Stye i)arlottc bBeroer. TUESDAY", JANUARY 6, 1880. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. BlIUtnAU DIRECTORY. The follr w ng table shows the running of passen g.-r trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail i oads (Washington time): RICHMOND DiKTHUt Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12.30 a. m. Leaves for " ; 8.50 a, m. Arrives from Richmond,. J......1;.... 11. 17a.m. Leaves for 4.20 p. m. ATLANTA CHAELOTTI AIB-IJMX. Arrives from Atlanta, 8.50 a. m Leaves for Atlanta.. .. 12.80 a. m Arrives from Atlanta, . 4.20 p. m Leaves for Atlanta................ 11.17 a. m CHARLOTTX, OOLTJHXIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from, Augusta,.. ........ 4.00p.m. Leaves for Augusta, 12.85 a. m. Arrives from Augusta...... 8.40 a. m Leaves .for Augusta,.. ........... ... 11.20 a.m. CAROLINA GKMTRAU Arrives from Wilmington, 8.20 a m. Leaves tot Wilmington,: ; 8.25 p. m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.05 p m. Leaves for Shelby, . . i 8.40 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKMMI3SKI A OHIO. Arrives from Staiesvtlle, 9.30 a. m Leaves for Statesvllle,. 4.00 p. m INDICATION. - " v t . "WAr Departsient, ) . Offick Chief Signal Officer, ? W ASIIINGTON, J an, 5. 750 P. M. ) "" For the South Atlantic States, station ary followed by falling barometer, southeast winds, slightly warmer partly cloudy weather. Index to New Advertisements. 1 880 - Alexander & Harris. Land for Sale R. Barrl nger. Trustee. T-ost or Stolen Jno. L. Morehead. New Year's Greeting Spencer Sc. Allen. Corn and Meal Chas. R. Jones. Attorney at Law Ro. D. Graham. -Last Days Law's Silver and China Store. Public Auction W. C, Maxwell, Adm'r. HOME PENCILING. :Kabbit races in the streets every day .now.- Keserved seats for Barney Macaulay are on sale at the usual places. On Miss Pomeroy's return to Char lotte she will play "Nancy" in "Oliver Twist." .: : . The sum of $8 was taken in at the mayors court yesterday for minor vio lations of the ordinances. After Barney Macauley comes the Bowers-Thompson troupey-one of the very strongest that has been on the .road this winter. A very elegant and largely attended german was given Jast night at the Pleasure Club's rqpms, by one of the members thereof, .to Miss Fanny Moore, of Augusta, now visiting in the city. KewTear Sermons. ' Seferal of -the pastors in charge of city churches preached discourses Sun day especially appropriate to the new vear season. A prominent idea in at least two of the discourses was the duty of Christian people to support their own churches by their own means. One of the pastors remarked in the course of his sermon that if his salary had to be raised by outsiders, and by means of entertainments. &c, it were better that he should resign. The ministers gene rally gave encouraging accounts of the progress of Christianity. 1 1 ; Important to merchant and Other Business People. Merchants and other business people .are reminded of the fact that the .State and town require them to return to the register of deeds within ten days after the 1st day of January, 1880, a true and exact statement of the amount of pur chases made by them as principals or agents or through agents or commis sion merchants, for the six months end ing the 31st day of December, 1879. The amount of purchases, both in and out of the State, must be included in the returns. The purchases of liquors must be kept separate from those of goods, wares and merchandise. Presiding: Elders Appointments. Rev. M. L. Wood, presiding elder of the Charlotte district, who has just taken; -charge,, makes the following ap pointments: Pleasant Grove, at Pleas ant Grove, January 3 and 4; Monroe Station, January 4 and 5; Concord Cir cuit, at Center, January 10 and 11 ; Con cord Station, January 11 and 12; Wades Lorj Circuit at Bethel, January 17 and 18; Wadesboro Station, January 18 and 1? ; Lilesville Circuit at Lilesville, Jan uary 27 and 28; Monroe Circuit, at Shi loh, January 31 and February 1. Dis trict Stewards are requested to meet in Monroe, on Tuesday, February 3d, at 11 o'clock, a. id. Three Charges Ail Serious. An attempt to rob a son of Mr. A. F. Yandle, an effort to get a young white woman off her premises with a view to committine an assault npoa her, and trespass one the charges brought against a negro who was arrested aDOut nve miles north of thecitv vesterdav morn ing are brought before Justice Waring. Ilis name is Harvey Patterson, and his reputation is very bad. He was sent t ) the chain gang for thirty days for the trespass. The investigation of the other charges was not gone into, but the evi dence against him is such as to require that he should be bound over to the Su perior Court ithe sum of: $ 300. The Aug-ysta paces Charlotte Stable. The5 Augusta races begin to-day, and quite a number of Charlotte people will .avail themselves of the cheap railroad fare to witness them. It is stated that . there are about forty hoisea already on the ground, and the Augusta papers 10- . port that there is a very fine prospect of a most successful meeting, both as regards the number and quality of the vliorses and as to the'spectators that will Attend. T. II. Woods in charge of the Charlotte stable .shows the following: Santuc, ch. horse, aged, by Pa triot, dan! Fanny FisherfMecklenburg, ch. colt, 3' years old, by Planet, dam Merry Wave; Belle of Rock Hill, b. ni are, 3,y ears old by Lynchbprg.iam MaryXioatie j Col. Spragae b. g.,ty6nrs old, by Calvin, dam Pauline Sprague; colors, blue and; Wue.t;j y A Story of Misfortune. .. . It is related of a certain, ypung phy sician in a neighboring eoarHy who is fond of the sport of cock fighting, that, having a gamecock;of sonuSilaity; fine appearance, he conbf ud6d to give him a li ul e practice prior to a main in which lie was shortly to figure. Having got ten iossession of an old "Shanghai roos ter, he slipped in at the back door of a a store and invited aolerk to go with to a certain old bam on .the premises und see his cock slay the Shanghai. In order to prevent the game being too much worried by the fight, the: Shang hai had been robbed of his spurs, while the game was armed with the regula tion gaff. As the two young men slipped down to the barn, they chuckled to themselves and preifebed a little fune ral over the Shanghai, in which it is re lated that they informed him that he had only two more minutes to live. Xure enough the fight was brief and brilliant. The Shanghai only made three passes at" his antagonist, and knocked the breatUoutiof him. Then he stepped on the game, , walked over him, crowed 'over him) and defied the world; The'two young men looked at each other, smiled, and over the body pf the dead cock swofer to keep it a graVer yard secret, but it ail leaked out and is an o'er true tale. -' Officers' B'nai B'rith. - dLt,.' a regular meeting of Charlotte Lodge, No. 280, Independent Order B'nai B'rith, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: President L. Berwanger. Vice President M. Lichtenstein. Recording Secretary H. Baumgar ten. Financial Secretary R. M. Kopf. Treasurer D. Goldberg. Monitor J. Mover. Warden L. Asiel. Guardian S. Landecker. Trustees L. Leon, L. Asiel, J. Moy er, M. Lichtenstein, D. Blum. Representative to District Grand Lodge R M. Kopf. Weddings in the First Presbyterian Church. At a recent meeting of the officers of the First Presbyterian church, a resolu tion was passed, which was read to the congregation by the pastor, Sunday, declaring that hereafter no one should be admitted into the church building to witness wedding ceremonies, unless by card, and in no instance should more than three hundred persons be allowed in the church to witness such ceremo ny. It was further ordered that on such occasions no one would be allow--ed to occupy the gallaries except the members of the choir. It iaimderstood that the officers were impelled to adopt these rules from several motions, chief of which is the alarm which many per sons feel when the church is filled, as it has been on several occasions, to its ut most capacity. The Horse-Shoe. One of the most popular styles of jewelry" this season, is the horse-shoe. One encounters it everywhere in breast pins, scarf-pins, ornaments for hats, printed on wedding invitations, &c. In connection with vthe . subject, a writer4 says: "HuBdtedBi;ana hun dreds of years ago, in the distant land of Norsemen, before they had come down, and OFer-run All Europe, the horseiof fafcragprded as a charm againsttfiespeirot witchcraft; it was a belief thatiad been perpetuated for ages that when people wished to keep away harm from cattle,a horse-shoe was hung over the stable door, and from the house, it was hung over the house door. It was hung up to bring good luck. Its deeper meaning was that people believed in a power above and beyond them." The Week of Prayer. The following is the programme re commended by the Evangelical Alliance to the churches of the United States for the observance of the week of prayer. Sunditv, January 4. Sermons on the "Fullness of Christ's Salvation." Monday, January 5. Thanksgiving for the blessings of the past year, and prayer for their continuance. Tuesday, January 6. Confession of sin, and humiliation before God. Wednesday, January 7. Prayer, for the Church of Christ, its ministers, its growth in grace, and its enlargement; and for revivals of religion throughout our country. Thursday, January 8. Prayer for Christian education; for the family, and institutions of learning; for Sun day schools and Christian Associations. So far as has been learned none of the churches in Charlotte are observing the week, although services in the two Presbyterian churches, preparatory to the communion next Sunday, will be held beginning Wednesday night. Facts About the Weather for the Past Vear. Some interesting facts concerning the weather during the past year are gleaned from the records of the signal office In this city. It appears that the coldest day in the year was January 4th, when the thermometer stood at 11 above zero. The hottest day was July 12th, the thermometer registering 101. The hottest month of the year was July, the mean temperature being 79.1, and the coldest month was February, mean temperature being 40.9. The total rain fall in the year was 44.34 inches.' The greatest amount of rain in any month was in July, 8.64 inches, and ihe. greatest rainfall on any one day was on the 30th of the same month, when the rain gauges showed 4.24 inch es. During the year it rained or snow ed on 134 days. The prevailing direc tion of the wind was from the south west, and the highest velocity recorded was 34 miles per hour. There were only three snows, which occurred on the" 19th of January, the 14th of February and 19th of November, and one sleet, on the 17th of February. The first frost during the present winter oc-curred-on the 26th of September, but was not sufficient to injure vegetation. The first killing frost fell on the 25th of October. Last spring the latest killing frost was on the 4th of April, destroy ing blooms of fruit trees. A Idadman in the Streets. Just before daylight yesterday morn ing people in many parts of the city were aroused and alarmed by yells and screams which seemed rather to belong to some other regions than this, and for which no one was apie to account. The cries came from a man named A1-. lison Mitchell, who lives in Steel Creek township and who had became crazed with drink. As soon as the police heard him enter the city, they made an effort to capture him, but being on horse-back he eluded their most persis tent efforts, dashing wildly through the streets, all the time screaming at the top of his voice. The officers endeavor ed to surround him and to flank him at every corner, and, failing in this, they finally set a large-twrtl-crogr belonging to a member of the force after the ani mal, in the hope of checking "his speed and getting possession of his rider, but were thwarted in every attempt. Still the man kept 6ft 'at . headlong speed, looking every moment as if he would be dashed to pieces on the pavements, and at last disappeared beyond the city limits. -In the course of a few boors Police man Blackwelder received information that he had returned, bare-footed and bare-headed, having left his horse a mile from the -my? and was'ipi ftDar-raqm 6n Cc&legel street thisl ofOpmtmi itettlyitf thefenjian( a$ sori at be enteTefixaamaa grewMnsKmjeiiiMJe fleor hfm. TJlackwelder threatened to shoot him, but still ,he clung to. his weippt. Ai lajskhe. iwasindwce4 to drop it, when he was immediately seized and conveyed ,:to the station house. Here he again grew frantic, tore the clothes from his body and broke up everything he could get hi3 hands orC A.i I' A About noon his father came into the city and applied for permission, to take: him hotoe. , This was granted, and, as sisted liy the j police, lift succeeded in dressing young Mitchell, butas soon as; vXiA f,,,vvS nAairip m1. all tiroes, but thut. iic annn na lift takes intoxicating liquors ReS invariably4 becomes crazed, i ann 11 ie mo doing viMencento Whlseirahd others, lift was ridincr nearlv all the nicht be fore he was captured, and was heardin i setevai: parts' ox tne ;; cpmw. tua friends' think he: wiU; recover, Dufc he has now-all' the appearance of. a ma- "Th6 sight dfttt'toftmb'ffBfbw notniBg of its dangerous tendency, should Induce any. sufferer to, try Dr. Bull's Baltimore, Pills, for these troublesome blood disorders, y ' ' mcania dui orineceM neveuaLytj niju, 4 againarid the effort to get "him. away had to be abahdorfcepi :' ' , " ,1 it is said; ?that jPtcheRTof sound -.i-,.. il'iA' .-.'LiJ.-t nil ttmml hilt County Blatters. The board of county commissioners were in session yesterday, all the mem bers being present. 4 The usual pauper orders were passed. Dr. H. M. Wilder, county physician, was paid $86.00 for services at the jail and poor house, and $10 for holding a post mortem examination over the body of Bob Pharr. Samuel Younts and J. W. Morrow were appointed a committee to contract for and superintend the repairing, of the bridge across Sugar creek, near what is known as the Williamson place. Adjourned to meet this morning at 10 o'clock. The best remedy lor the complaints of ear'y childhood Is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price 25 cts. The Mew Constitution. The charter under which the Louisiana State Lottery Company proceeds was, by the vote of the people of Louisiana, Imbedded In the new consti tution so that no nuctuaUons of politics or adverse private Interests can hereafter interfere with the regular drawings of the company, the next of which occurs on the 13th January. This vote of the people shows the confidence felt In the Company at home, where It Is best known. Particulars in the advertisement else where, and fuller information obtained by ad dressing M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., or New York. decl6 An Open Business The great success won by the Louisiana State Lottery Company has been gained by the strict fairness of its dealings with the public. All Its methods of doing business are open as the day and buyers of tickets have learned that they have only to contend with the laws of chance, and all are served alike. When any one asserts the contrary of this It is safe to call him a liar or a blackmailer. The regular monthly drawing will take place on the 13th January. dec23 lw Mothers! Mothers! I Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'3 SOOTHfNG SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It : there is no mistake about It There Is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. nov6 TELEGRAPH!.! MABttf- KEHM. JANUARY 5, 1880. PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats steady; Southern 47a48, Wes tern wnite 4ra47, do mixed 46a4tt. Pennsvl vanla 46a47. Provisions quiet; mess pork 13.75; duik meats loose snouiaers o. ciear riD sides 7, do packed 5i&&iyi; bacon shoulders 5, clear sides 81A, hams 10i&all. Lard refined tierces 8i&. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes 14alfUfe. Sugar nrm; a sou ysfo. wnisxey dun at 1.1334a. 14 Freights to Liverpool dull. Chicago Flour steady and firm; extras 5.25a 6.00, double extras 5.75a7.00, patents tl.OOa H.OO. superfine 4.2oa4 n0.Wheat generally higher No. 2 red winter 1.30Mb No. 2 Chicago spring l.isuvacasn, jno. 3 uo 1.15, rejected va. corn higher at 40. Oats weak at 37. Pork at 13.25. Lard at 7.50. Bulk meats lower; shoulders 4.35. short ribs 0.75, short clear 7.85. Whiskey steady at 1.10. Cincinnati Flour quiet: family 6.20afi.40. Wheat steady at 1 .34a.3tt. Corn strong at 41 a43. Oats steady at 38a3. Pork dull at 13.25a.37te. Lard quiet at 7.35. Bulk meats quiet ; shoulders 4V2, clear ribs 0, sides ; bacon 1 1 lair de mand; shoulders at 513. clear rib 7. clear sides , green meats dull; shoulders 4 14, ides 6A, hams Vgas. wnisKey nrm at l.ou. bugar quiet; nards luaAj, New Orleans m4a7. Hogs dull; common 3.0oa4.05. light 4.10a.30, packing 4.30a450, butchers 4.50a.55; receipts ; shipments -. ' New York Southern flour dull; common to lair extra B 2oatt.85, good to choice do 6.90a8.50. Wheat closed heavy; ungraded winter red 1.48a 1 .51 , No. 3 do , No. 2 do 1.55!t!ial .56tfe.No. 1 do , mixed winter 1.50aVfe. Corn heavy; ungraded ei. oats closed dun at 4VJ ror no. 8 tonee dull Sugar Arm ; fair to good retlnlng 7a; refined firm; standard A y, granulated Wfeaa, powdered 1U. cnisnea Molasses JNew Orleans 3a48, Kice steady; Carolina 04fea7iA. Wool very qulei ; domestic fleece 42a58, nulled 30a58, unwashed 18a40. Texas 21a3. Pork heavy at 12 62M5a 13.00; middles steady; long clear 74b, short clear 19$, long and short 1V- Lard closed weaks at 7.80a7.85. Whiskey lower at 1.09. Freights to Liverpool ami. COTTON. Galveston Firm; middling 12Uc: low mid llifoc; good ordinary 1 1 14 ;net receipts 1444; gross 1470; sales 2.506; stock 79.589; exports coastwise 7U4; cnannei ; continent . Norfolk Quiet ; middling 12; net receipts z.bbU; gross ; siock 60,450; exports coastwise 2,168; sales 603; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Firm; middling 19,34: low middling 12fyjc; good ardln'y 12itc:net receipts 151; gross 643; sales 175; stock 18,837; exports coastwise 30; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Boston Firm: mlddHne 12: low middling 12; good ordinary 12W; net receipts 1,118; gross 6,994; sales ; stock 6,481; exports to Great Britain 152. Wilmington Firm; middling 12c; low mid dling llc; good ordinary llVkc; receipts 307; gross ; sales 7o; stock ll.loO; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Firm; middling 13c; low middling 12c; good ordinary 12c; net receipts 344 gross 8UO; sales ; spinners 215: stock 12,204; exports to Great Britain . New Orleans- Quiet; middling 12tfe; low m'.d dllng llifec; good ord'yllla; net receipts 6.054 gross 6,771; sales 11,500; stock 813,237; exports ureal uritam a,boO; coastwise 721. . Augusta rirm; middling 117toc; low mid dllng lli&c., good ordinary 11c; receipts 389 shipments ; sales 755: stock . Charleston Strong? middling 12c.;low mid dllne 12iac: eood -ordinary llc: net receipts 1,647; gross ; sales 500; stock 63,160; exports coastwise 133; Great Britain 2,250; France Continent 1,266: to channel . New York Cotton nominal; sales 201; Mlddl'g Uplands 12: Middling Orleans 12; consolidated net receipts 23,548, exports Great Britain 1 1,258 trance ; continent 2,733; unannei . Liverpool Noon Cotton firmer. Middling Uplands, 6 15-16, Middling Orleans. 7 1-16; sales 12.000. speculation and export. 2.OO0C receipts 39,000, "American 30,000. Futures easier. Up lands low middling clause: January delivery 7, January and February 7. February and March 7 o- 32al-16, March and April 7 5-32. April and May 7 7-32a3-16, May and Jne 7 9-32. June and July 7 5-16, July and AugosT. FINANCIAL. New York Money 106. Exchange 4.8034. governments aulef. New' 8's' 1.03. Four and a half per cents 1.06. Four per cents 1.03, bonds dull. Til . State FUTURE?. 5 t I , s t. Nkw Tohx Futures lose J strong Sasl 152.- 000 - i 1 ' January- 12 .99al3 February.: 13 23a.24 March 19 .41)8,50 April .... ;13.68a.69 May 13 .88a.89 June 14.04a.0 July 14.15a.17 August , CITY COTTON MARKET. Offick or THX Obskbvkr. 1 Charlottk, January 6, 1880. f Tbe market yesterday closed firm. Good Middling. i 1 214 Middling 12J&al2Vl Strict low middling 2al 2Mt Low middling Ilal2 Tinges - Lower grades . ? S Receipts , bales. .4 JANUARY 1, 1880. Cotton Tibs New, per bdle Spliced, " Bagging, per yd ... Corn, per bush'l MttU " PIAS, . M Oats, shelled, Bacon N. C. hog round , Hams, N.C. Hams, canTassed... ULX MAT9 Clear Rib Sides. Labd, per lb Coffkk Prime Rio. Good.. Brsner t j 4 f (Sufay'ljonse i i . . llOLASSSS t Cuba.w "SSugar Syrup;. -Cholee New prleans. Common. Salt . . - ,. : .: Liverpool fine Coarse StJGAB White. i, Tellow? Potato ks Sweet Irish 2.35 2.00 Hal 2 60a65 60a65 v- 65 50 9 4, 10 11121 7: 8al 15al8 14ial5 i 1 25 , i 30a35 . 85a50 ,;..,50a0 40a45 i.25a2.5b ;jjv A0P uSiio , 0a70 60&75 2x0 &&vtxtiz&mzuts. $1 r "k . AM LAJJDjJgOR SALE. A T THE Court House, tn Charlotte, on Monday. -TV the 9th of February, 1880, the tract of 352Vi acres, whereon J. C Miller now lives. 6 miles Mat 01 unariotse. t TERMS 51,200 cash, and- any excess on 12 months credit KUFUS BARB1NGEB. Jan. 6-1 td, w tf. -'-if- Trustee. LOST OR STOLEN. ON DECEMBER 24th, a Jet-black! Gordon Setter, with brown feet and a small white soot in breast. A suitable reward will be Dald noon his delivery to JiSO. L. MOREHEAD. Jan. 6. New Year Greeting ! SPENCER & ALLEN. hanking otjb friends fob tbe liber- X al patronage bestowed on ns In the past, we oeg to tmorm inem mat our stock or Groceries ROCERIES A ND PROVISIONS BOVISIONS ND Is aow complete, -and we are prepared to offer special inducements 10 close buyers, and tnimc we can make It to their Interest to see us before purchasing elsewhere. ALL ORDERS WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT LOW EST MARKET PRICES. We are agents for the well-known brands of Rockinghan 4 4 Sheeting and Pee Dee Plaids. uive us a can. srjsfiUKK & allkn. Wholesale Grocers 4 Commission Merchant?. Corner Trade and College Stree s, . Charlotte; N.C. ;. Jan. 6. PUBLIC AUCTION. T WILL sell to-day, at 12 o'clock, at the rest- X dence of Dr. S. E. Bratton. a lot of Furniture belonging to the estate of tbe late John A Wilson. Jan. 0. w. u UAx.wfiL.Li, Adm'r. RECEIVED TO-DAY, CHAS. R. JONES, Observer Building. Jan. 6. Ro. D. Graham, ATTORNEY AT LAW IN THE STATE AND U.S. COURTS. COLLECTIONS, HOME AXD FOREIGN SOLICITED. Abstracts of Titles, Surreys, fcc, FURNISHED FOR COMPENSATION. Offici : N. E. Corner Trade & Tryon S's., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Jan. 6. LAST DAYS OF LAW'S SILVER & CHINA STORE, TRYON STREET. W E are packing up now, but will sell, to those who call before the Htb Inst. :o: Auction Sale 12 Paintings & Other Goods THURSDAY MIGHT, JANUARY 6TH, REAT bargains In fine table knifes and plated VJ foiks and spoons. Jan. 6. W.S.EVERITT, SURGEON DENTIST, TENDERS his professional serriees to the citi- X zensol6nariottaoasnrroiiuingwuun. Office on Tryon street. pp- Ellas & Cohen. Jan. 3,-ly. NOTICE. T BEG LEAFS to inform my Mends and the pub H iriiwnlM thifc I am now with ChflS. R. I Jones, lfllhebseirvmfclln. fend respectfully '1 . .. : ' r nill. 'awIam anil i pouch, your OQQBauaiK iavwra, win, j Jonekmwentsr me wil ewSeavor to keep 'first cias grocery store, dui wiu swu uiims a. spwiaiir Bespectfuily, J. L. HARDIN, 1 O PAmmlaofnn Vamhonr JaJl. O. vvilAUiuaivu jiivivuuuw FOR RENT, A NICE THREE ROOM COTTAGE, corner of A Myers and Seventh streets. Apply to, THOS. H. GAIT HER. Jan. 8. A CARD. E desire to Inform the public that we have established a CABUIAGE EEPOSITOUY, Tn the ORSERVER BUILDING. Trad Street. Chariot, if. a, whVcH U a Brancltot the Carriage manuiaciorr ul ueu. jl. Alnslie & Sons, of Rich mond, Va., and are now prepared to offer the peo ple oi unariotte ana vi cinity a desirable selec tion Of CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES. See. AU of first class work, and sold under our warrant. It is our pprpose sat an early day toeBtaMlsh a JlniilACbUl J &JCIC LVM DUO WMBWUVtlvu V vvwv.w nf thi ninits. and we confidently exnect the natron- aee of all who desire only first-class work In out Une. WA-A-Jk4to- wnor Jan2-lra 100 WL UL, Ti f GMsmzazsz NOTWITHSTANDING THE HIGH PRICES OF LEATHER "We have made 110 advance whatever in our charges for Ladies and Misses Boots and Shoes. Our stock having been con tracted for before the rise our natrons will find a marked difference between our wices and those charged by other first class houses for the same grade of goods. Boots for school. Dress and play. .Every to give satisfaction. P. S. I take nleasure in announcine to with an experience of ten years in the Dec. 17, 1879. Democrat and Home copy. ood mm rat he Wrm Goods, a$bmeres, Cloaks, We have made our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of the above goods, to gether with a great many not enumerated, H. MORRIS & BROS CALL FOR THE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY $1.00. (groceries, Sec. USEFUL ARTICLES FOR TBE HOLIDAYS AND AFTERWARDS at C. HILKER'S. lnce Meat by the bucket or retail; Muscatel Rai sins, Chocolate, Candies fancy and Plain; Cranberries, Pino Apples in cans, Peaches, Tomatoes and Jellies-assorted; Balti more Hams Mess Mackerel, North ern and Mountain Buckwheat Flour, Vatapsoo and other brands of Flour; Teas, Coffees and Sugars. 25 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes, and many other goods too numerous o mention. Give us a all on corner of Fifth and Tryon streets. U. H1LKEK. December 25. Groceries Wholesale 1 Retail. OFFICE OK LeRov Davidson, Dealer in Choice Imported and Domestic GROCERIES, CHARLOTTE, N. C. I desire to call the attention of the nubile to the fact that I am now offering my splendid stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries at such low prices as cannot fail to meet the wants and wishes of aU my friends and customers. Most of my gocds were bought before the recent advance In prices, and I flatter myself that I cannot be un dersold by any merchant in the trade, In this or any other section of North Carolina. I can offer the trade the dosest margin on the justly celebra ted Molasses and Syrups, re presented by kodd Brothers ft Co., of New Orleans, La., and I am also the wholesale agent for the sale of the Pa tapsco Baking Powders. My siock ai present consists in pan or 50 Bags Bio Coffee. 10 Mats Java Coffee. 50 Barrels of Sugar, all grades. 150 Barrels Flour, all grades. 75 Tubs Lard. 10 Tierces do. 25 Barrels Grits. 50 Boxes Cheese. 25 " Soda. 10 Chests Teas. 100 Boxes Crackers. 500 " Cigars. 50 ' Raisins (all sizes). 40 Cases Tomatoes. 12 Dozen Buckets. 12 " 10 gallon empty Kegs. 12 " 5 25 Barrels Sweet Cider. 10 Cases Minoe Meat UQ Boxes Toy Candy. 10 Barrels Buckwheat. 25 Cases Pickles. 25 Kegs do. 50 Oases Oysters. 50 Boxes Town Talk Soap and various other Dranas. 5 Dozen Well Buckets. 15 barrels Cocoanuts. - 1,000 Pounds Plain Candles. 25 Boxes MaocaronL 25 Soaen Baskets, all sizes. 25 Gross Snuff. 50 Barrels Apples, weekly arrivals. 100 " Irish Potatoes. 25 Benches Banaaas, weekly arrivals. 19 Barrels Oranges, weekly arrivals. 6 . " , Vinegar, 10 Dozen Wash Boards. - - 5 Barrels Cranberries. . 10 Crates do. 25 Boxes Tobacco, all grades. Bacon Hams. Breakfast Strip Bacon, Tongues and Dried BeeL. r French Candles, all kinds and varieties. Pickles, of all varieties and styles, , , Countrv Drodnce A all kinds will ha aald on short commission, and nromnt remittances will be made. I resDectfullv invito. 10a to call and exam ine my shock, or gjveiov an oraer m maut ssusnea as l am mat our dealings can oe maae mutually prontaoie. very respewnuiy, LeBOY DAVIDSON. Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Dec. 12, 1879. TTILL'S SOCIAL AND B0SINS33 MANUAL. XX For everybody. Nothing like it ever pub lished, selling ranidiy. Agents wanted. W. a. snepara, wt) jnuton Ht, . x. PFfnCTHow to become Rich, and Watch OLuriC I sent free. U. & Agency, Mount Winans, Ud. S77 a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents uutnt tree, snaw a uo., Augusta, Maine. $777 TEAR and expenses to Aeents. Outfit iree. Address tr. u. viuiuiitx, Augus- ta, Maine. PfimnMtfkf for advertisers. 100 pages, 10 ramuuivi cents, g. p. rowella co.. . x. aecis. PROF. O. COHAHN, TTAVING a few leisure hoars In the evenings. XX intends to open about the 10th of January one; or two courses in the French and German languages. Natural conversational method em ployed. Ladles and gentlemen who would like to loin a class, or desire to be lnstrocted nriratelr ,PBasanpijor.9rm oy mau mrougn dox : . . . . .. . . tt-Aa,--t ? jan. 4 iu NOTICE. .tilul . i.-e.).-ti'a ij "OOR8ALE OS RENT .for the year 1880, a vain XT' able plantation adjoining ihe Charlotte Pair (iroonds and u. & McDonalds containing i4o acres, 7&of which am tillable. 1 Terms easy. Apply , R. M MILLER & SONS. Jan. 4 lwj-i i FOR SALE, T, a desireable house and lot tew AnnlVtO K. K TV-OaBORNlt Ian. 4.-31 TAKE NOTICE. AND MATERIALS, Every style, every size, every kind of Kind ana style or lients uaiters ana uoots, 01 superior mase, ana warraniea J. MO YBR mv old friends that I am now staving Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods Very respectfully, LARGE ARRIVAL OF - CARPETS AND BLANKETS. Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. lower than any house this side of New bargains -IK- FHITM. AT E- G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock is very large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office Fur nlture. All goods packed frse of charge. SCHOOL NOTICE. I will open a school for boys on Moa day next. In the school building on Gen. Barringer's let on Church street. The school will, at first, consist of on ly two departments, Primary and In termediate, my oblect being to secure the best possible classification In order that the Instruction may be thorough. TERMS, (payable monthly,) Primary Depart ment, S3 per month; Intermediate, $4 per month. L. HO LI septs BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C, Is now PRE-EMINENT amonsr Southern Boarding Schools for Boys. The 171st session ending Decem ber 17th, 1870. has been the most Srosperous In the 86 years of the chool's history. The 172d Session will begin Jan.l4h , 1880. Board S12 oer month. Tuition S50 ner Bess Ion. For Catalogue giving full particulars, Address, maj. K. BINGHAM, Superintendent. Dec 13. lm. NEW STORE. TIN 1 HARDWARE. Have lust received a snlended stock of Heating and Cooking Stoves, consisting of IRON KING, COTTON KING, ELMO, PALMETTO, And the Celebrated Excelsior Cooking Stove, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Zinc, Solder, Wire and Tin Ware of all kinds. Tin and Sheet-Iron work promptly done charg es moderate. RICHARD mOORE, Next door to Wlttkowsay & Baruch, Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 18 -dOt llias & Cohen HAVE STILL ON HAND a great many Seasonable Goods, WHICH THEY DO NOT Wlill TO CARRY OYER, and will offer them at JLiow Figures FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Jan. 2. i - .; '.;L,: UNDERTAKING. foU ttM.of COTllMa eoristaTifly onnan1" w; it. witHxiiii Oct 8. ' Rogers' Furniture Store Ladies' Boot. Misses' and Children's with Mr. Mover, and feel satisfied that in that line to your satisfaction. J. MO. ALEXANDER. piumc : Zephyr Shawls, York; we except nobody. "finest BAiANAS Ever seen in Charlotte. AND MAGNIFICENT IFraits,Nats,&c. FOR NEW YEAR'S Canary Birds For New Year's GUARANTEED FINE SINGEllS, PERRY'S N. B CLOSING OUT REMNANT OF TOYS VERY CHEAP. Janl JUVENILE BRASS BANDS AND STRING BAND3 AT- M SMITH MUSIC HOUSE. Come and see me, Little Folks. We live to please and an pleased that we live. Come and spend )jhe week with me once a year anyhow. Don't for get jour pocket-books. December 21. rpHE WASHIXaTON GAZETTE, J Giving s fall resume of the preceding week, news of all national topics and general intelligence, be i REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER There supporting the National Deuocratio Party. Edited by GEORGE G. WEDDERBTJRN. of Virgin ia; formerly publisher of the Richmond (Va.) , ; it-. Enqutftr. - TXRMSOI SUBSCftlTTtON : . Single copies, one year, postage paid, f 2 00 Five copies, to one address, postage paid. .;, -7 60 Ten copies, to one address, postage paid, , 12 50 Twenty eoptea, to one address, postage pd, 20 00 (With a copy free to the person securing the dobs.) Foi further information address f v ; r GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 822, Washington, D, O, or the Editor. I Dec 23. - o 'vi, i