v fMBl i i '." " ' - . r-a;i'iA.-..--. . 1 I' iilii II I 'i 'til MM in ''is; 5! ;"1 1! if '!!!! lit;! if: f I :il if, 3 'I il1: iS'II WEDNESDAY MABCH 24 .-1880. THE COMING STRUGGLE. i T a laOBINSOI SPEAK Tllden Does Not Desire tlie Nomina tifat JBpt Would Accent It 4Wh Gr ant tjaanot be tne sianaara-uear er of the KepnbUcan- iov-iior Robinson AfflUa ConiToiMlng:. r Special Dispatch lb the Philadelphia Times. Syracuse, March fiL.-LlW Syracuse Courier will tfwnorrow ornijsrg con tain aithefaiiciand authorized inter' views had bv its reporters with Hora tio Seymour ml re-kyerHiMIatus Robinson, iff reifttiofr to ttiS political situatioji in geneta, aod in particular to tne fjjreaenr; auxmion ana prospects of tUaiemocrati party 4n the btate of New York. Mr. Seymour is a close ob server, and. standing aloof from the tur moil an&strife Off politics, his MeWs. are partulrihtelsanglnaimpottr ant Innstotflapnwla do you thlnktyf itiT contfition of the Republican party V Ex-Governor Sey mour said: "The Republican party, both in this State and in the Union, is demoralized, amMtoqirrrecrembiigyoung and active isv -iL. sLi,. Do you think Grant will be nomi nated at Chicago V "I do not. I have no idea who, will- be nominate f cr Pf esidtfitibjr the ? Ke puDiicans, out uiey wui, in my opinion nominate some new man, whose rela tionships are .as vet unknow n. TJie his tory! of fliHKMu$i!c4n; parsyi lias shown thaTiEsstrong men have gener ally failed to receive the nomination for President. When Lincoln was first nominated for President he was com paratively unknown, and was accepted for Ui6 fr-eMotf that no : one knew what his views were. There was a bitter op position to his renommation lor, the reason that his party ,nev him (better. bo with urant. When he was nomi A 1 f . -- J a f t . nacea ior j.'resiaeni, uie nrsc time no one knew, what hja 'politics or policy Were.' 'Now ttiat both are known there is'a'bitter contest over him, and, in, my. tjamiottnJceM in securingthe nomination. Xhaause of this statelet affairs pmka tfctff act that thi Repablt can party-is made-tm of -discordant ele ments, men who are wild theorists. They range in religion from-BishepH Simpson down to Robert Insrersoll. and in business matters from the free-corn- mercial ideas of the business men of JNew York to the rigid high tariff ideas of KUey,c iPwiiioybyania. fin thtrj rpia f riivS f f government they raiefH)ii ib AArdans dt-Mr. Blame, m WW fcnaethiB what he calls a atei4ignitiitloi,hert th minority of tne popm uvmg in otates witn small populations can govern the maioritv bsKould not be nominated I had firmly me power ana patronage, qi tne ttenata,. while another cuss of JBLepublicans, rjpJ resented by joutfnaflsiike the"New Yo$. Evening Post, wish to keerour general il. .. J 1 . . " government within ,Us due iimitsn a satisfy such party; made ' iip of such uiscoruant elements, it is necessary to take up men as thej dld ln the "Case of Mr. Hayes and .others mentioned, who are so littt& 4rtrtwtr thm no section of tne country can take offense. "I do not think that anv of the candi dates for the Presidential nomination now prominent will be selected by the Republicans at Chicago. They are all too Republican for the Republican par ty. I know them all personally, and I have more kindly feelings towards them than large sections of their own party: foave, Add I feel more respect for their characters than mahy of their po titicafe; party express with regard to their morals, their fitness and thefrbbp ularityTo r -if "Gov. Seymour, haveywu an idea who will be nominatedlor-Presideot-by the "IGcia5aB et Precast the Action of theTQjoprajyiBartyf nrAave thos spoKrrDfin cpjioectio .with theuosn inatton ror the pfesideircy clearly made up minds fchntthay wish to be put upon the ticket I know but Jittle about the curreh4f poHticai events, as I live in a jetixed.wa, eeefcqt Tew people arid read but few journals. My views are of little or no value, but it fooks to ma asitlhttatfft'or'WDetfoCTatic Na tiqnal ConYentioft must in a great de gre tQ 8htoe4 ly the course of events. ajHl partaeuiarlr.bT the ctioa, of the nefd first . Salar as .the men afe ton ce.whoara.sftoken oJtin. connection with thno. rresident by the Democrats, r feI .Jdndly towards them lhwad CM'gWelh'air, t haift WfTTEfV day has gone Dy-wnen 1 can take an active part Jl"iO,W the condition; of theTJemocratiowrty- n the State?" "With xegartitttshe 'Democratic par ty in New York State, while there are unfdrttinate differences, they aredrlft "Vt w thd past and are getting be hind .the party in its course ifli the f u- 3mOfl8r. the RepubUcaii ard brealitfi out along the pathways. befdrfeiXajS Alios who have Hn prominent i iffhaprng, lpoUcyof, thfl,JCOiocrat ic party arelarettlng old and infirm and are jng oubana as ram tne oldest I i?? TOaukraamoag the Deraocrali afd OVer oia men and it or ttm JS3:!nWheth? i j i 1 tccouncoi men who are dead vtaeaaa and whn ipart o; HIV life .in ABlSriiiaiWVr cau a5lui r.)WPW T.ijiSSderetL afly of jttftteYwribeeB oTOottehor allayed I fpughtWtte't'nghtsover Clajv Cass, Van Bunadotneraand before I knewlt iney.weraallAaiL 1 1. is, Ani- ish wyotrii .man b,waato their time m mm is n nsmirs4nrwigo' mr nrf a. liODinsou. whose .residence is. pleasWsJrtAoii VfftiM sfegi in fhb city ftf Elmira. The interview witn nim nasnMxuBotIf theaWre of a talk, in wbih,tIe4toV!enkpVessed tionjast fsili4 iwianufi "Astti, HS'-Emve Wvl'ews past three years and I now intend to taksgfiprf long rest without b&rJ in"?i inchbout polittS k. i .mimri sir mi n sw 'gar tvvw XVe.f!WPWJes of the nartr nMtM amnotiAfaVoVnt5 of tWflDbtffotraoY 4t uioumtjywiejcisert) xor tw jtgma; tytoed;, duty -and oot' prssASi ujisii s.. -L, , . iriu t ss iisiss sjsi sisBirsw sbth tsim in ti 11 m -J .a t ' . v VWU. VJLS , - ' " ' " ' ' ' " ' - - - i r - -w SSVatUUSlUI CAsDilSlarUV ' '- it-n.' t ! r.ir.in a nairs Dreaam. xiie uigauiiawv must allowall who desirelto jour w da bo. When "the regular Democjauc organization Of the State of New3-dt abandons fta labor aft ceases lir W4 form its functions the party m the State ia-broken upaiiddemorabeo i it useiWiissas gene. The effectpf all eonventkhisor conferences, outside ol those of the regular organization of the party for the purpose of harmonizing tke differences of the party, would be simply to bring ruin to the party and satisfacJUoni to,, its opponents. There ls-nothing"exclusive, nothing selhsh in the regular organization of the J$i9f 'cratic party m 5the State of NeW l cfrk. Its door areoert for all mento act with it who are disposed to act in; good ttiltn. . , . ... - fWillMr. Trhien Ue. a cancuaate wr President in the Cincinnati coiiven Cincinnati conven- tion?" , . Thiit." said Governor Robinsod; rftfinot answer. Some time ago Mr, Tilden informed me that he did not de sire the nomination for President this year, yet from what I know of his views I should say that he would ac cept the nomination if it were, tendered him. l thmK, noweveiy ne wouiu ue entirely'Vitisfiedl if aiDemocrat could be nonateiai-QincinnajJ who would renresenthis DrinciDles aM his views and wKd would stand firm for the con demnation of Ahe monstrous trauas whio.h cheated the American people out of their rights and. struck such a4aa- isoibfcm nation of these "-f rands inust)e the key-note of the coming campaign and the battle-cry or tne coming can vass " ! : ! ' ' T GoV; Robinson conversed freely con cerning the result or tue election in New York State last fall. "I had no thought " said he, "of accepting- ev norm nation from the Democracy until John Kelly proclaimed that I must not be nominated. I had worked hard for three years and I wanted rest. I had administered the government of the StatA iinnn tho sound fundamental principles which are the foundation of republican government ana are the Dlattorm ot the uemoeratio party. l was content' to retire to private life, and when some of my friends hinted at the proposition to place me in nomi nation again I told them so. I did not desire another term, but when that fool isfe i ellQjvJ.0. .Jsfe wirork said -4hatr-i should not be renominated, that altered jnattem andJ resolved to accept the endminatioftJif ifewere tendered, me. l Knewxnarine party was aoomea to defeat when I was nominated, but knew that it would go down with col ors nvinsr. not Yieldinc one lot or orin ciple. I see that John Kelly now sats that the Democrats must not nominate Mr. Tilden at Cincinnati. They may - nominate pnybodyele" buTMr. "Til den, bt they most not nominate him. That declaration iill, J in my opinion; go far towards nominating Tjiden. John Kfelly was Tne cause of miy" nomination forGovernor last fall. Until he said I I J 1 T 1 i 1 made up my mind I should not be a candidate , t t Rererring to Gov. Sevmour. Gov. Itobinson declared that he believed him to be ineerer in his determination not to be. a candidate for the presidential nomination, jie aiaoexpxesseaiae. ue lief IKat'XJoy. Seymour- . would not ac cept the nomination were it tendered to him. "1 know that he cannot endure excitement," said Gov. Roitfnsbn, "and I ueimve LUiu tue excitement ana moor of a political campaign would com pletely break him dwn." ; "ot '. 1 STATE KEiTS. Wheat is knee high in the vicinitv of Gol(Jsboro. . . , Rfev.:DtMorston.af SU Louis. Mo.. preacneain Wilmington Sunday. Mrs. Scott Siddons is booked for the 4th the to opera house in Wilmington on the of April. Wilmington is, noW aiitating inUestioh of building a railroad Wrightsville Sound. Valentine Kurz a German laborer, near Wilmington was found dead Thursday. It is supposed that be died from natural causes Mr; X.1 J. Stewart, a well known: uMvs- papej' maii, has .commenced the re-puhlicatioai in Salisbttry of The- i& amijier. The first number shbws tlve worK or an experienced hand, and is very creditable. Winston Leader: Near Union Fac tory, in Uandoipn cotmty; on the" Cth inst., a Mrs. Sallie Shoaf fwas seen to run outrof 'her houSe with her clothing in a light blaze. Before assistant could reach her she was burnt almost to a crisp. She died about 7 hours ft.r the accident. The deceased w.is hnt 35 years of aget a widow,and leaves two little children1.1- Tbe'-catisV of this sad affair i8,1y,ejtin; mystery, asao oneknows of the dnginJ . - . Si!S?iSS,eriyt; 0l Newbera, died M a S.oli th.IQUr ink, -of pneatfln, after a. brief !-4rIhesB. She was a sister 'of;.oetors TliBittaS, Wal ter. Charles. Richard. 'anVl: .'van'te nff0 aTl.eU esteemed, piofessioHally ahi personally. Iler tastes ' weip Ifteiv ajTV, anad printed aew years ago tne small yolume of mmii ntMA Gleaalhan," which recieived ff avnraMA notice. Wilmington Review : Wb that Hon. George Davis left tho Friday night to go to Raleigh to appear uciuiu tue legislative committee in be half of the proposed sale of thft West- em North Carolina Railroad. We also nave heard it rumored that Col. Dun can K. McRae has been telegraphed for vj nie opponents 01 tne measure, and that he left for Raleigh last night to argue m onnositinn tj th .kui , giant ifcMn M there 'andklle sparKS win ny. Wilmington Review: E. Pps.a., imperial consul at this port for Ger many, held a reception at the consulate this morning in 'honor f th AirhW third anniversary 6f thft hit-Hi nf tijo Majesty, William IV, King of Prussia rCTi r . Winston .Leader' , I reached Winston that y tlieaia'oltacil'liarltonwas rowned Mondav, Jaat creek, near MudlTuI, m Davie county. underrbtteobfdltowtn Mr. Bob.Orell and.qvute a number of others .fir iwtvy to Mocksville to awwjjKu couriu in crossing the creek, Which was very high, the team raa-'off the bridge. blunfflnDr tm liiiB fescapingrbut this woman, Rachel.was Fentangled in the: wargota J cover and ftrownea, assistance being unabla Health and Beauty Combined. woman's 11 fisld's Female rwmtes.'; 01 OI 9wMea-rhBfilr fefthTIminnfl,1. Q"?-S"a'W in every lnstauue. in cTmm-J -"T llrow-neif . Woman's Best Friend." it i nAanta unoi. td thon a vrr'-rJ,ryrrr Regulator arts liirn vi B SrAfA.MTkliu.l' t ftl i liru tw TSjSWt mus. J. nSiLii. J'j, H '.Ttr! Id) ?-l'iMlA FOIt I.OVE'OK SlOPTJEr, Tbe Dicus.sion of a, oi iaI I'roblcm. Pfie--ew York limes fills two or three very interesting columns onee si week - with letter frownrt scwresfxnil-,, ems on tsuuiai lupiua uiu rofjaiuis,, .at present the matter uiicler discussion is that of young men and maidens and their relation to matrimony. Some of the letters' are very loolish, some; full of practical common sense. , Itis rather surprising to note n pvriaoptful ai.d energetic youtn now great a aegresjiqf imnortace is civen to the relation of ir- pme to matrimony. Many youths and some maiuens iaiicy mat iney cannot nwrj unless they have large revenues and enough to enable them to live1 as I Viair innrpnta dc nrfvt'I Tiu cri-sf fff ia. t"" r p'y'j began me 111 an numuie way, ana could o wramana luxurious surroundings ill fiiey were hard upon or had passed middle age. In this connection the Times publishes a very sensible letter from a young man, who tells that he had engaged to marry a daughter of n leaning citizen, ub au-iiuu wuen ne was doinga good .business and making B2,gui) ft-yaar. ue iauea, went to, the yojirigf'laaiAndproposed to release' her from the engagement. Instead of do ing so, she gave him a sound scolding made him take a clerkship at a small salary, and married him. Hard work broke his health down, atuWorya time he earned nothing but!: we must let hfmell the rest of history fthns own words: "She never grumbled, (and she s got a temper, too,) but when 1 got well ahesgave me a receipted doctor's bill as a'tonio. The money had been saved by her unknown to me. Since then I have been luckier, 1 have 7S0 a year, pay per monWnfor $ sfBctpdC4o6V in a htfuse Ivith fcvery 5 improvement, and believe that 1 shall be 8100 in pocket by January 1, 1S81. My wife is content with her lot, our three-months-old baby ? - ! 3 i A - . " is an inuueement to anymanio marry, my own health is goodI do not o.we a pen ny for my furniture' or living expenses, we have a girl to attend to the baby, go to-leetures and concerts, and certainly l have the reepept and good-will of our tnenas ana acquaintances, Don t wait till vou are rich, but when you want a girl to marry you (and have $600 a year) tell her 'so, trust her, and she will trust you-and then if - you donVget along niceiy, tnen 1 miss my,guess, Notable Senators!. The Hour, In the Senate one is, of course, better able to see and hear than in the House, and you can. easily study the tf aces and lJgUT3U UKUiyUTCB OI A10H1 IHHie Or popular report has had much to say, The left-hand side is occupied by the Democratic majority and the right hand bv the Republican, minority. Among the former one sees the cleanly cut features of Mr. Bayard. Leaning over him is Mr. Randolph, of New Jer sey a uroaa-raceu, gray whiskered man, whom some paper has recently de- scriueu, cunousiy enougn, as a uionae. Next, crouched down in his chair, is Mr. Kernan. of New York. Mr. Lamar and Senator (once Confederate General) Gordon is a little beyond. The most prominent figure on the Republican side is, beyond a doubt, that of Senator .hdmunds, ot ermont, "the watch-dog 01 tne senate.'- neisa&Ul man, with a beard nearly white, and presents a one appearance as ne stands upright in his closely-titting blue coat. No man has made a better record for unflinch ing integrity. His colleague, Morrill, sits beside him. and behind them is oenaior jioar-wjio oears astnKjnpre- O .. A. TT . 1 1 1 semblartoe to Sidney liirtletti thelJIes- tor or xhe Massachusetts bar. Two other Senators, sitting near together. present a marked contrast to each oth erAngus Cameron, with his white moustache, and Logan. The latter is precisely like an Indian chief far more so than was that genuine, Indian, Park er, who was on Gen. Grant's staff after the war. There can be but little doubt that Logan has the blood of the noble red man in his veins. It Pr.TOTTS. Expectorant ! IN 2SCTS. AND SI BOTTLES. Ita properties are Demulcent, HTnfei tiye Balsamic, Soothing and jgwUing 'mlbining sli these qualies it ia th tqost teffectiTe JTJUCI BAXSAJC Teg offered ilo olseasosTl sufierers ' . . r" U lin. HAYWOOD,-- - .of New York, voluntarily indorses It. -READ WHAT HE SAYS! Dr. TUTT : New York. Sept., 19, 1877. Dear Sir During this Tear I ntitod n no hundred e&aea ot lung d nim, In the lower wards of thr city the ees were ot t, very severe type. It Wi ther my attention Wa called to Tutt i Expectorant and I confess my surprise at its wonderful power Daring a practice of twenty years, I have novet known a medicine to set ss promptly, and with inch happy effects. It instantly lubdaed the most violent BU ox coughing, and invariably cure J the disease in a few days. I cheerfully indorse it ss the best long medicine I ever nsed. t J. FRANCIS HAYWOOD, M. D. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. Office. Evening News. Amrosta. Oa. t Dr. TUTT : Dear Sir My little son, was attacked with pneumonia last winter, which left him with a violent c ilent cough, that lasted till within s month sinca, r the oave of which I an lsdebtedtoyoar valoahis ipectorant. I had tried most every thing reeenv fort JUDeotorant. 1 had tried most every thing mended, but none did anr (rood until I used Four Ex pectorant, one bottle of which removed the cough entirely, with many thanks, I am touts truly. JOHN M, WJ2IGLE. Had terrible NIGHT 3 WEATS. Memphis, Feb., 11, 1871. Dr. TUTT : Sir I have been Buffering- for nearly two years with s sevese. pouch. Vf kn f cosnmadced ta king yonr Expectorant I was reduced to one huSSTad snd sixteen ponnds in weight. I had tried almost everything ; had terrible night sweats. I have taken half dozeii bottles. The night sweats have left me, the cough has disappeared, and I have gained fifteen po cuius in nea a. i recommena ii to an my mentis With great respect, OLIVEKKICK. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. ftosdr, hariijbti enngfrt a'&fflf 'Are jkj4 4" able to raise the phlegm T Have yog an Irrita tion in the throat 7 A sense of oppression on the luuga, with short breath T Do you have at of coughing on lying down t A Bharp pain tow and then in tho region of the heart, shoul ders sod bufckf mt s twts) Advice t'a tsk) 1 once a dose of Tutt's Expectorant; you will soon be able to raise the phlegm. In an hoar repeal the Expectorant, place a hot iron to the feet, taks two bf Tntt's Pills. You will soon fall Into t pleasant sleep and wake op in the morning, songh gone, lungs working freely ; easy breath ing, and Um bowels, trioylng! a natural inaa To prevent a return of these symptoms um Expectorant several days. Office, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. CVUKTOUP1D LlVUIt. . TflTT'S PILLS CUHE COsTITIiNliSS. TUTT'S PILLS '.I li TUTTS BIVE APPETfTl., leUXoTcJ'Six P ILLS TUTT'S PILLS (i tianlleri Lack by a single aDDlication of tbia DIB. irUs Hatnral Oolor. acts Instantaneously, and ta mm by Dffloe, 351V1 H ! 1 I, I I I. I I I ( irculalius, Obrarv JsWi'.il W4 lSf. ,Wrsi- fctsii. -f- PSLLS Jf" or snruggiM, s RtXnM ' vdU Mi JC ' WSK -JSSkpVW 4 Fill J WfB j 1S1'IPSJ tff ' Irom anything that will Ihlure the mostl dSf ieainer. For sateDy .; l. B. WKlSToN CO. A GYBONIN, THE best preparation ever offered for the cure of Chapped Skin jimple9,Taii,Eruptlofis, Sun burns, etc SoldonlTby I.. K WKISTON & CO. Fid. Ext Buchu and Juniper, INVALUABLE as a Diuretic. L. E. WEI3TON CO. PLASTERS, ALLCOCK'S Pwots, Benson's Capclne, S. & J's. Cupsicum and Belladonna. L. R. WHISTON fe CO. BAKING POWDERS. "l"OOLEY'8, Hcfseford's and Sea Foam. Also, ' rrax j oust uem. W R. WBIsTON & CO. BITTERS. HOP Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Hostetter'g Bitters. L. B. WBISTON A CO. mar gl Decidedly THE best 5 cents cigars. Ask for the "Standard1 at T. C. SMITH'S. Safety Always, TTSK "Astral Oil" In your lamps no danger of uuweiiu. i'.-yrBMrTM, Druggist. Lerrion Syrup, THE finest quality in the clty-mad from, the ; fru-at C. SMITH'8 Drug Store. t a. . ; . Easter Eggs "Vf AY be readilj- dyed with one 5 cent package of i-TA dyes all colors. T. C SMITfT nniinriat uniery, bulk- finest Imported White Rose, Violet, T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. Ac, at V SAt-Whotesale. ! VINEGAR Bitters, Horsford's Bread Powders, Bull's COUEh STHID. Hovts' ftArm.m Pnlnima Kerosene Oil, 110, Benson's Casetna Plasters. Barker's Horse Powders-eJAheseTat i"rock bot torn" prices by DR. T. c. smith mariO DB. J. II. MrVdon, DBUefiBT ABD CHxiaar, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Labia's Extracts and Colognes. English Select Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, Irench and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both nght an W3!ioS bibnsiiq A ! : ' :'a'ifoADE!ra' ' ' : : Prescription Store. SECURFtfTV07 i J eli'.esloiiVM Barrels of C. WEST SONS' Extra No. 1 Kerosene H IK)J' ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from a West Sons, Baltimore. i Highest Medal awarded at Centennial ExposlJJon . Qrjstal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will , 1 i ' ! ' - I I C. West x Sons, Baltimore. For Sale ky If a CHAHEOWIC IK C. IS A full line all grades ready-made LADIES1 UNDERWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those $1 Corsets left, at 60c, at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Not. 1 gtfXracoy, Sec. 100 Boxes Tobacco, IN 8TORE, AND Suit the Times. TO arrive:' PRICES TO iaii early, as u must be sold X. li. GAITHEB, ACID PHOSPHATE, LiaKSH FROM THE CELEBRATED MARY- . -ait erunzinB 81141 Manufacturing Company, miuuivic, uuw in siure reauy 10 fieilver. T. H. GAITHER, CIGARS. 7( AOf. P1 aAVE SEVENTY THOUSAND iv.vw, fiae cigars, which I offer to tbe wholesale trade cheap. MACKEREL, ON CONSIGNMENT, A CHOICE LOT OF U and Vfe BDls. of Mackerel. WAGONS. A FULL LINE OF .WAGONS OF THE BEST make. No kiln dried lumber ia them. All warranted for one year. uiu early as prices are aavaneing. TO ARRIVE, KAA TONS ACTD PHOSPHATE OF THE BEST brand. Orders taken now will be filled ALL PERSONS TUE ME FOR GUANO, WAGONS. &C., ARE -a-' reuesieu 10 caji at once and settle up as further Indulgence cannot be expected. Jan. 29. THOS. H. GAITHER. SUOUXNG TOBACCO TobaetO grown In Western Northi Carolina is noted for its good smoking Qualities, the beat of usea in mis Drana Ask your nearest merchant for a samnle nack "go; ur, ii ruu are a ueaiec, write to, me (OX CtTCB tars and wnoiesaie pncps. Address J. a TOMLINSON, Hickory. N. C Jan 27. . BBOOtHKli. A. W. LUDOU1. CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C WE take pleasure to Inform our friends and .the public generally, that we always have (n stek coBipiete assortmeatof ' CHINA AND CRGCKERX j ! :-i x : v : GLASS-WARE AND LAMP GOODS, CUTttat ANii srxvEapi'AtED WABJS, WOODs. WILLOW AND TINWARE. AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY" all of which we offer at the lowest possible prteea. We We eaahled togiife SPECIAL1NDUCMENTS; 8PECIAiL,INDUCEMEiJTa J i a , iUi--,i V,C1-- IHll (: ln ARE, CXOCEERY?; 6LA8S WAltB ANB T ' 1 1 srn O-sssi, sssjf BB W S am SS ST V w go' s!oTaaTNorUieriu Houee.,. QRlfisNils ti diva no a trial smmoaII: ftrwandslredwScsjw I' Jarilf MiUion Dollars WtLL be paid for BAGS, at theHlehest market price, by WM. A R. TIDDY,. Paper Manufacturers, Charlotte, N. C . JUST RECEIVED -AT TIDDY'S BOOK STORE 'A FINE LOT OF Fringed Scolloped Bottom WINDOW SHADES, Both Ornamental scd Plain, AND A FULL LINE OF SPRING AND BALANCE ROLLER CORDS, PICTURE CORD AND NAILS, SCREW EYES AND RINGS, Ac. JUST RECEIVED METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEET FOB APRIL, and full line of Bntterick's Latest Patterns mar20 Hie Wonder of the Day! NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SEEN! People Cannot Ileal ize .. 1 i - Until they have called and made an examination WHAT REAL BARGAINS In Miscellaneous Books ARE OFFERED BY J. R. EDDINS. T7IVE HUNDRED UNDRED COPIES OPIES IVE Just Received Call and Examine whether you "Wish to Buy or Not EVERYTHING IN THE BOOK AND STATION ERY LINE CONSTANTLY ON HAND At Prices that Defy Competition DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, The New Bopk Store, NORTH TRYON STREET. feb. 29. ptu clxijcrtisjcmjeuts. Mark Twain's New Book, A TRAMP ABROAD. 80,000 COPIES AUJE AtTT ORDERED1 Thia ereat -selline took of the season will be is- sued soon after. 1st March. Agents are getting huge lists, ' and hundred others can do lL Far agency aacrress AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartfoid, Cr. LARGE PROFITS may oeeauzea irom tmau investments by opra bt on ting m GRAIN AND COTTON FUTURES: through tne MOBILE PUBLIC COTTON AND GRAIN EX- fcfJANGR email operators have eual faculties wiut ue laisesu trasirieaB eondueted by mail or telegraph, and daily reports mailed to all custom ers. 810 buys or sells 10 Bales Cotton ; or 1000 Bushels Wheat, etc. Sdnd for exnlanatorv elrfiu- lara, etc to : F.HUTCHIN&& CO., 48 St. Francis St., Mpbile, Ala. R. A. WIRBEL & CD'S FACTOKY HAYNAU, GERMANY EsiABLISHXri 1850, North America n Branch; - NEW YORK.. . GLOVES 27 29 White St., : no f a Hi W tops. 3 Set Reeds,' H Knee UntinrtO Swells, -'Stool, Book, only Vt. PI StoqL Cover and Book S210 to $imxvmustrai uataiogne t ree. Aaaresa DANIEUF.BEATTY, : i Washington, N. J. iJfeTTT A'YE.ARand expenses to Agents. Outfit flP I free. Address P. O.' VICKERY, Augus ta, Maine. bv addressfns GEO P ROWELL CO., 10 Spruce St. New York; can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING In American Newspaper tfCI 00-page Pamph let, Ten Cents. .si . J" . i .ti msi maH9'- FOB . Gaimore's Artffcrai sna perform tMt vorM of- tbs Nsitaral Dnwu Ahrftyi in position, IMittttVtelbto tA otbcrm. All eircolar, Al a, . lOOO . t ..... ' J 1 MORTGAGE DEEDS AND 1 0 QO FEE SIMPLE JQiES JVST JRCf TED AND FOB SALK AT iJ:-ii) Viu-ili. hi',:. ,!:!(-illj. in rver Office , ..) ill ill. i ii " ii: 'i -i I VJ iliij.iJ'J.l J j .lidi -".Ml lAt tbe Charlotte Cltr Mills. S.faVl luiaiiAkr Vm - ItOOO rbushels Wleit. i Hve Oxla Pn&. At for fchlch'easnittrtrieal trfcMnwjH beTjiWd, 7' Constaatb Mr hand, Flottf, Meal, MUMeed; e.-" These mills baiia peen thorougldy. refltted, and f hi uoio Bcui wiu oe uruuiuuT Krouna.or excnanEea - . . - n nrr HOPE DEM rap Drums desired. F; . IRWIN ft OCF r anl5-tf WHEN ANY Max - 1 ' FEELS SICK WITH COLD CmUS, FEVER FLUSHES, HEAD and general uneonifortableness AMD rer mVT TmVr KXACTLY AIi.sIU f Then la the time to take - MQTT'S PILLS. ffVjf a ueav pms are made of certain inr, i a5t specially on the Uvef. ldt S'ln,s 'hat expel all Impurities tmm rhTtJ same tim. I aiding digestion, and """" sync, , RESTORING TO HEALTH, When all other remedies fan. orders of the atontachTl useases and on. As a family cathartic pill ther are w i dt. . . WITHOUT AN EQUAIi wHAMEfi JOHN F. HENRY, CURRaN 4 Sole Proprietors, CO.. 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW Y0fiK. ju. a. wnsion a Co., Charlotte, u -- - IN STORE -AND TO ARRIVE g CAR LOADS MOLASSES, " FLOUR, J " " BACON and IU1H, J " " POTATOES, 2 " " SALT, , I " " VINEGAR, 100 PACKAGESS0I)A. kees and boxes, fty PACKAGES LARD, 5Q BARRELS SUGAR. SACKS COFFEE, 5Q GROoS AXLE GREASE, J5Q BOX J5S SOAP, AT INSIDE PRICES. MAYES ROSS. mar2 Fine Gold and Silver Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamoflils, Silver anfl Silrer Plated Ware, Gold and Silver Spectacles, and everything kept In a FIIIST-CLASS JEWELRY STORE. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver. Particular attention paid ti t e Rep-king o Hue .Watches, Cu-cks and Jewelry. ALL WATCH AND CLOCK WORK Warranted for Twelve Moulin, All goed.i sod at this estab ishment warrmu-d , as represented. HONESTT IS THB BEST POLICY. JOHN T, BUTLER, Carolina Jewelry Store, Charlotte. marl 2 P. LASNE, JTrom Bute, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER. Trad Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, a: Nt Gray Store Every kind of repalrs'-made at once at half price aad warranted tne year. Erery kmd of Jewelry or Rfpnza Gilding, Coloring, SUyer-Plating and Oal vanterng1 made at short notice and equally as good as naw. . Work done for-the trade at low prices. I" Apprentice, wanted, with premium and good references..,. Repaired1 woHr. .uncalled fpr will be sold at Uie expiration of rwelte months for cost of repairs septlS . n : . Jox MixXt. 0WELLI3G FOVSALE. lOFFafor sale my Residence, con taiiilhg 8 RooliU situated i west Tryon t. mtfim a lew minute's, wait oi m i Rfin.-irp U hiiHinll Lh modern .. Kfaiitaiii Iih 4 Rooms. srftod S able and xn, a4idjevj.cthi.aK In nice order and ood ie- ) tO liBUFCU Mivi, on Church st fU . wtrfeh rents c.idl- Al.s. fof aulft. ji nair ot Ann hnrses nd H thaeton. .yerms accouimoduiih.. A.PP!F e;irl" !jan. y - . S. F0RBK. FOB SALE. the acres. sections wf nim puiLuancj n. , . . t F farther Information,' apply to tdaeli eodtt ).; 8.-J. TORRENCE ? -111.-- .. i 1 1 1 11 1 -j- : ! !GCiPj ::Mediclne. rRAOA MAJtierireit Ratr-TRADE mark uuiiuuuB . vuiv - for Seminal WekneB8v&pef lUWI I UV 'I AW- - potency, and all disease that lolllsw ma leueoeetiaeiM ibuse; as lossot . iuiI iuuiitiidA. ini.ln the BaeKi Umness M vis- thW Sad to iofftnlW Of .pSiunJlon, aniaPre- t lKlftiHRKi lli9JftrlB ,V, tarirun partfculatW awn 09pnple. whW wauesire hi senu inmt uj nuwi w oicij vh.-t--ilee!ne Medicine fa sold by all drugelstsat $1 V iMbicaKe. or s4x uaefcawa fttrSS. tjruttTM eni the money: to addressing C. mtth and all druggists evetrwheie. . ' marO. d4w ly. A - Valuable tract of land one nTte east of urV citt of Charlotte. eomoriBlna about 150 I offer this land tiitter In one hotlv or in