BMMtfBMfiiMBsBMsWsWMsjMMMMpMi ' m MMMi . a. . .. I .i ii- i Aa Extra.er41naxy-ITIaJrriae. xuctiasl About three WeeKazo. says the LonH ila JTehazavhn al AC ,(IHOO I airte Mi 3.; :. iULU.Un auu AtiuH i v iir u nnnni p lvjuurmu ..u. . . .--n oni rwjeaitt3eaji 3TIZE! if I I 1 I I kl .fa 1 .fit 1 I m ; f ine Cold and Silver Watetats, V.ii U CLOCKS ANT) JEWELRY, ; ; r. - to. 4Xok .t Cold and Silver Speefael a. and eleryt FIRST-CLASS J The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver. ALL WATCH AMD CLOCK WORK Warranted for Twelve Months. ,iITO 'i In ' il y !ulln;;'.( -n'hoNTV ia' . JBis)iko:ict!, '" Carolina Jewelry Store, ( harlptfc.rqf Million Dollars TIT JwELRYSTO TyrLL be paid for BASS, at hight maritHjjaj gentlemen, Sunday school " price, by PaMahJdrnK 4Mihaaist and members of the congrega- M I I 9 I I 1 II I 1 1 I ' 1 1 I units rrt iArrtrnim4yizea IIIII.MI If L ill III 5?WKS WNiurm i i m. j ;lers, wjth The First EDITION OF , 'j POSMS. A Handsome. Book of 260 Pafceis flodna in Clotl and Printed on Tinted Paper. Price, $2.50. This rWork Jiafi , beea pre- .O P lll'lll ifOOf ii .t pared from the Author's man uscript, and is 6oWWiffhted by Cii U - II JIIH ww MilyJ WUil ISA 1 'MJ' Ii'lM'' Tli .' 'I'll. '--i'iJ . A lid" ' ""i'i?D:.Yl.ri' him, i For Balei W.u i .'j.. ; -..n f f poses; entertams moe v4sitois fi aft i' i'i ' : -i i.'i..-. . .l'nds, or is more ready to grveso4' .TIDDYJ, mar3 i .It .iy kif .i-i U .i'ljl.t .!! a.L ZM'MT ! AT EDDins-S BOOK " STORE,' A Ftn AabottkBMk f WALL PAPER'.masi ji v. WINDOW SHADES, $1,000 WORT'iytAWijOOKS, hj : .nW i T -.ii; Afu tw 1 IE AlA VfCfimrlm w . . i irii n n r t ini i imii inin mwuM nttii rutin tttm -hi tim bne iHii")xq mmi . iiKi.i . aitvij niijtiasiiv -hi i i uni' .i. u ii..nit mKArjtsi to TBatMHSSOn r Including fJlfyyjfeAjB dejigg. nilslVI 83910 RANDuas, Ladies' Wallets, Fine .ilfPJNKOMT K il -:!! -th I - - Ink Btando. Ao.. EerythlDg kept to a first class Book Store eon stantly on hand. mar25. v. FICVEB AND AGUE. Tne true aatldi Bostetters Stomacl of the most DODular temT.. f ,".u" ? . ful proprietary specifics, and to Tin Tlmmensedt mand wherever on this Continent felrniiacS . , aSpnew.SfelH itef ,a malarious f the rtomach. U,er aQi Invigorating lor sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.! 31ltriTTit .,b9Jul'i-i99lI ibn&i'J W: J; Johnson has been appointed storekeeper' and gaugecfor tha second district.' . jpKn Sink, . a well kndwn tfhd popvOar. young .man. of Winston, dfed Thursdajr. ... - Interesting religious revivalsjare po gressing in the Methodist and Baptist churches in Raleigh. On Jridaytbe.2nd inst, white iMiwtf TwWpTbwine heeceivMa iickin the rom tlte oLsshichhi sp-""t acceptaoly as mate or the steam tug Wm. Npce, has been promoted to the position made vacant by the death eenpfler-ocKi. 'H Wilmington Star: We learn that one Mai pass got into a row with one rble-rrHr thraef2ibo CreeliffendeEidiUity, anftilfuck tttmer1 with a gun, inflicting a wound from which it was not expected that Marble would rpffnypr- otb par ties are white. Wilmincrton Star: We learn from a private letter received in this city that Eav. J)r. fentdriUho, e-JMiw. jxassedifriweari t J . t , 1 4' 1 . "W ' ' " i " ' .W4Wkittft (.past-Lew, njoaLBBJ .qwr ry 4tn, agea ?e years, ana nis iainer iKebruary 19tb., aged 96 years. 1 Ui Wilmineton Star: When the Medi cal Convention meets in Wilmington inV&amhjnififtl rewill bT'dfc liveredoy Dr. Eugene Grissom, the ex cellent Superintendent of the State In- submitted tnat it is ot very markea ex eiience. M tnya it eaaim to bo goiimallj tunuadeid that Gen. W. R. Cox will have a walk tfe?n ttjMjongrionCJitrict. Con fk&nfdfcbotjvTOtf s fuaify xpular anticipation ; but if Gen. Cox be the t nominee we douot not ne will mate rtm excellent representative. Raleigh Observer: About fifty young Xliem$iminloi Iliilua- bCinoAfdl 4tHhl (2ljlirf ;Wk- theWrMft-ttT beTifg'nSerul'in oney to pay off the debt now e church building. n Easter Mon- ndle, m1o runs a black- 8pihkB at Shady, Grove was severe ly staDbea by one tam iiowara. it ap pears mamrxt&mtm tahe ,$hp nave nis norse-snoa, ana neing Teiusea credit, harsh wot'ds arooo, which rcoult- oled profuseIyvK4Bia at-fpresanFaatBf very trrtieai eotition. ' Hwii: for parts unknoWh shcktlv'lKti&t, fray and has not been heard of since. -A Fdrrwr &m Mechanic;, BaJeigh il Boston to Austin. It is true we havtfT someiva?el-eyed, money-seen tedhyp- .(rp0A5horo d next day. tt-i I JMr. P. T. DM Vsome time pax feduuifeerv i hfij filtJbii VlsfelJa Ad umth ocnticalVKSa - foxes in .styemn-icolly OWSfagr: . iS!gv; ift clothing; khd the police gathered ,up,a , t flctCSalioonj it is presumed, -waa fa sten Congregation of :'fflti$y Irm&ml&uw white iand-bJaok, stonnpeta riit ceitaiDi th oceionof isaecent'jnXnUghtj groggeries one nigni 4ast "weeKV 1 tB'f"e iwiiarjaiaqtiatyrra ne - wiseiyrB Uv vWft at cpftabllpitWe, ;andT aaciable tr an unusual desreev i We know no i' i oitriiKL' ar- i eadv to erve'so'' cial Eacoffnitiorw.tttBftSTMkotahlA. I &vs.3fm&USBB&t(i inCsJfUbEfede ' iiirr:7Tui m-rr-mrs i 1 i tbmgsmienfiiimen.iaofln-digroand ed Witaiiflorih ativJftrioiihfit tfrVfdeprive him of it. In these circum- oM,i mWiWMes he made the Ingehidus and ad- inins many persons navei uen pre-1 diced amsKaleieh bv confounnin? the rrrafority with1 ''S mrSnialf; 3EiuI moay, miaonty. ; woman akcr. , In mar9p3i Ihlliunri Jiomen will be appointed as census enumera tors, with the probable result some thing like this: Neatly-dressed woman of an uncer tain age with big book under her arm and pen in hand rings the door-bell. Young lady appears at the door. CensusjK4imimtor.jtiood tMitiing. Lovely morning. I'm taking the cen sus. You werBrjMn?y1 . Young lady : YsJdLl I . 1 Your name, please? What a pretty uuswaavQJl nae,on Vi A-crel;.hi nheimt awful tired walking round takincr the Arinauajr rti - .-...fc..i..M ...m Oh VAa if a iVOOrianma Tif T -vi rr nn i w.., mxiouiuc, a great deal of jjafjniatioiVt ,.Bow u aeai or mtormatiorL, n,JtIow m ce your dinner smells cooking! Tlum-pud- ding?" igr In Maine! No. liiaven't ulum-Dud- ding to-day. Ijookjlpg pr, a new re- "I've got one that I took down from a lady's fbpfcl6 thl afrTAre you married r wNo. Want an invitation to the wed ding, don't yotf f "R'Wni Wa'long time before you get it. Xqu can keep your "I sh'd thiBkir'jtrtwuld be some time. Have you chil Oh. of course. I f oreot. iThis hallTGarpet is rknL- tbertatterjo Aunt JTriiia. 1 fehf JhdWindktf rMi ifffaLily ftfflWW th6y in "If this hall-carpeiLdQn.'t suit vou. vou can get off from it, and go about your CeSlSWiWW" 'r. nI JnoO if 3odl lo nssob 32 answer ing censutetoriftiMtirjBwl M if I was y ou X wouldh. c be seen at the door in such a slour3jpipriir)idress, so teere Dorn, or what? your name, or, fVhen you expect to get married.sar?d' Ijliere's ten dollars' fine for not answer- rOb,yQhatefuVthina Yeu can iastKWheiie. ttasters MtMS' mte&&L 'tn go aAfSyUUl pat ten dolklls iSastlto get rid of you, and smile doing it. It's none of your business, nor the census es' .eatseju 1-wvw m l. a.ol omqaa toeBpi your pattern ana your, plum-pudding and your saucy4radi05ie8tions to y4wafilf-dtmL"r(i in ' kishjh w riioofflarwriTflt'mrigCi l:igettihg on. I havn!t none Jtmtthrea families fl the.fdie-feiobnn Mi ian. feiierfletic ang ot the door just missed catching d nmr. tit litr l.railnur ilruun-wvirta 1 .083 mpton ASsuiiMt TUden. Cirolinjs$ty9$f tlitioittiitnionltiittMd ocaces in tne aouotiul list, with th h theexrlesmnsnbuii fejCSfKT livtiu . uuinmee. x reirreL tnia nnnnir.inm o public opinion in the South, but ItPtS'l a recognized fart wWch thT)emo-1 crats of the ortfc Ahouia He) abnrised. TIT- - - . ODeilthatii these. naminftfta wiU ha mnn I um m m rho can be sure of the whole oWhBrwlsy.2.,, vpte.7. j ij? .Koiii.iii iiiiii. iiAjiin 10 k1 iilrfW If 99b LtewJlon .fifths fadtri Wthft 'Mefaf alleged attenMad taJtLB Missrbtorrs." ltl cati oe easily showaritbat sO far from desiring to injure thati htdy," his Whole cottdnetlwa cflatairtdrizkici bV a careful regard'forh'4r"comfort'ana althdligh in the excilemeqtofaf partfcularly in teresting moment iisi fdrgetfulness" led ttfa serious accident," loorte knowing tire carewnstaneea Canam-pute the slight est blame to him. 'i'j i " There os&1wth betervla wide dfffer- erfce of opinioaaatdthfe bestih&ethdd of Venough to hire a sleigh or a smaHifcar- nage oi trie varict; nrausyu am terous name, jflo enter it. The r when the quiet iHreached, and it becomes necessary to provide for the lady's safety. As is well known, it is next to impossible for a young and in experienced lady to protect herself from the danger of being thrown out of a sleigh or carriage. Old ladies and spin- of youth and beauty to fall off the seat is a matter of universal notoriety. Hence, some assistance must be given by the humane and thoughtful young man who holds the reins, and the ques tion arises, how can this assistance be "BUlWBff danger of falling; but iWSWpBaTO'MH ous objections. It deprives the driver of the use of one of his hands, and in case of a nervous horse this frequently leMs ttpainful results. Sometimes a small boy is unexpectedly met, who in makes a derisive and unDleas- stances on record or tne unexpectea ap- learance-oran eixiQkV iainer, wno f tefhilt fethe ldiftdlC f begjy Vfmntrf Ttfcuf has bee .ught4JaeJt)eA0Bes away, but road, has expressed anything but gratis jtude for the carext$ji$ to his daugh ter. Moreover, this arm business is a crudeiandi (commonplace expedientoJ' wbiett the most uncultureS rttetSb can avail himself, and it ought for th JAiinnlotii n ifofitfln maiiscm4eamg;w with much success in philosophic cir cles. The device consisted inattach jing one.e'fcL eTE sEAit pnpftSthe lady's oMttnhe -thernttf-the waist of the driver. Unless the strap was drawn too tight, the djiver was in no danger o$asiQn, wTjn any ievent the ladjixperiencea ing of safety, anjiS f :ibes-rttt4jWSSmall boys wew-ar The aotaBaement proved Msfg$ sfaefor tq ziatSxes, for wfh? stonin drmf elt"tba ne fcagrspes a;5WiiaicrK8ouE in- nrnrrmi&t vtftgw' "W we-vteot. khik life Was desnaired JT: snee; foil was bnlyaKe oi no panicuiai con- er, temporarily residentin Boston, 30t daajers -of thetraprBofoTCibrjrthat;t bmJMa&te soon Mssd'nut land Mr. Cahoon had provided himself iw W rcir iwbtefiedl ifticla jrafioMyJ noww as a mi lumer," "or "coinToTreT'l Hp. savs tltat. after rpAnhinw h nnt. skuxs or jjaugeraes IUe iaav mentianA, cold. Like, a eQurteouajfentteraaiiMri . sKins or &augeraes toe iaav mentic com. ius a courteous geutieraaiiMrj CahoOQ immediaflv offerwl nis mHrffJ ,r . . . . . . -!...t t - , . t r..i iv: trnicn;sne mmr. rerusdi;0)i the; tnat she yWUl4.iAot consent to mirtt.suKtfesijuja yof as, .pras san exceptionally Iongmumer. there was enough of it fop-two. He thereupon Ltiea one end deii,cately . around Storr's throat, attd fastened the btneT end around his , owjn , throat, thus con nectrfig the twd tirrioats by tive feet of lopue. andielaatie "muffleT.' ' . - .. : ? j The plan worked beautifully, and the nae proyea a remarKapry pleasant one, l ynins return, jur. 'uanoon arovi lftdy -to. her-house. where carriage and Miss Storrs lightly jumped tne ground tr ituei moment the Cj j i. v ... . T r . .1.1 u pi auytuorajjauungcaxtea "vw nvf way w v emphatic remarks from hetfiWotof ana a yipi Before hem tpree rods, he R ftiftaliftlf CofDlHh Mrie. 1 Teieased Miss storrs, who had been cacriatre. ia, isapTngiot,iisjecLi. yxm&Vig ntfrviFncr r insenMble form into the house. 1 ,1 a. . 1.1. . . i - f I , L. liiaBfliisliuntzie and tothrwisBnova l ottense cpnsiatea? in Ta momentary iox- Afaa'atConiuV 'T . " ' ' ptiAn di ti Jbousiiearairabelhott .which.. tmireue4110n wnKilVi; '-MfltlAt pU6e9m:aTie.waoeri'nc'itHw thews aar iBemoctate JHi4tora,aiAaidwJ ycmmm, mMMT: ted j 1 3ottoB jr ic and: oora plant-- and the cnt.tnn nick ltsfilf ftnd nii'nh hldlv 4 jih ta tlia oaufirfll; mmhAfldh Sn nrdap t arfi.mAn wlirrrv.thk Knii)liA tkw4i!W alio wed tot'uivTtrildU' I HAli ) L! Liif i ji'ft L iiil j", :jy "fft!ltK 1 , i ilMifiiipy im oTJimoTi oexweeTf ,Tisa,,-ana 'xa? -iiAjii.i i 1 1 i - Till" .,i il,.Ufi .: f TfctmeieaM ;habPiteN6d PjWAt bp pwnnecK. Jrive4nlort tqaA Ho or remembered the "muffler" CeS8. ''i-i'.ti r, to .-finv.! !-.'.'. in Inn; M JTIIIV (t m WttW 151 Pf gM4leCienBufldlng. LoulsvlUe, Ky., or at Nos. 807 A 809 Ameriaovhimsftll '-riA m hAvtkiiBmwavrNew vr!i -7is?- hAm ji'1' 111 1U tlK'lltf JiiPCMWWIWII. L- A r,i r vi. .we Susy" ay. A. 41E Aor, survura-anii.e! and,wreswdisent0 a jUMt kuou, , ceoneea teettinKrSkdl?eiHCo lew what OTampJI in iwnnrm. iiwrt nai iva never, seen, nn , winAinw -it know her through the rDataUoh Vof h 8ootog.8yrtp lor..ciuidja,,TeMJln had the bower we woi uia mate her. , as she la. , a ofuHPaiiB. weeniMBpucVjfvi.jr i ,srt.iJiii-.(-.ii:if(iyU n. 1 A 1 1 innamaui i c : mtstmiti seoi peine: permane: 9s s. kawerei fiadareacfaed the f uimiment or their dearest nopes, tne nflMaaetettti td'liirregrehc: -ofenibf -tuaM hj-(k! is. :T: son wno ra tiv man rigorously tfia antlv allud 1 '.jJA'I VI thefrof life drankftrd seized hinlMfeyfeBWf. fiim Tannrowor reswrrfiaJvnnEQjsucn4 ssessioaas mjcht n naJifv himta, rni- er tBSimwipractiear'iVtBWli1 clared his !i; Spoivi'SMtfek out in at easing to. ;iwrwairffi- K&9 : ffl: pir. After inspection Wtfi' 3 tte ; h Qthflr Mq ntBcrewmeriiAfelswi ibMtr wtbh!skiiftrirel: : tf tatwiA .T.r-.,i,'i .j.Mivjui imii wwm .n. pj "ii'gnHT'f j,.-r tnW-'QwtwJn Tmiifabt-Mof ..aUbrhU .m. .q At jj ?'.:it A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNTTY TO WIN A FOft- .ii ..(. I! ( 735INE FIFTii 6BAm DISTRIBUTION, " 'f fx 1 1 " ! i ; LW CLASS K, AT KKW ORLEANS. ' ' I . . ' Tuesday, i May llth 1880-12eth IttttitiMxl i.1; . 1 1 j I ItOtJlSLt!NASTATB LOTTXBT OOHPilT. ' J?8?1 WMitaeilH Incorporated by Jhe-Legislature of the State for EdacaUonal and Charitable purpeses InTSffS. was. nm m This Institution amiottMHot w state liftedgt4icli pli ituo, dwiuiuk its inuicoise in ine new i i,ww,duo,to wnicmt naa since added a.ReJ '.mnd of snrwm .ifji'jj JGRAND SIN6LS NinrRTCW m.vnTii " viw) kwmumj oh me geoonti InaiOsitiihiitlnn. . .. . . J ' ..HI I nATm-m. 'J-l'.!-)!!'! 1 OfLpQO Ticket afj Collars each. Half -Tics iiw i et,.One Dollar. i ,-rt LIST OF PBJZSS : l.t;t:-M (h gPjtel Prize- .a...u.. 10,000 vki'). : ivikfkn i zo rnzes oi -H-. 10,000 i 100 Prizes of 1 ! 200 Prizes or t r. VTT'i .10,000 -.10,000 .500 Prizes of 20 r ln.noo 1000 Prizes o 10 in rwi XD1ATI0K PRIZBS : o- 9 AppKndltari P!2e3 S30.., IV.'. S2.700 w Approxunaaon Prizes of 200..u.. 1,800 o A.yivAJiutuua jtrnzea ui . iuo. . 900 J857 1 Prizes, amounting to, . . 1 104004 ncspoiisiDie correspond! tut atQts wanted ni all ated at all jptnpensatlon will be , Write.eAl1UnfcjftiH-IaddiSBavlof4fUrther miormanon, or send orders by express or In a Re fnly'to1 ter or neTjra,bY,mall, addressed I M. A. DinPHIN. I New Orleans, LealslaBai f Mi r, 819 Broadway, New Jetkui v,-MHr9IllnI Extraordinary Drawing rs xder B AQperrislon and manaeement otUffitmni i 0 aopervlsion and management iftgSfftgSagSWiS . ;T1l25P?if has -NO AGENTS la thai BXTOH POSSESSIONS, and. all ne.J vuuui lunsu auu sonciung oruers by circulars . 1jii;ji -ai J A J M .Mtutiit l IK" ..ll'.lj rUlltl I rrrr, 1 i l?-THE PUBLIC WILL TAKE .ffl&tifc UW Tliat the Postmaster Ceneraf'lias' & li nis oraer a&ajflsi me aeuycryoMi a to life Company. . : u O-J m..i . . . .. - i 'rti iuai i ii is me ouiv Loner, uhnmm i-dich has ever been declared legal bja-BttetfT r!),-.That United Stales. Cirooit-Cfiiri ludV Brava bag declared its-drawiBgs not fraHdarenf.' '.' 4th-,, -That Reentered Letters villi bmttefnrtH tjeite Ueoed and Postal Orders pakls fbf merfj t AuttsprtaB frr the Commonwealth, of KentWIty, n I t and Fairest In the World. rr? 19th. "niiw CoiamonwcalUi ." !.."; I . . T 1 D 01 1 OH to fflpa B r i button r. AT MACAULETS THEATRE, to the CKy.ef hete411et These DiMtaiiitaorAeAte-dfcttef Jill Keels- Bgls- lanire oi ana susiainea dt au .entucky occur regularly on the last darot every. month (SutMayButntcoot! are1 ,t n o 1 lvt - ii 1 1 1 il") r 1 q r LZZZZTZiZ I -"S'" ofciOrturiity prea f ebtefnff'if6'iny : abT'Af '.ol j-;tiJi! Ytll To ahlH 'To? sUUflHlll luiftjtiXBllJwXOWJlWiP ,'t!!l!mi-.'T 01 .'l"t 'liaVirlrl1 10,000 x i , u, ............................ 10 Prizes, WWtlteiBlZ.T.Oy: A 5.000 10,000 20 Prizes, 50O.aaohw,wH;j;.w.1jjj1 oou.jn Prized 100' otVhole, SicSeWi All appl i , t r j -k. t. r .1 r c jt r f . :..U ttin hi Full list of drawing published In Louisville Con- I March a 1 . .14 ,'i uun; xAUbtiUTiiaiiriSF 1 11 he ,commanlty- re vlspms earli i.inro leetir8etfiat evter and who have f3l ratii jncflrtt r6PW.mcBcin ketitlrf''rwWw hlng that can be sswnauy much op naor orsasretTem- ietiles. it is with hesitation h my name wlwti& uld be irjcptrroffiaM this rMhtblbfKs aMaietors, Jahdmak ILpuUUkJbr thfLWiielft. eVkile. resent Mafiu mi cuuiuig gnuerauiHis, f-1 ,jnn)i'. mini ir.i iiuu-juasaiwuiwviu u. 1 . I . . . . . .411.. Ti .U-AflVYwnWlt .VKYV,, .ffOtl .rjLU. JWUIPII TUl I JI'Hir.!,IKrj J. Mm Mb xi jwiwi! r, Sold,br.l&&KaiidiLlaKWjrlsACto. n&ll inn frrmr dirwvlit f n af miwtf t'Trnwior lTana lrlendaa - .:iuH .t jflift-usniv, mar28 dAwlm. .WB1 M uii: po nUXiWtejgLpy.M ed to UaKdknaj)bis suratMui'gosapviafti- daughter fre'eLfromKeCJnat- any e'jieible cahdidate for Ker n iu mi SftVKYTI TTMll 9& iaw0fl.'iar&8L1."ft7 1 lTTwkWflnft .hoArt InfJmiiftflrrfi nnvtm 4iav MwffmibfrVrlS iufactiire ise- JTbere are, men. in t d wha, have. taken,. , how. iO'ftlf. abBear-' b ioVW8 ).,'.xi.j.i.m said Jn Its Dosetl td'eit- TOJIflHI that I attai wttetobt ihm Jraay that our science has not yet made public a I lBribidCtWiUBiiflUlfo UihtJ eueWteee; lud. 'rtabcreatest boon the.9ariinii'Jcbuki-taMI 4ow 00 hundreds- of thouoands ef Ito citizens 1- bllU lyiUUlUfl 1U JL'Jil JiU uiuil bjJjuJ ?jiiignBrii9' edJ 71! iiniw lo bfoo edl -turn 110 rrtrutO'Md'ir-frici 97 o KpttV tmrfmpMW&i&b&. faVAe Htre el ifkajWj8kiwiwHri3am no aalbbii liadJ iovo nralUWtfflrT, Fid. Ext Bflcaa 4ipd' Janrpeti 8' TNVALUABLE as a Diuretic JL L. B. WETS TON CO. .titnutil I "r"T" k nmnTiri wii-j'o ot;:ll Jk i9il JisI Anra Ki viiA .iM fii mrrm .1JJ jVJI WU1 J! T'rTrTrTrTTTTSnTrJfTTrr? H0PfclR,Vil:B1tt nil -j .c iiii. ij L4iBJWRI8T61iaC0;n .rrrfiliJ I9T 7 1 in iiilliiill -91 ,f9iuilli lli;if! io Tl. y. luii mn 9J HI but; Jilyi-jtl Now offers to took of ".I LI 2xi ilj no jiii ni jttutT .n-ji) II.' !li It: J U i:l-'il 'iT-ilii (II Mliil lit, : ;,l!l Liii: 1 i -1! Ji.'l-IIO-) .l7TrTWnPT,WlOlU Hi. il'Hi! ,' rii! 1' 'J juiiijV ni uriiiiio-j .am! ! 'i;I -Hxj(i ii-))ui 'mi! -fi'jv j'luvjildijqail vS:ii j i;Tl I nnr. .iToiccv. liijyi -hij -iiruib ... , . ,i 111 Mil JjuiJ Mi.iU m-ioIA. i ;h j dgiisk, Frenck.Bd Aioertea i .iM-1 -ni i !l i !i.; : j 'Hi'ii. il( Jlf iltyi! r.I-il I TD0T1I. BRUSHES. : 1 - !! d) i i ; -cut ii!J U Mi bivciif. -j rn'J jiil in;; i .i i-J n i -'ii;-'. '!. . iiliJo V.ii'.'J.lI .!lul ) VJ!U i Mi.; i: . '- ' ' ' -i -: -j ' yi.J bi IjU W JiliiJ I -. ) ! i; a -i ni! J ii I i' nil1' I , PRESCRIIS .. .; ' i.-l ',; o;i .1 in,,:.' w y iriiij jliu Carefully prepared at, iJl'onrsi 'bct! nit aiii' layt i -'r!l ! . j ; III. ilJ.7 iJJ .Kl Hji I i i .1 r.',i ini : Prescription Store. nit ... , -ni ;i: i i. i. SECURITY, ! SECURITY, SECURITY. ;y''.;...iOdtaytelao , . ' C WEST A SONS' 1 . , .j -, l-ni MVIl ,.J I lfl Hill I k .jALADWN 8SCUE1TJ 04L. ji'j 'k ii ! ij ii i . .. . -. i j: 'in j.-i-;.j '.;.:. ,, ;. -. : . ; '' it ; : ' ..,! ' ; 1 West's fcrtea Seiil Xefotone. OH, fjomC. West Sons, Baltimore, '!'( 1 1 ' . ' i ! bp aVcenennlal fapoiilttonri , CrysWOttWcs, CaTitea. Warate to- stafld; Are' test o 11Q. degrf ?4t toVA It wUI i.i , .... I mi.; ! :i,'j ;.ij ii ' j'l : i-- t .1 !ti , j'l . i ni ; in; i; :l ' l.-i-;i ( mi:; n.-; : i i s j -- j; ' V ii' "'I !')i ii -'. ii Mil H 1 1 iu - il'tl :j;-j;i )1) 'll.' y.HliinMtfil !l .7 ji I -r.i It iwJllLII iUnrjiilUr "ii! : IfoiJli-Wf nfj it? ii.ii ;i" -j; ; t : ;n lf trll '"?j'in ! fiq IIJ;-' ';;!! I1 -.ill Ji; riifWWTO'lfV. .ii'mH- ji -i li.rmii-k nil fn.i ln-i in - ; : i ! u. . K ; ; 9r.iri-.-f I i II biiJ'IJ fMi.-y. .li'Ji) 7i'il ri; ir9.inlt) 9f bfintiii- 4iJ Ii iiui;ifiMi mi (in-rJ ifu' i!:;ti .til "vtl h'niiy iio'".n:. "t70R Catarrh. FoHow directions, and money 4? will be refunded Ifvyou- are not. relieved. One dbllar per box. Senator cTnarl BStlTH, Drugslst T9oni.hflB.l Baaii tk fttllltf fbwninie.Ailoka finl X aBtJ.bei-aonwrnced'rCr. -t.- a. mth tba onr ntiBapMif-Of the "woaa tMt'ioc who)sai ait retaU. .7u.l '' r. '.-.. .Itflf ii.uH -uayi . !i-ia'i- li"iiti wii i-t,lt- siiilv I I XKx.' Miii jrf iioiivi't:4-i-.It- tin 0 rail -j! -lnJ 9bi Xi:il3 TF Bliielnir Mi te1tyfot S 4eftts;Wo"-flcS rf V ateoerOPoUih for5 cents': thre ft0d etcars lO vfents. J 'DaT. Ci SillTS.iBeWrBlsfc i .tu; i..".l i". tlii. ii1 1 . u.i'u ;;.ui'J it vwft.iTO .oi .Hub ML J aa-lJgPZ.: Ub ir'-1 .,,1 ?a!1i iiiIa.IMM; r,iiTknSZ ;lluu Ji ,-..u jJU.-a .0- W.Wl?'.TP,Hijii ."". f -t Ji tiouuiios jltif-J Oi iIMjrM mmlwJi(l .Oi'o.i k rjtiin tolxs-muti ;viJ-jJt bMOO tKdf nuMtkMnir TT;iJS f "lol JinTioTilpK UtA.i-i. t snini ftffflg ot itl ,r.? iallt' ;tmiij tit '.t:k oaf loo mmmffl wb back. U not eatiafactory . DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist. ; aprlS WI I1 I. . Q.IT Cul,m i,-ff- -ti.-T .;vf f fff 1 '. 9lfl oJ I)9 om'-i fU7 lfJl;9 91U iu . 1 .pJK.I t1 1'ltoTbet siU bamud odw tooigan evti 91U snijMi d;idv lo,a9Ulfi: lotn9ri9A siiiviimm h) lo mmnii 91IT ,i9irvo afqiounq i. n il ItfiA-Vtl'i ,Jiuil ful, 9iW!9oiytn ydl Whotale UealerG raoil uiiiiS9l9J A j9ji;iTTriJiihi5fjjuii viut sdi 8i;a ViibiMjvr MHii99iL) il Jfi vJliuy 10 j'jibi' j; ni Jiliiuoiil Jiufl him ,JfU; sriulyd Jil'j.iu .jHoIo'o ' iiixu 9yn9JiiM2 ImfiSq nofcqniuilT MyLiit OJ 91 fi Y9ll I .IUMII Jil YJ;kl9Ji-.9 III 'llJ ?k9l0U t9fluU JO dJ.I 9lll Uw bJli"lJul iMI.-Ij jilt Ml. f.-IAt-UlM llH.lh l-j-'-l-'jll lb; Jiiil T iio4wil7. j J u .iioiJoi;iiiJi;i !i'ii7i(;; ;;i KMri; ! !b 6i; Mfcji'J 9dJ liaillV III 1 :.!i,ni yf!T -r.a Kill bl5 .iVi 7 fill llu. juJ"j; li'jilJ nii Jij; ia h-i U; 3i;iiJ bji90inViif9i ! ii;v j mt bin; ,b9Tui09 vniinin! -jilj m in I hi; s'lyilJ ,bli:7 1 oh; Mini 1 1 .-)!! mt bin; ,b9Tui09 vniinin! iilj 'jhu4 aiU oil hi; s'lyilJ ,bli;7 i i ; h; Minii muio -r-.-tluo) iiiil j; vbi.iU ;J.Wi'i'uii-. 1-uif i yil l .r i .ii ; 1 iilJ i.j; n-Jj.vilijjin n n. MiiiriiM-ti! ) ni v,ii') 1! s ii) ii -m ? -i.i' bin -Yi.ii --ir.-.-ii! ii 4; vJi-. '-..;. .- '-.I ! a-iii!-. EARAiGONt 9.1'T .lr:i-t.u. : h.i -1 -in iiu; ,ji'l'Jili Vi u.' n Jj:o 1 J; b i.' i- bi5 libi b-7-.iqat 9 1- lirilllu'l ii:jijj.'.) 1. -jbiail ht, v. uuc. ui b- jh': i'i M.i l il 'tMArJfaijHAirJ-i -niiA !!. r-.:ii!) ! i. i ; i . u i'l mi.-'' v!ii' bi:;. -.-.lii'iii tfni -till TL;!l b';'ii;-..i'iX-j iiMiJ ciiii U;t nn-:! .-! 1 b'jr ilfu'i'JifriV 9 1 1 1 in M'i:f. viiiov I119991 lu wi n;ilni . 'iii ii.iJin;!r.fii J,iu i'nii)iir.9C0XTAGEi 9Ol if 9i KUllJ il9Mli iilli lub'JIIIi-M' "I ?K iti .)Jte((iqoi979h fsJi ni Jl9 9ilJ HKtll )i to 9inu "uj9itie! 'i!; -iar2r-"i i'" i2uifeiipfeaTuiuiBk9 .iriaiJn 9'riirTri NcwlfeaiiTctniff ! rnnii iHirinlMi noJsiiilaT, .m h .U ) M'9 bl'.li Hl M'l'lllW tVJbl99V, !id Mi! ; 9i!J b.t 9jil 9i'J ro oh:! 9:li j.'iMj ;:. oJ Iiili; Ot'i. 'b) limp. 9im:l 9lt !.;; -'ui i!Jit .lo' .ffiilquiyl ni - n neq vi i J! f'i' --n ylJiJ 9iij ui bid Mviiit J;.'ui-v t. Jr:9j bu-nbiij. j: Im;YoJ v!((iik 1 ! -11 ; i 1 ; ;. j "(Miii'M.':; interest- PWQbas?ngiewkr ini; J i f1i,-. mn-,-. -blind Mill u! M"rifiJ;!i ::i; .-.; trin'! ib .:.; it! -m;! 1; '!'': ':! !-: ' ;:. .; WILL.aiF OORBteP ATTERTIOa IT LUw: i-.iiitifcti 1ST MAHlr PBKIKa t .ill 9ilJ Ji:siJ Jl7ii'' " M ' ' -: - aire agents. Jbr. 1 the , well-fenown brands of 61 re sa caB m : u TTsi!Erj8k & ALLEN, iWAolpaaJe -Qrooars 4 -Oommtaaioa Merchants. Corner Trade and. College Stxeets, uaimuv, it. w Jan. 8. ON H AND AND" ') i Am ; il. lL U .llll J i' lf mHHM 3M ; ; :, -4Pa, rii;;ii ii ) ; 1. ' II'jmiI r-.iui r . iil.M'I .9.r , CAtt LOADS Bjr li'ji.1 i.i! II n.l AH Jl 'CiABi 1 y 1 1, , ."i.i i I li.ii1 1Q0 :BB&ELS. APffLKS, : ;,: .. ; ! ;,; in ' ... - .:ur. .ji: ; i ;;!. .-!' -i .' . : f 11 it ( I -I ill t" ' ' t-k- tjnrnocrti'Q toi w 50T 1 W A, VUMJ P 1. A4 'i 'I 7 . i I i ii: . :- "'tf BABBEt3 -- i I '. H'. .' il! ' i. .'i ts. ,.( : : ! ll ; ;.;...! :!.. !:fea'iiifexs-iAioNS. - ' : . . kfV : . 1 1 ''" ! ' i l I 1 ; i ' j n mi., . ' .' ! .'..- '.' ! ! " jr ,.' uili m. -,jii;:!i '; ' i BOXES tli-ORlfeAOfiANdEa ' ' ' ' 7 tin i J i- ii; . i li 1 1 , J i : 1 ' 1 i m ' ;.-;,; . .- -; BOXES MESWAOftANGEft1- III IliMj !!!.',;.'. -it :i.IM7-. i:il Ml Mil m! i m ' i " 1 9i V" Ti lrttl!M' ttmMMk t.;l wf : !,'!;i -i I J 1 1 JI iJiliiJiMI 'tj 'i..7 J .I1IIU HI'tf II b.-i-. Ij lO 111"' -i9r: rV-'i HI JrM i JlilUD L K1T19 rn-iurn 1 itr rr ,..r. aprll. .ij'ir i'i ' I.l9bil-1 ..MuuMmm!mj-J:;iuiiT .iJj-f-.iltlri!' !l " 'lv';i ti'.Olt J -;.:,". !? Violi.M r. '-)!,' .bom j Mir i itobiM :"idi!'i t9'.; b.u Ii:.9ijfu i!iiiii'i:i'f :hii;9j.iii .!7J ; I ; f 1 . .fiotuiffti; li:xjq ''" i.:m--.7- .rrwoiff fiiiii.'j; ;r 1 rU'iilq-.' voti;. '. Haje fcM Meejw)d:9pleQded itoi fit .Beating id Cooxfug Stoves, consisting of I.miu i !' t"llr1ilV,ntFw,1 uiV'r j1;? -i:a 1 KAHVHlaT tWl&W. Holly osUtJiJLii!1 1 -ri .iiMnriihi; ittiffiRi rrrfrVrTfWVTifW Iron. Tin Plate. 7.1n. oliir vUljlit 1 9iq ir Tin and Sheet-Iron work nrntnntlr donamdiu. 4 moderate. ' MOT. lW-ortt. 9tima 9.-b;l i 1 .wMiMiuiiio ) .XilJUU-- '-niii kla l 'Am . .'Jriktl IUi I) Cfriatantlyjfrjttaiati I'toiAJtoai, U-rea,i.; i (9Ja V.11I4 I rJ5 ui ii'.'jj.i." 1 !to baii QXLBULliu 9i!j .71 txHuil W'It:i Wor Utttii ChwCtfitowettfratf wMV '. Ulillt !iPUn)0Ser)Of - twahkliti Wrtllnr: a rltii matin mA wuipvr, w jui uua imrnam' at Burweu orspHbgs" jan.2ahi;o ji .j im9j;ii 01 si (iHL-ii .-it9i; jrwiiiii'i'iiL. tWai meflui In exAnAMtrei win iw vkaJd. nattli 4i. : . ..J -l:! - - ItW .r mwrm " -V "fi Slrrfrr rr' KTJKSP 1 5fr N ff-rPegistrar. B, P. Bord; inspe lakliUt . r f JtiWOm "fig: ;JB, Brbwh'ind H. Edward,. 1MMI(9J8 fill Hll) IIIOHf 4lWIHMii.JlJj ItVOilr ! f . ;: (IT : ' U 9 fT "J ! .itMII. ! ..'! i t 1JII1. kr. Biff cold crfflMtgriatpgaBa hxadachb waaiat''AjL8 hi JO. Ji OJT jh ji ja ji MVin!.T!?,T?2?T!l!,Mjl t toei same amf rfiipeAaUlmpurlUes from thetomaeh and Tf? . . ;:1,n-.l1i M-gOV.4. -h,.. ui 7 i.i I f1? aULTH. when aJtTjtt!, eincrje .ra awinem lor BUlousiHuvk twi wvm. the stomach. laTTTT .a .q a.ii fcle prtera," . GT PLACK, Nky YORK. For sale by 1 wrlston 4 Co., Charlotte. N. c .A if i ":i .-t. i-1 :i ti n il 11 i in I ki ll IimW 1 1 1 .Ml il ! I ! )"! ' : I : ! I .. v t 1 f . .1 i: .17 - OIP ?l H;.T' H,.'l ! .ir.j-j AI-,,,QJfc!s.; solo ay )!. ' -.Ml f- iUu-i t ;f?T 9ii Uciomwejiduiiojis !o f-9 .15 n 1 novo i;:n-);- JftjiTAfiWpr UiNTS. 1 1 have bean inree ta) years, and Jtnxx! .' boasrht nf mn season, gives entire; Satlsfactlojv as tested side by side with three other standard guanos, the Fish betnfe9hta4 maktng net proit oi sixty per cent. I expect to - JJgiK mmy A ..Alexandrian N..C., ... , r aprl. MI BEST 13 ALWAYS The Cbeapesr. I ITAYE IN STORE IS of s WHIOI B'DBCkDlLY THE BEST AND MOST ',". !feEIA.BLK FERTILIZER OFFERED TO PLANTEH8. Tq imim 1 a, full crop, and to mature It enrly so as to command jth high prices, . buy the celebrated ; ". . 4 COTTON FOOD 9,11 ni b .:- i ra0M . . TIIOMAS D, GAITIIER. COLLEGE STREET. Apr6 ftl I I in 1 Ui, t 1 mt&Mtenwns t-rpkTp , ELECTION NOTICl-. , j 1. MAJOS OFFICE; March 81st, 1880. By Virtue of a nasolutloa passed at a late meeU ltai-9yntlB'Bnwiotae.cltjr of Chr Lffi r? . there will beton MeAtort lrt telloV. Tield'ln The city on the nrefc tMotidayi iA Uteri iafl., lt80, at the usual poiUBgjace8, u ascefta,tb sense of the quali fied voters, on ffie jrqesUon.ot esUblishlng and maTnta&ring bytaxaUohto the cftr, public graded schools. I am further authorized to state that the maximum rate of taxation shall be one-tenth of , one per cent or teTf cenW Oh' e very one hundred dollars worth of nrMMllr tantho eltr. and thirty dents on each nolL At the time designate d for the ' nfnrriraiM rilanflniil lii i . t in i -...i i... I !?5i!!FJL.??&?T. COHMHissioneri 1rom eaph wanj, Te.K"M-be new registration books opened qu thdaywrApr,ff:TD7l88Q, and ffie same shall; be ken on until suadowBon the Saturday previous to paid eion ,, do hereby appoint as registrars an Jnpectors lor said election, for l; ' Wia'Nov IiT. 'AjitacNlnch. registrar; hispec- Watl MiaJiJjUWalttBreta, reirlstrar; Inspectors, VftJWjhion)CalX -A'Jedgft and G. W. Bryan. H7wl O B a i ...... T H. MClnn, J. E. BiWfti m EC Effwards. j .lll (llUi'l jl tlllKli 1. Whrd No. 4 . Jt p. Waring, registrar; inspectors, XX U fcVnt Kisbotana W. F. Snider. iUI t art ., - t . . : 1 : I. OSBORNE, Mayor. HI- If ii .VJjUK.' JilJ lu v.uA t . ' : i., . .... ... . - 1 nw u nereuj given -wai an election win ue neu sn the On JtorKiayCliayrbelng the d;iy Of the imiMlth. . 1880. l tha naaal nulling Diacesiu 4liiK 'J lJilli,9lH j ; Mil t .Ml?. ':' rS. J. XV. Wanwnrth P M flllor -inrl Ph.w A. pzier. i 'Ward No. 2-; trarvWah)etBrem ; Inspectors. .111. i-tirs. WNft.A-t-Begistfsiiv.R E. Waring: i"pee- ,i!ir. 1H iUt- Mj fc.i iAIiBX ANDER SheruT, "rtj .Hj OftBURNE. Mayor. J ..iHKuyj.. lii rfrF? Ty A flail Hoe dC-COMIXS onstantIy on hand- MOD .nt!f.!i-ir,."ni- titiilrf iimh.1- ' i tiSioti .ni "to ',ft!.i..l it Hid Wj IL WILHILVi Ootf .ri: -hi'i.;; inBssen Mrnltare Store wrrfic fl-ITi I 11 A :,, ii I .'.! ,r.l -ii;.-' ::;; 1 .f-fi'.i ti .,.) mm -. .:- I HUH, -V i. . -

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