1 3 r 0' If it a I 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBERS, 1879. " ATE NEWS. Twenty new dwellings are going up in Winston at present. The young ladies of Greensboro will give a leap year hop and Wade Harris is uneasy about anescprt. ioiirteenV&r loads offl fruit from Florida rtassM through Wilmington Wednesday, en route to the North. John Robinson - has. been re-elected president of the Dixie Agricultural So ciety, and Mr. J6hn T. Patrick secretary- , , -11 Raleigh News': Judge Clark is in the city. It is rumored that he will begin the publication of a daily newspaper her at an early-date. ' ' The tobacco factory of W. F. Ireland, at Company Shops, was burned on the night of the 9th inst., together with a quantity of leaf and manufactured to bacco. The United States Senate, in execu tive session Tuesday, confirmed the ap pointment of David L. Bringle as post master, at Salisbury, and R. M. Orrell 7tayetteville. - ?r " "' Ifatried in!iRaTefgh Tuesday, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, by the Rev. E. R. Rich, Mr. A. W. Barron and Miss Kate Boylan, youngest daughter of T. II. and the late Mary E. Snow. Prof. Dana, now of Hillsboro, has been called to take charge of the musi cal department of the Salem Female Academy, in place of Prof. Agtbwho shortly leaves for Lcndbn. Winston Leader: The railroad fever is reviving in Stokes. Appointments have been made from the 16th to the 22nd, and Grav. Morehead, Caldwell, Joyce and King are the railroad talkers. An election has been ordered by the commissioners of Stakes- in Sauratown, Meadpws. and Iiittlo Yadkin townships for subscriptions to the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, on the 10th of January.; The Greensboro Patriot says Mr. W. D. McAdooproprietof .of .the McAdoq Tlouie.Iai purchased a steam fire en gine and' a reel of hose, to protect his hotel from flrer The engine is 2-horse power, and will throw a stream entire ly over the building. The president of the Cheraw and Sal isbury Railroad is very desirous that all parties who have subscribed to the first mortgage bonds of this road -shall promptly pay the balance due on the same, and take up their bonds. The bonds have been drawing 7 per cent in terest fcipny tfceTtsfof October, 1879. Raleigh farmer and Mechanic : We learn with unfeigned regret of the ex treme flluess of a daughter of Prof. W. C. Kelt gentle gifted girl, -who has long been a sufferer. At the hour of go ing to press we learn our sympathies are no longer needed, save for the af flicted family, to whom they are fully tendered. Greensboro Patriot : Capt. R. A. Jen kins, agent for the East Tennessee, Vir ginia & Georgia Railroad, is what the boys would call a "bad man" to get in emigrants. He secured some fifty odd Tuesday morning, "and to-night he sends off a car nearly full of men and women to old Kentucky. Jenkins nev er persuades anybody to emigrate, but when he hears of anyone wanting to go West, he makes for 'em. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. The recent rains' washed away sev eral bridges in Spartanburg county. Gaffney City, on the Air Line, con tinues to improve. Captain A. M. Manning lias been ap pointed general superintendent of the Cheraw and Chester Railroad and has tnteiedjiRpp bis duties, in that capaci ty. T4e Governor-has respited Neil Blair, colored, who was to have been hanged at Camde:'. on the 13th of January, for murder, until the second Friday in March. His Excellency Governor Simpson has granted a pardon to Mr. Robert A. McDowell who was serving out a sen tence of twelve months in the Chester county jail for shooting; Ben 'jChjsar 3 IWbfni TufckSlt r known citizen of SiHf tinki, t88fizim-d sdeatteron I '.akttlfjat fiil'Lllut. IVlile intoxff-:dp,l he lay down upon the sidgwalky&nd irfl his drunken stupor, died from the. hf-X recta of the cold and heavy rain stqn. Chester Buftetftij WJiile Mr. 2iM Williams w"as down in,a well on, Mr. John K. Coleman's place fn town one day, last week, Lloyd .Hopper; Lucius Kennedy, and Sam Henry, windlass hands, threw missiles down the shaft and struck the former several times.) A warrant was issued by Trial Justice Lloyd, and the trio was brought up be- wic niui uii me cnarge, Qt assault-am battery, and found goiljy; Theyj WBI uanciy, aim louniigniijyx sent to jail for thjf tyayl. Wright' 20,000,000 Bill. Washington. Dec. 17. Tiv t.lu ntrano. and favor of the committee ort,pullfcJ lands Mr. Hendrick 13. Wright has been again permitted tq report ,what is, known as his S20,ppq,(jo 2ill7 nd Mvei " referred to the committee of the whole. This bill proposes.tlqaa poorn ey of the government to thei stinC of $20,000,000, in sums ofk$50Wimp cunious homesteaders to purchase seeds farming implements, &c . The .jnoney is to be secured by mortgage on the land. The committee declined to make any recommendation, butimp)ill(yr ed Mr. Wright to report the bill on his" individual responsibility. Took Four Wives. Greensboro Patriot ''Jlv The second-class car'lo Tuesday morning's mail train passed here con taining two or thrBiwf andeaifttsrfects crowa oi womeni AtM dMldren feofngH Woof Thaw rtfr . . i , . . I '' . -t-r iiuiu po nits aionetne a ire uneven numner of t.h A prompted the reiwrter to make inquiry into the matter, and it was all ed when the fact was revealed that one of the. men was a Mormn.and Jiad four wives among the car load of wo- w- : c: c Eat Salt Oy-Nter. U1. Ul'OIUO W. Lawrence. "W7 of Hot SpriafrfArAartUplliaumptEve: . , SLSinmiuics hhu jw bisons surrermg with bronchial and pulmQjiaiy i)l3 to eat raw oysters. He stales' yfajt salt oysteis,speeiiyiwe raw, or tresh direct from the shell, surely excite the secretory functions of the mucus foil- tion. Thi1 Create bivalves that oon tain the greatest amount of phosphates and saline properties . blended are most To an who are attBertng trom trrron, aa to- "ji 'Safdal nKSdTw nd recipe thai ' LZ2tw dtseoMMLlirt 'inlaaioDaryt to b feWir.1 iiMifs! envfiope ' ' I i' -n i I-MIMI lllllrtM m . illlf " 'I 'MIMillll IW '" i llll , 0- r -t x X - HP The Terrible Experieftec ftia Xoung ' Woman 1u tec wilds of "Peunsyl- ?Btah Hlii r)Z 1(1 X I Hunter's Range, Pa November 27. Abdut a month ago Miss Alice Corey, of New York city, came to visit her, un cle, a German, who owns a small farm in the mountains, six miles northwest of this place. Miss Corey is about 1.6 years old, and her parents are well to do. Her uncle has a daughter, Clara, also aged about 16 years. Her father having tut one son, Clara has for years helped to do the work on the farm, and she has become an expert shot with a rifle. She has a mania for hunting, and frequently goes into: the fortstin search of game. , . A few days ago Clara invited her cousin to accompany her on a hunting expedition. They started from the house shortly after breakfast, Alice with a double-barreled gua and -Clara with a rifle. After scouring the WQOds for several -Siours without tmuoll Suc cess they visited "Dark Swamp." This swamp embraces several hundred acres, is densely wooded, and bears are fre quently seen there. The girls reached the edge of the swamp sA noon, and itarteid" into the thickeiUheylhad gone but a short distance, when Miss Corey, who was walking a few yards behind her'eousin. heard a crackling noise in the bushes a short distance bjackj Jx6ki ing around, she saw a large black bear coming toward her. Clara, who had frequently encountered these shaggy monsters, called to her frightened cou sin to come to her. She then drew her rifle to her shoulder and, taking delib erate aim at the animal, awaited until it came within easy range, and then fired. The bear uttered a howl M pain and fell bleedingi ' As Clara's rifle was a single-barreled one, she Seized the double-barreled gun from her cousin and discharged both barrels at the infu riated animal, in the hope of killing it outright. But, with the disappearance of the smoke from the gun, the bear was seen writhing, but not dead. The brave young woman then approached cautiously to within reaching distance of the wounded animal, and, taking from a large leather belt encircling her waist a bone-handled deer knife, plung ed ' it to the hilt into the bear's neck. At this moment the dying monster gave .a sudden lunge and fastened its claws into the girl's sldrts, pulling her down. Her frightened eousin ran about wildly and screamed at the top of her voice ; but, as there was no house within two miles, her cries were not heard. She then returned to where Clara was still straggling with the animal. ' The bear still held the girl in its grasp, but was rapidly growing weaker. The girl was all the tiere using her knife with good effect. She dealt the dying animal blow after blow until it finally released its hold and rolled overdead. Though very much exhausted and considerably scratched bjs the bear's claws, Clara, with - the assistance of her cousin, was soon ahJe5 to walk.- They marked the spot where the dead bear lay, and then returned home. Clara's father and brother drove to the swamp and brought the bear m, which, when dressed, weighed 840 pounds. The skin is to be sent to a New York taxider mist co to be stuffed, and it will be kept by the young woman as a souvenir of her terrible struggle and fortunate es cape. A Curious Request Augustus Schultz, who died in West chester county, N. Y, last -.week, leftin his will a clause which reads: "I de sire that alter my life has been declared extinct a post-mortem examination be instituted, in which the operating phy sician will make it his especial duty to examine my heart, my left lung and" my stomach, the seat, I believe, of my end less suffering. Before closinc the ex amination the physician will also please make a few incisions in my heart. 1 desire this post-mortem examination not only for my own satisfaction's sake that life is really extinct, but that the doctors' or physicians' repot t maybe the means of guarding my children against similar diseases. I beg my ex ecutors as well as my... wife to waive any repulsive feeling which a post-mortem examination may cause them. It is my positive wish, and as such I have repeatedly expressed it to my wife during our married life." Ry Schultz's will none of his bequests are conditional, but he asks of his sons that in accepting their honest share of his large estate they should respect his wish that each should qualify himself for soma usejfai' occiittit ion. He sug gests, but de rK)t;comnaandthe busi nesses between th6 trades ; and profes sions, Such ag eiif i$id joining engi neenirg; architecture and chemicals. Jiut above all lie urges that "they shmild j have a thorough knowledge of tlifih-J uptime tonguene English language;" " ftuccens or the Woman's Exchange! The New irork Exchange -for Wo man's Work, a society organized for the benefit of needy gentle-women, opened its rooms less than two vears ago with thirty articles for sale, at a commission of ten per cent. The receiuts for salps khaye, alreadjramounted to over $20,000, sfe?rL.$f$l$ for incidental expenses, Ttif. jte balance in the treasury of oer8i,-0W.vA:very large order tmsiii ness has been done, besides keeping the rOOmS Stocked With a arppf vnriofw n .beautiful articles for house, toilet and personal aaornment. Hundreds of wo .menwjiohave seen better days have aatie a profitable to send the results of tneir industries to the exchange, with outlhe slightest Dublicitv. On l pp& business is the sale of hoine- maue cane, preserves ana pickles, large" orders coming for them even f mm Ttntr- Jand.;. Some rare old laces, historical china, &c , have been consigned also for sale by persons obliged to part with them, a number coming from the South em States. The small commission charged would not pay the exnenseS'df the exchange. This is done from the uuuowiuuuu ui sso a, v car ul ea.cn nnwi .,memDers. Mrs. A. T. Stewart made a jgiftlast year of $500. Political Colonization. Vi WMmtidifa, December 15. Sena tor Vd(J!tlIeei Intends to press for early action upon his resolution introduced dnto the Senate for an investigation in to the causes of the colored emigration from North Carolina and other South ern States into Indiana. For some time there has been a well-grounded suspi cion.that political purposes were at the bottom of this movement, and the peo- UefoElKiiiaiifeire very anxious to rind out how it ta. J lie law or Indiana jis to if tittefeieUp is very loose, and the ne groes whp.jrany ue Drought into that Inte im tu nitlun-a wbhk' ofTti"6" elec- to become residents. From this it will be see Ii&fvY'4Sf'M(Ald be t9 change Indiana from a Democratic to a Kepub publican State as ten thousand colored Republican voter? would amply suffice. Objectiop? w3 ijsfUTPMy made to-fday irom trie xtepuunuau wuo ui. uie oeuate Xue Special W wuuuwoivu u orr rCKIov ia oihiwwil'Jin the examination mere, la a,wwB-syicau .: . b ftel&Airmt State that neither thureEeVti6r colleges Bhoollje wmpt ed Jronvthe general burden of taxation anl.tJftt atranv reuresantlitapns to trns do laiia oeioTw ""io 'il 0.1 .'MP frt 000,001 i wanted. - - - Sherman & Co.. Marshall, Mich., want an agent In this county at once, at-a salary nf. Sino mr month and expenses paid. For fall pHrUculaia tr patent Xctltciii?:!.. Expectorant 1 IN 23CTS. AND SI BOTTLES. Its properties are Demtilcent, Kntri ' tive Balwafnic, Soothing and Healing. ' Combining all these qualities, it is the most effective LUNG- BALSAM ever offered to exinreraomulmonary diseases. .. ' DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, Of Hew York, voluntarily indorses it. -READ WHAT HE SAYS:- Ir. TDTT : New York, Sept., 19, 1877. Dear Sir Daring this year I viuied n ne hundred eases of lnng d. senses. In the lower wurds of the city the cases were of a very severe type. It was there my ettention Was called to Tutt's Expectorant, and I confess my surprise at its wonderful power. During a practice of twenty years, I have never known a medicine to act as promptly, and with such happy effects. It instantly subdued the most violent fits of coughing, and invariably cure J the disease in a few days. 1 cheerfully indorse it as the best lung medicine I ever used. J. FRAJJCIS HAYWOOD, M. D. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. it i . Office, Kvenmg News, Augusta, Ga. Dr. TUTT: Dear Sir My little son, was attacked with pneumonia last winter, which left him with a violent cough, that lasted till within a month since, for the cure of which I am indebted toyour valuable Expectorant. I had tried most every thing recom mended, but none did any good until I used your Ex pectorant, one bottle of which removed the cough entirely. With many thanks, I am yours truly, JOHN M, WKIGLE. Had terrible NIGHT SWEATS. Memphis, Feb., 11, 1871. Dr. TUTT : Sir I have been suffering for nearly two .Tears with a severe cough. When I commenced ta king your Expectorant 1 was reduced to one hundred and sixteen pounds in weight. I had tried almost everything : had terrible night sweats. I have taken hall dozen Dottles, l ne mgnt sweats nave ieit me, gainea niteen f friends ilCE. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Reader, have yon caught a cold ? Are you tin able to raise the phlegm ? Have yoa an irrita tion in the throal? A sense of oppression on the lungs, with short breuth ? Do you have a fit of coughing on lying down ? A sharp pain ow and then in ttie region of the heart, shoul ders and back? II" bo, oar Advice is take al once a dose of Tutt's Expectorant; yon will soon be able to raise the phlegm. In an hour repeat the Expectorant, place a hot iron to the feet, take two of Tutt's Pills. Yon will soon fall into !a pleasant sleep and wako up iu the morning, cough gone, lungs working freely ; easy breach lng, and the bowels moving in a natural manner. To prevent a return of these symptoms nsa the Expectorant several days. Office, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS CURE TOIIF1D LlVlIt. TUTT'S PILLS CURE D1SPEPSIA. A TUTT'S PILl!s CUBE COSTIVENtSS. TUTT'S PILLS CURE FEVER AND AiiUC. TUTT'S PILLS CURE SICK. HEADACHE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT'S PILLS GIVE APPETITE, TUTT'S PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. TUTT'S PILLS CURE PILES. TUTT'S- HAIR DYE. Gbat Hub ob Whiskers changed to a Globsx Black by a single application of this DTK. It im part a Natural Color, acta Instantaneously, and is as Harmless as spring water. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. m Office, 35 Murray St., New Yol'k. apr 1 ly. "A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOaiJVER&KIDNEYS. CURATIHE,' For Blood Diseases. CURATINE, Fat LItu Complaints, A medicinal com pound 6f known value combining In one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the Blood, the JAver, the Kidney. Harmless in action and thorough In its effect. It is unexcelled for the cure of all Blood Dim eamem such as Scrof ula. Tumor g, Bollm, Tof ter.Salf AJaetf m, Ithmtmttitimn., 3fer-t cttrtat t.P4on0r CURATINE, Tor Kidney DlMRses. HuRATiFlE,'' CURATINE, , . f -vVt Scrofula X&siei. CURATINE, For ErrtlpiU, PUnplit, BletafaM, etc , aei aeh, Mtetenti9n of urine, etc sk'your cruggist ...FOR 11. TEE CHEMICAL Cfl. .BALTIMORE. Md. ' HILL'S SOCIA1 AND BUSINESS MANUAL. For everybody. Nothing like it ever pub lished. Selling rapidly, jkganta .wanted. W. H. anepaJd, fiuypn rt . N.rl X SECRET ina!ns,JML. How. to become. Rich, arid Watch sew- free. mU. -& (Agency, Mount I. t J . 1 r i 'T'T a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents f I Qi4 free;ShaFgo., Augusta, Maine. $777 ta, Maine. AJXEARJii)! expMes to Agents Outfit free. Address P. O. VICKERY. Aukus- ; lofi advertisers.' 1 fW cages, 10 L;4 CO., eentsi.tt. P. EOWEL .V.lii.'. -'declS. r.JUST'HECEJVKD, 5 I' AND TO ARRIVE. ROn Rn.lra -mrm' Oit VilaKAla iLfaal 1 rift T..nKlU Anin ' rjtnr a uaiieisTJum. 2 Cass Durham Sailor Smoking Tobacco. iu aoxes nag xoDacco, - ' ' ! I , ! And all kinds prodBc arriving Mlany' for ttie1- wnoiesaie and retail trade. Orders and consignments Solicited. J. L. HARDIN, Agent, ' i 1 ! ( I ' I ' Commission Merchant, B. N. Bmiih's CM BtandfciSlotte, N. C December 14. 01ipperngines trom Engines from 4 to 40 40 Hot Power - SWtionSies ; Adjustable Cut-Off Utica Knginei from la to 900 Horse Power ; Improved Oorlis Kngines from 16 to 160 Horse Power; Boilers 11 sizes; iron Srafa?,R?J,erslDle Sw-Mills, four sizes ; North Carolina Portable Corn Mills ; Corn-Mill Stones, all sizes, guaran. teed to produce better Meal, with 26 per oent. less power, tnan on olherJUHLMotu in tht wnrd "Tins T mw Mm Co. o WEmtlSBT:lB,MD.,irWeittnuistor, Mi,U. S. A hiAddress Branch:Office,Charlotte, N.;C. " August 29 dtofimv, KSTJElEGEIiVBd;;- .aiomljliUi KiK'S i!;.';i' .!,; ii -Vi.ii 1QQ B0XE3T0Y CANDY, nil' i i!ni!M'ili,t .-fnjtt i I r 1 lr't .l.t 2 BOXS8 ILORIDA OBiNGES, 1 KEGSrMALAGA GRAPES. .-!'!( t.n vi :4 F iTfifNATU RES OWN i ii a h j Aft II T I ii iaw i 1 Jf? ,?'S.andAKrio,1'tural Knginea ; 8 to 10 Horse Power : Dry Steam HOrMfowariT OUST RECEIYJBD BY ; lurt .'.'.: i.i JIroy DAVIDSON. . ,K .j'T iO Ul iV) ' decl8 (&onUctfQncxt$i Sec. AT RIGLER'S You will find the largest and bf st assortment of Toys ever brought to the city. They are now be ing opened. 4 Candies-Bolh Plain and Fancy. We claim that we hate nsgood if hot better than you will And elsewhere, and at prices as low If not lower than you can buy the same In the city. FRUITS, NUT3, RAISINS, CITRON AND C.RRANT& Seed'ess Baisins for your Christmas Cake. The best assortment of PLAIN & FANCY CRACKERS Ever brought io the city. CANNED GOODS Of all descriptions. Here is ihe place to buy your CAKES AND BREAD, As we make a specialty ol Cakes especially foir Christmas. Come and see. Respectfully, D. M. EIGLEB. Dec. 5. DKUUO fST AND rHRMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soais. English, French and Aniericnn TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H McA DEN'S Prescription Stoix, JXiUincvij. JUST RiHKIY A full line a!l grades ready-made LADIES' From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those 81 Corsets left, at 60c, at vP. QUERY'S. Nov. 12. RYE, GRAHAM , , -. AND ' SilE AT BREAD AT PRATHER'S. CAKES ! CAKES ! Pound Sponge, Fruit; Jelly, and all kinds of Fancy Cakes at , PRATHER'S, May 22. : 1 Trade Soet. Orders Iqt ornamental Cakes promptly attended to. NEW STORE. 1X1 JljAJlDWARB. Have fust received a splended stock of Healing and Cooking Stoves, consisting of IRON KING, COTTON KING, ELMO, PALMETTO, And' the Celebrated Excelsior Cooking Stove, Sheet 'Iron, Tin Plate, Zinc, Solder, Wire and Tin ' . -' Ware of all kinds. Tin aijd Sheet-Lvon. work promptly done-charg-8 mocleriifc ' s H Next tlovirlo Witlkow-Ky & Buruch, . GU 'ilOttei N. C. .'1 . -ii ! . it. (,! --.l -rytiiii- rr Spliced and N6w; at JiURWELTli & SPRINGS'S. ..'DiBC.lC.', ami il-r.i r. r 'A comlortabte dwetUhg hauait oh Cbarcn "Btreet,! near the centre bl the city, for sale, or for Tent lor the year 1880 the property bf J. 8. Broadaway. TS??i 1 " - -- DB.MCADSN. . , :-v.: 1m..-. -'li ? ' i'l' ' ;i ' ' ' $ixu liducrttscnxcuts. D 1 1 U ft C Stool, cover and book rendu. 9. knAA bwa1. atnoli hnnkv i'nlv Kiift. Holiday newspaper, free. Address DaiiieV jr..Beatty, Washington, .,, ; j A GENTS WANTED for the best and fastest- xx selling Pictorial Books .arid BiWs3. Prices reduced 83 per cent Natii ai PcrBLiflHiN& Co.. Atlanta, Ga. - DDfilM Walnut Case, Una QFI 2 full sets powerful Reeds. 9 Stons. 2 Knee swells 5 'ctaves. only 3fiy. Address u S. PIANO 163 Bleecker St , New York. Agents, Read This I We want an Agent in this county to whom we will pay a salary of $100 per month and expenses to sell our wonderful invention. Pample free. Ad dress at once SHERMAN & CO., Marshall, Michi gan. JL 1 OHfi returns in 30 days on SI 00 invested. P 1 .11 Official reports and information free. Like profits weekly on stock options of $1 0 to $50. Addreis T. POTTER WIGHT A CO., Bankers, 35 Wall Street, N. Y. S1 A T'O AAA invested In Wa 1 St 11 JiJ 1 UUU Stocks makes fortunes every month. Book sent free explaining every thing. Address BAXTER & CO., Bankers, 17 Wall street, N. Y. GOOD PLAN. (Vmh1nln!r nn pcrntlns many order iu one yhmi sum has evf v no v.iiiiHt of capital, with , f Sell If ul m;tnajif mint. j h' nivttll pio rt no M'Vt;tnwiil8 i I 2- lof.'.ff '. ; :cIai . Willi I ul I fz- LAWRtKCK k CO.. St iti;l 5fie,i. Nvw'urk. EPILEPSY, FITS, Falling Sickness, St. Vitus' Dance. Convulsions, and all Nervous afflictions CURED by using Dtt. VonBKRG'S CELEBRATED GEfctMAN CORE. An InfalllDle and unexcelled remedy; warranted to effect a speedy and permanent cure, i Statistics show an average of Qo cures out of every 100 ca ses. A FREE BOTTLE sent to any sufferer send ing ns their express and P. O. address. R. . COOKE & CO.. Ill We&t36ch St, N. Y. A Creat Offer For ! Pianos and Organs at Extraordinary Low Prices for Cash. Instalments received. Splendid Or gans $35, $45, $50. $60, $75, $85 and $100. 7 Octave Rosewood Pianos $130, $135. 7 1-3 do. $140, $150, upwards, not used 6 months. Illus trated catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS, Manufr and Dealer, 826 Broadway, New York. P. O. Box 3530. SfiSSEKS&iikTIT. A STTP TTJTTSS . . Hm. VA riiflerinv from &1 1 othefl. is2air:r5H V J ia ruptbape, with Slf-Adiastinfr Vfjisin r i-wiiloni of the lio.lv. while the wiib tbe ringer. uo iifui lTCisr.r? the Hernia r. held securely Jar anl nkhl nl ra :i al c- : U!-. Ills a.y, dorahlc .-Sum. Sia'.bv JCiil. Circulars tree. VGCLESTCS T11US3 CO., Cliicagt,, 111. - 3 a. '. y VI V !? I 4 I V S P i'- i : .a y 'A INSTITUTE. 7tblish1 1 n 18T9 ft tie rn" Cnnp, Tnaon, Cleers, SeiO' ft-irt Skia 1lsesses. without the u-c v knife. loss of bloci. and liuUpaia. 1'i.ri nformition, circular, a:.J refereDces, address, Dr. F. L. roXD, Aurora, Kane Co., II' ON 30 DAYS' :TRIAL. We will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility. Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases A sure cure guaranteed or no py. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Mar shall, Micb. AGENTS WASTED S plete and brilliant History of the great tour of GEN. GRANT AROPND THE WORLD ! By Hon. J. T. Headley, the prince of descriptive authors. Describes Ht-gal Entertainments. lt)al Paliic- s. Rjire Curiosities, Wealth find Wonders of the Indies, China. J;ipan, .vc. I4f A million peo ple want it Here Is the best chance of your life t make money. Beware of -catch-penny" Imita tions by unknown authors. Kor p rticulars. ail dress HUBBARD BROTHERS, Publishers, Phila delphia, Pa. deel CURED; A simple vegetable remedy JOT t'te tpttdti aud permanent cure of CoTi3iiTap lion,l!roachiti,Citirih..sihn)a,an ? all Throat and Luna Agecliont. AU.0 n J.Of -rive and mclicnf euro for Nervon3 Cbiluy tntl all Nervous (Xiaplaillts, tchick tai been tested in thousandx of cue, lcij vy. h I dirccUons (ic Ocnuan, ITonch. or I np- i j) fur iircpar- loll reorilit Of E.r.lll. i '.: I.cm Ih.t paper. WA7-iKSBU!.a.J 3.Ve:r;V.i.' J. v:..tterJf.T. 'ill l' Ti.w-i. i. . WANTED AGESui K0B BIBLES containing Cruden's Concordnnfe and over 2. 000 Illustrations, with al! the NfcW FEATURES, also for Literature, Art and Song, With over 00 engravings. These are the books to sell for the Holidays Bibles for parents, and Literature, Art and Song for the young people. Circulars and terms sent on application to J. H. CHAMBERS & CO.. nov 21 4w. Atlanta, Ga. A FCRTOME (PCULY HADE. MOSEY has been nw.lo luoro rj;;.";".;.- v.-jthin the last few raonths ia Wall St. t'aaa at r.cy period since 1S73. Immenab profits have been realize 1 from small investments. The folloTrin;; ailiJavit ci?lains itself: rereonlly uppenrci I-fn-c m.O-rse A. Payne. ol 1S4 W. 49t!i St. New York City, t mo Imni. mid un l;ii July aworu Kft that on n Inreatment of Sa3 pl i.-ed with Thatcher, lielraon A Co., Bankers, ami by t!:eia oj.M-..t.-.l lor n peHo.i of two week. I bad returned to mo uy t:..' b .1 I lir:n SttS.."3. (Si-ii.-d; ti w. A. Pun, State of New Tork, City and Conuty of NV vv Vrk. - Sworn before n.e tun 221 s.';.t nlwr. 1T9. J. B. Nokks, KoUry i'uuiic, al Uu.tins St,, N. T. Thatcher. Belmont k Cn. accept mbscrlhera an their 1 per cent, margin or In tlteir coiK-'ilriUion of CApiul, whereby a numbei of vmall auma of frm 3tO mid upwards aro aggrecateU an-1 gtocka operated Latest Wa street fuformatlon aeut free upon application by THATCHER., BELMO.VT Si CO. Bankers. e. O. Box 130", or 48 Broad Street, New York City. nov 21 4w. STOCK OUR FALL STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND Is now Complete. We are determined to sustain our foimer reputation for selling THE BEST BRANDS OfgooJs v.bich eveTy; sensible person' knors i the cheapest In th-: end. Piea?e call and see ns before buying We will df al fairly and hon estly with ym P iil A CO. Oct. 10. 1-7U. Democrat and Uoinu copy. V, - i COM PLETED llol For Cfiris!" , 80 FINE FAT TURKEYS KIIKbJI (itAN'BERlHEA 8. M. HOWELL. GLASJ:;BALL;;:QASTERS FOR FURNITURE, PIAKQ3, ORGANS, &G. The tbest and most Ornamental Caster in the World. No Nervousness, Rheumatism or Sleep lessness wliere beds are Insulated by them. ' ' Apply to the hardwaie trade generally, or ' - - -THE CrLASS BALL CASTER CO., ' r, c JO - ' ' 86 Joha Street, N.t: Dec, 5-eod2w. , . . . , . i tv Ch ice New Orleans MOLASSES,:: In Barrels, JBalf Barrels and Eegs. 50 BOXES : C. R. SIDES. REMEMBER, That we have In Store one of the largest stocks of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS In the city, and that our goods are FOR SALE. TAKE NOTICE. BURWELL & SPRINGS. Nov. 23. NEW ARRIVALS. Twenty-five barrels Irish Potatoes. Mince Meat Muscatel Raisins. Turkish Prunes. Pearl Barley. Pickles In barrels and Jars. Russian Mnstard something new Breakfast Bacon. Baltimore Hams. Full line of Coffees and Sugars, different grades and qualities. Teas -green and black from the finest to low grades. PATAPSCO FLOUR And different brands of Family Flour. A full Line cf Canned Goods at C. HI LEER'S, Comer Tryon and 5th Streets. Nov. 28. (groceries, &t. R M. Miller & Sons, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, DOX'T BIT BEJOI.E SEEING US. WE ARE SELLING GROCERIES AT BOTTOM FIGURES. R. IY1. MillerSt Sons, November 25. IPrisrcIfctuemis. , WAGON EtiPORIlM. For the best Wagon In the World, call on THOS. H. GAITHER. He keeps the celebrated ST IIDEBAKER WAGON, Which took the first Award of Merit at the Centen nial Exposition at Philadelphia, Also the Sliver Medal at the World's Great Fair, at Paris, France. He keeps the WEBSTER WAGON Also, which gives universal satisfaction aa a farm wagon. Cigars Wholesale. Best brands and cheap- st, f r the grade.i oil the market All persons due me for Guano must settle imme diately, as the cotton option expired November 1st. THOS. H. (JA1T HER. . Nov. 4 d&wly. ,k CARD TO'TELK AfFLICTEDV 1 1 i , ("; 1 t:. i.i.',,in;'i') .Ml !ol i tsl- DR. ROBERTSONj 1$ SOUTHjEU3!A;WSXREETi From fifteen years exiertenca in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent core la alL diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System -viz! lOigBalcand Seminal1 Weakness,' Impoteney loss e sexual power), Nervous DeMlf ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dlm-: hesaof Sight or Giadlness,, Pains to the Back and Nocturnal Emissions;J' etc, - all resulting Irom abuses in youth or excesses to manhood Diseases recently contracted cured in five te , ten days,; and thepoUon entirely eradicated from, the systenu Also all 1 skin and - blood diseases' quickly, cured. Dr j Robertson, a graduate of the Universitr of Maryland, refers te any, of the; Ujacllue physicians of Baltimore. Special attention, given to, jUI Jer male eomplalnts and lrregulaitie - .. ; 'All consultations strictly confidential, and" me&' olnes sent to ai addiea9, JgaIlo. write, enclosing stamp for reply, . 'T , i , ( St , t ., 2, WHEN ANY MA A COLD CimLS.' FKTER FLUSHES, Hixin uE and general uQcomfortabieiK M, AMD TXT DON'T KNOW EXACTLY ' WHAT An.s H, Then is the time to take MOTT'S PILLS. .aJM, exel all impurities from the stomach an J aiding digestion, and , a,m sysU: .. RESTORING TO 11EALTII. when all ether remedies fall Take them for Biliousness, 'Indigestion r. ,, JOHN F. HENRY, CURRiN & CO.. Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. FmaebrL' E-Wrlston C0- Charlotte, N. C. SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athkns, Ga,, February 22, 1 87J? SIR My child, five years old, had symptoms of worms. I Med calomel and other worm medicines but failed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain's certin cate, I got a vial of Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worms, and the second dose so many that I did not count them. S. H. Adams. Prepared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte. N. u teb21dfcwly. (&V0tktxrs Kn& (SXasswrare PRESENTS IN GRE4TEST VARIETY, Just anlved at THE- CHINA l PALACE OF Jolio Brooklield & Co. China Dinner and Tea Sets, t Bohemian Vases and Toilet Sets, China, Motto Cups and Saucer and M;. Lava Smoking Sets, Boxes, B.w's. c , Fancy Wine and Liquor Sets. Dolls, Fine selection of Irld.'scsnt Glass. SilFcrand Silver-PIaifd Ware In Great Variety. Fancy Work Stands, Boxes and Baskets, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods, ! Parian "Marble Bjsts, etc.. Alarm, Parlor and Striking Clocks, ' ' Brackets, Frames, Wall Packets, , Baby Carriages and Wagons, etc., c-. Couie and see us and we will give you bargains WHOLESALE BUYERS WJU -do.. well to ea;ji-We have on hand n full stock of Crockery, dlassware. Lamp Goods, Tin ware, etc- . Taney Goods at wholesale. 1 Orders by mail Srenrplly; taunted. ' i . j i 'wvu: ; iTT-repefully, , ! r '' uU" "'' ''' i. BUOOKFIELD 4 CO. Dee. 1ft,' 'i .-.'J - i i BttsceUsmttfAtsf. IIOUM&feEPERS. Toil will do wen to eftamlne my sto k of Groceries aud Hardware. . I hava just received a fine lot of : . .'!' .: . t tit ;;;:' ; 8UGAR&i -COFFEES 'SiRUiffl, HAMS, L4RD, ' : . hr.r. .-. i-.-v - - ..;.:.,-AWr!,:l!-.i ! iiiwji.;i ul -:-' : JQANNEO; GOODS . .(1lr 'el ' i -):): "!f ' ' .' Of all kinds. I . . 5 CENT COUNTER. ;. i t ;. i ... Cash for allfeocd. ..... -iLi mJ .!'.: , il T BrjTLEa Bet. -Doe: 8... Iii't CHRISTMAS I! . I GIFTS ! ! ! Carochet Shawls .iiii tif:!o-, i i ' -(-.: i ; h ; Breakfast Shawls, .... '. i! ' 'NiiSli?, H03ds,';fcques,', , " i f . I m ; : Boslery, fittote Handkerchiefs, : 1 , ' , ! Nac llSa, T.Jles, D )'tlle s, T wete I- :'!.' ! iU '4.'!t. . and In fae profualop of pretty thtogs of hll sorts v--. 'ui!' itott-' : iii ' XMAS. ,- XMAS. , H,.fi Ji 5 siiiYEBYCHlAP, AT i I iiu.-:n-)jti: iAffiiUUtt-. r. -. h fj .v v BABBTKGEB ft VBdnte'ft HOLIDAY 1 1, V "' j it i dCl8

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