i SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1880. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. B.Minoiu oiBccreiT. foiu wing table shows the running of passen er train u and trout Charlotte, on all the nil toads (Wwhlngton Urae): ,. RICHMOND DUmUJL. Arrives from Richmond and QoldBboro, 12.80 a. m. Leaves for " " a 50 a. m. Arrives fjoia Richmond.,.. 11.17a. m. Leaver for : . : t .. i..v 4.20p.m. ATLANTA CHAJUjOTTO AIB-UHX. Arrives from Atlanta,.... ............. 8.50 a. m Leaves for Atlanta,. 1X30 a. m Arrives from Atlanta. .......... .4.20 p. m Leaves for Atlanta, 11.17 a. m OBASLom, oaunaax aooubta. Arrives from Augusta,.,....,.....,,... 4.00 p.m. Leaves for Augusta. a. m. Arrives from Augusta. . .... .... 3.40 a. m LeaTesfor Augusta,.. ........... ... 11.2Q A. m. CABOUXA CXHTBAIk K Arrives from Wilmington,.' '. 8.20a. m. Leavesfor Wilmington......... 8.25 p.m. Arrives from Shelby.t . . . ,V; ....... . . .'. 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby 8.40 a. m. ATLAMTIO, tlKIBBU OHIO. Arrives from Statesvute,... ........... 0.80a.m Leaves for Statesvllle,. , 4.00 p. m " TBK CHURCHES TO-DAI. Young iMhhTs tknimAK association Haix. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 6 o'clock. A380CIAT EXTOBKSD PBSSBTTKRIAH CHAFKL. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock by Bev. Jno. E. F.-essley. Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock; and m the eveningat 7Vl o'clock by the pastor. Rev. Thecw Whitfield, D. D. Sunday school from 9.45 to 10.43 a. m. St. HakCI Tjdthxban Church. Services in the mornings 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. E. ILWlngard, pastor. Sunday school at 8 o'clock. - First Pbxsbttxrian Chubch. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7 by Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller, pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. St. Pram's (E.) Church. Services tn the morn ing at 11 o'clock and the evening at 4Vt o'clock by Rev. Luclen Holmes, Sunday school in the after noon at 3 o'clock.;! . St. Pktxr's (Catholic) Chubch. Services in the morning at lota o'clock and vespers in the af ternoon at QVi o'clock, by Bev. L. P. O'ConnelL Catechism in the morning at Oft o'clock. Second Pkhbtrriah Chubch. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. K. H. Harding, D. D , pastor. Sun day school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Calvary (M. K.) Ckubch. Sevices tn the mor ning at 1 1 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. J. E. Thomp son. and In the evening at 7 o'clock by Bev. Mr. McPberson. Sunday snhool at 9 o'clock a. m., and class-meeting at 2ft p. m., and at 7 Friday evening. Tbton Strkit MxrHDDisT (E.) Chubch. Ser vices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the ev ening at 7 o'clock by the pastor Bev. A. A. Bos La mer. Sunday school at 8ft o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. CttenBITements.v Charlotte cotton receipts from the beginning of the cotton year, Septem ber 1st, to the close of 1879, were just 1379 bales more than at the same period last year, the receipts being 28,364. The receipts by months run as follows: In 1879 September, 4,072 ; October, 11,432 ; November, 6,948; December, 5,912; to tal 28,364. In 1878 September, 3,696; October, 12,064; November, 6,747; December, 4,018; total, 26,485. It is estimated by those familiar with the business; that this ratio of increase will be fully maintained, and perhaps greatly enlarged at the end of the sea son, as it is known that a large number of persons, some who have bought cot ton, are holding it for higher prices. INDICATIONS. i var Department. Ovfick Chief Signal Officer t, ) IER, P. M. ) Washington, J an.L3 isa For the South Atlantic States, falling possibly followed by rising barometer, warmer south And east winds, clear or partly cloudy Weather. Local Report lor Yesterday y p. m 30 11 59 7rt S. W. 2 Clear. Leap Year Partie. Leap year parties are taking posses sion of the young folks of these parts. and are affording a wonderful amoui t of amusement to those who participate. There is something, refreshing, ticklish and altogether interesting, they all agree, in reversing the order of things. The Greensboro party, on the night of the 1st, and the Statesville party on the 2d, are both described as entirely suc cessful and highly enjoyable. Tuesday night the Raleigh people have one, and a grand affair it promises to be. Thirty odd names appear on the invitations. Several young gentlemen from Char lotte will probably attend. The Char lotte leap year hop comes off on the 15th, and extensive preparations are being made for it. Three hundred in vitations have been ordered and will be sent out over the State, and already in formation has been received to the effect that Raleigh, Wilmington, and other towns in the State willsend represent atives. The hop will be had in the dining rooms of the Central Hotel, and promises to be an occasion long to be remembered, especially by the men. . - Meteorological Data for December - The following meteorological data for the month of December, 1879, is furnished by Dr. ODonoghue, officer in charge of the signal station in this city: Monthly mean barometer. 30.142 ; high est barometer, 30.492 on the 1st at 6.45 and 7 a.m.; lowest barometer, 29.623 on the 6th at 2:45 p. m.: monthly range of "barometer, 869 ; monthly mean temper ature, 49.7; highest temperature, 70 on the 25th and 80th; lowest temparature, 19 ou the 26th ; monthly range of tem perature, 51 ; greatest daily range of temperature, 30 on the 26th ; least daily range of temperature, 9 on the 5th; monthly mean humidity, 76.1 ; prevail ing wind, southwest: total monthly movement of wind, 3,946 miles; maxi mum velocity of wind and direction, 21 miles west on the 25th at 6:15 p. m.; total rainfall, 5.26 inches; number of clear days, 7; number of fair days, 12; number of cloudy days, 11; number of foggy days, 1 ; total number of days on which rain fell, 13; total number of days on which no fain fell, 18; dates of frosts, l, 13, 17, 26, 27, 28. There were no remarkable phenomena during the month. A Postal Regulation. The following provision of the Uni ted States postal law and regulations is wortn remembering, particularly since the general government is somewhat positive about the observance of its laws: "Ho person shall transmit by Srivate express or unlawful means, or eliver to any agent of such unlawful express or deposit, or cause to be de posited at any appointed place, lor tne purpose of being transmitted, any letter or packet ; and for any such offence, the party offending shall be liable to a pen alty of fifty dollars.' Railroad Reverberations It is said that there are 1,849 miles of railroad now in use in South Carolina. The people along the Charlotte, Col umbia and Augusta Railroad keep g( n rebelling against the freight cnarges. Charlotte has suffered much in this way at different times and is a sympa thizer. The iron for covering the high bridge on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad near Statesville, has arrived, and the work will be commenced as soon as the contractor, Mr. Lindsey, re covers from his illness. It is a fact which is not generally known, that railroad companies, or some of them at least, are very partic ular about the transportation of human remains. They require them to be accompanied by a cer tificate of a physician that the person did not die of a contagious disease. The Concord Register reports that the citizens of Mt. .Pleasant are bestir ing themselves in the matter of the Taylorsville & Wadesboro Railroad. A meeting was held on the 26th, and a board of directors was elected, consist ing of the following: Messrs. W. R. Kmley and H. C. McAllister, of Mt. Pleasant. Geo. Richie and Wm. Propst, Esqs., of Concord, and Messrs. H. M. Leazer and J no. Lipe, of Enochville, with Capt. Jonas Cook and Prof. H. T. J. Ludwick, of Mt. Pleasant, as presi dent and secretary. John Heilman was elected treasurer, and Ambrose Heilman, Aaron Yost and H. McNa mar, general agents to solicit contribu tions for stock. Chaklkstom Strosg; middling: 12ft& ; low mid dling 12Vfec.; good ordinary 11.: net receipts 1,734; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 65,265; exports coastwise 2,224; Great Britain ; France ; Continent ; to channel Nw YoEK-Cotton Exchange closed; sales ; Middling Uplands , Middling Orleans ; consoli dated net receipts 80,790; exports Great Britain 21,349; France 1,000; Continent 2,364; Channel LrrxHPtibL Noon Cotton firmer. Middling Uplands, 6 15-16, Middling Orleans. 7 1-16; sales 10 000, speculation and export - 2.000. receipts 82,000, all American. Futures firm. Uplands low middling clause: January delivery 7, January and February 6 31-32a7a6 81-82, February and March 7 M6,. March and AprH7Jfe; April and May 7 3 16, May and June 7i4a9-82aJA, Jane and July 7 5 16, July and August . . , FINANCIAL. Nxw York Money LOB 'Exchange 4.80 governments "steady. New 5's 1.03 Four and a all per cents 1.061&. Four per cents 1.03. State bonds dulL CITY COTTON MABKET. Omci or tee Obssrtxr. i Charlotte, January 4, 1880. ( The market yesterday closed firm. Good Middling. 121 Middling..: ...... 12al2l Strk low middling.... Ilal2 Low middling.... lla Tinges Lower grades Receipts bales. Elias & Cohen HAVE STILL OX tIAND TAKE NOTICE. NOTWITHSTANDING THE HIGH PRICES OF LEATHER AND MATERIALS,: We have made no advance whatever in our charges for Ladies and Misses Roots and Shoes. Ouf stock having been con tracted for before the rise our patrons will find a marked difference ibetween our prices and those charged by other first class houses for the same grade of goods. Every style, every size, every kind of Ladies' Boot. Misses' and Children s Boots for'School, Dress and play. Every kind and style of Gents' Gaiters and Boots, of superior make, and warranted P. S. I take pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied that with an experience of ten years in the Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. Dec. 17, 1879. Very respectfully, J. Ma ALEXANDER. Democrat and Home copy. mm mm mn ME LARGE ARRIVAL OF a great many Seasonable Goods, WHICH THEY DO NOT WI-ll TO Press Goods, Oashmeres, Cloaks, Zephyr Shawls CARPETS AND BLANKETS. . Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. We have made our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of the above goods, to gether with a great many not enumerated, lower than any house this side of New York; we except nobody. H. MORRIS & BROS CALL FOR THE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY $1.00. I 7 A. M. 2 P. M. ! Birometer 7 30.400 30 374 Thermometer 45 tHJ Relative Humidity 48 tflnd Direction N.?W. a " Velocity,. 4 1 Weather Foggy. Clear. Highest temperature OOdeg.; lowest 43. Index to New AdTertiemeiit. Attention Firemen C. F. Harrison, C. of C. F. French and German Prof. V. Cohahn. Notice K. M Miller 4 Son. For Bent or Sale K. K. P. Osborne. i o Tit: PE?iai.i;v D. The leading question: Do resolutions resolve V The man with skates to sell is in dis pair. See advertisement of Prof. Cohahn, German teacher, iu another column. The amatuers had a rehearsal in the opera house yesterday of "A .Scrap of Paper." If the dunner would call only on the New Year's day ! They were out yesterday by the dozen. Farmers have set in to work again, and are making good use of this delight ful weather. ladies Can't oossiblv tell who the were who went through the mine. Under obligations not to. A german, complimentary to a young lady from Augusta will be given at the Pleasure Club's rooms to morrow night The Raleigh boys, or some of them, sent their New Years' greetings through the telephone and soved hack hire. The Augusta races begin Tuesday. A party of a dozen or two will go down from Charlotte. A joint parade and inspection of the fire department is ordered for to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. There are twenty-two licensed bar rooms in Charlotte and another man is coming to set up one. Barney Macaulay will have a good house next Thursday night. People want to see some humor after so much tragedy. A gentleman in this city is going to have his dwelling lighted by Edison's electric lamps as soon as the first of them are put on sale. Judge Schenck passed , through the city yesterday, going to Lexington where he opens a special three week s term of the "Superior Court for David son county. ' The friends of ex-State Treasurer Jenkins, of Gaston, are sorry to see Facts About 1SS0. The first day of the year and of April will fall on Thursday; the Fourth of July comes on Sunday, and Christmas on Saturday. It is leap year, and Feb ruary has 29 days, as the girls will then be privileged to go courting, they, will have the opportunity to do plenty of it, as the almanac-maker was considerate enough to put five Sundays in the month of February. Easter comes within a week of as early as it ever came on the 28th day of March. The year 18S0 will have six eclipses four of the sun and two of the moon, but only one of them will be visible here, namely, the sixth, which is a partial eclipse of the sun on the last day of the year very early in tne morning, very unusual thing about these eclipses is that three of them occur in Decem ber a circumstance that will not again occur in many years. A total eclipse of the sun on January 11, will be whol ly visible in California and partially in Missouri, Both eclipses of the moon will be total, but invisible in North America. About the middle of 1880 Winneck's comet will make its appear ance in the heavens after an absence of fiveyears and seven months. The moon will be the ruling planet of 1880, and the year will be generally more humid than cold that is the almanac says so. The year of 1880, of course, goes out on Friday. Hunting: tne Boom. Mr. Byron Andrews, the Chicago Inter-Ocean man, traveling with Grant, got out of the car at the depot in this city and earnestly enquired about the Grant boom. He was told that if there was anybody for Grant in these parts, he was a Republican, and it had not been definitely ascertained that the party was solid for him. "But how about the old soldiers," you know ? said the man of the quill. "Well, really, soldiers don't talk much. Haven't heard any of them discussing the matter." "My business, you know," said Mr. Andrews, "is to ask and answer ques tions." "Certainly. They say there is a little boom down in Georgia. At least the papers down there have been talking about it." "I believe it's more comfortable in the car; good morning, sir, and with this the two men in the same business Earted, one to go on and hunt the oom and "boost it, and the other to cogitate on the somewhat sigular fact that a man who is not in politics, who does'nt want to be President, and who professes to be traveling as a private citizen, should take along with him the correspondent of a newspaper which has been unfaltering in its devotion him on crutches. He has been a great to him and his political aspirations, ana during the refuse another journal which hadn t The Electric Light One of Mr. Edi won's Lamps Burning: Cor 30S Hours. Some twenty gentlemen and ladies visited the laboratory and workshop of Mr. Edison, at Menlo Park, N. J., on Tuesday afternoon, and were shown the different processes and experiments by means of which it 13 hoped that a perfect electric light may ultimately be obtained. It had been announced that Mr. Edison would illuminate the park Wednesday evening with his new car bon lamp?, and it was with a view to seeing this illumination that the ma jority of visitors went to the laboratory. The announcement, however, proved unfounded. It will be some time be fore Menlo Park will be thoroughly lighted by electricity, but the prepara tions for this event are rapidly being pushed forward. The account says : Lamp posts are being erected at every available point, and the copper wires which are to convey the electricity are being stretched along the sidewalks and connected with the houses. The lamp ' posts are of hollow iron, painted white and surmounted Dy an ovai glass, in which tle carbon lamp is inclosed. The wires pass up the hollow post and con nect with the lamp. Only three of these street lamps are yet burning, two in front of Mr. Edison s office and one in front of his house. These are kept incandescent night and day, with a view to testing the fusibility of the car bon horseshoe.0. One of the lamps in the laboratory has been burning, it is asserted by Mr. Edison, fourteen hours a day for twenty-two days, and the car bon has apparently lost none of its weight or power of resistance to the electric current. "Suppose," said Mr. Edison, "that on an average each lamp in the house is burned for five hours every day. That lamp has now burned 308 hours, which would be equivalent to over sixty days in an ordinary house. How long the carbon will last I cannot say. That is wnat we are experiment ing on now. I am waiting for one of my carbon horseshoes to consume." There, will be no regular illumination of Menlo Park for the present. Each Generator of electricitv will furnish on ly forty lamps, and Mr. Edison has on ly one generator connected with his eighty-horse power engine now. He requires nineteen before he can light the eight hundred lamps which he es timates that his engine will supply. As each generator is completed, he will add to the number of his lamps, and thus, in time, Menlo Park will be thoroughly illuminated. When this will be, the inventor himself is unable to say. In the meantime, all visitors are made heartily welcome at the labor atory, and every facility is offered for the investigation of the new electric light. (gvcctvi&s. &t. CAIIRY OYER, ttsefttl articles and will offer them at FOa THE HOLIDAYS AND AFTERWARDS AT- ILiow Figures FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Jan. 2. Attention Firemen ! -IN- rCe& Kara . . tr C. HILKER'S. lnce Meat by the bucket or retail; Muscatel Rai sins, Chocolate, candles iancy ana Plain; Cranberries, Pine apples in cans, Peaches, Tomatoes and Jellies-assorted: Balti more Hams Mess Mackerel, North ern and Mountain Buckwheat Flour, Vatapsco and other brandi of Flour; Teas, Coffees and Sugars. 25 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes, and many other goods too numerous 10 mention. Give us a au on corner of Fifth and Try on streets. C. HTLEER. December 25- Groceries-Wholesale 1 Retail FHIil, it WML AT E- G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock is very large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office Fur nlture. All goods packed free of charge. OFFICE OK TELEGRAPHIC MnRSef REF0RT3, JANUARY 3, 1880. PRODUCE. THE Hornet No. 1, Independent H ok and Lad der No. 1, and the Pioneer No. 2 companies are ordered to appear In fall dress uniform, with their aparatuses, in front of the court house, to morrow (Monday) at o ciock p. m., ior inspec tion and oarade. It Is hoped that the officers of the companies namtd will endeavor to call out their full strength. By order. C. F. HARRISON, Chief of C. F. D. R. F. HUNETCUTT, Sec PROF. V. COHAHN7 HAVING a few leisure hours In the evenings, intends to open about the 10th of January one or two courses tn the French and German languages. Natural conversational method em ployed. Ladles and gentlemen who would like to loin a class, or desire to be instructed privately will please apply for terms by mall through box 84. Jan. 4 It. NOTICE. TX)R SALE OR RENT for the year 1 880, a valu--T able plantation adjoining the Cha-lotte Fair Grounds and k. js. ncvonaia, containing 10 acres, 75 of which are Ullable. Terms easy. Apply to, R M. MILLER & SONS. Jan. 41 w. FOR SALE, OR RENT, a desireable house and lot Apply to E.K P. OSBORNE. jan. 4 at. W. S. EVERITT, SURGEON DENTIST, TINDERS his professional services to the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country. Office on Tryon street, opp. Ellas 4 Cohen. Jan. 3,-ly. LeROY DAVIDSON, Dealer In Choice Imported and Domestic GROCERIES, CHARLOTTE, N. C. sufferer from rheumatism past month. It is a. fact worthy of note that the colored people of Charlotte, who gener ally keep up with their brethren in other cities, are behind in the matter of celebrating the emancipation. Washington Sunday Herald of the 2istult.: "Mr Charles N.Vance, son always been so faithful. The Churches and the Preachers. Services in all the city churches to day and communion at Tryon Street Methodist. x Bev. W. T. Waller, being on a visit to friPTirla in Alabama, his DulDit will be of Senator Vance, with his lovely and supplied to-day by Rev. Jm E. Frank. accomplished Dride, nee miss naue wcv. ok. o. jyiojuoiu, . Tate, are stopping at 935 K street. a pastor in this city, was transferred by Close of a Fox UuntlBg Season A Fine Record. Josh Glover and Bob Graham, the champion fox hunters of thi3 county, day before yesterday closed the- hunt ing season by a magnificent chase in Union county, lasting three or four hours, and yesterday were - in the city with the skin of their- victim, a fine gray fox, measuring four feet one inch from tip to tip. This makes the; tenth f.x thev have cauchfc this season, and tli-iy almost weep because there are not others in this section of the country. They have hunted in four or five coun ties in this State and occasionally go over the South Carolina line to teach the people of that State how to hunt. Qoly in a few instances have thev fail ed to catch a fox after they once -fairly struck his trail. Friday's chase was a most exciting and brilliant H one, a : fit Jinale to a successful season, and the hunters retire, defying the State to show a better recordthan they have made. If your baby is suffering with those troubles that near y always attend teething, den't delay, but use at once Dr. Bull's Baby ayrup. Price 25 cents. A Car. To all who are suffering rio rtw errors aad In- discretion! nf ninth, narvans wxaicoess. early de cay, loss of manhood. Ac. I wltl send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This went remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope o the BEV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D. New York City. , r Jan 25 , r rhpi late South Carolina Conference from Colombia to Charleston, his old home. Rev. Neil E. Pressly, who left this country something over a year ago as a missionary to Mexico, after having in the Citv Of Mexico, learn ing the language and preparing himself for his work.has settled at Tampicoand begun his labors. , . The Lutheran congregation in Salis bury has determined to erect a parson age. This congregation i3 said to be the wealthiest oncf in that town. It is estimated there are over 90,000 Methodists in North Carolina, including those who belong to the iVirginion ference living in the eastern section as well as those in the West within the bounds ot the Holston Conference. The nntioivn4 innno.t t t .l o i- Rev. Jno. K. Mason, the newly elected rector of . SL Peter's Episcopal church, ,a aTMntfi.A tn arrive in Charlotte in a week or ten days. The Raleigh Observer, in noting the fact thafche iominjrto CharWttp. ivmarki: "ffe wis educated at thy UiughaoLchool, aacLwasnot only respected by his teachers, but was loved by his fellow-pupils. He was a vnnA hov before ha entered the mini" t.rv. anAliad a crreat knack in-making other people around, him good!. '"St. Pe- will honor and build up the church. . ... Baltimore Oats dull; Southern 46a47, Wes" tern white 46a47, do mixed 45a46, Pennsyl" Tarda 46a47. Provisions quiet; mess pork 13.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 6. ciear no siaes t , do packed 5a7A; bacon shoulders 5, clear sides 8. hams lOlfeall. Lard refined tierces 8te. Cotfee quiet; Rio cargoes 14altU Sugar firm; A soft . Whiskey quiet at 1.13a.l4. ifreights to .Liverpool ami. Chicago Flour steady and firm; extras 5.25a 6.00, double extras 5.75a7.00, patents 6.00a 9.00. superfine 4.25a4 50. Wheat dull and weak; No. 2 red winter l.bO. No. 2 Chicago spring 1.3014, No. 3 do 1.15, rejected 98. Com wean at 39. Oats dull at 35. Pork weak at 13.30a 13.35. Lard higher at 7.50a.75. Bulk meats steady; shoulders 4.50, short ribs 6.75, short clear tt.85. Whiskey steady at 1.10. Cincinnati Flour du'l: family 6.20a8.40. Wheat firm at 1.34al.36. Corn strong at 40a43. Oats quiet at 8a39. Pork dull at 13.25. Lard quiet at 7.35a,50. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 4Vi- clear ribs 6, sides 644; bacon duU; should ers at 5Vi, clear rib 7, clear sides 7; green meats duff; shoulders 414. Bides 6Vi, hams 7. Whiskey In good demand at 1.07. Sugar quiet; huntainni. Nnw Orleans B3ua7!la. Hoes dull; common 8.75a4.15, light 4.15a.40, packing 4.40a 4.50, butchers 4.55a. 60; receipts ; shipments . Nkw Tom Southern flour dull; common to fair extra 6.25a6.85, good to choice do 6.90a8.50. Wheat closed lower; ungraded winter red 1.60a 1.56. No. 3 do l.4val.51, No. 2 do 1.55al.5rm No. 1 do , mixed winter . Corn heavy; ungrad ed 60a63. Oats closed dull at 50 for No. 3. Cot feo mil Kiura - firm: fair to eood refining 7fta; refined firm; standard A 9, granulated 9ifea, powdei-ed 10, crushed 10 Molasses-New Or leans 38a48, Rice quiet; Carolina 6iAa714-Wool very quiet; domestic fleece 42a58, pulled 30a58, unwashed 18a40. Texas 21a38. Pork easier at 12.70al3.00; middles quiet; long clear 7, short clear 7, long and short 7Vs- Lard closed firm at 7.85a7.90. Whiskey nominal at 1.12. Freights to Liverpool dull. COTTON. Galveston Firm ; middling llc; low mid 11 lAc; good ordinary linnet receipts 102; gross ; sales 1,450; stock 79.933; exports coastwise 65 1 ; Channel ; ConUnent . Norfolk Steady; middling 12ife; net receipts 2,726; gross ; stock 55,974; exports coastwise 676; sales 427; exports to tireat Britain . Baltmom Firm; middling 12; low middling 121AC.; good ordln'y 12c; net receipts ; gross to?, oafoa tuk v.9,.044: exDorts coastwise 2Kt snlnners 70; exports to ureat uniain vvai to continent Boston Firm; middling;- 12; low middling l2Vt; good ordinary 12Vfe;net receipts 1,570; gross 4f82irsales -; stock 6,481; exports to Great Britain . WiLHiNtiTOK Firm ; middling- 12c; low mld- wiimr n&fcc- irood ordinary iij&c; receipts xoi. cross owes ao; iiiui ,iuu'. i Sorts coastwise Gtwt Britain -; to Con' Bent : to channel . - middling 12c; good ordinary 1214c: nei : receipts 380' gross 592:;saie :-jjw; spinners sou; llfiVil exports to Great Britain . Km Ort.sans-Active; middling 12; low m.d- NOTICE. I BEG LEAVE to inform my friends and the pub lic eenerally that I am now with Chas. R. Jones, in the Observer Building, and respectfully solicit your continued favors, calls, orders, and consignments. We will endeavor to keep a first clas grocery store, but will still make a specialty In the commission business. Respectfully, J. L. HARDIN, jan. 3, Commission Merchant FOR RENT, A NICE THREE ROOM CC-TTAGE, "corner of 1. Myers and Seventh streets. Jan. 3. Apply to, THOS. H. GAITHER. G. L. NORRMAN, PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT,- will be at the Central Hotel, In Charlotte, for a few days, and during that time would like to consult with any person who contemplates building, jan, 3t A CARD. W E desire to Inform the public that we have YV established a CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, In the OBSERVER BUILDING, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, which is a Branch of the Carriage jnaauiacHJrjr vl uto, a. AlnsUe & Sons, of Rich mond, Va., and are now prepared to offer the peo- T5fl?a W Vnle ol Charlotte ana vi- ctnfrv a desirable selec tion Of CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. BUGGIES. Ac. AU of first class wont, ana soiu unaer wur warren. It is our purpose at an early day to esiaDiisn a Manufactory here for the construction of vehicles of this class, and we confidently expect the patron age of all who desire only first-class work In our Une. GEO. A. AINSLIE & SONS. an2-lm - - ' ' I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I am now offering my splendid stock of Heavy and Fancy Groeeries at such low prices as cannot fall to meet the wants and wishes of all my friends and customers. Most of my gocds were bought before the recent advance in prices, ana i nawer myseu ma i cannot ue un dersold by any merchant In the trade, in this or any other section of North Carolina. I can offer the trade the closest margin on the Justly celebra ted Molasses and Syrups, represented by Rodd Brothers & Co., of New Orleans, La., and I am also the wholesale agent for the sale of the Pa tapsco RaMng Powders. My siock at present consists in pan ui 50 Bags Rio Coffee. 10 Mats Java Coffee. 50 Barrels of Sugar, all grades. 150 Barrels f lour, au grades. 75 Tubs Lard. 10 Tierces do. 25 Barrels Grits. 50 Boxes Cheese. 25 " Soda. 10 Chests Teas. 100 Boxes Crackers. 500 " Cigars. 50 Raisins (all sizes). 40 Cases Tomatoes. 12 Dozen Backets. 12 " 10 gallon empty Kegs. 12 " 5 25 Barrels Sweet Cider. 10 Cases Mince Meat 30 Boxes Toy Candy. 10 Barrels Buckwheat 25 Cases Pickles. 25 Kegs do. 50 Cases Oysters. 50 Boxes Town Talk Soap and various other brands. 5 Dozen WeU Buckets. 15 barrels Oocoanuts. 1,000 Pounds Plain Candles. 25 Boxes MaccaronL 25 Dozen Baskets, all sizes. 25 Gross Snuff. 50 Barrels Apples, weekly arrivals. 100 " Irish Potatoes. 25 Bunches Bananas, weekly arrivals. 10 Barrels Oranges, weekly arrivals. 5 " Vinegar, 10 Dozen Wash Boards. 5 Barrels Cranberries. 10 Crates do. 25 Boxes Tobacco, all grades. Bacon Hams, Breakfast Strip Bacon. Tongues and Dried Beef. French Candies, all kinds and varieties. Pickles, of all varieties and styles. rvumtr nmdtiflA nf all kinds will be sold on short commission, and prompt remittances will be made. I respectfully Invite you to call and exam ine my stock, or give me an order by mail, satisfied as I am that our dealings can be made mutually profitable. Very respectfully. Leaux UAiiustJiii Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Dec. 12, 1879. . MOUNTAIN 3ptacati0trel. SCHOOL NOTICE. I will open a school for boys on Mon day next in the school building on Gen. Baninger's let on Church street The school will, at first, consist of on ly two departments. Primary and In termedlate, my object being to secure the best possible classification In order that the Instruction may be thorough. TERMS, (payable monthly,) Primary Depart ment S3 per month; Intermediate, $4 per month. L. HOLMES. septs BINGHAM SCHOOL, MSB AN EVILLE, N. C, Is now PRE-EMINENT among Southern Boarding Schools for Boys. Tne 17 ist session ending Decem ber 17th. 1879. has been the most prosperous in the 86 years of the School's history. The 172d Session will begin Jan,14h , 1880. Board 812 per month. Tuition $50 per session. For Catalogue giving full particulars. Address, Maj. r. BINGHAM, Superintendent Dec 13. lm. UtiscjellJtttjeous. NEW STORE. TIN 1 HARDWARE. Have Just received a splended stock of Heating and Cooking Stoves, consisting ot IRON KING, COTTON KING, ELMO, PALMETTO, And the Celebrated Excelsior Cooking Stove, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Zinc, Solder, Wire and Tin- Ware of all kinds. Tin and Sheet-Iron work promptly done charg es moderate. RICHARD MOOBS, Next door to Wlttkowsicy & Baruch, Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 10 -dOt CLOSING OUT AT COST! FINEST BANANAS Ever seen in Charlotte, AND MAGNIFICENT IFraits.Ms.&c. FOR NEW YEAR'S DINNERS. Canary Birds For New Year's GUARANTEED FINE SINGERS, -AT- CROCKERY, GLASS 1 CHINA. PERRY'S N. B. CLOSING OUT REMNANT OF TOYS VERY CHEAP. Janl JUVENILE We will positively close up business here by Jan- AND nary 6th. TLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO RAILROAD dMng llc: goodord'y linnet recelpte 15380: gross lCT; sales 12,600; sto 81 6.043; expo, to Britain 12.073; coastwise 1,973. ' is Ole Butt any kin to theough syrup man? We thlnknot but they are about equally well known .and advertised. gross i Great Britain 12.073 Augusta Firm; middling llc; lpw dllng UttC opa oroinary lie., n shipments ; sales 225; stock . mid- 297; r . - SunmniTBroiirrt Oma, I I I Charlotte, N. C, Sept 22d, 1879. 1 On and after Tuesday, Sept 23d, the following schedule will be ran over this road: - GOING NORTH., Leave Charlotte.. " Davidson College,.. Arrive at btatesvuta,-............ . r GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesvine..'.:. i.'l : . .... .. " Davidson College,.... .. . Arrive at Charlotte, " J, sept 23 NORTHERN BUCKWHEAT FLOOR. CAPE COD AND MOUNTAIN CRANBERRIES, AND SWEET S. M. ffjteKr &avitvtiszmzuts. TTIlA'S SOCIAL AND BUSINESS MANUAL. JJL Jor everybody. Nouung ime m ever lished.- Selling rapidly. Agents wanted. Shepard, 96 Fulton Kt., It. X. A DOLLAR COUNTER A 75 CENT COUNTER A 50 CENT COUNTER Have been arranged for the sale of Cheap Goods. LAWS BRASS BANDS AND STRING BANDS AT- f,V SMITH MUSIC HOUSE. POTATOES SILVER AND CHINA iSTORE AT HOWELL'S. TRYON STREET. SECRET Winans, Md. How sent to become Rich, and Watch free. U. S. Agency, Mount Ep-Ureat bargains In Fine Tibia Cutlery and Plated Spoons and Forks - dec. 30. - - ; UNDERTAKING. Come and see ma, Little Folks. We live to please and are pleased that we live. Come and spend I the week with me once a year anyhow. Don't for get your pocket-books. December 21. rBX WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday 4 00 p. m 5 61 p. a. 7 30 p. m. & W a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents Outfit tree, anaw a ux, Augusta, jiaine. ,.-.5 . , 6 00' a. m. . 7 42 a. m. ....... 9 30 a. m. J. GORMLEY, Sup't, IS777 i ta, Maine. A YEAR and expenses to Agents. Outfit Iree. Address f . o. viciuuii Angus- i D..1.l.4 for advert I auiuuict 43. a Pt BOWEL N.T. 10 CO.. dec!8.a A full cheap. Oct 8. One of COFFINS constantly on hand W. M. WILHELM, Rogers' Furniture Store Giving a full resume of the preceding week, news of all national topics and general Intelligence, be noes peing tne omy There supporting the National Democratic Party. Edited by GEOEGE C. WEDDERBURN. of Virgin ia, lormeny ponusner ot tne KMhmona (. . .. Bnqytotr. ( . Tj.t .., , TXR313 OF SUBSCRIPTION U " Single copies, one year, postage paid. lire copies, w one aaaress, postage paui. i-wemr copies, u one aaaress, postage pa, zu w i - ' (With a copy free to the person securing the elubA . . For farther Information address ' ' ' GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 322, Washington, D. C, or the Editor I Dec. 23. 2 0d. Kil'l 4

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