si V 6 if, I HI ZygSVAJ, PEMBEB 16, 187P. There are 160,000 Baptists in Ntrtii Carolina. Vw ShatA bonds. 4 Di er cents, are sell- tnr atfU. 1 'i . d I . , i Raleigh tasf wcek rWrrrjiea Mil bales of cotton. rpminent mer- county, died ontftemttlst: DnrlaKeApSistweeM225,0O0 in old bonds were received at uie ota-e wens A Mr. Woodpecker has tisfc parried a Miss Possumf inAke, f3?&Baielgli Observer is willing1 tiff make- aJEBdamt td the fact. Mr. llobt. Winkler is making arrange ments to build a shingle machine on the Catawba river, about three miles from Hickory. During the past year more people in North Carolina untied with the Methjo-distrG-ftiEeh. ttAi-at any ?tijae in the ex- P$jgeff fiw-i f xsi. The colored insane asylum at 5olds boro will be ready for occupancy by the 1st of March. The walls have been finished and the building roofed. The Methodist conference instructed its ministers to take up a collection in each of their churches one Sunday in the year for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Two Mormon preachers are holding forth in Lower Creek township, Burke county, says the Blade, and have con verted one man who already has more thari ne wifei one of whom has' four teen children. . The Press says that at the lat meet ing of 1$ Cbaj!oiintjf tedMission ers it was ordered that an .election be held in the county on the 15th of Janu ary to dfdpeJwetMr fcrottheeitizejis will accept IRe'stocklaw. The Star says Hon. A. M. Waddell has coscjhteifefelSsitffhis' lecture on "A Nflw gWWOf Korthl Cirtna His tory,'nT!mesday eveftinV next, the proceeds to be applied to the benefit of St. James's Home, of Wilmington. The Star says that on Wednesday night last the ojl room of the Wilming ton, Columbia 5t Auglista' Railroad, at Wilmington, was broken open, and about two hundred pounds of railroad axle boxes, or "brasses," were .stolen. What next? ? The Raleigh Observer says the lumber for the new hotel which will be built at Morehead City next summer, to take the place of the-wjieekftd. Atlantic, is now being sawed at JCinston; ;It iscen teraplated to makp tjje hotel a winter as well as a summer resort, and make it headquarters foi the Northern hun ters to pass the ranter.'' Raleigh News : Under the energetic management of Mr. A. H. Temple, the work of tearing down the old Masonic Hall, on the corner of Dawson and Mc Dowell streets, has commeAclSd, And -soon this old landmark, which has been so well known for the past sixty years, will be among the things that have been, and in its place will be built a handsome church for the worship of the Primitive Baptists. Wilson Advance: TnE Charlotte Observer said that at the e&4f the summer Fowle was tv?ot-eollegel',com-mencements ahead of Jarvis in the gubernatorial race, but that now Jarvis seemed to be one or two fairs ahead. Yes ; and now you may score a Metho dist conference for him. The man who would beat the governor at his own game must make up his mind to rise with the lark and retire with the owl. The Blade says W. S. Suddreth, Esq., Mr. Robt. Suddreth, with XJeorge Sud dreth, colored, and Phonse McDowell, colored, ofjBupko, eofr WpvJehnXiver,i arier nignvanawpea ppgvas 1112 wiltt a wagon MUttii&Dfcrftfla tnretMfcules. The mules began to swim and the men jumped out and made for the bank. - One amved mlameto hold out a pole to another $b waWsinking for the third time.vand atiotber was washed down the stream but fortunately caught on a limb. One of the mules was drowned, but the other two were sayed. The Enterprise tells of a burglary which was committed in Newton Mon day night of last week. Someseoun- Joe Bllfllfo tn Ar A T vr tn IVrn T- - n 1 moiiey was ttuten irom a rn rftantiij" J jm-" kjuiv, aim, in unoccupied room, and the robbery waVlS?1 country. There not aiscovered until about noon Tues- aay. otanaing m tlM.sjjejpinf was another bureau contaiwbgja EiligrBia of money, but happily it was not, mo lested, although the keys to this one wfeillfiQftttjTifl4adjweni and were doubtless overlooked. There has lately teen a raffle boom in day and went it livelv. A Rf.t nr fwn of silver plated kniyes andtforK, sttyeit pitcher, clock, &c., were rafted off and f mings ooomea. Men of all ages, sizes and professions went a bean or two. But it stopped short, never to go again, and then followed a refunding of mon ey, a gnashing of teeth, a mumbling of cuss words, a lot of lit up faces the fellows who lost and the day's sport The Remains of Jobn Randolph of Richmond Dispatch, 15th. The remains of John Randolph .of Roanoke the illustrious1 Vfrgirfiafatbr and statesman, were removed from Charlotte county, and placed in IIoll wood. They were interred there Satur day afternoon abuju o'cleck, Phe oere, monies were of BeilioWifiate' ciiar acter, as was desired by those who had charge of the affair. The spot where the ashes of this great Virginian now lie Is situated, op a etuimanddeman&ic overlooking the river, near a beautiful hoi y tree, not far from PreM&it ; Mon?J roestiwnnaJttet was buried Saturday, llke ?2222Sal& looking towaMUtfte- WWseterrir sun (as it was said soon after his death), so that he could watch "Harry of the West" in Ken tucky. After the coffin was exhumed and wpenea tnere was exposed to view a per fect skeleton of the great "commoner The flesh has entiAly Jatt,ttMjS . . At the ceremoniis ct WifcriMitmenl baturday in Holly wootroTtliff femainO uuu vauuuipu or xvoanoKe one of the fall-bearers,and one alone Judge Hun er Marshall was a survivor of those who witnessed the burial of the great t iiiMiau uruuer uie piu wite rai K0ar, noke, in the year 1833. tmge MaVsTiafF the only citizen of Richmond or ot Tit ginia who has thus assisted at Ihl McTu- Assistini: Nature with Dynamite tui,;i Gen. Daniel Rugg oJFred: uurg, van nas arawa-i ai netiun vungreBs asKing ineMrppOTmnicTit ora special committee to consider his ulan 9rt for product tafoM 3d0i weathiandj4iretaittlBg v'n JKSrf effhifance "WtfUd be for making barren land fertile, bjpMndUHiyen and thmney would be returned mg up balloons charged wmwvmi&flMXhe r tit otm&alm the concussion caused by theexplosicns to produce the required for Chance in the World, mrtinrftm; Say) t&t -rmi. oi tMK Ada Cljf ten, the chiiF powrsnft at tWThahksVi 'Mint &aH,vitftW!i)Hs dnonx TTnnsfl. is at the Cincinnati .Hos pital, and has nearly recovered Tr6rh the effect of her wounds.7f .Yesterday we re cpi ved a letter from her addressed jointly No us andJ the public, Tl " which, among 0the$ tWrygs, sue says : gM are an oou 01 lessreadyto believe everything that is said of me. I know-that every body thinks I must be one of the wickedest wpmen in ih wortdif.Tiist inWne'.tliai.Eway A respectable-girl? fafr; hadfhoi intyfelf;J Kvery one wouiti sympamize -wim iue and say, 'Oh, poor girl; I am so sorry;' but because I happen to be a poor sport- H-i ng-womane-womaiire,-'tinryoirmaT ba3Uxeshftwn'tmtendtA.kill herseif. She oiiljr jfaBted ty&mpM sensajioa, Ther are mistaken) I as afld aAr tim of leading a life of shame, and have long thought of ending it. .Ladies who nave come to see me have saidl 'Oh. you are so wicked ; why don't you reform ?' Why don't they say. 'Come and I will show you now iq ieau u uip f Alsr like to 'go W work.lbuli I am almost posi tive that l will not get a chance, l Dei some one, 9. give toe a, chance ftp once mores; a 1 iuy. m ?v$ffu. ttioaffh there as a rtrani&e on the part of our Christian ladies if this girl is permitted to go back to a life of infamy for want of a little help iidieif couragement from tlfeirf. ' " ' . Senator Ba yard'n Ksltit ton. m i Special to the Philadelphia Times. vvAsmNQTsrfiJecempiniiiie Jsenw ing to-day, but atter going over the private calender on reaching Mr. Bay ard's resolution it was decided not to undertake the examination, of, any ' fi nancial question until after the holiday recess. It is thought by advocates of that resolution that this is best, as Mr. Bayard is gaining strength daily as the country is heard from and as discussion is had. A good many Southern Demo crats wna nave-not been ; nartieuau-rvi souna on currenay quesnons vmt cup port Mr. Bayard's resolution, which on ly affirms what was the Democratic overture in 1SS62; wWn th e legal tender act was passed and for which such men as Sen ators ' Vobrhees and ' Pendleton, then members of the House of Bepre sentatives, voted on the very ground now taken by Mr Bayard. "A ltov and a Revelation. Buffalo, Dee. 12. During a drunk en row in a saloon last night, J)etween John Ward, Af red Painton andarfes (an alleged brother tf John's,) the start ling discovery was made that Charles Ward was a woman, and that her right name was Sarah Jane Wilson, former ly of Hartford, , Conn. She haa- Jbeen wearing men's tlotnes for nine tears. and has kept a boarding house tfor a number of vears. f Alfred : Palrrfmi boarded with her, and, discovering that; she was a woman married her'eontin uing to conceal her sex : but in the row he had his leg broken, when he. called iorner, announcing that she was his wife. The masculine Sarah Jane has at times worked In brink-varri rind; performed other' duties of a like na ture. Spofford vs. Kellog-g-. The Senate cbmmittee on privileges and elections will not, do anything further with the Spofford-Kellogg case until alter recess, jno additional wit nesses have been subpenaid. and it is not likely that any will be. A Demo cratic member ol the committee is re ported as having said last Friday that tne testimony against Kellogg "is so damning that his party will not under take to defend him in the Senate. They cannot do so in the face of that testi mony, when it shall be printed and laid oerore the public. The Kepublicans will not make it a point to either de fend or condemn Kellogg. They will not pay any attention to him individ ually, but rwill maintain that a man having tbeen formally seated by the Senate cannot be ousted except by a two-thirds vote." The report will be btted, proterbtyrlnr JarraaTyT" Ohio' Choice for jprefcident. 'Ex-Congressman Milton Sayler, of Ohio, who is in New York, in reolv to an inquiry as to who will probably be ju.ij a uuuice iur presiuentiai candidates, is quoted as saying : "There is a kindly feeling towards Mr. Tilden in Ohio, be cause the people of that State -AHMAd-4L,a l, 1 1 -a . - luc uitsfiiuencv. i r t.iiav nraraYs 6 iM.wtj iiicuus iu juio, an nma'sapeTior to him in character. But 4Wrf nWicks should be unwilling OBUthaQipce oi Vice-President, u'"ii'B'cv' x tuiujs. mm Seymour, Of NWT'erk, and English, of Indiana ably Ohio .XheiBhetfaosmeRa hA ntva injure(LTilden, in Ohio- I -think that 4 ?9erjnanvsmne or. WasbburaewoiiW mnoteft mtm malXJM E TO I I I I I f vf ,eHmo11 Davis. is!fMofa,Ei4sf December 12 A hill in equity was filed to-day in the United Off tes Circuit Court on behalf of Mrs. xAiwara i-ecKnam, of .Louisiana, Ste- Sarah Ann Dorsev. acainsf-. .TefForor.r." Bavisr-The obiecfc of iTia Villi 1Q trt VlQTTA declared null and void the will of Mrs. tDe WhOle Of her fiStatA wan honnoaf,, tw Mr; Davis. Plaintiffs allege thatthnv are the legal heirs of the tflstatriv Thl grounds otwujolmat.-of iituexwtliiardit' SiiTiJT. inaI'J,fevious to and at the ttnwthtf vtrnftrnwagmg ot the WMM.- J)mmfs,mt of sound and disposing mind, being under undue in flue1nSe,Pf ,the defendant, arid that the uiuu ve ana ooject in inducing and con trolling the testatrix to make the be- weu weres kr46 laws of thp. falTriulI aricl void. Natural Acting-. The, , f ollawiiiff. , jremark abl o IS extracted from "An "Rssav nn tha Science of Acting:" In the town of North Walsham, Norfolk, 1188, The Fair Penitent was performed. In the last act, where Calista lays her hand ,pn the skull, a Mrs. Berry, wh' ff-pTajTs" the partpvtfifrsejz&di mWk am An votantary shuddering and fell on the stage. Dur- pne61towigg day,nenfficfently re- wherene procured the skull. He re plied, from the sexton, who informed him it was the skull of one Norris, a player; who, twelve years before, was buried in the graveyard. That same 0!lt8fusban(i' She died !k bit, ml ol tu naniliMiiiBhii 11 n r rq-u v u i aver Retaliates. , nkfifs dramatic company , was. . wmm!mMvmiW 9U. wspm fee at Savannah. ua ana Mr. Jttankin The Would-be SulcdeAt awflam mi- i ract. is no T.i3liitaliAl:ftil 4ty Itehliiflr ft nree ' tickets to City OtnciaiS. Jt ive poucemeu uiarcnea it thereorKeeper, nwver, uutwun- satndinfifletoaioinjay.i ,xue man- U 5 - J -A 'm m . .. it mi , erwt-firtKBtnirtain. ana said thatfif the five deadheads InMsted on ion no j firnans and Ihiases for the. policemen finally drove To all who are suCenxigirom the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that wiU cure you, f REE OF CHARGE. This great Temedy'jhw vdlfoovewxby i iMHdanamfs "South America. Send a self -addressed envelODe gatcut Saediciucs. Pr.TUTTS Expectorant! N IN 2SCTS. AND $1 B Its properties are pempoen, Ntrtyt Combining all these qnalities, it is the DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, of New York, voluntarily indorses it. -READ WHAT HE SAYS:- Dr. TUTT : New York, Sept., 19, 1877. Dear Sir Daring tHia jeu I v.iiied hundred eases of long d seases. . In the lower wrds of the eitj the eases were of a 'verjr severe type. It was there my attention Was oalled to Tutt's Expectorant, mAdicina I ever usad. . J. FKAKCIS HAYWOOD, M. D. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. Office, Evening News, Augusta, Ga. t Tr TTTTT Dear Sir Mv little son. was attacked with pneumonia last winter, which left him with a yiplent cough, that las tea till witmn a month since, lor or the cure of which 1 am indebted toyour valuable Expectorant. 1 had tried most every thins recom mended, but none did any good until I used your Ex- me wine 01 wmcu removeu lu cougij itn many thanks, X am yours truly, JOHN M, WEIGLE. Had terrible NICHT SWEATS. . Memphis, Feb., 11, 1871. Ir. TUTT : Sir I have been suffering for nearly two years with a Bevere cough: When I commenced ta king your Expectorant I was reduced to one hondsed and sixteen pounds in weight; I had tried almost everything ; had terrible night sweats. J have takes half dozen bottles. The night sweats have left me, the cough has disappeared, and ! have gained fifteen pounas in uesn. x recommenuit wj an my inenas With great respect, OLIVER RICE. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. , Reader, have yon caught a cold ? Are yop un able to rake the ulilegm ? Hi iplilegm? Have yon .'an irrita- tion in the throat 1 A sense of oppression oa the lungs, with short breath ? Do yon have a fft of cjDtgTng 'onlyiBg dPwn I" A sharps pain yw and then in the region of the heart, shbuN dera ahdaefef JIf so, onr Advice 1b tafce at once a dose of Tutt's Expectorant; you will soon be able to raise the phlegm. In an hour repeat the Expectorant, place a hot iron to the feet, take two of Tutt's Pills. Yon will soon fall into a pleasant' sleep- and waka up in the morning, cough gone, lungs wtorldnjg freely ; easy breath" Ing, and the bowels moving in a natural manner. To prevent a return of these symptoms nsa the Expectorant several days. Office; 35 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS CUBE TORPID L1VEK. TiUTT'S PILLS a, ;C&RB DYSPEPSIA. m TUTT'S PILlZs CURE COSTIVENKSS. TUTT'S PILLS CURE FEVER AND AGUE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT'S PILLS I CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT'S PILLS GIVE APPETITE. TUTT'S PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. TUTT'S PILLS CURE PILES. TUTT'S- HAIR DYE,' Ghat Haxb ob Whiskies ed to a Glosst BlaCK by a aiiude aDmication of JJTK. It im- Darta a Natural Oolor. acta InatutAnanmlv mr,A i. aa Harmless aa ipring water. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. m . Office, 35 Murray St., New Yo?k. apr 1 ly. .::;.. IR0N8HieSii A Great Tonic. eases requiring a certai n and efficient TOXICt especially in Intiigra tUyn, Miff nf jp sia , In trrmittetit Fc ver, Want oAt- 1 w IRON BITTERS, riebresjthe blood. lilis Sfrfengthns the mus cles, ana gives new life ,ne on the digestive organs. A teaspoonful before not Sold as a fteve everage. BITTERS. THEBBOfH For DcHeate Females. o yLTIM9RE, Md. Nov. 15 dAwly. a;Ul iiitiziMa lulu J f fodat effective f ETTIW iBAJjSAJI ever SLV Pulmonary y 1 AnntAM mv annriaa nr. ir wnnnnrrn nnvnr. IBUHS5UCS3 I - fan Aavf - T nkaartnUf lnilnrsn ifc ail tha best Inns lflhy fanUtMt&l aaonS'WVroodg boos lsv. liniiH .9d ei!J w laeqsaita edl nioit Have just received a SDlended stock of Heatine ironing: ioIjhI Mo?: lavs iir.di Kst .JITS A 1 EIM6fFAEMETT0, t uyocIb sdl dim lisT.m Iialoonnoo sni?iiH .8 .1 fii;ui iiKia fe9l wi bi!i; beJiu i S3 tao eo ej;3 f. ITar ofallRludst. ATT rTTarJ J Tin and Sheet-Iron work trorhpu Ami-emtrBM1 es moderate !Nov. 16-d6t VEVBRVeOB KNOWS That Goods of every descrrptton have advanced in the last ten days. Having bought our I to tivnxS 00S ! BEPOBE THE RISE we are enabled to sell you goods at a great advan tage. Don't fall to give us a call before making ypur purchases of wiN1S5adDS. Respectfully, i It jW Dee. 2. :noB I jittai efl .miirf citato 'U'ton Art ec. 8 ' dlHlHELM, 8' Koge' Furniture Stow. CHBISHfAreOODS, 16 aIriEiMriI 1 You will find the largest and brat assortment of Toys ever brought to4fi) tity. They are now be ing opened. We claim that we have as good if not better than you will find elsewhere, and at prices as low if not lower than you can buy the same in the city. , -m;..;,:! . JBlfiXUGC&fbya -.n.-.n-j NDT3v B AISIKS CITROH iANI CDRRANTS. Seediest Baisms for youriChdstmas Cake. Tha best axsortinent of Pt'HIW 4 FftMCf CRACKERS Ever brought to tbe city. .11 )Ti )',t Ai ). I'iH Of all descriptions. . . - . - . i Here Is the place to buy your CAKES AND BREAD, Christmas. Come ami seer i Respectfully, D. 1L KKJLEH. Dec. 5; ' IT DR, J. IE Mffeii; DKCOOIST AMD CHKM3ST, . ; " ; .;;', 7 '' Now offers to the trade a full stock of i . .. . - y:i:-r"lo.i !'f : m.v- Lubin's Extracts and Colognes" English Select S PI CdK S Colgate, Honey and , GlycerJoia Soaps! JEngllsu, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. (M: PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hoars, both night and day at ' '' 1 '3. McADEN'S - :- ' Prescription Store. IXilliucrij. JUST RECEIVED A full line all grades ready-made LADIES' U WDEHWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold foTcash at New York Prtcisi ; : ' ' il '!'; u acimo'? FINE CLOAKS li'i .-Xii'i-i: ...i ii: i (lii ill t Uwne low prka j.4.j :-l - - ' ' New Style Trimmed Felt lit : ' si HO :)-.;:;" ?l s -, . ,.i : ,: .. ,(;; WALKIieSATS? ilJlWloi v 1-J b')-tJ !.-. BLACK AND BBOWN,i " 25 dozen of tftose 81 QoEsetsiieft,at! 80c., at H).0lf h r P. at . (ml )0 t t. r f .... .. , .r i M ! UA,, iLiTcheerfully. si ate that I havtestfidtti. tract or Beef in hii prfrate- nractloa in caam of renerai aeuiuiy; weaKnessroepressTOtr; dyspepsia. osAotappetlta- tad wod affflcWsj when meQ cine has proven more thanuselessoirkm retrnd t the best remedy t aweeve iteeH AtiihrdniaJ !oh61iam,,twatBw the( atomweh tgiliy irmable1 md iood required to nourish. . Sold by teadlri'j wggiwiSfTtrioJ rtl baiiclidit sniirfl i- n,i W L-C-1.-V nfl... l,n 1.1,, It "y' "1V' ' i SKiuraimanacsmcnt. IaprofiudiTtaWMmWoai ,ff 1 lnmtm.Bt.of tu to tis.asa. nimw i Bstians how sll cmn saccMd la stock dcslinn.mslled Irs. try month. Tree exwalnuut avervthine. . Address Ba eWairsC, few York. tH AielkfttaiMi' expenses guaratotw to1 Ai I I I in til r rnw Rhan JL- rn I . Mn i7775AiYEABnd expenses b Agents; OattKn 5JJ. wee. Address P. O. ViCKERY, Augus- MPmx inuo&OB- no to .aniu itum di ;uiij,ii'q Ad4ressiiic lo '.mo to .wt98m.9rll wl iiesiioiln:K l e.iis- 't ?-T?0Jfra-L CCS 1 00-PAGE PAMPHLET ItjC?1 Ulrti OJ-'iliieat three room UHBrhMt? with lrltittAn Mnlen cu ui waoer. Apply "to JzV aecia 2t .uaim l-ttiwrJ3l'!M,-3tow(I Tftellwioaii iiiw W WSip-Trr-J ,lloiaf-j iwoa 1" .TSd'W xiifi y ifmrri!i art iiiw imoft .bnsd aWtftl ,ni .'i -i ; Six rrjOJOJMaAkltaaMajutBailpater Moderate price to good tenant. .t .aaU ApplyJ -to Ji P. STBONGr At Seathawi Home Offltei H3dtv. e'JIOJYAT i. 7 . w WW asvoiqinl tl;sjisnjr!9lii tdslaA ;a9ispayja a?Wfm.H t tafmot jrni lAswaPJnrarjbTwlaeina-i ft ib8 !UK-tX 4JrVWrW ai May 22.. r rrxnaXiade Orden for ornamental Cakes promptly attended to. tod-irood -trRROtJ6HS: 1 I asil I am e TtrJflll iedVef! land bboW LbnW XlWHi vm&cnmiiwv aiBt Hi' 11 -Liinu'L-! .'iJ!l ')'J I'.-illn mi)' Agents Sratt'Th is ! (jWearant -r iAbnti ihTtluilouhljr to r6ni, we Jl'i iiiliU ft 1 9fWl jetums. In 30 days on Invested, tlonfree. Via umciai: reporw and ijiKpr pronis weeKiy on stock oi Iddfess t. POTTER WIGHT i i f i T , r 1 1 vii?1 ii'jiij J'lnn uiij U Ii . ! ftiBSOS MMrMBbfilMaa'eAuMnaHyaMen ......... "'wt iinn Miici-ven uvm (if Alirurs,!) J9iHllel&ra., rlt : ' SY,i PITB, yi i i i auing tsieKness, bi. Vitus' Pance, Conrulslons, rrflaHfttle Wd7tmceHedfrtmeay ( wajranted to effect vipeedaM toeaBBrurei.' BteSsW Shpw aBjkveefMbiveftoiitlieteElTO ea-i sea.. . AtBBTiLEsent toanyjsufferejsend-f ins-nstheiirli; ji'TT H Jd-ii) Tin;; J'i' A Great Offer For ff"i i;f'ifiiii if'L -'':-----i - r Pianos and OrferatftraordihajrL Piices' for Cash. Instalments 'received. Splendid Or-1 gaa$ 835, 845. $50. 80, 875, 885 &nd SlOOJi 7: Octave fiosewopd. Pianos 8130, 8135- - 1-3 do. 8140, 8150, upwards, not used 6 months. . nins trafed catalogues mailed. HOKACE "WATSBS, Mamjfr and Dealer, 826 Broadway, Kew York. P.3,)x.3530ti-, ,'. I ... i ,., ..(' (. .ASTIC TRUSS a rd dinenng from si i omen, 1, cup bsf., Mk eir-Mjrti)ri JBI IV caalw, adaptai inlfte sU o.itlop of ibi bodj?, whils the Hal lis th.'cVip iirssses tasfc th. IsUAtiiMaJostaarapanaairanli ,ltai taa Flaavr. , ., M.s 1 M ; praecr: the HwdIj n he Yd Mcarely ayOTiHginriTirwn6ateutis chui. uu ta.jj aaisou- .j rhn. Sen tbT mill. Circulst f". TOGLESTON-TJLtrSS CO., Chicago, 111. INSTITUTE &tatlitbs)la 181. for tl cm, , Csaorr. TbtsbtW L WtiJ SePliur nlfe. or Ioh of blood, asd UltUpsla. X art Btonaaaoiv cocu aNniana rvwNaca, aoaHM, ' . - Dr. F. Ii. r05D, Arara, KiCo.j II! OlfOYSfe. Wer will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upoq trial for 3D days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address- YOMAtC BELT CO.. Mar shall, Mich. AGENTS. WiST3)3SrSS plete and brilliant History of the1 great teuik)f - iij ,, . .. ..-au.i .iiuil.; huj; GEN. GRAIJT t5?d WORID ! By Hon. J. T. Headley, the prince of descriptive authors. Describes Reeal Entertainments. Rot al Palaces. Rare Curiosities, Wealth and Wonders' of tbe Indies, China. Japan, Ac t3& A million peo ple want it uere is xne Dest cnance or your lire to make money. Beware of "catch-penny" imita tions by unknown authors, for particulars, ad dress HUBBARD BROTHERS. Publishers, Phlla- aeipnia, fa. - deel HEM CURED.' A riinftle "referable Mmnlv for the tpeedv and permanent cur of Consmnp , Man,nTii'hih,faa7T A mfh-rqA TMroat Jtjf a fwt; JJso a positive tajtd: 'nuiicai carv rcr xcrrous xJeouity raaui' uwraus wBUAswis. sf. sat 9e letirm at dtTQcaonsi irepar. arse WANTED S BIBLES containing Cruden's Concordance and oyer 2,000 iihuubuoiuh mm au roe w' FiixiJJtKb, also I iMi-.i l.-,1 ; . iff traSjiiiDUL! ; in,-,:-. -.-v.-i-j li. .'' '. i:; Hj::i .ir.O .jjtciii; t; S : ' . ': TM are book's -au .W.cO: btl ik! ,- : ':,v,uior : fcfimiimE QUICKLY f,lADE. 1 -gfw'? Oast fawi moatlviita ,W Si. .than at aHy jrirfofl iab 1873. Immense profits havo been realized from small Investments. The following affidavit explains itself: .,;,i:5w?aiji;u.) ao,,A.rc0iayt I Bwirsi .ftrn li ,ll'(-ttt tT-: : 'J ! . ThatelMr, Belmont A Co. srecpt subscribe r n their 1 per ojL UararM FiiehiTstle)!iifaui,'WBrir nw lorsou" anms o nJllsaMd.. apimnai raWrils3sMJsan.i : 0rVtt 7; Jttsnys.i1nfoitloii:se Dt,fre npea P. O. Bos 1301, er 48 Brosd Street, Kew Tork City. I meV;2l4vl. '.III V-: :i:I i-vr.' 3.!; i i i OER EALLSTOCK Or.! i J 1 1 , Kj Jr.-, i i) BOOTS, r ax-irvi(; r.)'j n1 -hciu wo! is 0 r.j rrp; K.iiii')-n .tHK).I Jiixus bins i.:!tui-vi8 ,uOU tfigjoodi. whiliheva7;ensl rsontoi4r7S'te i if)iirr:,-j;jii : aeiiliij ililljbliil ttltiu;,!! -1 .oni!-yl the; chsatirK!thwhdiiPtease call and set aS 4 ivnnif. win v.ii;ini;s i .mi fusuwii mu. t '"" betorebuylng;; fr Wa'wlU dealfafrl' Mil hon- ARtlv with wwl . -7 Jw:uA liii.1: MlT. Jw:uA hi;.: .ill. . -PJ5GRAM 4 CO. Oct. 10, 1879. IejHOcra and Home, copy. , T, "Hiibiu!.: TIM Ho! For isttmis ! j a -,8" Hi. ON PAND FAT TURKEYS rwiiu a iundtiH i 31 li: ;2iiisH..CEANBERRIES. . . ln! . . . fr . !' ..1.1 lhi-i: tlt-.J.-4-lr. l:i Dec. 9. V.X1 Y IGLASS BALL: CASTERS - " .ww li.w-5 i;AJ-t 1'ijfium &!lT FQ i-URNlTUBE, PIAK0S, ORGASSj ACim ottM1 vi aiw perxnema ana expenses W sell dux wondWiJ taventtoDu Sample freeTldr l-H1) i'i.irTT i,iu 1; hi ; : ;T?!Tf9:ru; ' , r. s i t i i ; , j 1 1 t . t tt mm -!jmu .yoruaiu, utcq, r-tiajruiii iot f i,h,i woi :n.i;if miiM.-i,i( r-wv-yy-SY;h- iill - . r .olhteiJitebertB0a.')ansaiaa iThet best and. most Ornamental Caste ih ith; m-vvij w ine naraware intae generaiiyiae-, THE GLASS BALrCASTilrecJ- . eejotastreeOTT?'0 Dec. 5-eod2w, .tiaiiittklL. lit (I 3Ji HOltte.'iHi v iUiioin u;luiii ni iiiMim&Jixj ,ioviifii : ed h a-jflio 6ilJ SflTfKf-rO 'son; 17 lOiV .Tf ;;'A . : ,7 'i! Xi. t .!.''fii7 tu'f. vi o c.-ii! (iiin yilT 1 . T. i , ;i ' vTvy jifl bfifi )10Jk ti'JiU (: ? Aiiis. i)As il'jiilv yd yJov ';ir 50 JOH ri.-I' .hi)liWJJS ; K.'iJiJ q c a. siDEa.f'' ' HI I !'li!l . ) i,!i; J ,'!'!;;, rj::iu-) ?fiii -yt ,;ii;l!i-Hiiio Jiiil' 'j-jjJiiuairu ui it iili 'io'! txiiio u i j J :!i; Unn ..inn kiinimlo HI VHV'UHi TJiat we hat ii Sto oft: of tWlaee Wdeks of i Ijiiia Si '';) In mil ay,uri t I o'aju&UiH ? Mini- )U Hill IK,' i! ! i X;.!: r;:v. 7 f-il.HsiH .! 1 ' in :,; I. 1 ) - TAKE ITOTICE. HO . J8$y. ARRIVALS. Twenty-Ite barrels Irish Potatoes. . Muscatel Ralsln9 i. Turkish Prunes. -Peart Barley.- Pickles la barrels and ara. Basalan Mnatard something hew Breakfast Bacon. Baltimore Hams. Full line of Coffees and Sugars, different grades and qualities. Teas-green and black from the finest to low grades. PATAPSCO FLOUR And different brands of Family Flour. A full Line of Canned Goods at C. HILKER'S, Corner Tryon and 5th Streets. Nov. 28. t&votzxUs, Set. R M. Miller & Sons, WHOLESALE GROCERS. MERCHANTS, DONT WY BEFORE S1UKG US. WE ARE sELLLNG GROCERIES AT BOTTOM FIGURES. R. M. Miller & Sonil i-ili.. r ,'yfttl it : !! A Jwember5. :,l :-iJ'.- '.' n iirit iiilivrf i.I- SaisjCJcUatieo lis. .(Ii -: 1 i Ji J-j;-jAuJ..j.a..UUj.ij uj o;iiii J i 'llOili'jY 'Hi LiinJa iiint 01IJ If;1, .iu: J)iu; v 1 ; in, . :.,.! . '..i: :; , ,-:T')lljO ' ii; .'Iv'fi" i ;. , 1; : ; For the best Wagon In the World, call oa ' lj' in 1 in ' 1 i nil I.-.j l.'i .)! ,1 W iini iili -if THOS. II. GAll;IIKIi'; is.' '. .. ; --.,,7 : ! . He keeps the celebrated - f . i Jii -li' i!i 0: iii;o'iiU;ji ;ju. lir.U I 'll i fatal-EtDoalUort 1 Philitdettt'lini 's Inn itfaV RfrW 1 Medal at the World's (irest kair- at pHrlai Fmw vl' Ji j:iiinii . ;i:.. i-s,-:l' i ! Io .In-.! WEJiSXEll WAGQxN nil ."i;i vi-.!iT..,M')v V(n;-;i:ii-) i;inln, Also, ihlch gives, universal satisfactlort; at a Sam, fe'i'jiiiv; Cigars-Whoiesal i.i (liiii A HI il!'4V( , e.i'Hiiu Jin iijiutjai'jT oiii iuii; (fl ftKjftia7o-iiiuLLiin5jfti io lm;od 'i iu,4iij.i!i!!,'iii qi-y j-jii lotit flh;nr .-. . r .. -V ... .v. . a. ,1 J HO vjl F uav uia uiiok in snowing gpoas ai me. ji air tar sjttotxiiMll 9ili ui irtiif ?i.-j;j x! ' JI Ji to. Jr.d 1 Kfiv vi; :?' i-uiolt to T-jiiJo-id) ,a: t .Lfklfiiiiaili iu .uowiyw i ill Wrs1dnie ffirmd nraat settiert'A--1 dlateiyiasihewtotioiohei:u Niwrn .U 1U1 HJ3j) 'A' Aiftmr "&ar5 WT BStff!f(Jiia eiti in i ii ; siliiiaiuw in Tuiiiismbifl i w; seKsei iRqREBTIfty, iSpDTftPCTAWiilTjlTO From fifteen yeari eroertfen: in ToqnrfAi snAmi. systeto-. Oiwanie und Seminal Weakness, iiQBs ot sexaal -power, Nervous JDebtUV tT apaXrembUnft Palpitation, , tbe Bean, Dim- i ness of Sl2ht orTTlddlness. laina mlh BaHr and f Nocturnal ' Emisslonsi eteJ. aii iwinithis- fr F abases in yeuthor excesses tn ririhjaod. Dlseasaai Also alii skin and bhNMl-diseased ioliekff eulek' MV WIOVU iQUUICII ClOUlCaiiGU rinilll I IIHr NVKIMIIV viUversftyJatit .the) WlCjaMl!'5 i jpaiuiuure. , pucutti bi uenuE rtui. u aur.iBi lemmpnunnB ifsvmkiltArJnDa .irrdiijiyii. tiDJ-' i eoil(ieiUiaL'JStmf taedK 3: : ernes sent to any stamp for reply. Ji 11 STUDEBAXEfiWAGtlN I : i '7.' li,';i.v i 117 1 rrreHuan itrieut iddreas. 'S WORM OI I fl fa, Tr?r i .1.'! .11 UJ -KS,.Ga., February 2i 187S. BIB My ehlldS rfveyeare 6ld: Tia q. , wojma. I Wed caljelaid othwworm mMr -B Mi, Seeing,? cma, got a vial at -Worm OiiTan-i "JU r.vX,, main's wrtlil Drought forty worms an-i sr?;. t di many that I did hot count them"; u uose go PrTbyE S. LYNDON. Athens,1 Por sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte. N. . leb21 dAwly. r IMPORTANT "DISCOVERIES Wclightand other sdenttflc marred ft Stnu that of ' HENRY'S CAR330EIC: SALVE ! for the purpose of curing employed SOSES, WOUNDS, OUTS, BRUISES, -i-Imflamed ' .and abraded surfaces, and for-r- : ALL 8KIN DISEASES. .Iv?1ftn!lln:-pr0Pertles remove an unrarltlea fcat hinder the formation of healthy fleshTaad tK WON DfcRFUL RAPIDITY; . Let no family be without a box of it in the house. PhysicianTexW its virtues; -and the thousaadsTwno liave used u unite in recommending it. Beware of counterfeit'. Ask for Henry' OttboUeiaireT and take no other JOHN F. HENRYJTURRAN & CO., 8ole. Prei)rfetoa- : , College-Haw, New York. 'For sale by L. Wriston 4 Co. charlotte, N. C maru n: IN GRE 4 TEST VARIETY. - ' Jusr arilveil aS ,! THE - QHMA PALACE John BrookflId & Co.. fjil . ,;.. ti'f'n'l! in: i . . ,i n ' .:;-. - ChlimDinneriaiMTeaSeti, 1 : - v ... , iWwnJfaietSets; China Motto Cups and ' taoknd Mug; ' iIq-iaafeBIrf6kfai jStets,;ies,-BiJis; 'c ,. ' ..'it ."li i I-; r.Ti. i j- ;; hi : :j:i ; . . l f v ).'.: . 1,-jjUa h.ijFatjMiaijdLlaTioi'Setiipolls .; 'io noiii;i neleeflori 0r irldescaW- 1 ! , Glass. . , , -au :uiT 1i r,.iimko vnfsinaJ'i. j WG'aW. "Un :! " I'jj -; oil 7 .;--itinn;,-! . . . i KanWk!fetadi,:BeWria Baskets h : ' iMilj-tf! linn xo'iil (ijidiii; w,;i : Parian Marble Busts, etc,. ' iA JrJw nei ;ppkts .-. ffi 'fWFP'Mk W Wye'j ibargains -tnu-ir.i 'ii 1 ot .tif'-f-rfl u; ..)' Kit ;.n.. ;;; 1 -4441 ! i Oil J no (!oUJ;i i I'i' 1 1 r i 'V ,v . I Hi! 5 H47 I0rlli-:UJ lU.Vi; 1..' ii WifVHr67weit to' -twy 'kaWn; stock of Crockery, Glassware, Larnp ware. etc. Fancy Goods afwfcolesale. aid a full oods; Tlh- ; . ,1 HI Oil ,1)1 i Diftifipif n i 3 iu y: jRobkhELD cd -uai . uxiniir 1' ri,X)I'o uTj !GroecriSBrinid flstrdware !,.': . - ,- ' ' I'll! .'ii.!. I f ':! : ilnK 7 1 1 i; I -lUUrZi .71:1 Uf H i;r f-.tiri: ii '.A3 Oesfri ',.;'),' SUtiARS tQlFi08TlUP4y . flAMS, LARDV i,ii i:!i: r.iMJp. lKir. fe'iii.;; .. . -iriOiii Vi;biJ'j7 A: in vA iv i r inula ITJ osii;ai nt I. 'J-: ii j inn nr f-inii'U I-1 1 'II I Tii'!i;'ri-,M Of all kinds. J "DbrFt fcrgW'irfy' "; i.nM;i H'vul a mi t it -OlIHOiUm J S3 i?fiftVi?' ii no i t i f i ? i . - 'mm;: nlj ituo ! ' 1 ! onif doiii oiIiRfWDf LER, ' gent,. ' 1" ill i; vi.!;sT;',,i .H'ki'j "in- . ;. i- 0j jlit;i. ...AJimi... ; 200 Busbela Meil? MM BusbelsDhtk di -niLijj-iHi .77,1, ol bacoav, h 1 il-lIi'ii! f-.I J! Jj;i!' rrtvjhdatlyjferjtlli? fl... . , , ts8olicifeft '. -"iJ BABDlN VAirfeHt. ' : Commlssiojai Merchaatr B. N. Smith's old stand, Charlotte, N. C December 14. , f.MiJ-ii . ' :iifile'- PR E S ENT8 LI utu Hi Till Uid-aH kinda ; off produce Wiioiesaie juia reiau uau i Orders and tkMisicTime lU Ji 711 ) .OJ-IJU

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