3H)t (tffjartottx Qfrtisivvtr. WEPNff3D AY( MARCH 10, 1880. THE COMING 'CROWE HIS DIEERIAL MAJESTY ULYSSES I. ' - PUNGENT PICTURES OF THE COM ING EMPIRE. The Lords and LaWHes, Duke and Duchette, Earl a, Narwhals, Etc., of the New RegimeThe Gorgeous Imperial Army One of the cleverest. satires crf-tHHmperial Government. -We have Jmr ia 011 o n rn urn -In a nralnti!if not i l ami STA ItOW 1 tS !lfl VOCateS. WefltflY sued, entitled "The CtarewWMuirtntinM givincr a prophetic pen picture of the coming Empire under "His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Ulysses I." It is il lustrated with a cut of a crown such as is given at the head of this article, and somejyttJtTate leading reatora tionists are admirable. The chief ex tracts are taken from the Court Jour nal, dated Washington, September 1, 1882, and from the'jfyweriat Standard, dated Washington, October 1; l8$2,to which various telegrams are credited from different sections of the country, telling ef 4ha troubles with fsach in surgents asfBIaine, JSast arfd others, of the progress of Imperialism, of the gorgeous and numberless Imperial troops and of the grand public improve ments prosecuted under the Empire. The following extracts will, be relished by the lovers of polished wit, whatever may be their views of Imperialism : HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, EMPEROR VLYSSES, I. From the Court Journal, Washington. Sept 1,1 882. His Imperial' Majesty, the Emperor Ulysses, X accompanied by the Empress, the Crown Prince Frederick and a numerous suite arrived. at the palace yesterday after ft '.week's visit to the Duke of Pennsylvania at his palatial residence, Cameron Hall, Harrisburg. His Imperial Majesty, we are happy to announce, is in the best of health. The imperial escort consisted of a battalion of the Guards and two companies of the Household Cavalry. " THE PRINCESS NELLIE. Her Kyai Highness, the Princess Nellie, Wfllr not rfetarn to England. We are in ositJonlastale that ttte consort of Her Royal Highness, Algernon Sar trivia ?art ia Via .-. I . . , 1 A nnAnA ww, xjoij., 13 lv uc laiscu tu luc pee J. age under the title of Earl of Granton. We further understand that the Earl of Granton is to be appointed Governor, with the title of Lord Lieutenant, of the Province of Illinois, and that it is the intention of the Imperial Govern ment to settle $200,000 per annum upon his lordship A vice-regal palace ia to be built at Springfield, the Privy Coun cil having issued an order for the raz ing of the capitol of the former State of Illinois, and the residence of the Lord Lieutenant will be erected on the site. LORD SHARON, EARL OF NEVADA. Lord Sharon, Earl of Nevada, is ex pected to arrive at the palace on the 5th inst His Lordship, who has, during the past month, been entertaining a number of the Western nobility at his magnificent residence, Belmont Hall, ban raneisco, is understood to have suceewfurocoiriducted the negotiations which resulted in California giving- her assent to ti propositions made by the Imperial Government. In view of His Lordship's distinguished diplomatic services In thus eradicating the last vestigtss or Republicanism in the Wes tern parti' be.Empirewe have reason to know tuTHis Imperial Majesty in tends ccfeWlny-'ttpoTT "His -Lordship the honor of ibe Order of the Mailed Hand. LORD SIMON CAMERON, EARL OF SUS QUEHANNA. It is with great pleasure that we are enabled to announce the arrival of Lord Simon Cameron, Earl of Susque hanna, at the palace. The venerable Earl and his son, the noble Duke of Pennsjlvahia, will have the honor of dining with His Imperial Majesty to morrow, when the Duke is expected to arrive in town. As We haye previously announced, Lord Simon was. sometime ago, appointed by His Imperial Majes ty EarfMarshal, the title remaining in the house of Cameron, according to the law of primogeniture. Lord and Lady ' Hamilton Fish have arrived at the palace. Lord Hamilton will receive final instructions before his departure for England as Imperial Minister to the -Court of St. James. Lady Fish will not, we understand, ac company; the noble lord, but will re mam daring the coming season in at tendance on Her Majesty as principal Lady u Waiting. . ; JwtfefeBURNE, DUKE OF rLLIOI., '. ! Cards have been issued by thfe Duk6' of Illinois for a garden piny at' Wash burne Houise; tne splendid residence latelv-oompleted by; .Hi Grace, and to which His Grace has given the family name;' for the evening of - the1 12th inst; The nohlep Duke. whoBfrt appointment as Prime Minister by His Imperial M jesty baarglteiJ lhprioTchff'atiSfaei toon circies will, to undeE-r stands entertain during the corning sea son' wltM ucl libsYritality; u Her Grace", the Duchess of Jltfnois, returned from the country last week) . SIR O. E.BABCQCK, PJONCH'AJ, EQUERRY. Sir & Babopdfe; whose :devotin to the Imperial' ?aii& jrnd ixhom Cpnspic uouaigaWantry.ftt (Albany New York, whenithe Bepubliean atriy nndet Fen ton wa'so completely darted' by the Imperial troops have deservedly gained him so many marks of Imperial favor, is now; wefare glad to rtattehulte con valescent. H TemaihS at tiro f mnprinl 11 . . - i inal T!riiierTv in aj,tendncfr ott ltt$ Impefial Majesty. LORDS AND. LADIES VISITING. Lord andljAria'ttS-repont. Baro? -JLVi an.d Sir Whitelaw Keul,otNtWtYil-, wbdbave ieeh'otii a visit to Lord George M. Robeson, of New Jersey, tot Seefe? Hall, Gape May, arrived in tdwri yesterday for the sea- 80n- .IVfi . II II ',U ( (i ; ; u win.. -.!: !'.fyr:: t . . .! ),' peitarHiglmesii, f'tl',Crow& j Prliicti Fredeocim iM.iieea, pleased acaepi as jtreawnt frank James Gordon Ben nettEsq, otStw York, has arriyed tn the Potomaft1 She iSMained theUlys sestfAndis a masterpiece of naval arch itectwrei ll.Hi.it 'i ! frmtmnXE 2SD DUCHESS OF STEW TOHK. 'ukB and Dacte&o New S-oirfc ar wxpeeted to arrive jh town for; the se AfldRn -Tuesaay geAfcj Aneaneai ffltee. Conklinir 'HovWe, rapidly real' annroacniiiK uuuipic.w, vuvacs in itofrchitectaral.beautj.to equal i"TZUa rnnnv snlendid houses of the i3t2f fn'ttai canital BinceHis muSaUM throw. S?JXTZ: ifthivrtl fetfUssued by eiYen, wMwtw? rrc and the event PUf"Z?Zt ff.l! ii lit IlK'lt) Xf BLAE3E - luJit JnloiyrnTTl DUDllSUCU. uJWot . 't- i.i. iooiia hrinfWI lDteuiKwwv r.nm mission of James G. liiaine, oj. y i m' T .f? ,cn('r a j&w days more; w?SjejrtlJtnj to'the Palace to t enter on his duties as Frinr. Maine, and the sentence of banishment naswuil hv t.hfi ( ommiSSIOn W ill Jill mi probability be approved by His Majes ty. We think the Commissioa erred n its decision not agto ,the gulltbift to the punisbment of the offender. The time has passed for measures of mercy. Justice demands some thing more. It demands stern re tribution for such offenses as this man Blaifae has committed, ,andth pwnh ment awarded should have been death. Let there be no trifling with traitors! When twenty so-called Unlop Leaguers were snot in iinciniKm m dhvui been a warning to rebels that the poli cyof th.e Imperial Government was Hot to regard sedition: as eluid s play. Of what 'use is banishirfent if inch men as John Sherman, James G. Blaine and Rutherfdrd B. Hayes can. concoct their plots and plans against the safety of the empire on the Canadian sid&bf the border and.. send their emis saries to spread disloyalty in every part of the country ? We are not apologists foE the course thus tar pujsuea oy lu irr.oviai r,nvpmmnL ,We have beea aiTdarenow its advocates. WerhaYe,atid ernment. and Vaorflation or timiaiy, be they in what quarter they may, must neither be condoned nor tolera ted. The lessons of the past must not be forgotten, . ExcrojION of xRoatAs,x?J By Empenal Telegraph to the Standard. New York, September 30. The last of-liie -eighteen prisoners jcpndemned to death fcy'the laiperial MllJtAry Cofni mission which closed its sittings at Governor's Island on the 20th was exe cuted at sdaytrreirfc this -morning. The condemned mars- "Thomas Naat who was a caricatui ist on Harper's Weekly before that disloyal sheet was sup pressed in June last, was accused of high treason by plotting against the crown and dignity of His Imperial Majesty and by circulating 'a so-called cartoon representing His Imperial Ma jesty as Nero. The execution was pri vate, but it was understood that-the death was painful, the wretched trai tor's life not being extinct for several minutes. IMPERIAL GRAPE FOR RIOTERS Charleston, So. Ca., September 30.-Serious riots nave occurred in thi;ity within the past dayS, culmi nating last evening in an attack upon some of the Imperial troops. Or ders were given that the troops be con fined to their quarters, and oenerai Casey telegraphed to Washington for in- i i .j . : 1 j . StruCUOIlS umeis wcic ieucicu iiuui the Minister of War after consultation with His Imperial Majesty thattHerEbti be summarially suppressed, snd accord-' inly General Casey opened on the mob' iwith artillerv. Xver seventy ofa the noters were killed, ihe city is now quiet. REVIVING BUSINESS KEARNEY IIANO" tED. San Francisco, Cal., September 30. Runlors are current here that the Im perial Government contemplates the building of one of the largest dockyards in the world at this city, and the special bulletins giving publicity to the stated ment were surrounded yesterday by crowds of the distressed working popu lation, who gave repeated cheers fbf the glad tidings. It is said that'over $20,000,000 will be expended for tire work. This will do mXii towards de creasing what little disaffection now exists, if, indeed, it does! nqf 4radScait entirely.. Dennis, IJearney ,was hanged at daybreak tins morning. JGNATUJS DQNNELLl SILENCED. . , St. Paijl, Minn, SeptamberJSa-Tg- J dangerous plot to. overturn the Impe natius Donnelly, of this Stale, former rial government, and at a subsequent member of Congress, issued an inllam-: matory appeal, a few days ago, on the people "to rally in' 'their to raise once more the flag calling might, of the UhionrKmi- to Tertbrow the cursed tryaflf wKo'has" asslirmia 'tlie sceptre." The Imperial authorities Immediately sent a" Strong body of trtfdps ' to secure Donnelly's atTesfr,-bnt the traitor : had fledtewardsi the3erl Tliver. fA dis- patcb received by the Mmister-of AVar last evening states that Donnelly was captured at Mankato; tried by court martial and shot. Ed. Imperial St'and' ard. MAHOXE, AlAnQTriS OF BLUE RIDGE. AVheelfng, West Va., September 30. Major Gen. Mahone, now ii cgmmaud of the Army of the Ohio, received from Washington yesterday an imperial de-1 cree announcing, ins e'iitiei .to the peerage as Marquis of-HI ae-Ridge.- The noble Marquis, it will be remembered, gained great honors during the :earlier days of his Imperial Majesty's reign by' enlistinjr.in the canse of. the Emnire: the services and influence of manv of the first families of Virginia. LOUD SNOWDEIi AND TIJE JOTEEIAL. .... , COIN. AVork. is beiagN vigorously poshed for-'; wwu .w. ums,(Imj( mint lniuiis cmy r. placing the sold t&iioniijeoinage with that' of the Empirt: Ther nw gold pieces are .of beautjfal dlistan, ftncL the specimen kiadiy fahown. v& by (Lord bnowaem or PeflnSTivania.'!"Dfreetr'- ienerat.of theTlnnerlal Mrnis. SS'M'ei-. -quistte one. : The coin bears the bust of ins imperial Majestyv surrounded by mciegepo, "Mmses ..mperor,'" with the date "1882," wliile on thexobvoese,. surrounding the Imperial Arms-the Mailed Hand is the Latin, inscription, "Aut C-Rsar ant. tviWUtS " SL .rtinal a firm iof the memorable words uttered bv his wnpenai majesty wnen ne ascended the throne. SIR ALEX. SIIEPPAIID, COURT CHAMBER LAIN. ' Sir Alexander Sheppard has, we are glad to announce, been again signally nonore of diia injpenai Majesty; an Imperial flfore' feSutatwIerdaf - apl pointing mm to tne responsible and lu crative position ot Court Chamberlain. We understand that His Imperial Ma jesty has been graciously pleased to di rect that a salary of $30,000 ner annum be fixed as the emoluments of this hdn: orable office. ' ' COLONEL FORNEY)9frJ:(AT)6$s)j J ine lion. Jolin w. Jb ornev. of Fenn- ana naa me n ith HispOTiaiMaiastjfc fcoione VKfirtifiT'i Si Qevtnonno'tBe imperial eaose tJetOre the statJlimeAtpf .Lheeis.wl , itiiuwii, itnu it is tue epinion in court tircles ttlat the"' veteran jourftSlistrwirr deceive some suhatyiU, .msyks of His imperial majesty s iavor. WATtERSON;' MAKTJtS 'OF btjifr, ' 1 Lord Henry WatterBon. of Kentucky! Who. has been :otit& 1 tJrbl6ncfid official visit tKc'tli, 'the Southern nortion ot Jhe Empirewiiere his services ifi the estabjistmtnf eXdiA OiiveR, lueiit uave Deen crownea witn sucn signal success, is reacpected rto arrive in town to-morrow, and Wft undprstand Majesty has been, graciously pleased to create His Lordship Marquis of Bour bon. . -r- DANA diVmAASSWtE. Rumors were current in the capital yesterday tlftt Chutes: A. DaftSLfif JTfetv-f Xork, the aisIbyaranoT viruTent Ui:iVii-T ist, wnqse-yppi orijlo-!the Imperial 'cause to nBneed during--tlve! candidature S con v.krf ImsfinaLMaipai-.v.in Sun, it will b remembered, wskj enm. taarily suppressed and two of ite edifr- oFSlorwf IGf life when the' lnti& Ti Bishoo of iBEooklyn, whose conVft if to Use Methodist Episcopal Churc&rwW simultaneous wun us imperial Ma jesty's accession to the throne, arrived at tlie palace yesterday. His Lordship vriU" enter on-nra--tiuues ns impciwi r.himlnin without delay, and will DPeach before the Imperial family- at m the II. RjCatttedral ou MiiuLjiy TOE GODDKSS OF L1BEKTY DEPOSED. ':Tbl old Ggure-of Liberty, which sur niounted the dome1 of the capitol here, has .been taken down and a colossal Btaife of. m Xmpfetial Maj$st Ue; Emperor Ulysses i., is to replace iu Tlse statue will be -of bronze, and is af tea design furnished by Mills. The figure will be illuminated by the elec tric light, and thus be visible for near ly fifty miles. i .Tiii: Imperial ARur. I ( From the Army and yavy News. i( Ms rJen crffeeiatly decided by the Minister of AVar that the new uniform of the cavalry .of the line shall be somewhat similar to those of the Ger man Uhlans. The Imperial Guards will be uniformed after the style of thelJoval Life Guardsf - the British service", and the Household Cavalry jwfll retain ttiieu- -present picturesque hrno! distinctM-eHstHelr Itrts federstood that the strength of the army in time of peace has been decided on after a conference of the principal officers of mnk at which His Imperial Majesty presided. The effective-strength of-the-f tillerv, asweff as the engineers slgtrarf corps etc., will be 400,000 men. I BARON piATIIANIEL M CAY. 1 The hew Vron-clads; "Ulysses I," "Em pire" and "Imperial," the work on which has been pushed forward by Baron Na thaniel Mduperit&edeilt th IinpefarNavy Tard,te 16 almost completed, and the First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord George M. llobeson, of New York, accompanied by a numer ous suite, will make an official visit to the Yitrd iekrly nextWeel:. ' , ( ) BUTLER LATE IN IMPEKTAL ALLEGI- : , ; t' ANCE. We tire trfatifi'ed to be in position to state that Gen. B. F. Butler, of Massa chusetts, has at last taken the oath of allegiance to His Imperial Majesty, and we are reliablv informed that it is the teTittOTf of tliH Imperial Government to place the gallant General 4n a posi tion where his conceded?' Abilities will be of service to the Empire. Gen. But ler will ajnlfe at thef capital onihrstb inst. ,. U ' BEAUREOiVlED AN DlPERIJStL COMMASr Major-General Beauregard, comman ding the Division of the South, gave a grand banquet to a number of the resi dent aristocracy at Mobile last week. The recognition of General Beauregard by His Imperial Majesty, and his ap pointment by Imperial order to the im portant command he -now hold3,; crea ted, it will be remeniberetl, great'enthu siasm in the South. General Beaure gard, in proposing the health of His Imperial Majesty, hoped that Southern socitfyWQuld always be loyartd' the Emper6r a sentiment whicll l: rai drunk wth repeated cheers.- - 1 k ? - 9 ' i i splitting :tieasoK i p I As wego to pfessite learrflhrt' d natches have just been received by the Minister of AVar to the effect that seve ral officers of the Impejial service, who have beel0or gprne time past s3pectd of plotting treason, and of being'in' cor respondence with the enemies of His imperial Majestv, were placed in arrest at All&ni,Ne llprklast week. The aTrestStvai kept serreft but rtn invest! Ration left no doubt of the existence of court-maniai, w men nnisneu us siiungs resterday, flvef;tl;e offiJers,-wee f qiund guilty on "all tiie clrages pfefe'rred against them. Thev will be shot at daybreak to-morrow morn ingi gatcnt StVcdicincs. Dr.TUTTS. Expectorant I Its Draoertio are Demulcent, Nntri tjye Balsamic, Soothing svnd Healing. Combining all these qualities, It i the tnost effective LTTNO BATiBAM erwr offered to b -offerers from pulmonary diseases. ' l DR. J; F HAYWOOD Of New York, voluntarily indorses it. READ WHAT HE SAYS t Dr. Dwr B8 of lone diaeaoas. In tna lower wards pi tne city the e&aea wex of a very severe type, there ni attention Vu called to Tntt e Kip It ru Expectorant, irtui power. mrA 1 MnfM. mV UllviM M.t if. WOnde! Baring a pracuce OI twenty years. uw mra known a medicine to act as promptly, and with sncb happy effects. It instantly snbdaed the most violent fits oi coughing, and invariably cored the disease in - s . t .Laonllv inilnru it mm the best lnnfl A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITE8. Office. Evening News. Aognsta, Oa. t Dr. TUTT: Dear Bir My little son, was attacked with pneumonia last winter, which left him with a . violent coogh, that lasted till within a month since, for the ear of woiehl smiadsbd toy our valnabla Expectorailliad tried sMtTerv .this M4 mended? tMts dia anyoed util I nssafyoaaJi. pectorant, one bottle of which removed the cough entirely. With many thanks. Ijgffi W&QLK. Had terrible filCHT SWEATS. . , , , , , M.wphia, Feb-11, 1871. Dr. TUTT: Sir I VB-beenWffermg o nearly two years with a severe cough. When I commenced ta king your Expectorant I was reduced to one hundred and sixteen pounds in weight. I had tried almost everything : had terrible night sweats. I have taken half dozen bottles. The night sweats have left me, the oough has disappeared, and I have gained fifteen r i IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Reader, have yon canght a cold T Are yon nn- able to raise the phle; tionin the throat? A 'sense of oppression on the lungs, with short breath T Do yon have s fit of coughing on lying down t A sharp pain tow and then ia the .region of .the heart, shoul ders and ttacki ljBOr,otir AeWUels at ) once a dose ot Tutt's Expectorant; yoa will soon be able to raise the phlegm. In an hour repeat the Expectorant, place a hot iron to the f eet,tak two of Tatt's Pills. Yo witt soob fall Into"! pleasant sleep and wake up in the morning, oogh gone, longs working freely ; easy breath luff, and the bowels moving in a natural manner. Trvariifrtftg ft tfief ftmytomf s Us' trpectoraat several dayst Office. 35 Murray Street. N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS CURE TOBP1D L1VB. TUTTS1 PILLS TUTT'S PILLS OVRB FETEII AND AUt. Tumr;s pills i CUBK 8ICK HEADiCUE. TUTT'S PILLS UHK HllilOUS COLIC mi TUTTS V UUIl'I THE BLOOD. o uaid nvr a I1HII1 UJ LI Sklk Hub cm Wnstxias. obi -JUUMK M suste aftpiieatie parte a Natural Oolor, acta X as Harmless as snrtn water. swt by express on reeeipt of fU m aprl ly wn.i At ttv jarlotte qit ti.uoq vvfuuyio VV' it eas, c.v lot 'if UODt fj'jf.'11- will be promptly groirncToT etehanged u i8,1??.- f . J. IB WIN & CO lanlS-tf Tun ctaed-te- lUttossT. tSold UnawJatat xn&s and QXtilititUs. CHEMICALS ! GHFMICALS ! For Composttttg. SDLPBL OF AMMONIA, NITRATE OF SODA, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIMB. LAND PLASTER AND FINE GROUND BONE. 60,000 LBS. OF THESE Chemicals on hand at the lowest market price. L. R. WRISTON & CO. Jan. 80. LANDRETH'S (Karden Seeds, AVARRANTED FRESH & GENUINE. WE HAVE A FULL oloeK oi inese teiPDraiea beeas M . l a mi i i r Which We Offer to the Trade, AyilOLESALE and RETAIL. L. R. VR1ST0H & CO. DR. J. II. MeAden, DRUGGIST AXD CBElBBt, Now otters to the trade a tall stock of luWs Extracts and Colognes. EatflBli Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. SngllBh, Treacn and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS CaretuUj prepared at all hour, Rth nlcnl ant day at ; " , ' J. B. KoADXirS :- , fe f i Preecrlptlon Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' Extra No. 1 Kerosene ASD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene OU, from a West Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will oum. C. West fc Sons, Baltimore. For Sale fey DR. I H, McADEN.-SoTe Agent, , . .CHARLOTTE.' If . . r1 ii.V Jj.ij! ) -.ml !..:! niT hi . i Mai . I fR i'! win ,;! ., -Mli I MiUM 'Mil Mi iOil ill H jj in IK- o.u,. JUST RECEIVED. A full line all grades ready-made LADIES' UN DERIAIEAB From the Ifanufacturers, and will be sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those $1 Corsets left, at 60a, at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Nov. 12. ob&tt0t Sec. 100 Boxes Tobacco, fN 8 TORE. "AND TO ARRIVE. PRICKS TO L Suit the Times. Call early, as tt must be sold T. tL uAlTtLKR. ACID PHOSPHATE, THRESH FROM THE CELEBRATED MART- JL land Fertilizing and Manufacturing Company, oi Baltimore, now in store ready to deliver. T. EL QAITHER. CIGARS. 7A C(( 1 HAVE SEVENTY THOUSAND 1 U.UUU. fine cigars, which I offer to the wnoiesaie iraae cneap. MACKEREL, O N CONSIGNMENT, A CHOICE LOT OF ana V9 tsois. or uacKerei. WAGONS. A FULL LINE OF WAGONS OF THE BEST raako. No kiln dried mmber in . them. All warranted for one year. Call early as prices are advancing. TO ARRIVE, AA TONS ACID PHOSPHATE OF THE BEST uv brand. Orders taken now will be filled promptly. ALL PERSONS T"VUE ME FOB GUANO, WAGONS. AC., ARE -s reouesiea to ca.li at once and settle ud as limner indulgence cannot De expected. jan.y. lilUa. tL iAITHJR. SMOKING TOBACCO Tobacco grown in Western Norths Carolina Is noted for its good smoking qualities, the best of used in this brand. Ask: your nearest merchant for a sample pack age; or, if you are a dealer, write to me for drew lara and wnoiesaie prices. Address i. S. TOMLINSON, Hlekorj. H. & jan 21. 1. BBOOKFIXU. A. W. LUDOU. CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. G WE take pleasure to Inform oar friends' and the public generally, that we always hare tn stocK a complete assortment or CHINA AND CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE AND LAMP GOODS, CUTLERY AND SILVER PLATED WARE, i WOOD, WILLOW AND TIN WARE. ANJ HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY all of which we offer at the lowest possible prios. We are enabled to giro SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WHOLESALE BUYERS tn TINWARE, CROCK EE T, GLASSWARE AND LAMP GOODS. We aai the TRADE to gire us a trial, as e sell KOOds m low as Northern House., ORIGINAL Orders by mall promptly executed and any ln- vasHtwavM unuta wui ub GBwnuwy giyen. ,!' ! Tew iw8Detfnlly. , J. BROOKFIELD k CO. xJSlittchcs antl 3leielirg. GREAT BARGAINS la Jewelry and tuur Ooods, Gold and SUvef Watebes, Sllrer and Plated Table Ware. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVER AND 8ILVKR- P LATEX) WARS GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Oold-Head Canea and everything you want J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 P. LASNE, from Parte, Ranee, WATCH and CLOCX MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. Trade 8treet, oppoatte imt Presbyterlao Cbareb, NktOray Store. Every kind of reoalrs made at once at half nrlm: and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring, Sllver-Platlng and Oali vanlzmg made at short notice and equally as good M iiew. wOTiaoneigrinemae ax low prices. Apprenooe wamea, witn premium ana zoo eferencea. Repaired work uncalled for wfll be aold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. IN STORE AND T O A R RIVE. CAR LOADS MOLASSES, 3 " . M FLOUR, J - " BACON and HAMS, J - " POTATOES, 2 " " SALT, " " VINEGAR, PACKAGES SODA, kegs and boxes, ijt PACKAGES LARD. 50 BARRELS SUGAR, 5Q SACKS COFFEE, GROoU AXLE GREASE, 150 80X153 S0AP AT INSIDE PRICES. MATEB BOSS. marl JUST RECEIVED. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES. FLOUR, MEAL, BACON, HAMS, LiRD, CANDY, EARLY ROSE POTATOES, CIGARS & TOBACCO, ONE CAR LOAD CHOICJE FAMILY FLOUJR MADE OP SELECTED WHEAT, Pot tip in Quaftfer and Half Sacks. Gflaranteed to Give Satisfaction, Wholesale and Retail trade GIVE IT A TRIAL. ,; A Fan Stock of Groceries !... . - . . . ... : . . J . : ALWAYS ON HAN a I ASK THE PDdUC Generally tb Give me a Trial In connection with the above, we are receiving on consignment BUTTER, ' EGGS POULTRY, , FLOUR, , GliAIK. : MEAL, I Itet prices. Orders fill coiwlguuieuu solicited. Gwcer & Comaisdoa Utfthnt, CHARLOTTE OBftRTEB BUILDINa. ! .-.it:'i i;;a- ,. r j..Ieb.88. . f lOOO MORTGAi&E DEEDS i ( i AND FEE SIMPLE DEEDS The Observer Office iOOO QNE OV THE MOST ONE OF THE MOSrp IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES ftf OlA nlnatAAnfh nantnnr onA AnA v-i. rank with the Invention tA the telephone the e'wi. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE! ThiA nntnnAifnri nnaaMOAa thA nuutKim.ij,.,i.i. - - i - r .viuiMhauit Healing Properties of any known agent erauloTed SORES, WOUNDS. CUTS, BRUISES, f-Imflamad and abraded surfaces, and for-: ALL SKIN DISEASES. Its cleansing properties remove all Impurities that hinder the formation ef healthy lietth, Had the work of cure goes on to completion with the most WONDERFUL RAPIDITY. Let no family be without a bwof it in the house. Physicians extol its virtues randtb8 'thousands -who have used it unite in recommending it. Beware ot counterfeit. Ask for Henry's CarboUo Salve, and take no other JOHN F. HENRY, CURB AN 4 CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R Wriaton fc Co., Charlotte. N. C mar4 rlCAs v Aim Million Dollars WILL be paid for KAON, at ihe nlehest market price, by WM. 4 R. TIODY. Paper ilanuracturers, Charlotte. N. C Received This Day, gUTTEMCK-S CATALOGUES for Ihe Spring BUTTERICK'S METROPOLITAN FASHIONS for March. B UTTERICK'S PATTERNS for SLirch. 1 rjrHE Catalogues are given away, upon persona application, or mailed to any address upon receipt of stamp to pay postage. As the the Cata logues are furnished only once in six months, we respectfully ask those who get them to take care of them. We have "Popular Edition" of much larger size than the ordinary catalogue, In this the pat terns are shown to better advantage, and the de scriptlye letter Is fuller. This edition we sell at 15 cents, by mail 20 cents. Please note that It is not necessary to cut from the catalogue or Metropolitan the picture of a pat tern that may be wanted, Send the num'-er and size of pattern as given In the book, but do not cut It. Patterns from which the pin has been removed will not be exchanged or taken back. TIDDY 4 BUG. feb. 19. Charlotte, N. C. The Wonslcr of the D;i)! NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SEEN! People Cannot l.eallze Until they have called and made an examination WHAT REAL- BARGAINS In Miscellaneous Books ' ARE OFFERED BY J. It. EDDINS. F FVE TTUNDRED lOPIEtf i?g Hundred Copies Jut Received Call anfl Examine whether you Wsh to Buy or Not. EVERYTHING f HE BOOK AND STATl'.'N . E&T LIKE CONSTANTLY ON HAND At Prices ihaiDefy .Coniel i i ion . DON'T FOKGET THE PLACJi, The New Book Store, NORTH TRYON STREET. feb. 29. UttsccUaucons. ASA-INYrffiR, PmiUdii SCOTCH AMD AMERICAN Irons, RICHMOND. VA. otbbrTfecialtiks, AalTaiiae Iron ConJcex, Winds w floods, Stc--letc., ArcliitBetural Work it 6aM and Wrrnght free, License of HyatT Pai nr Irta Eigftts, igents for Silicate Faints '. . AND AGENTS PGR . Carrier Patent Shcei-Irn ROOFING. CoBsIcnmejitt of Old Railroad Iron Wrought St Cast Scrap Solicited. ssstr a m. n n mm m. m r m a sL mm mm ma sv ss V mv Plffi Joe, 2 i&wtf.