ii IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic IRON BITTERS, A Sure Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, A Complete Strengthener. Highly recommended to the public for all dis eases requiring a certai n and efficient TOXIC; especially in Indigea tion, Itympepmia, Intermittent fe ver ft. Want of Ap petite, I.OIH of Strength, I Mete of Energy, etc. It en riches the blood, strengthens the mus cles, and gives new life to the nerves. To the aged, ladies, and chil dren requiring recuper ation, this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. It tetm like a cHnrin on tbe digestive organs. A teaspoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT. Sold by all Druggists, THE BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, Md. IRON BITTERS, A Valuable Medicine. IRON BITTERS, Not Sold at a Berrrage. IRON BITTERS, for Delicate Femalea, Nov! 15 d-w CELEBRATED 1 J FEYER AND AGUE. The true an'ldote to the effects of mlisma is Hostetters Stomach Bitters. This medicine is one of the most popular remedies of an ago of success ful proprietary specifics, and is In immense de mand wherever on this Oiitinent f- ver and ague exist. A wlneglassful three times a day is the bwt possible preparative for encount- ring a malarious atmosphere, ogulatlng the liver and invigorating the stomach. V1-,-- (or sale by all Druggists and Dealer generally. i " ! Bl AHn st001- rver and Books $210 to ' II A It U O SlriOO Organs 13 stops. 3 set Heeds, 2 Knee fewella, Stool, Booli. only villus tratad Catalogue Free. Address DANIEL VBEAT TY, Washington, n. J. iitSIGHT, ATTRACTIVE, CHEERFUL ?rvJHlla BlcN'air YrrWm KfV, Boole, IfilGOMTMIE .J:V.tl'b Tnnc House-Upper's CCIDE, g J - ' tic Experienced l!ouasK'eeiK5rFliIE?n. rfM-ir replug. Cook ins, Drm, Accident. Sickness, -t'Htldren. Oiupanr. il.irnace. I: elision. Moral. Monev. I ami! I QoTenirr.'iit. a l a iiiultUud i f other tonils full r 1 ratt-IU iiutr to tujL.o Uo lioino UaAUXiiTL " ' "A tioolcof m'reTrtr?"''alntIUty wfllBelSom,lfevcr, tt found ouUmuo ut'iup.roUOU." Christian AiUxmU:. fTrriFn tTer7 eUr bome RV c& P""' l,i.ULU in all fiuni.f h;mr, U I Vounf-andOt I. I t aper. Clear '1 -pc. lt.:..ntifii ItindinK.SpleadiUllUu-t.-iicoa. .' tarls 600 fu.im. J-oicVr.,t. ScUtrapidlj. AGENTS VlANTED?;.omon Address J. C. ftlc-Ct'XU) V Ss CO- I'MUdelplUa, Fa. OA Lonely Boquet. Gold, and Silver Chromos, as mJ sorted styles, with n;inie, 10c. NASSAU CABD CO., Nassau, N. Y. WATERS' PIANOS! OnGifIS! Best made; Warranted Six Years. New Pianos, Stool and Covers, $100, upward. New Organs. $45, 850. $0, 75, upward. Illustrated Cata loaue lree. Agents Wanted. Second Hand In struments at Bargains. HOHACE WATER-! & CO., rt, Broadway, N. Y. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro "Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility. Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, arid many other diseases. A sure cure guaranteed or, uo pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Mar shall, Mich. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE JN THE WORLD. 1572 New aud Old Standard Works p Evety Department of Literature. Al most given away. Catalogue of General Liters rum aad Action free, immense Inducements to akaubsaadLibiarjes, 1 , '"LE0GAT BROS., Beekman opp. Post Office, New York. JUL LASCELLES" ENGLISH REMEDY. ' llTllIlfA tTiA mftllT fiirWa11e-l: i preparations for this Us- V AtIoi mkUti An 1 I f .ne used by the patient, 0UBKS rjR HANK Kill! aM BaflT)een endorsed In this respect for the past 20 Tears by the leading medical authorities in Eu roj --'KO CHJaJtaiE made to give it a fair -testr-tis Iffi. LASCELLES undertakes to send each suffer ing applicant a FBKK package on their forwarding name and Post Office address to his Sole Agents for the U. S. and Canada, Messrs. SLOCUM & CO.. No. 4 Cedar St, New York. apr0-d4w WLntcUcs una gjexwjeXrtj. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Fine Gold and Sifter Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, ill it. , i f i Diamonfls, Ste and Site Plate! Ware, Jfiold and Silver Spectacles, and everything kept in a FHtST-lDLASS JEWELRY STORE. The Highest. Cash Price Paid for . '- ": j . - Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Fine wascnea, uiccks ana Jewelry. yitL:; WATCH AND CLOCK WORK Warranted for Twelve Months. AU-cdoiU soli filiM estabM8lim6nt warranted Vvi vvastapresented.' 1 ;l!ll0kBli-JSJEHi. BSiX- POLICY. marl 2 t- ' If fc STOMACH Fitters It P ITC I FRIDA ir, APRtI, 23, 1880 Sixteen tobacco fitctories will le opei-ated in AVinston this season; The Greensboro Patriot will issue a daily about 1st May. A good indication of prosperity. The .Kingley gold mines, IS miles north of High Point, have been sold to Northern capitalists Mr. J. P. Babbington, editor of the Shelby Aurora, is a candidate for the office of register of deeds of Cleaveland county. There will be a county convention of the Young Men's Christian Associa tions, of Cleaveland county, held hi Shelby, on Saturday, the 24th inst .at" 10 o'clock. Raleigh Jfetos: We regret to learn A of the death of Mr. Daniel Kogan, Sr.. in New York, on the 14th inst. Mr. R. was formerly a resident of this city, where he made many friends. The Shelby Aurora says Profs. B. IP Bridges bnd J. YMIamrick.will deliver public addresses at Whitaker's"Station on Saturday, the 24th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. They will discuss education. At the meeting of the Democratic executive committee of the third con gressional district in Wilmington Tues day, it was decided to hold the nomina ting convention in Fayetteville on the 22nd of June. Wilmington' Review: Gen. J. C. Ab bott, ex-United States Senator, and Miss Ellen C. Tasker, were married in this city Wednesday morning, by the Rev. T. M. Ambler. Immediately af ter the ceremony the happy couple took the train for a tour through the South. Alamance Gleaner: There has been an immense amount of sickness among the factory hands of Col. T. M. Holt, at Haw River, but we are", glad to hear that it is not so bad as it has been. Some four or five deaths have occurred, and there are others yet quite sick. Winston Sentinel: Among the de partuers the past week we note that of Rev. J. 13. Lineback, pastor of the Friedburg Moravian church, who in tends traversing several of the Western States, with a view tuiocate a colony from this section, provided he finds an acceptable place. Raleigh Observer: The case of the -Western North Carolina Railroad vs. V. W. Rollins, involving the poustitu tionality of the repealing act, 'is being taken by writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States, which may have the effect of involving the imme diate transfer of that part of the prop erty. The Review says the beach at Wrightsville Sound has been leased by Mr. Geo. IJarriss to the Steamboat Com pany The company are going to run a small steamer to the beach during the summer, and uersons wishino- to visit tne Deacn can do so at any time, as the steamer will make regular trips, and is so constructed that she can ply to and from the beach at any stage of the tide. We are glad to know that the monu ment proposed to be erected on the bat tle field of Alamance will certainly be put up on the 16th of next month. Col. John H. Wheeler has written a short and appropriate epitaph. Messrs. AV. F. Ireland and James A. Dawson, proprie tors of the lapidary at Company Shops, have the contract and are pushing the work forward to completion. Just as soon as the executive committee holds a meeting, we will give the gramme in full. pro- Raleigh Observer : There are in this city one white graded school and five colored ones. On the rolls of the first are 119 pupils, while on the rolls of the colored schools are 929. This gives a total of 1,G4S children in attendance on the public schools, exclusiye of the number attending private schools, academies and seminaries. In the three white female schools there are 259 pu pils; in the white academy 80, and in four other schools 70, making a total of 409. Attending the Shaw Collegiate, St. Augustin Normal School, rauf nbe congregational School are 255 nunils. his makes the ajrsrreirate number nf scholars now in attendance at all the educational institutions in th ftv ,312, State Board of Agriculture. Raleigh Observer. f A called meetircor of thai lihinvf . vn held in the executive office vestenlMv at which were Dresent finv '.Tsiruij Ion. KemoP. Battle. M PiVans, J. R. Thismen. Esn . f.nl w tt Cheek and Trof. VV. C. Kerr. The' re-' ports of the various 8iib.rnmmit-.oa were read, and showed the work to be in an improving and satisfactory condi tion. Some time Dast Tr. finMsman was chosen State chemist to taVA oh of the chemicaL control station .at the' University, in place of Dr. A. ft. Le donx, who had resigned the position. Th,e board yesterday received f h nation of Dr. Goessman. The commit tee, consisting of President Battle and ror. Jienv were ordered, to make ar rangements to provide for the manage ment of the station until a chemist shall have been secured and taken the position, t-ifche mvi am f. a, selection successor nd rort taJ ? the boardNtt-S carledrtneelSng.eoardrp; to uppiwe tneir cnoice. A full report of the progress and operations of- the' hsh hatchery at Avoca, on Albemarle Sound, was sent in by Mr. Stephen G. worm, who is in charere of that dfinarfe ment. The report is verv s;itUfaorjrrw inlinnin. . , , . :i. Jl 11 i 1 , . ' iiiuiwuruig oa,iiwB!j,-wiaf me WOfK WtS" beiBg prosecuted with Aniefcnp& ni good results! i EveryQirng Wrfeady for moiwgesnfuu tnaft mis ever een done. 1 'Tb &&sdrr fias-beeh ,yery fine thus for, and up to Friday USOtyKXrshad egg0 iidu ueen secureu. Tim l.ni.'ll.'.tfuL. - ' ' AH the most terrible and deadly weapons of war have bppn fh rnwn wmpletelj. in Uie shade, by the new catling gun which was exhibited on the-mh of-March at-trreTinTces 6t Sir W. Armstranasthe rjaannfantti George's, Westminster; before a number of experts. This fearful weapon is ca pable of iking a toasandTslfota per minute and killing 4 mari en? horse at a mne range, it has a compact amwar. ance, can be taken to pieces and easily carried about, can be applied to milita ry and nayal use, and the mechanism c-t it is simplicity itself ; the revolving iuvj two nnmnarr.mpnra ntn wuiun, as tnev Whirl nrmlnrt metal cartridges drop from aiaH;ftlongcase uacu uvcr tne centre Of tne" barrel. At O 1 M tnw, a-F 4-1 , i v . , v i- . fired, and their disnoroinr, ia nnnnr MlipR pyr-slidmg apparatas. ,The size shot in different calibre guns of tuu wB8 ranges irom musket balls to half pounders. Bv the ii nf thia plement triree men can do the work of h.icb iiunarea single men. A quarter of a million of dollars, is said t.n Ii;.va been spent on experiments necessary to perfect thA enn -uiiinv, ia . - - - " O ' tAA.A 10 AiJ TV ' UO clared by every military expert to be a wuiyicwj success. The CinciunaU ExcunlonUU. SAVAimAa,pA April 2t The mem uers OX me tjinCftlrtatf Mar A nf vT.rlfl and chamber of corxfinerce, whoarrived w -V'j"8vwere taken on nn excursion to the ocean yesterdar. ti'f id on returning visited the various places ui. iuuexeuv u una aoouc ; tne ? citv." A pan was giren in meir nonor at Mason ic xempie. The Work of the Extra Session of the " FiCiriklature. " Hole's WeeklJ. , . , -r , - . ' . ' 'reWlr6ad-lkwrar(d'the;fish'Iaw as passed at the special session have been printed in these columns. All the laws of any importance will be printed in full or in substance as we can get copies. Annexed is the substance of such as are now in hand: 1. By an act ratified March 19, 1880, the county commissioners of Cabarrus are authorized to compromise or other wise settle the claims against the sheriff for the years 1871-'2-3-4-'5-'0-7. The sheriff did not settle his accounts for those years and they "are in great con fusion." 2. Chapter 95, acts lST9,made it a mis demeanor, punishable by fine or impris onment lor any one .living in South Carlifa or Georgia or any Korth Caro lina1 county east of the Blue Ridge, to drive cattle into any county west of the Ridge. An act ratified March 19, 1880, excepts Burke county from the prohibi tion and its people may drive their cat tle west or east as -they may please. 3. By an act ratified March" 19, 18S0, the Superior Courts of Ashe county are set for the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in March and Septem ber, instead of the eighth Monday, as by act of 1879. 4. Since March 2G, 1S80, the sale of spirituous liquors or any intoxicating drink has been forbidden within one mile of Ellendale Academy, Alexander county, or within two miles of the Methodist church and High School at Olin and within two miles of Elm wood Station, Iredell ; within two miles of Holly Springs church and Academy in Henderson ; within two miles of Old Fort, McDowell; within two miles of Olivet Methodist church, in Anson; within two miles of Zion Wesley church, in Iredell; within one mile of Snow Hill, in Cherokee; within three quarters of a mile of Hall's Chapel, in Wake, and within the incorporated limits of Columbia, Tyrrell county. "Violation of this act is a misdemeanor. Penalty, fine of $10 to $50, or imprison ment ten to tinrty aays. 5. March 26, 1S80, an.xict was ratified giving Beaufort county a two weeks' term-of the Superior Court, and fixing Martin Superior Court on the eleventh Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. ,6. The revenue law of 1879 taxed itin erant dealers in lightning rods $50 a county. Marchp26, ISSd, this tax was changed to $15." 7. By an act ratified March 26, 1SS0, the county commissioners of Buncombe, Rutherford, McDowTell, Madison, Hen derson, Transylvania, Hay wood, Macon, Jackson, Swain, Cherokee, Clay, Gra ham, Yancey,Mitchell,Burke,Polk,Har nett, Wilkes", Alleghany, Ashe, Stokes, Watauga and Surry .are required to clas sify the public roads in their respective eounties in respect to the width thereof, designating in a first class, such roads as shall be of the width of sixteen feet, in a second class such as shall be twelve feet, and in the third class such as shall be ten feet, to be kept in repair, except as to width as modified by this act, as now required by law. If necessary to avoid great labor and expense in any locality the classification may be modi fied, but the width of the road is never to be less than 10 feet except when the location is through solid rock. The classification is to be made on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May. 8. March 26, 1S80, the county com missioners of Jackson were authorized to levy a special tax on real and per sonal ""property sufficient to build a bridge over the Tuckasegee river, near Webster, at the point where the Wes tern Turnpike Road crosses the river. 9. Chapter 293, laws of 1879, allowed the sheriff of Pitt 3 per cent, for collect ing State and county taxes. Chapter 10, laws 1880, gives him 5 per cent. 10. By act of March 13, 1S79, persons whose lands had been sold for taxes were allowed onayear for redemption. March 26, 18SO, the time was extended to February 1st, 1881, and a deed of re conveyance made unnecessary. 11. "The Durham Railroad Compa ny" was incorporated March 20, 1880. Capital, $1,000,000; organization, when $50,000 were subscribed and $10,000 paid in; purpose, connecting by rail road the town of Durham either writh the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Rail road, or the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad at such point as the directors may de-j lermine. 11. Cm the 2Gtn day of March, 1880, killing or injuring cattle, horses, mules, sheep or other live stock, by any car or engine running on any railroad in the counties of Columbus, New Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen, Robeson, Rich mond. Anson, Union, Gaston, Lincoln, Cleaveland and Burke, was made a misdemeanor; for which the president, receiver aud superintendent of such road, and also the engineer and conduc tor in charge of the train or encine bv which such killing or injury is done, is indictable, and- if convicted to be fined $50 or imprisoned 30 days. The killing is prima racie evidence of neelisrence. .The railroad folk may avoid indictment uy paying or tendering wnat tne own er of the stock eharges, or what three 12. Since March 26, 1S80. it has been unlaw-f ul for non-residents to do anv shooting afloat in anv of the waters of Currituck. 13. By the law of lS74-'75 it was un- awfujtto sell liquor within two miles rteasj unaoei uaptist church and itsi JletlileLehi church, Lincoln county. March 26, 1S80, these two churches were amended, or the law was, into Kid's Chapel Baptist church and Unity Presbyterian church. 14. March 26, 1880, was ratified "an iact to provide for the removal nf tij courts of justices of the peace." The vuyun. Client' t UUC ilDU prpvlUeS "that tn all pitceedingaaid trials, both criminal and! civil; 0ef ore justices of the peace, tfaetjjustieebefre -wtoom the wnttPr summons is returnable, shall, uprjli affidavit made by either party to the action that he is unable to obtain Justicgf befor him, move the same to MBit mother jutieer -residing in the same townswp, or to the justice ot some neighboring tow7nship if there be no other j ustice in said township : Pro i&JtiaJUW3U than once removed. 15. W. AllenV ef -Robeson, was au thorized by act of 1879 to draw $50 in Ptete$tuiWVas a misiaKe, ana on. marcH 20, 1880, David Allen was authorized to get the money. 10. Jttarciotfcisser tne countv com missioners Of Ualoti rivere authorized to tiansfeir fo'the'Cdmmon sbfiool or gfrferal fund, ai tlnifiy tbralt best, tlteurplti8lf mid m fcand of apecial i-a. iyj jijfi4Kjtm lucouniy-s raiiroaa jMarcti2888p, it was enacted that 'of tne "directors oi-bettou6 Fear & YadiHi Matter;-WilFaart truish bfi chosen from west otJreeriror-two onxne imeto.Fate-r8mridtwo on the Oai'Knob lme. Thecoriricts, also, are JfVwWy divided between these two liMsof the-road, which is1 to fort at or near liean shoals. 18. March 27th. IRSn. thA hnlrlincra of the courts in the 4th district were changed, the change to take effect July if toon AOU, iOOU. - , Moore, Harnett, Cumberland, Colum bus, Johnston, - Robeson, Anson - and Richmond, eacly hayc 3. t two-weeks' term. . ' s ' - ; ,19. March 27 1880, Beaufort county was authorised tolevy a special tax -of $4,000 a year for four years to nav off its debt. ' " ( 20. March 29,;. im was, ratified an act authorizing graded schools in Salis bury and Goldsboro, if the citizens so decide at elections. Salisbury is author ized to levy a tax for the first year of of 1 per cent on property and 75 cents on polls, and for succeeding years of 1-5 of 1 pter cent, on property and 75 cents on polls; provided that all town taxes shall not exceed J'of 1 per cent, on property and $1.5(1 on polls. Golds boru is to hold its election on May 3d; its tax is not to exceed 1-5 of 1 per cenfc on property and 60 cents on polls. In both towns the taxes from whites go to the white graded school and the taxes from the blacks to the colored graded schools. 21. .By an -act ratified on same day Person is added to th"e list of counties in section 1, chapter 135, laws 1879, said chapter being an act to prevent live stock from running at large. 22. On the same day L. M. I.o lg, tax collector of Halifax, was authorized to collect arrears of : a :es due for 1878. 23. On same day John I. Herring, M. T. Johnston, W. A. Darden and John D. Grimsby were appointed commission ers to run and establish the boundary line between Greene and Wayne, accord ing to the act of assembly, 1779, passed for the division of Dobbs county. If they do not agree they may choose an um pire. Greene and W ayne divide the ex pense. 24. On same day, Tarooro was added to the towns authorized to appoint cot ton weighers, as by chapter 80, private laws, 1879. 25. On same day it was made a mis demeanor for any person to fell any trees, brush or other obstructions cal culated td impede the water below the south-west bridge in south-west branch of New river, in Onslow county. Pen alty $10 fine or 30 days' imprisonment. 26. March 29, 1S80, were ratified six local prohibitory acts. One makes $25 fine or 30 days' imprisonment the pen alty for selling liquor within 5 miles of Hadnot, Bethlehem and Oak Grove churches, Carteret; another forbids it within 2 miles of Mann's chapel, Chat ham, and permits it at Nag's Head Ho tel in June, July, August and Septem ber; a third exempts the east side of Haw river from the prohibition to sell in iy2 miles of Hanks's chapel, Chat ham; a fourth adds Terrence chapel, Mecklenburg, to the omnibus liquor law of 1879, and changes the verbiage of same act so as to apply to the village of Chapel Hill and a distance of 4 miles from corporate limits; and the fifth does the same for Chowan Female In stitute, changing the words to Chowan Baptist Female Institute. 27. Section 23. chapter 69, Battle's Re visal, makes divorced women "free traders." An act ratified March 29, 1880, confers the same privilege upon the wives of idiots or lunatics during idiocy or lunacy. 28. It is alleged that lumber men have greatly Obstructed navigation of Albe marle Sound and its tributaries. Hence it was enacted, March 29, 1SS0, that all lumber men "remove all obstructions which they place in said waters as soon as practicable after they have ceased to use them for the purpose for which they were placed in said waters. Safd obstructions to be removed from all places where the water is two feet deep and over, and at all landing places said obstructions shall be removed for the space of sixty feet on each side of said landings from the shore outwards." Failure, a misdemeanor; penalty, $50 fine. 29. On the same day were ratified two acts amending the revenue laws. The first act merely amends the verbiage of sundry sections of the law of 1879. The second reduces the purchase tax on liquors of whatever kind from 5 to 2 per cent., and the monthly tax on retailers of liquors from $5 to $2.50, and that on retailers of malt liquors only from $3 to $2. The act does not take effect until July, and has nothing to do with the present fiscal year. 30. Section 14, chapter 117, Battle's Revisal, gives a widow in addition to her share in her husband's estate an allowance for one year's sup port of herself and family. March 29, 1880, it was enacted that "said allowance shall be exempt from any lien, by judg ment or execution acquired against the property of her said husband." 31. Section 8. chapter 7, Battle's Re visal forbids justices of the peace from practicing law in the counties where tliet hold office. March 29, 1880, Meck lenburg county justices were made free tot practice law if they can get clients. It Ceats Uold or Silver Mining. Gen. Beauregard, whose adversaries tried to use the panoply of the U. S. PostoHke Department as a shield lor their covert malice, by an honest, clear expQslttoa.of the mode of drawing of the far-famed- Louisiana State Lottery, on the second Tuesday of every month, has won a decided triumph. The next monthly drawing (the 120th) will take place at New Orleans, on May 1 1th, and S2 sent now to M. A. Daaphln, New Orleans, La., orto No. 319 Broadway, New York City, may then realize 30,000. It beats gold or saver mining. Tbe Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Win send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Wrlt9 to them without delay. nov. 1 5 ly. Soolis and tattoiicrtj Million Dollars w ILL be paid for RAGS, at the hlehest market price, by wm. s ii. tippy, Paper Manufacturers, Charlotte, N. C. letiopolitii!! N SHEET FOB ALSO THE MONTHLY In m JUST RECEIVED AT Tiddy &Bro's. Book Store. ULL STOCK OF BUTTERICK'3 PATTERNS GARJENTSy KEPT,! COjNSTNTLJ ON HAND. SCHOOL NOTICE I have opened a School for Boys In thp- School BnllHng on Gen. Bar ringer5 lot on Church street The school lor the present, consists of on ly two; Departments, Primary and the termedlate. mv obiect belns to seciira the best possible classification in order that In lnstrnction may be thorough. Terms, (payable monthly.) jier, month,- L. HOLMES. P. a I propose to bbeh-a Night' School If a suf ficient number of pupils can be obtained, for the purpose of - teaching. Writing, Arithmetic and B)o-keiepVt'g,erBw m be made known on application at my -Softool Room, or to Dr. F. H. vuyver, urair. uus uurnam at BUTWeU a aprlD FASHIO Delineator vuqs and iflicittjcg. Por Ladies' and Childcn's SHOES use Brazilian Shoe Polish. It will not rub ff or soil the skirts. It 1 positively free from anything that will injure tbe most delicate leather. For sale by L. R. WBJSTON & CO. CYDONIN, THE best preparation ever offered for the cure of Chapped Skln.Pimples,TanrEruptlons, Sun burns, etc Sold only by L. R. WRISTON & CO Fid. Ext. Bucliu and Juniper. INVALUABLE as a Diuretic L. R. WRISTON GO. PLASTERS, ALLCOCK'S Porous, Benson's Capclne, S. & J's. Cupslcum and Belladonna L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. BAKING POWDERS. DO LEY'S, Hor?eford's and Sea Foam. Also, Prices' Yeast Gem. L R. WRIoTON & CO. BITTERS. HOP Bitters, Vinegar Bitters. Hostetter's Bitters. L. R WRISTON & CO. mar 2 1 DR. J. H. McAden, DBUKlI3r ASD CHXMOT, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lnbin's Extracts and Colognes. English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night an day at J. EL McADEN'3 Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST A SONS' Extra No. 1 Kerosene JlKT, ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition Crystal OH Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a are testot 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will Sum. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Db. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Try Dobyn's Snrc Cure FOR Catarrh. Follow directions, and money will be refunded If you are not lelleved. One dollar per box. Send for circular to DR. T. a SMITH, Drugslst Smith's Worm Oil IS on a boom. Read the little Spelling Books and be convinced. Dr. T. C. Smith has on hand plenty of the "Worm Oil," lor wholesale and retail. The Biggest Box OF Blueing In the city for 5 cents; two sticks of Stone Polish for 5 cents; three good cigars 10 cents. DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist Physicians CAN get everj thing they need at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. All the new remedies are kept In full stock. Ayer's Hernia Truss IS the best to the market Call at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store and examine thera before purchasing. The Best Cigars JN Charlotte at 81.50, 81.75, 82,00. 8250, 83.00, 83.50, 85.00, 86 00 and 87.00 per hundred. Goods taken back if not satisfactory. aprl5 DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist. 01. Wholesale Dealers IX- IfLOTJR. :o :- MILLER'S PATENT, PARAGON, MAGNOLIA, CITY MILLS, COTTAGE, All Guaranteed to Giye Full Satisfaction. Tt. M. MM ER & SONS, CoiUge & Fourth Sts. mar21 Spring Creftiug? SPENCER & ALLEN. THANKING OUR FRIENDS FOR THE LIBER al patronage bestowed on us in the past, we beg to Inform them that our stock of GtROn?RES AND T)OVISIONS TROCERIES xlND 1 ROVlS ONS Is now complete, and we are prepared to offer special Inducen.onts to close buyers, and think we can make It to their Interest to see us before purchasing elsewhere. ALL ORDERS WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT LOW EST MARKET PRICES. We are agents for the well-known brands of Rockiugban 4 4 Bheetlng and Pee Dee Plaids. Give us a call. SPENCER & ALLEN, Wholesale Grocers A Commission Merchants. Corner Trade and College Stree-s, Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 6. Just Eecewei -AT- LEROY DAVIDSON'S 150 BBLS. APPLES. QHOICE RUSSET APPLES. JQQ BOXES HASINA LEMONS. ij BOXES OF ORANGES. 2j BUNCHES BANANAS. Pierc's Celebrated Soda Crackers, reduced to 16 cents; In Cans from 7 to 10 pounds. apr20. SMOKE PERRY'S BOUQUET CIGARS X1 Iest 5cent Qigars Ever sold In this maket; the rich man's luxury lh3 poor man's solace: the traveler's favorite. apr21. CHAR., COL. a AUG. R. R. Office Asst. Gk. Fassergeb Agent, G Colpmpia, S. C, April 7th, 1880. N and after April 13th, in addition to the Sat urday excursion cards, thig company will put ob sale at all stations, good on any day or train, local iercurslon tickets as follows; Bound trip tickets, from and to all stations, good for three days at 3 cents per mile, each way. Round trip tickets, good for ten days, at 4 cents per mile, each way. Have on sale, also, at coupon stations, tickets to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, with excursion coupons to Ashevllle, N. v., and eturn, and then continuing journey to desti nation, thus enabling passengers, at a small cost, to see the magnificent scenery in the famous "Land of the Sky." For any of above tickets, ap ply to station agent For information, address D. CARD WELL, Asst. Pass. Agt, aprlO-lm Columbia, S C. COISUMPTIQN CAR BE CORED I Dr. ma. LUNGS. -w m aa g Cures Consumption, Colds, Pnonmo Bronchitis, Hoarseness, AsthS Croup, -Whooping Cough, knd all ' ' eases of the Breathing Organs i n soothes and heals the MemYrane l the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned 1 v the disease, and prevents the nteht sweats and tightness across the chei 11UJN is not an incurable malady it Is only necessary to have the rWit remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is i, LIEF fftrh'l DESPAIR of 1ALF, for this benign specific will SSfflJu' CVeU th"Sh Professional HENRY'S CARBOLIC SU1I the Most Powerful nealiua OhJ ment and Disinfectant ever Discovered Henry's Carbolic Salve heals burns Jlenn's Carbolio Sal ' Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain. Ask for Henry's and use no other IW BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. For MAN" and BEAST. For External and Internal Isc. THE GREATEST PAIN RELIEVER OF THE AGE. --- - " -.-J Edey's -Carbolic Troches .a. ouivji rim v x i v & Vil Contagious Diseases, Colds, Hoarseness Diphtheria, and Whooping: Coug-h. ' Pleasant to the Xastc. fliaii'aittaiaai 3 I Ml lielieve Dyspepsia and Biliousness. t-W For Salo by all Druggists. JOHN F. HENRY & CO., POLE PROPRIETORS, 24 College Place, New York, 2fcvtUte.cv5. "AHEAD" 9F ALL OTH OLI BY ROSS. Recoiiii.ieiidtUio Messrs. Mayer Ross: Gents." I have I cen u-Ing the Vish ti::;:v. for three (:j) ypars. s v. without Ik s I. n'" . it Is the les; (iuatio I t.r tr; d J. WATT KIRliPATHI K. Messrs. Mayer d- Ross: (iENTS. 'I he Fish Guano, bought of o i this season, gives entire satisfaction, as tested -He !y sirie with three other standard guanos, the Kisii being ahead, making a net profit of sixty -.vr cent. I expect to use more of it next season. Yours truly, J. A. POP P. Alexandriana N. C. ajui. THE IS ALWAYS The Cheapen I HAVE IN STORK ass of WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE BEST AND MOiT RELIABLE FERTILIZER OFFEIiEI) TO PLANTERS. T ) insure a fn! crop, and to mature it e;irly so as to command the high prices, buy the cclebrat. il COTTON FOOD FKOM thomas o. mmm, COLLEGE STREET. apr6 DRESS MAKINCJ. UP STAIDS. OPP. THE 03SERVER OFKi:'K. Dress Making In the latest styles at the lowest Prices apr2 lm MRrf. D. M. THOHNBfRO. UNDERTAKING. v . - . " i'.full' line Of COFFINS constantly on nan.l sheap. W. M. WTLHELM, Oct 8 Rogers' Furniture Store HALL'S BALSAM rV J . V. . lto oaive cures erupt ions Henry's Carbolic Salve heals vi,,,i0? Jlenru's Carbolic ftaJii h BAKER'S PI Pill 11 !NI NO. CAT I n

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