMte Iiow;pw ;;f fctaurf Entcinsft Cram 40 am PiMMt 8tatMBariM : AdnutaUTJnfcOaT Titian gn-in from 18 to 800 Hon Power t ImpcoMd OorliM KuinM fram U to 1, HorM Amr RmW &I1 mi xaa-Tivn 1 Prize, 1. Prize. Ht o proauoa iwttor ja.au. wtui pr oanc m POwar. fin ntiriisnnlriiTT Ifn iiTihiir 1 lTr a W JEERS' IS; Determined to increase my sales, ! propose to save 25 per cent to veryi on.:Whjff A FUEL' STOCK' OF. i - j w .- e- jB?si .Le. . r3 with aaexpetrience of tmyearain the J . : t: a "" ! .' .: , . j- ' : i it---";!; i,iU'- U ! We have made our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of thebove gxo4aj fay gether with a great many not enumerated, lower than any house this side of New York; we except nobody. , , fi,. i,. n . - t CALL FOR T1IE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ILfim(B t STRANGERS VISITING THE CITY WILL FIND AT ELIAS & COHEN'S CUSTOM - LADIES' CLOAKS. Very handsome, and at prices to suit everybody. Also a new lot of Black and Colored Cashmeres, Alpacas and Dress Goods; Embroideries, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves t, and House-Furnishing Goods ; California Blankets, Carpets, &c. : - REMEMBER THE LARGEST, THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND CHEAPEST H)tfS IN CHARLOTTE 41 -.t ; . 1-1. Great Exthcaent fiJiii ...iv.i'i'. -.' m:-.U .!.'1 v.u - 1. V.i S5 . - i Valktnaatch In Chariotte 'FOB THE CHEAJ3-T! 1 0 -,ni ,C-j"Ji liU fUiii r. ,-i -.j E&LlSHiaiNff1 They can be goadsfor less JtW-cfty. His money tbanr stock comprises ies a full and complete complete line of BOOTS AND SHOES From the cheapest to the best Hand sewed snods J of ail makes and sMea.f In aJdltku to hi Urgfe1 4 stock ofrBooto and 81ro hi wm carina full 41ne be i of Men's, Boys' and Children's bnj 8ii!i;-..ll JutMi-i-i !,,!f ,vr.H 1L )Zl'A X05I va uw iao iwmiii vuoayvt uiau croi ovm uoivia to this msket, .. Also Trunfcs Valises jand Satch ela T(UraM ,xamin4 his geoisuas) there Is a bargain for air. 1 BpectfuUy, I ASlSXh ' P. 8. Harinz connected mrself with tha above I aousetA am snre that my otd mends andenstora-! era can be better suited and for less money than SECURITY, .illj.JiU 9 4 200 Barrels of f f -: IT ft SONS' EXTRA W I KEROSENE -.usvtu. j b jn r.ifO-H ii-j:' 119". o5 ii -.(;. -Hi -i J" ::.:it;; -i-it -d lii-o is 9v: ! i;:-.l f.il ASD 1 . . . ,..r.,.. ALADDIN SECDRTTX OTU WeBrftmro l KeroseBe, 0, from a West ft j Highest Ue&JrfyitelMd Sxposltlon.1 Ckystal Oil Works. Cto tottarranted Jo stand aT lira test r3mBl bum. S. I JMGApEn8eLABqt, n.l 1! A 1 ..... 1 ,1 I i mti1 .it j it rrn jii -j .it ? . p. "ir ;iru 1 J Jituiauoj (. iituULj; . jvn-i.of 1 1 j ;i 1 j juuiu X' mim. 11 in'CT rraE'jBBST. GOODStLWAY&ON.HAND .Md Guaranteed .id give satfsfaciitli.;! V.!;ni-'.-i !.;;.::!..'. f.V. i.if.-il-t ......... , 'i t Shoe and Hat business, -j, can sell you goods ARRIVAL OF LARGE i .... : CARPETS AND BLANKETS; v Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys.! Clothings Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. H. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF .,.1 . i H , : . : ; V : IN THE MARKET. OUR STOCK OF CASSIMERE SUITS AND OVERCOATS Is unsurpassed. We have also the Rubber Overcoats for Gentlemen and Ladies., ; u Have just received our second stock of Mystacfrivery large, an fembi atulf line mt.,Ulgooaspw.edfrothArge... . . ...r,.'.:i I ..',.11 k . - i " f ' f)'iiiii'J -tii I in vjilMii boin vMiis.a n -yJ ,!;iti:i::o.l lo ,w.iA-v?i hivl..l ;ttUJU jtfC .' iK -i.it L7jtt jTin; . . . ... T ..J ;.l clei !llii Ofi'j to J' a !- -Mi'f iliOt- .tl 'to !iiv '.:! l"7 hu; iii'ti j-yu;i')rH Thtt Lma. being nw eauipped for bustoessi f' i Freight! Jill' .7. h )).-: 1 '-i!r x-ibtl 1! 'Mil 1 : Wihamiteaand aU Kortherstita Kaerir Cities td ! ii; liLLt: f'.J il'OLVWT -llU-'X "? ffJiJ.a ' BABa a i 'mm::l r ... ; , .'..:.'!' r l:oi 1: ;:: 1 !' ';!; 11 .-.!!', :!.:;;. ' '.1.; ' i 1 ; ' IN' '"f: -:() ,!,',v' i; '" . : -; "x :.V' ;,. "v: - - - -1 I ;ii ;u i-iifj(H . o;t H 9i?c. t . : j (i u 'JwiJ'MBfy infiuubfi rnciun 1 :;jSrwi;;3paiilW aIltatloQatfl?ibe Atlanta 4 Richmond mttni' qi" J l!lwe,,,'M II IJ t m.'I .,;;:;! ul y l3:lK-.I 'Mil liUULrij !! t. i .-,-r tiA-il-i.A1ltnMw .gfii--. iKlUIWlT Insurance and Rates guarantaiww ifel'4aj any ipng ,ifcrnr Ttnw m qolcKi . f , , 1 . , I . . j I lK,'iUJi4 iAdf.'i'.l j;jifi;' f)V'A it ,J iK if i ..!rfTT7i!v .vri-iU .fil. MirA iFrelMAgWlhniW0DKG1J;:M '('''''" . .wa8 'U ito ild'i lnii.'jJiJ.-ibMHi: I JiMi imiluAv- mm- iiifkrHl-Jiy -Of 7iJli'i-J 'i.ij 'i0 -in i-l- tnvit:u vti-t. ,uo-t3rs till iiffi"r .f; ? "ui'.l.f, ii iiT ..fi77i,ts" ftjj n! . .VH.ffniQ B.ffllb ,All-43l -j 3 J?fcWH ANDsAJUU 1 -iu;m odT aibn ; hnif. Jtnr. .n ii . I . . , " , . 1 , . ... t. .. .. n...f. . "., -'. Not. 12. -v.:''''wlAD' ilT I II I'llli ITUIll'liitlf M no mjia?pyi'.fmnuKu .or 11 'mu ji jy.m j naq Kin -jaiudiioT oj ymjimiiio uiiytfia I.fiiifejmrii) .oint'iltilljw dKw:llljNH rii I yl Si lfjHid-. tjuiooifcul tii wants- to Ltry a pair cf ahoea or Boots a tu 'ViY.iJil ioo,'i ir. 'iiu '.itrs-i ?' T . ' . - , - i la that; line to your saaco0.nofij( AuiH .hMl :iU , r; i.i' v; i.'.j..' ' - ai r ;::iii! : i 1 !j; : ! v "iiijii f'"-I't ,s-. 'ill '., ' i i n iiiim fc;i .!:,.:,!. .:-U !o 1 1-!; .ii i M;!l -ji.'! "li' tT, 'ti'. & BROS 1 vis ; ' 1 1 i 11 : ' tV 1 , i 1 1 . ; 1 i .1 it ill itij iio. 1 i !' ' .TV -1.1 Mlti 01 Parior, Ohambaii Dmtatf RtaW slrili'rtifaA'ih'' " - .:. 1 j v.. ""iJfuJoC" rw . 1 .10 i'jft A. .71 1 u 11 lii-rv tiii; vi.: ixin .k'jxn At. i" li-jl. .ii'.uii' -iki fe';iii J-..!-!., 1 ;i i IU in -ti; in io .MlillUlJ I ' : 1 1 J - -. 'ii I 'D Ji T, nt.-w h n;. Mil -JmiI oil fcvollVt offlers unequalled fa IllUesfor the Transprtlon ' from . ' to ;!jIofiu:St iidoL ! niimi-JI -!'! 4ariotte, 8tateslll''lJvlrfe',Mttnerfordtd j- 4 -MUX '-fl'till IrJlVHlll ',v- 'lit I .!: LtWil; clfifLtLJ.'r1'. iicifi-l iji i:b jviui 0:1,7 fv.uiu kj; .;, u;jj: r . 1 . . . . . .. l .. : . .'i-i . . . 1,1 1 .. n 1 on 1 'rim . Jii :lli. ,111,111, 'MIJ IO ir.ll'J I ..t-r ...1 J . . . r I r. , I rtat-r ilaiTi-if k.mm - .i:I 1 'Jil Jl;!.l o'ti i!Ji;ob fill isJla not fcliV j -i"..i i:i "J8-J y iU lo 'fni;! 1-jIoJw hluu-) 'Hi in uu'jm : , of ;t r.i.nTHTir, Ml( ? odJ :lofnoi'ojtJXUl'Mlqj'.iiuj;ll i!,!il. io i -ini f f iiTl,n5. iiflp. oriii J;ii: iMii:MiiHi:r A !) jii nr'rft;iK r, tea fiiiild'fiiUTil lKt-ij;ifi inviv oili io Iisnud iiJ WnmaiVH nvtt M .rMjif Ptejjgjaa, fcWiiJ Will oil tioi - tl nil il-Jl Ii: lSJiilb e;il t.4iT .lud ' ; . ........ r . . .... . i ..vii: ... .... . WJk BXIMVIlii.VaAAliUTrK. fL. C.I-I-! f.i,l,:,, ri ... 1 ..niilu,'-,! ,tt OiJji