gfye (Efjarlotte burner. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1880. THE CENTENNIAL OF THE BATTLE OF KINO'S MOUN TAIN. What the Gorernon of Three States Hare to Say to Each Other. We publish an interesting corres pondence between Gov. Jarvis, of this State, Gov. Marks, of Tennessee and Gov. Simpson, of South Carolina, in relation to this event, in whose proper celebration all North Carolinians will take pride. The letters explain them selves. The resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Tennessee are also giv en: i Executive Office, Nashville, Tenn Jan. 21, 1880. Sir: In compliance with the direc tions of the General Assembly of Ten nessee, I have the honor to transmit to your excellency a-copy of a joint reso lution of that body, suggesting a cen tennial celebration of the battle of King's Mountain. As King's Moun tain was the key to Yorktown, and Yorktown the key to American inde pendence, the General Assembly of Tennessee deem it appropriate to sug gest to her sister States (whose troops participated with hers in.thatxinterest mg event) the propriety of its centen nial celebration. You will observe that the proposed celebration is dependent upon the con currence and co-operation of your excel lency. If approved by your excellency, it is important that your approval be signified as soon as it may be done with convenience, in order that the preliminary steps for the celebration may be taken without delay. I have the honor to be, very respect fully, your obedient servant, Albert S. Marks, Governor of Tennessee. To His Excellency Thomas J. Jarvis, Governor of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 3. Whereas the one hundredth anniver sary of the battle of "King's Mountain" will occur on the 7th day of October next, in which the gallant soldiers from Tennessee, (then a portion of North Carolina) Virginia, North and South Carolina participated, winning victory ; and whereas it is proper that we should commemorate their; gallant deeds and show to the world that we appreciate and cherish the great blessings of civil and religious liberty for which our forefathers so nobly struggled; there fore, be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Gover nor is suggested to communicate with the Governors of North and South Carolina and Virginia for the purpose of inaugurating a movement to cele . brate on the grounds the anniversary aforesaid. Resolved, That should said celebra tion meet the approval of the Gover nors of the aforesaid States, the Gover nor of Tennessee shall appoint a com mittee of ten, three from each grand division of the State, and one for the State at large, who shall meet similar committees at Charlotte, North Caro lina, on the 22d of June, 1880, for the purpose of making all arrangements necessary for the celebration of the centennial of Kings Mountain. Resolved, That the Historical Society of Tennessee and the historical socie ties of the three other States, if such there be, be and are hereby invited to co-operate in said celebration. Adopted December 24, 1879. J. R. Neal, Speaker of the Senate. H. P. Fowlkes, Speaker of the House of Representa tives. Approved December 24, 1879. Albert S. Marks, Governor. Executive Department, Raleigh, N. C, January 26, 1880. To His Excellency Albert S. Marks, Governor of Tennessee : Dear Sir : Your communication of th8 21st, enclosing a copy of certain resolutions, recently adopted by the General Assembly of Tennessee and approved by yourself, in relation to the celebration of the coming cemtennial an iversary of the battle of King's Moun tain, has been received. It gives me great pleasure, I beg leave to assure your excellency, to see the interest manifested by yourself and the General Assembly of Teanessee in the proposed celebration. One hundred years ago the Territory, whose people now so justly take pride in the name of Tennesseans, was fully as much a part of North Carolina as that which still bears the name. We .were all North Carolinians, and it is gratifying to know that though no longer one in name, and no longer one in territory, we are still one in affection, and one in admiration for the great achievements of our com mon ancestors,- and in our determina tion, on suitable occasions, to make that admiration known to the world. The success that befell the American arms on King's Mountain, a success achieved by Southern troops under Southern leaders, upon Southern soil, wa3 the turning point in the war of the revolution. . But for King's Mountain there would have been no Guilford Court House, and without Guilford r i. tt . i . i . uui b nuuse, mere coum nave been no Yorktown. It was the morning of the uay mac was to Dnng torth assured success, success that meant the vindica tion and establishment of the right of seit-government, after a long night of despotism, despair and defeat. And that our forefathers bore so conspicu- uusapiuun an acnievement, so con spicuous for the brilliant genius of its conception and the grand daring of its execution, no less than for its magniti cent ituu uiuuiearous consequences, we may well be proud, whether we call ourselves Tennesseans or North Caro linians. It gives me pleasure, therefore, to in- iorm you mac measures have already been taken by the people of North and n il "I 1: .. 1 i i , oouwi aiuiiiia tiu, looKing co a prop er observance of the centennial anni versary or tne Dattie or King's Moun tain on the very held upon which the battle was lougnt. un the 22nd of next montn a magnincenc nag ot mam moth size will be raised on the highest point or tne Dacue neia, there to re main, when and where various prelimi nary arrangements for the celebration will also be perfected. In all our arrangements, however, the presence and participation of our brethren of Tennessee and of Virginia have been affectionately contemplated and anxiously anticipated. I beor leave, therefore to answer your excellency that I take great pleasure in signifying to you my approval or tne proposed celebration, and that I will at once proceed to designate suitable gen tiomAn tn mAftt in Charlotte on the 22nd nfJnna next thenf and there to confer withfsrentletnen of the committee ap- SPBfii&; & & fSSS of Similar- committees from WWMJK Q: fnrrnnr. i.nni irum liuid m tiuu, u rtnnArtnnltv my offervl "Will do every Yf . - . a i i. - i. A z . - i make the , centennial. commensurate wiui the loagnracenii acuieveuieui. iu w iAnt fn-rtm-nnemnrate. HlwUUvu w w t have therhcmorta beV very respect fully, tour obedient servant 1 3 Thomas X JaUvts, Governor of North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh, January 29, lSSO. To His Excellency W. D. Simpson, Gov ernor of South Carolina : My DEAR Sir: I send you enclosed copies of a correspondence recently held with Gov. Marks, of Tennessee. I pre- e.,mo vAfi iiavfi had i similar leuer from him yourself ; if accompanying this will not, the papers explain them- selves. Vinrr's Mountain IS upon the line Kf.ifps. heinsr partly in one 'and partly in tire. other. The bat tle field lies, I believe, wholly in your State, as we say, by a mistake of the commissioners who established the line. So you see we are not , without some claim to the actual soil, made so dear to every American heart. While time has barred our right to an assertion of that claim, it can never obliterate the memory we cherish for our Jieroes, whose (feeds helped to ttnmortalize the spot. The mountain, with its hallow ed association, standing as it does be tween us, will always serve, I trust, to h nd 113 closer tosreuier in oonus ox mu tual regard and interest" Upon its his toric heights I hope to see the people or both States gather on next October in multitudes to commemorate in the cen tennial celebration the great victory of 1780. , . . As a part of the patriots who fought forlibertv that day were from our sister State, Virginia, I beg to suggest that, in addition to the adoption ,ot the suggestions of Gov. Marks, we invite the Governor of Virginia and the peo ple to participate in the preliminary ar rangements, and in the grand, celebra tion. I would that the people of North and South Carolina, of Tennessee and Virginia attest to the world' by their commemoration of the battle of King's Mountain that they will maintain at all hazards the principle of civil liberty for which their revered ancestors died. I am, dear sir, very truly yours, Tiios. J. Jarvis. A I'OU Mj CRIME IN Cr.EAVEL.AND. An Attempt to Outrage a Colored Girl Probable ITIiirdcr. Shelby Aurora. There is living, on Mr. A. P.Austell's plantation, four or five ru les south of Shelbv. a colored man named Thornton Ellis, who is the father of, a girl about 12 vears old, named Alice. There also lived (almost in the same house) on the same place, a white man who gives his name as Daniel Keigh, and says he came from Little Rock, Ark. On Wednesday evening, the 2Sth of Janu ary. Keigh sent the girl (Alice) to Mr Austell's for some flour which he said he had bought As soon as Alice start ed away from the hou3p Keigh started almost in the same direction. Not long after they had leit Jveign made uis ap pearance at Mr. Robert Ellis' bar-room, which is a short distance irom where the girl's father lives. He told Mr. Ellis that he had seen a penitentiary convict in the woods near by and that the con vict wanted to swap shirts and shoes with him. He also stated that he and the convict had had some trouble about the matter and that it was with diffi culty that he " escaped him. He asked Mr. Ellis if he would go and help him arrest the convict. Mr. Ellis said that he would and he got his gun and they started in search of. Keigh's convict. They searched the wood until Mr. Ellis got tired, and Keigh got a Mr. AVebb to go with him and continue the search. Keigh led the way and it was only a few minutes until they found the girl (Alice) lying in the edge of an old pine field, with her head badly bruised and mangled by what appeared to be a blow from a rock. She was per fectly speechless and thought to be dy ing at that time, and upon examination it-was discovered that the perpetrator of the deed had made an attempt at rape upon the person of the almost in- tant girl and then tried to cover his crime by murdering the object of his brutal assault. Upon further examina tion it was discovered that the cirl had been led to the place where she was found, against her will, and that the footprints of the person leading her corresponded exactly with the foot prints made by Keigh, upou whom sus picion already rested. Keigh was arrested and loused in lail in this place. He had a preliminary trial, before Justice Love, on Thursday evening, when he was committed to jail to await trial at the next term of the Superior Court. The evidence before the court wa3 circumstantial but it all pointed to Keigh as the guilty party. There is little hope of the recovery of tne victim. GENERAL. AND PKBSOXAL. Mr. Vanderbilt and others interested have been discussing a proposed amal gamation of the Pullman and Wacrner sleeping car interests, but no decisive action has yet been taken. The treasurer of the Irish relief fund. of Dublin, acknowledges the receipt of $25,550 from the Parnell meetings, &c, of this country. Over 830,000 is now stated to be in the hands of treasurers in various cities, which amount will be transmitted without delay. The richest silver mine in the world is believed to be the Robert E. Lee mine near Leadville. The sum of 8130.- 000 was recently taken from it in seven teen nours Dv a worklner force of fortv men. Less than a year ago the mine had only a prospective value. Three carrier-pisreons flew on a wasrer from Baltimore to Washington last week. The swiftest made the forty miles in one hour; the others in three minutes after. The Indianapolis. Cincinnati and La fayette railroad was sold at Cincinnati yesterday to the purchasing committee ior tne Dondholders tor $2,500,000. Rev. Dr. Moses D. Hotra. the pastor nf the Second Presbyterian church, of Rich mona, nas announced to his congrega tion that he intended to leave for Egvot aim me iioiy ianu soon, to be absent some time. Orvil Grant has been anchored in a small sinecure in the Chicago nostoffice : worn noining more straining to his sus- i n , . . pecteointeiiect than applyinggum arabic to flaps of envelopes, the doubt.!' ul adhe siveness of which had been passed up on by an expert; salary $700 a vear. Capt. Lads has arrived from "En and requests a hearing before the xiouse committee on inter-oceanic ca nais in tavor or his scheme for trans porting ships across the Isthmus upon irtuway 10 oe ouiit ior the purpose. Postal Matters. One thousand and fortv -on ft nnsl nns. A 1 'ml I , ... tersnave oeen commissioned during me paat montn, which is the Greatest number ever commissioned during a Iiice period, ihe increase of the num uer ui cuiuuissions is said to'rje due to Bioisouuuiua ui new postomces re cently estaonsueo. The opening nf t.liP uius ior tne star mail service in the atates oi unio, Indiana and the South ain Clntnn " - . . 1. H r .... kjuuca oaat ki tue -Mississippi nver, iuw just ueen nnisneo oy the PostulU v-pmuuciik iue nuinuer oi Dius ag gregates about 60.000. which thelargest number at any previous le;! lhe greatest umber of bids i . btate was 9.600 f North Carolina, The number refeiv .l or xennessee was 9,100, being the seo- uuu mgiiesb iiumner. The Chronicle sava a difficult. v ed in a bar room in GreenAille, in which one oi me participants, John Holcombt drawa nistol and BhofaatstnhAn T.Qnri the hall passing aefosr Grid's aldomen and cutting tne sum. Government Tax Sales, Etc The House committee on the judi ciary has before it the draft of a bill submitted by the Secretary of the Treas- urv. authorizing him to sell, within two years after the United Stales has ac quired a valid title thereto, all lands ac quired in collection of debts due for taxes except tnose acquireu in payment of debts due for direct taxes ; and also to dispose of all real estate acquired by gift or devise and not needed for the rmhlic use. The secretary has been imoved to ask the passage of this bill by reason of a large amount ot real estate belonffinc to the United states, acquir ed by debt or through gift, and located in every State ot me union, j ne unnea States is now the possessor of real es tate amounting to some 34,000 acres aC auired on account of non-payment of internal revenue dues. Large quanti ties of this land are located in tne rural districts of -North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and other South ern States, and therefore not ot any great value, but some ot it is very val uable property, lying in such cities as Chicago, New .York and Atlanta. In Illinois and Kentucky there are several valuable distillerv properties forfeited through various causes. The amount of real estate belonging to the govern ment acquired through payment of taxes, other than internal taxes, and otherwise is 130,000 acres, the title to 100,000 of which is believed to be good. Some of this land has been in pSsses sion of the government as far back as 1829. A great deal of this is valuable, including lots, improved and unimprov ed, in Washington, Montgomery, Ala., Savannah, St. Louis, New York, Bur lington, Vt, and all the Harper's Ferry property. There are but two pieces of property in Maryland belonging to the government, Islands B and C, in the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and Ken nard's point, in Kent county. TO THE CHARLOTTE PUBLIC ! COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE. I desire th&Charlotte public to know that the BOUNDARY AVENUE Beer Bottllrg Establishment has reduced the price of First Class Lager Beer to seventy-five cents per dozen bottles, and that I will In the future, as In the past, try to deserve the patronage of the public by delivering free of charge to any part of the city only strictly first class beer. I have ordered and will receive In a few days a supply of new patent bottles, for the convenience of my customers. F. C. MUNZLER. Nov. 19. DURHAM (ANALYZED BY DR. W. H. TAYLOR, STATE CHEMIST OF VIRGINIA, AND PRONOUNC ED PURE, AND RECOMMENDED A3 A BEVERAGE OR MEDICINE. The attention of the citizens of Charlotte and the surrounding country Is again called to this Pure Whiskey, now so popular both North and South. We have the endorsatlon of many Drug gists and Dealers In New York City. Washington, D. C. New Orleans, San Francisco, and many oth er cities, and we can confidently recommend the "Durham" to be equal to any Whiskey distilled In this country. Call for " Durham'' at W. R. Cochrane's Central Hotel Saloon. ELLISON & HARVEY. Sole Proprietors UCLl-atL LAGE HAPPY JOE FISCHESSER. 60LB AGENT FOR THE ATLANTA BEE WEB Y " Let those who never drank Beer before, Go to Joe Flschesser's and drink the more." FBESH FROM THE ATLANTA BREWERY, ON ICE ALL THE WAY. I have an arrangement with the Atlanta Brewery, bj which I am able to keep on draught, and for sale by the keg PURE ICS COLD LAGER BEER Brought to my door In an Ice-cold refrigerator direct from the Brewery. Persons In Charlotte, or at a distance, can buy beer from me at bottom rock prices, and warrant ed to be as pure and fresh as If just made. My facilities this summer tor the delivery or Beer are better than ever, and as the sole agent in Charlotte of the Atlanta Brewery, I respectfully solicit the patron;ige of the public. wines ana tne best Liquors on araugnt or ior- sale by the quantity all the time. OYSTERS On the half-shell. Lovers of the luscious bivalves can bo supplied by JOSEPH FISCHESSER. iu27 BXiscclliiuecnts. NATURES OWN REMEDY A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FORTHE BLOOD.IMR&KIDNEYS. CURATINE, For Blood Diseases. CURATINE, For Liver Complaints, A medicinal com pound of known valuei combining in one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the Blood, the JAvf, the JUaneym. Harmless in action and thorough in its effect. It is unexcelled for the cure of all Blood Dim ease such as Scrof ula, Tumors, Boils, Tetter, Salt JBAetcm, Rheumatism, Mer curial Poisoning, also Constipation, Dyspepsia, J n di gestion, Sour Stom ach, Betention of Urine, eta ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ' -FOrl IT. THE BE0V5 CHEMICAL CO. CURATINE, For Kidney Diseases. GURATINE, For Rheumatism. GURATINE, For Scrofula Diseases. CURATINE, For Errtipclu, Pimple;, Blotchm, etc. tLwtu, mm. Nov. 15 dAwly. c. Md. A CARD. E desire to inform the public that we have established a CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, In the OBSERVER BUILDING, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. c, which is a Branch of the Carriage aiiiuuiaLTory oi two. A. Alnslie & Sons, of Rich mond, Va., and are now prepared to offerthe peo ple of Charlotte and vl- au of first class work, and sold un ler our warrant mII.'S i,r I'?nose at an early day to establish a Manufactory here for the construction of vehicle li V8 f i?8 an.? w.e confidently expect the patron age of ail who desire only first-class workn our laWlm GEO. A. ALNSLIE 4 SONS. itvi inn b t 4 iw. r ti ii M ! ii i ii r i J3ni0s and ptediciujes. CHEMICALS ! LS! For Composting. SULPH. OP AMMONIA, NITRATE OF SODA, SUPEUPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAND PLASTER AND FINE GROUND BONE. 60,000 LBS. OF THESE Chem'cals on hand at the lowest market price. L. R. WBISTON & CO. Jan. 30. LANDRETH'S 4a ante ii Seeds. WARRANTED FRESH & GENUINE. WE HAVE A FULL Slock of These Celebrated Seeds Which We Offer to the Trade, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. L. R.WRIST0H&C0. DR. J. H. Me Aden. onuGQiarr ant ohkmist. Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lu bin's Extracts and Colognes? English Select SPICES Colgate. Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES, PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both rdght and day at J. a Mc A DEN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AJTL ALADPLN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C !$WSJCXIaU0Xt5. S3' s o r, ca 6 O Iaji 5 BOA O St a s o ELL TOOLS KINDS ! ! ! Augers, Drills, Horse Power Machines for Boring and Drilling We1 Is. Best in America! $25 A DAY MADE EASILY. Book Free! Address LOOMIS & NYMAN, TIFFIN, O. SKIN DISEASES Prof. Hebra's Treatise on diseases of the Skin describing symptoms of all skin diseases, with directions for their sure cure. Sent CURED free to all afflicted. Address, with stamp, E. S. Webster, 50 N. 5'h street, Phila., Pa. $nj a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents l I Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Maine. 777 A YEAR and expenses to Agents. Outfit I l I free. Address P. O. VlCKERY, Augus ta, Maine. ADVERTISERS by addre-slng GEO P. ROWELL CO., 10 Spruce St, New York, can learn he exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING In American Newspapers. tS" 100 page Pamphlet, li e. 1am 7 school'notice. I have opened a School for Boys la the School Building on Gen. Bar ringer's lot on Church treet The school for the present, consists of on ly two Departments, Primary and In termediate, my oblect being to secure the best possible classification in order that the Instruction may be thorough. Terms, (payable monthly,) S3 per montn. L. -HOLMES. P. S.-I propose to open a Nlht School if a uf ficlent number of pupils can be obtained, for the purpose of teaching Writlpg. Arithmetic and Book-keeping. Terms will be made known on application at my School Room, or to Dr. F. H. Glover, or Mr. Gas Durham at Burwell 4 8prlngsV Jan. 23-tt. L. H. CHFMICA ysusiaSBi W and book only $143 to ANS. 13 stops, 3 set rlHIVUO$255. ORGANS. 13 stops, reeds. 2 knee swells, siool. book, only SU8. Holiday newspaper free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. AGENTS WANTED for the best and fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 83 per cent. National PuBuanmG Co., Atlanta, Ga. A HOUSEHOLD NEED 1 ! A book on Malarial Diseases and Liver Complaints, sent FREE. Ad dress Dr. Sanford, 162. Broadway, New York City. Agejits, Read This ! We want an Agent In this county to whom we will pay a salary of $100 per month and expenses to sell our wonderful Invention. Pample free. Ad dress at once SHERMAN & CO., Marshall, Michi gan. COMPOUND OXYGEN Lb.r. record of remarkable cures in Consumption, Ca tarrh, Neuralgia, and other Chronic Diseases by the new Oxygen Treatment, now ready and SENT Free. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN, 1109 and 11 11 Girard St., fikBadelphla, Pa. . ON LIFE & PROPERTY. $10,000 vtU be paid to lay pnB Who can EXPLODE A LAMP fit tad with our SAFETY ATTACKS B1T. Ml led free for 36 dm, Foorf or L, Agrnta Waatcd, Hale or Female. 8. 8. NBWTON'8 SAFETY LAMP CO., BiNOHAHTON, K. T. Salcsbooh, 13 Wm BaoAOWAT, K. Y CHEAPEST BOOR STORE 0rlde 175,672 NEW and OLD Standard WORKS in every Department of Literature. Almost given away. Catalogue of General Literature and Fic tion free. Immense Inducements to Book Clubs and Libraries. LEG-GAT BBOS., 3 Bkkkmah St., Opp. Post Office New Yobk. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, PaFulvala vi onv rlloaaaAa nf tha 1 Ida rr ViHnava and many other diseases. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Mar shall. Mich. CONSUMPTION CURED.' A simple vegetable remedy for the tpeedy and permanent cur of Consump- ana Luna jkjjtaxoM. Aiso a positive ana radical cure for Nfervons Debility and all Nervous Complaints, which ha been tested in thousand ef case. Kecipe.vrtlh full directions (in German, French, or English) for preparing- and using", Bent by mail free of charge ion receipt of stamp. Pleas nam this paper. W.'W,BHElLAB,4PQWr'31ocX,Boclierter,H.T. Jan. 27. 4w. JUST RECEIVED. A full line all grades ready-made LADIES' UNDERWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those SI Corsets left, at 60c, at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Nov. 12. 100 Boxes Tobacco, rN STORE. AND TO ARRIVE. PRICES TO l bult tne Times. Call early, as it must be sold T. H. UAlTHER. ACID PHOSPHATE, THRESH FROM THE CELEBRATED MARY- u iana Fertilizing ana Manutacturing Company, vl oaiuuiure, now in siAjre reauy to aenver. T. H. GAITHER. CIGARS. 70 CtfiCi 1 HAVE SEVENTY THOUSAND I V,U17V. fine cigars, which I offer to the wnoiesaie iraae cneap. MACKEREL, o N CONSIGNMENT, A CHOICE LOT OF ik 1 - TIL. 1 ! . r aim ouis. oi oiacKerei. WAGONS. A FULL LINE OF WAGONS OF THE BEST make. No kiln dried lumber in them. All warranted for one year. Call early as prices are auvancing. TO ARRIVE, KAA TONS ACID PHOSPHATE OF THE BEST JJJ brand. Orders taken now will be filled promptly. ALL PERSONS "TVUE ME FOR GUANO, WAGONS. &C., ARE -as requesiea to can at once and settle up as luruier mumgence cannot oe expecteo.. Jan. 29. THOS. H. GAITHER. SMOKING TOBACCO Tobacco gro-vn in Western North Caiollna noted for its g md smoking qualities, the best . Ask your nearest merchant fort t ample paek mci "i, u jwu ore a uea:er, write w me ior euca uub ouu nwicwra prices. AOUrrSS J. S. TOMLINSON, Hlcl Ory, R. Jan. 27. nillinP Stool, cover $10,000 c P FO 35 Cts. GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver x Watcnes, silver and Plated Table Ware, J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 P. LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half Drlce and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding, Coloring, Silver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. Ear- Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. serxxo I. BROOKFIELD. A. W. LUDOLP. CHINA PALACE OF- J. Brooklield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE take pleasure to inform our friends and the public generally, that we always have In stock a complete assortment of CHINA AND CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE AND LAMP GOODS, ' CUTLERY AND SILVER PLATED WARE, WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY all or which we offer at the lowest possible prices. We are enabled to give SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO WHOLESALE BUYERS In TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMP GOODS. We ask the TRADE to give us a trial, ss we sell goods as low as Northern Houses. ORIGINAL CRATES always on hand. Orders by mall promptly executed and any In formation desired will be cheerfully given. Very respeetfully, J. BROOK FIELD 4 CO. an!7 LA W'S Silver and China House, RALEIGH, N. C. :o:- Havmg withdrawn the Charlotte Branch of our House, we desire to call attention to our Stock in Raleigh, which we claim to be the flaest in the State. FINE CHINA, Dinner. Tea and Chamber BETS. SOLID, SILVER PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, and a very large stock of House Furnishing Q-OODS- Jan.H-rtJin.81. Bictltcitl. O NE OF THE MOST ONE OF THE MOST r IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES Of the nineteenth century, and one that takes puni rank with the Invention of the telephone the e v'p trie light and other scientific marvels of the a i.' that of 18 HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE ! This compound possesses the most reinar Healing Properties of any known agent em i)lo.-i for the purpose of curing ' SORF.S, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISE. :-Imilamed and abraded surfaces, aud IV ALL SXIN DISEASES. Its cleansing properties remove all linmmtip hat hinder the formation of healthy flesh and th work of eure goes on to completion with tlie imwt WONDERFUL RAPIDITY Let no f;!! 1 without a box of it in the house. Physicians extol Its virtues; and the thousands who "have used it unite In recommending It. Beware of counterfeit! Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, and take no other JOHN F. HENRY. CURRAN A CO. Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston Jc Co., Charlotte. N. C. marl 1 SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., February 22, 1 87K SIS My child, five years old, had symptoms ot worms. I tried calomel and other worm medicines but failed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain's certltl rate, I got a vial of Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worms, and the second dose so many that I did not count them. S. H. Adams. Prepared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. For sate by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. t. teb21d&wly. Moots aud mxozs. STOCK PLETED OUR FALL STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND TlUJNJK Is now Complete. We are determlnea to situln our former reputation for selling THE BEST BRANDS Of goods, which everyl sensible person knors Is the cheapest in the end. Please call and see us before buying. We will deal fairly and hon estly with you. PEG RAM A CO. Oct. 10, 1879. Democrat and Home copy. TAKE NOTICE ! ! BOOTS AND SHOES, HAT-8 ETC. ETC. TO 7 HE PUBLIC GENERALLY. I intend to go East; In a short time to lay In a LARGE Stock of Spring Goods of ALL MAKKis, there fore I will offer all my heavy Boots, Shoes and Overshoes, at a great sacrifice, even some BELOW COST, to make loom for my laige nir chase. Also will sell my Men's and Boys Hats and : ; s, at astonishing low prices. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, cheaper tl; in ever. My friend and customers will do well to call early, as It will be to their own interest to buy bar gains. Respectfully, L. ASI El Next door to Dr. J. H. McAdei . P. a. Having connected myself with the above house, I am sure that my old friends and custom ers can be better suited and for less money man at any other house in the city. JanlO S. FRANKENTHAL. ffmr&cut. FOIRENfU The New and Commodious HOTEL BUILDING at King's Mountain. N. C, containing 15 room, known as the Piedmont House. For further par ticulars, address I. W. GARRETT & CO., Jaul54f Kings Mountain, N. C. UNDERTAKING. A full line of COFFINS constantly on naud - Chear' W.M.WILHELM, Oct 8 Rogers' Furniture Store Vi