IF: nr - 8TFB8CRIPT10N KATS8 : Dady, one war, popped) ad 00 Six Xontto Zj Throe Uontlm " On Month -r" WXXKLT MDZTIOW t Weekly, (in Vui co)" W JO Out uftht county, potp- 2 10 SixMontM ....-..........!.... 100 LO)ral StOuetkmjor Ornbt. THX OB8XBYKK JOB SXPABTMZHT Has been thoroughly roppTied tQi twtf needed wast, and wttb the latest atytoa ot Type. n4erery manner of Joto Printing jean ; no JMs0o with neatness, dig paten and chgsnnesi - We eatttnrn- lab at short notice BLINKS, BTLL-HKXPS, , . . . LXTTX& HEIDS.'CIKDS,1 ' 1 TIGS. SKCXIFT8, POSTiBS, PAMPHLETS. CntCUULBS. CHXCH, AC. VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1879. NO. 3,375. II ! The Host ittraetire Store ! The Mosi Beautiful Goods -AND TUB LARGEST RETAIL STO R In Western North Carolina. SP MIL MLi, The Largest and Best Stoeked Carpet Department In North Carolina. EVERYBODY Is Invited to call and see, at AL1XANDEK & HARRIS. Dec. 14. IJUscellattjetftts. New Arrivals of Dress Goods, CORSETS, INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, And man; other attractive Goods for CHRISTMAS. Remember, you can always find the largest and best selected lines express Fringes, Buttons. Sat ins In plain and stripes. Passementerie Trimming and Tartan Braid In the cttj. A large and handsome stock of FANCY HOSIERY For Ladles, Misses and Gents. We ask special attention to the sale of 100 Cloaks and Dolmans, To commence to-day, which we win sell at very low pi Ices for cash. A handsome stock of imported Sl'i AND WOOL TIDIES. HBP m a 5 is s o a . 3 j- so : o ESS ft! -air issl 33 J. T. ANTHONY, DEALER IN Northern Ice, Coal 1 & Lumber. Having Just received my supply of Coal for the ensuing season, I am prepared to till all orders at shortest i notice. My stock la the largest ever offered on this Market and embraces all the vitrlons kinds tor Famines', Foundries' and Smiths use. Persons who have formerly bought from other Markets in ear load lots would consult their Interest by giving rae a call before ordering else where. :i Special contract for orders In cargo and Cirloadtots. : ! Ice on hand the year round, from first of Octo ber until first of May next Myeart will not run on Sundays, bat will supply double jyantltles oh Saturday., ,. w - lyt-.-.-ar i I shall also continue the Lumber business and keep full stock qq hand, together with Lathes, Shingles, Ac - . ! Bills cut to order on shortest notice, of any quality deslred also estimates furnished on appli cation at office, comer of Trade st and N. C. B. R. n i J. T. ANTHONY, P. O. Boy lM,Charlotte.H. C" . & AtlD: J0C.;COUnTER8. TO THE TRADE: The live business men of the day are starting these coulters. We are the origt nators and Headquarterst We nave the oniy two Exclusive 5 and 10c. Jobbing Houses In the U. a & Send for Catalogue and parUculars. JEJ 200 kitmCtild p Chaoncy Street, Boston. f Pb2deod3m , i Something new. Give us a call. Respectfully, Dec 17. T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO., Tryon Street THE GENUINE DRC.McLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; ap'petite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most Under infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane ind Fleming Bros, on the wrapper., :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. HTZJJ. F IMITATIOSS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name JHcLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. ; ,.-;4ft it alp. Y STOMACH ! .-?'. A stout backbone Is as'essentlairtol physical health as to oolitiral consistency, for weakness f of the back and disorders of the liver and kid neys, the tonic and moderate dietetic action or the Bitters is the one thing needful. Remember that the stomach Is the mainstay of every other organ, and that by invigorating the digestion with this preparation, the spinal column and all Its depen dencies are strengthened. . tin. , For Hostetter's Almanac for 1880 apply t drag' gilts and dealers generally. . Dec 1. lm. . . .7 From the Germaa. flod's angels took a little drop of dew; Fresh fallen from heaven's lar-off blue; And a white violet, so pare and bright Ehedding its fragrance In the moon's soft light t - And a forget-me-not; - , Laid all together gently out of sight Within the ehajlee of a lfly white. With humbleness afid grace they covered It; Made pureness and sadness near to sit And added pride to this, and fears a few, One wish, but half a hope, and bright tears , too, Courage and sweetness in misfortune's smart; And out ot this they moulded Woman's Heart OBSERVATIONS. As a circus the present Congress is a total fail ure. Syracuse standard. How charming the ladles look in sealskin sacques! But a young man who opens oysters for a living may be just as happy. "And now they say Lotta has sixteen or seven teen husbands." They are presumably proficient in the use ot decimals If they ever discover their shares of wife. Painting pictures on old tea cups is very nice employment for a woman, but the girl who can fix up a last winter's bonnet is the one who will make her mark In the world. Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again. But if it be crushed to earth, it lies. And if it lies, it can not be troth. Therefore it cannot rise again. Q. R. !. Philadelphia SttOeiin. The reason why Rhode Island has two capitals is that two capitals are necessary.one for Rhode and one for Island. Nobody would like to spell it rhode Island or evea Rhode island PnUa. Bulletin. When they come to "divide up the land" in Ire land, according to the Parnell scheme, there will a Donnybrook to the acre from one end of the Green Isle to the other. Surgery will be a paying business Si. Loui Globe-Democrat. When you see a young man In gorgeous apparel walking about the street with his arms hanging In curves from his body like the wings of an over heated turkey on a summer's day, It Isn't because he Is In pain. It Is because he has been "abroad." Lowell Courier. A man was seen at a restaurant near Fourth and Chestnut the other day, eating raw oysters from the plate with a knife, unaided by any other in strument except his mouth. Fact! How he con trived to do It he refused to explain. He is proba bly training for an exhibition or a wager. PhUa. Bulletin. No living man, it may be remarked, can take any interest in politics, and at the same time look out for a mule; for of al' practical topics the mule Is the most paramount and absorbing, and it re quires all the natural and acqu?red Intellect of the average colored man to devote himself to the sub ject with any degree of personal safety or profit Atlanta Constitution. The National Republican Committee What Its Action Indicates. Special to New York Herald. Washington, December 17. The la bors and conclusions of the National Republican Committee, which has been in session here to-day, have, in the opin ion of the closest and most competent observers, no bearing upon the fortunes of any,candidate. The selection of Chi cago for the meeting of the convention is believed to please the Blaine and Grant men more than the Sherman men. The election of Senator Don Cameron as chairman is said in some quarters to have been accomplished by the influence of the Sherman men, but the better opinion is that he was chosen because he is a skilful and bold politi cal manager and a man of wealth, and because it will increase the zeal of the Pennsylvania Republicans. The only notable fact which appeared in the committee is that the Western men are, almost without exception, opposed to the Grant movement, so called. A f ar Western member of the committee said this evening that he was surprised to find in his journey through the North western States toward Washington that the Grant cry was empty, and hollow. "TheNorthwest," he said, "is for Blaine. The people I talked with and travelled with told me that in their judgment it was not wise nor necessary to re-nominate Gen. Grant; that the party has other men perfectly capable of filling the presidential chair, and that the pro position to nominate Gen. Grant for a third term, even if he wanted it, which was not at all 'certain, was imprudent, contrary to the wholesome political traditions of the country and the exam ples of our great men and without jus tification. They had united in giving him a friendly and enthusiastic recep tion on his return home, but that did not mean that he ought to have a third term nomination." The Situation in Virginia Specula tions on Mahone'g Election. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Washington, Dec. 17. The political situation in Virginia continues to claim much attention here. Speculation is rife as to the purposes of the victors, the culmination of whose success has been reached in the election of General Mahone to the United States Senate. The question of greatest interest now is as to the future status of the Senator-elect and his followers. Fears are expressed that Mahone will republican ize Virginia and give the State to the Republican candidate for President next year if he can. While his fight just at this time appears most bitter and irreconcilable, there is much senti ment among Virginians here in favor of a restoration of the party unity, which, they say, should never have been disturbed by the question of the public debt In some of its aspects the struggle in Virginia appears to have been largely personal, and will undoubtedly affect the political fortunes of many promi nent public men. Representative Goode, of the Norfo'k district, appears to have especially incurred the resent ment of tbe friends of Mahone. It is tolerably certain that there will be a considerable political upheaval in Vir- finia next year in the matter of office olding, though there is hardly a rea sonable doubt that the two wings of the Democratic party will unite in support of the presidential nominee of the party. ' . . A Railroad President Hitting: Rack. Savannah, Ga, Dec. 18. At the stockholders' meeting: to-day President Waddy, of the Georgia Central Railroad, announced that the policy of the com pany had been to leave undisturbed es tablished centres of trade, but the am ple facilities it possessed would be em ployed to circumvent the hostile legis lation which had been foreshadowed in the interests of other lines, detrimental to the Georgia Central Railroad and the city of Savannah ; that the compa ny were prepared to accord every privi lege desired by the Northwest in the transportation of freights, and he could not divine the motive of those who, rumor had it, were striving to open up new lines which would injuriously af fect Savannah and the Central Georgia Railroad when there was no necessity for it. The company, however, were determined to use all their advantages to protect tlieir interests. ; ' . r- ' A iftnstaat Soiree or Woader. Why is It that the winners of the prizes In the Louisiana 8tate Lottery Company always seem to be men who are pretty sharp in the ways of the world? Editors, printers, hotel clerks, bankers, telegraph operators, merchants, and many j)ther professions and occupations seem to have a spec ial knack of hitting the right number. The peo ple enumerated have the best weans of - fully cou vinctng themselves that1 the statements made by the company are reliable and true, and that as sure as the sun rises on the sixteenth of December next the semi-annual extraordinary distribution will take place at New Orleans, under the sole management of Generpls G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early, when ever a half of million of dollars will be distributed. - The full particulars of which can be had of M. - A; Dauphin, P. O. Box 692, New Orleans, La., or same person at No. 319 Broadway, New York City, N. Y, dec9 lw r 0 .mw-'i : TfADE HAMPTOFPS VIEWS. -'- Hi Opimlon of the Situation in South J- j-Carolina-Wjshtojrton Letter to Sp irgfltld Rep- b lean. SfadelSCampton, who has just come from South Carolina, brings encourag ing reports with him. The conflict be tween bourbonism and liberalism in that State still goes on, but the victory has thuf far always rested with the party of progress, and the reactionists are now not likely to gain control. Gary, of Edgefield, always the most prominent leader of the "straight-outs" in the "up country" and a bitter opponent of Gov ernor Hampton's liberal policy, is mak ing a push for the governorship, but his candidacy does not develop a great deal of strength, and the nomination seems more likely to go to Comptroller General Hagood, a good representative ot the liberal movement. With a liber al Democratic ticket and platform Sen ator Hampton does not think the Re publicans'ean make any effective oppo sition. 116 'believes that the seven teen or eighteen thousand negroes who voted for him at his first election in 1876 have been joined by enough others since to easily give a fair Democratic ticket a majority. As for the general condition of the negroes Senator Hamp ton says that it is better now than eyer befere. They are more industrious, accumulating more property and get ting along with their white neighbors more harmoniously than in any pre vious year. A Railroad Prize. A Louisville (Ky.) dispatch says it is officially announced in that city that the Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern Railway has procured, through secret agents, the franchise and road-bed of the partially-constructed Georgia Western Road. Vice-President Newcombe, of the Louisville and Nashville, in an interview, is quoted as saying : "The importance and value to the Louisville and Nashville, and the advantages which she acquires by this brilliant stroke of strategy, can only be faintly realized. We haye acquired for a mere song a roaa lor wmcn the city of Atlanta has already expended $500, 000, and which has valuable depot and terminal facilities at the city of Atlan ta. The road is graded some thirty seven miles, and will tap a fine mineral region, supplying the city of Atlanta with just what she needs cheap and in exhaustible fuel. A corps of engineers will be sent out immediately to survey both the projected routes. As the char ter provides for the building of the Western Georgia Road from Atlanta to Birmingham, Alabama, or Decatur the Louisville and Nashville has thus the choice of the two routes, and can not determine which route it will se lect until the surveys are completed. By this movement the Louisville and Nashville secures an independent line to Atherton, and obtains the ad vantage of the long haul to Decatur and Birmingham, instead of delivering her passengers and traffic to the Nash ville and Chattanooga at Nashville, as is now done. The acquisition recently by the Louisville and Nashville of the Montgomery and Mobile, and the con trol of the Mobile and New Orleans and Pensacola roads, and Louisville and New Albany and Chicago line, and now the Georgia Western, gives to the Louisville road a grand and continu ous line, extending from the fresh-water lakes of the great Northwest to the Gulf of Mexico, with an independent line to Atlanta." "My son.' Paris Letter to the Philadelphia Telegrai h. I heard a story of Sarah Bernhardt the other day that illustrates the cool effrontery of that eccentric personage. One of the first invitations to dinner that she received during her sojourn in London last spring was extended to her by a certain severe and stately matron, who w-as somewhat surprised when her gifted guest only accepted her invita tion on condition of her being allowed to bring "a friend." The permission was accorded, however, and at the ap pointed hour Mile. Bernhardt entered, accompanied by a tall boy of fourteen. She advanced to the hostess, graceful, gliding, gracious, "Madame, allow me to present to you my son !" The con sternation of the lady and her guests can better be imagined than described Morgan's Opposition to Rayarti. Special to the Philadelphia Times. Washington, Dec. 17. The financial speech made by Morgan, of Alabama, in the Senate to-day, in opposition to the Bayard resolution and in fayor of the unlimited coinage of silver, by no means reflects the sentiments of the leading Southern Senators, some of whom have already pronounced it not only unwise, but unsound in many re spects. It was mainly hodge-podge of exploded economic and financial the ories and a repetition of threadbare fal lacies. Tbe speech was listened to at tentively by nearly all the prominent Senators, a fact which foreshadows the great interest that will be taken in the long debate on the legal-tender question which is inevitable after the holidays. The Talk at the Capitol. Wash. cor. Richmond Dispatch. There is no doubt but that Republi cans of the House are seriously discuss ing the proposition that the New York Legislature shall gobble up the elec toral vote of that State, in spite of Til den or anti-Tilden Democrats. The Maine matter was again talked of, and the Republicans are terribly vexed at being out-generaled. South Carolinians say that the candidates for Governor in that State will be Johnson Hagood (Democrat) and General M. W. Gray (Independent). I heard that while in Georgia Senator Lamar expressed him self most strongly in favor of Mr. Bayard, saying if nominated he has a good show of carrying even Massachu setts. Senator Lamar was called to Georgia by the death Of his mother. The Old Man Knew His Sons. Rledsvtlle Times. Mr. Wormley, a very wealthy man, who lived in Chesterfield, Va., had two sons, Tom and Jack, both fond of play ing poker, but Jack was sharp at the game and Tom veryJ flat. When, the old man died he left" Tom ninety thous and dollars and Jack only a thousand, but he explained; at the foot of his will that one thousand was j ust stake enough for Jack to win everything that Tom had, and it was a wise provision, for so it turned out. Why He Did Not Cross. Raleigh News. General Joseph Johnston was late ly in Raleigh and a gentleman asked him rather pointedly why the Southern army did not take Washington after the first battle of Manassas. Rising on his toes, he replied: "There were two reas ons myself and the Potomac rive. I had reached that age that I knew an American soldier could not ford a riyer a mile wide and eighteen feet deep." ' 115 Thousand Pounds of flhercoats, ULSTERS AND ULSTERETTES ! PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER POUND, PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER POUND, PRICE THREE DOLLARS PER POUND. PRICE FOUR DOLLARS PER POUND. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS PER POUND. - - Warm, Heavy Overcoat, Something Better, Better StilL - -Still Better, -Quite Handsome, A Stunner, -Very Desirable, -Excelsior, - $ 3 50 4 50 - 5 00 7 50 9 00 - 10 00 15 00 18 00 E. D. LATTA & BROTHER ARE DOING IT. ... . . an i nr. i- , j MHM . ..,... ,Va. will A f mn KaiI. mnA mnH. vnnr nAVOAn. KOW. aon i Duy an uvercoai mis winter wiuiout seeing uuis. ne uo tuiu uiwv nm nm u. j vsr ' r . a . . . L- jim A. .t f. 1 J .1 ft. . nn. n w. w. nn. .n liwitr . An . mmiM tUftTA fltlftA Tl hAUT WHY -ROC Alliurlnff live then eottiex&rect minutes io in on eucu umcrcni tsijm, iwuuiu kikb uycr mrcc uuuis, juai a uwukui vj w a. cui vu " j.,i.. to our store? If you get one and It don't JDST please your wife, or "her mother," or your mother, your elster, your brother, your son. ywar daujrR jour friend, either male or female, s-nd it back to us uninjured, and we will cheerfully refund Just the amount you paid. No customers take any chances in ine square-dealing Overcoat House of the "sleepless," the 'restless," the enterprising Clothiers of Charlotte, LATTA 4 BRO Opera House' Block. ucvit ' - OVERCOATS In large quantities, best styles and lowest prices, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. A new and fresh line of Boys' Clothing, Just received at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. Broken Suits at half their value, at L. BERWANGER & PRO'S. 500 Pairs of all wool Job Pants at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, worth $5.00 a pair, at L. BERWANGER & BRO'S. Only First-Class Goods Sold in Our House. The enterprise of manufacturing our Fine Clothing ourselves, makes our house beyond any doubt THE MOST RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE IN THIS MARKET. We invite the public to call and see for themselves. Respectfully, Fine Clothiers an4Tailors. cs iLd n i. us. AND FANCY AETICLEB! JUST RECEIVED. LADIES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR (THl SEASON) , THIRD AR IB Ei ' - I WITTKOW8KY &d BAJfcTJOH ME ITEIElEIiOlDS I llM FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, BUT FACTS ARE FACTS'. The Liveliest Place in Town is SPRINGS' liil 0 Mi WUT ME MOT And when you want to save-dollars in buying CLOTHING, come to Sprmgs' Corner, where; you will get rrwstaud, best for your money. We believe in LARGE SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT Men's and Boy's Clothing, at Springs' Corner. COMB AM SEE ( ; iii, . . ij 1 1 W. KAUFMAN & CO, Nov. 14. . Clieapet u& Best CM&ini . 'Corner of Trade and Tryon StroeU. P. SCHIFF. J.SCHTFF. SCHIFF & !1THOS.CtIHEBi il-ij Win 0'.'-'l:f!:H GROCERS ' ) . I i hi!':. i' lU-U-:'- IiO: .11!-:. i-! . . .'I 1: -l ij'i.il UiV) Jli.lX ,rJ. ba found .peArt call attention to their stock of XT A XT f. V ,'AMll! W E A V V fir K.( 1 1 1 H K. I H j S . .A,f .ffifiT95BL Macaroni, uracea w o, . nTrZ rAnWiW m u . an of whlah are fresh anl cartes. VotMta and pm gcWoun N. R-We have a plandli WajonYar in the rear o w:to?t&ffiffM ; . - i - -nit at y.y.'H "ilv ih'j'i ' r ,fn ,J f ; " ; G35IFF &GRIER TradeStreet, ftartott&CL : ., " :-v'.: ;. .";,;!, ' in'. :N.oyiiU tul Liar ' - Having become interested in the Hrr of ScHpF fe tomers to-call and seeitte'lrtieo Ihey.wanfe g094 WvW r u' .Wr,. sf" -October $4878; js-.u ! . v t uiuie. a ouuuu ; ?: '. -,:: r.-j : - ... ;j jtuzztiT. my

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