l)c Charlotte bscrocr. SATURDAY, MARCH G, 1S80. STATE MEW'S. The new woolen mills tit IJetluiiiia have commenced operations. Jos. Hoskins, Sr., an old and highly esteemed citizen of Guilford county, is dead. T. W. Bryant & Co., of Richmond, Va., will soon erect a sumac factory in Greensboro. There is a strong probability, says the Warrenton Gazette, of reviving the "Warrenton Railroad. The Primitive Baptists will com mence the building of a new church in Raleigh in about three weeks. Mr. B. Buffalo, residing six miles from Raleigh, lost his dwelling and all outhouses by lire on the night of the :)rd. Mrs. AVm. Snow, living near Mt Airy, was thrown from a vehicle last Sunday and received injuries from which she died the next day. The postoffice at Scott's-X Roads, Ire dell county, has been discontinued, and all mail intendeded for that office will hereafter be sent to Elk Shoals. The district convention of the fourth district, of the Republican party, will meet in Raleigh on the Gth of July to nominate a candidate for Congress, and a candidate for Presidential elector. The Supreme Court has decided that a justice of the peace has jurisdiction of the misdemeanor of wilful refusal to work the public roads, under act 1870 '4 ch. 170, sec. 7, and acts of 1ST'.', ch. 'J2. George Harward, a deaf mute of Ral eigh, has invented an improvement on the present mode of connecting and joining together the different sections of hose used by fire engines. He will make application lor a patent. Greensboro Beacon: President Gray went out yesterday to locate the first stockade on the Mt. Airy end -of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad. The grade is so light the stockade will be placed six miles from town, instead of 23 2 as first contemplated. Reidsville Times.' One estimable lady of our acquaintance was waked up one niglit by a rat nibbling at her linger, and though many years ago, and now an old woman, the mortal fear has never left her, and to this day she still goes to sleep with a broom in her hand. The Star says the new market house in Wilmington, which is nearly com pleted, will be 70 feet wide and 205 feet dee), with additionalcovered cart sheds eighteen feet wide on either side, ex tending the entire length of the build ing, making the width of the building under roof abont 100 by 20o feet. From the Raleigh Observer it is learn ed that a public meeting was held in I'ittsboro last Monday, at which reso lutions were adopted favoring the sale of the Western North Carolina Rail road, and approving the action of Gov. .larvisin calling the extra session of the Legislature. Tarboro Sunt Jierner : On last Sunday a cow, belonging to Mr. W. T. Whitting, gave birth to a calf with two distinct, well formed necks and heads. The two- necks begin at the . shoulder. Both mouths are used in eating. " The body and limbs are as other calves. This is one of the greatest freaks na ture can be guilty of. His calfship is doing well and growing finely. Mr. James Norwood, of Orange, in forms theJDurham Plant that he sold from 50 head of sheep $2-2'-) worth of lambs, besides the farm reserving l.", took $75 cash prizes at the State fair, i?9 cash prizes at the Roanoke and Tar River fair at Weldon. and at present prices will certainly yield ."?2 per head in wool. The best of them will clip from S to 15 pounds, aggregating 491). Statesville Landmark.- Xext season Statesville will be a point of considera ble importance as a cotton market. The like of cotton that will be put in the ground in this county this spring was never thought of here before. The farmers are constantly hauling out commercial fertilizers with which to enrich their lands for cotton, and deal ers here are selling more of these this season than ever before. The Statesville Landmark wants somebody to tell something of the his tory of James Houston Thomas, who according to Col. Polk's Hand Book of is orth Carolina, "was born in Iredell county; moved to Tennessee, elected Attorney-General of that State, was law partner of James K. Polk, and a member of the 44th and -loth sessions of Congress." The Newborn Nut Hliell learns that while the two children of Mr. Abner Wetherington, who lives between Newbern and Swift Creek, were playing with a shot gun on Fri day last the youngest, a girl of G years, was killed. The elder, a lad about y years, had the gun in hand and playful ly pointed it at his sister, when the niece was accidentally discharged, the load entering the little girl's brain. Statesville Landmark: In the case of the nine persons arraigned in Ca tawba court last week for burglary, the bill was subsequently changed so as to read larceny instead of burglary, coun K'el fearing that they would not be able to secure the conviction of the defen dants if they were tried on the more serious charge. It was concluded not to remove the cases from Catawba and the trials were commenced in that county and were in progress at our last accounts. It is learned from the News that at the meeting of the Republican district committee, held in Raleigh last Wed nesday, U was decided unanimously not to call a convention for the election of district delegates to the Chicago con vention, after which the committee proceeded to elect said delegates. Col. J. J. Young and Stewart Ellison were chosen, with Col. P, B. Hawkins and Wm. A. Arlington as alternates. A resolution was adopted ref using to com mit the delegates to any candidate for President. lireensooro ratriot; Almost every juiuieiii uounu uiun mat passes through Greensboro has its party of emigrants on board, leaving their homes in "Nnrt.h Parol i n n. t.n lipttpr tlir.ir tion in the far West. Tuesday evening sixty emigrants, with a large number of children under ten years of ago, left this point xur lue tr col. Alio luiger portion went to Kansas, some to Colorado, quite a? number to Indiana and a few to Mis- souri. ine most or uiese emigrants are from the counties of Davie, Davidson, TJonnlnh Stokes and Guilford. Manv iMlllU.l'l - -- J o: them were 01 our Desc citizens. JiOauOKe JXtriVS. viic ua.y xiui, iuiig ugo T T, J . I ln n ,1 I , . ed Something in Weldon and being in a 1,1 nrtf moil- f rr tho train TTq took a wheelbarrow and thinking a lit t'e girl would enjoy the, ride he took one along and trotted to IWeldon, got a bushel of coal and trotted back a dis tance of eight miles in two hours and . r Vita vjtrnv hack soma twenty buuuws. vu vy -r , r one cut a tree down near the road, the man took fright, shied, ran away and uiau. o 1a., v,a -nrhopl harrow ame near nuetuug ---r SSf JncceedeS in quieting himself be-fm-A anv damage was done. The Milton Chronicle says: A mon ument to tne iaie 'owul"ir " also his son, the late Hon . John Kerr, was erectea an iaucjf davlast. There was a large turn out and the address of J. A. Long, Esq., .on behalf of the legal fraternity, touching the life and character of Judge kerr. is spoken of in the highest praise. Ine Rev. J. B. Jeter, of Richmond, a., was to have been there and delivered an address on the life and services of the Rev. John Kerr, but alas! man ap points and God disappoints that ven erable divine died two weeks ago. 1 he monument is erected between the twfo graves, immediately at the feet of the father and the head of the son, with inscriptions. . PEBSO.VAL AXD tiEJfEBAr. Gen. B. F. Butler has volunteered to deliver a lecture in New York next Sunday evening, under the auspices of the Sixtv-ninth regiment, for the ben fit of the Irish relief fund. The King's county (N. Y.) general Re publican committee have, by a vote of 52 to So, tabled a resolution indorsing Grant as a Presidential candidate. The Republicans of the first district of Maine elected Blaine delegates to the Chicago convention, and passed a resolution condemning "the stealing of the State of Maine by the f usionists." A Republican Congressman from Ohio says that Senator Blaine's strength is increasing in his State, and that he will probably be the second choice vf the entire delegation to Chicago. , Hon. Edward McPherson, editor of the Philadelphia Press, has beeifchosen secretary of the Republican congres sional executive committee. He is a strong Blaine man. Cow-lev the bad shepherd, is being in ducted into the mystery of shoemaking. This is the only kind of soles he is fit to attend to. He was not a success as a caterer. The waxed end and the last are a fitting close to his career. The cost of the bridge to unite New Vnvt Mini lirnnklvn. whieli the He Les- seps engineers declare to be a more dif ferent engineering task than the con struction of the Isthmian canal, thus far aggregates 11,280,380, and it will require many millions more to com plete it. The recent trial of the Rev. II. II. Ilavden for murder, at New Haven, Conn., cost the State 30,000, and even with that there was a hung jury. It was also a costly business to Rev. Mr. Ilavden, ami he" is now on a lecturing tour, with the view of raising funds to meet past expenses and to provide for another trial. Stonewall Jasks.on will never pass from the minds of the people of Vir ginia. In the Virginia Senate a few days ago the bill incorporating the county of Dickinson was amended by changing the name to Stonewall, and Jackson was fixed upon as the name of the county seat. The new county is to be formed out of Russell and Buch anan counties. m - SOXTII OAltOLIXA ITEMS. The Chester agricultural society of fers 7-3 for the largest net profit on any crop of ten acres. Alexander Williams, convicted of murder at the recent term of the Lex ington court, was sentenced to be exe cuted on the 23d of April. At Rock Hill, lasfe Saturday, a meet ing was held at which the subject of a cotton factory at that place was dis cussed. Though no previous notice had been given, and few were present, the sum of 28,000 was pledged as a be ginning, and it is thought the sum of 50,000 will soon be obtained, when an organization will be had and work com menced. The Nc?rs and Herald says a difficul ty occurred at Bell's Bridge, on Little river Monday niglit, between W. II. Stevenson and Wm. and Jos. Youngue, in which the former received a cut in the arm that resulted in his death on Tuesday morning. The Youngue brothers, while on their way to Winns boro on Tuesday, to surrender them selves, were met by the sheriff and tak en into custody. - .oirni a.d soli ii. Answering the Absurd Article of a 11 Ignorant Writer. St. Louis Republican. In an"article on "Industrial Develop ment South," the Xew York Times says: "The North grows and prospers un der the idea that we are a nation, and that the States are bound together by common interests and a common desti ny. The South worries itrelf over the maintenance of the separate sovereign ty of the States, and neglects to apply itself to the work of industrial develop ment, upon which the relative strength of sections depends. In straining to preserve its political solidity, it is in danger of keeping itself solid in its lack or enterprise, in us want of varie ty of industries, in the backwardness of its commercial appliances and in the slenderness of its population and re sou rees." "The idea that we' are a nation" has no more to do with the growth and prosperity of the North, than with the current of the Mississippi or the tem perature ot the (iUlt stream. Just as little lias "the maintenance of the sov ereignty of the States"' to do with the lack of growth and prosperity in the South, rutting aside all other cauaes some of which have been at work for a hundred years the North not only emerged victorious from the civil war, out owing to a peculiar combination of circumstances, grew and prospered du ring me war. j ne rsoutli, on the other hand, was not only beaten in the end, but went down hill rapidly while the struggle continued. With empty treasu ry and ruined credit, the Uowerofher population in a bloody grave, and the working class utterly demoralized by emancipation, she was thrown into the Hint mill of Republican reconstruction and literally ground to powder. The grinding process lasted ten years, and the wonder is, not that so little is left, but that anything survived the terrible ordeal. Indomitable energy and cour age did survive, and by the aid of these the South is gradually recovering, and, if let alone, will at no distant day have a healthier growth and prosperity than ever before. The upward movement is slow, but sure, and when we consider the obstacles to be overcome it is sim ply marvelous. The leading organ of the party which supplemented the South's disastrous war with something vastlv -worse ne. gro and carpet bac rule sustained hv bayonets can hardly afford to taunt the victims of Republican policy and .iLuiuuie meir mieriority in strength anu wealth to political ambition. All "the separate sovereignty" the Southern States want is the rierht to manage their own affairs in their own way, sub ject to tne constitution ana the laws. Pocket interests are more nowerful than policies in that section, and the latter are entirely subordinate to the rormer. The Southern people are trv ing to work out industrial and financial salvation, and if the Federal erov ernment will permit them to do this, tney win be quite content. Southern solidity "hath this extent-no more." WboIsNeit? Is It I? The following story points its own moral: Niw Orleans, January 24th, 1880. The undersigned certifies that he held for collec tion for account of John Day, of Brooklyn, New York, a well known citizen or Myrtle Avenue, oi e half of ticketNo. 16.41B. Class "A," In the Lou isiana State Lottery, which drew the second capi tal prize of ten thousand dollars, on Tuesday, January 13th. 1880, having cost the sum of one dollar at the office of M. A. Dauphin, 319 Broad way, New York. The amount was promptly paid on presentation. T. M. WESCOAT, Agent Southern Ex. Co., New Orleans, La. 'Iimnon." Cnevall-'rWiloT. Vast as the growth of New York has been in the. last forly years that of Lon don, wonderful to say, has kept pace with it. It is now the mammoth lity of the world, and it is a daily marvel how 4,000,000 of people can live together in one city in such a delightfully com fortable and such a thoroughly healthy and cleanly manner. In spite of its monstrous aggregation of human be ings London is one of the cleanest and healthist cities in the world. A Bcnefactrvss. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightengale of the Nursery. Of this we are sure, that we will teach our "Susy" to say. "A blessing on Mrs. Winslow" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, collcklng. and teething siege. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP relieves" the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diar rhoea. It soften the gums, reduces lnfiamation, cures wind colic, and carries the Infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of tt nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow only know her through the preparation of her -Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power we would make her, as she Is, a physical saviour to the lnfivnt race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Nov. 14 ly- 1. Do Ion Want Health ? Why will ye die? Death, or what is worse, Is the inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It Is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief Is the only safeguard against constitutional ruin. In all cases of suppression, suspension or other irregu larity of the "courses," Bradfield's Female Regu lator is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of men struation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most intelligent physicians us 1L Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfleld, Atlanta, (ia. SI 50 per bottle. Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston & Co. NotAsulga. Ala . July 7, 1877. BradBeld's Female Regulator has been thor oughly tested by me a In a great variety of cases, and lam fully convinced that it is unrivaled for all that class of diseases which it claims to cure. J. C. HUSS, M. D. gatcut JtcxUcincs. IN 25CTS. AM J Its properties nro Bomulcnf , 7etrt tive Balsamic, SootiiUijf u . i Combining all thos 2 "'i most effective LUIi - j offered to sutfjrt.rs -i diseases. istha ever . .J DR. J. F. H of New York, v.uii!.'.:; READ WHAT !!I C Dr. TU I T : v k ' ear Sir Di:ri:i t.i.s . -i' i v i cases of lung O ..-e . . t.; t .. city the c. sea ere o( u ly a y there my i tten inn w s c il.cu i. and I confess n y sur. rue at u- w During a practice oi t .!. ty . " known a medicine to act ts j.r.xn i happy effects. It instantly su;..! . : fits oi coughing, and in:i: ia:... few days. 1 cceeriully i:.d . :- nieUi-Uio 1 ever ued. j. i ii a: : D. A NEWSPAPER i U Office, Kvj.-.ti .V--e, A:iv, Dr. TTJTT: Dear Sir -My l.i sou with pneumonia last wint-.T, . u i. . . violent cough, that las t 1 1.:. ... i;.n . :. for the cure of whn.u 1 u nw- ' y Expectorant. 1 tiad tne.i ia-.- t ' mended, but nona t'4 '"'' ; J '' 11 1 pectorant, ono bottio ol . .c i r- ! entirely. With many i::..l. -. 1 . ' i j . - Had torriblo MiGM T C'.':;.T2. .W.n..l. . .... . . " . Dr. TUTT: Sir I have u...- i.i i.i. t Lsars with a eeverij coo..i i 1 i .:. ... . i ing your KxucctorunL 1 wi : ;-u-. - .! .j--.- ; SAdT Bixteen pounds :i v t. 1 i- .1 t it everything ; lmJ lerr.V . t k . 1.. half dozen boll..-1. V..e in. I ' the couii lias d.s iPp- .-.ri .!. - pounds in Jlf':i. I i .v....!iin-ii.l . . Wi.hgr.t n-v -' - - important qu?.t:..-:; Reader, have :u .. .. ,;.! v A : able to ruiee tliu piil.iii V ll . tion iu the throat 7 A h iis1 u the lung?, willi abort br -nSi! V fit of couirlii in; o i h .ii.' ! : .' ... on an i ' . ; .- ' o;i;i:"..' .j.1 cu ll J V I ,u V II ow and thuii in 1 : i ..,., ;. '. cers and back I once a doe oi Tutt'. l-.-cp :-:o.-:.iu; j aii:-.v;i be able to ruisu in - j.'.i.' i." .i. lu u:i l...i.r : ..;.! the Expectorant, pi.icc i ::oi iron tt.- t.-. ! ;.' two of Tutt'a I'iils. Yen wiil p.j;ii l.nl : j) pleasant eluvp and i:; in i:.v i.mniiir. eoagh gone, i jns work. ii.- :y ; y b . ai!: ing, and the bowels xv.n '. : in a inner. To prevent a returu of ill'-; iiiptoinn uh-; the Eipectorant several ilny.-'. OffloyTOr ; ayS t r o J t7 NY. TUTT'S PiLLS TUTT'S PiLLS cum: sj si'kp.v.: TUTT'S PkLLS TUTT'S PiiLiLS TUTT'S P.LLS cuiti: sick. HEAU.ttiit:. TUTT'S PILLS VVUE HILIOIS OOC.lt. TUTT'S PILLS GIVE AITE I 11 1.. TUTT'S P3LLS PUIHPY'llIE BLOitli, TUTT'S PfiLi TUTT'S HAIR DYE, Gbay Haib oh Wbukhs chunked ( .i UloSoY Black by a single application of tins Dvk. It im parts a Natural Color, acts Inatantaneouxly, and is as Harmless as spring water, bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $t. Office, 35 Murray St., New Yoek. aprl lj. CELEBRATED The Bitters invariably remedy yellowness of the complexion and whites of the eyes, pains in the right side and under the right shoulder blade, fur red tongue, high colored urine, nausea, vertigo, dyspepsia, constipation, heaviness of the head, mental despondency, and every other manifesto tion or accompaniment of a disordered condition of the liver. The stomach, bowels and kidneys also experience their regulating and tonic Influ ence. lor sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. -VTOTICE OF SEIZURE. TT R TTiITtrDV 1 r DTJTT-OITTT-r Collector's Office, 6th District North Caroitna outwjsvme, . u., ieD. iim, 1880 Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws February 11th, 1880, 40 gallons whiskey wmi Peeler and Allen; 80 gallons brandy?! hli toba" co and 100 cigars, owner R. K. Espridge; about 20 gallons whiskey, owner R S. EUls; 2 Wes tobab co, owner R. H. Stanley; 2 mules, l wagon and harness, owner B. 8. Ellis. One still cap owner unknown. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesville and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof-, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. febl4 8tin30d. I i T?-.-yafg:.r. : w vu. For Composting. SULPE OP AMMONJjL, NITRATE OF SODA, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAND PLASTER AND FINE GROUND BONE. 60,000 LBS. OF THESE Chemicals on hand at the lowest market price. L. R. WRISTON & CO. Jan. 30. LANDRETH'S harden Seeds. WARRANTED FRESH & GENUINE. WE HAVE A FULL Stock of These Celebrated Seeds Which We Offer to the Trade, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. L. R. WRISTON CO. DR. J. H. McAden, DRUGGIST AND CHTSK1ST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. MoADEN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ANL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 ons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial ExDosiOon. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a ere test or liu degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. h. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C (Svotzicits. 0 o P 0 0 o if) o SCHOOL NOTICE. T hftVA nrwtlAri a b1inn1 fnr Pma In the School Building on Gen. Bar ringer'. lot on Church street The scnooi ror me present, consists or on ly two Departments, Primary and In- the best possible classification in order that the Instruction may be thorough. Terms, (payable uvuuuij,jo jcr 1UUULO. li. HUIjBLKo. Propose to open a Night School If a suf g"P?0,f teaching WriUr-g, Arithmttic and r",r io' ui ue maae Kaown on Bwurawun as my sscnooi Room, or to Dr. T. H. TJr'oQTlR- Gua Durhan at Burwell A Springs'. JUST RECEIVED. A full line all grades ready-made LADIES1 UNDERWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for casta at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those $1 Corsets left, at 60c, at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Nov. 12. 100 Boxes Tobacco, N STORE. AND TO ARRIVE. PRICES TO L Suit the Times. Call early, as it must be sold T. H. GAITHER. ACID PHOSPHATE, FRESH FROM THE CELEBRATED MABT land Fertilizing and Manufacturing Company, of Baltimore, now in store ready to deliver. T. H. GAITHER. CIGARS. 7A AAA 1 HAVE SEVENTY THOUSAND f l.llV. fine cigars, which I offer to the wholesale trade cheap. MACKEREL, O N CONSIGNMENT, A CHOICE LOT OF U 1. nui. .j if i " auu w dui3. ui JuacKerej. WAGONS. A FULL LINE OF WAGONS OF THE BEST make. No kiln dried lumber in them. All warranted for one year. Call early as prices are advancing. TO ARRIVE, KAA TONS ACID PHOSPHATE OF THE BEST JJJ brand. Orders taken now will be filled promptly. ALL PERSONS DUE ME FOR GUANO, WAGONS, AC., ARE requested to call at once and settle up aa further Indulgence cannot be expected. Jan. 29. THOS, H. GAITHER. SMOKING TOBACCO Tobacco grown In Western North! Carolina Is noted for its good smoking qualities, the best of used In this brand. Ask your nearest merchant for a sample pack age; or, If you are a dealer, write to me for ctrcu lars and wholesale prices. Address J. S. TOMIJNSON, Hickory, N. a Jan 27. 1. BROOKPIKLD. A, W. J.UDOU. CHINA PALACE OF- J. Brookfield & Co. 1 -I CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE take pleasure to Inform our friends and the public generally, that we always have In stock a complete assortment pt CHINA AND CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE AND LAMP GOODS, CUTLERY AND SILVER PLATED WARE, WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE. AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices. We are enabled to give SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS SPECIAL INDUCEMEN T3 TO WHOLESALE BUYERS In TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMP GOODS. we ask the TRADE to give us a trial, ns we sell eoodsas low as Northern Houses. ORIGINAL I KATES always on hand. Orders by mall promptly executed and any In formation desired will be cheerfully given. Very respectfully, . J. BROOKFIELD 4 CCX anl7 atcfrgg una getxrjeltng. GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods", Gold and Silver Watches, 811ver and Plated Table Ware, AT J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 P. LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half priced and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring, SUver-Pladng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as neW. work done for the trade at low prices. Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlS IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. CAR LOADS MOLASSES, " " FLOUR, 2 " " BACON and HAMS, J " " POTATOES, 2 " " SALT, 2 " ' VINEGAR, 100 PACKAGESS0DA- toe8 and boxes, rj PACKAGES LARD, 50 BARRELS SUGAR, SACKS COFFEE, GROSS AXLE GREASE, J 5Q BOXJCS soap. AT INSIDE PRICES. MAYER & ROSS. mar2 JUST RECEIVED. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, FLOUR, MEAL, BACON, HAMS, LARD, CANDY. EARLY ROSE POTATOES, CIGARS & TOBACCO, ONE CAR LOAD CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR MADE OF SELECTED WHEAT, Put up in. Quarter and Half Sacks. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction, which we offer to the Wholesale and Retail Trade AT BOTTOM PRICES. GIVE IT A TRIAL. A Full Stock of Groceries ALWAYS ON HAND. I ASK THE PU3LIC Generally to Give me a Trial. In connection with the above, we are receiving on consignment BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, FLOUR, GRAIN, MEAL, . And,otAei' Produce, which we are selling at mar f1 Pn8- Orders and consignments solicited. Quotations for groceries and country produce furn ished on application. CHAS. R. JONES, Groeer & Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE OBSERVER BUILDING. feb. 28. lOOO MORTGAGE DEEDS AND lOOO FEE SIMPLE DEEDS JUST PRINTED AND FOB SALE AT The Observer Office Jan. 25-dAwtf. QNE O THE MOST ONE OF THE MOSrp IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES Of the nineteenth century, and one that takes emi .i rank with the Invention of the telephone the eieo trie light and other scientific marvels of the ai?e u that of B ' Is HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE! This compound possesses the most remai-k.-iiHe Healing Properties of any known agent employed for the purpose of curing SORES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISES, :-Imflamed and abraded surfaces, aud for ALL 3 KIN DISEASES. Its cleansing properties remove all impurities that hinder the formation of healthy tlesh. ami tlw work of cure goes on to completion with the ih.ki WONDERFUL RAPIDITY. Let no faumv be without a box of it In the house. Physicians extol its virtues; and the thousands who have used it unite in recommending it. Beware of counterfeit' Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, and take no other JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston 4 Co., Charlotte. N c mar4 SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., February i2, 1 87!S SIR My child, five years old, had symptoms of worms. I tried calomel and other worm medicines but failed to expel any. Seeing Mr. Bain's ceitiii cate, I got a vial of Worm Oil, and the lirst duse brought forty worms, and the second dose so many that I did not count them. S. H. Adams. Prepared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. For sale by DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte. N. t. teb21d3cwly. jodTis antX taticmcrtj Million Hollar s w ILL be paid for UAG8. at the nMiest market Paper Manufacturers, Charlotte, N. C. Received This Day, BUTTERICK S CATALOGUES for Hie Si.rint; of 1880 BUTTERICK'S MET&OPOLITAN KASilloNd for March. JUTTERICK'S PATTERNS for Marvh rpiIE Catalogues are given away, uj.oii Kr ona application, or mailed to any address hjou receipt of stamp to pay postage. As the the Cat i logues are furnished only once in six months, we respectfully ask those who get them to take care of them. We have "Popular Edition" of much larger size than the ordinary catalogue, in this the pat terns are shown to better advantage, and the dc scriptive letter Is fuller. This edition we sell at 15 cents, by mail 20 cents. Please note that It Is not necessary' to cut from the catalogue or Metropolitan the picture of a pat tern that may be wanted, Send the number ami size of pattern as given in the book, but do not cut ir. Patterns frora.whlch the pin has been removed will not be exchanged or taken back. TIDDY & DR0. teb. 19. Charlotte. N. C. The Wonder of tiieTDav! NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SEEN' People Ca not iha'iizc Until they have called and made an exam!nat:o:i WHAT REAL BARGAINS. In Miscellaneous Books ARE OFFERED BY J. R. EDDINS. five ttundred- copies ive Hundred Copies Just Received Call and Examine whether yon Wi.-h to Buy or Not, EVERYTHING IN THE BOOK AND 8TAT N ERY LINE CONSTANTLY ON HAND At Prices that Defy Compel ilion DONT FORGET THE PLACE, The New Book Store, NORTH TETON STREET. feb. 29.

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