gcrafc sttid Salt grttctiti THE OBSERVES JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job-Printing- ean now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness.' We can turn iah at short notice, BLANKS, BELL-HEADS, j ; s t " LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HiMffllLLS, PAMPHLETS. OBCULABS. jnaECKS. 4C VB8G&nvION 1UTB8 : Drabj, one year, pott-paid) in ad -Six Mottiht ......j S3 00 ....4 00 2 00 i 7B Thru Montht.... Orw Month WJtEKLT RDZHQ9 i Weekly, (to the county) n adVene m 00 Out qfiht county, pottpmi,. a io Six Month..... 1 no Uberat&OuctiomjorCtiaL ' VOL. XXIII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1880. NO. 385, 2fye l)artotte bknix ffcvi Goods. WE WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY CLOSE OUT OUB ENTIRE STOCK OF :; -AND : .AT'' I" . REDUCED RATES. December 21. ALEXANDER HARRIS. CO sUf r If1 1 . Slf.S 5 ii sis 1 m m o & s 5 lJ-'S 5 1 III 9 ft M-Ml s 3 s H O (J pil o " Bit CO g fll J. T. ANTHONY, DEALER IJJ- " Northern Ice, Coal A Lumber. ILiTlng jmt received my supply of Coal for the ensuing wason, I am prepared to IU1 all orders at shortest notice. Mr stock ; Is the largest erer offered op, this Market nnd veoibraos8, all ' th various klndri tor Families'; Foundries' and Smiths' use. Persons who have formerly bought from other Markets In our load lots would consult their Interest by giving me a call before ordering else where. Special contracts for orders In cargo and s r loud lots. loe on hand theearVoiknd.' from flrstirf Oct Iter until first of H next. My cart will not run on Sundars, but wlUsupplr double quantities oa Saturday. I shall also continue the "Lumber business and keep full stock on band together, with Lathes, WilnglesrSkc. (TT'T 7 i v i ' Bills out to order m sshortest twtiee, of any quality desired; also estimates famished on appli cation at office, comer of Trade-st and N. C. K. R. J. T. ANTHONY. P. O. Box. 153. Charlotte.ir. Ca i 5 AtiD'IOC. COUriTEitf. TO THB TftADB: The lire business men of the day are storting these enanters. We are the origi nators and Headquarters I We have the only two Exclusive 5 and 10c Jobbing Bouses In the U. & w Send for Catalogue and particulars. 200 4 202 Randolph Street. Chicago. 20 & 28 Chauney Street, Boston, kepw24-deod3ra gr S00ttBy IxrtMng. Set GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF FANCY DRESS GOODS! To-day we will begin to close out oar Fancy Dress Goods at from 25 to 40 per cent, redaction on former prices. Come early and get first selection from the Largest and Handsomest Stock of Fancy Dress Goods In the city, consisting of BROCADED SILKS, In all colors, Striped and BROCADED SATINS, Plain and Figured 8ATTEEN ; Also a handsome line of Fancy RIBBONS very cheap. CLOAKS, 9 - ' :U FLAME Tbe Lars toaaomttrt and CHeapesf Stock in tte CBy, Come, seev and be eontinced. L UNDERWEAR for Ladles, Misses and Gentlemen in ali sizes and Qualities -these we now offer at greatly re Xiced prices, Come and see as, as we are determined to sell these goods even if at a sacrifice. Respectfully, Dec. 30. T. L. SEIGLK ft CO., Tryon Street. UXi stzllmizaxxs: THE GENUINE DR.C.MoLAJfE9S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable; but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT TXJNTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on' the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a sirrp! purgative they are un equaled. dzt?; , r IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Da. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name MeJJane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. , , - - : , The Stomach la StrMB-theid. The! liver regulated, Ibe bowels put In proper er der. the Mood enriched and Donned, and the ner vous system rendered tranquil and vigorous by this inestimable family medicine and safeguard against disease, which Is. moreover, a most agreeable and effective appetizer, and a cordial peculiarly adapt- I jror saie by an araggists and dealers generally. The Soathern SoUler BoyW' v - BT B-ATHZB STAX. - - Young as the youngest who dqnned the gray, iiuo oa me kruosf wwwoni It Brave as the bravest lie'raarcriM awav. (Hot tears on theoheekaof his motber lay,) xnumpuaat wavea oar nag one aayr -He fell In the front before It : i Firm as the firmest, Haereduty led, He hurried without a falter; Bold as -the boldest, he fought and bled. Ancrthe day was won--but the field was recLi And the blood of his fresh young heart was shed, On his country's hallowed altar. On the trampled breast of the battle Iain, Where the foremost ranks had wrestled, On his pale, pure face, not a mark of pain, (His mother dreams they will meet again.) The fairest form amid all the slain, Like a child asleep be nestled. In the solemn shades of the woods that swept The field where his comrades found him, They burled him there and the hot tears crept Into strong men's eyes that had seldom wept (His mother-God pity her smiled and slept, , Dreaming her anna were around him.) A grave In the woods with (he grass o'ergrown, A grave In the heart of his mother-. His clay in the one lies lifeless and lone; .There Is not a name, there is not a stone And only the voice of the wind maketh moan O'er the grave where never a flower Is strewn. But his memory Hue la the Other. i i i ' ' I. onsiqtVATioivs. The best part of a holiday is the day before. The medical attendant of Princess Louise says that It i so. . What is sauce for the goose la quite likely to im part a disagreeable flavor to the gander. Yours respectfully, J. G. Blaine. Bearper't Bazar tells of a Mexican Governor who, at a dinner, bad seventeen courses of hash served before the main part of the meal. The Lancet recommends light colors for cold weather, as they do not part with heat easily, and says that this Is why the polar bear has white fur. A Paris letter says Sarnh Bernhardt Is coming to America, and that "she will hug" the "North At lantic coast." Great heavens! Women, negroes and all? There are pianists so expert In variations that they can play all around a melody or an old tune without ever hitting it once. bevo Orleans Pica yune. "The captain is going to haul down all the sheets immediately," said a passenger on one of the ocean steamers as he c ime down below. "Owl the rude thing; he shan't come in here at any rate," shrieked a stu-I'.l feminine voice, followed by the banging of a stateroom door. Boston Com mercial BuUeim. In States where the Sloffett liquor register is used every drunkard Is a State officer in so far as It Is made his duly U see that bar-keepers punch every drink with care. This punching under espionage goes on until the State officer Is blind drank, and then the bar-keeper punches his head Instead of the register cards. 914.X AGAINST DOG. I Partlculxum of the Degrading- Exhibi tion in St. Louiu. The fight between "Patsy Brennan," the prize-fighter, and the Siberian blood hound, was one of the most degrading spectacles ever witnessed. The dog was of the very largest breed, resembling more a calf in size than a dog, and its muscles were as hard as iron. It seem ed to be nothing but muscle. Its head and face were the most repulsive that were ever earned by a dog. The tooK place in an oia stable, ana amo the spectators were an ex-police missioner, ex-judge, three membe uie xiouse or ueiegates, a very pro nent physician and several busin men. Brennan stripped to the waist. The owner of the doe had much diffi culty in holding the Siberian until time was called, and then with a vicious "Seek him, Tige," the bloodhound was released and leaped straight for the throat of the prize-fighter, who sprang to one side ana dealt the dog a tern ble body blow as he went by, turning him completely in the air and making nge come down heavily upon his oack The next second he was in his trainer's hands, and the betting became furious One gentleman, a member of the House, w iLum mree minutes naa put up ovei $700 on the doe even, and odds either way were eagerly snatched up. The referee again called time, and in this round Brennan lost his luck. Tiger. made more cautious by his first rude re buff, circled round and round his hu man antagonist, snarling horribly and apparently gulping down nis rage, lie made several feints, but Brennan was watching him too closely to be thrown off his guard. All this time the crowd in the barn were almost frantic with excitement, yelling at their favorites and encouraging hound and man b every expedient they cpuld think o At last the dog got within three feet of ratsy ana made nis spring. He was met by a terrible blow straight from the shoulder, which made the blood fly from his nose and mouth, but he was too close to be evaded, and in the same in stant his teeth ground into the shoulder of his human antagonist, and, borne backward by the weight, Brennan sank slowly to the floor, his face drawn and white with pain, but with a scowl on his brow that meant mischief. The blood gushed from his mangled shoulder and almost as soon as he was fairly on the ground he trot both his hands into Tiger's mouth and tugged at the closing jaws. He had to take a second grin cneosmgtne long lips of his enemy this time and tearing them badly before the hound released his hold, and both the fighters, were .taken from each other by their friends. The man was badly in jured. The collar-bone was already bare and the laceration of the shoulder was simply horrible. The dos was com paratively as badly injured. One of his long lips was so badly torn that it hung down several inches, and three- of bis teeth had been broken by the blow he got in the face. He was just as plucky as the man, however, and when he was loosed again came forward readily. This time Brennan was successful. He caught the dog by the neclc and kicked the life out of him. As soon as he was declared victor Brennan fainted from the pain in his shoulder and side, which he had held down by his unconquerable plucky and raedicar assistance "was at once got for him. The. fight began a little after 10 o'clock, and at 11 the party began to disperse. ; . The New Administration in New York Gov. Cornell, of New York, was for mally inaugurated at Albany yesterday, and the occasion gave rise to mutual good wishes and compliments between the retiring and the incoming governor. Nothing could have been more truth fully or handsomely said than t the tri bute paid by Got. Cornell to Gov. Rob Inson, who, he said, had vigorously an fearlessly exercised his official preroga tives, and given his administration high rank with those which, had, preceded it," Gov. Cornell then added that for a long time it had1 seemed to him that we were quick to nna iauit witn pur lic men, but careless in expressing ap nreciation of faithful service; and that perhaps more discrimination in this re-, gard would contrfbuteuifee as much to elevate our puouc service as some reme- 'i i i M flfATE NEWS. Madison house. has a tobacco ware- Judge WmlU. Clark has commenced the publicatioTiof a' Republican paper at Raleigh, calied the Signal. TJie imossays: There are seventeen Hrftr. nfloft ess HJJ papers published in Raleigh besides the advertising sheets. 1 J" The mortuary statistics of Wilming ton, as given in the Star, show the total number of interments in the cemeter ies of that city for the year to have been 495 whites 154; colored 841. Wilmingtori ar; The register of deeds isSued av total of 229 marriage licenses during the year just closed, of which SO; "were for white and 149 for colored couples. Captain Charles W. Eve, well known in connection with the press of Ashe ville, left Monday for Washington City, to accept a position in the government printing office. Abqut $100 net was realized by the Ladies Aid Society, of Raleigh, from the cantata given at Tucker Hall on Tuesday night for the' benefit of the poor. .v. - The Asheville Journal, Republican throws a bait put to Capt. W. M.,Cooke, by saying what a fine' Republican Con gressman ne -wouia make. tie ran as "independent candidate for Superior Court Judge in 1878 and was badly Deaten. Wilmington Star : The Wilmington depositors of the Freedmen's Savings and Trust Comuanv are to have a meet ing at the court house, on Monday night next, the 5th inst at 1 o'clock, with the object of petitioning Congress to pass a bill for the. relief of the deposi tors of said Bank, introduced recently Dy Mr. u Connor, or the Charleston, s, C, district. Asheville Journal : At 10 a. m. last Saturday, Miss Mary Baird died at the residence of Mr. Bacchus Smith, of this place, trom cancer. Miss Mary was a sister to Mr. A. E. and Joseph Baird and also to Gov. V ance's mother. She was about 50 years of age, was never married, and suffered immensely with cancer of the breast, until it was cut out at Raleigh in 1878. It again broke out under her arm, soon thereaf ter, from which she died. The Deaf Mute's Journal of New York says: "To Mr. Wm. D. Cooke formerly Principal of the North Caro lina Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, may be properly given the credit of publishing the first Institution paper in the United States, which he called The Casket" The Valley Vir ginian also adds that to the same gen tleman is due the credit of first intro ducing the art of printing as one of the mechanical branches into any institu tion in the United States, and also the rst steam power press in North Caro- dies which had been suggested for pre I Forest College. HoiL.WilliaiiLH. Battle, ent evils. ,,, . . l(ex-Judge of Supreme Court, Captain Sot WKhont Permisslof I to fcartnff their names made known, and Itisarula Lf the comDanv not to divulge these wtthbat pen pnru lnTOrniauon van uo vuuuinu u rewram past drawings or the next monthly one to take. place on tne itna January oj auureiug ju a. . Dauphin, at New Orleans, La., or New York. aleigh News: We have had the pleisureof meeting in our city Mr. rge T. .Leach, of the noted hrm of Iv. & F. B. Thurber & Co, of New ork city, who has just returned from Durham, having bought the stock, tralie-mark fixtures, as well as the good willNpf the firm of Jas. R. Day & Co. to their Veil known brand of smoking to- baccoA known as "Standard of the Worldf The Messrs. Thurber will bring their immense mercantile influ ence, with an unlimited capital to bear on the business, and we may expect bigger things for Durham than ever. Emancipation Day was very credit ably and successfully celebrated by the colored people of Raleigh. A very large crowd of colored people came in on the trains to participate in the cere monies. President VV. R. Harris dehv ered the introductory speech. This was followed by a short, practical ad dress from Gov. Jarvis. E. H. Lip scomb read the proclamation, and a young woman, Jane E. Thomas, the an- I TiT i . . m TIT 1 lversary poem. cnas. jn. ucey, oi wasn ington City, was the orator of the day, In introducing Gov. . Jarvis President Harris spoke of him as a man who, al though elevated to office by a party, since his assumption of its high dutes had been the Governor of the whole people, irrespective of party, color, creed, race, or previous condition, the ruler of a great commonwealth. The Duello. Alexandria (Va.) Gazette, Jan. 1. Information was received here this morning of a duel which was fought near Amherst Court House, Va on Tuesday. The parties to the duel were Beverlv C. Mosbr. son ot col. Jonn s, Mosby, and a pupil of Ken more school, and John L. Lee, of Louisiana, a stu dent of the university. Nine shots were fired, but neither was hurt. The affair was then interrupted and both parties arrested, but subsequently re leased on bail. The , trouble between the parties originated some six months since, when Lee whipped Mosby, but the matter was supposed to have been settled at the urne. iast bunaay, now ever. Mosbv met Lee and asked him when he was going home, meaning to the university. Lee replied that it.was none of .his business. Mosby then wrote Lee a very insulting jnote, a.and the lat ter challenged him. Lee left Amherst for tha university last night :- : Grant Snub the Herald. Special to the Cincinnati Commercial. Washington. December 30 The New York Herald is largely responsible for bringing General Grant before the pub lic as a presidential candidate ; but since the furore has started it has been trying to hedg, and recently that paper has contained many powerful arguments why General Grant should not Be nomi nated again. These articles have con tained many severe criticisms upon Grant, and no doubt be has read them for the Herald applied to the General esterdat for peraissiony for; Jerome tilsonene of its Correspondents, 'to accompany him on his trip to Cuba and Mexico. The General replied by tele- traph, quite curtly that it would not oe agreeaDie io nave jar. oenson accom pany the partyi1''1 : . , ' " '' -. . North Carolina Necrology wiimlHgton Star. ' t -t ; r During the year 1879 some distinguish ed and many very valuable citizens have died. We are unable to give a full list, but. we remember fehatthefollowing are numbered with the dead, of 1 1879, viz: Col. "David M. Carter. Mai. Joseoh A. Engelhard Secretary of State, CoL Wil liam S. Devane, Dr3V. Ei Freeman, Rev. W.M.Wineate. D.D- Presidentof Wake Thomas J. Robinspn, Hon. John Kerr, fix-member of Congress and - Judge of It Ui cite that the names of all tbepersons wbo4 n, ShneHnr irtnfirf.. Mai X. P." tt 'TLnsn. V T,nf , rir U tha nrlzo in tha ntnnthlr I " . vX -ii T . . " . . . ,7' scheme ot the Louisiana State XrOtteryontpany cannot oe Duonsnea lur uieu u cuutu ua bobu Dr. A. E. Wright, Dr. Carl Burkhardt Dr. Edmund Strudwick. Dr. J. Francis actly where eTerr dollar goes tote could I gmg, and Dr. William Little, done bat f or the reason that seme winners; object A TJr"; " , - - u . , to bavins their names made known, and Itisarula k;i oi m ' ft i1 : (DLbaofl (Bn(B(BttQiiDg I THE HOLIDAYS ARE NEAR AT HAND ! And both the young and old are looking forward in bright expectancy, and with joyful hopes that some kind remem brance may be left as a token of friendship from some relative or friend. We trust that none will be disappointed, and that old Santa Claus will distribute his favors not only with a liberal hand, but will not show any partiality in his dis bursements. We are glad to see this time-honored custom increasing in favor with the people. We hope it will continue to grow, and this joy-giving time will be looked upon as one of the happiest and brightest days in the year. Let us all extend a willing hand and assist those who desire to carry out their part, but who, owing to numerous obligations and limited incomes, are deprived from contributing what they would be most willing to do if circumstances did not pre vent. Let not selfishness but liberality predominate. Be willing to divide a part of jour own good fortune with those Who are not so fortunate, and note the change your kindness produces. The gladness that speaks from the heart will be sufficient evidence of the joy within. There is not one of us who cannot contribute something. The gift may be hum ble; that matters not; it will be acceptable. We trust that not only our old friends but also our young friends will, while their hearts are joyous and glad, not forget to add their mite to the happiness and pleasure of those who have not been so fortunate. We have made a specialty in the selection of life "Wanted.' 1 Sherman A Co., Marshall, Mich., want an agent fa this county at once, at arsaiary or iuu per month and expenses paid. For fall particulars address as above. nolo lr And have a collection that will prove useful, serviceable and acceptable. E. D. LATTA & BRO. OVERCOATS In large quantities, best styles and lowest prices, at K BERWANGER & BRO'S, A new and fresh line of Boys' Clothing, Just received at L. BERW ANGER & BltO'S. Broken Suits at half their value, at L. BERWANGrER & BRO'S. 500 Pairs of all wool Job Pants at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, worth $5.00 a pair, at L. BERW ANGER & BRO'S. Only First-Class Goods Sold in Our House. The enterprise of manufacturing our Fine Clothing ourselves, makes our house beyond any doubt THE MOST RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE IN THIS MARKET. We lnYite the public to call and gee for themselves. Respectfully, Fine Clothiers and Tailors. THE TIME HAS COME FOR OUR ANNUAL EST "T IE3 'OF O 1EL "ST 9 And with a view ot reducing our Immense stock before making this Inventory, we will. In the lace of continued and almost dally advances In all Goods, oner for the next ten days, with SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN PRICES, THE FOLLOWING; GOODS : OUR ENTIRE LINE DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS, Hosiery and Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Gennantown Goods and a splendid stock of MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISIING OF HATS, TRIMMINGS AND ORNAMENTS, TOGETHER WITH 1,000 FIE CESS OF RIBBOBIS, In cord edge goods, Grain double-faced Satin, In every color and shade. Flowers, tips, Batidi Wings, Birds, &c, Ac A rare opportunity Is now offered everybody to buy of the above-named goods, and the Ladles especially we know win avail themselves oi it. wow Is the tune. Remember the place, December 21. WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S UBT. GOODS EMPORIUM. TIE mEMEMWUS E1DS1 ! FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, BUT FACTS ARE FACTS. 0" The Liveliest Place in Town is SPRINGS' COIilSTJER! Ml 0UT TIE TMITI ! And when you want to save dollars in buying CLOTHING, come to Springs Corner, where you will get m jsfc and best for your money. . We-believe in ' LARGE SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT Men's andlBoy's Clothing, at Springs' Corner. COME AND SEE W. KAUFMAN & CO., Hot.' 141 Cheapest and Best Clothing House, Comer of Trade and Tryon Streets. SCHIH-JET & GrRIBR, ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF ,? STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN-THE STATE. Close-and Prompt i i i J . : ( AGENTS ?8ISS PLANTER'S FAVORITE gGf iiBS . i' Ghemioal but nail bittarn to nAAd farther the purest and best. Chemists Attention ot pnysicuins cauou s of national reputaUon recommend tt, as Prot Doromus, pf New To k, and others. SAMPLE PACKAGE fVm., xrr n to It For sale byiulleadlng grocers. - - . - .... k, .

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