uminnwin iTintn n if n HI I'm imnri r ... f - . - . . . ... : .. ! aije f)arlotte broet. f i SUBSCRIPTION RATES : ay, om year, (pottrfmUQ im mSmmet..... giz Months ; .... ; . . Three Months. ... ......... One Month -1, 3. Txrr rtu v u irv mwtv- t S8 00 . 4 00 .2 00 . 71 nai b8H t-oroaghlj flmnllwL wLi mtuj needed f&W&ftT94 every wxmklt tDmov: WW. (ta - tOtmm .4a 00 . out (fihe oovty. postpaid,: .. . .w. i 1 six jfontto.....7kHt-Y.yv:i.j,;i.4e... 1 fjQ DftT II Ml VOL; XXin. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNKSDa'V, MARGH 24, 1880. NO, 3,45J. PBOGRAlfMES. HANDBILLS. iMPirci MI IT 1.! TT? " ! : . ,: : .... ; .... ... : W7YU - - -tt : w i i . . - i II iiniii" y rt i ..r..i!'- . t I I w x m BIS BATISTE D ALSACE; TALXNCQINMS WILTING j r l i i ' ' ( - LANGUIDOC, POINT D'ALENCON, BRETONNE, BLACK, FRENCH AND BUGLE FlCHUES; " i : i T V r r- vau JAfcCV-8;C$f CiD BROCADED AND FAS CI NB: RIBD0S8; r RED, GREEN & GOLD CHECKED TABLE DAMASK, (something rich), LACS LISLE GLOVES, EMBROIDERED TIDIES, BUNTINGS IN PLAIN 4 LAC E EFFECTS, LUNCH CLOTHS, &c., Ac, 4c, at ALEXANDER & HARRIS'-. mar. 14. $00ts and glxoz&. SPRING STOCK 1880. COMPLETED ! OUB SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, II A I S AND TRXJISrKS Is now Complete. We -redetermined to sustain our former reputation for seUlng THE BEST BRANDS Of goods, which every? sensible person' knors Is the cheapest In the end. Please call and see us before buying, fjr We will deal fairly and hon estly with you. PEGRAM 4 CO. March 11. 1P80. Democrat and Home copy. Boot,. Slioe. HAT AND TRUNK ESTABLISHMENT, TRYON STREET, Xext Door to Dr. J. II. McAden s. :x: If shoes you wish to buy, Call at Aslel'a store and try ' ! : .His boots and shoes bow well they fit; Also, hats and trunks, so cheap for cash His prices are exceedingly lowj Cash sales, small projUa his motto; It member, when you wish to trade. That mjneyavad sne'made. , . . By purchasliig at Ariel's store Yu save full ten per cent or more.-. Pwe the fact; you'll find in time More truth1 than poetry In my rh) me; So go and rj hloarltou falL : ' . 3. Hiving connected mvelf with the above ""'we, am Slre tbat my Q,t frteng and custom- e's ":n 1k better suited and for less money lhao DR. GEft, HtACITfO 14JTED TO THE EYE, EAR 1 THROAT OFFICE WITH DBS. JONES ft GRAHAM. eD. 8-dl4w3 ,i rrt. . .m RO. D, GRAHAM, TN the8tate and TTnitmt r Coojl: Collee- IftUi WW fej-loMl senlee WHhA'fett! ' B flk-a-l nt Wa Mirf 1 n or Mnmrr: 3! L 1LL EVEUi 5-B (Soofls, IrtMttQ, Sec : JUST OPENED! The handsomest 1q of : v. DRESS GOODS ., AND . ' T R I MM I N G S Ever exhibited in Charlotte, In all the new and attractive styles and shades. Silk Fringes In Black, Seal Brown, Plum, Maroon, Light and Medium Gray, E'cru, Gens d Arm3 and Navr Blue, Black 1 y jet and Moirrhlug fringes, THE HANDSOMEST TO BE HAD IN NEW YORK. . , . - EVKKT L-DT EHOCLD G-TOHSOF OUR PARASOLS, The most beautiful ever brought to this market and .ranging in prices from 23 cts. to $15. OTJR Li DIES' NECKWEAR & FANCY RIBBONS CANNOT BE EXCELLLED. Call and see the Pers'an Pattern of Table Dam ask, the newest and prettiest designs out. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO. marlrt NATURES OWN REMEDY A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOO D, UVER &KI D NEYS7 CURATINE, For Blood Diaeuef. CURATINE, For Llrer Con iplklnt. CURATINE, Fot Kidney Pluun. GURATiNE, For SbeajButUm. CURATINE, For Scrofula DUaaae. CURATINE, Tor EmipcUi, Pusplei, Blotckn, tie. A medicinal com pound of known value combining In one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the the I Aver, the MiAmmym. Harmless in action and thorough in Its effect. It Is unexcelled for the cure of all U-oI Xim ee such a Hero tela, Tuiiwr, BU, Tetter, Salt Utf ., urial foiaoiii-Mtr, also OwwWjmiWoh, gemtimn, Bom Stom ach, Mtmtrnnttom of Vrinom ese ASK YOUR DRU66IST FOR IT. mBEOWfliMimro. - e Md. Nov. 15 d-W 1 rr Pebbt. Houston County. Ga. We have known "Swift's Syphilitic Specific" tested In hundreds of obstinate cases of Syphilis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, etc , and testi fy that It made the most perfect and permanent cures in every case. Hugh L. Dsnnard, Gen. Eli Wabbrk, Sam. D. Killkn, J. W. Wimbkklt. Judge Co. Court Db. J.C. Gilbert, Drug'L J.L Wakrew, of firm of J, W. Mann, J. W. Lathrop ft Co., County Treasure. Savannah, Ga.. W. D. Piebck, Sherh Ed. Jackson, a C. Dvncan, DepTCrk. Sup'rCL DAT ft Gordon, Wm. Bbunson. We are personally acquainted wl h the gentle men whose signatures appear to the above certifi cates. They are citizens of said county, of the highest respectability and character. j A. 8. GILES, ' Ordinary, Houston Co., Ga. D. H, CULLER. Clerk Superior Court, Houston County, Ga. I am personally acquainted with the Droprietor. and also with many of the gentlemen whose slg natures appear to the foregoing certificates. They are men of high character and standing. A. H. COLQUITT, Governor of GeorgJa. i Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC -COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. Bold by T. C. SMITH and I R. WHISTON CO. Call for a copy "Young Mens' Friend " feb. 26-dftw.lm. ". flflSTFTT )rA W CELEBRATED The Bitters invariably remedy yellowness of the. complexion and wmtes oz me eyes, pains in fine right side and under the right shoulder-lad., fnr rn tnnmm. hlcrh colored urine, nausea, vertigo. tftspepsia, constipation, heaviness of the head, mental despondency, and every other manifests, tlon or accompaniment of a disordered condition of the liver. The stomach, bowels and kidneys ftloxijertence their, regulating and tonic infiu- t or sale by ail Druggists ana ieajej gpnerauy. pilE WASHINGTON GAZETJ'E, , Published t4eeilMtaFeviSuddaV aivtn. a. full resume of the nreeedln- week, news of all nattoaal topics and general Intelligence, be sides, being tne only BSPBESENTATrYE'SO UT SJRN PAPER .There pvy, UNaUonal J)emooratleiIirty. 1 ' 'lb friWnSarT miMlahar tit th MfhTunnl V. i ioui i'a'L,,.'-;..,1 ,i i- Stacld copies, one reap, postage Md, njiMMrnn aaaresa. oosiaee Daia. Mn BML 4 Il-d4K8S. DMUurei pal-. r Twenty oodusi, '- rv vv,- r w -r w""t-- . - T - . - - - T HA tfIA KWlth eoRfi fire ihe perso. seeariiigUw dubay mat luixner ini'ia- w uu , GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 822, Washington, D. C, or the Editor Dee. 23. ll I I II 7K I L, .. r mm mm - U W . IK mm I 1 BJH s.n u ii ii ii n i ?a 1 1 it i ii i WA II II J l jn ii r i . i 1 0i , WaitlBg. "All things come to him who will but wait," But ah, so long the eemlng is delayed! So oft the buds of promise droop and fade ! The heart Js weary grown and desolate. I wait ; with sobbing bxeats and eager eyes, In longing hope theeemtog shall be soon; -But maddenipg discord mars life's once sweet tune, - -- - From broken airings no harmony can rise ! I wait; witL folded hands and drooping lids; I breathe from pallid lips, I am resigned ; Comes back in mournful cadence on the wind, VNelonger wait; forever Fate forbids." I cry aloud in anguish of despair "O Thou who gaveat life, recall Thy gift, Forever temrjetose.i blind) t drift. .The grave has peace; ah, let meAodlt there!" The cruel, mocking words T hear again "To him who waits, Hope's harvest sure will come." With dull despair I listen and am dumb, For well I know my waiting is in vain! OBSERVATIONS. Motto of sweet' sixteen: "In this sighln' "we conquer." "The darky's hour is Just before the dawn," re marked Sambo, when he started out before day break to steal a young chicken for breakfast. "flump!" said a young gentleman, at a play with a young lady, "I could play the lover better than that myself.'' "I would like to see you try," was the native reply. "Oh, hubby, dear, I've called you twice, Your dinner is quite done." "Just wait a moment," shrieked the man, "I've got 'em all but one; Thlrt no, that's wrong, by gum!" The spring poets caught out in the recent drizzle will have to choose some other subject By George, now we come to think about it, let It be Love. No body ever gets tired of love except people who have been married a year and street car mules. A son of the Emerald Isle, meeting a country man whose face was not perfectly remembered, after saluting bim most cordially, inquired his name. "Walsh," said the gentleman. "Walsh Walsh," responded Paddy; "are you from Dublin? I knew two old maids of that name. Was either ol them your mother?" A young New Yorker was introduced to a Boston 1 gin, ana Deiore mey were acquainted tairty min utes she got so spooney that she had called him an astrolepls,. a Silurian placold, and a cartilaginous vertebrate. He returned to New York by the mid night train. . "Why do girls elope?" is the very Interesting query put by a contemporary. Well, there are vari ous reasons, the principal ones being that the girls are displeased with the way their mothers do house work, and some girls have an Idea tbat they can support husbands. And a good many ot them have to do tt, too. "There's something about your daughter." Mr. Waughop said reflectively! 'there's something Htboutyouftlaogbter " "Yes," said old Mr. Thl- tlepod,- "there Is. r had noticed it myself. It comes erery evening about 8 o'clock, and it doesn't get away usually till about 2. And some of these sights t am going to lift it all the way from the front parlor to the side gate, and see what there's m re Jsuriingion uawKeye. -r rEJttSOIVAL, Alt D QKNERAL. . I 1 r . . 'Clorents' Uayis, the"1 bigamist,"" at tempted to strangle nimseii jn iaii at ijnicago, x naay nignc. jriis tinrteenin wife is en route to Chicago. . The engagement of Edwin Booth in BolonV now progressing at the Park Theatre, is sensationally successful. It is probably the most brilliant he has -fever made in J?ew Ingland. The first through car to Port Royal b. C, over the Cincinnati Southern Railway, with the Tort lioyal delegar lion irom tne recent celebration, ar rived there, Saturday, thirty-four hours irom Cincinnati. Mrs. Belle Sage, of New Albanv.lnd sues Aibert Sage, her brother-in-law. for stealing and carrying awaynernusMnd who has consumption, and is insured lor $2,000. A petition, signed by over 1,200 wo men or Cincinnati, prayine tne Uhio Legislature to enact some Taw which will take the control of the public scnools out of the bands ot ward poli ticians, has been presented to that DOdy. : Rev. Stuart Robinson, D. D., of Lon isville, Ky- will deliver the annual ser mon before tire Young Men s Christian Association at the University of Vir ginia, June 27. Brick Pomeroy has abandoned jour nalism and greenbacks, and become, a devotee ot nara money. Me is mining in Colorado. The Massachusetts- legislators have been -polled as to jrrrsiaeirttal prefer ences. Of the Democrats 21 are for Bayard, 10 for Tildeh, 10 for Thurman, 3 for Seymour and 3 for Hancock. Of the Republicans. 41 favor Grant. 37 fox Blaine, 33 for Sherrnan arid 36 for Ed munds. v Dnring the pei-brmance of each opera in which she sang tn Vienna recently, Adelina Patti received about $7 fur each working minute. Almost any one' would be willing to go through a little stage fright for such pay. It's equal to an Indian agen cy. Gov. Marks, tf Tennessee, was a poor. boy .who took care of a widowed mother, and, unable to take a college1 course, made the most of the training he found m a common scnooi. lie was a cjon- federate officer, and lost a limb at Mur- freesboro. The New Orleans Democrat estimates at more than $100,000 the loss of mules and other stock in the Ouachita Valley section of Louisiana from a disease produced by the bite of myriads of gnats that invaded that part of the State Jately. Manager J". H. Haverly was robbed of ar valise containing valuable articles and papers worth $5,000, at Providence depot, in Boston, Saturday night. While being checked by a servant the valise was snatched by a thief, who ran off with it. The Tew York Herald states that an order has been-received by the Win Chester Arms Company to make from, fifteen to twenty million of cartridges rfior the Chinese; government. This is ithe first order, it is said, ever given' by the Chinese government to foreigners for the manufacture of cartridges. A ' Petersburg dispatch ' says reliable information received there, contradicts' stfe reported duel in Bnmswick county; ra, -between k. a. itainejv reaajuster, and Krchard Jolly, debt-payer, xne par ties have bad no difficulty, and the ac eouritof the duel, which appered as a letter in the Richmond $fbfsh was. writ ten fgy sgnaational purposes. : ; . ; A mass meeting "of workirittten at St. Louis, Saturdayjirgbi, passe reso lutions f-alHnff on Conerressmen io vote for legislation' to insure tile enforce ment of the eteht-hjay law.Pn gov.epim: mehrJ work'i declaring they . will dp everything in their power fO stccofn-" piigh the.poHUcdestfuotiq. of any Congreaimatr' -Who1 -peaks against ift and demanding the creiiUon3f-au tionai bureau or iarxir-statigtics, , ! i Tn:ni A Val Studem's Liickj-- tcky inyftntian. UC'I ( IaIJ a prodigy. T.PT iriie in-flfoircteis'iias a prodigy, liume. this vty7l Yeiilion for siting fleur y the,apphcaf tioalof frictional eletArtcftr Has patented, ana jot. xne ns"m. no ireaqyceen nTier-p" vsfJ iT eXLCLgPren tllHr' IjateWaentoiSPawy. Prto LA. Dauphinv X TUuiona itAWiWi VtsoU ll43rlea-ipr R;; Mien. - --M, jsj. ??-&. 'uut the VoJUle,BeUCa. J.anluir, Mich. wiiii thtr litad 3ro-voitaic ueit .If l.'UUU " .. .. . ..M to' toe afflicted upon 80 days triaL 8peedy ean-s - guaranteea rney mean wnat iney say. wnw hi them without delay. nov. 15 ly. what Might have been. The Storjr M a Proposition Which AVaj Coing- to be Made to Bar the Western North Carolina Railroad. MaJ. W. A. Heameln Baleigh Observer. In the progress of a long series of in ternal improvement articles, written in the Observe' during a period of six months last year and the year before, I succeeded in attracting to North Caro lina and our State system of railroads the attention of gentlemen of capital and enterprise at the North and North west, And in the early part of December last communication was established between us on the subject, and for quite four months now they have been con sidering our railroad system as connec ting Beaufort harbor and Wilmington with Cincinnati and the Northwest, through -the- Cumberland Gap region, and have made a painstaking and sys tematic study of the internal resources of our good old State. They were gathering, in this-ajvte information that should enable them to submit to the regular session of the Legislature in 1881 a proposition for the purchase of the State's interest in the Atlantic, the North Carolina and the Western North Carolina Railroads. To these gentleman, an extra session of the Legislature, with everything cut and dried, under executive supervision, for Mr. Best and' his associates against all comers and bidders, was quite as great a surprise as such proceeding has been strange and mortifying to the greater portion of the people of North Carolina. Nevertheless the parties referred to will make a proposition. They will make a plain, business-like, cash, com mon sense proposition for the purchase of the State's interests in all her rail- 4 roads, and if the State shall accede to tneir terms they will extend the West ern wortn Carolina Kailroad from Asheville through the Cumberland Gap to the great valley of the Mississippi. I happen to know intimately well who they are, and I know that they aggre gate a capital of wealth of more than one hundred millions of dollars, one of them alone being worth, in his own right and name, forty millions of dol lars. They will not propose to pay the State for any of her property in mortgage bonds issued upon the same, but for the State's interest in the lines of railroad named they will tender the cash upon the treasury counter. They will not propose to build the Ducktown railroad, nor would ahy pri vate Capital in the world seriously con template the building of that line, but the State should. Therefore, if the State, with her convict force, will grade the road, bridge .and trestle it, this company of capitalists and rail road men will tie, iron and equip it, and divide with the State the earnings until they are reimbursed. For all convict labor the State may have at her disposal, this. company will pay the samefprice for a given amount of work as they pay for any other labor, or, if the State shall prefer, the penitentiary authorities may take con tracts on the same basis and for the same price as other contractors bid for railroad construction. . , I trust 1 have been too long and too earnestly engaged in seeking.-tl-fr -promotion of North Carolina works of in ternal improvement to have my state ment of what I knowi be facts-ques-tioned, and if our politicians and pub lic men have not already transferred the people of the State to Messrs. Best & Co., under a deed of gift, I trust the Legislature will not act until the pro position above alluded to shall have been made and considered, and I ex pect it to be made on Monday or Tues day. CONGRESSIONAL. ASPIUATIOKS. A Survey of the field in, the Second . District. WUmlngtofi Eeview. So far as is known 'but pteee actual candidates tot the Denroeratic nomina tion for, member of Congress from this; district "haVe "been announced. These are A. M, Waddell, recent iucumbnt, Maj. Cbas. M. Stedman arid Hon.: A. A. McKoy, Jt..ha hpp knawn for some time past , tlmfc Maj. ,Stedorian and Col. WaddelfW--hr Hhfe -field but it has - only recently "been stood . that Jxmge Mclvbrs . nare woiridbe uSed. The first positive in tinaation , that we have had that this. 1. is t named gentleman was in the fieidi was derived from the Goldsboro Messenger's Clinton . correspondence, and' we publish the eiippine on the -sec ond page of this- issue as furnishing in formation on, a matter of generai inter est at this time. , Besides the threei names mentioned above we have hard others spoken of. Maj;:. McClammy s friends m Pender ountvareiurein bis nanie. Mr.,J. GLScott, of Onsroty, .it is said wants it and so, we understand, does-a Bamrst preacher in Sampson county, Rev.-J.' i. fetewart, tvbo, 4U ad- jl,: , . , ' J r . I. 1 union to oeing a miniLr oi nie guspei is also an excellent awyer; iWp.have also heard mentirmed Col. H. B. Short and Capt John.WElMg, of Colunibus, and Maj; Jas; McRae, ci; Payetfe ville. not as actual candQdatea for- the norainitiijn but as possible dark horses: Previous to the, bringing1 1 f drattt. of Judge UeKof gfttom t M-Mmda, the contest undoubtedly narrevred i tsfil f to' two candidates. Messrs. Wad- dell and Stedmarbut vrhaffect Judge MctvOy s appearance n.tne ooursa have we are unaoie to judge, j The Outrage Upon Dr. Pix. ' " " - Tliefe Is" a astn9u In ime and, ihe modeT6f 6pressirigtriialiCBjby the use of tue mans is mucn in iavor at tne pres ent time.. The most despicable coward of the day seems to be the creature who has for some time been subjecting Rev Xlir4 Morgan Dix,, Rector of Trinity Par ish, to numerous anneyances by forged communications dropped into the mails in this city. Letters of inquiry to prom inent manufacturers haveoukht f rota all part of; the cqnhtry brtce .lists of articles ranging rroiafl , a tiwestiagi ma i chirie to a patent deor-loekrf matrons of female seminaries have, replied to in rmiries , about Dlaces . for - cirlsi- distin- J guisbedi 'mtoisters have responded ,'tp been prepared, pawnbrokers and dealers in cast-off clothing, have . nastened to accept bargains which were fiotc-fted, fend sucbMnfet ehants as the Amoldjjj3$4 7ffdgf 0UJ4n tave been; astbniafieaby me reception uj. nxKuiwguig iubui with impertinence i:toward.t man to - have never alluded except in terms respect. - ' ' ' " " it .;. TT ..:r:iLZ i L n; '1 rWhenthe ease or tne uuerierence 01 tne vomr rkdeastciwl the grea;4jMtCTani 'ostal Order malt aaaresea to Tne axHusi-ao' otahAGoiDmlesioners on bebatf th RtAtfl of Louisiana, so ably deiended tne pet institution of the Crescent City that the Postmaster-General has rescinded bis order of inter ference in time for the next drawing, April 13th. WINTE TO MAKE 400 Fine all Wool TO ONE UNIFORM PRICE, $3.50. Other lines in heavy fabrics, also, February 28. jpirnnn NEW (SOOiS AMi& MMM Look for BETWEEN (3teIIQ: we are Entire New Stock And we are ready to exhibit, without a shadow of doubt thei most compete and finest collection f DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, ETC.,; ETC., 7 T3:.T HAS 33 SEE OUR DRESS GOODS, ! SEE OUR WHITE GOODS, SEE OUB SUAIMEB SILKS. FRINQE3 & .TRIMMINGS, BEE OUR BROCADED SILES, SEK QUR MILLINERY, MILLMERY, MILLINERY t ..... in this Department we excel our own efforts of forme.' seasons. . :; 1 . " . . . . . ' I ' i ' 100 Pieces ef Nttolngham Curtain Laces and Cottage Drapery, New'Cffpets.'NeNy OIl tI6ths,'lfrew jte'ugs. evernning. uur -totning ana nac ieprcmer Gent's Furnishing Goods ol every description.- Our Grand Spring and and evervhodv. most esrjeclallr the Ladles, are cordially invited to convince themselves whether e Botwd an or our ixjm3XHJ liuoua were purcnasea last in a condition to compete In price with any first class March 19. 1851. TO Twenty-Nine Years Experience has En FT 'TT rt J C THIS SPRINO THE LARGEST AND MOST IDry Ever differed to their customers learn our prices. . " mar. . ,Jj1 i 1 1 ' And to make - room, for them, DON'T.. BUY UNTIL YOU SEE THE mar. ihu: too well known to need further comment Call for the purest and best Chemists of national reputation axtenuon oi pnyai icuis tmtou u u vj w m u ' I.;.'-1.'--' "T1.!:.! .' '. ... 1, i: 1'- i';n ' . ttt : . , . ,77 , r.r.r r . . i i - i . rn I I t mL L ' ' - - " - W - - " - - " - W H mWmm, 1 m mmm mmm I . OothiD and V''FTj.:0'''fi I : J -1 i " . . j til -' "i. . ; rii r TAA'NC Y (iKUJWnEb 1JN Till,tArdioi eim n,.j biui ' V.l.r. . -1.!.,ti,H4nii .in . j Ehl,rU'7njIw ,ore o-J io (i;b u i unemicai er J 1 ; .. T r .1.1.1., GREAT CLOSING SALE R . i I V I , t;:t 1 El''' t : J'l Fi,! j;v;.;lul"i7 ll Il.illlilill i olojE V7 ,, I1L.,, " A1 BL. n . 1 ,V , XxVl ROOM Cass. Pant8''Kuq'from$7,9(Q16ift 7 will be sold at a invito prompt Very respectfully, SACRIFICE, attention. H88ID. ommrn our teind Opening lay THIS & APRIL' FIRST- Respectfully, - : - - tt( Again before , the public v . , DlP3fl(Bfi of Gop-ds for Spring and Summer, S53pC?T, 3 Q TT C3-3I T see our Satins, kite nrm icfnTHfTtr NfWTJr.Tnta. SEE OUR FANCY GOODS, SEE OUB HOUSE FUB- . NISHING DEPABTMEIfT, are repiete wun jui ine ove:nes par me season, . ,- . Summer JOpening Begins. ovenlDe, establishment tn I Very respecttuily,' THE .1 1 1 ,1 TO PTJtCHAE or. ana amuy ouods. aunouen ooueni laieiy. weni ixroaii ecw-iv spi mimm w. r - the Oatted Stojpai ea, ft ,t ,1,..l!ii-..- ,Mio I , - 4 ' . ' rs. Nearly all lKrgbt! before the recent advance. yi j. ,1 -. . ;.' ir 'WE, INTEND TO LAY IN A SEJJfiNDID STOCK OF .7M I ... :. .: -.-111. Kl." 'HIJ 1. W ill;;seU .clur ' jeMocK ; mmlWfixi .:. . . .. ..-j.' t.iU 'j'm'-'. ' REAL KAL;;i3AKIiAliS, I -ir.du '"- i v!M.t vritoiin whi-AI to o?mo11 i jyvif oiTc oi albfli nr. eto nnn ia i M f tuizrers, the book with testimonials from all section. Also recommand It, as Prof. Doro-KU, of Se.i To , and wnuuig J any srJ.g 'l..i yiua'oil uJ ". !ii '--Vir ;ii)1o jii'jLifcyi'i .!-.Ei7 " t,ai'-I l-iij; ,ln;nlij;,l i;iwiou. ) Qpi.'! -.::;k .-r. -uiiM: J.l.ill !'! i-l lloiti.l'J'I ni iMinj ! .:ia uI ul yv .! ibiil Mr.l ii-. A:: Mini i: JJjV lii.r'I a d i t il) oloj 5'N r.V. nlj- v-'iv i-J j n i fiiiiw.iti The opportunity is rare, and we E. D. LATTA & BRO. .Mr.: ..1 'i 1. ine Clothiers and, Tailor, 1 j : 1 . 1 J with an 1 n 1 TO-THlS nil 1 M' SEE OUR LACES, . ... . .,. Mil ' SEj-bHCflt-afr!AGiyEs, , . .. i ' SEE OUR LND3tClErS', '" , i 81CCBl--BlfeEmE9,-,11NI j , . . i,:l,.8njOi2B: FARASOLS,'! i, mill Nw Mata, New Matttng ft bewtydei aaa contain me verynnesi uooas r ' ' n -.i oiiuMoniiaC ilie " savtoo iriiicB of bur Stock ' Bear hi mind - ! . .... . ... JKI.I i ii;.; Uj'')l 1.'VTlfl,- manuutcuireu. . .', ; hili. ,y.lnl .11 1 whtkovyskx &. BKtroir;!.;: 11 ii lrif o Hi;) 1 ) rt i j i i m m; 4.- the.OId'Hse pf ! 1 6t. ; Ji .w!j.ihMi ,ii; j i'jiiiii;hi vii;.!-,IT') ''ll T-i'iVohi: lo ,'ili:J !.( I l.U.ll it J Jiini''ilnij iiimiii '.l'U;V,H 11."' Iwillonf) J 111 In prjeet , ( DiabuyA until, wujs asdr gij:l ki iioibiibliio') ,feyilliu'. 1 'WHl .-... ...... 1 . ..1 1A t "Ml m J m.. . mm ,, f -1 --!',. t T kv I..5I 11 UU Jl' '.- V otlll . i. . . ii COMPLETE 1 .VI .iloiIJiiO fdJ ol .JiikI-iI lo flu ,iiilni mi ni is4 - v .o !..- pj.-ft Vf tnlfirltT v. lfol .'sl1UHino'J ) l., i'Ii; 'T n'tlbUU lUi in ,tji '"nnninii - inn ri iai riiiiu:iT,-w Kill iH.irKii :ih JLLLLU11IUIMUJ rt.ij I C'.Ul i vj j i .MHfui,.i' i ..... , I Uliii. il If, I.IUUJ1- u-j-j'j CfJ,l uuii.Ja-gji-- .feili;hibni:'j koi11 Azenti f gTERLING BIKING POWDER, onfl ottjar. aAUrliB fAU jtkj jrxry xt 4 t i 'if I; r: -ir i: ! -' 4' !''.'. It I' ',1 i ' i, 5.1 'i i ' s1; 1 1 1 ii I ' '1 i f.iii iti f It i- '5

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