(jlje (Sljdrlolte Wbsimtc XoclL INTELLIGENCE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1880V KAILBOAB SIBICTOKI. The following table "trunidMOf passen J trains to nd fro Charlotte, on all the rau ger rfs (Wellington time) Arrlve3from Richmond and Ooldsboro, 12.80 a. ns ESS Km Richmond,.:...,., Il3f S Leaves for ir-? 430 p. m ATLANTA dHAfcLOTTX A1B-LDIK. . -iveg from Atlanta,,, ; 8.50 a, ixv I K for Atlanta.- tjjo a. m irtves from Atlanta,. 4L2rp. m Leaves for Atlanta,.,-,. ....... 11.17 a.aa CHAKLOTTX, 00LU1C8IA. 4 AU8TJBTA. Arrives from Aagnsta,.r. ; . 4.00 p. m. lves for Augusta,., 12.85 a. m. Arrives from Augusta..,. ...... . , ......... . . 8.40 a. m Leaves for Aaga;;. .. ,. ;..,,,, w.. 11.20 a. m. caboua CMTkiL. ' ' Arrives from WllmlngtoB,. -,...i....i. 8.20a.m. Leaves for Wilmington, 8.25-p. ra. Arrives from6helpy,,v i ; . . j 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby 8.40 a. m. ATULSnc, rtmrissa a ohhx rrives from Statesvule, . . J . 9.8O a. m leaves for Statesvule.. 4.00 p. m "wttBtCCTIOPIS. War Department. office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, March 23. 7 50 p, M. ) For the South Atlantic states, clear or partly cloudy weather, southwest veering to northerly winds, rising ba rometer. I, oral lteporl for Yesterday. 17 A. JM2P.M. !9P.M barometer, Thermometer Kelallve Humidity, wind Direction,... ' Velocity, Weather 29 877 57 58 a W. 2 Clear, Highest temperature 67 deg.; lowest 45. ludex to New Advertisements. Lt-Ki'y ravldson Cigars. 1001 E PENCILINUS. ' i:.i:u r eggs are scarce and come high. There were no cases before the mu nicipal court yesterday morning. Everybody in the county is hard at vyotk preparing for crops. The farmers rejoice in the total' dis appearance of the cicctdula exltiosa. A skating rink, propefjy conducted, would pay very handsomely jn Char lotte just now. Considerable attention is being given no grape culture this year. It was a fruitful source of revenue last season. Before Justice Davidson, yesterday, llattie Ellington and Eph. Long, both colored, were arraigned for carrying concealed weapons. They coul ln't pay costs and were sent to jail. "Every now and then a fellow comes to town who has never seen the 15 puz zle, and when the boys want get rid of him, they turn htm to it. He invariably ticks. Mr. Ford's company will leave the Xorth immediately after Easter for another Southern tour, expecting to be in Richmond the early part of next week and in Charlotte shortly after wards. Several watering places will put in bids to entertain the Hornets' Nest Killemen and Governor's Guards during their encampment next summer be cause the boys with their brass buttons are expected to attract the girls. The relief association will hold a monthly meeting in the Young Men's Christian Association room at 4 o'clock this afternoon. A full attendance of the ward committees and their respec tive chairmen is desired. The board of trustees-of the-Female Institute met last night, : but took iio iiction as to having the railroad em bankment cut down at the request of the Carolina Central Railway Compa ny. They adjourned until this evening lo allow the examination of the grounds. Old Major Dead. An aged colored man, well known in Charlotte as Old Major, died Saturday niffht. Old Major was a representative oi the old fashioned free negrtvand he was not known by any sir name at all. lie was about seventy-three years old and has lived in Charlotte the greater part of his life. He had been very fee pie for several years and death was to hi in a relief. Ilis politeness was some thing wonderful. II open of Pardon for Fraaeeo flood. A letter from Mayor Osborne, who is attorney for the woman Frances Hood, who was .convicted of infanticide at the last term of the Superior Court, and sentenced to be hung on the second day of July, 1880, says that he enter tains great hopes of her pardon or com mutation by tue Governor. Mayor Os borne is now in Raleigh. v The woman is reported to be sick in, the jailJiere, and the jailor says he! thinks" she will hardly live until July, if she is not re leased. ; . lt turn of CiuciaoatiExctirionitv. Messrs. G. 13. Worth and J.H. Currie, merchants ot Wilmington, " passed through the city, yesterday evening, on their return from the Cincinnati ex cursion. They report that, among, a crowd of Southern merchants estimat ed at 3,000, North Carolina was repre sented by four or tire from Wilming ton, no other city in the State sending -my. Six invitations were received in. Charlotte, but no one wehfc 'Over.&QQO. ere seated at the grand , banquet, ana the Cincinnati people were most hoa l'itahle, tendering tickets to many of the Southerners who desired ..to extend tlieir trip over the Northwest - -. mm9. - r Mecklonburff Pre) tery. Mecklenburg Presbytery met Thurs day eveningit Dallas, and elected Rev. 1'. Gammon, of Asheville, modera tor. Rev. Mr. Cnrbett. of Union church 'i Gaston, and. Elder Scott, of the First, - voujieimii cumuli, vj. vuia wy. T J 'aae eierfcs. J. e. Hurrotigns senuBws. resignation as treasurer of the Presby t( i y, and Mr. Ed. Burwell, of this, eity, 'vas appointed unanimously toflU his l'1;iee. James Williams was licensed to ,leach. and appointed -evangelist for fie mountain country during the coni Jg summer. Rev. Dr. Miller, of this ;lly, was appointed, as standing evan "ehst to thanjountairia (krring thesum j."ers. Morrison church, in Macon, was just appointed as the place for holding' f thai n?ifir :of l"at church conseuted to its bein heM . !lt a more convenient place, as the Prfes l ilme and W, ILDavis . to preach, for nJth, next Summelh'Maco XBotl buainesg. occupied the greater part; - r-re8Dytery'8 time? ',11 renBeu III UflTnM. i. t session until VestexdaV. !uts noih .noolntoitwag uxedi'tne pjice f& 4v h(!rnbhn(r , frrun : t.irt.-A Wart twrtdaV " S w .tliek.,boiaea-.ibyf'UKilolwwlns or liOfctoos to Bestttofie the considerarloo a SXJ!2ala. MaawWeJm- to take i..,.?h Mn but ake. Dr. 13 nirctlonal effort t once; Price 2 ,een.rs.; -J4 80.081 29915 48 66 1 34 N. W N. W. 8 10 Clear. Cl eaj. "laing the next meetraffirf tn4-presby- "Bmg the. davof i iba week tor at 1 Wbat Blr. Keogh Hu to Say off Poll. m wwenuaai of General i f, to Parttewlar. ',: . i WmB. Keogh, sQcrptary of the RaJEepUcan committee,was reg istered aft ihe CentraLHotel W M be J cottMtoe seen ift MsimitbPWas told ww, woma pe Dess frfcit until the 1X)St office and mint. . - . .-.w..u fvnu o tail a. Whenthpy were lowered4he reporter Approadiexi;uid was assured by the cpurteous and confidential tone of the Secretary. . ; The reDorter aonrnaphpri l"w1 1 1 ga from the small end bj inquiring what nwDlociu5 8,i;uauu) ior ine second place'oji'theriational ticket" U)i. Keogh If a Southern man ? is nominated, Settle will certainly be- the? one, although there is not a great deal of probability that a Southern man will be run. Reporter-Do you think Settle is Grant's choice? I have no authority-for saying he is, but the idea of the Grant men is to eliminate as far as possible all questions of North and South from the campaign, and Settle as a Southern man. would be very acceptable. ' Reporter Colonel, a good many Re publicans in this city think that the Utica convention declaring for Grant is simply to give Mr. Conkling the op portunity at Chicago to have himself, or the man he shall name, nominated, when the popular objections to Grant fiud expression in the convention. CoL Keogh That's all bosh. Conk ling will be at the Chicago convention to make a big speech for Grant from the chajr. ; Xobody can count less than 440 votes whieb are already assured for Grant I should not be at all surprised if he was nominated by acclamation on the first ballot, bnt, anyway, it won't take long for the opposing delegates to fall into line. Reporter They say Grant can't carry New York State, and cite the opposi tion of the New York papers to hi nomination. Col. Keogh On the contrary, Grant is the only Republican that can carry New York. As for the opposition of the metropolitan press, it is well known that Dana s violence is from personal considerations. ,The Times is hot for him, and I have reason to believe that the Herald is at bottom for Grant, and that its pretended opposition is simply journalistic coquetry, to draw out pub lic opinion and preference. Reporter Well, Blaine is the next best man, ain't he? Col. Keogh No. Republican senti ment indicates Washburne as the man. In the event that Grant is not nomina ted, he will probably receive the Grant votes. Rut this contingency is too re mote to discuss Grant will be nomi nated. Why, everything indicates his strength. A third term don't amount to anything; and the cry raised about imperialism simply shows bow strong he is. The other prominent candidates all have organized bureaus in Washing tonGrant has none. He is remote from the contest, and all the noise for him is spontaneous. Reporter How goes the Sherman boom ? Col. Keogh He never had much of a one, except among the officeholders, and they begin to see how the cat hops, and desert him. - Reporter Do you think that the fa vorite, Grant, can command the Ger man vote? Col. Keogh Why, yes. The Germans who have been howling so, are all Dem ocrats; and even if every German in America was opposed to him, I believe that even the Democrats themselves would rather see Grant elected than brook their dictation of a candidate for the Presidency. The reporter begged leave to think that the Democrats would not only brook it, but jump at it, and, growing bolder, inquired if the colonel's busi ness in Charlotte was political,. He said that it was not1 but that he came en tirely on bankrupt businesF, (Col. Keogh is register in bankruptcy,) and that he desired to return, if possible, to Greensboro yesterday evening, on the 4 o'clock train. The colonel seemed to be confident that the North Carolina delegation would go for Grant in spite of all that has passed. A Poetical Tramp' Letter. "Boss Strong," the literary friend of "Red Buck," received the following let ter from the absent poet a day or two ago. White Sulphur Springs, Va. . My Dear Friend : "Panca -.Supra Re petam." I will take a short review. This is the mind vent of Cateline in the Catelinarian war. The California belle, Isabel Gazelle, my last best production, brought me $2 in gold here. This is my best lick. Its a three-line poem. I send you the first lines: Where the red wood towers Amid the golden cowers. . Sleeps ihls beauteous thing. What think you of it? You can see the high slang at once, I know. Dear Boss, I wish you to write me a short, wierd, mystic poem, and send it by return mail. Do it in twenty-four hours. Go at it in a maddening style. It takes a wild tiger to write for our American people at this stage of things Peopie here treat me kindly in my musical, poetic, oratorical rneander. Dear friend do remember the poor ex ile. It seems that God has ordained me to be the strangest of strangers, but I am smart enough to write a volume of high-toned, embellished poems ; that is my pride. My beloved friend, St Paul's speech' before King Agrippa was compiled while in prison, and it does seem that jeopardy and ostracism belong ,tp deep; ary iriena ana you nave a lenuH wui' passion for me. P. S Alf. Tennyson gets $15.00 a line for his poetry. We are. ail creatures of imitation. I know yoa will see the trick, Is there no- pathos as well as absurdi ty in the letter of this curious wanderer?..,,- .:: ':: Occident on the W. N. C. R. R Day before:yesterday,.when ,th east; ertt ftmrld trait on tha Western; ortli Cafolinai RallraUJJsasibeut R thm miles this side-eX .3pnover, .tbe 'SefcdMi cartrr-jtb th&ehgina struck vadbttifcen rail -and - wasutlurown fiam ther track,? carrying wittf mhe rM pf the train ex oejtlie car next the engine. The train was, composed, pi,,nr8t anuv peco a paiaangnr firri frrv- ai-tw -w running at the time, of the accident across a sfjofclfc flB, at aboatthe rate of fifteen miles an hour. The passenger nnra fell over olithe'iT Sidsown the Lfill, but, wonderfuLta relate, no one 'Was seriously in j ureu. a iex ui uiac wathe amount of ilie damage to-indi VUUaiS, OUU tllO Uttio aio oaix kv i. total wreck. The passengers got on the car next to the engine and went on to Salisbury, whjfchH&ereacbed on time. Tragedy at Uaffney. Ju cprrspbiideriti al' IQtaei .Jiti furnishes afewartlculars of the re cent tragedy,-enaefcedi ta' that plaee. HpnryXittlejohn and Henry Sarratt lcou?ii!S..tt virinKing. Auimyuii-r "bettliO tvlflibiit't an V $fiPHU!Ueaim kLittlejohn stabbed: Sarratt in tne neaa, the knire penetrating two ami Inches into the skull, arratt has not gppken since We sifsfy,AM V&h is lit tle hope of hisrecovery. X.iftlejohn has been arrested and Is now in jail ' 1 electiori,lii(;thfli wri ou the question of nnt. thfl sale of hauor should be licensed,' the Wcttqn xesultliag lit f torntiriedryjwcst. THE SECRETARY'S Vl'EWS. AIT1EEIA EINKJOAWS ROMANCE. A ST ,Ive and ReYenge, with a 1 : ' Sequel. The story of Miss Amelia Linkhawi- "j '"utowu, woo suoc ana Kiiiea Kd. Hartman in the parlor of the hotel in that town, was tried for her life and ac quitted on the plea of temporary insani ty, is still fresh in the minds of the readers of The Observer. But the romance of her life does not end here, another and a pleasanter incident hav ing recently been added to a career which began in love and ended in trage dy. During the period of her confine ment in the jail at Lumberton, when the only companion she had was her child, which was borne after the enact ment of the tragedy, she received many letters from sympathetic persons in all parts of the country; .Among her cor respondents was a man named Little, who is renresented '.as a custom house officer st. tuned at Sullivan's Island, near Charleston. He became deeply in terested in her and wrote to her repeat edly while she was in prison. On the night the trial was expected to close, he was ou the Island, and in attempting to reach Charleston during the preva lence of a severe storm, that he might hear at the earliest possible moment, whether she was to live or die, he barely escaped being lost by the capsizing of the boat. After the acquittal of Miss Linknaw, the correspondence was kept up, photographs were exchanged, and a proposal of marriage was made and ac cepted. A week ago, Miss Linkhaw, accompanied by her child andoneofj ner sisters, lett JLumberton and pro ceeded to Florence, S. C, where she was met by MrvLittle and the marriage ceremony wasuietly performed. The three, mother, child and husband then left for Mr. little' home, and here the story, for the present, stops. meeting of I lie Board of Aldermen. . The board of aldermen met yesterday evening. Alderman Dowd presided in the absence of the mayor. He stated that the meeting was called to consider a petition from the Carolina Central Railway Company asking the passage f of an ordinance granting them a right- or-way. ror tneir track over A street. As the whole question of the right-of-way., for. the railroad tracks over this street was involved in some Confusion, a commmittee of the board was ap pointed to investigate the matter, in company with a civil engineer of the Carolina Central Railway Company, and to report to the board this evening, at 4 o'clock. Alderman Dowd was ap pointed to represent the mayor, who 43 ex officio a member of the board of trnsiee8 of the Female College,, at a meeting of that board, which was calk ed last night, to consider the question: of cutting down the railroad embank ment verging on the institute grounds which it is anticipated will be necessa ry if the right-of-way is granted to the Carolina Central Railway. Alderman Maxwell called attention to the danger of pedestrians falling in to a cellar under Spencer & Allen's;gro cery store, on the corner of Trade and College streets. It was ordered to be fixed. Chas. R. Jones appeared and present ed petitions for the establishment of a graded School. Consideration of these was postponed until the meeting this evening. Being Rewarded for His Labor. Mr. Butt gave another exhibition of his panorama yesterday afternoon and again drew first-rate audience, mostly of ladies and children. He is to appear in Monroe to-night It is said that the panorama has cleared him over 61,200 since he left Charlotte a few weeks ago, and he will make as much more during the next few weeks. Prompt action. It regulates the bowels cures Diarrhoea. Dysentery and Wind Colic, In fact Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup acts promptly and effectually in all cases. Price 25 cents a bottle. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MARCH 23, 1880. PRODUCE. BiXiTixoKX Oats quiet; Southern 47a8, Wes tern . white 4748, do mixed 45a46, Pennsyl vania 47a48. Provisions easy; pork 12.25a.50; bulk meats loose shoulders 4. clear rib sides 6, ditto packed 6a74; bacon shoulders 513, clear sides 7?R, hams 10Vfcal2Vk. Lard refined tlercesaSVi. Coffee easy; Rio cargoes' 8al5; Suga-; steady; A soft 9. Whiskey dull at l.U)il.ll. .Freights firm. Chicago Hour steady, unchanged; extras. 5.25a 6.00, double . extras 5.76a7.00, patents 6.00a 9.0O superfine 4.25a450i Minnesota 6.50a6 50; Western spring 5.00a5 75.Wheat geaeially higher; No. 2 red winter Ne. 2 Chicago spring 1.1 5Wt 1.1 cash, 1.1 Marehvl.l5a April. l7l6 bid for May,' Ho. 9 do .04al. Cor higher; fresh 86, regular 83 cas, 37Mayr- 87$fr Jone rejected 34. Oats Quiet at Jtfe cash and April, 81 May. PorktilEherat 10.40 cash. 10.4214 ADrU.10.57Va May. Lard higher at 6.83 Mi eash and April, 6.97V3 May:-Bulk meats higher; shoulders 4 00, short ribs ft36,hert clear 0.50. Whiskey steady at .1.06. CiKcfKlTi Flour dull: family 5.758.00. fancy 6.15a6.75- Wheat dull at 1.28. Cora lower at 40. Oats steady at 37a38. Pork dull at 11.50. Lard dul at 7.00. Bulk meats in fair demand; shoulders 3, clear ribs 6 35, clear sides A.7&, bacori-dutt: shoulders 4, ribs 7t4. sides 7Vfe- Whisker steady at 1.04. bugar firm ; hards 10, "New Orleans 71 aSVa- Hogs quiet: common 8.50a4 15, light 4.20a4 40, packing 4.2.0u450, butchers 465a4.5. " ' NswOBg Southern Bout dull; oorotnOR lo fair extra 5.50a6. 10, good to choice do tt.loa7-50.' Wheat closed lower; ungraded winter red 1.20a 1.41 Vs. Cora lower; ungraded 53V3ID8V Oats lower at 41 V&U2 for No. 3. Coffee quiet; Rio in cargoes 13al5i, in Job lots 13Vfealrt Sugar dull; Cuba 7. fair to good refining 7a8, prime 8i: refined steady; standard A 9Aa. Molases firm; New Orleans 40&60; Porto Rico 35a50. Rice In good demand: Carolina etysavVi, SangoeR 6ai. duty paid. Wool firm; domestic neee 0D65 pulled '83B62, unwashed I8a42, Texas 2iao. Pork dull; old 11 00; new 11.75; middles steady; long clear 7, short clear 7J4. long and short 7Vfe. Lard closed stronger at 7.40; Whiskey firm at 1.10. Freights to Liverpool firm. COTTON. Galvkston Steady; middling 12l&c: low mld .1214; good ordinary 11; net receipts, 285; gross ; sales 300; stock 47,259 exports coastwise 1,630. A-. 1 rf:AiW ? '.. Nokfolk Quiet, middling 13c; net receipts 871; gross ; stock 26,117; exports coastwise 598; sales 368; exports to continent . Baltimork Quiet; middling 18J4C; low mlddl'g 12c; good ordui'y 12460. ;' net -reeerpu ; gross 119; sales 90; stock 16,505; exports coastwise 25; spinners -; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent Bostox Dull; middling 18c: low middling, 13c; good. ordinary 12c; net receipts 228; gross" 232; sales '; stock 18.131; exports to Great Britain 701. Wilmington Quiet; middling 12Vs; low mid dling 12Mac;good ordinary II 9-16; receipts 239; gross ; sales ; stock 4,913; exports coast wise . Philadelphia Quiet; middling 13 Vac.; low middling 1814c: good ordinary 12; net receipts 8: gross 33 U sales ; spinners 305: stock 16,531 : exports to Great Britain . Savannah Quiet;; middling. 12t low mlddflnr 12c: good ordinary llc;.net receipts 959; gross ; sales 1,500; stock 41, 710; exports, coast wise ro&irttaent-sreat Britain: Naw Oblhans-Quiet; middling 12; low m'.d dMng 12c; good ord 1); net receipts 4,800; I gross 4;43o; saies4,uu; swvit zi ,uio; expuna r Great Britain : coastwise . Mobile Irregular; middling 1 2c; low middling 12Vfr; good ordinary 11; net receipts 121; gross j sales 500: stock 4H378; exports coastwise 77 ; Great Britain ; continent . IfSMPHis-Quiet; middling 121&5; receipts 1058; shipmenU 1,589; sales 1,850; stock 99,- F ADOTBtA-Quiet; 'nrlddlrng t' 12c; low mid aTmg 124c good ordinary llc; receipts 118; shpments ; sales 174: stock . Chaklkston Steady ; middling 13c ; low mld- n continent . Saw York Cotton easy; sales 631 :, Middling Utflamta IS 8-1 0: Mid Orleans 18 6-J0;ut receipt IdeTgross 1,300; consoUdated net rec'u 8,099; exports Great Britain 70r, contlDeht . LrrxBiwL NPO-Cotton firmer. , Middling Up- landi,!T'16d-; MWdiuur uneaniwa, sajes it nodi, saedulatloil M)00. American 8, .i.iui Hoi immvw ADril 7 9-82dv Apru ano aw ao, mar nu wuiie i -16d,1une and July 7 11-32. o-loall-ad, Jaiy and August 74, ll82aoV August and Sep tember 7d, September and October , October .filing 12&; gooa orcuna Eoastwi8e ; Great Brital and November 7d, November and December . Futures steady. FINANCIAL. New Tom Money 1.06a& Exchange 4.8&U. governments weak. New 5' 1.03 Four and a half per cents 1.07- Four per cents 1.06. State bonds quiet and steady. Nkw Tobx Stocks weak. New York Central 1.29 Erie 44& Lake Shore 1 08 Illinois Central 1.05 Nashville and Chattanooga 93 Pittsburg nova Chicago and Northwestern 95 " ". preferred.... 1.08ti Ro!k Island 1.81Va Western Union. 1.07 Alabama Class A. 2 to 5 50 Class A, small, 03 " Class B, 5's 93 Class C, 2 to 5 73 Sub-treasnry balances Gold $1 04.498J171 Currency...- S5.511.47w FUTURES. Narw Tokk Futures closed steady. Sales 139, 000. March 18 .02a. 03 April 13.05 May 13.23a.24 June 13 .40a. 41 July lH.52a.53 August 13.60a.61 September 13 .23a 25 October 12 .39a.41 November 12 .04a.0H December. ; 11 .99al2.02 CITY COTTON MARKET. Omci OF thk Orskkvxr, Chaklottx. March 24. 1880. The market yesterday quiet Good Middling. Middling. Strict low middling. . . . . Low middling. Receipts for the day. 113 bales. 12 12Vi 128 121s CHA1U.0TTK PKOWCE M.UIKE7 MARCH 23, 1880. COTTOH Ties New, per bdle 2.50a2.75 Spliced, ". 2.00 Bagging, per yd.. ... Ilai2 70a75 ... 70a75 70a80 50a55 Corn, per bus! ih'i. MKAL, Peas, qats, shelled, . Bacon N. C. hog round 9 Hams, N.C 10 Hams, canvassed. ....... llal2Vi Bulk Miats Clear Rib Sides 794 Labs, per lb. 8al0 Gorro - Prime Bio. 15al8 Good. 14V&al5 Btbtjp Sugar-house. . 30 MoLAsaxa Cuba. . 30a35 Sugar Syrup. 85a50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common .... 40a45 Salt Llverpoolflne 1.25a2.50 Coarse 1.10al.25 Sue ah White. lOfealUfe Yellow 8al0 Potatoes Sweet 75a80 Irish 40a60 BUTTKR . North Carolina. 1 5a25 Eggs, per dozen. 9al0 Poultry Chickens 15a20 Turkeys 50a 1. 00 Ducks 15a25 Floo-- Family 3.75a3.85 Extra.: 8.50a3.65 Super 8.25a3.3s 2ettfXxrjcrttsemcuts. - ... -.w TRY THE BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS INTHE CITY. The Pilot Brand AND Thf Solon Shingle. :o: f f HEADQUiRTERS FOR THE RICHMOND GEM ARETTS. ONIOPTSETS. marSi tisROY DAVIDSON. FOR SALE, A Splendid Boiler, FOR MILLING ,OB OTHER PURPOSES. Apply at THIS OFFICE mar23 lw. Wholesale Dealers IN :o; MILLER'S PATENT, PARAGON, MAGNOLIA, CITY MILLS, COTTAGE, U Guaranteed to Gift Ifll . SalisWon. R,M.MLLEBASONS, College Si Fourth 8ts. raai21 BULWfSOi. MY OLD FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT I II AVE REMOVED ALL MY STOCK OF BOOTS and SHOES, :: ACKNOWLEDGED TOBE AMONG THE BEST IN THE STAE, TO THE ELEGANT STORE ROOM, NEXT DOOR Wittkowsky & Baruch, on Trade Street Jan. 31. Stew JUST RECEIVED THE CHOICEST STYLES OF SPRING PRINTS AND OTHER NOVELTIES. WE ARE Closing Out all Winter Goods at the Old Prices, although they have Advanced 25 Per Cent. COME AND SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. GREAT BARGAINS IN MENS, YOUTHS (Spacer tes. LKROY DAVIDSON'S 50 B XES ORANGES, 25 BOXES LEMONS, BBLS. COCOANUTS, PUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN ANY QUANTITY, Orders from a Distance RESPECTFULLY marld . SOLICITED. :o: 50 BBLS. CHOICE N. a MOLASSES, 50 BBLS. PHI ME N. O. MOLASSES. 100 BBLS. CHOICE CUBA MOLASSES. 40 BBLS. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. 40 BBLS. CHOICE SY: UP. at SPRINGS & BURWELL. maris. New Year Greeting ! SPENGER & ALLEN. THANKING OUR FRIENDS FOR THE LTRER al patronage bestowed en as in the past, we beg to Inform them that our stock of ' GROCERIES ROCE&IES ASS PBOVISKXNSi ROTIStONS 4s now complete, and we am prepared to eSer special iaduceaanU to dose burem,- and tama we can make to their interest to see ks tefort rurchasuig elsewhere, tLL ORDERS - WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT LOW EST MARKET PRICES. f i - . a - i We are aata lo lh weTJ-kaown brahds- el Rooklmrfaan. 4 4 Bheeting and Pee Dee Plaids. GlveusacalL SPENCER ALUM, p. Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merehantst Corner Trade and college streets, . Charlotte, N. aRtfSaJBSO Ian. 6. J. tpLPnong (EkokiDriDs H. AND BOYS CLOTHING. BARGA INS -LN- Ml. ittull AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICJL My stock Is very large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Omos far nlture. All goods packed free of charge. jextr jtXxrjertisjemjetxtB. HDP A PIC 13 Stops, 3 Set Reeds, 2 Knee U flu HllO Swells, Stool, Book, only $98. PI ANOS, Stool, Cover and Book $210 to $1600. Il lustrated Catalogue Free. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. AGENNTS WANTED For the Best and Fastest Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price re duced 83 per cent National Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. TAPE WORM INFALLIBLY CURED with two spoons of medi cine in two or three hours. For particulars, ad dress, with stamp, H. EICXHORN, No. 4, OL aiara s riace, ew lone ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon ferial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Mar shall, Mleh. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 175672 New and Old Standard Works in Every Department of Literature; Al most given awav. Catalogue of General Litem. tore and fiction free. Immense Inducements to Book Clubs and Libraries. LEGGAT BROS., 3 Beekman St opp. Post Office, New York. mar23 4w CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. . DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience In hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure fa all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz: Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impotency (loss or sexual power). Nervous Debili ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., all resulting from abuses In youth or excesses in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured In five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured: Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians ot Baltimore. Special attention given to all f e male complaints and lrregularties. All consultations strictly confidential and medi cines sent to any address. Call or write, enclosing stamp for reply. 8epti0JT NEW STORE. TIN 1 HARDWARE. Have lust received a splended stock of Heatinc and Cooking Stoves, consisting of IRON KING, COTTON KING, ELMO, PALMETTO, And the Celebrated Eaoelsior Cooking Stove, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, frnc, Solder, Wire and Tin ware of an kinds. Tin and Sheet-Iron work promptly done charg es moderate. RICHARD MOORS, In the Democrat Building. : Charlotte, 1TC. Nov. 10-dBt JUST RECEIVED, L1RGE LOT CHICKENS, DUCKS & GEESE, and tfao finest, pure blood . ; Bronze Turkeys IlsT OTBCE! STATBt S. tl. HOWELL 1880. SPRIHG. 1880. If LH3HTENSTETN, of Cbarldtt. N. C mi It A. neunces to his Friends and Customers that -I his Samples tor Spring OoUung hare arrived and an ready for fauroecttofl: As he Is well known to the neoDle of the ettt and vicinUT. it tanemimnta mention merits. . xotaf . orders are respeeU uRr ae- n. M.-xneomnry rusnioenor March having sfrived, ther enable the styash dreeeex, te- aelaS sbmetamg new. Call and see, and leave your or der.' . mar5 TO MO Y EH. 9 o MORRIS & BROS Feb. 16. THE PUBLIC WILL TAKE NOTICE i TkaiU0r deroftkePostaiaster-eeBeralagalBst the Malls of the Loalslaaa State lattery Commit it RE SCINDED. Registered Letters aai Meaty oners eaa be teat tareagh the Mails as fanatrty. A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNTjY TO WIN A FOR TUNEFOURTH GRAND fiftSTBlBUTlON, CLASS D, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, April 18h, 1880-1 19th Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature- of the Mate for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, mm, TH nsv or twkntt-ftvk TXABS, to which aontraot the inviola ble faith of -the State Is pledged,' which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise In the new eenstituMon adopted December 2d. A. D., 1879, wit a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has slhce added a Re serve Fund of $350,000. : "T . Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION wrll take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales ot postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution! CAPITAL PRIZE; $30,000. : " , 100,000 Ticket at Two Dollars each. HaIl-Tlo ets. One DoUac LIST Of PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize........ .....SSOjOOO 1 Capital Prize.. ;, .10000 1 Capital Prize, : : ;. , KfiSd 2 Prize of $200. in...:.. 54)00 SPrlzesof 1,000... ....... .. 5,000 -20 Prizes of 600.. B . . J 0,000 ; 100 Prizes of .100.,..;.. . .10000 200 Prizes of 60. 10,000 600 Prizes of 20....,,.. ......10,000 looo Prizes of ia...7!...v....I....iooo APPROXIMATlCN PBJXSS&i . t 9 Approximation Prizes of $300. $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes ot , 200...... 1300 9 Approxtmadoa Prizes of 100.... . 000 1857 Prizes, amounting to............. $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents : wanted at al l points, to whom a liberal eompenaattoa wiU be paid. - Write, . clearly stattag foil addaesi, for -further Information, or send orders by express Of m a Re gistered tetter or Money Order by mall, addressed only to ; . ' M. A. DAUPHTN, . New Orleans. Leolslami. or same person at , i. so.' i w uroaaway, new gom. All our Grand Ixliaordlrjarr Dmwhurs mm nndr the supervision and managemmt( General' tt. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Euiy. , - . v M. R This Company has NQ .AGENTS la. the BRITISH POSSESIONS. ai3 all 'MrsonT dm- lendins to be so and sollelrins esdara bv eimnTnra or otherwise are SWINDLERS. mar 9. Authorized by the-Commomveaith of Xenmcky, and Fairest in the world. ISth. POPtJLAB, MONTHLY DRAWINef OF THE .. . ,'.:( ,:i ti'.- ' Distr ibntion Capnj AT MCAJjttTB TDXITSX, i ' . . IjitteCUyotLoaiaviaaiM WEDIXSBIT, Xkjt&Ml ,.1880.-' These Drawlnaa autborizadW A4f f thsj Leris- lature of 1869, And sustained to ell fee Oasou of Kentudry -cecqr regularly onthelast daaee.ri month (Sundays eaaeHedVand az auperrjbed by prominent etOzeoso Urn etateiJ'''-iip The Management call attention to'thi inkd opportunity presented of ,obtaiataaa fp rtfli SsV THE FOXLOWTjn FRiZEs: r , j , ,.! - ' . a , , i ! ; . .- .i. ,ii 1 Prize,,.. 1 Prtze,.. rTrf!''! l mze, 5.000 10 Prizes, $1,000 eaci-.y.H.wTiaOOO 2A Prize., fi00eaeK.....,v..v. 10,000, -OQ Prizes , l0Oacll;44;.v.I0.t)0(!' lOQ Prizes .' inoa.Ji:r:. Jll 'In ftOfl' OOOPrtzeaj lOOOPrlzesv 9 Prises, taod eaan. Atreravimitrjob WPrtzea, :20ft. mt TUH, loo ;.f leomaiaad, item Yerk AstaMk and walled to u mnwuen. oena ,mu un nT mnnnT a tank draft in letted er br resa.1 OrderT of $5 andlipjraids.by eiitieaa, eaa be sent at tnt ea- nat Bulldlrig, Lotosvllle, Ky., at No, 163, Broad way, New York. March 2. Prizes E2.700-