Stye Charlotte bBerutt " ' ,. SUBSCRIPTION &AIM8 : DnUy, txv year, (post-pcatX) in advance $8 00 Six Months ... 4 00 Tine Months 3 00 in Month 74 WEEKLY MDITIOir i Weekly, (in the county) in advanct $2 00 iyut of the county, pottjyad, 210 Six Month 1 00 i TEX OBSXBTZE JOB DEPARTMENT Ha been thoroughly supplied with, very needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and. every manner of Job Printer can new be done with newness, fflapatcn and ebetpaeti. won furn ish at short notice. BLANKS, BELL-HEADS. LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, . TAOS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PRQORAMME8.H A KPBILL3. PAMPHLETS, CIRCTJLARS, CHECKS, AC. VOL. XXIII. liberal Reductions for Glut. CHARLOTTE, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1880. NO. 3,478. mmm i : Mr. ir WE HAVE GOT MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DBMS, And propose t make some special drives on DRESS SILKS, Of which we have a beautiful line. Fringes and Trimmng Silks In all shades to suit goods. OUR i-TOCK Of UD1ES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Is large, well-assorted and cheap. :o:- DON'T BUY YOUR SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS Before seeing our Stock. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. April 17. Soots and gJxots. SPRING STOCK 1880. COMPLETED! OUR SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND 'J'HUNKS Is no Complete. We are determined ;to sustain our former reputation for selling THE BEST BRANDS Of goods, which every; sensible person knoro Is the cheapest In the end. Please call and see us before buying. IW We will deal falrlj and hon estly with yoa PEG RAM ft OO March 11. 180. Democrat and Home copy- L. ASIEL'S Boot- lioe. HAT AND TRUNK ESTABLISH MENT, TRYON STREET. Xcxt Door to Dr. J. H. McAden s. ::o: If shoes you wish to buy, Cull at Aslel'u store and ti-y His boots and shoes how well they fit; Also, hats and trunks, so cheap for cash Ills prices are exceedingly low; Cash sales, small profits bis motto; lUmember, when you wish to trade. That money saved Is money made. By purchasing at As-lel's store Y' u save full ten per cent, or more. Prove the fact; you'll find In time More truth than poetry In my rhyme; So go and try him without fail. P. S. Having connected myself with the above louse, I am sure that my old friends and custom ers can be better suited and for less money than t any other house in the city. mar.8. S. FRANKENTHAL. Gray's Specific Medicine. TRADE MARK rhe fire it Kng TRADE MARK IIhh Remedy, An unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Sper matorrhea, Im potency, and all diseases that follow, as a sequence of self- 8f FORE TAllHa.Me.nory.Unlver-AFTER TAIIJ8. "fl Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vis ion, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases tii;ti lend to Iosanliy or Consumption, and a Pre mature Grave. . , t -fr-Kuii particulars are in onr pamphlet, wblcn we desire to send free by mail to every one.; The fsuec'.nc Medicine Is sold by all druggists at $1 per iiuwage. or 8lx pagngges ror Jo. or wui " 119 uj iiiaji Qi) , 8old in Charlotte, wholesale and retail, by Dr. T. Smith and all druggists everywhere. -nwrO. d&w ly. receipt OI UK nronry 'j iiuuito'wij FTh3 fiRAYMTSDIClNBro.. rrj (&00&S, mcffltlno, Set:. mmm mats FOB Men and Boys, In Plain and Fancy Effects Very Nobby. Call and see them. In endless variety in design and pi Ice; everybody can be suited. Have Just received a second stock of PARASOLS. A beautiful Hue of french ORG ANDIES raENCu -AND LAWNS, WHITE AND FANCY India Mulls, Masai ias and Nainsooks. Some Very Handsome v Grenadines and Lace Bunt ings In all desirable shades for the season. Very respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO. apr!8 gbXiscjeHitttcous. n ; ' U 'art I A PURELY For INTER1L VEGETABLE REMEDY L anJ EXTERNAL Use. DAIM II! I C9 "cter fuilid when used iMIll rVILL!" iUOOr iilitr to printed dirr.ct tout inclosing each lottle, ::ik! Sh rr'eeihj tafe even in the mnt ittexp ritnretl hands. DA 111 Ifll I CD ,s A UKE CIKE for rAIrl IVlLLtn More Throat, Coiitb, C'iiUt Jimrrhfea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera and all Boirel Complaint. DA 111 "Ifll ICR I THli BEST remedy rAllf IVILLLn knowu forHea-Kicknrits, Sick-Headacbc, Pain In tb Back or bide, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia. PAIN KILLER lW&l bni)m nuhl artdpermmenl relief in all cases t Ilriiiseih (Juts, Bp? alns, Seveve Barns, etc DAllJlf II I t?D 1" the welUried and lruKd rAlN IVILLCtf friend of the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, bailor, and In fact f a l claxse. wanting a medicine always at bard i safe to nae internally or externally wu't certainty of relief. Ej7 No family can afford to be wjthont ! invaluable remedy in the house. Its price l-.i- it within the reach of alLand it will annually , many times its oort in doctors' bills. Sold by 11 druggUU at S&e. &Oc and $1 i bottl' . PERRY DAVIS St SON, Providence, R. 1. Proprietors. March 13-dJtwly, TRADE! Macom, Qa , March 81 , 1879. From having been intimate for a number of years with the proprietors of Swift's Syphlllitie Specific, I have known much of its manufacture and Its use. There are men in the community well known eitizens who were victims in early life to Syphlllls, the most. terrible curse that ever afflicted the human family, and who have taken the S. 8. medicine, and are now, to all appear ances,and In their own belief, as free from the taint disease as the first man, fresh from the bands ot his Maker. Delicacy of course forbids their public recommendations of this medicine, but I am al lowed refer to the skeptic privately to those wb,o will epdorse everything that oan be sxld in its lavor. Being professionally opposed to en dorsing or recommending nostrums or secret rem edies, it is with hesitation that i attach my name to this article; but I kkow whereof I speak when I say that our science has not yet made public a combination equal to this for the purpose indica ted. The greatest boon the government could be stow on hundreds of thousands of Its citizens would be to purchase this receipt of its proprietors, and make it public for the benefit of the present and all coming generations. T. L. MASSENBTJRG, Ph. G. Prepared only by tfie'swiFT SPgCJFIC COMr PANV, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston Oo, Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's Friends." mar26 dAwlm. CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH ETJTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience In hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz: Organic and Seminal Weakness, Impotency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debili ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains In the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc, ail resulting from abuses in youth or excesses in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poUon entirely eradicated from the system. Alsoall skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr Robertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all fe jnaie norui-i"1'' and lrregulartles. All coiibuiuitions strictly confidential, and medi cines sent to any address. Call or write, enclosing stamp for reply. sept 10 It. ' SELLING OUT. H AVING determined to sell out my entire stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Ac. by the 16th of May, If possible, I offer them, at and below oost. P7 Goods sold by the pieee, Bats, Ac. by the dozen. Merchants visiting Charlotte would do well to examine mr stock before pur chasing elsewhere. '. ROESSLER. aprl6 d8w. Si' St S call ill ,(K 3 ii iiii ill mSfinfim ?m mm Mine Schlldhool. BY THE AUTHOR OF "LKEDLK TAKOOB STEAUS3." Der schiltren dhey vas poot In pe"d. All tucked oup for der nlghdt; I dakes mine pipe der mantel off Und by der fireside pright I dhlnk8 aboudt vhen I vas young Oil moder, who vas tead, Und how at nighdt-ltke I do Hans She tucked me oup lu ped. I mlndt me off mine fader, too, Und bow be yoost to say, "Poor poy, you hat a hardt oldt row To hoe, und leedle blay!" I find me oudt dot id vas drue Vot mine oldt fader said, Vhlle smoodhing dawn mine flaxen hair Und tucking me in ped. Der oldt folks! Id vas like a dhream To shpeak off dhem like dot. Gretchen und I vas "'oldt fo;ks" now, Und haf two schiltren got Ye lofes dhem more as nefer vas, Each leedle curly head, Und efery ntghdt ve dakes dhem oup Und tucks dhem in dbeir ped. But dhen somedlmes ven I feeli plue, Und all dings lonesome seem, I vlsh 1 vas dot poy again Und dl8 vas all a dhream. I vant to kiss mine moder vonce Und vhen mine bra er vas said To haf mine fatter dake me up Und tuck me iu mine ped. Harper's Magazine. REALTIES OF POL,AiTI Y. A Striking: Illustration of the Celes tial Order of, e. Salt Lake Autl-Polygamy Standard. Tbe following was related by the wife of a noted United States explorer to a Gentile lady of this city, who will vouch for its genuineness: "While traveling in Southern Utah we came to a small settlement, where we were de tained for a day or two by inclement weather. We found shelter in the hum ble but neat and hospitable home of a monogamist saint, whose family hated polygamy and through whose influence we were permitted a glance at some of the beastliness that characterizes the peculiar institution. Only a short dis tance from the dwelling ot' my friendly entertainers there stood a miserable adobe hut, I could not conscientiously call it a house, where lived a saint with three wives, all of whom had families. My hostess made some neighborly er rand an excuse for paying them a visit, and permitted me to accompany her; but before going she made me acquaint ed with the relationship existing be tween the three women who were liv ing with and had borne children to the same man. "The first and second women were sisters. The latter had been a widow with one child when she married her sister's husband. When this child had grown to be about 16 years old her step father had also married her, but after a few months she left and was sealed to another man as plural wife, by whom she had two children. Then he died and she returned to her first husband, bringing her children with her, the eld est of whom at the time I am speaking of was a girl 15 years old, and my infor mant stated for a fact that the old wretch had thoughts of marrying her too. When we entered the hut the scene that met my eyes totally beggars de scription. Imagine one low, smoky, filthy room serving as living room and sleeping apartment for three women and their offspring; some of the latter almost grown up, the majority, however, being Uttle children. I could never have dreamed of such dirt, rags, and squalor existing in a Christian country. I had seen nothing equal to it even among the Digger Indians; in fact, the latter were quite civilized in compari son. But the worst of my story is yet to come. "The girl of whom my hostess had spoken as a probable bride of her grand father was sitting in a corner sobbing and crying. Upon inquiring the cause of her distress, we were told quite frankly that her grandfather had given her a severe castigation for speaking disrespectfully about polygamy and de claring that she would never become the wife of her mother's and grandmother's husband. When we left I could not re strain my indignation, and I said : 'What a lovely religion that is, to make such beasts out of human creatures!' "'It is not religion, but the lack of it, that makes them beasts,' quietly rejoin ed my hostess, 'and you will find many eases as bad as this one if you travel far in Utah." HBut the sequel is still more horrible. About a year afterward we had occa sion to pass through that particular settlement again, and for a day were the guests of our former hostess. She told me that the young girl was really sealed to her grandfather, being literal ly forced into it by her own mother and grandmother under circumstances so revolting that delicacy forbids me from repeating them even to one of my own sex. Even in that polygamic community theexcitement was so great thattalkwas had of lynching the degraded trio the man and the two elder women but the feeling soon passed over, and was even tually forgotten or only remembered as an episode of this peculiar relU gion." o Yankee Versatility. The Graphic . The Englishman seldom changes his business or profession. The represent ative American is a natural jacket-all trades sowing and planting, perhaps, to-day, teaching scnooi next wees, next year practicing law. He will undertake anything, offer himself for anything, backed by an astounding confidence in self, and trusting in his good genius, luck. I have in California seen a young man of twenty-seven, brought up to no trade or profession, superintending the building of a magnificent road over these Alps of America, the Sierra Ne vada. He directed the operations of surveyors and bridge builders, as well as the finance and supply departments ; for his forces, one hundred miles from, the nearest settlement, required the baggage train of a small army. In va rious kinds of skilled labor he found his tools. His was the executive capacity to use them. This man was not "brought up." He came up. His edu cation embraced merely the three It's, "readin', 'ritin' and 'rithmetic." That ended at 15. Then he grapples with the world. A few months in the village store, a few more at a trade, which is abandoned half-learned, a voyage or two at sea. Arrived in some frontier town he seeks, not the vocation for which he may be specially fitted, but looks for whatever there may be to do. Let there be an opening to fill and he does not ask himself whether his is the exact mould to fill it. No. He rushes in and where he doesn't fit he trims off a patch here or adds one there until he makes a rough fit. San-Down Spring-. ML Sterling (Ky.) Dem. Tlere is in Hart county, what is known as the "Sun-down Spring." The Democrat says the water of this spring flows incessantly during the day in a stream the size of a man's arm, but as the sun nears the western horigon it Brows perceptibly less, making a pecu ar sound, heard at a distance of fifty feet and then, just to the minute the sun sets, stons running. This phenom? enon occurs daily. A Remarkable Suicide. A Boston dispatch to the New York Herald gives the following particulars of a peculiar and ingeniously-executed su cide, heretofore briefly reported as h iving occurred at Chelsea, Mass.: "Two days ago a farmer named Pillsbury had occasion to go to Newbury port, he left his son, Stephen M, s4years of age, in charge of the farm. Wnen Mr. Pills bury returned, about noon, Monday, he looked in vain for bis son. Mr. Pills bury approached, the barn, unlocked the door, and in moment thereafter a horrible . sight, met his gaze. On the floor was the body of his son, with the head almost completely severed from the body. The instrument of death was a perfectly executed guillotine, which the ingenious suicide had prqbably spent a month in manufacturing.' The machine consisted of two perpendicular pieces of joist about two feet apart, and reaching from the floor to the roof of the barn. About six feet from the floor had been adjusted in a piece of wood a large, sharp axe, so that it moved up and down in a groove. This axe was held in its place by a water pot filled with water, attached to a lever, which in turn was made to support the axe. A hole had been made iu the water pot, so that when sufficient water had leaked from it to overcome the leverage above, the axe wTould fall. When all arrange ments had been made the young man got upon his knees, and, putting his head through an aperture made at the bottom, calmly awaited death. He had previously supplied himself with about two pounds of ether, and while the wa ter was slowly dripping from the pot he placed the ether to his mouth. When found the head was only hanging to the body by a small piece of flesh." Strong tmd Well The Latest News from Mr. Seymour. Correspondence of Richmond Dispatch, Washington, April 20. When Sena tor Kernan was at Utica, his home, re cently, he saw Governor Seymour every day. The Governor requested him to discourage every proposition he heard in favor of his nomination at Cincinna ti Senator Kernan replied : "I will do anything you want except to tell peo ple you are in bad health, when you are going about every day on foot with an elastic tread, and with your eyes as bright as when you were a young man." Mr. Seymour could not deny but that he is well and active. Senator John ston, chairman of the Senate agricultur al committee, received a letter from him to-day urging action to prevent the spread of the cattle disease. At the bottom of the letter, in the bold, manly hand of one who is perfectly well, he wrote a complimentary notice of the Senator's address delivered last fall be fore the Virginia State agricultural so ciety. I heard Major John W. Daniel to-day ask the most sagacious Demo crat in the House who he was for for President, and he replied : "I am for Seymour, because I believe he can cer tainly win. The fact is that if New York presents him at Cincinnati he will go through almost by acclamation, and then he cannot decline." A Lesson to a "Lady-Killer." Newark (N. J.) Advertiser. A sensational story is told of a young "lady-killer," of New York, and his hu miliating experience in attempting to form the acquaintance of a young lady residing in Elm street, in this city. The names of both parties are suppressed for obvious reasons. The story is that the young lady, who is, of course, at tractive, was intently reading in the cars at the Jersey City depot on Friday afternoon, when a note was dropped into her lap by an employe, who in stantly disappeared. In her excitement she put it into her pocket without read ing, and on reaching home told her father of the occurrence and gave him the note, which proved to be a request for her address to be sent to the care of a South William street merchant. A consultation ensued, resulting in a letter written by the young lady's uncle "Henry" and copied by her, favoring his friendship and appointing a meeting in Military Park. She accordingly met him there and he was unexpectedly con ducted to her home and introduced to the family circle, which was assembled in full force, and after an embarrassing reprimand was allowed to depart with promises not to do so again. Denis Kearney in the House of Cor rection. San Francisco, April 19 In the. Police Court this morning the prosecu ting attorney asked for the commit ment of Denis Kearney. The latter was not present at the time, but a few minutes later appeared with his coun sel, who asked for delay, to enable him to make application to the Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus. The court denied the Request as unusual and extraordinary. The commitment was then made out, and Kearney, evidently depressed and chagrined, was taken be low. In a few minutes he was remov ed to a hack and driven to the House of Correction, where.after going through the hands of a barber and donning con vict's garb, he was placed in a cell. As Kearney left the court room he asked the judge if the commitment contained any reference to the provision of the new constitution fixing eight hours as a day's labor. The judge replied that the superintendent of the House of Cor rection would see that he had sufficient work to do, and not too much. His counsel will apply for a writ of habeas corpus, but it is not expected to avail the prisoner anything. Fort Johnson. Judge Cantwell delivered a lecture in Wilmington, Tuesday night. The iStor' report says : The lecturer stated that Tort- Johnson, named alter Gen. Gabriel Johnson, was built in 1745, and since then it had witnessed the passing away of five different governments the Proprietary, the Colonial, the State, the Federal and Confederate. Many new facts in our early history were mentioned, among them one not gen erally knowrn, namely, that it was Cor nelius Harnett who marched at the head of a body of armed men, num bering nearly six hundred, to Bruns wick, and demanded of Gov. Tryon in person that Pennington, who had been appointed stampm aster in the place of James Houston, should be delivered up. This account, taken from Gov. Tryon's letter-book in the executive office, at Raleigh, clearly shows that Harnett was the master spirit in the movement Thirty Tears' Experience of an 014 Nurse. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescrip tion of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses In the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-falling safety and suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble Infant of one week old to the adult' It corrects acidity of tbe stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health apd oonifoit to mother and child. We believe It the best and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea In children whether K arises from teething or from any other cause. Fall directions for using will accompany each bottle, none genuine unless tbe lao-euMie of Curtis Perkins, Is on the outside wrapper. . Sold by all medicine dealers. - '- nov27 dw ly IE IB IE 31 iin WINE STIFF FELT HATS, CABLE BRIM MANILLA HATS, TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED MACKINAW HATS. We have the exclusive control of the above goods in this market, and hold them with protection Lo first class trade. Respectfully, E. D. LATTA & BRO. A prill 7. "H? (BUS AM MEN'S WORKING SUITS, MEN'S SEMI-DRESS SUITS, MEN'S DRESS SUITS, : YOUTH'S SUITS, : : BOY'S SUITS, : : BOY'S DRESS SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS : In submitting the above list, permit us to assure you that no pains have been spared on our part to produce, as here tofore, fashionable and stylish cut garments, of our own manufacture, with superior and substantial trimmings, at mod erate prices. Our facilities for early purchasing were, and are such as will guarantee the purchaser the LOWEST PRICES commensurate with good and reliable workmanship. A cordial invitatiion to inspect our stock is extended to all, who need feel under no obligation to purchase Very respectfully, IU. BIHW&ETSSH BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. SN. B. Our stock of FURNISHING GOODS is first class. NECK WEAR of the latest production. 1851. TO Twenty-Nine Years Experience has Enabled the IEB 3Tj IE S xp CS O TO PURCHASE THIS SPRING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, fec. Ever offered to their customers. Nearly all bought before the recent advance in prices. Don't buy until you see and learn our prices. Respectfully, ELI AS & COHEN. mar.3. SPRING NOVELTIES. WIS IfAVB UO"W OFEIST A.15r UITSUBPASSBD ASSORTMENT OT SPRINGr CLOTHING- fob im: nsr, botts, totjths jist jd childbe it- UNEQUALED I ELEGANCE s STYLE g REASONABLE PRICES. By The Public is Cordially Invited. No Trouble to Show Them. .J3 W. KAUFMAN & CO. i. full assortment of Ladies'. Mens', Boys', Misses', and Children's Boots and Shoes can be found at our store, at lower prices than they c an be bought for anywhere else. A splendid assortment of Hats, such as Stiff, Fur, Wool, and Straw. Hate for Men, Boys, Youths and Children. Give us a ealL mar26 SCITIP" &d Grill ER, GROCERS MD .COMMISSION HGRCUNTS. ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN THE STATE. Close and Prompt Trade Specially Invited. AGENTS foSthI PLANTER'S FA VORITE 1SB LON GS' Chemical Fertilizers, Attention of physicians called to It Tor sale by atl lending erocers. M USIC CISU LOOK ! M ABSOLUTELY FREE. STMinn urn unit A truly Wonderful Publication, bringing the best class of vocal and instrumental music within the reach of alL Sample copy, containing $1.50 worth of Piano or Organ music, mailed to any address on receipt of a 8c stamp. J. M. STODDABT & CO., Philadelphia, Pa, Ata. SALARY per month. All EXPENSES dTueea. WAGES promptly paid. SLOAN Co. S04S Oeorare Nt. ctnelnmti. U. $125 Maine. OUTFIT free to Agents, and all expen ses paid. Address H. B. SHAW, Alfred, O nHT -A. YEAR and expenses to Agents, outfit I4I free. Address P. O. YICKERY, Augus ta, Maine. PAMPHLET for Advertisers. 100 pages, 10 cents. GEO. P. ROWELL ft CO.. N. Y. SPRING V E GE T AB LES. A FULL SUPPLY ON SATURDAY MORNING. NOW IN STORE 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES FROM EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. S. M. HOWELL. aprQ CD IE I V OTJB CS- O 30) S. HD U? IE PBICE XjIST. THE TRADE, " yjXJ- "TuFreceived A Large Lot of BATH TUBS, TOILET SETS BUCKETS. CHUBN3, ana FLY TRAPS AT Hardware & Stove House OF RICHARD MOORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE. Next Boor to Jno. Brookfield & Co. TRADE ST., apr!8 CHARLOTTE, N.C. 1880. SPRING- 1880. HHnitWBABUli VI VUU1VHT, A. V, U1 nounce8 to his Friends and Customers that bis Samples for Spring Clothing have arrived and are ready for inspection. A he is well knwn to the DeDle of the cltr and vicinity. It is needless to mention merits. Your orders are respectfully so Udted. - N. B. The Monthly Fashions for March having arrived, they enable the stylish dresser to select something new. Call and seev awfjleave your or- aer. mar5 JB 'DD "5T 3Lo JEa MI H. $7.00 TO $12.00 TO $16.00 TO $6.50 TO $3.50 TO $7.50 TO $3.00 TO $15.00 $22.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 $15.00 $10.00 1880. Old House of 3HI 3ES ET COME AT LAST ! DYING, SCOURING AND GENERAL CLEANING -ESTABLISHMENT. Faded Goods, Ladles' Dresses, Shawls,- Table Covers, Ribbons, Feathers, and every other de scription of wearing apparel cleaned, renovated and changea to any coior oeauvu. KID GLOVES A SPECIALTY. All Orders to be left for the present at MRS. McNELIS'S MILINERY STORE. F. A. MILLER. aprlS ' ' -- . RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United States Courts.- Collec tions, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab stracts of Titles, Surveys, dec, furnished for com pensatkm. ,-,. Offici : n. E. Comer Trade ft Tryon streets, Charlotte, N. C. flan. 6. FOR SALE. A Valuable tract of land one mile east of the city of Charlotte, comprising about 160 acres. I offer this land either in one body or in section to suit purchasers. : For farther Information, apply to declleodtf ... 8. J. TORRENCK AppreMice Wanted " A LL applications most be ' made by. letter '-A. through the postofflce, in applicant's owtt band writing. Address ? r r , GRANITE- CORNER PHARMACY. apr20 fir-1: ?K ,!: 'if-. "Ml i-ii' ' it t 7 y 1 1 t ' I I i t 5 ill- H i I'M f i I i If! !ii f 5 Lit J if! 4 . 1 h i 'i J, 1 ' r I. ; i f ' ' w s 1. , f t ,1 r ' t: 4 i t S i 4 ' S

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