Stye (Hljarkrtte bscroer. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1880. BA1LB0AB DIIXCTOBI. The following table shows the running of passen -pt trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): Bicmiom DISTILLS. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12.80 a. m. t Aftves for " t 8.60 a. m. irtvesfromBlchmond,.. 11.17a.m. Leaves lor 4.20 p.m. ATLANTA CHASL0TT1 UB-LIHX. , rrives from Atlanta, 8.50 a. m i eaves for Atlanta. 12.80 a. m Arrives from Atlanta.. 4.20 p. m Leaves for Atlanta. 11.17 a. m CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AC8UOTA. Arrives from Augusta, 4.00 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, . 12.85 a. m. Arrives from Augusta 8.40 a. m Leaves for Augusta, 11.20 a. m. OABOLDf a Central. Arrives from Wilmington, 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Wilmington, 8.25 p. m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, 8.40 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKVHiaBKX 4 OHM. a rrives from Statesvllle, 9.80 a. m Leaves for Statesvllle ,. 4.00 p. m INDICATIONS. M M. ) War Department, Office Chief Signal Officer Washington. Auril 22. 7 30 p For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, falling followed by rising bar ometer, southerly winds, stationary temperatures, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain. I. oral Heperi for Ytwterda. y J 7 A M.J2 P1M. 9 P. M I2JW2 B2 S. W. 8 Clear. Barometer Thermometer , Relative Humidity, vVlnd Direction, . . " Velocity, Weather 30.169 30.008 49 72 85 46 8: W. 8. 1 4 Cloudy, Clear. Highest temperature 73 deg.; lowest 47. Index: to Sew Advertisements. 111(111183 Book Store The Latest Out home: pencilings. Marriage. At the residence of Mr. A' the bride's father Dr. J. A. Coffield, f Union, South Carolina, was married to Miss Mary Bethune, of this city, by the Bav. A, A. t Boshamer, ofjthe Tryon Street Methodist church. rhe ceremo ny was performed yesterday morning at 1030 o'clock. The happy couple left immediately for the home of the groom. Letter of Thanki from Dr. Everett's Friends. Mr. A. T. Moss, one of the members of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen, who ac companied the remains of Dr. W. S. Everett to Goldsboro, ha3 received a lette.r from a friend of the family, thanking, in their behalf, Mr. Moss and his companions, Messrs. Henderson and Boyd, for escorting the remains and ex pressing gratitude for the resolutions of respect for the deceased and condo lence with his family, passed by the Riflemen. Nobody Registering. It is stated that few persons are regis tering for the approaching city election, notwithstanding a new registration has been ordered. In Fourth ward voters are especially direlict. The registrars are allowed to transfer the names of persons who they know to be bona fide residents of the ward under the statute governing such matters, but as a mat ter of course the name of any citizen may be omitted. Colored voters are reported to be especially behind in the matter of registration. An improvement of the road to the mineral spring is now in order. Again no cases before the mayor yes terday morning. The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, meets in Ral eigh on the 11th of May. Hayes' Juvenile Pinafore troupe per form in "Winston to-night. They chris ten the new ana Handsome hall which has just been completed. Mr. D. M. Rigler is having a glass front put in his confectionery store on South Tryon street. It will add great ly to the attractiveness of his already attractive store. The Gounod Clun continues to afford interest and entertainment to its mem bers. The meeting last night at the residence of Mr. Morgan is described as highly enjoyable. A german will be given to-night at the Pleasure Club's rooms, complimen tary to a visitor from Atlanta. The german will be about the last of the season. In Pegram & Co's store, yesterday, a diagram of the New York giant's foot was exhibited. The height is 23 inches ; weight of the giant's shoes, 18 pounds; weight of his body oO pounds ; height, 8 feet. The spring concert at the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies comes off, as before stated, to-night. The friends and patrons of the institute are invited to attend. The music begins promptly at 8 o'clock. Our esteemed citizen, Capt. J, Roess- ler, expects to go abroad during the cumins summer, to visit a brother and sister who are living in Germany, neither of whom he has seen for twenty-live years. There seems to be very little doubt about the fact that Dr. Wm. Sloan will he a candidate for the mayoralty. That the candidacy is not much discussed is not to be relied upon as an indication t!iat it is not real and earnest. The Carolina Central Railway Com pany has presented the Neptune fire company with &50 for their efforts at the late tire at the cotton platform. A card of thanks will be published by the president. Members of the Second Presbyterian church choir have been for some time rehearsing an operetta which they pro pose to present to the public Friday night, the 30th, at the residence of Mrs. S. V. Young. The Observer enjoyed a very pleas ant serenade from the McSmith Music House last night. Every note of the piano could be distinguished through the telephone and the distance rather enhanced the music. Considerable dissatisfaction is ex pressed by some colored men at the re sult of the Second ward meeting night lief ore last, and it is probable that an other meeting will be called, without regard to race, previous condition, &c, for next Monday night. The few farmers who come into the city and only a very few come report active operations in the country. Al most everybody was engaged yesterday putting in cotton. The indications are that the area of land planted in Meck lenburg will be very much larger than it has ever been before. G. Lumpkins Cox stepped into a store the other day and asked for fish-hooks, saying that he had wasted enough of bis life in attempting to improve the taste in sticks, and he would henceforth devote himself to catching eels. He came in yesterday all the same with a load of sticks and shavings. The city authorities of Raleigh have notified the railway companies that the loading of offensive commercial fertili zers within the city is a nuisance and will not be tolerated. Raleigh is very easily offended, but the people allow cows to browse and sleep on the streets, the same as they do in a country vil lage. The other day Dr. Moore set and dressed an old negro's broken arm in a hug store. The old man's wife stood ' with anxious solicitude. YVhen the doctor had finished, he asked the old negro how he felt and he expressed great relief. "Bless God, and the white lolks," broke in the old woman; "You "nir talk erbout yer Lobelia, but dat ship wus never made fur to carry me way from dese white folks." C. C. 6c A. by Washington Time. Jn the item on time In yesterday's s? sue we excepted the Charlotte. Coium bia & Augusta road from the roads run ning on Washington City time. Since the purchase of the Charlotte, Columbia IV ugusta by the Richmond & Dan ville the formpr also runs on Washiner ton lime. So the Air Line is the only oau winch runs on a different time. The Woman Not to be Hung f ill Jul)-, If Then. Francis Hood convicted of infanticide in the last term of Superior court is not as announced in the Democrat yester day, sentenced to be hung on the 7th of May as Henry Home and George Gal loway are, but the time fixed for her execution is the 2nd day of J uly. The judge in sentencing her stated that he fixed the day so far off expressly to al low every opportunity for her" pardon or commutation. Home and Gallo way are to be executed on the 7th prox., provided neither are commuted. There is considerable hope of the com mutation of the latter, but none wo be lieve for the former. mm i i mm Death of an Artist. Mr. Ruf us Morgan, a most successful photographer of stereoscopic views, is especially well remembered in Charlotte where he once lived. Several years ago he left the State and went to California to engage in the culture of bees. News has just been received of his death at his home in that State. It was brought about by eating the poisonous species of the mushroom. Mr. Morgan mar ried a daughter of Judge Clarke, of Newbern, and was widely known throughout the State. His pictures of the scenery in Western North Carolina are the best that have ever been taken, and have perhaps done more than any one thing to publish to the world that section of our State. He was withal a genial, clever gentleman, and the news of his death will be received with re gret. The Catholic Pic-Nic Next Thursday. The programmes for the grand excur sion and pic-nic, under the auspices of the Catholic Sunday school, have been issued. The excursion train will leave the Air Line depot next Thursday at 7 o'clock a. m., sharp, and will couvey the excursionists to Spring Shoals, on the Catawba river, twenty miles from Char lotte. Spring Shoals is considered the most desirable picnicing grounds on the Catawba river. The Charlotte Citizens' band and the Italian string band will accompany the excursionists and f nish music. Dancing, swinging, era? quet, quoit pitching, target practice and other amusements will be going on all day and may be participated in by all, Refreshments, such as soda water, ice cream, lemonade and cigars, will be sold on the .train and the ground?, The train will leave the grounds, re turning, at 5 o'clock. Fare fur the round trip for adults, 50 cents; children under 12 years of age, 25 cents. The commit tees will see that the best order is main tained during the day. Ice water will be kept on the train and the thirst which has heretofore attended excur sions from Charlotte will be avoided. This is the first picnic and excursion of the season and a large crowd will most probably attend, The Columbia Chief of Police. Mr. E. S. Fickiin, who has been for a long time freight conductor on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rail road, has been elected chief of police in I . . 1 L'A If. . 1 . . . vauuuiuih. jtie is one or me tanest men that ever pulled a bell-rope, or faced a mob. Mr. Fickiin was chief of poHce in Charleston for several years after the war, while the city was under mili tary rule, and resigned when thecarpet- uag aim negro auministration began. This was a terrible time in Charleston, and Mr. Fickiin distinguished himsfilf by his coolness. He stood fire innu merable times during this period. capi. jriggs ureen, who. several vears aeo. was conductor nn tho r,hr- ljtte, Columbia & Angusta Railroad. has been appointed in Capt. Ficklin's place. Republican District Committee Meet ing There seems to be some misunder standing as to what the Republican district committee did at its late meet ing in Wadesboro. Members who re turned from the meeting reported that it elected O. J. Spears and Col. W. R, Myers delegates to the Chicago conven tion and instructed them to vote for Grant first, last and all the time. The selection of Col. Myers as a delesate when it was known that he was avow edly opposed to Grant was remarked upon at the time by The Observer as somewhat singular. Col. Mvers savs that up to the present time he has re ceived no official notification of the ac tion of the committee, but has heard that Spears was instructed to vote for Grant, while he. was allowed to do as he pleased. State Convention of the Y OT. C: A. The State executive committee of the loune Men's Christian Association met last week in Salisbury and changed the time of holding the canvention irora May 12th to June 3rd. They also determine! rn rhonra tVio rlafpi from tjoidsboro.but have not yet decided up on another place. It will, however, be agreed upon and announced in a short wniie. Young Men' Christian Association. An interesting meeting under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association was held in the First Pres byterian church last night. Mr. Thos. K. Cree, the New York traveling sec retary of the International committee, conducted the meeting. He first gave an interesting Bible readiug on "What a Christian Should Know," after which he gave a short and interesting talk on association work. He said it was but some thirty years since the first Chris tian associations was organized, yet there are now over 2,000 associations. They are to be found in such historic cities as Nazareth, Jerusalem and Damascus, and a young man making a tour of the world will find a Young Men's Christian Association not only in London, Paris, and other European cities but inYokaharnar in Japan.JIong King in China, Calcutta in India, Capo Town in South Africa, in Australia, the Sandwich Islands, and in short in nearly every commercial city in the world. lie spoke of the progress in this country w litre there are now 1,044 associations, with a membership of nearly 100,000, with property worth three millions and 150 general secretar ies who are employed and give all their time to the work. He gave an interest ing report of the work being done among the SOO.OOO railroad men of our country, the 00,000 young men in our colleges, the effort just inagurated in behalf of the 100,000 commercial travel ers; of the work among the 500.0CO Ger man speaking young men, and among the half million colored young men. He gave some practical illustrations of the benefit of association work, and urged young men to engage in it, and business men to sustain it. A conference with the association followed, in which a free discussion of the local work was engaged in, and many suggestions were offered looking to enlarging the good work the associa tion is now doing. The association has just refurnished their rooms, and they now present a neat and attractive appearance. They are well provided with current litera ture, and young men will be cordially welcomed. The meeting Sunday evening is open to all, and also the young men's meet ing Tuesday, In their jail work and work at the alms house they feel the need for more helpers. It is a good work and deserves success. Ji&oF08" 195;. -! BPtonera 203; atoek 15,982; experts to Great Britain . Savannah Sieady; middling 11: low mlddl'nr lUfcc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 440; gross -; sales 200; stock 19,040; exports coast wise . New Orliams- Steady; mid 12c; low mid dling 11; good orify lOfte; net receipts 689; gross 1,238; sales 8,000; stock 220.931: exports Great Britain 5,392; continent 1.277; coastwise Mobile-Quiet; middling 11 e; low middling good ordinary 10c; net receipts 528; gross ; sales 400; stock 34,699; export coastwise 200; Great Britain 4,513. Memphis Quiet ; middling lUfee: receipts 393; shipments 1,140; sales 650; stock 80,573. Augusta quiet; middling ll&fec; low mid dling 1114c, good ordinary 10i&c; receipt 26; shipments ; sales 249: stock . Charleston Steady: middling 124e.;low mid dling 12c; good ordinary 1 1 l&c : net receipts 328; gross ; sales 500. stock 26,610; exports coastwise 11. New York Cotton steady; sales 505; Middling Uplands lc; Middling Orleans 12c: net receipts 482; gross ; consolidated net rec'ts 5,640: exports Great Britain 12,979; continent 1,277; France 201. Litebpool Noon Cotton quiet Middling Up lands, 6 15-I6d; Middling Orleans 7d; sales 7.000. speculation and export 1,000; receipts 21,400, American 17.700. Uplands tow middling clause: April delivery 6 13 lrWL April and May do. May and June do, June and July 6 27 82al3-16d, July and August 6d, August and September 6 29 32ad, September and October 6 13-1 6d. October and November 6 15-lfid, November and Decem ber 6 13-32. Futures firmer. FUTURES. New York Futures closed steady. Sales 107, 000. April ll.68a.69 May ll.71a.72 June 11.83a. 84 July 11.95 August 1201.a02 September ll.74a.76 October ll.22a.24 November 10.97al 1.00 December 10.95a.97 memorial Day Arrangements Com pleted. The Ladies' Memorial Association lave completed their arrangements for he appropriate celebration ot tue lotu of May. Col. II. C. Jones, has been selected and has consented to deliver the address; the roll of honoris to be read by Col. C. VV. Alexander, and Capt. . t -l . i i. i a. u. xsrenizer nas ueeix cuoseu cuiei marshal. All the schools in the city and the military and fire organizations will as usual be invited to participate in the exercises, and it is designed that the celebration this year shall not be inferior in any respect to those hither to observed. The interest in the day has never lagged in Charlotte, but rath er continues to increase, as tne years co bv. and this year no exception to .... i this rule Will ue oosei veci. In this connection the public are re minded of the special effort that it is to be made on memorial day and be tween this time and that to complete the monument fund. It is especially desired that everybody in the commu nity shall subscribe to the fund that all may feel that they have a personal in terest in the monument. Xbe Mast Weeding- for the Celebra tion of the 20th. The meeting of the citizens to make preparations for the celebration of the 20th of May was rather slimly attended . i i r- 1 1 f 1 J . 1 1 .1 last ngUp. KjO, lvioi eneau waa uiiuew to the chair in the absence of the chair man of the previous meeting, Gen. Jno. A. Young, who came in late. On mo tion of Mr. Brevard McDowell, tne house proceeded to the selection ot a speaker. Several names, were suggest ed, but on motion of Mr. Geo. E. Wilson, the selection was reterred to a com mittee of five. The chairman appointed Geo. E. Wilson.E. J. Ellen, J. A. Young, Brevard McDowell and J. P. Thomas. On motion of Capt. Hemming the name of Col. Morehead, the chairman, was added to the committee. Col. J. if. Thomas was unanimously elected chief marshal with the power of appointing his aides. On mo tion of Capt. Flemming.a committee of nye was appointea oy tne cuaimiHu io act as a reception committee. W. W. Flemming, chairman, H. Baruch, H. C. Eccles, Harrison Watts, and F, J. Os borne oompose tnls conimitP Mr. Geo. E. Wilson moved that a committee of five be appointed to nego tiate for reduced rates over the rail roads for the celebration. V. li. Mc- Bee, T. T. Smith, W. h. Hand, A. L. Smith and A. J. Beal were appointed. The chief of the hre department ana W. J. Yates were added to the execu tive committee previously appointed consisM"g f Chas. R. Jones, chairman, W. W. Pemam. R. N. Tiddy. W. C. Mor gan, W. R. Cochrane, the captains of the city and county military companies, and the presidents of the fire companies. To this committee was left all the ar rangements for the dav. the order of the procession, place of speaking, &c This committee is requested to meet at The Observer - office on Saturday moraine at 11 o'clock sharp. There be ing no further business, on motion the meeting adjourned. , Declines to Run. To the Editor of The Observer; I see by your issue of yesterday that some one has been kind enough to pro pose my name to the voters of the Third ward, as a suitable person to rep resent them hs one of the aldermamc board. I regret that I find it impossi ble to permit my name to be put in nomination, as I would not have time, if elected, to give that attention to cjty affairs which it is necessary for an al derman to do when lie properly dis charges his duties. Besides, there a raw many others in the ward who ai;e better fitted to fill the position than myself. Thanking the party or parties who kindly proposed me, I am Very respectfully yours. Thos. J. Mooke. FINANCIAL. Niw York Money 1.05a6. Exchange 4.844. Sovernments quiet New 5's 1.03 Four and a naif per cents 1.08. Four per cents 1.07. State bonds dulL New York Stocks closed weak. New York Central 1.3114 Erie 43 Lake Shore 1.07 Illinois Central .ot$ Nashville and Chattanooga 12Vg Pittsburg 1.1U4 Chicago and Northwestern 94 1 preferred.... 1.08 Bock Island 1.92 Western Union 1.06 Alabama Class A. 2 to 5 56Va Class A, small, 55 Class B, 5's 75 Class C, 2 to 5 70 Sub-tre:isnry balances-Gold.... $101,762,120 Currency.... S6.182.416 CITY CIOTTON MARKET. Oftjcs of thk Obsxkvxr. I Charlotte. April 23. 1880. 1 The market yesterday closed quiet Good Middling. 11 Middling Strict low m Iddllng 111-16 Low middling 10 Receipts for the day. 8 bales. ANNOUNCEMENTS O F C A N D 1 1) A X ES. A Card from F. S. Ie Wolfe. F KLLO W-ClTIZKNS : I am a candidate for Mayor of your city at the approaching election. I am not to the "manner born," but sixteen years of busy life spent in your midst has fully Identified me with you Id interest, and will fnai tie you to judge of mr fitness for the office. If elected the best return I can make for the confidence reposed in me will Le a laithful discharge o dity. Very respectfully, F. S. De WOLFE. ANNOUNCED EUTTt To the Editor of The Observer) Raving determined to appear before the people of Charlotte again as a candidate for Mayor, I ac cept the nomination tendered through your paper this morning, and return my thanks for the com plimentary expressions contained in the commu nication. F. L Osbornx. April 1st, 1880. IXeou Irflwertisjemjcttts. LATEST IDT, A- FOOL'S nil, A Fatal Duel in Florida. Jacksonville, April 21. A duel oc curred just beyond the city limits this noon, between two Cubans, named Ra fael Toledo and Yudabiro Pina, both cigar makers. Three shots were ex changed and Toledo was killed. There were no seconds. The affair was wit nessed by a boy. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH By One of the Fools FATHER RYAN'S POEMS. THE EMMS, APRIL 22, 1880. PBODUCX t Chicago Flour quiet; Western spring 5.00a75. Wheat geneially higher; No. 2 red winter . No. 2 Chicago spring Mlftatt, No. 3 doiWal.OO Corn at Oatslugherat29fea5b. Pork firm at 9 62a.65. Lard higher at 6.80. Bulk meats strong; shoulders 4.00. short ribs 6.20, short clear 6.35. Whisker steady at 1.07- - BALTDfORSOats steady; Southern 4Ia43, Wes tern white 41842. do mixed 40a40& Pennsyl vania 41a42. Provisions qalet;mess' pork 11.75a 12.26; -bulk meats loose snouiaers 43a, eiear rip sides 6, ditto packed; bacon shoulders 5, elear sides 7. hams lOVUV. Lard re fined tierces 8. Coffee very null; Bio cargoes 1 3&alfi. Sugar quiet; A son - Wa. Whiskey firm at 1.10. Freights quiet Cincinnati Flour dull: family 5.00a5.35. fancy 5.50at5.85. Wheat firm; No. 2 red winter 1.14Vsa 15. uorn nrm; mo. 2 mixea 40U. vtxis strong; No. 2 mixed SoaSoVs- Pork stronger at 9.75al0.00. Lard higher at 6.80a85. Bulk meats active; shoulders 3.90, clear ribs 6Vfe, clear sides 6.37; bacon firm: shoulders 4, ribs 6, sides IVi. WhlsKey quiet at 1.U4. sugar strong; naras ftfealOlfe. New Orleans IVsa&V. Hoes firmer: common 3.25a4 00, light 4.10a4.3o,packing 4.00a 4.35, butchers 4.40a4.50. Niw York Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 5.25a5.60, good to choice do 5.65a7.00. Wheat closed strong: ungraded winter red 1.30. Corn closed active; ungraded 54fea56. Oats lower at 41 for No. 3. Coffee dull; Rio in cargoes 12al 514, in job lots 13iAal7i&. Sugar dull: Ml ado 6. centrifugal 8, lair to good re flninz 75ba7i. Dnme 7: rennea weait: sianaara A ai,fe. Molasses quiet; Cuba refined 50, New Orleans 40art(). Porto Rico 38a50. Rice quiet; Carolina 61M7- Wool dull: domestic fleeoe 5fa 65, pulled 33a2, unwashed 18a49, Texas 21a38 ornaqnveat luyo; miuaies 0 short dear 7, 'long, and firmer; long clear short Q'iii . Lard closed heavy at 7.20. Whiskey nominal at l.lla L12 Freights to Liverpool dull, COTTON. Galveston Quiet: middling llc: low mid 111; good ordinary lOVfe; net receipts, 970; gross : sales 520: stock 85.209;exDOrt8 coastwise . Norfolk Quiet ; middling 1134c; net receipts 1,154; gross ; stock 11.24o; exports coastwise 44; sales 327: exports to Great Britain . Baltimork Dull; middling 12c; low mlddllg llc.;good ordin'y llc.: net receipts ; gross Ji7U- Hales : stock 12.870: exDQrts coastwise 15: spinners ; export to' Uiaat Britain 110: to Continent . Biwrnw-ftoll: mlddllne 12tic: low middling 1 lao; good ordinary HHfec: net receipts 550; gross 594: sales ; stock 13,766; exports to Great Britain 303- Wilmintoh Steady; middling lltfcilow mid dling 10e; good ordinary ium: receipts av, mwi : sales : stock 3,050; exports coast wise. Pbtladklphia Uulet: middling 12e.: low middling 1 2 Vic; good ordinary lUfec; net receipts BY J ii flics McCosh, D. D, LL, D. President of Princeton College. BOUND IN CLOTH. At Eddins's Book Store. apr23 IXiUiujcrtj. JUST RECEIVED. PLEASE READ THIS ! COlPLETB BUBST OF THE q-TrT A HNTOTOTOT 'V The following is the LATEST PRICE LIST of Ziegler Bros' goods, of which a complete line can-be found at J, MOYER'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, - - - - lag?S.a Ziegler'sBest Pebble (Joat Button Boots, French Heel-Plated , m 75 u Kid Box-Toe 3 25 " - Fox " - " " " 300 M Serge " u " " - 3 00 " High Cut Kid, Lace 44 w 3 00 fox M u u u " 250 Kid Newport Ties - !'.'.!!'.'.!!"..!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!."!!!!'.".".'.'.'."." 2 50 - Fox Lace u Plain w 2 25 41 Serge " " 44 4 2 25 44 Pebble Goat Congress 44 44 44 2 50 44 Serge 44 44 44 44 250 44 Kid Crimped Vamp 44 44 44 44 3 25 Finest Kid Button 44 French 44 , 4 00 y My Stock of Gentlemen's Goods cannot be surpassed. Call and see them. Very respectfully, J. M0TEB. apr9 : FRAMES. FRAMES. JUST BBCBIYBD ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FRAMES, Comprising all Sizes of Walnut, Ebony and Silk, aistdd sils: -ryuvmrc iilst yaiiotjs shades, YOU PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL SIZES, CHROMOS AND FANCY PICTURES. We have an immense assortment, and will sell them at the Lowest New York Prices. ALL SHADES OF Z EPHYR, FANCY CARD BOARD NOVELTIES, BEADS AND FANCY PICTURES, WHICH WE SELL AT CITY PRICES. We bare added all the latest novelties of th ; season to our lare and varied stock, and will guarantee to sell all the leading articles la DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES and SLTPPER3, STRAW GOODS for Men, Womea and Children, FURNISHING GOODS, &i, at lower prices than any other house In the city. Be sure and give us a trial before purchasing, and it will be to four advantage. at New York Prices. Another Lot of those FINE CLOAKS At the same low price, New Style Trimmed Felt WALKING HATS, BLACK AND BROWN. 25 dozen of those SI Corsets left, at 60c. at MRS. P. QUERY'S. Not. 12. Beautiful Styles of Children's Spring Clothing Just Received apr22 NEW AND ATTRACTIVE. SPECIAL IIST TJ CEMEJN TS. LOW FR.ICES. WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Kid Gloves Kid " loves Kid Gloves Kd Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Glows Kid Gloves K11 GIOVt-8 Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Tnn-ad Gloves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thr--Hd Qiovea Thread Gloves Thread Glov- 8 Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thread -J loves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery H-siery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hegleyy Hosiery Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Millinery Department. MOsT COMPLETE LINE OF New and Stylish Hats and Bonnets Whi cGoocb Department Tlw Largest Hock of the Most Desirable Fabrics. Dr:s Coeds Department KLEG -NT AND CHEAP. 500 pieces Lawns, Li ien Lawns. Organelles, A LARGE TJJSS OF DUESS .SILKS AND TRIMMINGS. Carpets f ugs, Matting, OIL CLOTH-1. Cl-U VIB CLOTHS CUKTAINS JN COTTAGE DRAPERY, NOTTINGHAM LACE?, CRETONS, lAMBEEQTJlNS. PILLOW SHAMS. Clothing Department. WE HAVE IN THIS LINE THE NOBBIEST GOODS OF THE SEASON. STYLISH. ELEGANT, CHEAP. Our Neck Wear Cannot BE EXCELLED COZjZjARS auci OUrPS, COMPLETE LINE OF UNDERWEAR. Gents' Boys' & Childrens' Hats IN STRAW AND FELT. G-EEAT 1 1ST 3D TJ C E 2s E 1ST T S WILL BE OFFERED TO BUTBBS. Our Goods are New A IT D 3T1 JEi 33 S 331 - AND OF THE BEST FABRICS. T. E. FIKU). Hickory, N. C., R H. Field. Charlotte. METROPOLITAN Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkeichlefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Silk Mitts Silk Mitts bilk Mitts Silk Mitts Silk Mitts .Si:k Mitts Silk Mi ts Mlk Mitts Slik Mitts Hlk Ml'ts Mlk Mitts H1K Mitts Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Co:lars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars ) w 3S 9 Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Linens Linens Linens Linens Linens Linens Linens Linens Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Napkins Napkins napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4Sheetlng8 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings BARGAIN -IN- wm l mil A full line all grades ready-made LADIES' UNO ER WEAR From the Manufacturers, a4 will be sold for cash AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NIXT TO POSTOFFIOL if atvMr im rw tavm ami AmhmM9 ft full Hoe of Parlor. Chamber. Dtninf Room and Office Fur mm.j own mm v j . ' FIELD BROTHERS, PBOPBIETOBS, OBARIiOTTE, 3XT. O. THIS HOUSE is neatly fitted up with all the modern conveniences Electric Bells, Tele phone. Ac. Convenient to the Banks, near the Postoflice and Telegraph Office. Next door to the Opera House. With these adyantages WE CAN OFFER SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS and THEATRICAL COMPANIES, "Omnibuses and Carriages at every Traln. TERMS: $2 PER DAY ON FIRST FLOOR. aprlO. St. Charles Hotel. STATESVILLE, N. C. rpHIS HOUSE is now under the management ot I Mm Tip Dunu Inpmorll nf thAKAt.tAna.lTIn. tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N. C, whose aim it will De to matte it a nrst eiass nocei m every re spect, Commodious Sample Booms on the 'first toor. The patronage of the public solicited. , reo. la au. i. BKOOIFIKLD. CHINA A. W. LODOV. PALACE OF J. Bfookfield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED QolmttOf Sec. i' SHOKIKG TOBACCO Tobacco erown hi Western North Carolina is noted for its good smoking qualities, the best of used in tnis Drana. Ask your nearest merchant for sample pack age; or, If you are a dealer, write to me for circa lars and wholesale prices. Address j. & TUMUW SUM , iUCKOry, . u Jan 27. FOR SALE. 500 Whiskey barrels In good order. For In for. matlon sddIt at J. P. MEEHAN'8 Restaa rant and Saloon, Taylor street, two doors rora Richardson street, Columbia, a C apr-l am BOARDING BOARDING can be obtained by applying to a B. MEACHAM, aDi!4 Near Air-Line Depot. CLEAVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, WILL OPEN MAT 16th, 1880. These Springs are two miles from Shelby, nty- Iour miles west 01 unarKtue, ana one mues 01 Carolina Central Railway. Hacks will be at Springs Station on arrival of every Train AT KING'S MOUNTAIN STATION, ON AIR-LINE RAILROAD, HACKS CAN BE OBTAINED. DISTANCE, TEN MILES. Cold and Warm Baths. White Red Sulphite Chaltbxatx Waters. X GOOD STRING BAND SECURED FOB THE SEASON. A Bowling Alley in Good Order. Livery Accom modations AUaehed to the Hotel. RATES OF BOABD: Single day, $2: single week, $12; four weeks, $35. S. MePOSTON, Propr. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS, Sunt. apr21. WANTED, At the Charlotte City Ifflls. 8.000 bushels Cora. 1,000 bushels Wlwov Bye, Oats, Peas, Ac, for which cash, or meal in exchange, win be paid. Constantly on hand. Flour, Meal, Mill-feed, && for sale. These mills nave been thoroughly refitted, and all grain sent will be promptly ground.or exchanged If desired. F. J. IRWIN St CO anl54f REFRIGERATORS (UPRIGHT). ICE CHESTS (low). ca WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BIRD CAGES, Children Carriages, Silver and Plated Ware, Full line of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, MAJOLICA, IRIDE3 . CENT 6LAS3 ' AND FANCY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FOR SALE. I WILL SELL a Wooded colt that took: the pfe mlum at the last Charlotte Fair, eut of a fine blooded mare, and sired by the celebrated Abdel Korea, Refer to 9. W. Wadsworth, j . ' g. w. Mcdonald; Wll2twlt Berryhm Township

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