LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. r . . ' THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1880. 1 ; i i BAILBOAD IUBECTOB1. '-. ' ; The following table shows the running of passen er trains to and from Charlotte, obiUUmiiU roads ( Washington ttme): EIOHMOHD nixmjsR. Arrives from Rlchmopd and GoldBloro, 12.80 a. m. Leaves for " . 3.50 a. m. Arrtvea from Richmond, ....-. ....... 11.17 a. m. Leaves for ' , 4.20 p.m. ATLANTA CHABLOTO AXB-LDTS. rri ves from Atlanta, 3.50 a. m VS'll for Atlanta. .r. ; 12.30 a. m Arrives from Atlanta,..'....... ' 4.20 p. m Leaves for Atlanta,.,.. 11.17 a. m CHARLOTTS, OOLTJ1TBTA AD8UBTA. Arrives from Augusta, .v ....... . 4.00 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, . 12.85 a. m. Arrives from Augusta.... 8.40 a. m Leaves for Augusta,.. 11.20 a. m. OABOUXA OPTOAU Arrives from Wilmington,, h Leaves for Wilmington,-V. rt.20 a m. 8.25 p. ni. 5.05 p. du 8.40 a.m. Arrived iruiu ojutuuj,.. Leaves for Shelby,... ,. ATLANTIC, TKMNSaSKK OUK). Arrives-from StatesviUe. Leaves far StatesviUe 9 3i) a. in 4 00 p. m IVHVVI ION. War Dkpaktmknt, Ovvkjk Chief Signal Offkkk, W ashington. April 7, 7:30 p. m Fxjj-lhe-SuuLU Atlantic-states, par-tly cloudy w,eRtherf. northeasterly. winUs, BttitirtrVrffyttr'lowr teriienrtme-, rising barometer. I I Itvporl for Hirtln y 7 A. M. V. M. ! 9 P. M Ramiueter, Tbcimoiiitttr Relative Humidity, ivi ml Direction... Velocity We.ither 80.003 30 043 30.17B 54 58 52 V82 H7 41 N. W. N. E N. E. 10 5 9 Cloudy. Cloudy. F.-lr. Highest temperature 64 deg.: lowest 48. Index to New Advertisement. The Evert tt FamfiyVOpera House. for -ale Carolina Central Railway. y. H. Alexander Fair Meeting. T. L. titlgle k Co Housekeepers, Attention. HOME PENCILINGS. Last night of the Hebrew fair. The mayoralty is the all absorbing topic. There were no cases for the municipal court yesterday morning. The register of deeds issued five mar riage licenses yesterday. L. Berwanger & Bro. will have a grand opening one day this week. The Gounod club meets the Charlotte Institute for dies. to-night at Young La- The C. M. I. ball, to take place to morrow night, is looked forward to with much interest by the cadets. Those who imprudently abandoned their flannels during the first warm days of the week, resumed them yester day. Don't despair of the telephone. The work is being done as fast as possible and it will not be many days before we have the instruments. A in ilk wagon, for dhe oi? the dairy farms near the city has been in use for nine years, and it is calculated that in that time it has traveled 49,590 miles. The sword and afghan contests to night at the Hebrew festival will excite the most intense interest. Tbe boys will back their favorites with their shekels. The hearing of the Bernstein matter has been postponed until Monday next at, 10 o'clock, all the witnesses in the case not having" been collected yester day when it. was to have come off. The ollicial order for the sale of the Carolina Central Railway under a de cree of the court, is published elsewhere this morning, together with the terms f the sale which is to take place in the ity of Wilmington on tbe Slsfcof May. The Everett Family have attracted very large crowds in Augusta, where they are giving their exhibitions of .spiritualism. Tliey are to appear in llie Charlotte opera house next Mon day and Thuesday evenings. Col. WortV.of , thft Secoud .Regiment State Guards, has; appointed , R. JS. lluske, of Fayett&viUefe ljuMn.t, to .succeed Capt. A. L.Smith, of this city, -Col. Alexander's adjutant, who wrote to be relieved of the position.' Haiti's Weekly, of Jftaleigji, in notic ing the opening of. .Mrs. : Campbell's cooking school in Charlotte, under fa vorable auspices, says: "Having parta ken of viands prepared by the fair hands of Mrs. Campbell's pupils, in this city, we speak by t3 book in .say ing that Fhe can and does teach cooking to perfection." '. , -. Improvements. ' The north end of Fifth street has and is being improved more- rapidly than any other street in the city. Six new and substantial houses were counted on bith sides irf thB distance ofVene block, and the cotton factory will fill up the m;xt. The telephone wires run on poles down this street and these im provements give it quite a healthy ap pearance. The Air Line Wash-Outs. The Air Line trains' are running regularly, but the passengers are hav ing a pretty rough time of it. Thewash outs are between Toccoa and Mt Airy, and a transfer h?.s to be made two or three miles across the country in hacks. A full force is at work on the track, however, and'the distance is being rap i'Ny diminished. " But from present in dications it wjll btj.fojir or five dais jet before trains' will rVn through. Oleomargarine on the market. "You may send me ten pounds more of that good butter," said -a man with a large family, to one of our grocery mer chants, a few days ago, but. be careful not to make a mistake and send any of that oleomargarine." The merchant smiled and informed" the family, man that he had been using oleomargarine tor two months. He was shocked at 'irst, but on reflection, decided to keep on using it 1 ; j ? Hard Committee's Meeting'. The ward committees of the Relief Association met yesterday in the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. The principal -work of tbemeet "ig was the auditing of accounts for provisions. It was found that the re-l'lL-st to the citizens to refer all appli cants for charity to the committees worked admirably, and it Is earnestly desired that the svstem shall be rigidly observed and persisted in. j The advan tages of If, ar$ patent j; 2 - lie Citj- of Charlotte and the Road Tax. The Supreme.Courfc has set at rest the Question which has excited so much discussion in the'eounty with reference to the liability a$ the pijtx of Charlotte to the tax for maintaining the public roads of the county by . qffirmmg the decision of Judge Bdtttra CTantfhg an injunction prohibiting the sneriff from collecting the tax. The doubt which 'a extetcmbh thtffei'SeOMli ifc is Manned by the friehSs ofthe law, oper ated against its pro)er execution, nd it is honed and ,dieved J.hat M.Q,tt' imenuiritj tjtot wife fa sessfbn fofW l&gislaTute; ft The Revenne Raider' Victim, -f The man Joe Heynolds, whom Rer nue Officer Stockton shot near Lincoln ton last Sunday evening, is still lying at the point of death. Little hope is en tertained'of his recovery. Stockton is not lit' custody, but if the man; dies he will probably be apprehended and tried, although nothing has appeared to con tradict his story of the affair. FernonaL. Mr. D. J. Carter, of the Lancaster Ledger, is in Charlotte for a day cr two. Mr. Wm. 8. Dogan, of the Columbia Register, favored us with a call yester day. He has a laugh that is worth a fortune. . Mr. M. P. C. White hasreturned to Charlotte from Wilmington, and is again with his old house Elias & Coin n. The boys can't stay away from Charlotte. The Proposed Convention. Col. Ham. Jones desires it to be known that the county executive committee of which lie is a member is not the proper authority to call a convention of the citizens of Charlotte, and even if it were fie could not act on "Charlotte's sug gestions in yesterday's Observer, it uot being in the power of a single niem- oer or tne committee to call a conven tion. The members of the committee resident in the city held a meeting yes terday afternoon, and came to the c in clusion indicated above. -M I m l marriage in Lincolnton. Mr. Stephen Smith and bride, Miss Mamie Phifer, arrived in the city yes terday afternoon. They were married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John F. Phifer, of Lincolnton, yes terday at 12 o'clock, by Rev. R. Z. John ston, only the immediate family and a few friends having been invited to wit ness, the ceremony. The marriage was an event in Lincolnton society, the bride being one of the most accom plished and popular young ladies in that town. She also has many friends and acquaintances in this city a num ber of whom called at the Central' Ho tel last evening to extend their con gratulations. The young couple left on the 12.30 train for the home of the groom, in Livingston, Ala. Petitions for Commutation. George Galloway, colored, was con victed at the late term of the Superior Court of the crime of killing his wife's child, and is to hang on the 7th of May with Henry Home, colored, convicted at the same term of burglary. It is un derstood that a strong effort will be made at an early day to induce the Gov ernor to commute Galloway's sentence to imprisonment for life, on the grour.d of a doubt as to whether or not the child was alive when born. It is said that a petition has also been written and sent out for Home's commutation, but it is not at all likely that it will re ceive the signature of a sufficiently re spectable number of names to entitle it to the consideration of the Governor, as easy a matter as it is to induce peo ple to sign a petition tor anything. Stars in April. Speaking of the stars in April the Providence Journal says: "The inter e..t ot the month concentrates on the morning stars, for, after the 7th, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn are all numbered on this list. Venus especial lv will be the herald of the sun through out the month : for, though in her dis tant phase, she still reigns as the bright est stars in the heavens. She will form a lovely picture as a companion for the siencier waning moon on tne morning of the 7th, will divide her queenly favor between Mercury and Jupiter on the 15th, and will appear above the horizon line nearly at the same time with Saturn and Mercury on the 30th. Jupiter and Saturn will become studies of peculiar interest from the present time till their opposition with the sun next October. when Jupiter, just after perihelion, will don his brightest colors, and Saturn will shine with clearer lustre than he has done for many years." Second Night of the Fair. -The Hebrew festival was all the at traction last night and a considerably larger crowd attended than on the night before. Everything went on beautifully, as indeed it should when conducted by the Hebrew ladies. The supper served for a small price was most palatable and not to stop at the cigar stand wa3 simply impossible. The nicest things in the world were dis played for raffle. Jewel cases, silver pitchers.and panel pictures tempted the visitor to trust to a lucky chance, ine voting of the sword to the most popu lar officer of the military companies of it x . J ! A. Am A. 1 me cuy increased in interest as me. hour waxed late. The afghan to be sriven to the most popular physician was universally admired. The selling of votes in these two contests was as usual the liveliest business of the even- ins, and to have such champions as sounded their favorite officers and phy sicians nraises would reconcile one to the danger of derear. The rair is concluded this evening and the result of the voting will be an nounced. If vou want something good to eat, something fair to look upon and the consolation of money well spento to-night. County Mailers. The county commissioners yesterday closed their three davs' meeting. T. T. Sandifer was chairman pro tern., T. I. Vail beinc confined to his room with rheumatism. The complaint of R. R King against the school committee of district 28, in Crab Orchard, charging them with having paid a teacher with a third grade certificate $25 per montn was continued until the nrst x uesoay in May. . . ,. . ' The reoort or the snenn: on ine lav ing off of a road from Hicks's store, on the BeaUy a Ford Road to liager s Ferrv on the Catawba River, was re ceived and adopted. W. R, Massey resigned his position on the school committee of 'district oi, Morning Star township, and L. W. Phil lips was appointed in hjs stead. ine roiiowmg jurors iui me lch-u ui Inferior Court, beginning the third Monday in next May, were drawn : R. A. Kozzeii, J. v. sioan, a . m. xjanaru, Jas. Steadman, J. L. Elliott, J no. vv. Grier, J. P. Puckett, R. B. Morrow, Ze- nas Porter, A. S. Caldwell, rt. j. Demp ster, J. C. Macaulay, William Campbell, J. F. Johnston. A. A. uatney, j. a. kit tle, A. C. Shields, F. Lee Erwin, S. M. Black welder, J. J? . lurKpaincK, j. j. Black, D. S. Todd, M. C. Biggers, Isaac Barnett, C. M. McCaii, J. a: JvenancK, C. S. Holton, M. A. Wallace, w. J. Moore, E. A. Macaulay. E. C. Williams resigned nis position on the school committee, of Morning Star township, district Gl, and Phillip Fisher was appointed in ins stead. A. F. Yandle's report as to the condi tion of the poor house was received and filed. S. E. Belk was ordered to pay the coupons of the bonds issued by the countv Of Mecklenburg to the Rich mond' & Atlanta and the Atlantic, Ten nesson O'.irt Railroads, which fall due it ills "time. The amount is $10,- II. X. Helper.. S J... Knox, and J,-S. Sparrow were appointed judges for the town electa at Davicbon1 College on the first Monday in May. The board adjourned until the next regular meet ing -n the first Monday' hi May. ":! A "A faithful assistant" This Is what the nur es terra' Dr. Bo1k Baby rnrp.' It 4a the best alL itant, e wiU preyent a forylag pell" at the News Items from StatesvIUe. Wallace Bros, have taken out drnm-1 mere license. Inferior Court next week : ,Fd Court commences the 19th. Mr. Bowman and family have moved here from Bakeiuville, Mr. Bowman takes a $i,50u clerkship in the revenue service. ui. jrritcnaru look a sort nr sn:in i ... f juuguient on tne Lapusi congregation here. They invited him to dedicate tLeir church; he came and found them $300 in debt. The doctor refused tn dedicate until the debt was paid. They laiaou uie money, ana now nave a nice chureb, free from all debt, thanks to ur-Pntchard. Iwelve revenue inspectors for thi district came up on a special train the other day. ineiarmers or this countv are pre paring to plant a larger crou of cotton mis year than ever before. several of our voung men have had their heads softened bv soft glances of ine young ladies now wrestling with the 15 puzzle, and it is thought States- vine will furnish Dr. Orissom at least three patients. Supreme Court Decisions. The following opinions of interest in this section of the State were rendered by the Supreme Court Monday: Surra, C. J.: J. U. Wilson and wife vs. O. J. Line- berger, from Gaston. No error. Judg ment affirmed. F. I. Osborne vs. Commissioners of M cklenburg couutv, from Mecklen burg. No error. Judgment affirmed. J. H. Peebles vs. Commissioners (f Davie count' , from Davie. No eiror. Judgment affirmed. Ashe, J.: William Home vs. State of North Carolina, from Wake. Motion to dis miss refused. J. K. P. Reeves vs. Arretta Reeves. from Montgomery. Error. a. h. Johnson vs. Lawson Hauser, from Yadkin. Error. Judgment re versed. State vs. Andv Davis etals. from Watauga. No error. Judgment affirm ed. Dixlard, J.: A. C. Troutman vs. Barklev & Bark- lay, from Iredell. No error. Judgment amrmed. Another Name Brought Forward. To the Editor of The Observer: In noticing the various suggestions that have been put forward through our daily press as to the nomination of a ht and proper person to fill the office of mayor at the coming municipal elec tion, it has been a matter of surprise to a great number ot citizens that the name of Morthead should have escaped public notice. Altbo not to the "man ner born," still a long resident, whose respected lather was Governor of the State, whose business capacity i un im peached, a man of large property, of acknowledged integrity, and one whose daily avocations would not interfere with a strict attention to the welfare and good government of our city. With all due deference to those gen tlemen who have already declared, and Col. Frank Coxe, whose name has-been mentioned, we would say in the words ot the immortal Dickens "V hile we re member that aiuggieton can ooast ot a Dumpkins a id a Podder, have we not aDuffey aid a Struggles." And we think that Col. John L. Morehead has sufficient claim upon this city to war rant his name being placed in the fore most row, and accordingly we beg to suggest him as a most eligible candi date. Civis. The Shady Side. To the Editor of The Observer. "Junius," in his series of interesting articles upon the "foreign born" ele ment of Charlotte, fails to make men tion of any of our colored men, who axe identified with the interests ofthe city, and who were born outside of its limits. This is probably one of the "omis sions" that he spoke of, if he may call a failure by that name. The opinion ot the intelligent colored men or, Char lotte is that some of their representa tives should be placed on the roll of honor, even if it be the tall end of it, w ith their white foreign born brethren, therefore please allow a word trom an humble subscriber, who, while the question is before the people, desires to call attention to the fact that we -have maHy colored men among us Of -promi nence, who are "foreign born. First among the most prominent di vines, we have Bishop Thomas Lomax, of the A. M. E. Z. Church, a gentleman widely known as a minister, and whose lab ors extend throughout the North west and Canada. . He is A native oJF Favetteville. Rev. J. A. Tyler, who has recently come among us, is a native of Tennes see. His congregation is the largest in the State. He is also editor of The Star oZion, the only organ of his Church in the United States, and the hrst press owned and entirely managed by color ed men. His printer, Mr. William A. Smith, a talented young man, is a na tive of Favetteville. The Revs. Z. Horton, L. B. Gibson and Eagles are all from different por tions of the country. As to hotels lor colored people ,T. M. Goode stands hrst and foremost as a hotel manager, whose hotel is to the colored people what Mr. iu:ciessisto the white. Mr. Goode is a native of Virginia. Among the young men who are teach ing the young idea how to shoot we have Mr. S. A. Waugh, of Salem, and Mr. John A. Rattley, of Franklin. Both are talented young men and stand high in the professions they nave cnosen. Those who have been prominent in local nublic affairs, we may mention J, W.Gordon, of South Carolina, and J, and A. B. Schenck. of Cleveland counfy. Among the disciples of St. Crispin, we have D. E. Davis, of Georgia, a yery fine shoemaker; also G. William?, of the miner counties. Plasterers and brick masons we have Foster Crane and Joseph Butler, neither of whom we believe were born in the city. .... Our barbers and nair-aressers were nearly all born outside of the city and nossiblv the btate. Tn our enumeration we must not leave out Mr. Thomas Holly, a tine house painter as all will testify. 1 homas nrst saw tne iignu m uiaugo uuuuty. AV must acknowledge we have no representatives of the bar, medicine or L - . - A L i- Unf manufacturing interest, yet we icci iuu while our white brethren have made rapid strides in the advancement of the material interest of Charlotte, we, in some nn iefc manner helped to give the imrwriis slip, has received. In conclusion we wish to remark that it is not our object to disparage any one whether he be a citizen or not, nor do wp wish to detract from any merit he may possess. We state the facts, and your colored readers must be the judges - A. whether we are canaio or not. Respectfully, Civis Africantjs. For Ward N. 2; To the Editor of The Observer: The voters of Ward No. 2 would like tnsfftthe followinff ticket nominated aidfirmen for the approaching munici tv.i1 elpption: Wm. Howser, Rufus Weddington and John C. Davidsor. Many Voters. to this city iasV night, t the residence of the htHa'a mnthAr Mr. Xs. A. Voeler to Miss Carrie Alexander. Rev. L. A. Probit, of the Lutheian DIED. At her residence, six miles sooth of Charlotte. yesterday evening, Mrs. Mary Klllott, wife of the late 8. H. Elliott, Ksq.. aged 74 years. Her funer al will take place at Kbeaezer church to-dar. at lOo'eioM. H ts Terr ooor eeenoiar to endeavor to t1mwa a. cold by negfcet ng It when a 25 cents bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure It at once. One Who Knows says: Eanfcln's compound now Extract of B 1 u and Juniper to the most pleasant and effective remedy of all diseases of the Bladder or Kidneys that has been offered to the public. Mlid and pleasant in its action, it xtlmalates and Invigor ates the secretions, and elves health ad tone to the prostrate or diseased organs. Pain In the Bladder, Gravel, Prostration, Non-retention ot the Urine, Brick Dust Dei osit in I art. ail diseases of the Biadoer or Kidneys are cur d by it Prenari ouly by n ant, Han kin dc Lamar. Drue- gists, Atlanta, Ga., a d for sale by T. C. Smith and L. B. Wriston Co. Antioch, Tboup Co., Ga., Jnly 4. 1879. I am one of the unfortunate sufferers from Gravel or disease of tbe Kidneys, and find more and speedier relief from Rankin's Buchu and Juniper than anything I have ever tried. I es teem it so nigniy were mere out one Dotue la tne world I would willingly give 8100. or any amount, for it I recommend it above all otxsr similar preparations: ' E. T. WINN. ANWOUJeCEITlENTS OF CANDIDATES. A Card from F.S. De Wolfe. Vxuaw-Ctozeks: . , . lam a candidate for Mayor of your cltr at the approaching election. I am not to the "rdanner bom," du sixteen years ei ousy uie spent in your midst has fullr identified me with vou In Interest. and will enable you to Judge of my fitness for the office. If elected the best return i can make for the confidence reposed In me will te a faithful discharge of duty. Very respectfully, . a. uewoujs. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Editor of The Observer: Having determined to appear before tbe people of Charlotte again as a candidate for Mayor, I ae eept the nomination tendered through your paper this morning, and return my thanks for the com plimentary expressions contained in the commu nication. F. L Osborne. April 1st. 1880. OPERA HOUSE. FOB TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Monday & Taesiiay, IbtD ' 12Bl & 13a TEE TEC Everett Family WILL ILLi ST RATE THE wONDEKS OF SPIRITUALISM ! INTRODUCING MR. George Everett Who is acknowledged everywhere to be the most remarkable exponent ot t-pliitual Manifestation in the world, assisted by Frank Everett, Charles Everett. Miss Annie Kxerttt and Miss Nellie Ever ett, whose wonderful powers of Second Sight and Mind Reading, have become the wonder oi both Hemisphere?. ADMitaio, - - - 50c, 75c. and SI Biserved seats to be had at the usual p!acea apr8 FAIR MEETING. PURSUANT to adjournment, the regular month ly meeting of The Carolina Fair Association for April, wi 1 be held in the Court Bouse, in Char lotte Saturday, AprU iota, at vi o ciocx m. it Is earnestly requested that the membership will feel the necessity of attending, as business of im portance is to be transacted. The Lecture of Bobt I. McDowell, Esq., on Cot ton Culture is also to be an important feature of the meeting. S. B. ALEXANDER, aprs -resiaeni. SALE OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL Mail way. Under Decree of Foreclosure. DT VIRTUE, and in pursuance, of a decree of th? Superior Court of New Hanover county, State of North Carolina, made in a cause there pending, wherein Edward Mattnews, ror nimseii and others, is plaintiff, and The Carolina Central Kauway company, and Andrew v. Jstout, ana Timothy H. Porter. Trustees, and James L. Dawes, and J. Brander Matthews, Trustees, are defend ants, the undersigned, commissioners appointed by the said decree, vrtll sell by public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door, in the city of Wilmington, In the State of North Caro lina, on MONDAY, the 31st DAY of MAY, 1. D., 1880. at 12 o'clock. M.. the entire railroad as tne Same exists and Is now used, known as the Caroli na Central Railway, as well the portion now built and completed, extending from the city of Wilmington. In said State of North Carolina, to tbe town oi Shelby, in said btate. a aistance ot about 242 miles, as also that portion uncomplete, and yet to be built, and to extend from the said town of Shelby to the town of Rutherford ton, In said State, a distance of bout 30 miles, with all railways, rights-of-way, depot grounds, and other lands, tracks, bridges,' viaducts, culverts, fences, and other structures, station-houses, engine-houses, car-houses, ware-houses, freight-houses, wood-bouses, and other buildings, machlnershops, and other shops, all locomotive engines, tenders, cars, coach es, and other rolling stock and equipments, all stationary engines, machinery, toots, implements. fuel, and materials of all kinds, and all the cor porate franchises, rights, and privileges, of The Carolina Central Railway Company; also all the shares of the capital stock ef the Wilmington Railway Bridge Company held and owned by. the said Carolina Central Railway Company, and all the right, tide, and Interest, which the said com- DanT nas and owva in ana to tne nock ana -pion- erty of the Wilmington Railway Bridge Company, as one of the corporators thereof ; and also all other tbe property and estate, real and personal, of every kind and description, of the said Carolina Central Railway Company. , i TERMS OF SALE: Purchaser must oar to cash, on theday of sale, One Hundred Thousand Dollars, nd the residue of the purchase money la three equal instalment at one two and three months from the day of sale, with Interest from that day, at the rate of six per centum pef annum; the purchaser can anticipate any or all of the said deferred payments, and make payment In full of the purchase money at any time before maturity; payment of that portion of the purchase money not hereby required to be paid in casn may oe maae in wnoio or m part, either In cash or in the bonds, or past due coupons thereof, secured by the first mortgage from said Carolina Central Railway Company to said Andrew V. Stout and Timothy H. Porter, Trustees, of date May 17th. 1873, to the extent of the pro rata per centage of the par value of the said bonds and coupons, wmcn me noiaere thereof will be entitled to receive upon the dis tribution of the proceeds of the said sale under the order and decree oi said court, jrossession win do delivered to the purchaser so soon as the said sale shall have been confirmed by the court, and one half of the purchase money paid to the commis sioners, and the purchaser shall have assumed all the outstanding contracts and liabilities of the Receivers heretofore appointed in the said cause, and Indemnified them against the same. NATHAN A. HI J.1M&AH, JU. JUNIUS DAVIS, apr8-3tw for Osucw . Commissioner SWEET POTATOES, i 175 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES FKOM EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA TO ARRIVE THIS DAY. apr7 S. M. HOWELL. A TL ANTIC, TENNESSEE 4 OHIO RAILROAD SlTPKRlKTKKD KMT'S OKFICK, Charlotte, N. C, April 6th, 1880. On and after Thursday. April 8th. 1880. the fol lowing schedule will be run over tins roaa: GOING SOUTH. T.navn StatMTtlle ft 00 a. m. Davidson college, z a. m. Arrive at Charlotte 9 30 a. m. GOING NORTH. TMvf. Charlotte 3 00 P. m. " Davidson uouege oi y. m irrivAat Statesville 6 30 ft m, J. J. GORMLEY, K - -M DRESS MAKING. UP STATES, CPP. THE OBSERVER OFFICE. ng In the latest styles at the lowest Prices. apr2-lm , . MRS. D. M. THORNBURGF, . . . ' ' f. h-v. IE m MY OLD FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT I HAVE REMOVED A L L- U Y S TO GK HOOTS and SHOES, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE AMONG THE BEST IN THE STAE, . TO THE ELEGANT STORE ROOM, NEXT DOOR Wittkowsky & Baruch, on Trade Street. Jan. 31. M IE W POPPLAR STOBE OF H.- .1I6BRIS.&..BB0S-. . ' m3 m m Don't ma&e your purchases before examining our goods, as we have added GREAT ATTRACTIONS this season in all the latest novelties for both Ladies and Gentlemen. All the latest, designs in Dress .Goods, Trimmings. Household ApparaL Ladies and Ghildrens' stylish SHOES, SLIPPERS and SANDALS. Also beautiful styles of CLOTHING for Men, Boys and Children, in great variety, all the latesC6Hades of Zepher, Card-Board, Beeds, etc., for Fancy Work, Car pets, Matting and Oil Cloth, in new styles, and at LOW PRICES. Please call and examine our new stock, as it will pay you handsomely II. MORRIS & BROS. JUST BEOEIYED The Best Unlaundried Improved Shirt Ready for Wear for Only SIX a mur28 ELECTI MAYOR'S OFFICE, March 81st, 1880. By virtue of a resolution passed at a late meet ing of the Board .f ldermen of the city of Char lotte, I am authorized to advertise that there will be an election by ba lot, held in the city on the first Monday in My. A. D.. Ifc80, at the usual polling places, to ascertain the sense of the quali fied voters, on the question of establishing and maintaining by taxation in the city, public graded schools. I am further authorized to state that. the maximum rate of taxation shall be one-tenth of one per cent or ten cents on every one hundred dollars worth of D ooerty in the city, and thirty cents on each poll. At the time designated for the aioresaid election, mere snail De elected ey Dai lot two school commissioners from each ward. There will be new registration books opened on the first day of April, A. D. 1880, and the same shall be kept open until sundown on tbe Saturday previous to said election, l do hereby appoint as registrars and inspectors for said election, for Ward No. 1 F. A. McNinch. registrar: inspec tors, J. W. Wadsworth, R. M. Miller and Charles razler. Ward No 2 Walter Brem, registrar: inspectors. Wm. M. Wilson, Mcl. Arledga and G. W. Bryan. Ward No. 3 B. V Boyd, registrar; inspectors. I. H. McGinn, J. E. Br jwn and H. Edwards. Ward No. 4 R. P. Waring, registrar; Inspectors, M. Sims, Win. B Msbet and W. F. S nider. aprl F. I. 03B0RNE, Mayor. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby clven that an election will be held on the first Monday of May, being the 3d day ot the month, 880. at the usual polling places in the several wards In the city cf Charlotte, for a Mayor and a Board of Aldermen, for the said city: Ward No. 1 Repiftrar, F. A. McNinch: Inspec tors', 3. W. Wadswuitu, R M. Miller and Chas. A. .Frazler. Ward No. 2 Registrar. Walter Brem; Inspectors, Wm. M. Wilson, McD. Ai ledge and (J. W. Bryan. Ward No. 3 -Registrar. B. P. Boyd; inspectors, H. McGinn, Jno. is. Brown and a. Edwards. Ward No. 4 Recbtrar, R. P. Waring: Inspec tors, J. M. Sims. Wm. B. Nesbit and W. H Snider. M. F. E. ALEXANDER Sheriff, I. OSBOltNE, Mayor. aprl Choice Fresh CBAU'RE The Most Complete. STOCK IN CHARLOTTE. LARGE VARIETY. If you want something nice for the Tea Table, try them, at PERRY'S. apr2 lOOO MORTGAGE DEEDS AND lOOO FEE SIMPLE DEEDS JUST PRINTED AND FOR SALE AT The Observer Office Jan. 25-dAwtf. BOARDING VRIVAtjs boarding can be nad ror one or two L small families by applying to S. B. MEACHAM. marl8 dim. Near Air-Line Depot CARD TO THE AFlfLICTitD. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH ETJTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen yeafwexperlencete hospital and pri vate nraetice. Guarantees a Dermanent cure In all diseases of th6 Urinary Organs and of the Nervoas Svstem viz: Organic, and seminal weaKness, Impotency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debili ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim ness ot Sight orGlddlneS8, Pains In the Back and Nnrtnrrial "Emissions, etc.. all resulting from Dtrnini in wraith or firaeasds In manhood. Diseases vecentlv contracted cored In five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the. system. lion i I so an akra and mood diseases qmcxiy curea. Br . Robertson, a graduate of the University of j Unnlorul red ra to anjr of. the luadliur DhVSiCianS nf Raitimnrfl. Siecial attention given to all fe- All consultations strictly confidential, and medi cines sent to any address. Cull or write, enclosing I stamp for reply. aeptlOIv m CD V jfirffls; J. M'OYE R. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT THE B-A IiGr -IN 1111. fit I Mill AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock Is very large, and embraces, a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office Fur nlture. All goods pacned free of charge. n D P 1 U C 13 Stops, 3 Set Reeds, 2 Kuee U II 11 A II O Swells, Stool, Book, only $98. PI ANOS, Stool, Cover and Book S210 to $1600. Il lustrated Catalogue Free. Address DANiii F. BEATXi, Washington, w. J. AGENTS WANTED For the Best and Fastest Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price re- duced H3 per cent. National Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. JAPE INFALLIBLY CURED with two spoons of medi cine In two or three hours. For particulars, ad dress, with stamp, II. EICKHORN, No. 4, St. Mark's Place, New York. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other , Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those : suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, ! Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure cure goamnteed or no pay. Address VOLTAIC 'BiCLT CO., Mar shall, Mich. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 17572 New and Old Standard I Works In Every Department of Literature. Al most given away. Catalogue of General Litera ture and fiction free. Immense inducements to Book Chios and Libraries. LEGGAT BROS., 3 Beekman St onik Post Oftice, New York. mar23 4w JUST RECEIVED. A fall line all grades ready-made LADIES' UNDERWEAR From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for cash at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price. New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those $1 Corsets left, at 60c., at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Nov. 12. goXrotctf, Set. SMOKING TOBACCO Tnhnivn srrown in Western North Carolina Is noted for its eood smoking qualities, the best of iaa1 in thla hrand Ask your nearest mercnantior a sampie pacit- age; or, If you are a aeaier, wnie to me ior circa lars and wholesale prices. Address j. a. TonuuxisuiH, jncKory, n. u. Jan 27. rp T3T3T V ATI? CAT I? xi jl x xrarr xxx uy kj jtljlj xu . u TTAVING DETERMINED TO CHANGE THE JLL Investment. I offer a half Interest in a valua ble piece of REAL ESTATE, centrally located and paylng welL other Real Estate would be taken tn exchaage. A bargain ean be had by addressing " cms Japr3lw. ? P.O. Box,20f. htti: TO HD A: TQK riEilC WJLL TAKE NOIICKj That the Or der of the Postmaster-General arotnst the Mails or the Louisiana State Lottery Cdmpstnf' is "HE 8CINDKD. ' Registered Letters and Money Orders can be sent through the Malls as formerly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY fTQ. WIN A FOR TUNFOTRTIl GRAND DTSTRfBUTION, class dTat nworEs:an;s. ; Tuesday, April 13th. 'l880 'llW ' Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTEutt COMPANY. This Institution was regularly the Legislature of the State lor incorporated by Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, fob this txkm ot twenty-five TXABS, to whlch0n tract the Inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in Ue new constitution adopted December 2d. A. D.187fl, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Re serve Fund of $350,000: Its .GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthryin:thesecnd Taesday. 5 It "never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,0d0 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tlca ets. One Dollar. LIST OT PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize....... , 1. 3r000 , 2 PriZ of $2,500, C..ii II.., . ; ? 6.D00 5 Prizes of ,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500-. S 10,000 1 00 Prizes of 1 00 1 0,000 200 Prizes of 50. ..-..'..-. 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 ,.10,000 lOOfr Prizes of . lO:: i.. '.I0XX)6 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 ApDxiiittorj Prizes pt 1.00.tf( 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at al 1 points, to whom a liberal ocrupensadoa will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders by express or in a Re gistered Letter or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New OrleqBs, Louisiana or same person at ' ' 1 "''",,n ,!' No. 819 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management ef General 4J T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. N. R -This Company has NO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pre tending to be so and soliciting orders by circulars or otherwise are SWINDLERS, mar 9. , . . r-f- Authorized by the Commonwealth ot. Kentucky-, and Fairest In the World. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TIU . f i Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City ot LeoJsvffle. on THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1880. ThA rmwinrn antbarixed br Act of the Leci lature of 1869, and sustained by all the Ceart ef Kentucky occur regalaily on the last dsry ofrvet month, (Sundays excepted, and an sutwidsedAiy prominent ciuzens oi tne otate. r-.-; - r The Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented ef obtaining, tor only $St any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZESu i prize,....'. . :...::.?. j: .L.?.s $30,000 1 Prize, ....... v ... 10,000 1 Prize,;...... .....v.... 5.000 1 0 Prizes, $1 ,000 eaoh . .. i . Xk t. 1 0,000 20 Prizes, 500 each lOjOOQ 100 Prizes, 100 each, . 1 0,000 200 Prizes, 50 each,..:... a ..1.;. 1 10,000 600 Prize. , 20 each,rr: : " 12,000 TOOO Prizes! lO each... ...! '10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 flPrlzesi, 200 . , " ." 100 iMo iiflzes, .'vj. v. . , j,,." .il:M.'ii,.',i,'jii2400 WmMe TlcRet $2J Half Tickets, $1; 27Ticket8, t'T"; ; : ySS.Trcibo;;1. 1 :5 All appUcattoc3 Im dob reiea, should be made to the home office. M , i-i-.i-jo. .u .r.x Full list of drawing pubhehed 1b Louisville Cou ker-Journal and New Jorit, Herald,, and mailed to all ticket-holders. Send all orders by ; money , or bank draft la letter, or by expreaa. Ocders of $5 and upwards, by express, can be- sent at eur ex- , pense. Adarest a. n. avnii c, uuurieMuui 1 nil BuBdlng, LoutevUle, lty.or at Nos. 807 & 809 1 Broadway, New York. - i March 31. ; , ijs'e-arv:-?r..v o'conie mrre flattofactor?. I' J church officiating, v.