l)c juristic bscrutx " "niUliSDAY, MACII 4, 1880. lOCAlIkTELLIGENCE. liAtLKOAl) lilBKCTOKIr The following table shows the running of passen jr-r fiilns to tn'l from Charlotte, on all the rail rVids( Washington time): . ,. rives from Kiouinouil and GoMaboro, 12.80 a. m. Leaves Tor " " 8.60 a.m. Vrrives from Richmond 11.17a.m. Leaves for 4 20 p. m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTI AIR-LIN . irrtves from Atlanta, 8.50 a. m leaves for Atlanta 12.30 a. m Arrive from Atlanta .4.20 p. m Leaves for Atlanta ... ....... 11.17 a. m CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA. AC SCOT A. Arrives from Augusta, 4.00 p. m. I eaves for Augusta, iK 12.35 a. m. Arrives from Augusta .i .v.. - 8.40 a. m Leaves for Augusta 1 1.20 a. m. CABOUNA CBHTBAU Arrives from Wilmington, 8.20 a. to. Leaves for Wilmington 8.25 p. m. Arrives from Shelby 5.05 p. Jin. Leaves for Shelby 8.40a.m. ATLANTIC, TKMMB3SKK OHIO. A rrlves from Statesvllle, 9.30 a. m I ea ves for statesvllle 4.00 p. m INDICATIONS. ' ? , War Department, I office Chief Signal Officer, V Washington, March 3, 7:30 p.m. ) For the South Atlantic States, lower barometer, warmer southerly winds, cloudy, rainy weather. Index toew Advertisement, f Cha. R JonesCar load choice flour received. ' IIOTCE PENtl I.I !;. CONVICTED OF BURGLARY. Regular meeting of the Pleasure Club Friday night... v The merchants are coming in crowds. The hotel halls were filled last murht, and the wholesale merchants are as' busy as bees, ','' Mr. liarney Macaulay and the public who wished to hear him, are both un fortunate. Irained when he was here before. ...... .. Mr. Joseph Murphy was formerly an end man in a minstrel troupe, and they say that with the bones he is entirely athouie. 1 Mrs. "William Porter, of Steel Creek, fell off the porch, a. day or two since, and fractured her leg. Tlie injury isM not serious. A gentleman from the country states that he begins to see signs of restless ness among his hired men, caused by the approaching elections. The executive committee of the board of trustees of Davidson College was in session at the Central Hotel yesterday, considering the interests of the college. Mr. Joseph Murphy made a very fine impression in Charlotte by- jjis easy, natural acting. lie appeared in Dan ville last night and will appear there again to-night. Sid Holt is expected to arrive this morning with his cocks for the chicken lights next week. A large number of visiting merchants are expected to be in attendance. lienor ts from other sections of the county do not confirm the hope, which a gentleman from Sugar Creek express ed Tuesday, that the winds had driven away the 11 y. The grand jury yesterday found a true bill against F. A. McNinch for taking extorsive fees in his office as magistrate. The case will be tried next term. It is a delightfully narcotic amuse ment to lie in bed late at night and wonder how long it will be before the big dog in the next yard will discontin ue his tlirtation with the moon. Uefore the mayor yesterday J. A. Mc Lure was arraigned "for selling goods at outcry without an auctioneer's license. The line of SoO for such cases was not enforced, but he was cautioned not to repeat the offense. The lists of arrivals at the hotels yes terday were not only swollen by the visiting merchants, but also by a iarge number of salesmen from other places, who come to the city inthehopeof selling them goods. A special venire was in attendance on the Superior Court yesterday, who. Mere summoned in . the case of the State vs. Gus.. Galloway, ac cused of infanticide. The trial of Henry Home for burglary fit which an account will be found in another icolumn, )ccu-. pied the whole day, so that this case was not called. Galloway will be tried to-day. The Trial of Henry Horn, Who Bur glarized. l House, and. Iried to Get In Another Henry Home, a low black negro.with an un-African face, was tried yesterday, in the Superior Court for entering burg lariously the house of Mr. D. H. llyerly, on the corner of 7th and Poplar streets, on the night of the 1st or December, 1879. Mr. Byerly testified that on the morning of the 2d xl the same month he rose and found a side door, which had not been opened within his knowl edge for spine.' ti&eL standing ajar, and outside on the 'steps his pants with his pocket book, which had evidently teen searched, lying beside them. Fortu nately he had no money in the pocket book the night before. On going up town to his business, a child of Col. Oates's gave him a pair of shoes which he recognized as his wife's. , He was also shown a rule and pocket knife which he claimed as his. Col. R. M. Oates, living on the corner of 7th and Tryon street's, after argu ment by the counsel for the defendant that his testimony, should be ruled out on the ground that it tended to impli cate the accused in another indictable offence, but which was overruled on technical grounds, testified that on the night of the Lat of December, 1879, about 2 o'clock, he had seen a negro man on the roof of a porch on the west side of his house, facing on 7th street. (Here the counsel for the defense asked his Honor to restrict Col. Oates to a state ment of the facts which bore on the burglary of Mr. Byerly's house, and his Honor cautioning the witness, he proceeded. , 'I got up and went out;, and when the-maqn the rtof)sWi me he ran and I after him, until he struck his foot and fell, when I jumped upon him and held him until -an officer could come. Mr. Carter, policeman, testified that he had found the negro niati, who was identified as the prisoner at the bar, liorne, on the ground struggling with Democratic Convention. A special dispatch to The Observer last night states that the Democratic ex"ec3tH'e committee which met Ral eigh yesterday selected Raleigh as the place and Thursday the 17th of June, asthfe.tlnie, for holding the gubernatorial-convention-. We had all up' in this 'region hoped that Charlotte might be.chusen; but", w . shaJJSprcsume that there; were good' reasons- for selecting Raleigh-rjotherwise the committee weuki Ut hajre.dau So and, cheertuU ly acquiasd&'rB their decision; - lior. TifcBH weather .calculations fof March are as follows: First to lltb, veiry variably generally a low barome ter, mid threatening, cloudy weather will prevail, with heavy rain and snow storms. If temperature is -high about the 8th, severe cyclone?1 will occur in nlaces about the Sth or 9t,h. Eleventh to 12th, clear or fair : 13th to 16th, cloudy J ana threatening weatuer, with iam -or snowstorms; 10th to ISth, clear or fair; 18th to 22nd, clouding, threatening weather, with local storms ; 22nd to 23d, clear or fair ; 2;Jrd to 2Sth. cloudy, threat--emng vveatlier, with severe storms, in places; 28th to 80th, clear or fair; iSOth and 3lst, clouding, threating weather, with storms in lake resrion and Gulf Spates.' The warmer days will be aboutf the 3d, 8th, 14th, 20th, 2-tli and.lst. The Comparative colder days will be aboutthe 6th, 10th, nth". 22nd and 2Sth CafiiK-d to'Onc JBurgXarjr. i( ao The Eegfernej convicted- yeejriJax offbtifalary upon the-premises f Mr i reweuioereu uy-Qur city reuerjB, will- Chaklkstoh Quiet; middling 12c.; low mid dling 12c; good ordinary 121c: net receipts 571; gross ; sales 400; stock 43 347; exports coastwise : Great Britain ; France 2,382: Continent 002: to channel . Nkw Tom Cotton firm; Bales 630; Middling Uplands 13 l-16c; Orleans 13 316c; net receipts 1,014; gross 3,265; consolidated net rec'ts 12.4b2; exports to Great Britain 17.690; Continent ,282; lTrance 2,382. LrraBPOOL Noon Cotton firmer. Middling Up lands, 7id; Middling Orleans 7'fed; sales 10.000, speculation and export l.OOO; receipts 2,400, American 1,900. Uplands low middling clause: March delivery 7 7-32a9-32a5-ltW. March and April 7 7-32a9-82d, April and May 7T4a5-l 6. May and June 7 9-32a5-16d, June and July 7 5 1 6ad, July and August 7 ll-32ad, August and September 7 13-32d, September and October 75s, October and November 7d. November and Decem ber 6 29-32d. Futures quieter. 5. p. m. Sales of American cotton, bales. Uplands low middling clause; March delivery 7 5 1 6d. Futures closed easier. FINANCIAL. Nnw Tom Money 1.05a6. Exchange 4.84. governments quiet, New 5's 1.03 Four and a alt per cents 1.07 Four per cents l .00 Slate bonds dulL IUTUM3. Nkw Yobx Futures closed strong. Sales 102, 000., x j - . Majofi: .V.'. 'i?. - 13 .044.05 April ....:.: I3.21a.2 Ma 13.43a.44 June 13 .R2a.3 July 13.74a.75 August 13. 80a. 82 SeDtember 13 .30a.32 L October 12 .50a.52 November 12 .09a. 12 DeoesiDer..... ' 12.05a.08 M JE M D V A ILo MY OLD FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS WILL PLEA8K TAKE NOTICE THAT I HAVE REMOVED ALL MY STOCK OF BOOTS and SHOES, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE AMONG THE BEST IN THE STAE, TO THE ELEGANT STORE ROOM, NEXT DOOR TO Wittkowsky & Baruch, on Trade Street. J. JVEOYER. Jan. 31. bw ipirfinng &sm is I .A.T THT, CITY COTTON MARKET. voi. uates. rie haa taken him uvaaousr tody and found the rule and knife' on his person. : It didn't appear in evidence, but it is known that the .shoes were found, hid under a bridge on 7th street, near Cel. Oates's residence. : " The trial occupied the whole day, Messrs. Flemming and Breivn afjpesrr1-"' ing ior tne aerendant and the solicitor prosecuting. The iury returned a verdict of guilty af fer about 15 minutes consultation. The Pioneers' Entertainment. " The young lady friends of the tnem bert'o'f the Fioneer rli-e company have determined to give a fancy fair. jjuid supiei ioi tho benefit-e-tke oiuthe nighU pit the 10th, 17th and J8tV of March, itr 'Oafes'S- hall. They have f met with unexpected success in collect ing funds for the entertainment, and it promises now to be very successful. The evenings will be further enlivened by the efforts of the' Pioneer dramatic club, wli wjli soon begin rehearsing a play to be presented-on that occasion. The ladies have also, determined to purchase a handsouiejsijver trumpet which will be awarded (by the voting system) to the most popular member of the three fire companies or of the de partment. The cause of each company for the honor will be championed by young ladies who will appear in cos tumes si.mil iar. to the uidfojms. of ihe companies they repr'eseat J ' i Offered 100,000 for It. Mr. Barney Macaulay (Uncle Dan'l) is the owner of a theatre in Louisville, Ky., which was built under his own supervision and is a model of theatrical-, architecture. Yesterday he received a telegram from his wife stating that an offer of $100,000 had just beeu made for it. At last accounts he had not deter lnined what to do about it, and being unable to return home on account of engagements ahead which must be tilled, he is in quite a quandary. i'-'g Owners Arouwed. It is understood that the chief objec tion to the late city ordinance 'provid ing for the appointment of city scavin ger came from the owners of pigs, the ordinance providing among other things that no one should be allowed to keep pigs within certain limits. It was claimed that the public interference with any owner of a pig continuing in possession of said animal was a flagrant violation of one of the inalienable rights of American citizenship, which no cor poration, close or otherwise, has the power to abridge. In view of thiathe pig ordidance had to disappear frond the city statute books. Ilailroad Reverberations. The demand of the times is for cheap fares. Round trip tickets to and from all stations once a week are very popu lar and tend to increase travel. Railroad emplpyes are to bo congrat-j ulated on the , reform that has been made in the matter of regular monthly pay. A few years ago some of the roads were several months behind with their employes. Now every employe on roads running to Charlotte is paid off by the 20th of each month. It is said by some railroad men that no two-railway locomotive bells have the same tone, just as the whistles never give forth the same sound. Train peddling-an many railroads has .become an unmitigated nuisance. It does appear as if the limit to human endurance and patience had been reach ed, and' that the terrible annoyance should be abated. . It is said that a man asked for a pass the other day on the ground that he had an aunt killed on the road some thir teen years ago. Thirteen box cars were thrown from the track of the Charlotte, Columbia & .Augusta Raibroad,, ear Ridge Springs, dav before vesterday morning. Ihe cars were pretty badly smashed, but no one was injured. It is announced that on the 15th of the present taoijtb, th JSeiith Carolina Railroad' will chancre its schedule so as to make close connection at Columbia with- thB north-bound train' on' the rharlottfi. Columbia &: Ausrusta Rail rpad, and the people albng the line of the.Lattex are, rejoicing that. they cau now, po to Charleston and return in less time than it takes; to 'go to Baltir mirirp ' 1 The morning train on the Richmond & Danville Railroad .was behind time vpsr.errrav about' two hours, owing to deteutionat Richmond, ia , wai.tiag.ffu:. the Fredericksburg .tram,, xne tram was also heavier than usual air extra L'laonar Vioin rr npfpssnrv t.O 'ancommo- date the Harge :nyHibifXa0out oQ) of through passengers. I'Tl -' y alffiaay iotwfesfed to imiMfct(rjwiJit$h& a sliorttime before lis was caught anil maeejrJrjariijULtJUj stolen was recovered by. his telling where it could be found' Thesolieitoi? preferred to try him on the other charge, being satisfied that there would be no trouble in convfcriirg Ifim, and fearing that it might be charged that illegal methods and been resorted to to procure the con fession, it is to be presumed, however, that all the facts connected with his other crime will be brought out when he is brought before Judge McKoy to be sentenced. Uncle Dau'l Again. Despite the threatening weather, another large crowd greeted Mr. Barney Macauley on his second appearance in Charlotte as the "uncle Dan 1, Depu ty Sheriff of -Tavvis' Section," E. A. Locke's comedy drama. The play is eminently American, and we fancy the characters introduced could not be JoiUld in any other country. It is a plejasaut story, happily contrasting the junty of 2kew, .Liigland. rcoiiotry me, with the dark side of icitv life. and the former is luuv iiius-ated inn Uncle Dan'l, who seems never o. have a thought but for others and whose whole object in life seems to be to do others good and set things aright. The character seems to have been Created for Mr. Macaulay, so ad mirably does he fill it. Round after round of applause greeted him last night as on the occasion of his former visit. He is supported by an excellent com- panv, and we have rarely seen in the opera house here all the minor charac ters so uniformly well sustained. Miss Maddern's '"Clip" is a most excellent piece of actinur, and the character of "Skinnv Smith," the miser, was admira bly portrayed bv Mr. Beers. The acting in all the other parts was so well done that it would be difficult to make anv distinction. "Uncle Dan 1 has made himself a great favorite in Charlotte. Office of thu Obskktkr. Charlotte. March 4. 1880. yhe 'market jesterday closed firmer. Good Middling Middling Strict low middling. Low middling. iteceipts ior tne day, zo bales. If you" want to prevent tyuhoW fever, or if you feel as if you were going to have the chills and fever, take Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. 25c. is of Do You Want Health ? Why will ye die? Death, or what is worse, the inevitable result of continued suspension the menstrual How. It is aeondltion which should not be trilled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional Tuln. In all cases gf suppression, suspension or other lrregu larityofthe "courses, tframieiu's emaie negu latorls toe only sure remedy, it acts by eiying tone to the nervous centres, improving, the blood and determlninz directly to the organs of men struation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the inot Intel sent Dhysicians ti3 it. rreparea Dy ur. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, (Ja. SI 50 per bottle. Sold by T. C. Smith, and L. B. Wristou dc Co. NotAsulga. AiA..,July T, 1877. Bradtield's Female Regulator has been thor oughly tested bv me a in a great variety of cases and I am fullv convinced that it is unrivaled for all that class of diseases which it claims to cure. J. C. HUSS, M. D. MARKETS BYTELEGRAPH MARCH 3, 1880. PRODUCE. 128 1214 12 1-16 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE. MAKKKf- MARCH 3, 1880. '-' - ? Cotton Tnts-Ht f ' cw, por uuic SDliced. " Baggimg, per yd. Corn, per bush'l Meal, " peas, " Oats, shelled, Bacon N. C. hog round 9 Hams, N. C 10 Hams, canvassed 11 nl2Vz BULK MEATS Clear Rib Sides 2.S0a2.75 2.00 llal2 70a7o 70a75 70a80 Lard, per 1U . . . WMt- 7: 8ai Co Prime Rio 15al8 Good 14V&U5 Syrup Sugar-house dO Molasses Cuba 30a3o Sugar Syrup 85a50 Clioice New Orleans JSOaRO Common -. 40a45 Salt Liverpool fine 1.25a2.ftU Coarse 1.00 Sugar White lOiaiiiA Yellow 8al0 Potatoes Sweet 76a80 Irish . 40a60 RrTTTER North Carolina. 12WW5 Eggs, per doen - JOall POITT.TRY Chickens 15a20 Turkeys 50al.00 Ducks 15a25 Flour Family 3.75a3.85 Extra,.... Ji0a3.65 Super:........ , 8.26a3.35 ftctxr tktXvcvtiszmtvcts. JUST RECEIVED THE CHOICEST STYLES OF SPRING PRINTS AND OTHER NOVELTI ES. WE ARE Closing Out all Winter Goods at the Old Prices, although they have Advanced 25 Per Cent, COME AND SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. GREAT BARGAINS IN MENS, YOUTHS AND BOYS CLOTHING. H. MORRIS & BROS Feb. 15. (Srcrceries. FLOUR. :o: 100 BARRELS BARGAINS -IN- "01 BEST" Patent Process FLOUR WHICH WE GUARANTEE EQUiL TO ANY EVER SOLD IN THIS MARKET OXE CAR LOAD :o; WE HAVE IN STORE CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR A Full & Complete STOCK OF w trial. HICH we ofTer to the trade as low as the low est and respectfully ask all to give us a Write for quotations. MADE OF SELECTED WHEAT, Feb. 20. Harwell & Springs. County fffcifidoe4Mfcialad the The boaM cnfyjeosiohea continued irtssion.terday. w D. M. esea-lgpedjiis, Vo& tion as a wnbttmiW60 mittee of Mwning1 EjtoTQship,p& ' AftekartieJfaaeiTCOtte; iinimporfiiiitibaalnessi thev board Uad the foltojving reply-to. thrfiggestocjJis' for th amendment, of m& road law: "In answer to the JtjiQuilia put to iae board (ft; conimissioners by .State Sena tor S. 5 Alexander in !fegjird to tbe riublic road 3w for Meeklenburg coikit; tv. we.avb43aT3rre oTth opinion-f that the suggeSffldWAas utnendmeMSito tn nrftsent road law. would not fully t uays ago, pn a wu" , nmnosed amendments as the "j -.i-;o .! s-ai--: 'A proper remedy. . ThQboaihaspugstiouto.wake as to the working of convicts on the public roads. ' tl: ' ;!;-: After the. board,,, of,, commissioae; l,ad adjourned, ihe board of -education met and examined the books and vouchers of, &, .E. llk.-cowityreas- and louna tne receipus auu uw Htc Itailroad Suit Dlf (icultr Among: le Lawyers. It is learned here that the case of tlie stockholders vs. the Western Divi sion of the Western North Carolina 'iili'ood came Newton, a few V make nermanent the tempotary in Junction previously granted by him, '"ibidding the directors from acting as M'ch. In the argument before the court, ,w of the lawyers, Col. Folk, of Lenoir, il"d Mr. Merrimon, of Asheville, got "'to a controversy which ended in a personal rencontre. The case was con llued to the next term of McDowell ,;,unty court. ! Baltimore Oats firm; Southern 48a40, Wes tern whita 48a4. d mixed 4ta47, lBnnsyi vnnra : 4.KaU. Provisions auiet; pork 13.25a. 50 tiilk meats loose shoulders 4. clear rib sides tfe Mtta nacked 5lAa7U: biicon shoulders 54i fJSar sides 8. hams 10al2. Lard refined tfcr 8W. Coffee easier; Rio cargoes 14al5lA aiirar hierher: A soft t. WhisKey dull at LMOteal.ll. Freights quiet. I CmcAGO-Flour Vteaflf. nrtcfiartged; extras 5.25a Ann., double extras 5.75a7.00, patents 6.00a a On. snnerfrne 4 -.2aa4.R0. Wheat in lifrhtdemund No. 2 red winter 1.24, No. 2 Chicago spring i, ok. No h do 1 OOal .1 0. rejected . Com quie at 36, fresh 37. Oats active at 31 Pork steady stt 1 1 .75ai 1 .80. Lard ttuli at 7. 12V2- Bulk meats easier; shoulders 4 25, short ribs 6.65, short clear 6175. Whiskey Mead at 1.07- Cincinnati Flour Quiet: family G.OOalUO frr fl.9Sart.7Ji. Wheat stronff at 1.32. Cor stronger at 41. Oats flrra at 7. Pork tuU at l'M.OO. Lard strong at 7.15a.20. Bulk meats strong shoulders 54, clearribs 6. 65, clearsides 7.00; ba con In fair demand; shoulders 5Vi, ribs 74s. slde3 7Si. Whiskey quiet at 1.05. Sugar steady; hards lCU, New Orleans 7aiA. Hogs firm: common 3l25a4 20, light 4.2oa4 45, pncKihg 4.30a4 bo, btitchers 4-65a.75. , . . , Inhw York Southern flour dull; common t fairBxtra6.75aH.30, good to choice do rt-40a8 00. Wheat closed better; ungraded winter red 1.40a lAHVs- Corn active; ungraded 56a60. Oats active at 471& for No. 3. Coffee steady; Hio in cargoes l4alWa, in job lots 14al8. Sugar strong; Centrifugal 8. Muscwatto -stair tagged refining 7&sa7, priinei7M-en4 sttoiigj sftiiKluird A 914. Molases firm'; New Orleans 40a60. Rice quiet; uaronua owaijti. BTO,r"i ! r . " w7 45a60, punea ioao, unasneu ioaiu, icu . 40. Pork quiet at 11.75a 2.00; middles quiet: long clear 7iaiA, short clear 7t7-16, longand short 714a74tj. Lard closed Arm at 7. 5 tea. t0. Whiskey nominal at 1.10. Freights to Liverpool easier. , i ; IV. Put uiin Quarter and Half Sacks. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. GIVE IT A TRIAL. mar.4. CHAS. R. JONES, Observer Building. uaer, K.I a 1 'lose of the Theatrical Seavon. 'flie opera hoifse will 'not, from" 'the iB$0i!s folio wr 1 ' t-sent outlook, be opened soon again. 1 he season is virtuallT, if not entirely (,)Ver- It has beeri in all Tespdcts the jcst we ever had, and the managers are V he congratulated upon, their Bucces.s "i bringing such superior companies '"id affording such a variety of. enter al riments to the theatre-going peQi J Charlotte. The v redords of the-slze ot the different audiences have very Nearly shown that . comedy; much nore popular in Charlotte than traffedyi and th!f o k,tnirim'ar' will rlraw Jtter than nnA nf. Hjtaiifiaers Dlavs : .... f - . 1. . itl. knl, bursements yniBi ior vue uitl i" vt the it--it, : fflFro, 'andtroTBlBK February nil v ..KTi.r. .".l-.r.t.o.tt! v-iinufjoi COTTON. : Galveston Easy; middling 12ic; low ml 12iA;oofl'nlina(ry ll;;net receipts, lOOl jgfbss KMH: toek 61.734: exirorts coastwise i67 ; Chgni-tsmHBeqr-f; Great Brltaln ,f - Norfolk Quiet; nflddling laSc; net receipts 1 561; gross ; sto$K a.U4u: expons cotiis .i5: sales 76; expoftAte; fireaf Britain . 12c.;0d ordln'l IZat.: nojetjipia- um '63; safeS 290; $to24,060i :exportscoastwlse 30; splrrseO?.xporta;to 6reat Britain -; B09TOjielmV- iSTVfec; low -tnlddltag I24!i- ediwoarrlCr feeeipw442; gross 'Britain W-v J V-.' A 11 mthj niviimuV i 1 &a ftreeiut3 80: .UilllK XAWWI B"-- -C . - . -.ilaa-SJ talf 4i..VI: CXDOHS COUSl- r - fJlWlLJ ( " - . - . . wise , ' r3QcTgbod ordinary net receipt m KftS:' sales 298 r spinners 40; Pr 1 i . middling 1 Kl fn ; extWrta to' Great Brttan 859-. J the theatte.1 andir:,he':'ck,t.,:set; 1 will be " content "with 200d m U810 1 e reason is plain V We are business1 People, and whenvwe:get thrordgh'.usi:, ues3 we want relaxation. V , : nA.ivMi noil tax for 1879. State.. 1,740 10 r. -si unty- ..2.4y 3 ftffentWt)effty8Aoolfof'':4,79d flnes.forfietdresaspeB?!"18 tvt wn , anLmi.mm, riiddiinff 12W: tow mWdltoa. " Honor license . ,...-. rv....t4P3fiy .iJ.o hAt mwlntx 1 Jlfirti- fUMinnneera tax..., ;. j.jit' i : 1 mvu .tnnir rq ai- Tnnm Monfa a . . . . -'.-- . .J 1 . . . . i ... imiw . Nnitm .uu mvn. wrx . w " Other BOUTO WCeCiai piVP, i w...H?f," niV. Wrta.AnMnPnt1:5nO.. 'DfeBJJ a SEMENT3. school housea an4,jjtea., whites .... .. W " - colored. 20 Si8 . .nun UUD Ul Dliaumnyai y u c nfmed. tJo this city; -3;The : arerager oh 5, :i'iid, Wmwlvfo. -"tte man wants irfi;Wert;Be'gpe; L , C. ' -,7 ' ;irinfl kometeSptadoV' you bive a coI(L spend T SmUUm99 Syrep- Wl Alpmeats -; sales 158; stock-. .,. f . i (trtaiSritMik vi6,4S3?oa continent 6,880. Iluirolust reeeivfid 100 Bunches BANANAS and am eoine to sell them at 50 cents per bunch and upwards. Call eaarand secure a bargain. niar3 - - AT SE K'R Y'S. anohtPT lot of HEX B ASANAS, : FlNil THAN EVER, 5 CTS. EACH, I Ordinary Bananas, three for 10 cents. NEW 3TOCX OF THOSE JUST RECEIVED. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, FLOUB, MEAL, BACON, HAMS, LARD, CANDY. EARLY ROSE POTATOES, CIGARS & TOBACCO, wh'.ch we offer to the Wholesale and Retail Trade AT BOTTOM PRICES. A Full Stock of r o cerieS ALWAYS ON HUD: I ASK THE PUBLIC Generally to Give me a TriaL In connection with the above, we are receiving on consignment BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, , FLOUR, GRAIN, MEAL, And other Produce, which we are selling at mar ket prices, oners ana consignments soiiciieu, QuotaUons for groceries and country produce farn i8neaappuKwii.; . CHAS. R. JONES, C EiE B R AT ED CARAMELS, Grocer $ Cenmlssioii Merchant, WALNUT AND PEANUT TAFFY WALJTOT CREAM CHOCOLATE CHiltfcOTTil OBSERTEB BUILDING. . ' feb. 28. f ) and other'lsnoice candles. inn. i!Uf iii;, AT E. G. ROGERS' WARERQOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock is veiy large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Rjomand Offica Fur nlture. All goods packed rrse or charge. i&xotzxizs. IN STORE ITottcrics. -AND- TO ARRIVE CAR LOADS MOLASSES, " " FLOUR, " " BACON and HAMS, " " POTATOES, 2 " " SALT, " " VINEGAR, TIIK PIBLIO WILL TAKE NOTICE ; That the Or der of the Postmaster-General against the Halls of the Louisiana State Lottery Company is RE SCINDED. Registered Letters and Honey Orders can be sent through the Malls as formerly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNETHIRD GRAND DISTRIBUTION, B CLASS C, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, March Oth, 1880-1 18th Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. 0Q PACKAGES SODA, kegs and boxes, y PACKAGES LARD, 50 50 50 JQ BOX JSS SOAP, AT INSIDE PRICES. BARRELS SUGAR, SACKS COFFEE, GROoS AXLE GREASE, MAYER & ROSS. mar2 Just Received, CORN AND MEAL This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the Stale for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, tor thb tihm of twenty-five tears, to which eontract the Inviola ble faith of the State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise In the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a Re serve Fund of S350.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tiekets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tics ete, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize S30.000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 . . .J3 1 0,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 1 0,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1 000 Prizes of 10 1 5,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : ft Approximation Prizes of 8300 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes ol 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 8110.400 enta wanted at al 1 eral compensation IN CAR LOAD LOTS. ONE CAR LOAD N. O. MOLASSES. ONE CAR LOAD SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, TWO CAR LOADS IRISH POTATOES. ONE CAR LOAD SWEET P6TATOES. FIFTY BAGS OF COFFEE, (all grades), FIFTY BARRELS SUGARS, SEVENTY-FIVE BBLS. CHOICE NORTHERN ( Baldwin and Russet) APPLES, FIVE CASES BANANAS, TWENTY THOUSAND CIGARS, from Common 1857 Prizes, amounting to Responsible corresponding a prominent points, to whom a 11 i will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further I Information, or send orders by express or mail ad I dressed only to M. A. DA Urti IN, New Orleans, Louisiana, or same person at No. 81 fl Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of General G . T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. N. a -This Company has NO AGENTS ia the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pre tending to be so and soliciting orders by circulars or otherwise aie SWINDLERS. . feb. 10. Authorized by the Commonwealth Of Kentucky, and Fairest In the World. :o: v THANKING OUR FBIKNDB MOH TUB L,uwtt al patronage bestowed on us In the txi&t, we beg to inform UmxA that owstocfcof DQNTT fRGET IT, SPENCE& ALLEN. Perry's fiSiuet Cigars aJthe BEST 5 CENTERS to Best in Market In fact, my stock of GROCERIES ROCK&IES aSs 'iDRoVlSIONS XBAOVISIOSS I2SL mar-i I toek B2 81tt.:;exportA ,wtee8i7o7f.lhaBce --,J 1 7 i'T.i' A J V .1 RJti ; Memphis -Q;ilet; middling 1 2c; receipts 1,29 BMPfuelitS. a,ao; -aaies ouv, 114,594... ifl.utlcv-taitlug.; .. undertaking: Aofull Ubb or our taw eoosunu on autna- X AtiMn'it lil tit 1. -ill M-i- ini J ff'-iijl!-; - ..li-. . - ' -m--L . . .. .... Oct 8' Rogers' Fumllare 8tore Is now complete, and we an prepared io oner BDedal IndocetnaiU to close buyers, and tblnit we can make it to their interest to see. as before purchasing elsewhere. . ALL ORDERS WliL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT L0WV EST MARKET PRICES. ra n acmnta for th wpJl-known brands 01 Rocklnghiui 4 4 Bneetlng and Pee Dee Kalds. UlTO US u' , OJrjknuAA ok Jiiuna, w noiesaie urooera a uommuisiuu ueraiuut. Corner Trade and College Streets,? " Charlotte, N. C Flan. 6. STAPLE 1SS FANCY GROCERIES IS MORE COMPLETE TITAN EVER which I offer for sale at BOTTOM PRICES. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. 13th POPULAR MONTHLY DItAWINQ OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 81 , 1880. These Drawings authorized by Act of the Legis lature of 1869, and sustained by all the Courts of Kentucky occur regularly on the last day ol every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of the State. The Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented ot obtaining, for only 82, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES: I will pay the highest market prices for corn and clay peas from any portion of the State. xeD. lb. Machinery for Sale, NE 64 Spindle Slubber, and Two 115 Spindle eacu jmr frames, uiggins' make, and now 1 Prize, - 1 Prize, 1 Prize 10 Prizes, 81,000 each, 20 Prizes, 500 each 100 Prizes, 100 each 200 Prizes, 50 each 600 Prizes, 20 each 1000 Prizes, 10 each,.. 9 Prizes, $800 each, Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes, 200 " 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 880,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10.000 1,960 Prizes,... ...$112,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $30; 55 Tickets, 8100. All applications for club rates should be mode to the home office. Full list of drawlngjrabUshed in Louisville Cou-ler-Joumal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders. Send all orders by money or bank draft In lBtter, or by express; Orders of 85 and ud wards, br express, can 'be sent at our ex- running in good order. Apply to I pense. Address R. M. BOARD MAN. Courier-Jour- 3 MS. 8. WOODWARD'S SONS, I nal Building, Louisville, Ky., or at No. 163, Broad 28 North FrontSt, Philadelphia, Pa. I way. New York, feb. 24.-d.6t. 1 March 2.