SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1880. LOCAL INTGLLIttENCE. KAIlHiHU DISKCTOBY. T je fol'owins table shows the running of passen eer crtl ns to and from Utarioue, on all the rail loads (WasWajton ::me): RICEMOHI) & TJA5YILLS. arrives rroinaicuiujud and Goldsboro, 12.30 a. m. Leaves for " " 8.60 a.m. a- ives from Richmond, 11.17 a. m, Leaveifor 4.20 p.m. ATLANTA A CKAKIXPT AIS-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, 3.50 a. m Leaves for Atlanta, 12.80 a. m Arrives from Atlanta 4.20 p. m Leaves for Atlanta, 11.17 a. m CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta 4.00 p. m. Leaves for Augusta 12.85 a. m. Arrives from Augusta 3.40 a. m Leaves for Auguata, . . 1 1.20 a. m. CABOLIHA CKNTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington, 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Wilmington, 8-25 p. m. Arrives from Shelby 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby 8.40 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKN1TKSSKK 4 OHIO. Arrives from Statesville, . Leaves for Statesvllle 9.30 a. m 4.00 p. m INDICATIONS. War Department, Office Chief Signal Officer Washington, Feb. 1,3 1:30 p. m, For the South Atlantic states, rising barometer, areas of rain, colder weather, winds southwest to northwest during Saturdao. 5 Local Report lor Yeterda.f. I 7 A. M. 2 P. M. ; 9 pTm 29R90 58 84 8. Brisk. Cloudy. SUKICIUAIY BOOKERS IN THE SOUTH. Barometer 29.741 29 575 Thermometer 00 71 Relative Humidity, 94 62 Wind Direction S. a. Velocity 19 18 Weather Cloudy. Cloudy. Highest temperature 72 deg.: lowest 57. Index to Slew Advertisements. ,T.J Mott-Notlee. Auction Sale at the Couit House to-da Mr. Butt's panorama is billed for Ral eigh on March 1st. The meeting of the Carolina Fair As sociation takes place to-day in the court house at 11 o'clock. The house situated on the lot on Tryon street, belonging to the Baptist ( lunch, will be sold to-day at auction nt the courthouse door at 12 o'clock. The recent rains have shown in what :i b;id condition are the sidewalks of some of our thoroughfares. It is not ;in uncommon thing to step in a hole of water ankle deep. Some repairs have recently been made, but many more are needed. Andy El wood having spent night be fore last in the guard house, appeared yesterday morning before the mayor unsupported by his brother Tom, who had been put in with him, but was re leased on account of the sickness of his wife. The mayor fined Andy $2.50 and costs for being drunk and a nuisance. I'crsonnl. Mr. W. II. Inmann, of Inmann, Swan & Co., cotton merchants of New York ami Atlanta, was in the city yesterday stopping at the Central Hotel. Mr. John Burwell, of Raleigh, and bride are visiting relatives in the citv. The Irisli Fund. The following additional contribu tions to the Irish Relief Fund wnv re ceived bv Mr. Phelan vesterdav : R. R. IMv. 8l"; R. 15. Wallace, 1; Mcl). Ar ledge, .?:; W. S. Brown, $1 ; G. B.Naza rentis, Cash, $1; R. I. McDowell, si; J.S. Freeman, SI. This makes a total, with the !?99 received up to yester day, of Si 14. The money will be for warded to the New York Herald Mon day, so that those who wish to con tribute should do so at once. The i'uriin Hall. The Harmonie Circle has united with ITnai 1 ritli in the preparations for the I'uriin charity bal masque, to come off in the Central Hotel dining rooms, on tic iith inst., and it now promises to be a grand affair. The committee of arrangements is composed of L. Leon, .!. Mover and L. lierwanger. The lloor managers are S. Landccker, L. Ber wanger, A. A. Nathan, Julius Schiff. 'iiinniittee of Reception It. M. Kopf, .1. M. Mendel, I). Blum, II. Berwanger. Double Postal Card and lotiirn Let ter Envelope Enterprise. It seem that we are are not to have the double postal cards and return letter envelopes about which so much was published a few months ago. The par ties who got up the .designs have had them patented, and as the postal card system doesn't pay any way, the post otlice department" hasn't seen (it to go to the, expense of getting hold of the p atents. 1 lie rostmaster-iJeneral does n t regard the double letter envelopes out; of the least practical utility, and lie has therefore taken no steps to in l rod i ice them. H ujr,ad cV! and osip. The old veteran, Capt. Spragins, is still sick at his home in Greensboro. The general ticket agent of the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad an nounces that hereafter round trip tick ets to and from all stations on the road will be on sale at all stations on Satur days, good to return the following Mon day. A sinerle fair for the round trip Bishop Hood, of tbe Colored Metho dist church, Writing Letters to Local Politician The President who will Divide the Offices. Ever since the meeting of the Repub lican State executive committee in Ral eigh, and the appointment of a Sher man delegation to the Chicago conven tion, the colored Republicans in this city and county have been manifest ing dissatisfaction, and many of the more intelligent of them have publicly avowed their determination to resist to the bitter end the scheme to give over the State to Sherman. So strong was this opposition that it was resolved to hold a public meeting in the city Thurs day night and protest against this ac tion, but before the meeting was to have been held, it was announced that the project had been postponed for the present. It was suggested that this sudden quietus upon the popular indig nation was due to the influence of Slier man agents, and true enough it was found on investigation that a smart colored man named Lynn, from Wil mington, had arrived in the city and was actively engaged among the color ed people in allaying the opposition to Sherman. He met with violent oppo sition at first, but finally it was agreed among the leaders to postpone the meeting for the present to see, as some expressed it, how the cat was hopping. But a curious fact in connection with Lynn is that he was in the citv only a few weeks ago, at which time "he was warmly advocating the claims of Gen. Grant. The change is attributed to the influence of W. V. Cannady and the agents of Sherman, who are undoubted ly employing every means to turn the tide of popular favor towards the secre tary of the treasury. We are prepared this morning to show some of the means that are employed in his behalf. Yesterday The Obser ver came into possession of the follow ing letter, which is among the most im portant publications that have been made in connection with the schemes used by Republican candidates for the presidency to secure the nomination. The author is Bishop Hood, probably the most prominent colored preacher in the Southern States, and it is addressed to two of the most prominent colored men in this city. The names are withheld for reasons which need not be given. The letter is given in full and speaks for itself: Wilmington, X. C, Feb. ll,tlSS0. Brethren I understand that there is to be a meeting held in Charlotte to morrow night for the purpose of de nouncing Sherman. will If such is the case, I hope you not take any part in said meeting. You can depend on Sherman's word. Ilfi promises to divide the offices equal ly between white and colored Repub licans. He has always been true to our cause. I have not time. to say more. Yours, in haste, J. W. Hood. Inquest After Burial. The coroner having arrived yesterday the inquest in the case of Henry Young, the negro who was killed on the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Tuesday evening and buried Thursday, will take place to-morrow at 10 o'clock, when the body will be disinterred. The inquest is desired by the railroad au thorities particularly, with a view to relieving them of any blame in the manner of Young's death. Store Found Open. Policeman Hill, night before last about 12 o'clock, found the door of E.' II. White's store, on the corner of Fourth and Church streets, wide open. He called at Mr. White's house amd aroused him. An examination was made but nothing was missing from the store. Mr. AVhite thought that the bolt had caught when he closed up the night be fore, but was mistaken. Parties to the (iunpowder Plot. Jim Boyd, a negro boy who some time ago was put in jail on the vagrant act and detained for implication in the powder stealing from A. R. Nisbet & Bio., had a hearing yesterday before Justice McNinch, and on the testimony of Jim Harrison, who was himself, as noticed yesterday, brought from Co lumbia and committed on the same charge, was recommitted in default of 8150 bail. Harrison swore that Jim Boyd had confessed to him that he had helped another negro to carry five kegs of powder to the depot. Harrison was also recommitted in default of 875 bail. Revenue Seizure. Deputy Collector Young yesterday seized two boxes of tobacco belonging to R. H. Stanley, of Guilford, county for violation of the internal revenue laws by re-using stamps. The property will be forfeited to the United States gov ernment and sold. Collector Young al so detained fifty boxes of tobacco be longing to parties in the fifth and sixth districts, which are hell for explanation being improperly stamped. A few days ago, revenue officers seiz ed in Cleaveland county, a wagon, two mules and harness, 70 gallons of whis key and one box of tobacco, belonging to Peeler & Allen, R. E. Espie-and R. E. Ellis, all of which will be confiscated to the government and is now adver tised for sale. We understand the par ties were arrested. The Entertainment at the Institute Last Nifflit. The entertainment at the Female In stitute last night was not very well at tended, in consequence of the rain and tire uncertainty as to whether or not it would come of, but those who were there were amply repaid for defying the weather. The musical part of the entertainment, under the direction of Dr. Bidez, was in every respect excel lent. The execution of Miss K. John ston, of Rock Hill, in the piano solo, "The Cascade," was faultless, and Miss Gregory in the vocal waltz, "Bliss all Rapturous, Past Excelling," was loudly and deservedly encored. The tableaux "Sleeping Beauty," "Lit tle Red Ridiner Hood." "Pride of the Harem," and others, were most life-like and picturesque, but the charm of the evening was twenty bright eyed, rosy cheeked girls, in a dress of white illu sion and blue sashes, teaching the au dience the poetry of motion by the per formance of their calisthenic exer cises. They were accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Atkinson, and their cor rectness of time and gracefulness of motion excited for the fairies the en thusiastic admiration of the audience. It was with much regret that the re porter was compelled to leave when the entertainment was hardly half over, arid especially as one or two names were observed on the remainder of the programme of the music, from whom much was confidently expected. The Western North Carolina Railroad Question. It is learned from a prominent gen tleman who was present at the recent meeting of the board of directors of the Western North Carolina Railroad, in Raleigh, that the calling of the special session of the Legislature is by no means yet settled in the negative. Gov. Jarvis, though still undecided, is yet very much inclined to the session and feels that in calling it he would have ample support in the voice of our delegation in Congress, and the division on the .question before the board. He, however, the gentleman states, waits for further consideration and some ex pression from the press, as to whether Mr. Best will, if this proposition is not acted on at once, make still another as was reported probable in the Raleigh News of Thursday. He expresses no opinion, but he does think that as with every mile of road that is built in the direction of Paint Rock, attention be comes more and more attracted to the road as an Eastern and Western con nection, and as there are four or five railroad companies in the States of North and South Carolina and Tennes see which are even now anxiously seek ing such a connection across the moun tains, which they are bound to have, and ours is not only the shortest but the nearest completed, that by deferring any action until the regu lar session, aside from the advantage of thorough discussion, the State would have by that time several other bidders, and thus secure all the advantage of competition in selling. The gentleman stated that it was somewhat singular that all the West ern men he met in Raleigh were in favor of selling the road, while Eastern men opposed it. Heretofore opposition to the annual appropriations to the road has come from the East. These statements conie from one who is authority in railroad matters and who had every opportunity of see ing how matters stood in Raleigh. Boston Quiet; middling 13c; low middling 13;goodorainary 12; net receipts 1,251; grots 1,551; sales ; stock 14,900; exports to Great Britain Weekly net recta 6,059; gross 14,525; sales ; ; exports to Great Britain 1,900. Wilmington Quiet ; middling 12c; ,low mid dling 123t,c; good ordinary 1 1 13-16; receipts 2a t ; ross ; sales ; stock tU2": spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con Bent : to channel . Weekly net receipts 936; gross ; sales ; exports coastwise 628; to Great Britain ; to Continent ; to France ; spinners ; to channel ; shipments . Philadelphia Firm ; middling 13it-.; io middling Vdikc; good ordinary 12Vc; nei" receipts 459, gross 773; sales ; spinners ; stock : exports to tireat Britain . Weekly net receipts 691; gross 2 323; sales 3.518, spinners, 3,015; coastwise ; Coutin't ; to Great Britain 532; stock 17,973. Au&osta Steady; middling 12c; low mid dling 1214c, good ordinary llc; receipts 570; shipments : sales : stock . Weekly net receipts 3,213; shipments 4,515; sales 5,088; spinners ; stock 15,888. Chablsstoh Steady; middling 1344c; low mid dling 12c; good ordinary 121&&: net receipts 1,330; gross ; sales 2,000; stock 44,289; export coastwise ; Great Britain ; France ; Continent : to channel . Weekly net receipts 7,776; gross ; sales 14,800; exports coastwise 1,324; to Continent; to Great Britain 7,954; to France ; to chan nel . Nxw .York Cotton weak; sales 180; Middling Uplands 18 8-16;Mid Orleans 13 5-16; consolidate net receipts ; exports Great Britain . ' Weekly net receipts 9.493; jross 24,355; exports to Great Britain 4,375; France ; sales (5,710; stock 278,382; Continent ; channel . COMPARATTVB COTTON STATEMENT. Net receipts at all United States ports during the week 113,128 fame week last year 147,542 otal receipts to this date 3.983,679 " M to same date last year. . . 3,550.61 5 Exports for the week 79,477 Same week last year .. - 147,099 Total exports to this date 1 ,254, 1 04 " ' to same date last year 2,195.583 Stock at all United States ports 1,012,562 " " " " same time last year 847,937 Stock at all Interior towns 197,792 " " " s me time last year 119,771 Stock at Liverpool 485,000 " " same time last year, 458,000 Stock of American afloat for G. Britain, 254,000 Same time last year 327,000 Liverpool Noon Cotton Arm. Middling Uplands, 7i&d; Middling Orleans. 7 9-Hid; sales 25.000, speculation and export 10.000. receipts 6,600, American 6,800. Futures firm. Uplands low middling clause: February delivery 7 15-32, Feb ruary and March 7 7-1 6a 15-32, March and April 7 7-16al5-32, April and May 7 7-16al5-ltalA. May and June 7 15a32al7-32, June and July , 17-32a9-16, July and August . August and Sep tember , October and November --. September and October 7 19-32, November and December 7 3-32. Sales for the week 80,000 American 53,000 Speculation 9.000 Export 5,000 Actual exports 8,000 Imports 74,000 American . 61,000 Stock 485,000 American, 368.000 Afloat 294,000 American 254,000 FINANCIAL. IE IB MI (ID T A LLo MY OLD FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS WILL TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 HAVE REMOVED ALL MY STOCK OF BOOTS and SHOES, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE AMONG THE BEST IN THE STAE, TO TIT E ELEGANT STORE ROOM, NEXT DOOR TO Wittkowsky & Baruch, on Trade Street. J. M O Y E H. Jan. 31. New Yokk Money 1.03a5. Exchange 4.83. governments strong. New 5's 1.0348- Four and a half per cents 1.09. Four per cents 1.06'j. State bonds dull. FUTURES. New York Futures closed quiet. Sales 87. 000 February 13 22 March 13 .29a30 April 13.53a.54 May 13.73a.74 June 13 .91a.93 July 14.0ia.03 August 14. 09a. 11 September 13. 55a 58 October 12 .74a.77 November CITY COTTON MARKET. will be, chanred for these tickets A Georgia paper says: When Jim MeCool, Conductor on the Atlanta and Charlotte Railroad, reaches Tugalo riv t r lie yells out: "Tugalo river dividing Hue between South Carolina and God's country." .Somebody asked him who gt aboard at tlue last station: "Time drummers and one gentleman!" When ever Jim gets killed we are going to publish his biography. The Statesville Landmark has it from an orlicer of the Winston and Sa-l'-m & Mooresville Railroad, that the Virginia Midland road will almost cer tainly be built through from Danville, 1'iit whether it shall come to Moores viili! or Statesville lias not yet been de h'i mined. A decision has recently been made by ; N'fw York judge which, if sustained, will seriously interfere with the present '""iiveniences of travel. The court ""Ids that no railroad has tho right to -'!ieck baggage to a station on another and if this decision is not reverse d it will become necessary to re-check a ti unk at each connection. The large three-driver engines on the '"lunond & Danville Railroad now I'uH twentv-live pars through to Rich '"""d with ease. The other ongines i.i rt-1 y carrv more than eighteen cars. The fast freight schedule used by the ''"dinont Air-Lina reduces the time '''tween Huston -sunt Atlanta to four (1 ivs and sixteen hours. The iiwlirvit wma nnw ova tluit if TaV I'M sville builds a narrow-gauge railroad 11 wni Ue to Mooresville. not 10 oiaiea vn. as at Hrsr. cmitem nlated. The present tilun wma in be to 1 run It across the country towards Concord. The Ceremonies at Kind's 71 on 11 tain on the 21t. As has been stated several times in this paper, the ceremonies attendant upon the unfurling of the centennial flag, which the Air-Line Railroad has presented to the King's Mountain Cen tennial Association, will come off on the 2lst inst., Washington's birthday falling this year on Sunday. At a meet ing of the local committee of arrange ments, held at King's Mountain a few davs since, the place selected for the ceremonies was a point east of the King's Mountain gold mine, in close proximity thereto, and in full view of the pinnacle of the mountain on which the flag-staff has been erected. The crowd is expected tj assemble at 10 o'clock, when the following programme will be observed; 1. The ceremonies of the day to open with prayer. 2. Oration by Col. Thos. Hardeman, nf fteorena. 3. Presentation of flag by the Atlan ta & Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, and its accentance bv the committee, after which there will be an intermission of an linnr. . 4. The flag, under military escort, will hft taken to the pinnacle of the moun- fca n and there unluriea io ine ureeze hv t.hp. Governors of North and South Carolina, under a national salute of one hundred guns. Capt. Bell, chairman of the commitr tee of arrangements, states that con veyances will be in readiness at the depot at King's Mountain to convey visitors to the place of rendezvou?, at 50 cent each lor the round trip. Offick of the Obskkvkk. I Charlotte, February 14, 1 880. f The market yesterday closed quiet; some sales of fancy cotton at 13c. Good Middling 12 Middling - l Strict low middling 1 2Vi Low middling 12 5-16 Receipts 112 bales. THE HOUSE located on tne lot on Tryon streer, owned by the Baptist Church, of this city, will be sold at Public Auction to-day at 12 o'clock, in front of the Court House door, lerms maae known at time of sale. febl4,lt The lri,h Kclicf Fund. The Xew York Herald's Irish relief fund is gradually swelling, having reached S 144,298 Tuesday evening. Nine of the Xew York theatrical managers, including Mr. John T. Ford, who is run ning the Fifth Avenue Theatre, have issued a card in which they mutually pledge themselves to give an entertain ment in their respective establishments on St. Patrick's Day for the benefit of the Herald fund, and inviting the man agers of other cities to imitate their ex ample. A Cul I'oniiiL Editor SIiopis Another. San Francisco, February 12, S. II. Brummeil, editor of the Enterprise, was shot and fatally wounded at IIol lister, California, to-day by G. W. Carl ton, editor of the Telegraph. Brum meil had been called a horse-thief in Carlton's paper, and Carlton, upon be ing called to account by Brummeil to-. day, drew his pistol and shot the latter in "the head. Opium is the most dangerous drug, especially When given to children In the shape of a soothing remedy. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is warranted not to contain opium In any form and Is the most inno cent and emcacious remeay ror cnuaren teeming. Price 25 cents a bottle. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FKBRUARY 13, 1880. PRODUCE. A r Mil who are suffering from the errors and in- " SCri'tloilK if roiifh narvniia UpakllfiSS. B'MiJ 0 r;'r. loRH nf iniinhn .v i will Hand a recipe that "l cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great ffmeuy was discovered by, a missionary in "" 'tli America. Send a self-addressed enjelopa othe REV. Joseph t in MAN. station D. New Y,1rk Citv. Jan 25 Valentine's Day. The mails will to-day be loaded down with Valentines ot all sorts mostly -r- ... i J i ..44-Kci comic, iiesmes me niuouuuuun ujl una latter class, there- have DeeD many changes in the custom as it was car ried on in the a tys or our moiners uiiu fathers. Years ago the preparation oi valentines was a matter of some mo ment and care, and many a love sick swain has found time to spend hours composing verses which should express the sentiment wuu wmcu ms vieaab was heavinsr. and these were not unfre- quently written on paper which was or- namenteu m guigeuna wiuia of flour naste. Now it is fiiflwemt. liuhlishlno? houses vieing'with u.iiv.v.-., r-- J an oh nthftr in frfitlinsr UD ueauiuui ue- signs, and poets have consented to sell HipIt ta (n a to TUrillSIl versus nutm are minted thereon. The following is i jf ii. a specimen lor tins yer; V.olets are blue. Love's eyes are bluer, l know, I know. Si i in men's hearts are true, Maiden's hearts are truer, Ttsso, 'tis so. .T hi is ft vast imorovement on those in vogue in the early boyhood of some ol us. vv no does noc recaii mis : "if you love me as I love you. Ho knife can cut our love In two." No less Vivid is the memory of these lines .Which once had for us a meaning nothing else couia express? "The rose la red the violet's blue ; gugar is sweet, and so are you." mm mm mm PUBLIC LARGE ARRIVAL OF Press Goods, Cashmeres, Cloaks, Zephyr Shawls, CARPETS AND BLANKETS. Also a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. We have made our purchases this season to great advantage, and we will guarantee to sell all of the above goods, to gether with a great many not enumerated, lower than any house this side of New York; we except nobody. H. MORRIS & BROS CALL FOR THE IMPROVED PEARL SHIRTS, ONLY $1.00. &XQCXUsf &t. Molasses ! Molasses ! ! 150 BARRELS, A REELS, All B A. R Gr A. 1 1ST S -IN- G HADES. RADES, IHU iii iivii in:. COMMON, PRIME, AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOmCE. Dining Boom and Office fat My stock Is very large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, ntture. All goods pacned frae of charge. f&xoczxits. AND CHOICE s-i s NEW ORLEANS. CUBA, UBA, 1JATAPSCO ATAPiCO BLACK LACK STRAPS. TRAPS. GIVE US A CALL Baltimore Oats dull; Southern 46a47, Wes tini whit 4.fta47. do mixed 45a46. Pennsyl vania 46a47- Provisions dull; mess pork 13 50; bulk meats loose shoulders 4. clear rib sides ditto oacked fiaa7iA: bacon snouiaers oms, clear sides 7. hams lOall. Lara rennea tierces 814. (Jotree arm; kio cargoes loaio; Sugar quiet; A soft 9 Whiskey steady at l.lOa .12. i reignts to Liverpool ami. Chicago Flour dull and nominal; extras 5.25a 6.00, double extras 5.75a7.00, patents 0.00a 9.00. superfine 4.25a4 50. Wheat generally lower; No. 2 red winter 1.23. jno. a cnicago spring 1.221A, March, No. 3 do l.USa.UW. oorn steaay at35Vfca Oats quiet at 81. Pork lower at 11.40. Lard lower at mui&. buik meats sieaay; snouia ers 4. short ribs 6.35, short clear 6.4o. Whiskey steady at 1.07. Cincinnati Flour quiet: family 5.75aft.05, fancy 5.75a6.0(). Wheat quiet at 1.28. Corn steady at 39 Oats dull at 38. fork ami at la.OO. A.ara In fair demand at 7.00a. iu. juik meats auu; shoulders 4, clear ribs 6.40.ciear sides 6.65; bacon aulet: shoulders 5, ribs 7. sides 7. Whiskey firm at 1.06. Sugar quiet- hards 9al04fe. New Orleans 7a8. iiogs active; common a.iioa-i.iu, light 4.20a.4o, packing 4 25a4 45, butchers 4.45a 4.50. Hrnr VfiHK Southern flour dull: common to fair extra 5 85a6.40, good to choice do 6.50a8.00. Wheat closed quiet; ungraded winter red 1.40a 1.45, No. 3 do , No. 2 do . No. 1 do .mix ed winter . Corn lower: ungraded 58. oats closed weak at 46a47 foe No. 8. Coffee quiet; Rio in cargoes l34feaioi. in 109 101s i4aijvg. Sugar active; Centrifugal 8al, lair to good refining T&uiLih. tin me ias; reaiieu unuer; Htaiiuaru xil!. Molasses sew Orleans 40a56. Rice fairly active; Carolina ism. wool, in gooa uemaau; uu- iTieitiR naece aHann. uuubu Hoaos. unwaanea ira a40. Texas 2 la40- Pork rather easier at 1 1 .75a 12.00, middiesqaiei: long aear o. i va, snorc ciear 124&. long ana snort t. Aiara crosou uriu a i.ou OTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, Statesville, is. o., eD. 11m, isu. 1 Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, February 11th. 1880. 40 gallons whiskey, owner Peeler and Allen; 30 gallons brandy, 1 box tobac co and 150 cigars, owner R K. Fspridge; about 20 gallons whiskey, owner R. S. Ellis; 2 boxes tOac po, owner R. H. Stanley; 2 mules, 1 wogon and harness, owner , Notice Is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described propertrto appear before me at my office In Statesville and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J- J. M9,Ti' J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. febl4 3t In 30d. OPERA HOUSE. Under the Management of JOHN T. FORD, ALSO, OF NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTI MORE, WASHINGTON AND TflE SOUTHERN THEATRES. A HARE COMBINATION OF ARTISTS IN BAR TLB Y CAMPBELL'S GREAT PLAY, THE GALLEY SLAVE, Depicting American Life In Europe; the success of two Theatres In New York. WEDNESDAY, EVENING, FEB. 18th. The sale of Seats will commence on SATUR t t7tmj 1.1th at vpfimlih Music House and XS&Uf Soi S Stand. PRICES AS USUAL Feb. 13. d5t. When You Want a Barrel, AND WE WILL SELL YOV II 91. Miller & Sons. Feb. 5. 01 T7GGS -llGG GS, SWFET . WEET POTATOES QTATOES AND SEED OATS. 5 -n 3 CO c H 5' CO A3 CD O I O EL & CO Q CD ALL KIDNS OF a tr4 H O o o W a Q w o o w CP w o f H r CD o D r I D CO o ASA SNYDER, DEALER IN SCOTCH AND AMERICAN ons9 .RICHMOND, VA. :o: OTHER SPECIALTIES. Galvanized Iron Cornices, tfindott Hoods, Stee ples, &c., Architectural Work in Cast and Wrought Iron, Licensee of Hyatt' Pat ent Area Lights, Agents for Silicate Paints. AND AGENTS FOR Currier's Patent Sheet-Iron ROOFING. Consignments of Old Railroad Iron, Wrought & Cast Scrap Solicited. Jan. 21. 3m. lElias & Cohen HAVE STILL ON ILVND a great many COUNTRY PRODUCE JUST RECEIVED ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY, and for sale at MARKET PRICES. TWO CAR LOADS OF Whiskey nominal at 1.10al.l 1.' poolqolet. - COTTON. Freights to Liver- 1 . Nokiulk Firm; middling 13c; net receipts 1 .944: cross ; stock 38,786; exports .coastwise ; sales ; exports to Great Britain . week! net rec'tji 12.880: Brass : sales 3,931 exnorts coastwise 4,498; to Great Britain 10,450 to France ; Continent . BAinifOHi Finn: raid 13 31 6c'; Tow middling lBSaajgoodordln'y IBUo,: net receipts - ; gross Alfl: sale 860; stock 3l,473: exports coastwise : snlnnera : exports to Great Britain tn fWitfiMint WAekVrnAt rects R'23: gross 3.720: sales 2.121 spinners 630; exports Great Britain 2,244? coast wise ii; oonnnen ; vo rrauws . Feb. 8. Chas It. Jones, Grocer and Commission Merchant. ONE Million Dollars 1 ILL be paid for BAGS, at the highest market W price, by WM. R. TIDDY, Paper Manufacturers, ' Charlotte, N. C New Year Greeting! Seasonable Goods, WHICH THEY DO NOT WISH TO CARRY OVER, and will offer them at Ijow Figures FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. jan. 2. SPENCER & ALLEN. CHOICE NORTHERN St. Charles Hold, STATE3TILXS, N. C. THIS HOTJ9K is now under the management oi Mrs. Dr. Beeves, formerly of the National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N. G, wbosa aim It will be to maKe iv a nm ciass noiei in every re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms on tbe first floor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 18-dtf. rpjUJUriNG OCR FRIENDS KGB THX LEBXR X at patronage bestowed on oa In the past, we beg vo tnf onn (nem umk ear swck or IRISH POTATOES ! r ROCXR1E8 Vjr&OCERIES ASE PROVISIONS ROYISiONS HENRY W. CROWELL, tX& NKWARK, N. J., well known to tbe people of vJCbarlotte. will be In the city about the 16th of February,, witb a haodsoete- lie of goods for Spring wear. He makes a specialty of this class of work, and respectfully asks hi friends to hold their orders for him. Feb. 13. dtf. GREAT BABjQAJN Hi JUUL. ISTATbT Will pay from 12 to 15 percent interest Apply at THIS OFf ICE. Feb. ia. 43t $2000 TO $3000 WANTED for 12 monttM. Apply at, ... Feb. 18.-d2t. Best security given. THIS OFFICE, bow complete, and we are prepared to offer special indoosBaots to close buyers, and tbink we can make it te their Site rest to see us before purchasing elsewhere. ALL ORDERS WILL HAVE OUR BE8T ATTENTION AT LOW EST MARKET PRICKS. We are aeents for tbe well-known brands of ! ftocktogban 44 BbBgaolPw Dee R-lds. uivensacau. rr-m - ....n..-.r Wholesale Grocers A Commission Merchants. 4)oraer Trade and college Btree's; . Charlotte, N. C. flan, a NEW STORE. FINE SEED. MAYER & ROSS. TIN 1 HARDWARE. tjHave Just received a splended stock of Heating and Cooking Stoves, consisting of IRON KING, COTTON KING, ELMO, PALMETTO, And the Celebrated Excelsior Cooking Stove, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Zinc, Bolder, Wire and Tin Ware of all kinds. Tin and Sheet-Iron work promptly done cliafg es moderate. RICHARD MOORE, i Next door to Wittkowy ft Baruch, , Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 16-d6t

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