She t)fe&2fecn3cr It is saidthat the old; old cottrt house . dutiiun. nan Mii.i i i ha - . iuf J , 11 1 1 uriuiH iijijjr ' ri . ii. i .1 r - . i : iciinifinii i i . - - . ' ihii 1 1 i i . Til. i r "" TOPE VAfliuii- nn r nimnimv r iimb i &tw iai t i w -r. i i 74. iii- 1 km. iiijti f njuu 1 The tonovtlnpnlM ofpMsw ..or trxtiU 4o 9 twiroiiviuniNW) wia mv-TftU Arrives from Richmond, 11.17ft. Leave l -;iif iitatm -t(r ril-fii1kSS , -.UU'tfWitei moil hHilhii-iiulikrtJia. CABOLISA OtHTBAL. Arrives froi 4ftffi4fcKSa.S.lPIft0 a. m. Leaves for Wllmlngtoo, . . .. . . . 4. 8.25 p. m. Arrives from StosWpm? 5.05 m. Leaves f or Slieltay . r -to-jv- ,40 a. m. A rrive'frorh1 itS&l m T .pavfta for RtateavlllA. fn, ik! Aim nlliM thLVJtlantic l&fisAiuf'eas Inlawed lfrkfll il ' 7 , CT-w x,," ? in liio uuiuiciii puitiuii uy rising uar ometer and colder northerly winds. Local Repri'-Tor Veierda.r "" I 7 A. M. 2 P. M. 8 P.M Barometer, .1 30.129 Y 1 W.A tjr I XV Weitther, ..I Clear, Highest tern Hide loiYew Advertisement. n M. S. Pinafore -ferWft&use. j. Roessler Selling Out. IE PMC I ' jfV i ometrj 13 German at the Pleasure Club's rooms to-night. See that you are registered. The books are open. . ti The (5Bf.WAW,r Miles of spring yesterday evening. Another band of stnriMhfeTninstreW Vennoriaa feUefMrtt s&iditf wotld be clear auxins week.: Let's- Uav 0futt,fcujcrj,16itifc1,n 2th or May caeetinff Humeri & "--' " I 1.11 jr.'.mJr V'UM i-ntil .ill Tbe newroad law as mnciedi takes' effect onhjfrlirsttfaj of ,J ' 1 The roads in some places tteafttyrfn are said to be almostnmpassioie. u:vftSeTPiire Tof la havte iBrle holsis. i My arec go thfe:4art oMh4eJWta.E. The concei t wliich was to have taken place at the Female Institute to-night has been postponed till next Friday ni-ht. a rj ii np Mr. A. L. Butt, .exhibited lil 'riinor uma nfh? befrei last ah Imsloex- liibit it again last "night ihCfi9rlston. The News and Courier says the audi ence was small. The colored Bapt'ist congregation, under charge of llev.Z. Houghton, have finished their new S'hflrch mi StiSilff street AAatMMWftcesi next"liiAl;i will be ooMutfe frlrefh. (uite a storm of wind and rain blew up last night aboutS o'clock. The wind came first and the dustily ing through the streets was so thick that you could cut it witli a knife. A negro boy, 12 yeaysld. was SQQl to jail vestecdaybv; Ja$ie lhljfogjor stealing a' base-mil caproni Wfll cut ler, another little negro. Henry Tor- reucf! was his name. The Carolina Military Inatijjjti (lets will liuve a prizf dlMl m-d4y illume to worn wr coninetitof.K Hereafte monthly cohteat forSthe Mrs. Campbell having recovered from her illness will reopeii tiie1,Qoaking4 bcIiooI this morning at 10 oqloK and it is hoped by'lretnatT every' 'member of the class wiU:ibe pt esenfo The Juvenile Pinafore Troupe play in Greenville to-rtlght. Tbey maywtne to Charlotte to-morrow, asf the manage ment gives the young folks holiday every Saturday, 'Q ) There was a case of oleomargarine in town yesterday, whicfv resulted in the uoiuer. . . ! '-.t :-rrpi.!vio- There is a movement on foot to. get up, oa soon us strawbcrritB and etruw liats are fuUy jipe.f exjCBwion to ( 1 reen vi 1 le - fAWdSWe f the I'.aptist Church imdhe-ItWiets ffst Ibilemen. ;t iKAndtfakoek ihakdadb and water. Mr. Best was not, as ,it was reported in some of the papers that be woki4ie; accompanied. by:'Ms,,sbclat!i(.''Me'M,! dace, Fish anapa"1143 'tWW as he went up tUt Western lforthCro Jm.i Railroad ysteraF tte;W Mjit of the stbur UMm. special in another calumn; i .- ; f ire Alarnu fof tin Tarl 1" iln-i. hu -.imiT Wl JA ,j!tl ft li'- -Ji, Tliere liave been'.onlvitourteeni riros' and alarms of 6i-es"ln t 'comwatrf' of Charlotte diirlri'.tha'firifenril'al; tear,', which ljegaftitinrstiafiJa&t-May and f cioshh the last-of thiamdhtrr.';Ttfe fm destructive flM'wWtftnWwthe'lfW ton platform slwKkwhile agaandith burning of ti8 :l)ang .ofyMr?i A?? hury and DeWolfe. This doey,5,bt include ..the falsa .alarms. viwMcJz iarw about as numerousa Widfteiforgod1 f ' ...... tr.iW-. I.v.rff .1 .a-K. ton k i nr. .-.t Akinociate Ike form PrAMbvtftrVa , At the lateeU'j b teriah Churcfi,t,ItleSteel jDrtl tut thirty-elghlTKirufeTniK Hid three students of fheology. It was lePQVted that amonirthe voung men preparing tQV thg Mnhitiy?((wejrfti torn .uciBiy routine, aub ubaiiajccwuk will be httlil rff. ithnvsMhttihiri'VVifk' ,19. 1 Fr.t Thfe Yetfr aria jtiks 0 Lin'V (11 . it is a fact worthy of note fbaVWfr !"g trosts oc.Suri-ed tiVBaY.ahalaStijbiii I'leuticul daysof theroonlh, as is shown by the records' of tie-tgnl W'Jltf "is city. iiieiifroSt''WirieH Kinetr tne 1 'lit fell last, ypab nn'rM 4th and 5th, '"Jt a heavier frost -feU'dn'the 12th, tM ame daytm wlncil nuUlUe1 IMA season. "Vegetation was. .fcourpjir. -torther ad vanced thiVeliffJftliSvitfg been much mprewarfrrwejtHrt the sanjft Utfehyk ;en kilted iuit w inch wouja have co, of Us growth, tlipugb Uidid'jfp t-v-ocivjt aiioi?ei;ner iroui : carriage, Is a eure in ttom tn iKcttpUuttos.' ot been doctored wita opium preparations, .life Sjrup. itcootalna na&tag Injurious. 0 Arrives fwnr adjpawi W .tqX m. S lor Augusta. Jw.WWJi Iafr!. Ajves from AWMta,,., A...toi;.&. ?F l.lttta FotihJfcft n' rmor amrh I 29-989130 07 LTill Mil Aft?- i fair. lAiiiwn MOW X if X WW EI H Th6tfcai llie isuiceiSfdII dfliele vtillBeal victing the five negroes who burned the Greenville Academv of Mnsir nf whih he was principle owner. The names of ISBStt2l oS, fi ana mcnara nates. A telegram from ji ecu vine yesterday gays tne juiy! uiuugut in a veraicc or guilty at 11 o clock, night before last, and that J udge Thompson passed sentence upon them yesterday at noon. They are to be hanged on the 18th of June, unless tnerejs .some mterence-jpn, the, part t ,V "-Y"VBri rfwnjcn il n4tt all UklaeWinToirf4ulat tbJLver dict gives universal satisfaction. The manner in which the case was worked up by Col. Coxe and his asso ciates reflects credit upon their astute ness. It wilTbe re'membered that at the time the burning occurred, and for some time afterwards, there was no and subsequently made a full confes sion implicating all the others. The trial has been progressing in Greenville since the 6th, over sixty witnesses hav ing been examined. The pal.)Uari Att cited a great deal of interest, and able counsel were employed on both sides The crime of arson was made a capital offense by the lasJleBtMiaWrMf South Carolina, and only one criminal thus far has been executed under the new law. "ivlJIl YTf,') Gree'nVineTias suffered severely from incendiarism of recent years, some of tReAa56tCbeautiful and substantial structures having been thus destroyed. en UiftusAna Aoua.iis.,wxiiahf yiciilitolktUVUfceilidflitiik rom the city in its develoDment. in- &lcbM&ttl!HPf upon some of its lengia(leoterpnsing and moefc .progressive-citizens; ! Ruilrutt'ijaf mfi Sale ! tbe IHetroplitaa. Col. Wm. Johnston returned from Memphis yesterday, where he had been to attend the sale of the title of the title broueh the larere sum of 250 and r was bid off by parties in Memphis. Col. j onnston wouia nave Did in the title ; anti toe par Ilea MqpwBHaMthmiwhvwidy I did not thinfc that WaMor'w1iir4't6J pay much simply toward a judicial test Fire at Tate's Factory. eWlw 2,uoo wortn or yarn vmMRit wiK dry house apd the damage to the build ing is stimf tf4 tV foOD. T rhe dry bouse is afca flftfeW f rofA Ahe fac ; tory and the fire did not reach the latter. lawtljt'tiimeTJiraTiabdBadAjtrfajaittVuw ,tbe dry lvaiisemiwiMMSia-eousumed. The varn buruVso quickly that the floor werfcsbiU iMHomS'i damage, , &b&a. vrnst fto fcuaioe'irthya)rrt'ior(j(if'the .housfi, The ohhtTp ipojseu, from a defective flue. . - lll'lll i Capt. Palb5itWay that he will cofo.irlt0aMKgive an 'ex hibitioftlSsetifo atMt i m m er, if the citileWRfTlsror his jbenefit, fWtaae$iQi3!btf exhibi jtion, he saya; wiltbe;;the rsaoa'e as he gave in Augnsta-and Columbia, and he could be induced to come about the 20th or 2lst not before that time, as he is billed tot Wpear hi harlepkn,mhere he wrUJ-eciBiFeSClfk a ml Ixknbl tion. Capt. Boyton assures us that $100 would be cheap, as the rockets, shells, signal lightsretr., which he uses are expensiva We give the captain this little advertisement because he is a man of thoworid jmd secondarUv be. cauwv isli CF&fe JPiiifer'Tifcrna pdhrcesxigtfby Sllbwlrrgft to envelope" the manly form which has been washed by all waters of the (ciyiUzed globe. Furthermore, aoout six men havebeen drowned in Pbifer'g pond. ! Telephoneviu Ai FeW-MkyiZ j) J ! The missing link in the telephone ex change arrived yesterday in the shape of wires for the pjjC(e3wiadwi-They were being put up yesterday trad the work of placing the instruments will be begun torday, ,(Tjh,a eaqse of the de tention is said to be a delay in thefcrans- ortation of various material from iichmond. It was,rporthatJthese window wires were shipped f row Rich mond ten days ago. It became neces sary to order these things at the latest moment becmsg Uq tqlephwne exchange system is not yet fully perfectfeu and improvements are being constantly made aad,,jfltedufed., Tkeqageit of the company says that the system which is to be used here has several en tirely neWj -feaefeftnd dffw-s.greatly from the old. ' ' ' The work of putting up the instru- 1- 1 I A l i-t .1 . . j Supreme Court. 'Prrd ases of interest in this section of the tate: itBafrofaSli reversed. .inj M.IL WeaTei is. D. M. Juma, fium Ilendersoai i T-L-ClSyTon ; from Buncombe: n T J. H. Hutchinson vs. W.'H. Rumfeldt, dt als., from Gaston-appeal dismissed. , State vs. S. "W. Baxter, from Cleave lknd; no error; judgment affirmed. WeMii7rtifVarirax iitaiirpMr CoinBinM V HV. W. HoflrnW from Jurf- combe; two appeals; plaintiffs appeal reversed ; a detendants appeal amrmea. i Nancv Stephens vs. Nathan Brown, flror-i&hcrib.nny'ierre State vs. Wm. H. rVajm orry-HertrT fiord; no error irror; ju4gmf-5Jirriletlr'-'f S I.L. Da- 1s.elafl8.lfwm io error; jhogment affirmed. ' fVrvfti leVAJrilhMeTttViDrftlW:bT Iawltf bgrrwrw was .a.nN .iiu'4 niT'.jii Antliir of the Citlzent to Prepare for tKo'rtS1. tlJilHiffiq mow noil ww in 1 A meM,MP..!scaed .fT lE'ar tiitt.inyomrTjr tne upamoer loinme'rce! to take some aoUon . rerence to tw oewraiiyiwv tuo ap- troaching 20tu oil Jiafi. Tie Pioneer ir iomDanY nas. aDDoinieu aco, acuan iii. kfe.y! tbe citizens i at Jlargei:J'Th rtiPjfhoxTa.AAuaitis.r,, ,ajM laVe mtafcio'ineparatiqns for thelrn mitr i: u' uch i nariotte snau acaui amernrfli.alpdxm ; UJ 1 UmMTTJ 'ATH FUMYU k 'vy.itrB.'TbnfjsTofi arCttEOr- ''.IV f jnradtii reoorL if anvn rtainmenp. neyonu yuin wu nwpy err takenor xhe ceiebrauoptpr ,v f.hA nridbilflQMlfJJdOt and of WW W,:atf vnwilE!. ' L JSSSSi; io' vrt Oh jatiiatiBaK.e'iiw aispuiy wvsbHy tndBdJO a is to'attend to it yourself ir ecessarv..ta djQ,.lhia.lroB.rKA ,aQ oinoiffiiusicsAiBrf)ri : gSretal-JfeStiAtferf -rov3J todWaritfaiS pensed their cider and cakes while pro-1 UiuUjd fiuui the heat uf guuiiimi' mid the cold of winter by the overhanging temple ofSCftiW wJHpustomary, so w learfiifentdiamiSerxS. on mus 4$f stow it7riBjw,tlii&iiabei wlthTa by tllrowlhgthem over their saddles on the principle of a meal sack. An old gehtleWaiTsaid yesterday TO ffe Had heard ,Gen. Edney, whoxomnndedtthe iNfflW- WWW Jfcfits. biting orders so that they were heard two miles off. .Muna f, wi sjhi j j; vk t Thronirb. The trairBfltT-lfdBd, which ing between Tuccoa and Mt Airy for wnwawlra. Hor hw milpg th rnrt Wf en dist ace of the earth was removed to the bare tads. iflftn2pkwei'iJBftdi jftKbeM neaxirtoJiid a ttimkm feeli higft oVS thaWadeby the Middle Broad, llUUly a fHW im Hide1; but which, wcm ieprftffl-pout burst, filled up to adepth of i ArVreet against ti4uroM..embken , fMmt theiraek and wraiu trains over thefc frightful holes in two weeks time; rrd WMMMtt not a wheel off or a man injured, re flects thrfSit,3CreS2, ufon tCflian agemeittjitm9be fedt AiMWiins, freight and passenger, will be run through frogw.. Gen. Tojoa, EMring on tbe Ajrmr IU1." Ewing made the best speech of the ses sion in Cohgresstolay on the army bill, and the applause with which he was erected and the enthusiasm with ; which his brottfeTr Members congratu lated nim, confirm my estimate of his splendid effgrtr rHe-fattedrftteiation to the fact thabamVndineiA which the ; Republicans were now bitterly oppos ing wasK5Urr,ea,W during,he extra &ession;'andEnat only twelve of the party voted against it. More than that, neSiaW, a Republican President approved it. He cited from the journals -o Congress the fact that riders have been put on appropriation bills by rRepubiican yotea different tiro&utadt fa xeplVtb GkJL Hkwley Jte Ishowed that this was done by the Re publicans forty-four times in theForty- i third Congress, en. Hawley voting !"aye" every time, For these reasons Demooiftts bad supposed there would be no ortf(tf6ifm fUe&idub licans'tonericrerrr question, "jmn that 'hence there would be no necessity for speeche,s on the Democratic side, He, ifi'MiAsSed feof troo't- it'im- polls, quoting fruni English authorjfe to show how jealous Anglo-Saxon peo ple ha;yyej; been of the interference of the' miu ta'ryTn elections. He wanted ,to .wtawiu-wwi'ithe spirit of liberty :se.fimed tn lift dying out injaur -Country ; ana asued could it be that our progress !in the arts and scielices had caused-' mis. xi so, ne wouiu ue vvnuiig lo sur irender the railroad and the telegraph, and all the cSrafcfrts: of 'modern civil ization, and fetorh to the plow and the cabin on the hill side, where liberty dwelt anflfIohtislied in the days of our freedom-ldving forefathers. Just here he was as eloquent as possible, and sur passed his best congressional efforts. A Northern Democrat remarked at the Conclusion of tbf, speech that Ewing was one of the Union generals who was brave enough to De glad the war is over, and thattheSoutherivStateshave been restored to their places in the Union. Thousands of this speech will be publffcbeMiirkulanln Gen. Scales and tboOorernorwIiip, Greensboro Patriot. Durineo4fr interview. rinarked to Gen. Scales that we had observed with pleasure the steady progress of the "Scales boom" in connection with tliO fTHbaniatorialifchaii, and desired t know how he felt about it . . , The general seemed to thittK there" was no doubt of the nomination of one pf the two distinguished gentlemen whose names nadoeen so long and brominently before the public, and did pot doubt, that we could e,asijy carry he State with' either' as Jthetaridard peareKOf the-party. IwpuMprobabiy, be the most important election in the history 61 thfetatebecafise of rrts bear-' ng on the resu4Hh,iW.,ftiJai.Knl'j;oBT, ;est : but if the Dartv would prove true to itself and to its nominee, he did not ear the result. He said that he was not a candidate or Governor, and was perfectly con tented with his pjsiiJtpesition. Notwithstanding the' declarations of of the State press to urge the nomina- A m st -,' -J M-l Li A Li'A A. A 1 lion 01 uen. &e.ies Tor irovemor at me nnrnafihing mnventinn. We cannot eehow Gen. Scales could well refuse he position if he should be chosen as nart m uortn 3Garoiiaai thijlej: Hi ftosiuon. fortnv wate?oaar;Tio Qntoe wvoxeijorinan 19 J" . Pnaq Uet(r tnan oufe. aCactlouB of the! TToourha and col thMat and tamw aa lead tocon't Aymptlon are cured bypr. nmr a uougn pyrop. 44 Y MfcGS-APli F'vticiii Imi; ,PfT ..); '; iul'. Flour dull; Wsern lour dull: 1 ;neiHYliei;vr. u No. caiTO'bnrine r.u a.uwj JfjCbrn lower; fresh 85; regular82i& y? a. shojOioB6i horc!8R Wktekey Heady 1.07. BALTUdOWS Oats easier: Southern 41a2lA, Wes m white 41a42. de mixed 40a41, Pennsyl- nla 41a42To?isions weaK; meM.porK iif HM 18! 1 einar mdea nams iuviiM. iiara re- 4 mjLA:oaM terf ,uUs iBH.goI UUttf.. bUai, MBUi BUM' i "iUWf A 2 K.S I aTW - . 'a-.t tA. A4Mya, dwcnmATi Fteurdtift:- family - .25a8 R0,T, tincy 6.76a6.60. Wheat weaki No. 2 red winter 1115. Corn dtiUiQ&pljtW4a iliduU; No. 15. IIkI ids 4JtSa4wtehen 40a4rT0A Wheat cioseaacuve; ungniaea iuw rw i.o. T""-T-"" 1.--'" ..-A XA-kT. lowec.wi cargoes in In jobiou 1514a Mnlnuua stpadr: NeWTsrleAna nRn iMJiiMfri iiftrtflrLiiJiiiH.- iai vs. a-,I iqoo Tavaa oui.. Pork lowAi at 1 0.0a50i tolddles dulir Joraeiear o snoncmar K7iiviAf' nnd Btinft 7." i jtm nioBea tower w Lzrvs. left here at )l:30 oclock. vesterday ac4washhasTii whicB nas1eenawn- vires Wi.aies 1 Bi Wa. iflty. ye -ted;tr.-i nuiMmsLr .jnanoes jKI An coucna ana corns ana sucu aIaUAi inn nrm if. j cleacjddea iinJuU: shoulders 4J L tfur 1 Aasier: common o.ix4 10, lucm .w-io, 1 -iiuMi -iitdj to juamilrilul i HoUjrtiA-8tedy; jtiddllit 12if i4w 'kfchfHh ofcniii&im Mies !4.ooot0cfc&Kt.3j:K ii'? rrririrrrnr) Wf!mWfflWoii-,sni is!'). lattafeT7FfwalUiieta? ber 5-lW 6a 73, September and October 6 25- 5.15 p. m. Uplands low Baiddltnc otatuer Mar 000. -. . . . .. . t ...TrjrTl I f I J 1 iApVn ii .6a.fi8 August 12.02 i"'- ..:vd ll.31a.33 wovember .. ll.lla.22 v j..-tx4iooii! payrTAi7' noliaiijgnl tiiiT J SOTettttlnta vei ew' 1J0314J Koutjwd jcerlU): ill PS&rt-JSVi-'--'-W -M-kl. i .Aflf8 grn &Tundmi.Tr 1 A J Bok Island v.u.l -r.V- .fj.'e Western Union . . K .' .' . 7. ; ; Alabama-Class A. 2 to 5 !,. Class A, mull, '' ( iM CJasa B,5's ihV. r ClassC, 2toK.... ' ' 73Vtfi l.UVs v 1:081 190 1.041A ;62 90 i5 BuJWreasory balanoes-Gold. S103.63 11 uuTenef , . . . 'W,: CITY COTTON MAKKJSTj 1 Offic or th Obsukvtcr. i r CHAHborn, AprtMe? t880. 1 . Tbe market resterday closed weaic ;! ' Good Middling.. .. v.... .....r,.."V:' ' MIA Middling 4 v;.. ......- n Strict low middling 11. Lift Low middling. ...yJ... lOi Receipts for the dayf 65 bale. ' '"o- : Charlott Produce Market. APKlt 15, 1880. Cnrrrair Tim . ! New, perbdle '.fiOiS.Wt , bniloed, t. ..ii. ..... ..-,t BAeeoMit-ierfd. . . . .(.v ' ; . uii .' Cobm, per basbl .......... .tyv: .v. . Mkal, ....w;..v...J..;' JfXAB, " .t..V.4.itA.'i::tii 6 ats, shelled, . Ai . ; . . . . . , .' . r.". i Bacom . ""''i' N. C. hog round . . . . . . '. ::. . , Hams,N.C. Hams, canvassed.-... Bulk MkaTaV , . , , ,: Clear B $s. . '. : ..':v......". .hi .it !: .! J V .(T'lV "?? .-iVfvJ'i.V:'.:.'. ' 7 , ! 810 Labo, per in..,..,. OOFFK ' Pri(eRlo;...sJ..... i Good. Stbcp Sagar-boose. . . . ...1 MQIaAS63S ' Cuba Sugar Syrup Choice New Orleans 14Vi!6 f 30 30a85 ., 35a50 .'I'.'jj5a2.!f3 ; 1.101.25 lOMF11 8al0 Common. Salt' i Lrwrpoolflne;;,...KU 7h ii-iVoais.,.,.. aUGAH ii : Yellow.... Potatoes v,' Sweat ,. Irish. . . J TBa80 60 North Carolina. 1 5a20 i lOaW Chickens 23a28 ! Turkeys iXXU, .U ilVLtikVW.r 50a 1. 00 JDuck8 15a25 1riVn.i?.!.......?.iA.).H.! Itt::::!:!:! TA I25 wll)ll ill 'Lllrfii mii'O i ina Pi M'inwiy olfJ " ""(T iican44ati,ior;i roachlng election,, Vcantttdata for iiaTor, ot. jout iUy . tit the approaching election.,., t-aiaoot to the "manner hpr'ukslxteea iieara:er busy lite pen Inr your ldat hMfuUytidenUnodBie waijHu in Interest, I Twill enable you to ludee of my fitness fortltftiV: romce. 11 eiectea tne best return I can .maxe ior e connaenee reoed W im v i ' iaiimui jdischarce 9! duty. Very respectfully, F. S. 'DeWtiJ. 1 n 1 j ti ! 1 ( 1 ANIVOVNOJBMKirr. "1 KlJo ttW JMltor of The ObaerVets ; " ti ILiuJU .... ... . .. Ji.'ii-i' it .vir- , determined to 8p$er before the.peeple Ue again as a Candida for Mayor, lo iomlnation tendeied.ihrouKh jour pape m .. L 1A' . ..... . - m ceoi meBominauon tenaeiea is morning, and return my thanks ior tne corn' ternary expre8ioiui -contain on !MttimM hi the eomrnu' .UOrt. 1st, 1880, .1 7f"??tS'fr i 91 11 1 iiOAXDATASPTItSDAtUPEILlir) j .1L" I. 1 - -J.'OJ ! ' i: 3i T(i: 3 'JfttfUtW .V. .1.1 'li'U "-1: 3i, TO . A .-.ill f A WD ,1 i '. 7i'Whi iJ;- ll-JlirM ENTING Tr;.::iu,.',:: iA . iliA., tU.JXyA- VMIA TJTttT arid NOV EL. BCKNK. : Abd. tMilllM Atteik tiott to delaiTlliat cJiararbedTIU ton juo at the. Broad, jjixeeAneaire, rftuaaeipni&j, , wauac;s xneaire, rew ion, ana. u. wyjiefim, tueopwim 'Uii--irW i ,Nostr&.Cbrg Gberg tor JjtwwTren Seated u t;.,I HhlUii -IV? .'!' '''it - -(!!' TOl li . I tWH ResemdoMta to' ktdiil McSmlUi':MuBJe i w lOoaBiaod CwM J iHotet. 'i'i iha-hI v.ij;nprI6. 1 iiil.. ili illl In nti Alt Ui HAYIire eterataed to ell ost my entire stock, conslstine of Dry Goods, Nottons, Hats, fcc. br tttiMh of Mar. iSoosslble,! offer them at sw below cost. Dry Goods sold by the piece, Hata Ac br. thet doeea, Menc&aius natane UBaiiocte- Iwoiitt.tfo:,well to eaiatae..iny .rtoofc before pox cftaslng elsewhere. j. uuAsaL.jut, . aprlO d8w. . i i-ii - btrtc; Pl iPM i I '9 10 11121 PH. M,.:S. rlNA01il itmmMuiiiiAitV PfclCE LIST oilfeBiroods, of whfe 2111 rZlegler'i4BsiPebbki(i(ii4DultcmlJo4AFrench Heel-Plated, P71 1 9 T A n 1 k 1 rf-i , -n u . , tifuif.v iiiM. SefrffliKifJ Himni ,2iihi.f ibjift -A 1 i i' Bui; ri't fftoo" iJl6Xo"i1ni;Si -m "(hitln J.i-iKjdiiNtewporti'ies! di'ni b-sl -juJii fJ-ff)! Fox JiHiiionLaflelfe Corna ...1.1 .,. .. I.t lA .111,11 K'i JliJXij jc.J iiTHh -ibiV? i;Md3rinjjpe(Lfi4B1llM 'u l iiJfliMgt-JiidjBattatoiijiiu lo 'M nJ uwiiiiA vlulup."i i-'iii'.7 iItI'' ' frii.i'l Jiop yd! 114 )!!!. .Ic.ll j; Si!, lo -lA n oj is-'"f tii itio yf ri :i . : T V- ( 1 1 1 li-)V "i i . .7 ;'!.': tT. -III biu; 1:110 ); i'j! ,u: ;tHj.ui oj Jy.yit fii' il : li !C'.M. !,!,) li: ))) ,f!il4 i iu J!J -i;.-! bn J-Ji!l i fill ibi.i bit) f)7 1 i -iilJ llo (I vjuftyi bin; liluot .7 J'i ! ij'.'il Jii'J- f IIAl It. U-ilJliiU i T I.I K.f.. ...I t U.t tit't.f luijuuui.j ..i,i .7:.j ! -,,:.,:,.! !wt.i .l.if.fl ..! ,tr..'n J it-nUiiHi'J'Ji r.iilJ ju.') 7uil .f-3iiji noil &e,'iywr..iW T .TV f3,Jl W i? 1 Ir TOtiiiiniTrTir,7tm liuinn .oil ii ra C8H 0 9cnojfitft JM0iid;! arfiJadief d.iildrna' styhshiSH1 'OyajandjiChi u i nnnrrinrr nn a y.oi,jinaoAnew !lJ I J.' (.'-! ' riiu j m f.:u: ,i'i:i;n m jo h.- lou-'U tui! I -ni .J-iit vll-'l-xix9nn f.i IIj;u.-, "V ':i-l.':i;iu full l blorvu .t-i -;0-.m;Jr. ';:!!! ! nir -ll:l,i 'ill IiiXi..faiJU.,J.f::AV.i.0aiA.....A ! niiilR;iHjiriKBrfin-i iii. n', 'ill! Jshi'!-' i ;)!!: ;ih'!;:,ll !.7C ilPJOiElETOES') ctrr A'tXf oy y gsy, oxf o. (Splits HOUSE! is fieatly fitted W wMh tall the JLj . modern copveailencesi-Electrte , Bella. Tele phone. fec. , Convenient toUie Bank nar the PostofQce and" TelegTaph,Ofri(e. Next ' defrt to the Opera Hoase. Wftn these jodtahtagea ' ,: WE CAN .OFr.ift".' , V '' . i ; ! . ilU'i . . 1 H. I ; ' I ' coMRcuifTBAyiLtEik':' Z '. .''.'!"...;' and. '"Omnibuses and Carriages at ererry Train. ; I i; i.'rui -i-iii -i i -il u -i-.n r iL- I S(. lliarles llotei. , .- ;: .''U'.'JAk vi,yt i ji ii : i:. oSTATESTlLIA' N. i -,i THH1S tiOtelinow tirtheyameni tetand Boydtn, Hoigailarjanf, MiO-whas Bamj i( will betp.make.Jt a, urgt class hotel in, every Tr speet, Commodiou's sample. Rooms ion, the. first aoof. TThe-patwiageof pnblle solicited. " " :i Fbil8-tC1-''. it -- t i h-i.;ui--i -'Ui .Viii.:;lL fAli L lA. ' JilUfY l i r in i V-J.f'tHi ti'liii"'! i if'l i'rhi ,'I'I-J 11 Mil C'lBU'Mfta CENTRAL .).-.! hi, if oil.' .ftnW fcfe;!. li.r.-'l- Under i Decree of Foref ltsure --ii- .:. ;.!iia' i-i.T ,"i'it i Ji'J '' B Y VIRTUE, and In pursuance, of a decree el ati petMungi an othera.x its plaintia, and She Csollna Central ; lway. . jjpmpann, and ; Andrew ,V, Woit,od. Timothy L PorJr,'Tu8teei. ah4 Jaijies t,Dawea, and J. Brander' Matews,irTrnsfes,' -arcr deferid antaihe mderslenfldi ooirmilsutoiiers appolntetf: e citlfof WlliflkidtiTin the State of Wrfh' CiirF 1 Una, on MONDAY; the Sltfc DA MAY, AIX4 1XKO. at 1 2 o'clock. M.. the entire railroad as the same exists and Is now usetC known as the Caroli na Central H0Aura As.wMM tae 4WrtWn now built and completed, extending from the city, of WUmlngton. In said State of NdrtSi-Oarolli4ii; to tnetooTiet.ijmiinjAaaMo apoui.ZAA2jnues, as on uacomnli A.sunirettoMi nmit. i L 'UVfll UiQ town f Sbemy w tag.uma. MouienorMoii, a .said ijiiLftjtiioiMmiwnijw wiw,bu, daritlttsS't1iiwd,'.uc arsrw-QiTway.nepo grounos, aaa.,oiiier AndotbertructurtiX, stNUoohotieB,rBglsebxftBeeV i cariu8ea,waie-noBsefc ireignwwwiBw, ftvantKim 68," Bin VUM3P Wiuag ' bmkw lira ' vquiiunraiB, air sTattenary. nine, machlneryi ;tpeta,-toplejentrv shuea of the icaptoui doele ci, the Wllnnogton peJiy has BBd otwasln and to tto. static ffltd piopi- as oi ine .Of the corborators thereol; and also .all other the twepeny itxdt tstate. ! r0al: todTOrsofial, of every kftidand' flBsoriptJeai I thte said Ca.rolin CteiJiaiWaiMMW-U'.ji ! !.. im:.)-, PuMhasei mustnas la caa, onthe day ol .sale., One Hundred Thousand, Dollars, ana. tne residue ox tne parenase mony ra inrce euuai inmaipienBi at one. two and three BiontAs from the day of salei -with 4QtreMt;froB that, day, at the, rate of six pn 'make payment In full Of the pnrcTiese money at any time oeiore mHrnrw;ipiimnonr m u ponaon tof the Durchase money not hereby required to be 'nRid in cash mar.eei madeiUnl. whole or In pan, , eiiaer m- casn or in me upuus, .or, past'i dtW cotrpoliS ' tnM? iteff :b?,tria TiSinoTttitefrdmiM'C!r rYViTnTOTWlrt iurid Andrew V? fitrttrl anif TtmoOrr H. exteirx yr uxe pro ra iwf.tipuitiie y mo ynr Taiiro or tne said Doncs una awpons. wnicn me noiaera, th Be enuviwx iu rcociTO apua unr trthiitifhiVrf thB'ftreeeeds'bf the wild sateuridert rdeahd:fleatee 6fald watt Possessiori; will be aaHsaaxoi MiAU:nAwtt!HiiMr ani' aMmlp a tfnt afc half of rjie' purchase mpheriaW to tWroamtyT s loners and tits purcnasEr snau nare. Assumea an the wiistandtrtg cehtra.ct4 and uablUUes of the Ripi vera heretofore ODDOfntedirl the said ciuse. I and lademnUea them agalrlst ihtj'tiilnti?'''-. f-'i ' IS . JUNIU8DAVI3. ' J -; - I XI - ' apra stw for osucw Commlssiouers, TOmpwiT H.KMWitt; BMrt. BMd&c..for FAncy Work., ,i,f ..l.rilli ' I, f . ' J'.IJ 1.1 i fill. 1J. 1 f ' ' " ' ' I -1ULLI -1 io iil40f-oii'.li ni --.fceviu .i-nioi iijr -jlyiisoi li'3rir,'- i iyifi Hd'l' .'-.-)!) qU il 1 i-.i!.i I .'iMriii - ..I j ; j-.u ' -i,H. dT v a -va . I VlovirATtV.U l-Juioif; (t-wi f-j.f!,,!l.,)fmN)i-:i1,'-.Vr"' biuw iU lo'Ui-tj-if-.W-l'rtKfrol hlft. n,nA lfv . . .iliur. W Wkf. b-Jlh iUWl.HiUl'JVa Plain w -aq elicit: v ivi :iJtfivif9i nftKrrrtrr -JisilqUiai'!!; 3-ibor!TtWrifnf nrpfna ynj ni ao.a h wi'mi an aiHWoTTf y,j.b J-.U a .1 .'i .iifi ilf 7T iwi-.y.' 'jdl jo t)Ji:iii ?j; !tlj;ltri'i; vim oJ l)j H!i'!! ft-'td ?.i;d ."-Y. .i"ll u) iiJfc-b idl :i jiu;w;7 9bi;ni mil JfidJ mr.I a'ff in.jnimliV yno liJi woi f. oJni J.ji k-.iiiii;ll who bu-,lHI-i-i) moil buijov c itil-jihui ,uw a dJiw el'Ju,! Juil) lnio-i i Jon hj; Jiil usiw .si n f vr nti fTiTinn ijiwU iaYin r' . ..r ... . r -ir ! fl-r' f! y 'M nujyniulli ii.iiJ v j i dill ni If)7i-j "i i;u T7-a .mon,) -taaLKT . i1 -'TT. n -wi; 1 in'tJKtilnnaijii .Xd '! ? to fci Ji Iwl iiH' ! - -IV j ) .1'1'. Ii !n.-v bill ;i'i;i!i ii i at ii.u : ' i i; 1 ; tti :ui(.7 i: -.Ci- -i -1. 7 -i i n i I .il ii 7f i 1 . -U Im i i Lnd. -5erasj;fftUiAp.f i U lla itili .iilixl 'Mm II i BTOiis.'stooii aooiyjoniy rhkj fJ ,A7qEr W BeofcilO tobW0. Ah, '.'BEATTY, Wai I Li (. lAIl, xi. r. vi; A GENTS .WANTED Fox Uib Best and Jaatest-iV-' Selllrig etoriaI Bodks and BftMTlMde re hiced?K8 neccenL iNatleasl PuUtahlnarCemnaiir. UldelBhla.i?a. , .;,:. ;.... TAPE WORM IPcHsaiiJKtftl) stamp. t iaCKHOHN, N1 451 will bend our Slectw VoltaW &Aa tMim BlWDtol Apollaaeef? npdrlalfifi0 daya tei those sunring1 lam Vermm,, lbAUty,, Rheumatism,' Parafysfe o? sfffy .atseacrthB' XifeTot' Kldheys, and laby tbe diseases.'' A eufo tare gdamhteed or-ifl dm. A4dTBB. VOLTAIC BELT CO.; Man shallMjcbr,, t., -, .. .i.Mj ! CHEAPEST BOuK-STORE ' IN-XH WOHLDj j IT5V22 14w andOJd StandaM mi lnromenta BoekOlnba and JAbruf eal 1,t! I'Jiil! ,t,l MjMAT.tooa, iiniiiii (II of m RECEIVED. 1! w in ii i I. i ' . 1 . - ;i a i ,,hi r f !.', 'r-i'l ; ; 'l ii:i7 in . ;;'ii -nl .:. ty.i M.ti i'jnn U'ii.i; ; iiJ Ji . .. ! "ill Ji; - u;-.,-f; .'.;,! -iU.'. AiXaU ft41f?railMTBaaymaiie' i m ; I I AW-. i fill! Hiii.: ' .',M!i!", Hi vlii.1 i u ( vjj-;ki i. Ji,;! f . i; 'l; IM, L iii .!; fi,; ; -1 1 1 -1 1 -L:.iii.j;7 ml ft Fpm the Manufacturers, and will be sold fdrtoMk I (III l :i! i .r.liii i'i li; ' - . ' .-- ; -i iii! vulL wkWArHiV -,;'h JJ' ' ! . '.-IB : -1 . , -1 1 ' i s 1 4 1 ;' 1 !'n a 1 ' " ,;1 Whertdi'or those1 i 1 Hi -J J Ji.iii ''ii" I- .y i ! ' ui L -hi flfll .j ii .'i a Ini. .- -niiiJ yiKWWP.. J not. i !!.. (p -tyi Hi, I IHi'f i )'V H"; ' 1 no iiu.iil ,iii')'i'i iiihl'iiq-ua Mbw! 8tyl4rtHriBedtii) '''" 1' .loino't 1 .'f iim i 1u ,ii Ini'J "7 'ii lijWr.ii -il: liJLiJl CU JilU- ! hi -iii' - f i : v.ii-ni ii.Il "u -i vi ' 1 1 1 1 1 i , J -4 : HJO Jlf.iU: i; lull: ,11 lUit flM.l-.-j i!j;-i 25 dozen of those $1 Corsets left, at 00o,t'i - - . ai-.i "i f 1 1 i t T i - 1 1 in l! f I I'l . Illllfl t-' ' tl " ! -Ii Jfr'AK J j T IM! 'HI'I r V. !'.'!) :.! 1 1 1 Z4ri1bf UrVrV-ISrVrtfii':! ii SPRING j: lliii "I'. .'fiiGf feEf iJf" Aj it i !fc l!5 , ! f. .il ilioi) '. II' ti.U: .1J I7 Id ili J i-.jl't i :i;ij fi v, .-' naaii i;k; l'i 'ill A KUIAl 8DPFLY ON 8ATOlliU'M0RlrtNO. J t i'!;ll)Iiq-(illi' J -XUiX IMUi U'!"i'. '! U BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES" FROM i ! r vj:A8TEftNfl0RTHaeAII0LINA. a: m: irt )Wrt .r;. 1 llfiftlllll'lli ' lrfr4Hil )r.n. H'lt iil i Mil i 2i?f2w to htaWrarrnett1- tftafa hl gomples for !Sonnr eioOAag harrTiyedAoli are ieaor jor jBS&oexwtv m iiawii h tasi.i ni tttg eti nrfiT VIcTrntr. It is needless to won nnrns. xovr onrers air leapeoutf ny vo Hdted. fi(i .tell liilK 'T If B.-The Honthli FaW irrited, they enable &a sMl iuMM.Iita mw: f! w tMtt 'in ii iiiijuti in k-mu ?aaWn JAvMareh, bAving & Btyl&h dreSser lo. elect r Bomethta new. Can and 'see: and .feign yoor er-' fdarif.'!:uii:i-5 Hiul j'iii.'i 1 .vmiuwi iws P mFQ; t:)! ..iltv: mil i'l no? il.-ro -if.aif f x A "Taiuabie frac Iplt lar'h .mtle east jf 1 1 rA.'ty or unanooe, eompnsinraooui l V ilfof'fia.lotohhattOA, applyto ' - llt u fnih iiiim iniiw n il i ii i n ' ' v i m t it decll 9oaa b. tokhuumj ' TbjJ ! .: : if . .1 ..if .. ti ana; sttjjai;., . Also beautiful styles of CLOTHING wuMti itiAifWjj.nw Hfl'xxyvT rnruiuQ .ias.rn -aTfti examine our new stock, as it will j ii'l Jllsv ! . . t'.vi.H i , . . f . J.n iiir. . i ini'HJiiy I . ' I MOI i - I .lHiH i ON 30 DAYS' TlltAfi, T . r-i : I : . i it- ; -t 'r .-rr :o: Sv ...... 'v '- u X 92 7S 3 25 3 00 3 00 A 0A 2 50 2 25 2 25 2 50 2 50 ' ." t r').:I?.7(?.T X-.': ?f ?i C J. MOVER. tii-.i! .dT maW ba& bio.) blO Jl bu U-.JI-j JlflOW :x)J'J O'.A H'iTAW .Ui HFXKATTrMeCShseasop rl Dress Goods, rTtiiamings. Household for Car- pay a i ,-nol (,n it Nil. mu hub 1 1 Qrk 1 f Jsii-. JKJ if:llAI nnillilf B-..S. . .' 7 ap MP' S i-t Kin'! .:-'.') BM8 lliNlwn tiritilri d) 1 JTna nil tlAq -k! i ll lkiii J. kw vi .!n'I llllHllIllltK Parlor. Chamber, DlnlQg Room and OIBce Fur 1 BROOKFI v ry I1 Brooktf'S'fco.;' ii i.ii. . (in i ;i l j ii-i j f I . i ; iTijiTn fi 7 T-1 !'ri7'E take pleasure to Inform our fttends and - i f ! T V the public generally, fflatf we always havf M 1 1 1 BtpcK a complete assortment or 1 1 a i i i -CHINA 'AND 1 i GLASS-WABfe AND AMP GOODS, , I CUTLERY AND SILVER PLATED WARE : ' Wood, willow and tinware. A? lJgODS 3 al) of which we offer at the lowest possible prlees. WeWaoaableeVIo ciTei i .! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Jim 'i i.iv SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS I I i WHOLESALE BUYERS .''AHJ.Ur (nl17 li TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLAS8WARE AND r.i We ask the TRADE to give us a trial, as we sell m as low as rsonnern uouses. ukiuihai. JTIl4lw4jeQoMAi --UiiA'j i iki Ki. rders by mall promptly executed and any In formation desired wUl be cheerfully given. VeryrfcetfdByl oT T" ', ' " 11 ' J. BROOKFIELD & CO. a, Janl7 DRESS MAKING. tjp STAIrV&, bPP. "TflE CSEliTER 'FitrCE.' ' ' Dress Making: Hi !l'r I I I 1 7 'rlllil.I .V U t 'A Tri the latest styles at the lowest Prices i ; apr2 lm MRS. D. M. THORNBURG. Ft Choice Fresh DM nij jimf rer.b Jin ii itl )i-3l uiili! )'' ' .cihiviu .burd 'i i ( '.ui!: 1TY. H3ATTOTB you wan ngimcfti i the !' (Ln.:" j!i:l i a w jSt - .-V 1 vc LARGrTMM itr tern t 4-m.:i'!!SiJ' K -.-ifinlfl ?1 11 ifI--. I I' '' !!-iiii:it ii. -li; .";.;i!.tn-'oi r. vn ' i &j;4tt'3Hn ii ' li.t.A:f!'.i1id ' ' itiUiaJnl i.iifi.,-s'.!. -Mf.'l MwlB i 1 -, r9........ ,-.1, ; ' ...... !! 4

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