ir Jll .-iTTKgoKrPTrox rates Drrrfy, rv year, (poKtpaid) in advance. '...i'.f8 00 Su .McwWW 4 00 Three Mont fa .''........ 2 00 tji MoitK .'. '. 75 w KDmon : Meekly, (in te county y in advance $2 00 doftht anuUy, pontptaO,..'.. ........ ....... 2 10 Su Month ,..t.... r.... J 00 Liberal RtdtuAioiiafor Ulubi. HI OBSERVES, JOB M- r Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, afid with th latest xtjlea ntTjoCMd. netx manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. Weran furn ish at short noQee. "..'J ., BLAMES. BILL-HEADA ! . LETTERHEADS, CARD. , TAGS, BBCEPTSPOSTteS; ' PROGRAMMES, HAKSB033T PllIPHUT8.4nBCUIB3.GBXGX8ca ; 1 f ( ft VOL. XXIII, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1880. NO. 3,415. WE II AVE ESTABLISHED Several Bargain Counters, and on them will be found soma VERY CHEftP GOODS. ::o: Wc Have Spread Oat an Immense Stock of Ladles' and Children' Colored Hosiery, Which we Propose to Close Out A SAQRI-FICE :o: HAMBURG EMBROIDERY, COLLARS AND CUFFS, COLLARETT3, HANDKERCHIEF- BOXES, AND MANY OTHER DE 3IRABLE GOODS WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF 0O8T. "Everybody and their Friends" ar mo tt fully Invited to call and see uj pect- ALEXANDER & HARRIS. :o: PC We will also dispose of a large lot O of Ladles' and Gents' Undervests. Jan. 1M. A. 4 H. V0ccres. SEED POTATCT GRITS, &C , IX ROUND HOOP BARRELS, If you don't believe we have the Finest and Best Selected stock of Seed Potatoes In Market, Come and See for Yo irsett JUST RECEIVED, orrv BRLS. E. K. POTATOES, POTATOES, BBLS. E. K. Kf BBLS. OU BBLS. SNOW FLAKE, SNOW FLAKE, 50 BBLS. PEERLESS. BBLS. PEERLESS, 100 BBLS. GRITS, BBLS. GRITS, -i A BBLS. LARGE HOMINY. 1 U BBLS. LARGE HOMINY. Burweli & Springs. Feb. 3. oolis and tatioiijertj TO AIL TRUE LOVERS! Hurrah! For Love! The Boy Divine I The Birds are mating on the boughs; And Tlddi.Bxothers' Valentines. Are f uH of fun, and Lovers' vows. And Love of every hue, and shade. Can by their magics charm be made. And Baby Love, and Boj and Qui And Love of high, and low degree. And Lads and Lasses in the whirl, Of Cupid' s meshes, here you see ! And every one, can something find, To paint his passion to his mind. The ' Hlt-'em-hards' the "Useful Hints;" And some, the queerest kind of prints. A stock so rich, was never seen! In lace and gold ftnd silken sheen, With "newly pointed," "Cupid's darte," The very thing, for Lovers' heartsi, - . .- ; 'f i - ' The lowest price, and highest style So rare a lcit, was never known;- . . Their beauties might a saint beguile, Or move to love a heart of stone. So cheapso beautiful, and flnp, The very cream of Valentines! 9 l'eb. 0, CHABLOTTl?, N. 0. GEO. W. CHABLOTTa, N. C, PRACTfee-fclMlTEirTO THE EYE, EAR I THROAT OFFICE WITHfDSS. OvJjJ ES 4 GBAHAM. F?b. :j-djw4wrm' - " ' ' ' .TTOENaiXiATr TN the State and tfnlted States Courts. Collee--- ttons. Home and Torelgri. solicited. Ab firacts of T-tlesfSorveys, Ac , turofebfed ?ot cem pensatloiH v , , J J v -i! Office :-N. B. Corner Trade A.Trrpn streets. Cfcarlobe.N. -iV ' 1 ' 1 ".'flp. . " ; .'. T " TENDIR3 his professional services to the citi zens of Chaitotts and surrounding : eoontry. - Office on Tryon street, opp. Ellas Cohen. , Jan. 3,-lf. -': VALENTINES! fflfttLlll;! :o: VI HAVE JUST BECEIVED 20 PIECES OF TOT HANDSOMEST (Oil Cretonnes That have ever 1)6611 oflered in tbls Market- ::o: ALSO A HANDSOME LINE OF Neck Inching IN THE LATEST STYLES. Call and See Our Late Attraction. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO. Feb. 8. gat cut Itctlicincs. ri r3- IN 25CTS. AN 3 SI BOTTLES. Its properties are DemulccTrt,Tutri- tive Balsamic, Soothing' ami Healing:. Combining all t hose qaalitie s, it is the most effective LUNy ALS A PrI ever offered tosifl&rusc3 from pulmonary diseases. DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, of New York, voluntarily indorsed it. READ WHAT HE SAYS:- Dr. TTJTT: New Yo k Sept., 10, 1877. Boar fair During tliis y.-ar i v i tti n ne uunilred ciises 01 lung d aw.i.-ea. lu tuo 1 w. r w raa of the city tne c sos v ere oi a vi ry ?vere ly e. it. was there my i tteu ion w 8 caliaJ to i'ut s Expectorant, and I conieaa iuy sur .rise at ics wonderful power. During a pr(tctice oi twenty years, I li ve never known a medicine to act us promptly, and w i'.i snh bappy effects. It instantly subdued tbe m 8t violent fits of coughing, iiud inv.wiabiy i-nre tlie dise.tbe in a few days. X cheerfnily iudjrsv it as the Loot lung medicino I ever ued. j. kuaxc:s ii vvwood, :a. d. A NEWSPAPER PU3. WRITES. Office, Evamrtu News, August , Ga. Dr. TTJTT: Dear sir My liMe son, was mta. ke? with pneumonia last winter, which le.'t him wita a violent cough, that lasted till wi. hin a month -since, far the cure oi which 1 am indebted toyour valu :11 Expectorant. 1 had tried most every t. i.! rec in mended, but none did any good u: itii I used jou.- Ki pectorant. one bottle OI which removed tho cough ' entirely, vf ith many tilauWs. I am yours truly, r JUHS Ji, U'KiGLE. Had terrible N1CHT SWEATS. - -Menvphis, Feb., 11, 1871. Dr. TTJTT: Sir I have been suite: iun iori.e ;riy two rears with s severe cuuuh: 'When I commenced tu kins your Expectorant! was reduced to one hundred ana sixteen pounds in weight. I hud tried almost everything ; had terrible night sweats. I have t ikon hall oreu bottles. The night t. we. ta have lett me, theouKh-haaisappeared; and I h .ve gained fifteen pounds in flesh. I recommend it to all my friends With groat respect, OLIVKR-KIliK. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Reader, have you ciittlit a cold ? Arc you uu able to raise tbe phlegm ? Uive yoa au irrita tion in the throat? A sense of oppression ou the lungs, with short breath? Do yott have a fit of coughing ou lying down T A sharp pain WW and then in the region Of the heart, 6h0ul derg and back? If bo, our Advice id take al once a dose of Tutfa Expectorant; you will boou be able to raiae toe phlegm, in au hour repeal the Expectorant, place a hot iron to the feet, take -wo of Tutt'a Pills. Yon wiil soon fall into a pleasant sleep and wak.; up in, the niorning, oagh gone, ltruga working freely ; cftgy breath ing, and the bowela moving in a natural maimer. To prevent g return of ttresg symptoms tib the Expectorant gtygral; 'taygj Office, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTTJS)!iJLLS TUTT'S PILLS r . CURB DVSPKPSIA. , , TUTT'S PILLS1 tut i? sf Fill s CUKE ETKU'AN1AWSJU. TUTTPILLS CIt SICK. IIEAllAUlIli. ; ' ! TWTT'PiLS TifcrT'S PILLS TljTTT5 PILLS PUHIFV XIIE UL,OOJ. : TUTT'S- HAIR DYE. Grat Haib ob Wbibkbus Changed to. a bLossY. Sot this p a. A imt nslanUoeoitsly.-nd Ri.uth i a sm Is SDiiHbatlol feffiif W R'B8 on Mceip qf ft. umce, 60 murray apr 1 ly. ou JeeLthat any one of your organs your. :XHVmr ttSUaE . W thei! Dowerful, yet hsrmle, oi Invlgorants. ao- ..nh.. that rfAhiiuwtho. :BeetnBinK oi me Emi"-that the cllnraiA)ali weAKnesSis a univer sal paralysis of the. system, and that uch paralysis ta the lmmedlatebrtcrrrsor of JDeath. ? 1 or sale by ftll Drngglsts and Dealers generally. -i , Tfc.-t .i --mr tbahee. A word unspoken, a hand impressed, A word unseen or a thought unguessed. And souls that were kindred, may live apart. TJererto meet or know the truth. ;r to kuow. jiow Heart beat Aith heart the dim past days of a wasted youth. She shall not know liow his pulses leapt When over his temples her tresses swept; As she leaned to give him the jasmine wreatk She fetthls breath, and her face flushed red With the passionate love that choked her breath, And saddens her hie now her youth Is dead. A faded woman who waits for death And murmurs a name beneath her breath; A cynical man who scoffs and Jeers At women and love in the open day. And at night-time kisses, with bitter tears, A faded fragment of jasmine spray. OBSERVATIONS. "Does ye kape nothin' but dry goods here?" "Yes, ma'm." "Thin where will I be after goln' for a watered silk ?" A young man calls his breastpin Consistency, be" cause, he says, "Consistency, thou art a Jewel,J but his friends say it Is because it Is of the consis tency of paste. "Plnafoie" Is being played in St Petersburg. Shovulipsky has made a great hit in the song be ginning "KJoplngstj NartexQuolskl Petrolovltz Kumerouskognepmgklofr." Some predict that the time will come when peo ple ean read each other's thoughts like a book. It is sad to think that many fly leaves will be discov ered where least expected. Louodl Journal. "Kind words never die " How bitterly does a man realize that terrible troth when he sees all the kindest words he ever said In his life glaring at him from his published letters in a breach of promise suit! He stood with his far to the telephone. At a time when he hadn't onghter, Ahi caught the words in a distant room Of his only child a daughter. The sounds he heard to his heart sharp went. Like the stroke of a reaper's sickle; "Oo! Oo! good gracious! Neddie, dear, now your mustacne does ucKie." Then the father be Went quite crazee, And bare his bosom t hi owing; He stabs himself with the telephone wire And sets his life-blood flowing. When Gen. Grant arrived In Cuba the othr day the island was shaken from one end to the other by an earthquake. When Grant fell the jolting he took off bis hat, bowed politely and remarked to one of the attendants that this was the neatest personal compliment that had ever been paid to bun outside oi .Philadelphia. An Oil City Irishman having signed the pledge. was charged soon afterwards with having drank. T'was me absent-mindedness." said v&i. 'an' a habit I have of talkin' wld nieself. I sed to nie self, sez I, 'Pat, coom In an' have a dhrink.' No, ser,' sez I, 'I've sworn off.' 'Thin I'll drink alone,' sez I to meself.' 'An' I'll wait for ye outside,' sez I An' wbln meself cum out, faith an' he was dhrunk." According to the report of Undertaker Smith, 182 Black HUlers have crossed the range during the brief period in which papers were headed 1879. Out of these, ninety-two went in the good old way; twenty-two shuffled off this mortal coil by accidents; five died with their boots on, being shot by Sunday school teachers irom the East, and three hadn't the grit to face the storms and sun shine of life, hastened their own exit by resorting to poison and other equally effective banes. GENEBAL AND PEBSO.AI It looks as if A. C. Wells, son of Mad ison Wells, of Louisiana, nominated for surveyor of New Orleans, will be re jected by tbe Senate. The House committee on banking to day agreed to the bill of Mr. Connor, of South Carolina, authorizing national banks to make loans to the amount of one-fourth of their capital and surplus upon mortgages of real estate. Mrs. T. Adolphus Trollope, the clever novelist, is quoted by Miss Brewster as exclaiming: "Have you any ugly wo men in the United States? For surely only beautiful ones come to Europe from your country." William Coopej.the only and younger brother of Mr. Peter Cooper, and an uncle of Hon. Edward Cooper, the mayor of New York, died on Sunday evening, in that city. He was 80 years of age. Mr. David Matthews, the builder of the first locomotive ever constructed in this country, now lives in San Francis co. This engine was called "The Best Friend of Charleston,"' and was built at the West Point Foundry Works. A widow, who lives in a secluded part of Michigan, talks very imperfectly by reason of having lost her palate, and her two daughters, aged 8 and 12, can only speak the strange language they, have learned of her, though their vocal organs are perfect. Buncombe Moving: in the Matter of the Atlantic &. French Broad Valley Itailroad: At a public meeting held in Ashe ville Monday last, the following resolu tions were passed: . Whereas, We have learned with much pleasure of the recent action of the citizens of South Carolina in organ izing a company for the construction of a railway line from that State, the ob jective points of which are Charleston and Port Royal on the Atlantic, and Ashevitte, K C. ; and. Whekka, Tlie construction of the aaid r'oau ' n'as already been commenced qn' tlie South Carolina side, and every assurance given by the leading men of that State that the work shall be press ed to the earnest possible' completion ; and Whekeas, Our sister county of Tran sylvania has called a . meeting on the 4th Inst, for the purpose of organizing tlie . North Carolina section or said road ; therefore, be it : Resolved, That we, the citizens of Buncombe county assembled, do hereby express our great satisfaction at this most " 'praiseworthy enterprise one fraught with jjp ffiuh imMrajrteoour septifinand extend to the friends of the project, both in and oujt of the State, our warmest .assurances of co-opera-tfon, and pledge ourselves to give every assistance in ptir power for the comple tion of the road. ! Resolved. Further,: ,t-bat the ehairman instant at Brevard, for the purpose of consulting with them and our friends from South Carolina in regard to this Lisaportant matter, and to assure them jot ?ur oeiiet mat tnis county win not be "WantfBff m flomg ner part an a wont whjch, Jn our opinion,' will result in so much good to our section. In accordance with the last resolu- Ition the chair appointed the following delegates to attend the meeting in Bre vard: Messrs. James P. Sawyer, Jordan Stone, T. F. Davidson, J. H. Merrimon, Natt Atkinson, R. Ledbetter, L. M. Hatch, W4 J. Alexander. J. S. Rice and T.Springs. Militia Force of the Utt!i State. iThe Secretary . of War. tvanamitted to the. Senate-Thursday,, for- the informa ticof, mi liti force: f;th United States .(organ iTMl tfrM ItniottraifliBeewdiiM' to the 7lates.t retlrns, received at the office of tne;J'AcljniaM:'' wenert; " "ll-cu Stetfc The report 1 sljowsthat the or ganized strength of thetiilijtia forces of the different iStates consists of 145 gen eral officers, 1.605 regimental, field and stafTofficers,1 and 6,198 company officer?, making a total of 8,869 commissioned f officers. Of non-commissionea omcers, musicians anu pitvfcc wtc mo m, 03tl. The unorganized xferce -or the number of men available for military, duty in the United States, is put down as 6,516,758. I smiirtinr. a rfplAcrafinh nf"ten citizens of i.. rMew I Ji ivi svtvania. at tneir meeane on uie itn BE3IARKABLE CLOCKS. Some Notable Tlme-Piecea and Their Peculiaritiew. Longfellow, in his Hyperion, tells us that on the belfry of the Kauthaus in Coblentz is a huge head, with a brazen helmet and a beard, and whenever the clock strikes, at each stroke of the ham mer this giants head opens its great jaws and smites its teeth together as if it would say, "Time was Time is Time is past! This figure is known in all the country round as "The man in the custom house," and when a friend from the country meets a friend from Coblentz, instead of saying, "How are all tne good people in Coblentz V" he says, "How is the man in the custom house?" Another very remarkable clock is found at Prague, built probably by some of the old Nuremburg artists. It stands near the old Hussite church. The clock itself forms part of the original tower, while the face or dial is exposed to the street. The dial is six or eight feet in diameter, and lias a great num ber of hands recording hours, miuutep, days,- months, years, and even centuries. The dial is set in an elaborate frame work, about eight feet high and fifteen long, and this metal framework is or namented with many curious and quaint devices. One of these is con nected with the striking of the hours. In Venice may be found another wonderful clock. On the dial plate of this, in St. Mark's Cathedral, the twenty-four hours are marked with the signs of the zodiac and the phases of the moon. Above this is the Madonna, sitting in state upon a platform be neath two doors. On grand religious festivals the door on the right of the Virgin opens, and out walks an angel with a big trumpet, wnicn ne Dlows, and then, bowing to the Madonnna, passes on. lie is followed by three men, representing the three wise men of the East, one of whon is as black as night. These all pause and bow before the Virgin, and then pass through the door on her left, which closes after them. Ou the platform is a huge bell, beside which stand two giant figures, who strike the hours with sledge ham mers, while above all is the Lion of St. Mark, with outstretched wings. In an old record is found the follow ing account of a remarkable Japanese time-keeper: "This clock, in a frame three feet high and five long, represent ed a noon landscape of great loveliness. in the foreground were plum and cher ry trees and rich plants in full bloom; in the rear a hill, gradual in ascent, irom which flowed a cascade, admirably imitated in crystal. From this point a thread-like stream glided along, encircling in its winding rocks and tiny islands, but presently losing itself in a tar-off stretch or woodland. In the sky turned a golden sun, indicat ing as it passed the striking hours, which were all marked upon the frame below, where a slowly creeping tortoise served as a hand. A bird of exquisite plumage, resting on a plum-tree branch by its wings proclaimed the expiration of each hour. When the song ceased a mouse sprang from a grotto near by, and running over the hill hastily disap peared." But it is said that Droz, a mechanic of Geneva, produced a clock which excelled all others in its marvellous ness. On it were .seated a negro, a shepherd, and a dog. When the clock struck the shepherd played six tunes on his flute, and the dog approached and fawned upon him. The King of Spain came to see this wonderful invention, and was delighted beyond measure. "The gentleness of my dog," said Droz, "is his least merit. If your Majesty touch one of the apples which you see in the shepherd's basket, you will ad mire the animal's fidelity." The King took an apple, upon which the dog flew at his hand, barking so loudly and so naturally that another dog, which had come into the room, began to bark also. The courtiers became terrified, think ing this must be an affair of witchcraft, and crossing themselves, hastily depart ed. Only one ventured to remain, and Droz requestad him to ask the negro what time it was. He did so in Spanish, but received no reply. Droz remarked that the negro had not learned Span ish, and the question was repeated in French, when the negro immediately replied. This frightened the questioner also quite out of his wits, and he, too, beat a hasty retreat, sure that the whole thing must be of the devil. The First Bauks, Nineteenth Century, We are generally told in histories of hanking, as, for instance, in that by Gil bart, that the first national bank was that Qf Venice, founded in the year 1157, but I agree with Mr. McLeod, that this institution was not at first, in any sense, a true bank. The State being deeply in volved in debt, its creditors formed into a corporation, and the debt made trans ferable like our consols. It was not till 1587 that the institution began to take money on deposit. The depositors re ceived a credit on the banks book equal to the actual weight;of,the bullion placed there, which the bank undertook to keep, intact in its. vaults and to repay to. th depositor at any time, or tQ transfer to any one else. The earliest real bank was that of Bareelon, founded in 149L ln this case the city funds were made re sponsible for any. moneys intrusted to the bank, which not only received de posits but exchanged money and dia counted bills. The bank of Amsterdam, was founded in 1609, The bank of St" George, at Genoa, dates baok to 1375 The bank of Stockholm, which com menced in I668rwas the first bank in Europe to issue banknotes, which until that time, were totally unknown in the West, although, as we have seen, they had been in use in China. The Sun's Choice, New York Sun, 8th- Our own choice would be Chief Judge Church ; and if Mr. Tilden would sin cerely unite with us in his support, we think he could be elected. If Mr. Tilden concludes to do this, we trust he will be as prompt in letting us know as he was in contradicting the report that his long deferred duty to get married was about to be performed. Judge Church is a great constitution al lawyer and an enlightened and incor- aj FT I . 1J 11 A ruptiDie siavesman, vve suouiu iiK.e lu see him elected President. At the same time we should prefer, very greatly prefer, to see Mr. Tilden or any other one of the long list of candi dates we have mentioned established in White House rather than Grant, with his insatiable ambition, .his con tempt for the traditions of our govern ment, and his lorve of empire. Disaster to a Brig'. The'Norwagian hrig, Fram, Capt. MurcJiison, from .Wilmington, N. C, December 27th, for Glasgow, has been Jowed into Lone Lash, .Scotland, bot tom upwards. Her crew are supposed to have been lost. The Winston Sentinel says it requires five days to ship freight from Raleigh to that place. OUR FEBRUARY (DnjflDTTIRlIIM SAIL IB':? ? ? GREAT BARGAINS ARE IN STORE FOR those who have delayed in making their Winter Clothing purchases. We prefer to turn our Stock into Cash, open each season with the newest designs in fabrics, and increase the solid reputation we have already achieved for keeping in every respect a first-class Stock. And we have decided to clear out all heavy Goods, they are to be sold, and we know the only way to make quick and rapid work is to make a price low enough and the public will respond. We have had a successful year's business and we intend to make a clear and thorough sweep of all Winter Goods on . hand. Remember the first comes secures the best selection, and such inducements as we will now offer happen but a few times in any person's experience. We never make any promises that we do not fulfill, the verifications of these facts can be seen on our tables. Our prices are all marked in plain figures, and we repeat again the Goods are to be sold. E. D. LATTA & BRO. CLOSING (DDcottliiifinn GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FINE SUITS. WE WILL SELL TO-DAY A SUIT WORTH $25.00 FOR 20,00 M it " U As our Stock consists mostly of fine Goods, and principally of our own manufacture, it is to the advantage 6f every purchaser, and a satisfaction to know, that if he buys a suit now that it will look as well the next season as this: We don't throw out any baits to the public with a mere small article, but fair treatment to all, and polite attention shown to every customer. WE SELL ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS, ' ' Notwithstanding the great advance of all Goods we will sell now at REDUCED PRICES, as we don't intend to carry our Stock over to the next season, but will keep fresh and new styles at all times and each season. tS We solic it a call from everybody, and everybody is invited. Respectfully, ", BEEWHEE & BBO.v Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. We are in receipt of Spring Samples for Spring and Summer Clothing to be made to order. THE TIME H 3KT "W And with a view of reducing our immense stock befere making this inventory, we will. In the face of continued and almost dally advances ln all Goodx, otter for the next ten days, with SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN PRICES, THE FOLLOWING GOODS:- ' ' " : ' OUR ENTIRE LINE DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS & FANC Y-GOOD, S, Hosiery and Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Germantown Goods and a splendid stock of -ri, ? MILLINERY a.OODS,, CONSISTING OF HATS, TRIMMINGS AND ORNAMENTS, ' ' TOGETHER WITH 1,000 PIECES OF HIB3BOKTS, In cord edge goods, Grain double-faced Satin, ln every color and shade. Flowers Tips, Band1, Wings, Birds, &c., fccja3 A rare opportunity is now offered everybody to buy of the above-named goods, and the Ladles especially we know will avail themselves of U. Now Is the time. Bemember the place, ).,, nii., WTTTKOWSKY & BARUGH'S December 21. FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS, BUT FACTS ARE FACTS. The Liveliest Plaee in Town is . . SPRING'S' CORNER ! FIND' IDT TIE MOT ! 1 . ! ! : t ' And when you want to save dollars in buying CLOTHING, come to Springs' Corner, wliere you will get most and beat for your money. We believe in LARGE SALES AND LITTLE PROFITS. Men's and Boy's Clothing, at Springs' Corner. Nov. 14. ONE OF THE LAKGESI AND BEST ASSORTED ST0CItOP - ' i-f : - '.; STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN THJE 'S!AT,E Close and Prompt Trade Specialty Invited,; ; ,i; : AGENTS BI ih PLANTER'S F A V 6 RI TEi ISXl)' I: Cllemioal Fertilizers,. ma niiMsr Ann ihhl ludiuu vi ivw""" AitenWon of physicians called to I For sale by ail SALE OF FALL AND o o 20.00 FOB 10.50 15.00 FOR 12.50 HAS COME FOR OUR IES KH? O ' TIE WEIEMIIDOIUS NOW IS THE TIME TO BDT COME AND SEE SCIIIKE &D GrlilER', leading grooera. . - ' WINTER (DtottQnfinn ANNUAL DBS GOOP3 KAPOBIUM. BOS W. KAUFMAN & CO., ; Cheapest and Best ClotMrtg Bouse, Comer of Trade and Trypn. streets. i niii I ' o i ''Oi k itl t n t i . ' it if. k '5 V. . .!: ( 1 1 t 1 V, ill. 1 K r ! t ' M II i li -I ' i h i ih' i , "l i r? .1 i 1 it? iw