!SaraB&BliES3S .11,1 iii iiiiiisiiihim in mi Stye Charlotte bsatta:. ( iponltyuedfrom -first page.) ' r &rirmivli Wftti internal and external , :i ' p&m w$ sickness ; prevent . men from -w prqcreanftij' and women from concep : ! tiouand render them entirely unfit for men uiutiifi uiwiHfiuiwwop Kiiiu ijyj i ue aeuuiiu tlllUJUllIU UUV. iUC U1V11 recant, beidei fcvjjth sacrilegious ljps, law forbade the -repeating of the tor the vetffmh Stieh they-4iavereceiv--f tiirg. Hence the following formula points the professors of theology, Hen- prlMwinqjttiswb9rs (WifiU absolute ;pdwer over all districts which are contami ftated with, those .diseases. Finally, he tHalms'-Thkt- nd appeal from the tri- Vtiinnla i r mi 5 01 t-rra rv.Ti or iaii rfa uul even to llitf 'PDpgrimgeitTwill be 1 1 mi j j it. Sorted to fulfil their commission with 'i a i 1 an1 oovorifv rrlio Tin! pnntoinc n n directions as to how the judges should nroceed in the trial of witches, but "The Witch-hammer," bearing the sanction ! i 1 T i. 1 ' 1 11 ' ' oi me xope, is most explicit upon iie subject. This book became juridical authority, ana was tollowed even m rlV, 47 "SLrvr 2 1- r' wlhns Theories are a upon the benptures. entirely founded upon the "Scriptures. Jesus in the desert, and the many-,deipo-niacs mentioned in the New Testa ment, are adduced to prove that Satan can dwell in man and use the "human body as his implement. Moreover, Mo- existed. "The Witch-hammer" then broaches the question whv it is that women are especially addicted to sor cery, .and devotes -hirty-tb ret? pages to the proof thexjepf. j,The,f olio wing- Js van example orits argument: The holy fa thers have often said that there are LiwqEa wipes wjjicuriiave pp,niQijerauan m'gdotr or evil tnff tongue, a and a woman. Cnnr.erninnr woman thia is Xi&Wt m mi havaVHMi piaincs against ner. rne wise oiornon, who was himself tempted to idolatry Luteu y i8, writings inHiea. Bad biit true 14.1 Hl jChjysostom is woman but an enemv of friendship, an unavoidable punish ment, a np.rp.ssarv evil a nntmnl tomn tation, a desirabfip pfljiction, a cOTistrit- ly nowingi aourea ot tears, a wicfted work of nature covered with a shining varnisn r Already nad tnehrst woman entered into a sort of compact with the uevn; snouia not, men, ner daughters do it also ? The very word femina (woman) iatn one-wmtrngin faith; for fe meini "faith 9 nnrl Since she waS ttHne$ o$ a crookecl rib, nei vniuvimnQm nLuiona3 Deen dis- tuiteu anqp ipicijiipusmoi-e toward sin than VirtllP 'If we IwrA onmnn... K - - .v .a.v WUIUAIC LUC words of Seneca, "Woman either loves or uaies; mere is no third possibility," it is easy to see that whenhe does not iuve vjou sue must resort to tbe.onoo site ciucuie ami nate- mm. IV is thU3 clear why women especially are addict- cu w me pracuceot sorcery. The crime of the witches exceeds all others. Thevare wnrw than fh ;i for he has fallen once for all, and Christ mis uot suneren ior him. The devil sins, therefore, onlv but the WllCa both airainst. tho Ppoatnr i t.i . . . " v.,-"v"i rTP frAtXZJt we Theandsimi aTW thi fif part of -The Witch-hammer" attempts to settle. The sennl . " v "vuvi 1 LVO HID yanous kinds and effects of witchcraft. At ciaims mat tney produce hail, thun ; der; and storms; they fly through the air from one place to another; they can make themselves insensible on the rack; they often subdue the judge's . inmd by e harms - and confuse him mr'jugn compassion: they chanee LuciuaciKiuu oiiiers into cats and were-wolvea; nay,.they are able to en chant and kill .men and beasts by their tcij. iuuas. ineir strongest passion is Jo eat theflfishof . children; still they eat only unchristened children: if at any timiru baptized child is taken by them, Kfappens by special diyiae con- POOOIATt Their compact with the devil may be of a private nature, or a solemn one en tered into with due formalities. When the latter, it is concluded in the follow ing manner: The witches assemble upon a day set apart by the devil. He appeawij fthtassemMy; exhorts them w, zattMOiness and promises them long life. The i nnr. T.n fho toi on-i t-.i, uieoamor allegiance. The devil then lnstructe them how to prepare from the limbs of new-born bates witch-potions and witch-salveharj4 presentai them with a powder, instructing them .how to use it to the injury of men1 and Ihe Wlfch appnmt-ilialiaa 1,, . in the air. by ameariug a vessel, a broom, and a rake, a broomstick and a piece of linen. With the wifl.aulrr . she moves forth through the air, visi ble or invisible. "The WihammeiJ'; reminds those wim akW i.. .XjH voyages that the devtf carrieti Jesus up flA;ife w ... 1 pmnacie Pot the temple (Matthew iv). -" - The third part of thia remarkable wyiw gives me criminal law of the witch-courts, with instructions : hr.w sorcerers witches, and heretics, are to w uciore Bpintuiita. wjell aa civi u juuiiaia rine vvitcji-Lamiher"f8tat mnv uie tnai may commence without previous accusation." .When an juquisiior comes to a place he must fex-J .. vywuj u3 ineaus ot proclama tions nailed to the doors of churches nu-uauo, aim uy uireats of ex communication and punishment, to give wftchc ft 11 f Hl1 persons 8usPected pf Two or three witnesses are sufficient to prove guilt. In case so many do not present themselves, the judge may find and summon them and force them to tell the truth under oath. Tne quali- uun necessary for witoessea to ihl lT. W1U aPPear "om the statement nS.l? excommunicate, accomplices, outlawed, runaway andjdfesoluteJwdJ ir lrreproacteW! "vTitnesses-' in voca wuen ue iaith is involved. A witch is allowed to testify against witch, wife against husband, Eusband , uu, u i,uo testimonies of ar- complices or relatives are to the ad v?n tage i of the accused, then they aeof no validity, for blood is of courSt&EZ man water, and one raven dn nw,iucu ui nave an Jtnxfwutn but -The WitchiammeffliT0? more dangert than Uuorcerer. He should be iooked upon with susmVinn in the same degree us he makes a 7pi,ij ous then informs .the judge of five "honest and apostoUcftki? means of whffi n j .r r "- v ,uiy uei wio otuuocu arm ti.e r lawver "w ww lunowing examples: Mrs. mat laf. tiift -iTV Imlrl '-Viiii tr i". .. witch? hrmmw&x i UDon the ""no " -the anowea.. am nnwftr nwr Hfvrrii flp.nr.rr 'flrl at"ft .- Ipplness, jqoa oWelMtdifestrtfiVi vfcM.1v1irat-f. I'll U -ll us in . xn . . . r V III- -j v v vv-t&u VAV9VI( 9a.wtffArw!yo Texlaaiiii,t.pT(j4w yieiiftthatiraeitivlA cow of others?" .- CIJ - J 8UV the I before the trial of a feersbn abused rt-f oAtiair 'hA wka T.rr att "tKn failh fri va PUI I) ajj II tip pull via A uvn j . order) that his mind might teinclipecr j to i conffession- -The1 "worst witclies'1 were tnosftwrip auowea tnemseives to "c c u V!? uc ii oauuuci , iuiu uj endurance. ebtplaiBed4y the stippobb tion that Hbf! . : devil; t haideils. . them against their tortures.'V- If confession day, the torture was to be continued the second and dtliird day. The civil used by the judge: "We ordain that the torture shall be continued (not re- peatea) tomorrw!'.Th,e secona;.ciay r.tA inerrrtiwiDTtro tnrturft woro flvninir IllO Ul U UiTUtd Ul VV1 iUlV; TTVAV VAI11U1IT ed. and thft .ipc.iisfidt was adiured. hv all holy nairies, if innocent, to pour forth immediately abundant tears: but. if .guilty, no tears .aLaU. A . ir tears snouia now, uie juage was directed to see thKt ft te not saJifaor other fluid: and the witch was led into f toe- court roem backward, tri at tM judge might see her before she saw him. Otherwise he might be moved to criminal compassion by her enchant ment. It yrasjsUU;further provided that the 1 kit be of the Acfcuidd shotild bVx am i n- ed to see if they bore devil's marks. The absence of such marks, however, a L wibuubbs uirecuonaisuaio ui ways and mean-s to be adopted for the ensnarinsr of witches this dreadful hnnk ensnaring of witches this dreadful book vmnii hps. i lift ptrper or tiiertinw tin. dledJhy the biill oL Pope Innocent' was vl- f.n in v.rt n;MViAtk The victims were counted by . millions.' oays an aumur oi me sevenieenin cen tury, "When they had commenced in communities in Germany and Franr.e all the women Were sent to the sfaka- and in many instances princes and po tentates were forced,' from fear of see mg their subjects exterminated, to stay1' uy auirwruacive command me madness i : ' ... - i oi me luquisiiors. No age was exempt. Children were brought to the stake with their moth ers, fA gloomy presentifnenV pfivaded thelcotniniraftt hfeiiitlMe feifcclamitioti on the church-doors announced the ar rival of the inquisitor. Work in the shps and fields ceased arid, the persoiv VtrhV. k -1.1 : ArrhMHr i a i- V VW-VW IUI VmitEllDiUI.KHI !!.- Illll-'ll Jcsfri -nncn ucrurciiiitm. LUilL lit; was lost. And the arch-fiend was the agent and instigator of all this madness. "He was in the castle of the knightthe nalane rtf Uie mitrhfv. thp lih.-vtoav.f the learned, on every page of the Bible, m trie c;iiTinwYTs. in r.rrp. 1:1 q nt nut o - 7 v. jUOblVV) irt th Tjiwvpv'q h rnTiAvc tKaUK,M.n tones or nnvsicians and naturalists, in cottages, farm-yards, stalls, every where." The nonular literal me rf tl.ia nm-m consisted of legendsof saints and stories about the devil, fliers giants, troll3, forest sjairit, elves,, anfl iivuSuuiiiio vju wio tanwij mcKs, river sprites in the water; fiends in the air, and salamanders in the Hip Thoro were monsters such as dragons, griffins, were-wnlvps. witph.lrin.-l Tiinv's-mmni. autlsupernatural beings derived from nuuiuii worm, out or dimmer out lines than the preceding. Amoncr these la.st was flip msnHva. gora, which was supposed to reveal to its DOSSeSSOr hidrlen tliin(rs Jinrl fiitni-Q events, and to secure the friendship of Hi meiL lne rOOt, Ot t ie m-Hiriraimm or mandrake, often divides into twA phi is, una 1 parts, ana in us presents a rude resem- blance to a human figure. It was be- ieved that tms plantcouldnotbefound except below the gallows where a pure youth had been hanged. When torn from the soil it was said to sigh,' shriek, uiiu uioan so piteousiy that it caused whoever heard it to die. Tn finrt fntJ . V lO Diant it must HP. Krmo-ht lfm-n oimvo Friday morning. The person Peking it snouid careiuily nil his ears with cot ton, wax. or niteh. and take wiH. him o ' ' j ' -- .i.uu:lllll Cm black dog, without a single white hair. The siern of the cross was tn ho ma, ' v V 111 LfcVJ three times over the man.-lrawr.i-a than the soil was to be carefully removed, so 4nnt i ... ll I l . . . .' nmt it whs anacneu only uy its fine i j ii h s. i r. was inpn t.aH i.r to the tairof a dog, who was attracted forward, by a piece of bread. The dog pulled the nlant from thp. parth hnt fu dead, struck by the shriek of the inan- aragora. Ihe plant was then taken home, washed in red wine, and wrap ped in red-and-white silk, laid in a shrine, washed on successive Fridays and dressed in a white frock. If the mandragora is bought it remains with the person who tlma secures it, regard less of where it is thrown, until sold again, If kept uptil death., the person must depart to hell wiUm In the demoniacal faHfrnf of the mid dle ages were-wolves played an importr am part. They were supposed to be men who chancprl th tune int6 yolves,and roved about hunt- THd,vTrir WnWriin , i.; . viiuui. i.ugusLiiie, one oi Hue most Drominpnt nf tho f.,fv, i , . v . wii o aiHi auiuors oi ms time, taught , that it wks tlie devil -ho wrapped a wolfs iide around a witch. rpfanr.hfhnn u w lieyed in this doctrine, aud the Emper or Sigismund had the question investi gated "scienti final lv" i theologians, and they came to the gen Sfi!en hat tne were-woTfis niTIOKltlvn artrl -nofonf . Btencfi;qf .the, devil being accepted, to ueny mat of the "CiT" u" supported as it is by the au thonty of the fathers of the Church and "j tjeiieiai experience. J D " VAiviicMLr. I . - -ArlOllier CliaSt V SUnprstitmn rvf iU, iiilICO Wcta LUitt Or DP I IP.r ill ir.irr..- Ifi7VtMl!emb0?ied souls' which hAcf rectothdtt themselves in their buried bodies. In this garb they stole at night rato-houses and sucked from the nip pies of the sleeni no- their 1.1. mi.- B -J.i UIWUi Alio, person thus bereft of his vital fluid was-J in turn cuangea into a vampire. The corpse of a uprsn . - . Uri.vu V ciiu PUT- ism, if dug up, was found well presery- eQ. and ail RhnnHnnna -.f t if 11 -. woHianow lrom its month J 1 1 . - - a. ll tue scomacti. To this horrihlp i0iiof aaor Wl o , . . tThiAi. a i"!r Psychical pestilence. uiwi ouicau LtJITOr in T,h A Anarrian pi uv iimes even aown intn tho teeuth Tentury. W&hixe liprp m1?,3 ?f middle-age spiritualism, and must referjhe. curious reader to the ih- StrilCtlVf! Tlftdred Ti.. Tji.:. j. b8bk for the fuller presentation of this painful subifipr Tho Oio r have given may seem in the last degree ludicrous and incredible, but they im- rj icanues ana an unspeakable wretchedness in tv.a where such notions could be harbored. Aflte. aco t.hnr. hnilf tUa oH,j...i- --n-- w.uv uuu vauicuials OI iliUrODO Was nnp. nf fanatical roi:; vHWRdmasaa, wu xrom mis we may in fer the terrjble sincerity of the horrors 0ljIn8aiMithnprstit.inTi hv ihi, OIPM rtr-J- Jl . 1 mmds of ..ueople were darken eri nnH poisonea. - IS TBnrrt ran atsrav rh i-m,.; ,-. -xj-J ' ti&vS ran away, tiro ' i ,mm;, tiivy Mllli; jur oarTMruoDv uuuji, uiCrtMllj til ICC 11U3 UUU Illgntr fullv br n isin d'tii s lirtdvl-' ThA Ash Ilia VT .A . It , ra ..n . . . J 1" , Journal saysjhisinjariess are probably fatal. , d A il if ; Mrs. winslow's SooiblnSyrnj Rev.aTrKniiTrnVf tMunrItAaMln Th I Boston unnm amfraaiiiini-WA annl1 ri nn , 1 re4 conmtfhcHtfiy kradr of nvicliWWrich wedld not IT Tift or m rta (Vj-ia1 n ft t 1 1 i j r 1 t rvi 111 rtmr Ca..a. Wlnslow's 8othtng SJirip we can speak f roni uinasiua liautKii. jar aciaiiKrifLiiYiniauL liulhi wvw rn r.-i . . r r. i lT . i.- v. x 1- "1 vsioR ouiet sieeu. unr 11s narenis uiiRnonr reatatnlzhL Mo-tuiiuntn can aDiireciate thee fortabi. uiesirrgs.' 'titreis tin-article wnicn worKstoper- TMrflll't BnI 1 antaLil.n '1.. 1- tm .1 nrtm rinn 1 a tna.alA.J tTimsiV. Vhllh If affn1. Um. . 1. n,.tlB nuhiMiKl..3 a ivctuuiua vij-o iiaicuib as Lciict,tj limuiui, duu little cherub awakes fts-J-brlght asabtrtton:'' uuciuk ui- BHicess of einiiL:r a vaiue is lncalculiialA.I IVa k a k fwattontlit hAinrii mnfhcirti thkannffin'hiwil.n.iV l firan trta Mr.h nt child till It 4wdTnnishedTWttlv.lbP. tetrifhla u on anvoo: insiaerauon wnatevtr; boja ny tit decll dAw iy A Horse-Actor at IVIT, ?.- AmontT thft sirt.nra met wf a ot rwsrev, uo f Fw xout, are iames uoolc, the equea- New York, are James Cook, the eques- u iaii, mm Crispin, nis wonderf ul horse, - : 'Inthe new nfav vha.. paired of Crispin f s' iky 1 lfeHti Ivehasm eight feet in "width,1 tyTiich Jink been Athlone, by thej)easantfy Of " he town to prevent the German besiejrers from crossinf?. The rp.hparsnl nf thia a.f 0 .w v. tn v Wednesday showed th intolli Crispin to be wonderful. Mr. Cook I havinor mnnntpd. th unimui .n tho f-hg? on the right Pi the sta'gtvlie, dash- - i aH vnnir Fit nr. fvii; .vi fed rapidly up' the Incline and along the bridge until the chasm was reached. Here he stopped, and -putting his right foot down the aperture, pawed : the air for a fw-seeonds,-8eeminglyintent on discovering whether there was any solid surface beneath. Then he raised flis hp.i- iraivA a lnw npitrh sinrl slnwlu Tbckedaotvn the ' bridge to the wing from which he had started. Again he was urged on the bridge by whip and spur, and this time, when he reach ed the chasm, he bounded in the air and landed safely on the other side. Three times this performance was repeated, but the fourth time Crisnin stomied at the edge of the aperture andxefoed to bUdge an inch; rveraMMrf attempts 1 vere made to force mtit adoSs,"iat he was obstinate, and finally Mr. Cook gave the battle up for the day. When Crispin has been put through a full course of rehearsals it is expected that, with his grand leap, one of the finest tableaux ever seen upon the stage will ue produced. : there was not a death A (arfl. To all who are sufferine from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de- syi tuoo vi, uiiMiiiuou, (so., i wuiseqo recipe inai w cure yOu.VjFREis OF CHABGK This great reureuy aa aiscoverea dj a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope othe REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN. station D. New York City. Ian 2o ,gDr.TUTTS ?IN 2DCTS. AND l BOTTLES. Ita properties are Demulcent, Nutri tive Balsamic, Soothing and Healing. . Combining all these qualities, it is the most effective LTTNO BAXiSAM ever offered to gnfersom" pulmonary diseases. DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, of New York, tolnntarily indorses it. -READ WHAT HE SAYS:- rTUTT:. - New York, Sept.. 19. 1877. Dear Sir During thia rear I vUiied n.ne hundred cases of lung d .seises. In the lower wards of the city the cases were of a very severe type. It waa there my attention ws called to Tutt's Expectorant, and I confess my surprise at its wonderful power. During a practice of twenty years. I have never known a medicine to act as promptly, and with such happy effects. It instantly subdued the most violent fits of coughing, and invariably cured the disease in a few days. I cheerfully indorse it as the best lung medicine I ever used. J. FRANCIS HAYWOOD, M. D. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. ,. Office, Evening News, Augusta, Ga. t- Dr. TUTT: Dear Sir-Mylittle son, was attacked with pneumonia last winter, which left him with a violent cough, that lasted till within a month since, for the cure of which 1 am indebted toyour valuable Expectorant. I had tried most every thing recom mended, but none did any good until I used your Ex pectorant, one bottle of which removed the cough entirely, with many thanks, I am yours truly, JOHN M, WEIGLE. Hacf terribie NIGHT SWEATS. , Memphis, Feb., 11, 1871. Dr. TUTT : Sir I have been suffering for nearly two years with a severe cough. When I commenced ta king your Expectorant I was reduced to one hundred and sixteen pounds in weight. I had tried almost half dozen bottles. The night sweets have 1 the coo$h has disappeared, and I have gainec pounds in flesh. I recommend it to all my With great respect, OLIVER KI vveryiuiag; una lerrtme nignLSweats. ibave taken half dozen bottles. The night sweets have left nu. K&inea niteen y friends 1ICK. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Reader, have 3 on canglit a cold ? Are you un- able to raise the phlegm T Have you an irrita tion in the throat? A sense of oppression on the lungs, with short breath 7 Do you have a . c i. : , ; ; : ul luugmug on lying clown 7 A sharp pain Mow and then in the rej ;ion of the, heart, ehoul- ders and back? ir au, our Advice la take at once a dose of Tutt's Expectorant; yon will soon be able to raise ttie phleinii. In an hour reneal the Expectorant, place a hot iron to tho feet, take two pf Tutt's Piltoc . You will soon faiTiEto"! pleasant sleep' and wake up in the morning, cough gone, lungs working freely; easy breath lng, and the bowels moving in a natural manner. To prevent a return of these symptoms uss tha Expectorant several days. Office, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS . -.w m awnrm a. a v MUM ITT'S PILLS TUTT'S PlLLS TUTT'S PILLS GIVE APPEXHTJET TUTT'S PILLS TUTT'S PILLS , t f i cure pii.es, - , , J?? l 0-WHisxB shauadfai a Oii Parta a Natoral Oolor. act. InatantaBanmn '. iV !f ??rmleM M 'P"11 water. Sold by Ihwiata. Offlo73S Wuppay St4 New Yoric apri ly. - - IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic IRON BITTERS, IRON BITTERS, A Completa Strengtbeoer. ironbTtters, A Valuable Medicine. IRON BITTEBS, , Not Sold ai a Beverage. to the public for all dis eases requiring a certain . arid .efficient TOKflCt esrJeciaUy in Inatgem- Intermittent Fe ver, Want of An, petite, I.osa of Strength, ZmcH of Energy, ete. It en riches the blood. sirengmens the mus cles, and gives new life iu me nerves. To the aged, ladies, and chlk- rlrpn mintHni w.,... . eOon, thia valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. on toe dieestlvd nrcan. A teaspoonfui before meals will remove all uyBjrejpuo symptoms. TRY IT. Sold by all Druriristg, IRON BITTERS,' THE BEOWK CHEMICAL CO, For Delicate Female. -BALTIMORE, Md. ; Nov. 15-dAwly. jllll I I 1 II J I I I B WlllMi'i rUoa(or a yw s unt-ua uuotv iprorsd Carlia Address BraachTir fh august 29-14P6ms" " ' ' jandAarnc una I'm 1 : BCatiflaaai CU RISTH AS HOODS 8:4iX IJ! I 'rrlT niiu t " ' TOY AC i w i av. AT IUGUER'S You will fliid the largest and best assortment ot Tnn'RVlil.'hmimht .a k. : fm. . . i - mviiu W U1C SIHi - xuc; ore uuw w lni nwnAH a f vu v. Candies Both Plain and Fancy jvu i u eisewnere, ana hi pnees as low u not Vmi mill 1 iv . . luau uu xm uuy me same in mo cny. FRUITS, NUT3, BAIS1NS, CITBON AND CC BBAUTS. Seedless Ealalns for yocr Christmas Cake. The best assortment of PLftlW I FANCY CRACKERS Ever Drought to the city. -CANNED GOODS Of an descriptions. Here Is the place to buy your CAKES AND BREAD. As we make a specialty of Cakes especially for Cruiarmaai rVim nH . " ... ' T - U1U OW. - i, ' ' Eespectfally, ' D. M. RIGLES. Dec. 5. grttgs una iBXzaitincs. DR. Jl H. MAden, '10 DRUGGIST AND CHKMI3T, ' . i ' ' 5fpw offers to the trade a full stock of Lubis Extracts and Colognes; English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. EL McA.DKN'8 Prescription Story. JUST RECEIVED. A full line all grades ready-made LADIES' UNDERWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those 81 Corsets left, at 60c, at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Not. 12. rrrcr WHEAT BREAD AT PRA TILER'S. CAKES !CAKES ! Pound Sponge, Fruit, Jelly, and all kinds of Fancy Ce"" PRATHERS, Orders for ornamental Calces promptly attended to. NEW STORE. TIN 1 HAED WARE. Have iiifit rOWafra-w n i- W 4 TTAn. w J i . . 'vwnrTu a DU1C11UCU BtAlVHUl UClUUiK and Cooking Stoves, consisting of IRON KING, COTTON KING, ELMO, PALMETTO, And tftfe Cetehrated Excelsior (tooklng Stove, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Zinc, Solder, Wire andTln- wTJJt-lroQ work promptly done charg- " ' " RICHARD MOORE, Neit dooi to Wittkowsxy tc Baruen, r asw:.. 7, . Charlotte, N.C. ; a'uy. io-qou , "00 BUNCHES' 'i imi-Ji.i,U,n ;.;A iy1) : Spllosd and New, at 'it .iff .htlT ;o'-t. i ooA .V 'uo Cl v. ior siue, or jor KIUK . 'rr.' w-u proneny or J. s. Broadawav. Wrtt DB. McADEN. I 1 Beatgaslngtoi, j, 1 - - - -. - - - - - 1 - A'GJSNM -WAKTKD-iot 'the best and'fastest- Solid Walnnt Case, lets .nowerfiii kta.vAa. nnlv WV AUUiCBS . u o. rimu mj., 163 Keecker St , New York. Agents, Read This WO Want ATI A (TOnt fn tnla 4 . " wtuui wuuij uy WUUIII 4awT VI - TS.il mreuuuu. ramp e rree. au dress at once SELERMAN & CO., Marshall, Mlchl- 1 200 111 30 ays on 81 00 Invested. ffuiJi00 reP0rts and Information free. $1 0 'TO ft t 000 Inrested hi Wall St fhi-i TX?"- fflrSS'V eipiainmgeyery- oiJu. a w. isaiiKera, 17 wail outsat, is. i. . il 8000 PLAN. , CnfoMninit aii 'Aytcriitfnp many ord.rs ' -EM 12 V.'v " " h" Mtnute hf espital, with i H"m mnement. Inri- t.-niiiiviiiRlprorateoa r tiirtoitaMuts ul iS is IB.MUV i ( jrcul.r, with full ex- - ' t,A WRIVrif Ti i a a . T . v.. .i. uiosm on cri. new j or&a EPILEPSY, FITS, FalUne Sickness,' St1vlfes Danee. Conttflsions, Ann nil affllftHnno rTTDPTvkw -rvr rir Tzi "v'av wuAi uj nDniK ASH infallible :and uneteelled remedy; warranted to effect a sueedr end nermanent '0.11m. stAtiaHna show an average of 95 cures out of , every LOO ca ses, a t ac, k buttle sent to any sufferer send ing us tucir exyiess ana r. u. aaares. a. JT. UUOKX A CO.. 1 U West 36ih St, N. T. :. A Great Offer For Pianos flJlr Orsmna at. V-rtrunrll nm T rt r-4 va. wou. xuowuiiiciiba 1 hi nrunnnisti i ip- ns $85, $45, $50. $60, $75. $85 and $100. 7 5140, $150, upwards, not used 6 months. Illos- - . . . .uV0 viuvi 0iai. 1 1 -.1 fin waiK-u iiKiiugues mtuiea. UUKAUU WATKRS. SLoP6161' 826 Broadway, New To! THIS MEW ELASTIC TRUSS HaPaddlBrteifrommllothll, i capifaaps, with Stlf-Adjanini Bal 1 In 00 tor, adapta i Uel to all Sotltlotu of tba body. wblU th al li n tbe cup preasaa back th lnt,itlnRjuitaa a person-won Id with the Vtn(r. VI Ith light , 1 J II 1 III. t..nkL ..J Km.. ftjmihvmul Pjrril.ri fraa. . , tubs vu uticago, 111. niif or km i dwm, ana iu Fori nfarmfttiAll. cLnrnlsm mnA MfarpncM. mAArm- pala. Dr. F. L. POND, Anrors, Kane Co., Ill ON 30 DAYS' .TRIAL. Wa will ocinri ri. V).,. T7lfr-i- -r,. . -n ------- "vu i uiwu, Deim suu uiner JSlectrlc Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those ouucwii uuiu rcrvuu3 ueDiiity. nneumatism, a. oioiou ui an uiseases or ine iiiver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure cure eruaranterf i ?i J.a Addfes3 VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Mar- siiaii, lull. 11. ICtfNTS IVAlUTFn For the rlc.hlv nin. ,r I, .n trat wort a comj auu wiiiuauii msiurj oi ine great lOUf 01 GEN. GRANT athend WORLD ! By Hon. J. T. Headley, the prince of descriptive authors. nSiHha S.ml fnl.rf.ln,.ni. , jMiKiuuiiuicuts, wiai j Palaces, Rare Curiosities, Wealth and Wonders of .uc muira, wuuia, wnpan, arc. UFT A million peo- uu nuitit. nere is me oesi cnance or your me w uiiu moner. ceware oi "caicn-penny" lmua- uvua uy unknown auuiors. i"or particulars, ad dress HUBBARD BROTHERS, Publishers, Phila- uopuio, ra. deel CURED.' A simple vegetable remedy for the pefy and permanent cwi of Consump- tinn 11rr.nhilH. rl-rrh Ahm. mA 11 'n. . radical cure for Nervous Debility and all itcrvous Complaints, wkick tat beat tcsied J ikouamdt of eatt. Recioo-ivlth full dirfirtinna (in Oeniian, French, or Enp'isli) for rrepais nm.ironin oi stamp, jneast asm uu paper. 1EEKA.R-lit Ponrtra' r.'ft.- . WE. alitor W V WANTED AGEil F0EmRTFS containing Cruden's Concordance and over 2,000 Illustration with all the NEW FFATUBJ5S, also AUI Literature. Alt and Song, With nTAP 1C( mrMVrawimtra ThaiM im tha Wb. to sell for ihe Holidays Bibles for parents, and ,7 ' u "us 10 r lue young people. uuv. uicua uuu Ksriiis seui, 011 application 10 J. IL CHAMBERS & CO. dot 2 1 4w. Atlanta, Ga. A FORTUNE QUICKLY MADE. MONEY has been made moro rapidly within the last few months in Wall St. than at any period since 1873. Immense profits have been realized from small investments. The following affidavit explains itself: reranaatlT appeared hefnre ms.Oenrre A. Payne, of 134 W. 49tn 8t. New York Cily, to we ktmwn, aud on belnc duly sworn aayt cbat qd an larestineot of 85 placed with Thatcber, Belmon A Co., Banker, and by tt-em ojierated for a period of two weeka, I liurf MlnrniJ 1. M. h Hi. a.l.l Arm ftAll.Kfl. (Sigud; Gao. i.. riTH, City and County of New Turk, f '" Dwoni D.IOI. ni. mis a;n ofpfniner, lgTy, J. B. Mwu. Notary 1'uUic, 11 Ductus SC. M. T, Thatcher. Belmont k Cn. accept aubaertber an their 1 ner rent. margin or In Ibelr cone. nlrii,.n of capiul, whereby a nrnnbei oi amaii luina oi imm qi ana upwards are aeKi-ecatcd an- stock operated Latest Wall Street information seat free upon THATCHER, BEL3IOVT & CO. Bankers I v- a i, wh oroau otreet, Xl.w York City. nov 21 4w. STOCK PLETED ! OUR FALL STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES; HATS AND TRTJIsTKIS Is now Complete. We are determined, to sustain our former reputation for selling THE BEST BRANDS Of goods, which every; sensible personj knows Is the cheapest In the end. Please call and see us before buying. IS We will deal fairly and hon estly with yoa PEGRAM ft 00. Oct 10, 1879. - Democrat and Home copy. ON HAXD FINE FAT TURKEYS. Fin: sir ( RAnEHRiE SSa Citablitbad I a 187 for th cor. c and 8ki'a Dlaiaaaa. withont th. u. i vi. mam con S. M. IIOWEI L. baa ' . ;.'"' , FOBFPRKlTljRE, PLiKoi, ORGANS. AC. WoSa Ml most Oniariventai aw in the CJt aMervousness, Rheum ttism or 8ikmZ lZHZ are Insulate J b " tut iii 8Jeep Apply to hHrriware teade gmeraliy' ; -i -i ;; .-,5i "U GLASS BALL CASTER CO., Eec5-eoo2w. 96 John Street, N. T. OiU Iii "sH Arriyphis sWeeJi. i-j. .f ' J , Ch Ice New Orleans i : . . , , . 1 . .' MOLASSES, In Barrels, Half Barrels pod Kegs.' 50 BOXES C. R. SIDIS. 1 We 11 REMEMBER, . That we bwre In Store one of Qui largest stocks of GROCERIES ; AND PROVISIONS 1 1. 1 . : ' .- . ; In the elty, and that onr goods are FOR SALE. TAKE NOTICE. 1 BURWEIL & SPRINGS. Nov. 23. NEW ARRIVALS. Twenty-flve barrels Irish Potatoes. Muscatel Balslns. Tnrkiah Tnmai Pearl Barley. Pickles In barrels and Jars. Russian Mnstard something new Baltimore Hams. Full Hn nf Cnftaaa an J a... . and quaiioes. uluereni eraaes grTeas-green and black-from the finest to low PATAPSCO FLOUR And different brands of Family Flour. A full Line of Canned Goods at C. HILKER'S Corner Tryon and 5th Streets. Nov. 28. (&KOtZXltBr Set. R IY1. Miller& Sons, WHOLESALE GROCERS MERCHANTS, DON'T BUY BEFORE SEEING US. WE ARE SELLING GROCERIES AT BOTTOM FIGURES. R. M. Miller & Sons. November 25. WLisctllmiciLms. i WAG0i E51P0R11SL For the best Wagon In the World, call on THOS. H. GAITHER. He keeps the celebrated i STUDEBAKER WAGON, , Which rjriAlr t i fivt a u-. . .7T ; ui aicni ui ine ientsn- nlal KuriOKttJnn nt .!.. . T MaiVKr". "f"c' '?" 'I ine tiuver He kees the ' ' rance' WEBSTER WAGON Also, which tivpu Bmivr.n . ouuaxawvu uo n X&Tul Cigars-Wholesale; ma?keltran(l8 1111(1 Krade, on the SHOW CASE, fi J?16 fil!ln for 8Dwlng goods at tbe Fair for l , i -- -.J fi ;. all lUKinn a 4. h m-a a inMMM 1 . . . ' I !'(; .- ravuB mud juo wi uuauu mm helm i reman rllntAlv no Hi. nMnM nri. 1 . t - MaiU "-vi wiwu vvMvu uuuw xtovemDer lstv - 1 -a s " a ',1:1 . -H 1 A CABDTOTHSAFFLICTBXi .U.a.i DR. KOBERTSONj 19 SOUTH EUTAW STBKET, tr and Th-mhiiaiv p.inih,tC 7-'i' rT""s qiu-. neas of shi " R wdinessTPalns to thl BiLSr, I . , tha. iwm.,i w,;r:r rir,"".v.,u ana ' AU OOOMiKvHnna kMii j J J I.t rIiiaii n7 r, S,,'.UUC,1U'. ana mean stanip for reply; 7T.6.T wnw' iSlSS "epnu IT ; & worm 0V1 am w -Athkhs, 6a., February 2?, 1 87K womsTrtrledlomeKi.11 wmptams of but tailed fo exw Sv i?rMw0?m.Ine,1" Prepared by K. S. LYNDON, kthem"'3' For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte K b - feb21d4iT 0 iNE OF THE MOffT . ONR nr t77- JlUtfJ IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE ! SORES, WOUNDS, OUTS, BRUISES, -i-Imnamed and abraded surfaces, and for-v AlL SKIN DISEASES. without a hor nf it in tho v,."""' 00 its virtues; and thrthodrwhVK" u' unite in reeommendlmr- It, Beware of wuntertelL ! Ask for Henry's Carbolc Salve, and take no other JOHN T. HINB, CURRAN 4 CO., 8ole Proprietors, 1 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston 4 Co., Charlotte, N. C. marl 1 PRESENTS IN GREATEST VARIETT, Ju arrived at THB- CHINA & PALACE John Brookficld & Co. China Dinner and Tea Sets, Bohemian Vases and Toilet Sets, China Motto Cups and aucer and Mugs, Lava Smoking Sets, Boxes. Basis, 4c , Fancy Wine and Liquor Sets, Dolls, Fine selection of Iridescent Glass. SilFcrand Silrer-PIated Ware In Great Variety. Fancy Work Stands, Boxes and Baskets, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods, Parian Marble Busts, ete., Alarm, Parlor and Striking Clocks, Brackets, Frames, Wall Pockets, Baby Carriages and Wagons, etc., etc. Come and see us and we will give you bargains WHOLESALE BUTERS Will dO VfH tW aa 6 " 'tar. v. . . .1... Ti ' r ' " 0 uoto uu iiatiu B 11111 7i i . uooosat wnolesale. viucn uj imu Konrfuy exwSuted. T.tt reetfully. . J. ROOK FIELD 4 CO.' Dec 12. WMsttlltmzows. HOUSEKEEPERS. a ou wui do welt to ttti CrorWll Tou.wUI do welt to cttntne my stock of tiaraware. I have Just etved 4 fine lot of I SUGARS, COFFFSy SYRTJP; HAMS, LARDr ' v''--An CAflHEO GOODS .f. . ir'. . , - . . ... .,. v . Olallklhda. .11 rrr'i-i : ';:-;-i nili nt v; 5 CET, eOUJSTER. Cish fofaillgocds. "'' J';;;T i.'- : -:--i)L 'J.i. ,.ntoil flkXi WTWBi: cent; DAA SB.. 1 a - ... . ': 200 Bushels Meaii; arit n....a..i. if..i . e . f-- . f. ' orl'l" E3b IplO Boxea Plug f WjswCTnTiJii! ; ' 'lintf ail' lands; fof ''plrnd lviaii tifuii for t rholeaNS twr 1 Vrders and conshrnments SoUCIted,' ft i s 1 ; . :- I HAKkilN,' Agent, t v a.iih. Commission Merchan , DecemSM 1 8tand' Cflariotte, N. C