UA1VUV Vr-- , t , . r r THE ULST OF' 1 NOTED 1879. RADO. "Thursday, December LOCAL INTELtIGE5CE. inuicat.mm8' "War department, ; 1 OFFICE CHIEF SIGNOFTICEB V WAsnn?GTON' Dec- " 7 30 T.Hi) For toa South Atlantic States,5 falling ibiy followed by rising jbometer, Southwest veering to coolerfiorthwest winds, partly cloudy weather, occasion al llghfrtaifl, rising barometer. local Report for Tjfcyerdar P7arohieter, .... . Thermometer,. Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction,. . . " Velocity ....... Weather, rTA,JM2P-M.9P.M 301C3 80.126J 30.032 i " 4- Sf 80 71 ....I Smoky. 59 4 38 S. W. 6 Clear. 51 59 a W. 6 Clear. Highest tanperature iRO-fleg.? lowest 85. Index e-W Advertisement. fid .filrt m B. K. ROsborne K. of tt ! " " Barringer & Trotter Clrrtsfra as Gifts. LeRoy Davidson Jnst Received. Grand Opening at Perry's. 3 i'V ! . The telegraph messengers have come out In new uniform caps. t,L The display windows of theP. fancy stores, begin to sliow ups remarkably well. ',. ,'t : i -J.k. The Circuit Court, with Judges Bond and Diek presiding, will be pferied this moraing. , Christmas is but a week neace; By the way, where did that beastly idea of calling it Xmas originate? Another- rise- .in- cotton yesterday made buyers and-sellers feel good again, ana apart irom this the killing ot ;the Conrr&rfetror Ooinfbiiff- DESPE- BfeWSoVPMttrl 'AftcV KllHaf Two Otber Person a, and a Career '-"of dime, Is Himself Shot Down A IHaa with Three Names. About 12 o'clock yesterday, the city was startled by the announcement that Policeman Hill had killed the noted neV erro desDeradoand criminal, Bob Fharr. alias Henry Johnston, whose last act in . the drama ot crime of, which his life; for tbe last 8ef er$l( jtejars at least, has been made up,' was the murder of Kerr Watt, colored, at Pineville, on the mii. of November. The report spread rapid ly, and in a few minutes a crowd of people were hurrying to the scene ot the tragelly; -a stirair -mmse on Church street near the intersection with More head, owned by Mr. W. P. Beatty and occupied by Isaac Jenkins, colored. The house has only two rooms, a cook ing and a sleeping apartment, and it was in the latter that the killing occur red. The bed clothes and slats had all been torn off the stead, and within the frame, in a sitting posture, with one arm supportnvthfeei(l$n the frame and the bach! resting Against the side, was the body of the noted criminal In front of it watt!mali poo-lof iblood which had run from his mouth and place where the ball bad entered and ftmitqwfasmalseani of blood, A cursory examination of the skull failed tp show any b.plo,on the opposite side,.sMtMiklfc i)kily tjie ball is still in his nead. lie had on a new suit of clothes, and a silver mounted pistol pro truded from his hip pocket. This was the scene presented when the reporter $trrived-aktbe spot, and no change bad been made- in the position of anything in the room at 8 o'clockin the evening, as the coroner, who w'as sent for as soon as the occurrence be- i , It is strange what a variety of opinions a variety of circumstances will produce. The man with a bran new ulster thinks this is awfully cold weather, and don't understand how people can go around without overcoats. The teeth of the man who hasn't any overcoat may chatter while he says it, but still he insists that he never in all his life i knew pleasant er weather at this season; - while the man whose last winter'snlster will not bear a close inspecianbut still' man ages, under delicate" handling, to hold together, thinks that the days are de lightful but that the nights" are too. fool for a man to be abroad withoat ieing muffled-up; . . ' oH is thus related bv those w her were pres- enuwbenjtcvt3euvrejd : Abewe M o clock aniero wehiitf IbeJio&fe jf Justice H. Severs, w ho, li y es a few miles i ni the lrTtoid' mm yuij Pharr was - ' . 1 u J 11 w M. V A V VS U W 11 .WtT jiegro desperadQ, oprwr jvaa the MrfMibwn.fead tfolS-rlfIf rne laaies 01 the mpiscoDai church Willi meet asain-this mornintr at the preparations forthS ChrtstmasdebOra tie;Qtthfvrebj: ;r-v ,ax-u , rWe are .RQw within three days, of the shortest day ih the year. If they could get much shorter & man would not have time to take a chew of tobacco be tween' dinner and supper. He hasn't much more. than enough time for this asitir. ; ' .. ' 1 ' . " ' We are indebted to the eourtesy of Mr. Donald Wi Waters, formerly of this city but who is now at Little Rock, Ar kansas, for a copy of an extra of the. Little Kock Gazette reporting a very destructive. reCiniTthat(;ity on the morning 4 of the 14th inst. The tele graph had,-however, anticipated the ex tra. , , , . . v Carrying' Freight Through. Col. Myers, president of the Atlantic, Tennessee & X)ino Kauroad yesterday received from Maj. Wilson, president of the Western North Carolina Railroad, a telegram stating that the Swannanoa tunnel is finished and-that a tram load of freight had been risent beyond the Blue Kidge. Thus the great bar rier between Western North Carolina and the remainder of the State has beeD penetrated, and the way is now clear for direct communication with Ashe- ville. - - - A Texas Emigrant Stopped. The two men Wodten and Martin ar rested night before last for boisterous conduct and for firing a pistol had a hearing before Mayor Osborne yester day morning. Martin was discharged, it having been shown that he had noth ing directly td'ad with the racket, but Wooten was held in a bond of $50 for his appearance at, the next term of the Inferior Court. He was on his way to Texas with a small party from Chester, who are emigrating; but vwill hate to "postpone his trip till after the session of the court, andjossibly longer. A Searching Appeal. The letter below, addressed to "Mr. Santv Claus. Charlotte. JN. C was dropped jnto the postqffice letter-box yesterday, and the, clerks there rue to their custom or sending to" us every thing that they cannot place, put it in The Observer box. The letter is print ed without change of spelling or punc tuation from the original, only the name being omitted;. "Dear Air. Santy Claus l am a little boy five years old and I have never had a Velosipedg and 1 want one verry much please Mr. banty bring me one for I think I am large enough to have one and I will, be a better boy I don't think I have been as good a bov as 1 ought to haye been but I will be better frome this ob-if I get my -Velosipede pr if I don't get it I live on Try on street Charlotte, N. C. "I remain your little friend This is the letter and for a hve year old it is not a bad one. Drawing the old gentleman's attention to it, we make bold to say that if "Santy Claus" is the sort of man we have always ta ken him to be, the boy will get his "Velosipede." - "It's an 111 Wind,' See. That Providence which marks the fall of the sparrow, and which has a suecial eve on the newspaper man, sees to it that the grist never runs entirely dry in the journalistic mill, and that at no season of the year is the nirenng of th nrftsa lfiffc entire! v msrh and drv. In the SDriner he mav turn his facile pen to descriptions of. the beauties of nature and to the records or death pro duced by trees falling on farmers clear ing up their new grounds; in the sum mer come the college commencements, the political conventions and the people who gooff to the springs, not to speak of the cotton blooms and bolls; m som bre autumn it devolves upon him to keep up with the active operations of the voracious cotton gin, and with the deeds of the fowlihg-piece which is car ried at "trail-arm3'over ten-rail fences by careless , sportsmen1, lianimer down, of course: in early winter come the largest numnkihs. the heaviest hogs. and the coldest oi the warmest weather for the season, and the year winds up with the never-failing Christmas casual ties, withJdKes tolheitul-keyft,3which survived ThahksgTving Day. There are manv reasons wnv tne newspaper man should be, as he is, the happiest and oest consented oi mortals. Joined in Wedlock At "The Maples," near Woodlawn, yesterday at noon, uapt. Kenneth S. Pinch, soliciting agent of the Seaboard Air Line, with headquarters in this city, wjwi roamed totfMissj Susie S, Nims. Retr.'R.. Johnston, of Lincoln ton, officiating. Miss Lila Springs, Miss Florence Finch.1 sister ' of the groom, and Mr. Geo. W. Bryan, were the repre- c country! an in Isaac Jenkins's -htmse'Mrl-Severs came to town immediately andhformv ed Pohcemau Henry .JELuL They got Constable John Oir and Charley Baker to assist tnem, ana tne rour men started fqr Jenkins s housed; taking' different routes. As they approached the house. a negro named Palmer , came out. and from his conduct they discovered that Puarr had seen them coming. Justice Severs, went to the window while the other men guarded the doors. He failed to see anything of Pharr at first, but soon discovered that he "was: under the bed and told his companions to enter. The three men went in and Severs fol lowed. They commanded him to sur render, but he refused, saying, "i'll die first." They then attempted to remove the bed so as to get at him. but he moved with it, thu3 managing to conceal his person. .Finally Severs caught xne ot his bands and wrenched from it a knife and a bunch of keys. By this time Henry Hill had gotten on the back side of the bed, and one of the party jerked the bed clowjes off.. As this was done, the negro raised JnmSelf up with pistol in hand and leveled it at Orr. The lat ter grasped it just in time to run his hand under the hammer, when the desperado pulled the trigger. The flesh prevented its striking, the cartridge, and the weapon did not go off. but the next, moment inarr jerfced it from Orr's hand, and was in the act of cover ing him with it again when Policeman Jlill fired. &J?harr? struggled a moment, than sank down in his tracks, and never spoke alterwards. It was all the work of an instant, arid before the officers realized that the struggle was ended, the negro lay stone dead at their teet. Policeman Hill surrendered him self to. the , sheriff, who, becom ing - acquainted withtha' facts al lowed him to go on his own recog nizance. The remainder of those engaged in the affair stayed at the house to protect the 'body until it should be placed in the proper hands. RECKLESS AND DARING CAREER. Pharr has been long known to the police as a most daring and reckle; s criminal. Their first encounter with him occurred about two t months ago when; gn.; attempt wasUhade to arrest mm iha negro house in First Ward.- On this occasion, three members of the force surrounded the house. Discov ering -their presence, he leaped -from fclie window, firing several shots from his pistol as he went, and after being shot at himself three or four times by members of the force, and a long race; he escaped. A few months prior to this occurence heescapejifrom Lincoln Jail and liberated four other prisoners, by shooting Sheriff KoDinson, with the pistol which he snatched from the sheriffs hands. He was confined there for larceny. ;and was known by the name of Henry Johnston. " The ' sheriff of Lincoln offered a reward ot tor his arrest, and this was the occasion of the effort of the police to get him. n the house from which he escaped, was found . an express receipt made to "Robert Pharr" for shoes shipped to Pineville. This with the description ot him, at once identified him With Bob Pharr, who shot and killed Kerr Watt on the 28th of last month. For this crime a re ward of $200 was offered for him by Gov. Jarvis, and the police and other officers have been on the look out for him ever since. Three nights ago they were informed that he was in the city,? and night before last Policemen Hill and Farrington went to the house in which he was killed yesterday, expect ing to find him, but he Happened not to be in. But the story of his crimes does not stop here. There is abundant proof that about, two years ago, ne MURDERED HIS WIFE in Uuion county, S. C, and a strong ef fort was made to bring him to justice, the Governor of that State offering a reward of $200. His daughter, who with her husband, is now in jail here un der the charge . of implication in the Pineville murder, confirms the storv of nis murdering ins wire anu uer mouier, so that there can be no doubt as to ms identity.. There is also anotner story mat ne killed a white man named Spear in or near Harrisburg, in Cabarrus county, about seven years ago, but . the proofs in this case are not established, and the fact is denied by his daughter, (men tioned above) who says he was. then liv- injrinUnfonrcOuttty i"t's,Itui : He ia also known to nave some con nection with several robberies in this section of the State, and it is said that rtien the-exminatftisr'.made; tolay, vuih wni i) auunu ant ulwl jl h Railroad Notes. The- merchants ot Augusta have filed a formal ' complaint " of the existing freight tariff on the Charlotte, Colum bia & Augusta Railroad which, they allege discriminates against Augusta's interests. '. , . ; . Col. J. B. Palmer, late president of the Charlotte, Columbia. & Augusta Railroad, leaves Columbia to-day for New York, accompanied bv his wife. .and will sail for Europe about the 28th insr., on a two years pleasure trip. mx. .&a..paimer, late a conductor on the Charlotte, Columbia & ? Augusta Railroad, has bought an orange grove in Floeida and will be no more a rail roader. He leaves to-day to take charge of his new property. The boys are saving uneasily to each other, since Finch's departure, "Who would hav thought, it?" , , "I never would have believed it t arid wonder ing to themseleSj '"since this event, if anybody isfreallysafe.r vU, . It looked lik0;a joke to say that the new Mogul engm es on the Richmond and Danville Railroad were rather slow and theh. tell of one,, of them having ma&e forty -miles in' twenty minutes; ando4t was a joke on the reporter ;Mrpetja,6gfi,aa usual by the intelligent compositor. Twenty miles in forty 1 minutes- wnat was sought to be said. Bnfe:Why explain? : ' ? , In; the meeting 6 the Southern Rail Way and Steamship Association which 'commenced in Atlanta Tuesday; roads ron-niftg into Charlotte are represented as follows: Charlotte,. Columbia & Au gusta by President Haskell ; Seaboard Air LiBe by President Robinson and Superintendent. Winder: Atlanta & Charlotte, by President Sibley, Super intendent oreacre, and. Gen 1 a reignt Agent Carpenter; Richmond and Dan ville, bv President Buf ord. Superintend ent Talcott, and General Freight Agent Haas; Carolina Central, by--Manager Roberts and General Freight Agent Clark. A Paris dispatch says an official de cree has been issued pardoning 150 Communists. One lap (its mother's) for the well baby la day time. About 700 laps ot the bedroom Poor at nlghi for the happy ( ?) father carrying the sick baby to quiet It P.lze a bottle of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, which, allows li'm to rest on bis laurels and his bed. DECEMBER 17. mfi PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats easier; Southern 46a47, Wes tern white 46a47, do mixed 45a461&. Pennsyl vanla 46a47. Hay market firm; prime Fenn sylvanla and Maryland 15al6. Provisions quiet; mesa work i.7o: bulk meatsloose shoulders , da packed hV, clear rib -sides 7; bacon shoulders 6, clear sides 8A. hams lovsallVa Lard refined tierces 83ft. Cofree dull: Rio car goes 14al7. Sugar aulet; A soft 9ife. Whis key firm 1.14a.l5. Freights to Liverpool dull. Chicago Flour dull and nominal; extras 5.25a 6.0O, double extras 5.75a7.00, patents 6.00a 9.00. superfine 4.25a4.50. Wheat generally higher No. 2 red winter 1.30a.32l&, No. a Chicago spring 1.27 cash. 1.28 January, February, No. 3 do 1. 1 3. rejected . Com higher at 40, January J!eDruary. may. reoeciea oa. uaa wean ai 34&aU. Pork unsettled at 12.50. January, Lard higher at 7.30. Bulk meats firmer, shoulders 4.25, short ribs 6.45, short clear 6.55. Whiskey steady at 1.12. Cincinnati Flour steady: family 6.25a6.40 Wheat firm at 1.33a.36. Cora firm at 4la44 Oats steady at 39a4 116. Pork dull at 13.00al3.50. Lard lower at buik meats aun; snouioers 41&. clear ribs fiiA. short clear : bacon nomina'. shoulders at clear rib 71A. clear sides : green meats dull; shoulders 4, sides 6.80, hams 7. Whis key lower at 1.09. Sugar firmer; hards lOal 1 , New Orleans 7laa8. - Hogs dull: common 8.60a3.85, light 3.90a4.10, packing 4. 10a.25, butchers 4 25a 4.35; receipts ; shipments . New Yobs Southern flour aulet; common to fair extra 6 25a6.90, good to choice do 7.00a8.50. Wheat closed quiet; ungraaea winter rea 1.41a 1.52, No. 3 do 1.45, No. 2 do 1.54Va.55, No. 1 do 1.56, mixed winter 1.51. Corn moderate trade, ungraded 60Vfea65. Oats dull at 48a lor No. - is. Coffee quiet; Rio quoted In cargoes 14al6. Job lots I4aiw. sugar aun; uentnrugai , iair to good refilling 8a9, prime 9W refined fi'mer; standard A granulated Vfifeai, powdered 9a 934, crushed 10. Molasses dull; New Orleans 36a 45, Porto Rico 25a36, Cuba refining 5a Bice steady; Carolina 6J4a7. Wool firm; domestic fleece 42a58, pulled 38a58, unwashed 18a40, Texas 2 lay 8. Pork h'gher; mess on spot 12 37V&1 12.50; middles firm; long clear t,snort ciear ti&, long and short 7. Lard closed higher; prime steam on spot wnisitey nominal ai 1.17a.l8. Freights to Liverpool quiet. sentatives of this city present, the twd fact." Yesterday in the roon where he last named actinras attendants. These and a few friends of the bride from the neighborhood aqnstituted' tie" bompany w ho - wnnessea vth6 ceremony after which an elegant dinner - was -served. The bnde and groom will remain a few dan at the former's home, after. which they will come lo Charlotte and . go nenQe tOT Kprfplk 'on f a 'Hrlsit it . Mr. FihdhWreiaUvesy - a j 1 v We join manytherj friends in the congratulations which the culmination of the long anticipated 'evpnt suggests The youfig1 cOtlple 1 Btatt;"0Ut together. hne busing'' '4n'ai6g4tm&ti'tHa-ino misfortune or trouble! mar lhe--future which the present augurs. was killed several chickens stolen from Mr. E. K Dodge on the -hJghfc1 before, were found, but itis not known whether he;ptileQceup,ant-ofi tDehouse. stole mem. uumdeiiiiis ciuuuis wilts weie arrested andserft tO 5 jail to await the invesijfatioiLi .x. - : - : .The-8htr.iff of Lincoln, was telegraph fi-vi Lei'dav to come down, with, a Ylew.tO,his identifying.lhe body as that of.Heory: Johnston . who escaped front ""Whilethere i some caused of re gret map SUCiVOieiiuo uwi w iwresuri; tiaw. a debt; et rtainly earned the rewards which' have - been offered rhe .no :oues cotheuL. . . for him andtbereliould-! tionva t6;their .rig!bt to the itxo jaxrertisjetttjettta r GHEISTMAS GIFTS!!! Chrochet Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, t Nubias, Hoods, Saeques, NOTWITHSTANDING THE HIGH PRICES OF LEATHER- AND MATERIALS, - . We have made no advance whatever in our charges for Ladies and Misses Boots and Shoes, bur stock having been; con tracted for before the rise our patrons will find a marked difference between our, prices and those charged tJ other first class houses for the same grade of goods. Every style, every size, every kind of Ladies' Boot.- ''Misses and Children's Boots for School, Dress and play. Every kind and style of Gents' Gaiters and Boots, of superior make, and ! warranted to give satisfaction. Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchlefa, : Neck Ties, Tidies, Dollle s, Towels and In fact a profusion of pretty things of all sorts J . MO IOB 1 XMAS. XMAS. . -. . . ;'-iikivi ai bo P. S. I take pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied1 that with an experience of ten years in the Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction Very respectfully, ' Dec 17, 1879. J.MCv ALEXAHDEB. Democrat and Home copy. iu,; ir.;j ; r: VEBY CHEAP, AT BABBINGEE & TBOTTEB'S mm mm wm HE W1 decl8 JUST RECEIVED. LARGE ARRIVAL OF 100 B0XE3 T0Y candy 25 BBLS. FLOEXOA CHANGES, BOXES FLORIDA OBANGES, Press Goods, Cashmeres, Cloaks, Hepliyr ShawBs 9 15 ' '. 1 ? declS KEGS "MALAGA. GRAPES. JUST BEtElVED. V , . , LeROT DAVIDSON. MM CARPETS AND BLANKETS. Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. gether with a great many not enumerated, lower than any GRAND OPENINGr -OF- Ckristmas Palace, Friday, December 19th.' Ladies, Geots, Boys, Girls ADd everybody Invited to call and inspect the fin est display ot Toys, Candles, Fruits, and all kinds of Christmas goods, ever seen In Charlotte. Jlnu Atlucvtlscmettts. HILL'S SOCIAL AND BUSINESS MANUAL. For everybody. Nothing like it everpub llshed. Selling rapidly. Agents wanted, w. H. Shepard, 96 Fulton St , N. Y. SECRET Winans, Md. How sen! to become free. U. Rich, and Watch . Agency, Mount db rjrj a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents 3p 4 Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Maine. 3fc777 A YEAR and expenses to Agents, tip 1 1 1 iree. Aaaress v. u ta, Maine. Outfit VlCKERY, Augus- Pamnhlat for advertisers. a umjiuiv. cents. N. Y. G. P. 100 Dages. 10 HOWELL fc CO., decl8. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR .. TUNE FIRST GEAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS A, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, January 13th, 1880 116th Monthly Drawing COTTON. Galveston Dull ; middling lll4c; low mid- 11; good ordinary 11; net receipts 2,801; gross : sales none: stock 89.195; exports coastwise 3,425; Channel ; Continent 2,230. ; Norfolk Firm; middling 121A; net receipts 2,080; gross ; stock 59,320; exports coastwise 2,215; sales 898; exports to Great Britain . Balttmobx Firm; middling 12; low middling 1 2c. : good ordin'y 12ifec. ; net receipts 228; gross 723; sales 490; stock 14.294; exports coastwise 30; spinners ; exports to Great Britain 1,253; to continent ; to trance Boston Quiet ; middling 123&: low middling 12; good ordinary 12 ; net receipts 1,997; gross 2,452; sales ; stock 3,725; exports to Great Britain 184. Wilmington Steady ; middling 12c; low mid dling 11 11-16; good ord'y 11 1-1 6; receipts 416; gross ; sales ; stock 14,050; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : w ureal Britain ; 10 von nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Firm : middling 13c; low middling 12c; good ordinary 12fec; net receipts oss I.88U; sales ; spinners ; siock 8,821; exports to Great Britain . K-kw Orleans- Steady: middling lUiilowinM- dlingr lttfcc; good ordy 1114; net receipts 10,768; gross 13,354; sales 1,100; stock 275,205; exports Great Britain z.uio; coastwise 1,00 1 . AnflusTA-Firm: middling 1134c.: low mid dling 11C good ordinary lllfec; receipts 1,382; shipments ; sales 1,041: stock. Charleston Firm : middling 1214c; low mid dling llc.;good ordinary llc; net receipts 4,721; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 70,929; exports coastwise 203; Great Britain 1,092; France i Continent 5,575; to channel . new ToBX Dull: sales 204: middling up lands l2c, middling Orleans 12S!4c; consolidated net receipts 82.588; exports Great Britain 11,489; France 178; Continent 7,845; Channel 1 Liverpool Noon Cotton steady. Middling Uplands. 63kd, Middling Orleans, 6d; sales This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868. for the term of twenty-five tears, to which contract the lnvlola- Die laitn or tne State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise In the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital 01 xi.uou.uou. to which it nas since added a Ue- serve Fund of $350,000. Its GKANP SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. it never scales or postpones, look at the follow ing distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE, 830,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-TICK- ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize..... $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 10,000, speculation and export 2.000, receipts 1 2.400. American 11.600. Futures id better. Uplands low middling clause: December delivery 6&, December and January do, January and Feb ruary B3aazo-3J. JfeDruary ana marc a o zo-aza 1 8-1 6a2732, March and April 6a29-32, April andMav8 29-32al5-16a31-32. May and June 7. June and July 7 l-32a3-32, July and August . FUTURES. ' New Yore Futures closed strong. Sales 275,- 000 December. 12 .53a. 56 IjiuwiRr - 12 .703.72 February Yi .wia.wo March. ...... .: :.; Id .Zia.ZZ April 13.39a.40 May., 13.55a.56 .Tnn 13.71a.78 July. 13 .za.85 August.. id.w1a.w4 CITY COTTON MARKET. 1 ? I Office f the Observer. x Charlotte, December 18, 1879. The market yesterday closed steady. Good Middling.........".. Middling;- Strict low middling. - Low middling. Tinges Lower grades - - - , Receipts 185 bales. . 9 - 11 lla 11 111 ;r THE MEMBERS, W Mecklenburg Lodge No. 885 K. of H..,are herebv'TuxiRed to meet t then lodge .room. Friday, the 19th Inst. &t"TVt o'clock p.m." A full attendance ta desfired. J By order otthe Dlcta0ri h -i-.ui- a E. K. P. OSBORNE; deel8 2t ' f 1'K U ' ' 1111 Reporter. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. &01 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 .10,000 500 Prizes of . 20. 1 0.000 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES 1 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal oomsensatlon will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders by express or mall ad dressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. Louisiana. 6r same person at No. 819 Broadway, New York. AH our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. dec 16. Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and Fairest In the World. sent at oar exoense. ' Fun list 01 drawing published In Louisville Courier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to aU ticket-holders. For tickets and Information ad dress T. J. COMMERFORD, Courier-Journal Bulld- lnjK ijomsYUie, &7.. . ... ... . .. .,, . We have made our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of the above iroods, to- house this side of New York ; we except nobody. - ' . H. MORRIS & BROS CALL FOR THE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY $1.00. ciLOf mm l CMTIIMG ! CUM STRANGERS VISITING THE CITY WILL FIND AT ELIAS & COHEN'S THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF CUSTOM MADE CLOTHE LN THE MARKET. OUR STOCK OF CASSIMERE SUITS AND OVERCOATS Is unsurpassed. We have also the Rubber Overcoats for Gentlemen and Ladies. Have just received our second stock of LADIES' CLOAKS. Very handsome, and at prices to suit everybody. Also a new lot of Black and Colored Cashmeres, Alpacas and Dress Goods; Embroideries, Underwear, Hosiery, Gleves and House-Furnishing Goods; California Blankets, Carpets, &c. REMEMBER THE LARGEST, THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CHARLOTTE Great Excitement. Walking Match in Charlotte FOR THE CHEAP BOOT AND SH D E ESTABLISHMENT ! The people of Charlotte and vicinity have found that by calling at L. ASIEL'S They can be better salted and find goods for less money than at any other house In the city. His stock comprises a full and complete line ot BOOTS AND SHOES From the cheapest to the best Hand sewed goods of all makes and styles. In addition to his large stock of Boots and Shoes he will carry a full line of Men's, Boys' and Children's BARGAINS -LN- Mini AT E- G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock Is very large, and embraces a full Hne ot nlture. AH goods pacned frse of charge. Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Offloe 1m At Of the best quality, cheaper than ever sold before In (his market. Also Trunks, Valises and Satch els. Call and examine his goods, as there Is a bargain for all. Respectfully, L. ASTEL, Next door to Dr. J. H. McAden's Drug Store, P. S. Haying connected myself -with the above house, I am sure that my old friends and custom ers can be better salted and for less money than at any other house in the city. , Oct 10. a FRANKENTHAL. FOR 101 ill HL f 11, TOILET SETS, JAPANESE WARE, SILVERWARE, -And other goods suitable for- POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULETS THEATRE, In the City or Louisville, on PC1EmBEt 31ST, 1879. These Drawings authorized by Act of ttfe Legis lature of 1869, and sustained by ail the Courts of Kentucky (an fraudulent advertisements 01 otner lottery companies who claim the sole ownership of "all the grants In Kentucky." to the contrary notwithstanding), occur regularly on the last day of every month (Sunday excepted), and are super vised by prominent State officials. . Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, call out his number and see It placed in the WheeL The Management eau attention to the grand op portunity presented of obtaining, for only $2, any of . , THE FOLLOWING PRIZES. fi Prize,.... S3 0,000 .1 Prize,.. 10,000 f 1 Prize,. .t: i j 5,000 Id Prizes, $1,000 each,. .1 . 3 . . . a . I 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each,.. v..K...f:. M0.000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, ,50 each.............. 10,000 600 Prizes,? i 20ach,,.'A..iC,. , 12,000 lOOa Prises, 10 'each. ....... 10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " M 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 " ' " " 900 SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of a WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ARB ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene 00, fromC. West ft SotiSv Baltimore. , ;. . v Christmas Presents, GO TO- SILVER AND CHINA STORE, TRYON STREET. A very fine assortment of Silver Enameled Class and Alabaster and Vases. Dec. 16. 1,960 Prizes,. .$112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets $50; 55 Tickets, $100. All annllcatlons for cmb rates should he made I tothe home office. . ; Remit by bank draft or express. -Orders ot $5 and upward, by express, can be ientenwWKxBosltton. Ci7stalOJl Wflrks,Ctoton. Warranted to stand a fkn test of HO decrees Fahrenheit -before to gffl 'torn; 1. West ft Sons, Baltimore.: -V , , , m&SA Medal iMMti Ob. J.H. kifom&toignt,, CHARLOTTE, N. C u ARRIVED: One Car Load MEAL. " Two Car Loads FLOUR. . Ten Barrels MALAGA GRAPES. P. LASNE, From Paris, Tone, lfec.17. LeROT DAVIDSON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. BRICK, BRICK. 1 AH AAA rOR SALS LOW. lui,vuu decl'4 lw W. W. WARD, . , College Street WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and BIL-VESPLATSR, Trade Street, oppo&tte Jta Presbyterian : KatGraTfltoce. Every kind of repairs made at ones at half ntta and warranted one rear. r Xverj kind ef Jewelryer Bronze Gilding, Coforlng, SUver-Platmc and, Gal vanlztag Biade at short notice and eqosiry as good as new. Wo done tor the wat iSwWleeaTTT BfpeJwd we tBMaQed for wO be sold at Ot piton tweiniUMfceortaf repaia. fire;' 1 i'iJi. )