Stye t)arlotte bstnjtr. SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1880. THE COMKG CENTENNIAL OF THE BATTLE OF KING'S MOCX TAIIf. meeting' of the Executive Commitl Bailraad Transportation, Flag- Poles, Orators &c, Ac Yobkville, January 1. The execu tive comtaittee of the King's Mountain centennial association met here to-day. and was called to order by Col. A. Cow ard, chairman. A. W. Ingold, of the Yorkville En ' guirer, and W. G. Whidby, of the Pied mont Air-Line Headlight, were ap pointed assistant secretaries. The chairman read letters from Hon B. C. Yancey, Dr. J. S. Lawton and Hon. Waddy Thompson, and alluded in feeling terms to the death of D. G. Stinson since the meeting in July. More was to be expected from the spontaneous action of the people than from State Legislatures, Capt. W. T. K. Bell, the secretary, sta ted that General Jones, the Adjutant General of .North Carolina, was ready officially and individually to promote the object of this meeting. He would order an encampment of the State Guards on the battlefield during the centennial, and expected the attend ance of 40 companies. He felt assured that the general government would loan him a thousand tents for the occa sion. Capt. Bell stated that the milita ry of Norfolk and Portsmouth felt a deep interest in this centennial and pro posed to attend, uovernor J arvis was in full sympathy with the movement, Treasurer Ivy spoke of the deep in terest in the centennial felt by the peo ple or ins section. Senator Witherspoon stated that Gov ernor Simpson was in entire accord with the objects of this meeting. W. J. Houston, chairman of the com mittee on transportation, submitted the following report: . Circulars bearing date of December 5th, 1870, requesting rates to visitors at tending the centennial, have been ad dressed to the following roads, viz: Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line. At lanta & West Point. Georgia, South Car olina, Chespeake & Ohio, Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac, Petersburg, Richmond & Danville, Charlotte, Co lumbia ac Augusta, Chester & Lenoir, Savannah & Charleston, North Eastern, or ouin Carolina, Atlantic Coast Line, Carolina Central. Raleigh & Auflrusta. Port Royal & Augusta, Atlantic, Ten nessee ec Vino, Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio, North Eastern, of Georgia, Cen tral, of Georgia, Spartanburg, Union & Columbia, Spartanburg & Asheyille, Western & Atlantic, East Tennessee, Virginia Midland & Great Southern, and many other transportation lines embraced in the territory south of Washington City, east of the Blue Ridge and along the Atlantic coast to Savannah. These circulars are issued thus early with the view of forming a basis for lines extending into Alabama, Missis sippi. Louisiana and Texas, where large numbers of our old and esteemed citi zens have emigrated, and who will no doubt with proper facilities return in large numbera to participate in the cel ebration of an event having so many pleasant associations of the past Suffi cient time has not elapsed to receive re plies from the various lines addressed on the subject, but we feel authorized from those already received in saying that nothing will be lacking in this branch of the service to make it a suc cess. He accompanied the report with a few pertinent remarks, that satisfied the audience that Major Houston's heart was in the work and that he was a man of superior tact and executive ability. The reixrt was received. At his special rquest the following were added to the committee on trans portation : J. It Ogden, of the East Tennessee & Virginia Railroad, Knoxville; Henrv Fink, Atlantic, Mississippi &Ohio Rail road, Lynchburg; A. Pope, Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington ; J. K. McMur do. Richmond $: Danville liailroad, Richmond; D. Card well, Charlotte, Co lumbia & Augusta Railroad, Columbia; D. C. Allen. South Carolina Railrojul Charleston ; J. Mason, Chester & Lenoir Railroad, Yorkville; E. 11. Smith, Cen tral Railroad, Savannah ; B. W. Wrenn Western & Atlantic Railroad, Atlanta. Major Houston then submitted the following: "As a representative of the p:issenger departmentof the Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Railway, I respectfully state for the information of all present, that the president, general manager and board of directors enter heartily into the matter, as a question of national importance, and have instructed me to purchase a firstrclass American flag, which is now under construction in Philadelphia, of the best bunting, meas uring 20x30 feet, with all the necessary appliances for elevating and lowering at will. Capt. I. Y. Sage, the chief en gi neer of the road, has been instructed to erect on the pinnacle of King'3 Moun tain a pole of sufficient height and ca pacity for floating the flag. We hope with the assistance proffered by Capt. W. T. R. Bell, principal of King's Moun tain High School, R. II. Garrett, W. A. Mauney, and other citizens of King's Mountain, to have the pole standing prior to the 22nd of February next, and as this is a day appropriate to an occa sion of this is hoped that a com mittee will be appointed ;to secure ora tors and arrange preliminaries for cast ing the flag to the breeze on that day. .rain3wi?.b?. hY the Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line and Chester & Le noir Railroads at greatly reduced rates, to accomodate all desiring to partici pate in the ceremony.' Capt W. T. It. Bell moved that the thanks of the association be returned to the Air-Line Railroad for its gener ous gift, and that a committee be ap pointed to receive it and arrange all the preliminaries for its reception. The motion prevailed, and Capt W. T. R Bell, Dr. A. P. Campbell, Dr. B. F. Dix on, W. A. Mauney and R. II. Garrett were appointed on said committee. On motion of Major W. J. Houston, Capt W. T. R. Bell was requested to take charge of the artillery on the 2lst of February. , Senator AyHherspoon moved i that when th!9 meeting adjourns, it adjourn to meet in the town of King's Moun tain on the 2lst of February, and that the secretary be instructed to notify the several committees to report at that meeting, which motion prevailed Rev. 11. G. Latham, from the commit tee on historical collections, reported the completion of a sketch of the bat tle of Klflgfa Mountain, and several of the prominent heroes. The committee on monument sub mitted several designs for a monument, the cost ranging from $2,500i to 63,000. Report received and action deferred. On motion of Bev. B. G. Xatnan, the committee on ways and means were authorized to increase their number by appointing soliciting agents in each lo cality to solicit contributions for the ob jects of this association, and that each member be fully lemwvrered o appoint agents, which prevailed' . , The committee on tne grounas euo mitted the following report ty.i- On the 22nd day fit December last we fi. amftptinff .tin the battle ground, ana alter maunx survey viw- including the battle fle as ;Tepxeseni-1 edin the diagramy-:wa would. suggest I 1, " 4 . X-l that the ground .marked "military Ten dexvous De cleared or an oostructio and prepared for military evolution? It 13 an open plain, Having an area or 17 acres. The ground laid off into lots along the road and branch we suggest De ciearea 011 ior snanues and leased 10 persons desiring the privilege to exhib it accommodate, or vena articles o: merchandise, or other commodities no prohibited by law. We suggest tha nrooer steps be taken for the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of the brave men who struggled and fell in battle on the 7th of October, 1780, in defence of the liberty we now enjoy, and the point marked M in the dia gram, being the highest peak of the mountain, where the material fpr said purpose is inexhaustible, is the proper place for it. The present rude, unsculp- tured monument is represented at the intersection of the road and branch, and there stands as a monument of shame to the citizens of the two Caro- linas. who should long ere this have erected one. either there or somewhere else, on the battle ground that would be creditable to them and the fallen braves, who there sacrificed their lives in de fense of liberty. Your committee having carefully ex amined the grounds in reference to the accommodation of persons attending the contemplated centennial, are able to say that there are pretty good roads (can be made verv eood) leading to and from the place. There is also plenty of water (several springs and branches) convenient and the ground, although somewhat rough, is sufficiently accessi ble for a large concourse of people, who may desire to put in an appearance on that occasion. It is hoped that no one will be deterred from attending by ap prehensions of that sort. Mai. W. J. Houston objected to that portion of the report unintentionally reflecting upon those erecting the pre sent monument. They deserved praise and not censure, and the monument should be preserved from vandalism and curiosity hunters. Without intend ing any reflection on the committee he would move to amend the report by striking out the words "of shame to the citizens of the Carolinas who should have long ere this have erected one' either there or some where else on the battle-field that would be creditable to them and warthy of," and inserting the words, "01 the patriotism and pride of the private individuals who at their own expense erected it but which is an insufficient memorial of the gallantry of the," which motion prevailed. The report as amended was received and ac tion on its recommendations postponed until next meeting. On motion of Rev. II. G. Laiban the committee on in invitation was request ed to select the orators for the centennial as early as possible, and all the commit tees were authorized to increase theft- numbers and fix the qurum necessary to facilitating business. On motion our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress were urged to bring prominently before Congress this grand centennial and copies of these proceedings were ordered to be for warded to them. The meeting then adjourned. CENTENNIAL NOTS. Col. Thomas Hardeman, of Macon. Ga, has been invited to deliver the ora tion at Kings Mountain on February 2lst The 22nd of February, occurring on Sunday, Saturday, the 2lst, will be observed as Washington's birthday. wno wm be the first to have "King s Mountain centennial" cigars, flour. &c. Capt Bell deserves promotion for his untiring labors for the centennial. Hail him Generalissimo! AJf EPISODE OF II A YES'S NEW YEAR Mr. De Ahna Delivers an Invective in the Presence of the Caller. Cor. New York Sun. Washington, January 1 One of the worst cases of injustice under the pres ent administration is that of Col. Henry De Anna, State collector of customs at Sitka, Alaska. Mr. De Anna, after being appointed collector at Sitka, was rejected by the Senate, without good cause, and simply on account of the negligence with which John Sherman treated the case. He was impoverished by the expenses of the journey to Alas ka and return, and the administration has steadily refused to do anything for mm. lhe finance committee of the Senate, the other day, wrote John Sher man that it had knowledge of the cir cumstances under which De Anna lost lis place; that it was a misapprehen sion ; that he was a faithful, meritorious officer, and recommended him for a po sition in the treasury department This eiter was received with sneers bv Sher man and Hawley. Yesterday De Ahna went into Sherman's office and excited- y repeated the story of his wrongs, and swore that justice should be done him. Sherman called for the messengers to jut him out but De Ahna told them to stand off. hurled more invectives at Sherman, and departed. lo-day, at the citizens recention at the White House, in the presence of lundreds of visitors. De Ahna stood up and told Mr. Hayes that lie had been seeking justice here for the past eigh teen months, and now had come to tell 11m that if Divine Providence would nflict upon him the one-hundredeth part of the disgrace, poverty and suffer ing that had been inflicted unon his (De Anna's) family for the past two years, Hayes would not have a happy moment of his life; and, he continued. LA. 1 . a. ' nenner uo you deserve it Here the police rushed in and tnnk bold of De Ahna. but he found tin rn shout, "Here we have a very small would-be despot, who does not know now ' The incident created a great deal of excitement among the crowd, which bad to be parted all through the house and at the main entrance, to let De Ahna pass out. Hayes, during De Ahna's shouting, kept ducking his head and attempting to greet the other visi tors, wno, till then, seemed anxious to near De Ahna through. The Oldest! Portrait of CbrUt. London News. At a bazar which was opened yester day at the Hawkstone Hall, Westmins ter Bridge road, in aid of the British Society for the Propagation of the Gos pel among the Jews, a somewhat re markable picture, purporting to be the oldest and finest portrait of Christ extant, was exhibited. The painting is owned by Dr. Philip, of Rome, who has affixed to it the following description: "It is very old and wonderful. It was painted from an engraving on a medallion, ac companied by a manuscript on parch ment partly In Latin and partly In Greek, giving a description of the marks, pei son and physiognomy of Christ.. If is supposed to be from the time of- the early jemperors of Rome, and was kept till lately in the private museum of the various Popes." The portrait, which has been recently restored, represents the head and shoulders of the subject, the head being turned to the left, and the eyes, which bear an expression of great tenderness and dignity, looking upward. It will doubtless form an interest in study for connoisseurs in bid palati.i . Mothers! Mothers It Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of 1 rest by a sick child suffering and crying excruciating pain ot cutting teeth ? If so 1 1 once and get a botthnoL MRS J WINS!), SOOTHfNQ SYRUP, it will relieve the pooru sufferer lmmed late ly-Kitpend upon R : there 1 1 1 mistake about It ;Theto H nfttatnotfeerM'MrV who has ever used It, who U1 not tell you at) 1 mat it will regulate the bowels, and giro rest tot mother, and re'lef and health to the child, open ing like magic it is perfectly sate to use In a eases, and pleasant to the taste, and lathe pr scrtptton of one of the oldest and best physician " and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. , , - novO. I ;A;Sntt4ett Shoi tnai Awakens TXp Sec- ator JUorjran's Fast ITo una; Sons 7 Washington, January l This even ing, as John H. Morgan, son of Senator Morgan, of Alabama, was walking along G Street with a friend they were I metoy.L,ucy w. iiorton, wno sudden ly drew a revolver and shot Morgan through the shoulders. Before she could fire the second time Morgan turned and seized the weapon. The wound is not dangerous, although he probably owes his escape from death to Miss Horton's inaccuracy of aim.' The shooting is attributed on the part1 of Morgan's friends to the insanity of hia assailant Miss Horton began su it against Morgan last July for breach of promise of marriage. Since then she has ' lost her position in the treasury department and has been generally unfortunate, and she claims that she has been per secuted. Miss Horton maintains that her assault on Morgan was unpremedi tated and their meeting unexpected, al though she expresses regret that she did not succeed in killing him. The correspondent of the New York Sun says : u She is the daughter of Sen ator Morgan's former law partner, and after her father's death was under the charge of Senator Morgan. When young Morgan came here to be clerk of his father's committee, the girl followed, and soon after brought the suit for damages. She now says that Morgan has been vindictively pursuing her, and yesterday had her turned out of her boarding house. "Morgan avers that the whole case is one of blackmail. She says she has not done with him yet, and threatens to take his life at the first opportunity." Heavy Bequest. Among the bequests of the late Judge Packer, the railroad capitalist, which it is said has just been anounced for the first time, is the sum of 300,000. the in terest of which is to be used for the sup port in St. Lukes Hospital, at Bethle hem, Pa., of workmen of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company who become crippled, sick or too old to work while in the company s employment. Dr.TUTTS. Expectorant 1 IN 25CTS. AND l BOTTLES. Ita propertiew are Demulcent, Nutri tive Balsamic, Soothing and Healing. Combining all these qualities, it is the most effective LTJNG BALSAM ever offered to stiff erers from pulmonary frm diseases. DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, of New York, voluntarily indorses it. READ WHAT HE SAYS:- Dr. TUTT : Nw York. Sept. 19, 1877. Dear Sir Darin this er I rUitcd hjm bnndred eue of lane d In tha kiwar wrd of th eitj the cues ware of a very severe type. It waa there my attention was called to Tutt a Expectorant, and I oonfeas my sarprise at its wonderful power. Dorina; a practioe of twenty years, I hare ceTer known a medicine to act aa promptly, and with each happy efleota. It instantly subdued the most Tiolent fits of eonstuas. and invariably cure J the disease in a few days. I eheerfally indorse it as the best long medicine I erar used. t J. FRA1TCIS HAYWOOD, M. D. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. Office, Brenhut News, Anxusta, Ga. . Dr. TUTT: Dear Sir My little eon, was attacked with pneumonia last winter, which left him with a violent coach, that lasted till within a month since, for the core of which I am indebted tojrour valuable Expectorant. I had tried most every thine recom mended, bat none did any good until I nsedjoor Kx pectorant, one bottle of which removed the cou-b entirely. With many thanks, I am yours truly, JOHN M, WKIGLE. Had terrible NIQHT SWEATS. Memphis, Feb., 11. 1871. Dr. TUTT : Sir I have been sutlering for nearly two years with a severe cough. When I commenced ta king; four Expectorant I was reduced to una hundred and sixteen pounds in weight. I hud tried almost everything; had terrible night sweats. I have taken half doxen bottles. The night sweats have left me, the cough has disappeared, and 1 have gained hiteeo pounds in fleeh. I recommend it to all my friends With great respect, OLIVER KICK. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Reader, have yon caught a cold T Arc yog ud sble to raise the phlegm 7 Have you an irrila tion in the throat t A aenae of oppression on the lunga, with short breath T Vo you have a fit of coughing on lying down T A chiirp pain OW and then in the region of the heart, aiioal ders and backT If bo, onr Advice la lake al once a dose of Tutt's Expectorant; you will oou be able to raise the phlegm. Iu au hour r. pcal the Expectorant, place a hot iron to Uio feet. Lake two of TnU's Pilla. Yon will soon fall iuto a pleasant sleep and wake up in the morning. congh gone, longs working freely ; eaty breath lng, and the bowels moving In a natural manner. To prevent a return of these symptoms bw the Expectorant several days. Qffloe, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS CURE TO It FID L. IV fell. TUTT'S PILLS CURE DISPtPSIA. TUTT'S PILlIS CURE COSTIVF.It fcSS. TUTT'S PILLS CURE FEVER AND AtiUE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT'S PILLS CURE RIL.IOUS COLIC. TUTT'S PILLS GIVE APPETITE TUTT'S PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. TUTT'S PILLS CURE PILES. TUTT'S- HAIR" DYL GBAT HaXB OB WHI8K Kits chanpod to a Ulo t-a - awwuw I MlwBf via WOaEv VI SB 1. Qffloe, 35 Murray St., Now Yofk. aprl ly. NATURES OWN 9 A VEGETABLE. MEDICINE FORTHE BLOOD,IMR&KIDNEYS GURATINE, . For Blood Dlssasos, GURATINE, For Liver Complaint, GURATINE, Fur Klditoy p(seais. GURATillE, For Rheumatism. GURATINE, ' r'ur Scrofula Diseases. ourtTne, t or ErjrilpelUf I'imptct Blotehas, etc., A rnedlelnAl com pmintt of known value combining; In one prep, aratlon tne curative powers for tbe evils which produce all die. eases or the Wood, the TAwr, tbe Kldnv. Harmless In action n4 tuerough In Its eflbet. ItU unexcelled for tbe euro of all Milood Ml smm audi as turoA if, Tumor a, Boil; THt0f,BtiltMhmnm,' ttheumnUan. Mer curial t'oimottin g, vta-a jCfnmtt&ation, nympmprnta., Mn a i -fHtmUvn, MonfMtotn hth, Jl0tentton of iVins, eto. ASk TOUR DRUGGIST j ( FOR IT. THE EfOT CHEMICAL CO. n-nnch' Office, ChurloUe, N. C grlAWtimf ofeAOJK vj a unci application oi Una UVK. It itn ptvrU Katural Dolor, act InaUntaoeona.v. and is U rftrmUia as irwlii. mim UiA i exi B tr! i foil S 11 m MVl if M If 'ML N4!J if aH H TO ftaifefewBm. aw mm m mm 1 axxsaajsi SaMi M Saw CIIIUSTMAS JB0ODS, TOYCscAC AT RILER'S You will find the largest and best assortment of Toys ever brought to the city. They are now be ing opened. CandiesBoil Flak and Fancy. We claim that we have s rood tf not better than you will And elsewhere, and at prices as low II not lower than you can boy the same In the city. FRUITS, N17T3, IUIS1NS, CITRON AND CUBRANTS. Seedless Raisins for your Christmas Cake. The best assortment of PLAIN & FANCY CRACKERS Ktot brought to the city. CAMED GOODS Of all dessrlptions. " Here Is the place to buy your CAKES AND BREAD, As we make a specialty of Cakes especially for CluLtmas. Come and see. Respectfully, D. M. RIGLER. Dec. 5. DR. J. H. McAdeii, DRUGGIST AJTD CHX3QBT, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes; English Select SPICES Colgate. Iloney and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. a McADKN'8 Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrel of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KXROSENB AJTL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C West Jr. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. wjauu uu wonts, mm ion. warranted to stand a nre tenor liu degrees ranrenhert before it will burn. C West A Sons, Baltimore. For Sale hy Da J. H. K GAD EN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. . JUST RECEIVED. A full line all giades ready-made LADIES' UNDERWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will le sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, i BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those 81 Corsets left, at 60c, at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Nev. 12. . P. LASNE, From Ptwle, rnnoe, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER ud 8H : i VI3 PLATER, Trade Street, opposite Flat rresbyterlaa Church, )' Nat Gray 8tore. v .: v - y?2 Und 9' repairs made at once at halt nrlr iefeencM? fSSoo JSTZZS ed forwm be sold at tte ?SSS? n,onaa st of repairs. fjteur Advertisements. I A IJ n C st00l cover and boo51 onlj $143 to , r I All UO $255. ORGANS. 13 stopsT a set reeds, 2 knee swells, siool, book, c.nly $t8. i BF Holiday newspaper free. Address Daniel. i. skhuj, wasnuigion. a. J. A uxmts WANTED for the best and fastest- -to. selling Pictorial Books and BlWea. Prices: loumxxi na per cens. ft ati. nal FcmjssasQ Co., Aflanta,iGa. Agents, Read This ! ' We want an Agent In this nnnnrv tn ituim wiU pay a salary of 8100 per month and expenses U sell our wonderful Invention. Sample free. Ad dress at once SHERMAN & CO., Marshall, Mlcbl- Sfel 9A0 JB?1? 111 30 das on 8100 myested. WlMJV Ottkttol reports and information free. Like profits weekly on stock options of $10 to $50. ywkv!ffi WIGHT CO., BnkSsTaS $25 to $5000 Judiciously invested In Wall St. lays the Iiiiwu....l, j MI- Iiv, ' "otiv, ouu pays immense pronts bv the New Capitalization System of operating in Stocks. 15 Mh Gained ia 3 Week Messrs. Craddocx & Co., 1032 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen : Please send me twelve bottles of Dr. H. Jakes Cannabis Indloa, one each of Puis aod v.u.uuv, ivi a uiouu ui uune wno is not ex pected to live ; and as your medicines cured me of dv"." "hot wus ufs, i warn mm to try them. I rained fifteen pounds while taking the first three bottles. Respectfully, r t J. V. HULL. Lawrenceburg, Anderson Co., Zy. $10,000. SAFETY IiAMPS. MAILED FREE FOR 35 CENTS FOTJB FOB $1. - $10,000 will be paid to any person who can explode a Lamp fitted with OUT PATXKTKD SAFETY ATTACHMENT. aSKMTB WANTED. ojuw any lamp or Durner. Prevents dripping and heating. Send for samples, with size of collar and depth of your lamp. S 8. NEWTON'S SAFETY LAMP CO., . 13 West Broadway. New York. Factory and Office. Blnghamton, N. Y. , ELASTIC TSUSS Is. s Pad diSerinjt from otban, . capihatM, with 8ir-AdhtiDC Hx 1 In cUr, fcdsptal Utlf ta ifi jKxHioni of Lb body. vkOl thm Hal li n the rap tiiini aaefc th InUUioos I wtas tamMvaiM with the riaftr. WUh lbt preucr: th Hcrali h Mi eranlr dajaoJ sight, and n. Ileal care certain. ItU darsbb and chap. SontbymaU. Crcoln 1rm. GLESTOU TBCSS CO., Chlrafo, III. frtablshci! I a 167? for ll nrr. Caarrr, Tnsisrs, Vern, Serel I Hhlm Ularaam, without tb u-r . knife, or lots of blood, aad UtU aoiii. Fori bformatiun, circulars and reference, addrest. Dr. F. L. TOKO, Aurora, Kane Co., II! ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility. Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Live or Kidneys, and many other diseases A sure cure guaranteed Of P py- Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Mar shall, Mich. ft FORTUfiE QUICKLY MADE. MOSEY has bcea inalo moro ra:iidl y within the last fow montha ia VTa',1 St. tliaa :it aay period since 1S73. Immcnso profits ha o bcea realizeil from small Investments. Tho followins affidavit explains itself: Paraonallr apiwarpd l-rr-a m.QrBe A. Payn,of 1:4 W. 4Mb BU Naw York Clly, to nie k -imw-ii. au1 on liii duly aworn uyi that oa aalnraatment of $5 pl i.-i wiih Thateher, Belmnn A Co., Bankara, and by tLem ortr,l tor a ptrlnd of two wacka, I bad raturocd to ma by t'i s ,i I Q.-.n S31SJS3. (iiifucd; Geo. A. PaTSS. 8Ute of NewTork, 1 atyandOnnlyofNiw Vrt. et- Sworn bfor m tliU lilrt-i i-niSc-.UTa J. B. Moaas, Notary 1'ublK, 91 bu.uo St., M. T. Thatcher. Belmont k Co. arert anbarrihera an thalr 1 par eent, marfiDOrln tlirir onc i'r ,ti..a of capital, whereby a numbet of a mall limi of fnm 810 and upward, ara aeicrarated an" stocks operated U:..t tvn .-Mri lufurmation aciit tree npoa appitcatton by THATCHEU, UELiSIOVT & CO. Banker r. O. ii"X 1JU7, or 13 broad street, Kaw York City. dec 30 4w. 1. 1. 1HLLE1 1. 1. IfLLEE .'A osrs. 1. 1. IHILLEI SONS. 1R. M. MILLEE SONS. COTTON TIES 700 BUNCHES, Spliced and New, at BURWELL & SPRINGS'S. Dec. It. oots ami Stoics. STOCK PLETED ! OUR FALL STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND TEUNKS I j now Complete. We are determined to sustain our former reputation for selling THE 'BEST BRANDS goods, which, erery. sansibl rjersonf knorw H the cheapest in ; the end. -Please eail and see na before baying. We will deal fairly and hon- estly with you, PEGEAM & CO. Oot ia 1879. Democrat and Home copy. SENSIBLE ? a-. frr -vrz- i-t. f To Atmi M Week. : Choice New Orleans MOLASSES, In Barrels, Hajf Bajrrelsfand Kegs. 50 BOXES C R. SIDEa REMEMBER, That we have la Store one of the largest stocks of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS In the city, and that onr goods are FOE SALE. TAKE NOTICE, BURWELL & SPRINGS. Not. 23. HARDWARE AT COST. Hare Jost received a nice lot of Balslns, Cur rant, Citron, Jellies, French Mustard, Soda, Cheese,. Mcacaronl, Candles of all kinds, Co n Beef in one and two lb. cans, and Cigars, Catsups, Sugars, Tea and Coffee. In order to make room for other Groceries on the way I will sell my stock of Hardware at cost H. T. BUTLER, Agent - I keep always in stock a full line of heavy Gro ceries. December 21. CIGARS. 7f. fiflA 1 HAVE SEVENTY THOUSAND I v.UVV. fine clears, which I offer tn th wholesale trade cheap. TOBACCO, 20 BOXES. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF D li ferent brands. Prices to suit the times. MACKEREL, fAN CONSIGNMENT, A CHOICE LOT OF 44 ouu j,s nuia. ui juacKerei. WAGONS. A FULL LINE OF WAGONS OF THE BEST xx make. No kiln dried lumber in them. All warraniea ior one year, tail early as prices are OUVOllClUg. GUANO. NOW IN STORE, AN EXCELLENT FERTILI zer, in the Domplete Guano. TO ARRIVE, K AA TONS ACID PHOSPHATE OF THE BEST JJJ brand. Orders taken now will be filled prumpuy. ALL PERSONS I I UK ME FOR GUANO, WAGONS, &C., ARE requescea to call at once and settle up as luruier indulgence cannot De expected. Jan. 3. THOS. BL GAITHER. CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteea years exerienee in hospital and tii vate practice, guarantees a Dermanent cure tn all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous pysieiu tiz: urganic ana seminal Weakness, impotency (loss of sexual do wen. Nervous Debili ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains In the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc, ail resulting from ewuses in yomn or excesses inmannooa. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and we poison enure or eraaicatett irora tbe system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. ir. KoDertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all fe male complaints and irregularues. All consultations strictly confidential, and medi cines sent to any address. Call or write, eucloslng ouiuip lur reply. septlOlT goots and jShotfs. Great Excitement. Walking Match in Charlotte FOR THE CHEAP E ESTABLISHMENT ! The people of Charlotte and vicinity have found that by calling at L. ASIEL'S They can he better suited and find goods for less money than at any other house ia the city. His stock comprises a full and complete line of BOOTS AND SHOES From the cheapest to the best. Hand sewed mods of all makes and styles. In addition to his Targe stock of Boots and Shoes bo will earry a full line of Men's, Boys' and Children's , , Iff ;;;, Of the best quality, cheaper than ever sold before In this market. Also Trunks. Valises and Satch els. Call and examine his goods, as there is a bargain for all. .Respectfully, . 1 : la, ASIKL, . Next door U Dr. J. H. McAdetrs Drug Store. P. S. Having connected mvself with th house. I am sure that my old friends and custom. ers can be better suited and for less money than at any other house In the city. Oct 10. S. FRANKENTHAL. BOOT AND SHO WHEN ANY MAN FEELS SICK WITH COLD CHILLS, FEVER FLUSHE3, HEADACHE and general ancbmfortableness, AJTO m DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS HI Then is the time to take MOTTS PILLS. , RESTORING TO HEALTH, when an other remedies falL Take them for Biliousness, Indigestion. Cosox WITHolTiAI0165 WABBTED JOHN T. HENBT, CURRAN A CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Tot sale by L, B Witoton ft o.t Charlotte, N C mar4 . i ; SMITH'S WORM' Gill Ateebb, Ga., Febrnary 22t 1 878. -J?i?rJf?ildl ,fiTe fears old, had symptoms of ZTfJt i.,omel fid other worm medldne X iSSfi" Afr-JBain's, certln. JitJL01 Worm OIL and the first dose brought forty worms, and the second dose bo many that I did not count them. u " 8. H. ADaJaSi Prepared by E. 8. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. . For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, jT. , teb21Mtwly. PRESENTS IN GREATEST VARIETY, Just ar lvel at THE CHINA PALACE OF John Brookfield & 0. China Dinner and Tea Sets, Bohemian Vases and Tolltt Sets, China Motto Cups and Saucer and Mugs, Lava Smoking Sets, Boxes, Bus's, Ac, Fancy Wine and Liquor Sets, Dulls, Fine selection of Iridescent Glass. Sil?crnd Silrcr-PIated Ware In Great Variety. Fancy Work Stands, Boxw nud Baskets, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods, Parian Marble Basts, etc., Alarm, Parlor and Striking Clocks, Brackets, Frames, Wall Pockets,' Baby Carriages and Wagons, etc, etc. Come and see us and we wiH give jou bait;lu WHOLESALE BUYERS Will do well to calL We have on hnr d a full stock of Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Tin ware, eta Fancy Goods at wholesale. Orders by mail fftonrpxly executed. Very respeetfully, J. BROOKFIELD A CO. Dec. 1. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! ! ! Cluochet Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Nubias, Hoods, Sncqucs, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Tidies, Do lies, Towels and In fact a profusion of pretty things of J1 sorts roa XMAS. XMAS. VERY CHEAP, AT BARRINGER & TROTTER'S decl8 Wtetc Ucs and Qzxvtlvx. GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, saver and Plated Table Wo. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE- . GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want ' 9. T. BUTLER'S. HOLIDAY dec24

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