Tha f niiowinc taNe shows the nmnlitc of nuian .rer trams to and from Charlotte, on all the rail road8Wii8hingtia"i: in(t h i 4 j ; i m. mi Arrives from mmmiuvt Leaves for ; .............. 4.20 p.m. Antres from J 1 uitm or Ail t v;m:.!,kV w- 8.50 a. m ....12.80 a. m Irrts trom'AUanW.::'. WW?.-. .t-.. ,4.20 n. m Leaves for Atlanta, .11.17 m Arrtreitwm Angutojiii.tJJJ.Ws..;.... 4.00 pi. m. Leaves for Augusta. Saisi dC"...w. 12.85 a. m. Arrives from Augusta..... 8.40 a. m fnatot AngiUtM.-KiiUM. .:..:.. 11.20 a. m. -ji: m;'Vvi !; ' J: -....' , j.iJABfliijifiWPiiMawi ,.... ; Arrives from WlMilh.. Leaves for Wltolngwrv -.y T . ,, 8.25 p. . Arrived front Shelbr,,f , V,-. . 6.05 p. m. Leaves f or hejby;,. . ,'Vf, . .,.8.40 a. -m. ''ATLANTIC, TRHMBSBXlt OBM. Ci. A rrlves from Statesvllle . 9 30 & m Leaves tottaM9nMi.f(r,..i..4...r 4.00 p, m ... VAK AJlPA KTMfcnT. it, .i Kit. v OVF1CK ClIIEK rFF1CK Washington. Auril 8. 1:30 p. m. oltbe.Si(uth'Atlttntici!itte8; cloudy rainy wetttjt-ei northeast: tp .; ft&rth west wiriusf'ry t IrigUer itw'oa perature and wwoHaeten 10 ; IqKleV (oA4verUMBMNlk. J. Moer Please BfAd This. L. Berwanger & Bro - Spring and Summer. S L Uf JUr-rpflog;YegBUWe. HOME PENCILIKCS. The piciiicjs(nde6rtely postponed S The. cornetijaqcontinue to im- prove. The desire for a convention seems to be growing. ' The niayoialtyoilmuesisD be the. all absorbing fcGptVotiTiiB' streets. Maj. Frank H. Cameron, of Raleigh, was aJtHtrCnfiimotel yesterday. Silos dk the $h df April is soxne thingAlJfqb the ld people will have to beat?7 I x i i . A The fellows that have bought spring clothes are not in a particularly good humor. The only entertainment on the bills for next week is that of the Everett family, spiritualists. fttihe Banging of Horne'and Galloway is lust a month off, Doles? he Governor interferes. Mr. J. P. Caldwell, of the Statesville Landmark; wasda the; city yesterday, knocking ijtoutii Among the boys. The Citizens band furnished the mu sic for the Hebrew festival. Their playing is much improved. Aff CSoJns to take the initiative step $n flpraltter Af tha. 20th rpf May celebratirt?3 lt's lime something Was I eing done, j ? . , . , In a short time the the people of Char lotte must answer, the question. Shall the soldiers who lie buried in 1 in wood cemetery have a monument? One little Irishman was fined a pen ny and costs for an inoffensive drunk and down at the mayor's court yester day morning. Tice suffers another ignominious de feat. He said the 7th to the 9th would Le clear and fair,- and does not once mention snow for April." Berwanger and Brother, the clothiers, have their grand, opening of Spring goods to-day, Seeitbeir. advertisement ihis morning. All accounts agree in pronouncing the hail sttrnff-jrouthf of Charlotte da ring the last few days the severeot that has ever visited that region , The old Springs building on the cor ner of Trade and Tryon streets is being made attractive by the addition, of handsome cornices to the Windows. , -. r: ! - J. B. Barhetiv formerly of this one of five printers who hare combined their expenehcVand money "to publish a new daily paper in Columbia, called the Mercury, and a very creditable pa per it is. .:' Already tlieatrfct ihanagers arebe ,inhing to make arrangements for next season. James Keane, who played "Cassius" to Bangs's "Mark -Anthony," in Charlotte over a year ago, is booked to appear in one of "Shakespeare's plays next November. . It is noenerkny known fnaif4 let ter M is stamped on the neck of the Goddess of Liberty, which adorns , the new dollar of the daddies. It js a. pi:et ty go6& tsi dH counjferl&Wiijrel 6$e . who does aotknow it$ exact! posifli it is right hd3 fin j p- A Tludern ITIolocb. 'Mrs. II. M. Irwir?,:'offthi8''city, con tributes a ;liLUQ' torjr tOithe Baleigh Farmer and Mechanic entitled "A Modern Moloch, In which'the advan tages of plain, simple diet for children ure fully set forth and mothers who violate the laws of nature by stuffing them with fancy dishes are compared to the idotetwworshftperaolHha ati cient god whbW rt ame' the' story Dears. Theotker PtSESle Solved. ' ,.i A SblnWori ifihe puzzfe given in The Observer of theth iristioraea 'from Divulson College. Henry bought S2 yards Aurhis wife, oouhfc8 1, Richard bought 12 Mary, bought. i 9; Robert bougjit 8 and Hannah .bought 1. The proo! that this is the Only combination that will inetiheconditipfMi la-somewhat long aatttechriicaMpnt the gentle man jfhogtveS these figfesclaUnsthat. The SelNSUtttalniinV loiotrv . Mr . DeJarnettvof Cabarrus, has the inodel and drawing of hir self-sustaining motor on' exhibition at the eourt house. Gentlemen interested in such matters are invited todrop irli'any time between & and r jtfdbck1, to-day1 and exT mine the merits'otjJie invention. Mr. iJeJarrett has all the enthusiasm of an inventor, and wlU bfejdeligtiWat. the lportimity. td point put thei principles ()t his design, in the success of which he iw the greatest;eqfldence;: .;iLj, Tlie order for in elooAnnAn lh crrad- e 1 school by the board of aldermen re- luues a new legistratibn for voting on i,ie qaestiorf:KThe'-7siatue providing w these elections- requires "the ordi "iince which orders, the election(to de '"and a new reglrUtion.' provided the voters have not sUready registeredas saving lived in the ward for'the- 'term f 00 day8y-if jou jjjye legigterernt ""s uianner a new,freaistrtionv is not "cucssary to vyee on the-ratfi eti school 11 registen ir column; ' fflce of New York A Balto. Transportation O. "d.v,l' been troubled for aome time with a baa 'r'.i h ,d occasion t- try a bottle of Dr. BuU& rii " ?yriiP- In les than 24 hour I was entirely r lVHd-. 1 orainend"hl taedlclne'tb all 'ml I.- ..... V .it :V , 1i W ftFimiL it would be safest, however; hewi Mr Mieiiinjes of ivertisement in an- 5, Another Chapter of a Sad Story. v Tiie shock to the 'community by the suicide of Mr. E. F.Riddick, a telegraph arjerator irrthe office ia this city,is still vivid an jute ynindsotthe itizena of yharlptte, nad much sympathy lias P tot M nm& wmm : cews wiu do mucn . increased when it is known that a short while since, the unfortunate lady visited the mother of her deceased. Jiusband, and the meeting twaa sor full jof tiiei Tncemories of the death5 of the nusband and son, that the mother's love overcame her. The sight of the wife of her dead son, whom she then saw for the first time, sent the heart-broken woman to bed, and she died in a few days. Mrs. Riddick re turned to her friends in Charlotte, with another tragedy to sadden - her lifA "r T Jr s - lue S - . J If I I V- f I I" m. " For Future Reference. The weather record for the present year will show a curious reversal of the natural order of things a balmy, spring-like winter, and a spring which is a mixture of the warmth of early summer and the rigors of December. Butfoitlia $ain yesecday w-e shook! jiad -this morning the hyacinths, tallpe and roses, now blooming in the garden, covered with snow. Tuesday the ther mometer stood at one time at 74; Wednesday it was as low as 58; and yesterday it reached 33. There was a wild rush for wood and coal, and a div ing into old trunks for overcoats and cloaks that had been laid, aside till next fall, or it may be forever. The early vegetables, it is feared, will all go by the board, and the fruit, being deprived of the protection which a pleasant super stition attributes to March, will suffer utter destruction. The only glad heart in all these dismal times is that of the weather prophet, Vennor, who, stand ing over drooping flowers ad under blighted peach blossoms, sees his repu tation redeemed. Rmot4 ef Hareh Weather. The following meteorological data for March, 1880, is f urnishedby Dr. p, O'Donogh ue, officer in ch arge' of th 9 signal office in this city: Monthly mean barometer, 30.029 cleg. ; highest barometer, 30.406 deg., 11 p.m., 2nd; lowest barometer, 29.414, at 11 p. m., 27th ; monthly range of barometer, 992. ; monthly mean temperature, 51.5 deg.; highest temperature, 79 deg., on the 5th ; lowest temperature, 33, on the 13th and 30th ; monthly range of temperature, 46 ; greatest daily range of temperature, 25, on . the 3lst; least, daily range 5 deg., on the 15th ; monthly mean re lative humidity, 66.9; prevailing wind, northwest; maximum velocity of wind and direction, 21 miles southwest, at 12 :15 a. m., on the 28th ; total monthly movement of wind, 4,665. miles; total rainfall, 9.57 inches ; number of clear days, 7; number of fair days, 9; num ber of cloudy days, 15; number of days on which rain fell, 18; dates of lunar halos, 16th, 17th, 25th ; dates of frosts, 18th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 31th. Xlie Close of Hie Festival. The Hebrew fair was brought to a conclusion last night. The sword and afghan contest was finished at too late an hour for the result to appear In this morning's Observer, but the excite ment was very great and getting greater as we went to press, and the indications were that heavy voting would be done just before the counting. The crowd during the first part of the evening was not as good as on either of the two pre vious, but it was considerably increased towards midnight. The weather, how ever, prevented many from going out who would have done so had it been fair. The festival has been a success finan cially as well as in the pleasure which it has afforded, not only to our Hebrew citizens, but to the public generally by whom it was largely patronized. The object for which it was given is as commendable as the manner in which it was arranged and conducted was tasteful and satisfactory. There is some probability that the orphan asy lum may be-located in Charlotte and theinterest which our Israelitish citi zens have shown in it certainly deserves consideration. About the I! ail road. Chester and Lancaster, being about to be connected by railroad, are striving to get a telegraph line. The Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio ltail road.still stands ready to put up the wires and instruments for a telephone line between Charlotte and Statesville, if the people along the road will furnish the posts. It is stated that (Jo J. j. u. Clark, who has just resigned the position of super intendent of, the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, is to be consulting engineer of the Richmond & Danville Railroad with the several lines it con trols. Col. T. D. Gillespie, superintendent of this, division of the Southern Express Comoanv. whb has been ; prevented, bv ill health from discharging the duties of his office for the last three months, ias partially recovered and again taken fiold ot business. iis position has oeen filled during His illness by Mr. O. M. Sadler, route agent The Supreme Court of the State has decided that the statutory presumption of negligence on the part of a railroad company, killing stock only applies- when the facts aie uncertain, vvnen the facts .are ascertained the question of negligence is one of 7 law. It is -not negligence for a railroad company to f ence its track. Ererettism In the Opera Houw. , The Evereit Family, who are to ap pear in our opera house next Monday and .T aesday nights,; appear to be a won derful set of people. The' Augusta Evening News has this to say of their recent performance in mat city: , The Everett Family gave one of their wonderfully -mysterious seances last evening at the opera nouse. ine tricks olr Jiir. lieorirexiveietu mo yun,-wiuiv hension. and are quite enough to make an audience' wiw witn areaa or tne spirits that hover about him and assist him in his dark doings, - The methods by which h ; extricates himself from tied up and sealed positions is inexpli cable and calculated to make the hair stand straight up from the heads of the stage committee. The performance ot Mr. Geo. Hiverett witn miss JNeine Eve rett is even more wonderful . The sec ond, sight or mind reading of this re markable and accomplished young lady is balanced by the power or mma im pression exerted over her bj her brother. She is blindfolded, and, sitting : oiv the stage, can instantly tell the name of any article that he touches in any part of the audience... 3he oanr without any assistance of - trickery, either in words or acts, tell the' name with any pecu liarity of, any thing that his mind con siders, as, for instance, the letters of a monogram, the exact time by, a watch, the date of a letter, the nutioberof a checks the setting of a ring, the name of a paper, etc. ,This extraordinary de velopment of the minds of brother and sister in this paiUcular direction we do not pretena to expiam, ana inaeea. we do not name it, but the influence is as certain as it is wonderful. All who ee them" have the foolish- and popular sk:tfsnV!t the subject removed if they a tMx test and are persuaded that the mysterious force of mind off mind crenerallv conceded as the pecu liar privilege of spirits Wcertainly and satisfactorily exhibited by George Eve rett ana Miss iieuie. ;This part or the performance is worth the study of peo ple wijth mind about them while the whole exhibi tion is entertaining. The I opera house should be crowded to-night to witness at a. Bman cnarge a demon stration' of Everettism. um The Afar Iiine Wavbouts. TThe washouts'on the Air Xine track will probably f not: be, filled in sa that cars can pass berore next Sunday A mile and a half of staging is oec-4 jessary-i. Tne ravages X of Z' the storm - the, . section 5 between Tucvoa and Mt. Airy were excessive., At one place the water against the rail loaa embankment was-, eighty-two teet deep and there was a sixteen foot cul vert under-tlie embankment. It is thought that ft bole about 490 feet long; will have to be trestled. It is said that the rain was not accompanied by any ; wind, but poured straight down. It was probably a water spout. The Siyns In the Ileavenw. Astronomical Contribution to ProvWece ioarnaL Those'who study the stars will hhve plenty of occupation in the coming years. The index -hand 011 the celestial dial-plate points to events of moment ous import. TJie four great .planets reach their nearest point to the sun more nearly together .than they have done for.atmost.twa" tiioxisamd years. It is not unreasonable to suppose that with their strong pull and? pull all tfc gether they will create some unusual disturbance in the chaotic elements that lyafcejip. tlie sun's fiery mass. -T4e forces of the new spot cycle .are now in active operation, and those who. have closely watched the influence of the so lar disturDance on climatie conditions predict a hot summer from the heat waves that follow the commencement of the tremendous solar outhfeaksmfe hidden chambers of the great pyramid have given forth in oracular fashion momentous prophecies for 1881 to the. few disciples who have faith in their, teachings, and astrologers cast strange horoscopes from the unusuaT planetary combinations. Meantime the celestial panorama unfolds its interesting Scenes slowly and serenely before, admiring tt terrestial eves. The disturbances that startle the finite powers of the hu man race are but as the dust or tne bal ance in the order and harmony that rule in the realms of infinite space, and mil lions of . years must elapse before the sun's fires cease to burn. . - mm . .' '' . 1 Beaufort as a Summer KoVt.' By aU accounts, Beaufort is likely to recover its old-time popularity then the new hotel opens, though that, it is said, will not De until - August A correspondent of the Wilson Advance says: "It is the most beautmu idea tion for a summer resort that vour cor respondent has ever seen. Passengers get off right in front of the hotel. 1 he bathing houses are reached by plank walKs: The Kiiri-batlung on the uanks is, 1 am told, the best on Ue Xuanuc coast, Long Braicli awl (ioHeyMshmds not excepted. 1 here is no under cur rent to carrv one out to sen. A firstf class livery stable will be situated oyer on Bogue banks, where the beach . for 25 miUs as hard as a paveaieM, 2io morei-ifleasairt drive be fonT-fn North Carolina. A cool sea breeze and a smooth road." Declines With Thanks. To the Bdl cr of The Observer. . Thanks to Civis for his kind mention of my name in connection with the of fice 01 mayor. Uut you have already a worthy list of candidates before you, to which I must respectfully decline being added. J. L. Morehead. Illore Aldermen. To the Editor of The Observer: As a substitute for the ticket from Ward No, 2, published in this morning's Observer, allow me to suggest the names of Jno. L. Brown, Jno. L. More head and Jno. C. Davidson. Colored Man. For Mayor. To the Editor of The Observer: Please announce in vour colunms the name of Chas. F. Harrison as a suitable and competent person, in every respect, to become a candidate for the office of mayor. Many Voters. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are roa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and trying! wtta the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of UBS. WlNSLOW'S SOOTHfNG SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend npon It : there Is no mistake about it There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is tne pre scriptlon of one of the oldest and best physicians' and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 2o cents a bottle. nov6 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CANDIDATES. A Card from F. S. Dc Wolfe. FSLLO W-ClTIZENS : I am a candidate for Mayor of your city at the approaching election. I am not to the "manner born," but sixteen years of busy life spent In your midst has fully Identified me with yon in Interest, and will enable you to Judge of my fitness for the office. If elected the best return I can make for the confidence reposed In me will be a faithful discharge of duty. Very respectfully, r. s. uewuujs. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Editor of The Observer: Having determined to appear before the people of Charlotte again as a candidate for Mayor, I ac cept the nomination tendered through your paper this morning, and return my thanks for the com plimentary expressions contained in the commu nication. F. L Osbobnb. April 1st, 18S0. . . , MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH APRIL 8, 1880. PRODUCE. Baltimoks Oats easier; Southern 42a3, Wes tern white 42a43. do mixed 40a41, Pennsyl vania 42a43. Provisions quiet; mess pork 12.25a 12.50; bulk meats loose shoulders clear nb. sides 6, ditto packed 5a7fDacori shoulders 5i, clear sides 7t. bams JOi&aiZVf. lud-Hm-ftned tierces 8. Coffee very dull; Rio eargoes 13itoal5i. Sugar dull; A soft W. Whlskef dull at Freights quiet. ClMCiNNATi Flour firm: family'. 525a5.60. fancy 5.75a6.25. Wheat firm at . 4.20. Corn easier at 40a41. Oats quiet at 37- Pork nominal at lO.50aio.75. latq auu at o uaav 00. huuc meats dull; shoulders 4.00, clear ribs 6 30, clear sides 6 65; bacon firm; shoulders 4, ribs 7, sides IVi.' Whiskey in good demand at 1.05. Sugar firm; hards 10Vs, New Orleans IVgaSVa. Hogs firm; common ii.50a4 ao. ugm 4.3oa,t)u, packing 4.35a4.65, butchers 4.65a4.75. New York Southern flour heavy; common to fair extra 5.25a5.75, good to ehotce do 5.80a7.25. Wheat closed steady; ungraded winter red 1.25a 1.30. Corn heavy; ungraded 5ia53. Oats weak at 40 for No. 3. Coffee quiet; Rio in cargoes 13ftal6, In Job lots 13Hal7lfa. Sugar met; uuoa muscovaao 4. iair 10 gooa rennmg 1'faa'unt KLtulc l Yqi ivuucu ui iat wniqiiu. ouur dard A QiaiA. Molasses firm: New Orleans 44aH0; Porto Rico 45. Rice in good demand; Carolina 6tfea7fe Wool quiet; domestic fleece 50a65, pulled 33a62, unwashed 18a42, Texas 21a40. Pork lower at 10.75; middles dull: long clear 7, short clear 7.35, long and snort 7-20. Lard closed lower at 7.40. Whiskey nominal at 1.09al.l0. Freights to Liverpool easier. CJTTON. Galvbston Dull; middling 2Rhc: low mid 12l)feiigood ordinary i lfe; net receipts, 384; gross ; sales 225; stock 35,306; exports coastwise 221; ureal mitain a,44. Norfolk Quiet; middling 12c; net receipts 1.943; gross ; stock 15,587; exports coastwise 172; sales 10; exports to continent . . BALTTitOH Dull; middling 12c;low middling i2i&: eood ordin'r llc: net receipts ; atom 144; sales 25; stock 14,184; exports coastwise 20: spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to eminent . Bostoh Quiet: mlddllnff 12e: low middllnr 12Vc; good ordinary ll?fer: net receipts 719; gross ; sales ; stock 18,613: exports to Great Britain - wnjcnfeTOMDull: middling 12tsc low mid dling ime; good ordinary 11 6-16; receipts 87; gross ; sales' ; stock 3,846; exports coast wise. ' ..Philadelphia Quiet; middling 13c; low middling 1 2c ; good ordinary llc; net receipts 258- gross 336; sales ; spinners 325: stock -18,036: exports to Great Britain . - , .,. ' Savannah Dull; middling-12: low midJI n 12c; good ordinary llc; net receipts 197; gross ; sales 400; stocn 20.466; exports coast wise . trow 1,164; aales 8,850; stock 24615; eoa Sreat Mtalnl2.230: France a.-S?:: 7?T i .AWBrrjgmet; voMBaf iVAe;- tew middark tl; wood urdtmiT lUto net reeeljta 278; erOW trfi-flBM nn 8v,zwr rrts ooaJrtwise VllllUIIH. fhllftt' Tntlrlltn . .--.- . 869 . atalpoMtuts 620; ..wUe SUUg ; atork r.- JH-. 11 ACttU3TA Dull ; .middUBg J21iiC.iew mid-. dllng.Ilt.4COoxLordUiat7 Il3( - reeeiit8 75; shipments i sales 106i stock . middllnr-125aejt ew mid dling 257: i stock -H i'"li tvtaad fejfl3rng Uplands liraeOaf drieahsl iflE receipts 25f: momV.Wfi r HWirtt !rfi64: M ant . . n v - v v a. 1, 1 LXTKWML NOON-Cptton (iua Middlliut Ur lands.'ii f o-lMf' SOddUng 4t&na:7d sates 5.00X . speculttUea, ; ami . poa uaOu. reseipts 21.000 American 15.200. Uubuula low mlOMme clause: April delivery 7 6-32d, lerll afidTJay do. M Mdinejd-June' And joly 7 1M fid. July ane Atigusi .i 5-kttd, August and Seeteoibai 7- 32d, September and October 7i&d, Noveaihv and Doeombcr6d. l9-:J2nd. Futures dulL " TTJTURBS. C - i 1 - . Tf; v.l SaleI87,- 12.51 ' 12 .56a.S7 . ..12 .6889 l3.87J7 ; 12 .84v5 12 .50U.62 . 11.81a.3 ll.52a.54 Nbw yhik Futures closed steady. 000. April May ; j.. June. Auaaat ..... . .... SeiiMi9r...1.v.iui October,..,... , ... ..... ...... November. .. IJecenhef,A..,.,. t NsvSoBXr-teeks closed bnoyant. ' New York Central. Erie... . .. 44 188 9534 be 3.08 Lake Show... Illinois Central.....; . -. Nashville, and. Chattanooga, . , unicago and iNortiwsestem Bu K. latana, . Western Union Alabama CieesA, 2 to 5.. 1.84 t.Oft ' 62 . 92Vs i 70 Jl 00, 191 ,875 " C eiio a vm j, rmau,. rass8.B,6s..-.-' - " Class c 2loB Sub-treasnry balances Gold. . ... , " . Carreney e - j t ... 1 n t 1 H. ; - Oma of thte Obsuhvhh. CHARlrTK. April 9. 18x0. The market rastentaj closed duli Good Middling ...j . J2J4 Middling. . .. 1 StrlWlew m idr: , t .. . ; . 1 2 1-1 6 Lour middling. . -r Keipts fur thd.y.rM balesj VEGETABLES. i K.tjU, SUPPLY ON SATTJRDX'S MOHJSIKi. ' NOW INTORj! ' r - J f BUBHELS SWEir-OTATOia FROM 1 AA I 1 VUg EXTERN NOTrTHCAROtlNJ- ap w PUKSUAHT to adjournment, the regular month ly wteettmr of The Carolina Fair Association for April, wltl be held In the Court House, In Char lotte Saturday, April 10th, at 12 o'clock m. It is eamestrr requested that the membership will feel the necessity of attending, as business of. Im portance Is to be transac ed. - . : The Lectnre of Robt L McDowell. Esd., on Cot ton Culture Is also to be an important eatura of the meeting. 8. B. ALEX AR DEB, apr8 . .5 ; irMidenL SALE OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL Railway. Under Decree of Foreclosure. BY VIRTUE, and In pursuance, of a decree of ths Superior Court of New Hanover county. State of. North Carolina, made In a cause there pending, wherein Edward Matthews, for himself and ethers, Is plaintiff, and The Carolina Central Hallway company, and Andrew V. stout, ana Timothy H. Porter. Trustees, and James L. Dawes. and J, Brander Matthews, Trustees, are defend ants, the undersigned, commissioners appointed by the said decree, will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door, In the city of Wilmington, in the State of North Caro lina, on MONDAY, the 81st DAY ef MAY, A. D., 1680, at!2 o'clock, M., the entire railroad as the same exist and is now used, known as the Caroli na Central Railway, as welt the portion now built ahd completed, extending from the city of Wilmington, in said State ef North Carolina, to the tywn of Shelby, In. said State, ft distance .of J aoou za miies, as mso hu pumou uucunipiem and set to be built, aad'to extend from the said town of Shelby to the town of Sutherfordton, in said fttate. a distance of shout 80 aues, with all railways, righto-of-way, depot grounds, and, other lands, tracks, hridees. viaducts, culverts, fences. aad other structures, statfon-hooses, englne-houaes, J car-nouses, ware-houses, ire!gDt-nousea,wooa-nous-ea, and other buildings, machine-shops, and other shoos, all locomotive esslnea. tenders, cars, coach es, and other rolllmr stoek aadx equipments, all stationary, engines, machinery, tools. Implements,,; fuel, andwuitp rials of Jtfl -kinds:- dm all the- eor-, porate franchises, Tights, and prisUegeaLof The J Carolina Central Railway company; aisot ait tne shares of the capital stoek ef the WUgdngtoa Railway Bridge Company held nd owned by the said Carolina Central hallway Company, and all the right, title, and lnterest-which-th said com pany, has and owns la and o the stock and piop ertyof the Wilmington Railway Bridge Company, as one of the corporators thereof : and also all other the property and estate, real and rersonaL, of every kind and description, of the said Carolina Central Railway Company. ' TERMS OF SALE; Purchaser must nar In cash, on the day of sale, One Hundred Thousand Dollars, and the residue of the mirchiuA monev tm thDee eeual Instalments at one. two and thmc mont,ha 1rnm fhn riay nf galfl with interest from that day, at tne rate or six per centMperar4;b4uicra8ef e?nanlicl&&i& any or all of "the salddeferred payments, and mike navment In full of the purchase money at any time before maturity; payment of that portion of the purchase money not hereby required to be paid in cash may be made in whole or in part, either in cash or in the bonds, or bast due couDons thereof, secured by the first mortgage from aid Carolina Central Railway Company to sald.AndDBW V, Stout and Timothy R PorterTf rusiees,? odafe May 17th, 1873 to the; extentof the proTOtarper centage of the par value of the said bonds and coupons, which the holders thereof will be entitled to receive upon the dis tribution ot the proceeds of the sstd sale under the rder and decree of said court. Possession will be delivered to the purchaser so soon as the sa'd sale shall have been confirmed by the court, and one half of the purchase money paid to the commis sioners, and the purchaser shall have assumed all the outstanding contracts, and liabilities of the Receivers heretofore appointed in the said cause, and Indemnified them against the swtne. .NATHAN A. S I JtUJiAH, JK. JUNIUS DAVIS. apr8 3tw for 6sue,w. Commissioner?. dress making: UP STAIRS, OPP. THE OBSERVER OJTICK- Dress Making In the- latest styles at the lowestPrices. apr2-lm MRS. P M- THQRNBORfi. .uiusetucnts. OPERA HOUSE; FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Monflay & Tcesflay, April 12tL & 13Bl Everett Family 1 WILL ILLUSTRATE THE WONDERS OF SPIRITUALISM ! INTRODUCING MR. George Everett Who is acknowledged everywhere to be the most remarkable exponent ot bnlrttaal Manifestation in the world assisted by Franks Everett. -Charles; jsverett, Miss Annie xverm ana miss neiin Ever ett, whose wonderful powers ef Second Sight and Mind Reading, have become the wonder of both Hemispheres. f Admissioh, . - -. - 50c., 75c. and $1 Reserved seats to be had at the usual places. apr8 iVVst. ; fgooa iornary rms U sales SOfir -Tierit J.i ii .t"t.l4 t J mm uw. ii-r-.-i iGt.puJBop ' U ''' a - : ' ..'.''. CiitKid , tacfe UV Ziesler's Best Pcbb x ox Serize IligUCutKid. Lac& Kiil Kewporl'Ties M Fox Lace Serge Pebble Goat Coojpcess , . Serge , , , , est ivia ajuuo, Mv fithfk oF eritlfemteri's Goods cannot be SurDasaoci. :apr9 . ; Democrat and Borne cop, ElffiW CB- 3D CD m 1 . t Mil Dontnsice yOTr porchase8 before allthlateat novelties for both; LAdies arid Gentlemen. All the latest desigtw'to Dress Goods, Trimmings. Household Apparal, Ladies' arid Children stylteh of CLOTHING fot Men, Boys and Children, in grat vHriety, ajl the latest Shades ot Sephei;, Gardr-pard, Beedj, etc!, f op 4tny fVTotlt.i Car petgj Matting and Oil CJoth; in new-sty Wsd L0.ft yjCES. ..."Stftase examine our new stock, as it will pay yoa handsomely - ' - " , , , . , r.,;' ,..)-... .7 ' The I&st Unlauhilried; tnaff j ' ' ELECTION NOTICE, MAYOR'S 0TtlC MarchIst, 1880. By-vfrtne of a resolution ptesed at a late meet ing M tne Beard Hf IderaWii of the elty 6f Cbsr lotte, i aha atuthorjiel! is advertise that there will beaqertlanbjiba.Vjt, held to the city on the Unit Monday In Jt.y, i. D.. t$0, at the usual polling places, to t&ft rialnthe sense of the quali fied voters, 6b the euerstioB. of establishing and huUntaiumg by taxalloa in the city., public graded schools. I anl further authorized to state that the maximum rate of taxation shall be cwtenth of one per cent or tea cents on every one hundred dollars worth of property irk the city, and thirty tents on each pott At the tfme designated for the aforesaid election, there shall be elected by bal lot two school commissioners from eaeh ward. There will be new -registration books opened on the first day of April, A. D. 1880, and the same shall be kept open until sundown on the Saturday previous to saldlec4on Xdo- fcaieby appoint as registrars and inspe&ors for said election, for i Ward No. 1 F. A. McNinch. registrar; inspec- tors, J. W. Wadsworth, R. M MUler and cnariea A, rrarier. Ward No 2 Walter Breta. registrar; inspectors, Tm. M. Wilson, McD. Arledge and G. W. Bryan. Ward No. 8 B, Y. Boyd, registrar; inspectors, I. H. MCiinn, J. Brown and H. Edwards. Ward Na 4-R. P Waring, reelstrar; inspectors, J. M Sims, Wm. B Nlsbet and W. F. S nlder. aprl F. I. OSBORNE, Mayor. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held on the first Monday of May, being the 8d day of the month. 1 880. at the usual DolllnK nlaces In the several wards In the city cf Charlotte, for a 4 Mayor and a Board of Aldermen, for the said cTty: Ward No. l-Registrar, F. A. McNinch; inspec tors, J. W. Wadswvitb, R. M. MiUer and Chas. A. Frazier. Ward No. 2 Registrar, Walter Brem; inspectors, Wm. Mv WUson, McD. Ailedge and U. W. Bryan. Ward No. 8 -Registrar. Bi P. Boydr Inspectors, L Medina, ipo. X. Brawn and H.. Edwards. Ward No. 4 Registrar, R. P. Waring; Inspec tors, J. M. Sim Wm. B. Nesblt and W; F. Snider. M. K ALEXANDER Sheriff, F. I. OSBOUNE, Mayor. aprl Choice Fresh The Most Complete. STOCK .;!!. Mi IN OH All LOTTE. LARGE VAU1ETY. f you Want something nice for the Tea Table; try them, at ' PERRY'S; lOOO MORTGAGE JDEEDS AND lOOO FEE SIMPLE j , JTJSX PRJNTEP 1KD FQR SALX AT. : . : The Observer Office Jan. 2od4wtf. BOARDiNG "ORIVATE boarding can be had for one or two J small families by applying to a B. MEACHAM. marl8 dim. Near Air-Line Depot A CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR, BOBERTSdN, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE. MIX, I i ...... . , ! Vrtmi hrtMn vearsi fcxfekehrW'fn hosDital and Dri-' vate oractlee. marantees a permaneiit care in aU diseases of the Urinarr Organs and of the Nervous Sy8tem-rviz: Organic and . Seminal Weakness, Impotency floss of sexual power), Nervous Debili ty, an TremBOng, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness,' Pains in the Back and Nooturnal. Emiaskms, etc., all resulting from abuses la Vouth or excesses In manhood. Diseases racentiv- eohtraeted cured 1H frre Ur ten days, and the prjbwn entirely eradicated from the system. Ateo ail skla and Mkm diseases ouiekly eared; Or Robertson, graduate of the jJolversitr ol Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special atterrtloti given to aU fe- ntola iwunnl tilnFa ntwl lmmilaiia& i . : . , h All consultations strictly confidential, and medi cines sent to any aaaress. van or wnus, euciusiug r stamp for reply. septlOlf Pi A Hi mm ' - f,.i :-:( h-r.wlnU u CIHARlLOTTB, TtT. 'O. French Heel-PJateV.14.' lV .'. . -fil Vl'l.t ' IlitJlUV Jl" 'I" i- i ' ya . v-'ltAuivlkvivx-viK " f ,J,r,,.i,k..i ' ' -w ' Pfain ' u 'it:' Yt r I i.i..i.viLVi1.1, . i'J. . i'.'lf. HvS '..'.' .. v.- i ; ;ij'jo.a ti'.-i i I'i -. j. iPrenobi ' : v. !::- very:repectfHli7 :i. i h'uiui; tl. Ii It 1 J. , ' ' Jll lil'l! nil vj.i. exarrilruriBsjureorMs, we Have nfl (led1 Imprqivedi SKirt Ready mom w 1 ftT'E-G-ROGEBS'W&REROOWS . KEmTWJPOSTOFFIi uiurat au wus yaypu ur w va vutu nDPAIJC 13 stPs- 3 Set Reeds, 2 Knee U n 11 II Wo Swells. Stool. Book, ohlv PI ANOS, Stool, Cover and Book S210 to i9(M). ' Il lustrated Catalogue ree Addressi, - M-i h AiANUSi, if. reattx, Washgmn,, J.j A CENTS WANTED For the Best and Fastest Selling ilcterial Books and Bibles. Price rt duced x3 per cent. National Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ' TAPE WORIV1 INFALLIBLY CURED with two spoons ef medU cmeiatwo or three hours. For particulars, ad dress. lth stamp, H. EICKHORN, Na 4 &3t Mark's Place, New York.' ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. ' We Will send our Electro Voltaic Belt and ether. Electric AppHanees -npon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatisssi paralysis or any diseases or. the A4ver or juaners, and many other disease's. A sure cdre guaranteed or bo pay. Address YOLTAJC BELT CO., Mar shall. Mlclv . .... . U. i CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THB WORLD. 17567a Newend Old Standard Works - in Every Department of LUeratunL -Al most given away. Catalogue of General .Litera ture ano ncuon rree. immense mausemepts W. Book auhs and Llhraries. ' ;7i- "i ' ' ( .-LBGfiAtr BROS;, : 3 Beekman St opp. Post Office, New,Xork. i i i ii ii ' ii i- i ii iliiiijiinliil u JUST RECEIVED. iH, 1 HaO. lme'-ail Igfades ready-made : v i : IlillH;' From the Manufacturers, and will be sold for j; 1 -;.!1 i-n'.i :'.' !' V-V v1 ii'J -l!7- . lit (ill i" ;! ;!' I";'.fi 111 hi ( AfWther'Loi oVtri ose , i. ii ;ii. in GLGAKS At thejsame low price. . ; i I New Style Ttteuedeit ,1111141111 WALKING WATS. 9i 'hi it; BLaCIC! AND BROWN. i ' . II lr. -.1! il ;, ii". .tJ t'i ..' : . 'ii'i i; ii !,.! -.1(1 ! ' ilideaienW m;- -Ij.'l En v., A: ' it NbtiW?'-"! f 1 I.N. ! I ' 1 1 i!i v SEIOHING TOBACCO Tobacco erown in Western North Carolina Is for its good smoking qualWes, the best ef in this brand., fl ti.rtir ,!' Ask vour nearest mpie pack i tor circa age; or, if you are a dealer, write to me uus asa waoiesaie ynews. : iaqotcss a r- ; Jan' 27. M AVlnYi Milt l.i I H ' AT. PRIVATE UHJ i HATING DETERMINED, T.6 CHANGE THE Investment. I offer a hjtlf interest in a talua- iil!'.'l Mf?l 1 1 t ble piece ef REAL ESTATE, centrally located and paying welLt-Xthar Real Estate would be taken ta exchange. A bargain can he had by addressing CIVIS. r3-lw. P. O. Box, 206, ii m n r n ii ,r s nl II 111 II L U ini L II V g it u L ii t n us i 4 :.! liiO'Ui ''" i'tu. ;i-'lilrfJrrf : - ... i ... ! : v.-M'A'Hj" fiii-! mj; 'jlinji ) 1 rfT , .... 3 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 25 2 25 ...1 1 1 i.u :ti 1 . . 2 60 2 50 4 00 Call and Sao Them i J.MOYER. GKEAT 'TTHAGttONHfehieasonlri IK ni,:,n ,-.,HitU -Hit is v.? I ':;o ' I .. - Y1 !IT .a It vtw . ' TOIJPOSTOFFICE. f Ur- of PIJagll, 1 ': 1V T h .'I M TIE PUBLIC WILL TAKE NOTICE That the Or fler.oirte PomMier-ficnnralisjstnAr tbeiuatls r the Louisiana State Lottery Company is RK MINAEil... .' !,,- ...It iif.v.'i !. Begfstere isterea Letters ana Honey uraers I i .11. Boney can be e Malls as form A BPLEMDID OPPfflTUNITT TO Wl A MOBr- Tuesday JJ rawing. , - by the' Legislature and d cnaritabie purposes TWKNTT-nVK TEARS, TKKM Of the invlola ble faith of the State which pledee has been renewed bv a: elmlng popular vote, securing its franchise In the new constitution serve fund ol $350,000. . Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take plaw.ioMri 'oMllind2uebddyj " It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow trig distribution hri'lllfi: ets. One DoU LIST OF PE , i ;l3apltal Prize....1. 10,000 J ' 1 Capital Prize 5,000 12 Prizes of $2,50P,.VvAtmMw.4. 5,000 , J1 i5 Prizes of lJOWW.W.EE??.:?. sioOO Prizes of 50. ,,.,10,000, PriaesiciiI to&..iullrilwl,OO0t Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES, 9 ApproxlraPriZeyWe..C Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 lit"! ionhli'nH 9 I (H ' blfiq tH-UtVUllLlL. (L857 Prizes, ari8andrlg)o..Aa'(HJ,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all wirite, clearly stating run address, for further fdrmatlon, or send orders by express pr in a Re- . 1 This Institmloirialu mefitambior xax&Uonal .... . . .T , M. A. DAUPHIN, , ; , New Orleans, Louisiana, or samapeismat)Hniit fir.i)- 'lilf n i , ' No. 313fadimKNew York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of General G, T.Beauregald lIun iilBBiljt - I f irlTZuTT , Jf B. -This Company has NO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pre- . Autho 19tli Commeaiuslilrf 'aUIJIY'S, TESjkTRK. . Ii.' M pPww 1-1iw;iw i t it 1. 1 I . , .. i utt i. Wil .a lSMVe OL 1OD0, ouu nuuuueu uj ui tun wui jKyvprfi KMuctoiifcms, BBgululirnthhMt dsj,f vmi i-. prominent citizens oi the biaie. r.ij. i - WtypreA U THE FOLLOWING PRIZKSi i p. .3 JAE. T.IUllieiU&oo ; 1 Prize, 1,000 ,J ! lururwaiUjnttUiil..rU)O0 a: A 20 Prizes 500 each, ld00O f i ;IV1 .WWtb. .,hilA BMkM l .lul HlMvl &Mff) I i l600nPrtaeaifi O0saesMU.'iA.U liftaOOa sn U)00rteskU -lol0leae)M.xiL.iMtkiMiivr4i,00B i i." 9 5Hsaa 9 ffi'W111'1 '. iw.isllffl! .WhOiaiXiekataL apnBaitiiEidBetaiS&r mjamauuvji ItHKt Bill r I.. i "lull .CufrtrtWrgt dnA Kate Ynrtr .ail.tlet-hoTdnisiV bank drait in ieuer,pc i and upwards, by expres Orders of $5 mt at our ex- pense. Address b, jh. deS exuNsa. fcah be se r-Joar- v nal U uuuaine, iouraviuo, jlv.. Broadway, New York. s ,.. March 31. oiatN 7

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