7,W ----- " The foniwlfcg table ho80ie mnWBaof pmn eJialnstoand fi;Chjh tn fell VrrtterfroM Wehniond.iyyU.3.uti.f 1.17 a. m. Leaves lor ' v.iv..t.0Optin. i rrtvBS fronrAflants,: . . w. 8.50 fcfn Lewes lot JUlastowii. U i&M-gg LeavMforAtlanut.-:a......ili;.i U-U a. in oHABKcrrrB. ontrfTMRK. - APOPgrA. F Arrives from Anguiila, . . .V. ; .7: v. .tit " 5.00 TA. m. Leaves for Augusta?. 532.8 ft aim. lirlves from Augusta.. 1 8.40.' m Leaves tor AugusU,.. ... lL2Qa.ta. Arrives from V1lm1ngtm..S.?.&2ff4. a i eaves lor Wilmington, .-j a25 p. m. aTSS from SbeIb..Ta-j--.s; 5.05 p.m. Leaves for Sbelbj,-...... 8.40a.m. ATEAlVTICw TKlfnC3BH OHIO. a rrives from 8tatCTTtUe,..iyv, -,2.9.304. m e-iiVCa ' 1 i i i. sr- - ""ntiirtCATiopish- 3 oeIr, ,... r; m. 1 j FmirefirkrtTrtttTr? nr-Ea8t Gtflf ri sing, liarometeiv- coolxXollo we4ly varmrcIearTTenther.: - - I.otfi1 Ieprrt for- ?eter4at. y rc-2i 'J ;r;. 1 7 a.m. (2p.m. ; 9 p. m Birometer,:... , 4 fiv Thermometer..... Kelative Humidity,. . v i nd -Dtreetton,-. -. f " Velocity,... w.. Weather 80279 .2I1 68 82 -B. 8 , Fait 30908 64 63 - a i ,11 m N! B. 'Clear, Cloudy. Highest temperatpri ?2 deg.: lowest 50, ' Index t Nw Advf(iiiiiii. Juo; K. EddI4To tbe Llldtt 8- J Flscnesserf & Co. NewJce: House. Maik Twain A Tramp Abroad. - U.t .t "' . IiaiUE POOLINGS. The bovine, taurine, or .btill question is still receiving some-attentiom . ' ' The telephones are ceasing to bei play--tilings, and their utility is beginning to appear. Politics are again red liot. .The pic-J nic to-dayy however offers -a short re huaticm.' ' 1 ' This week has been and will be quite gay with private and semi-private en tertainments. . The mayor's: conrt has ceased to fur nish news. Nothing to speak ot' before it for three. weeks. All three of the candidates for the mayoralty are pledged to. abide by the nomination of the convention to-uight. Charlotte furnishes her own orators for the 10th and 20th of May., It is the first time such a thing has: occurred, but it should not be the last There are only twenty-five bar rooms in Charlotte and two beer delivery wagons. This is a much smaller num ber than is generally thought. Are the mineral springs near the city, which a year or two ago were the topic and the resort, to be neglected this Spring and Summer? " ? The municipal canvas is alii, the talk just now. The convention to-night will, from present indications, be well attended. The young ladies held a meeting yes terday afternoon to prepare for decora ting the armory of the Hornets' Nest Kitlemen for the company's visitors from Columbia. Koadmaster Warren, of the Charlotte, ( qlumbia & Augusta Railroad, had his hand quite severely inashedwhite at tempting to couple a car on the road be tween Charlotte and Chester. The preparations for the operetta at the residence of Mrs. S. V. Young are now completed and all who have heard the rehearsals agree that a very charm ing entertainment is in store for those who go. It is extremely quiet around the court house now. The only man whose equanimity is disturbed is the sheriff, and this is because the people don't come along with their taxes. The telephone to tbe Reduction Works wasmt up yesterday. It is the last. The wire was run on the tele graph poles. The Bell Telephone and the Western LJnion Telegraph com panies work together smoothly. The Catholic picnic to-day will no doubt be hugely enjoyed. The train leaves promptly at 7 and will return in ample time for those' who" wish to at tend the convention. The fare for the round trip is only 50 cents. There was an understanding at the Second Ward meeting, which adjourned without action night before last, that there would be a meeting at the mayor's office on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. All the Democratic voters of the tvard are requested ta attend. The negotiations for the cars for the Greenville excursion in the interest of the Baptist Church and the Hornets' Xest Kitlemen, have not yet been con cluded, and it does look as if there will be a hitch which can't be unhitched. Even a splitting of the difference can't he arranged. Xext week will be the liveliest that Charlotte has seen for a long while-. An election on Monday and a hanging on Friday. It will be pretty rough, however, for Henry Home ana the de feated candidates. But they all say they can stand it. The condition of Second street at; the" passenger platforms of the Richmond & Danville, the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta and the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio jroads, is said to be in a very filthy condition. The sanitary police man says that it lies not in his power to attend to it. Don't forget the operetta at the resi dence of Mrs. S. V. Young to-morrow light. The admission is twenty-five cents, but the entertainment is not to le measured by the money standard. Jf, and there can be no doubt about it, the operetta is successful, at will be re peated. ' ' Let every good Democrat turn out to the convention to-nieht. and don't give any excuse for the cry afterwards tht .t was packed. Go and vote for your lavonte and don't eret mad because oth (ir people vote for theirs. Go, and if yur man is nominated, don't crow, and it he is defeated don't kiek. " : Next meeting' of the Ilngs Mountain Association. . The next meetim?' of the King's Mountain Association takes place -at Spartanhnior Smith Carolina, at 4 o'clock p. .m, on;Wednesday,the 5ih day f next month.- A' full uttendatice is desired. The last meeting took place here and was hio-hlv satisfactory. r The centennial takes place next October. teynold'8 Story of the SJiootlnif The man Kfl'viiatdai Wxhti Stockton, the revenue officer shot, is out of danvl irer, out will, "his' 'physicians fxninK, never recover entirely from the effects of the wound. Hfivnolds civea a differ ent account of the matter from Stock4 ton. alleHncp fVi'a h AiA hot notfirfr Wll;i v...i. -oi ----- -. ti; "ul me grand jury at tne term oi xjin coin Superior (Jourt last week took.no action in the matter as byjthe.,late de cisions it comes within the Jurisdiction- Death of a Tounar Man. j . Mr. Samuel' Nathan oiePafc th resi- W-8-9thr on B Itreet, vester- offttrfiictf lie SSifcL : Mi rtrliiiis If 11 ti dy fa talrf t Columbial miStW, win De Duned. He was vmv iivr and worthy young man and has long been known among the business people "l VUOIIUIUV"! t t unveiling of tbe Monument on tbe Alamance Baitle-Field We have received the plogramme ar ranged by the executive committee ap pointed to look after the ierection ot a monument on the battle-field of Ala mance,.for the 29th df MaV. on which day tfie Jnohumeat is tojbe uiiyiiled. A number of Aisingkiej speakers are announced and a grand barbecue will take place. Relics of the battle will be on exhibition during the day. A large crowd is expected to be in at tendance. Descendents of the Regula tors will be conspicuous, t i-i Contract Signed, f TrOm a gentleman "froHr lialiigii yes terday it is learned that the contract between the members of the Best syn dicate and the State for the final trans fer of the Western North Carolina Rail? road and its franchises;, was" sighed' day before yesterday at 2 'clock by all the parties thereto. Mr. Best will therefore take control immediately. They have been very reticejit as to what policy the new management would pur sue in reference to the present officers and employees, hut the employing of Capt. Wm. Cain as inspecting engineer, is .cqnstrued into an intijnation that they will at least not go out of the State for men. a .r Who will be Admitted. Theexecutive committed who called the -convention to-night desire It to be understood that the5 meeting is strictly! Democratic. Anjrkiuan who owes aHegfance to tne Democratic par ty, and who voted for Tilden and Vance m 1876 will be admitted, and that will be made a test question at jthe door of entranpe, unless tha partyi shall have reaped tis ?aaiorifcy gine that trmef; and is known to have Democratic pre dilections. While -the Democracy of the city will be glad to have all men support the man they ; select, they reserve the right to say who that candU date shall be. ' On tbe Railroads. If ; the pfeoplrj aldng the line of the Statesville Railroad woulji only drop in and see the telephone, while they are in . Charlotte, the contemplated tele phone line to StafesVille would become a fixed fact. The freight business : is light, but travel still holds out ureltv well, beinc mostly from tha South. . .1. L, ' ' lor' tfie other lhe people arevf:uiihg railroads to follow the t-xiirnule set by tlie Charlotte, Columbia S$ Augusta IrM selling local excursion tickets to- and from all stations at the rate of 3 cents per mije. I ' The change to the summer 'schedules will probably not be made until about the 1st of June. A Painful Accident. Mr. A. T. Moss, yesterday evenimz, while driving.met With quite a..painful accident. He drove a small &ay mare which was quite restive apd while go ing around the race -track at the fair grounds, the mare fretted so that he was compelled to stand up in the buggy to hold her. A young lady who was driving with him asked ft she could help and while they were both holding the reins the mare swerved, causing them both to lose their balance and fall out. The young lady fortunately es caped with a few slight bruises, but Mr. Moss's collar bone was. broken and he received several slights contusions. The breaking of a collar bd-ne is, how ever, not at all dangerousi The mare dashed off with the buggy and broke it up pretty badly. ' , Meeting- of tbe District Executive Com mittee. I The Democratic executive commit tee for this (the Oth) Congressional dis trict meet here to-day. sThe follow ing gentlemen compose the committee: R. T. Bennett, Anson, chairman. Paul B. Means, Cabarrus A. F. Brevard, Lincoln. Thos. McNeill, Robeson, j J. T. LeGrand, Richmond. Jonas CLine, Catawba. . j Elias' Hurley, Montgomery. W. O. Harralson, Gastont, C E. Grier,Mecklenburg- T. Df. "McCaulay, Union. S. J. Pemberten, Stanley! Thev choose to-day' tUe time and place for holding tlije tion. district conven- "The Sunday Iaw hiTicnlucky. General Grants idea that the best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it rigorously is now being reduced to practice in Louisville, Kentucky. The Sabbatarians have been making trouble for the conductors ot. certain amuse ment halls and drinking 1 saloons that were kept running on the hrst day or the week by bringing the Sunday law to bear upon them.. The aggrieved perr sons demanded tfcatf thisJ&Wi if carried out at all, should' be applied in all its length and breadth. Consequently all the newspaper ornces in louisviue weie visited by detectives soqn aner imu night on Saturday, and the names of editors, reporters, and all others in any way at worfcr on the ;vavious journals, were taken (fof presentment by the Grand Jury for Violation of the law. Organists in the different churches, sextons and hired choir singers are to be similarly reported for indictment; and, as the law provides -that all per sons receiving pav for services of any kind on Sunday shall be punished, even the ministers 'Wijjl have to be included. The Knights of llonor. The Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Honor of the United btates, com posed of three delegates, trom eacn oi the States of the Union,. will hold their annual convention in Charleston, be tween the: 8h and 11th ot May nekt. The Charleston Lodge hafc made ample arrangements for the accommodation of the delegates at the Charleston Ho tel nnrl have ensacred the steamer St. .Tnhna for an excursion around the har- bortor theirenjoyment. (The delegates1 will manv of them, be accompanied oy their wives, making a pafty of nearly thrp hundred uersons. The conven- v-v - : ... .. . ' -i v . - -tin will he held in tneiiirana Ajoact) vw.. j Tl, mnm in t.hfi Masonic lemnie. ana win remain in session one week Matters appertaining to the generjal administri tion of the order throughout the United States .will be discussed,; The impor tance Of the convention jvill be under stood When it is stated fiiac tne oraer Vina fHVnnorhont the Uhit6d States160,- 000,000 , iarinsurance upojii the lives of its,m embers. - - -1 " -rji ... , liany Comblnatlohs Hnvp b n tn-d. btit inone wlih such nappy re sn ta-u1)r.u.i)a1'itKtract af BiBbs and Junipen 1 v Ait vrtM antfrirMr frdtn any diwamjement I the viAra nr ninidpr. fiTtival Pulntoi WeokjieM in tha Back or Hips, get AJaotileooedr to wU ri lleve you.- . t.? H 1.-. ettio t n: tm aitinlA has been before the Tubllc: for near-' li ten years, and its sale Is constantly: . increMtng and-;Bat wtth'iyeiT" little!;dvertlslngwWc nfvrtaitto'to an -article of merit ; we awesti- raonlaMfrotosemeof the iMompDysicjins'oi Georgia Smith aroliha and Hortda, and other coiJin muahiiitv as a Diuretic, and a remedy for the dleaflefox;wblel it recommended, if Prepared onrr -by Huntv Raiiktod Lamar, Drucelrt, Atlanta, ua ana Bold ny x. u emiw,; 7i .. :rThe Cientlentan Wins, Boston Herald.' ' ' If you speak, the right .word at the right time ; if y u: are careful to leave Seople with a good impression ; if you . ' not trespass ppm the rights of othex alsell aiyouraebj; if, you do not put yourself unduly forward ; if you do not forget the courtesies which belong to youEposition, you are quite sure to ac complish much m life which others with equal ability fail to do. This is where the race i not to the swift nor the bat tle to the strong. It is where you make people feel that you are unselfish, and honorable and truthful and sincere. This 'is What society is looking for in men, and it is astonishing how much uieu aiB able trr win self-respect and success and usefulness who possess th dualities. pf good breedirigj , It is almost the'tttniihg point of success practical life. m A tormjii Miiiippi. Meridian, Miss., April 27. The cy clone whicjk jwroTpght destruction of life and propertya Macon,Mlssissippi, lastSundaY ight, struck the railroad depot and nouses in that locality about :30 o'ctockawd: had its origin a short d stance from the principal scene of tl e uiowotoEi extend ing,-8 far as bas-beeit heard feoin-(ten, mies from Macon ind blowing '"itfowi 'a i umber j Of 'negro cabins on the Reed place, but injuring rib Oner The'path of the cyclone, was one hundred adiifty yards wide. Mrs. UjjpOeiyimtatgdari, lei-..hta4 had not been found, atast accounts. One family to6 rf igei in a; cellar and escaped, ex'6ept a negro girl, who was killed before reaching it. A car on th$ railroad track was blown through the house occupied by S. Blackwell and. faitiy?ffi 'jutfrrgTf; b'atotdangerous ly. A number of animals jwera.killed. .IK f i. It . Stf; TT-. DIED. Near this cita ibe night of the 23d instant, Mrs. Mart Henri kit a, wife of li Adolphus Baknbtt. A CARD. Toai! whfcarte suflering fr0, errors sad in-' discretions of youth, nemt ftejcii8s,' early de cay, loss of manhood, &c, I wlll wnd a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered -by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to tbe Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. apr 21 eodiy&wly .. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH APRIL 28, 188a PBODUCK. Chicago Flour steady ;Western spring 5.00a. 50. Wheat geneially lower; No. 2 red winter , No. 2 Chicago spring 1.1214, No. a do 8. Corn stady-at 3o. Oats higher at S9Vfc. Pork lower at 9 85. Lard lowerai'tt.nytfe. Bulk meats active; shoulders 4.10. short ribs 0.30. short clear tt.55. Whiskey sieady at 1.07- Baltimore Oats duln Southern 42a43, Wes tern white 41a 12. do mixed 40a40Va. Pennsyl vania 41a42. Provisions firm; mess pork 1125a 1 1.75;" bulk meats loose shoulders 4Vi. clear rib sides 6i,,ditto -packed 4hH7 14; bacon sliouklers Mh, clear sides 7 hams lOl&UlVfe. Lard re fined tierces 8. Coffee firm: Rio cargoes 1 Steal rWA. Sugar dull; A soft Stl. Whiskey dull at l.lQa& Freights Quiet. Cincinnati Flour qui t: family 5 OOart.IJO fancy 5.B0a8.25. Wheat steady; No. 2 red winter l.lo. Corn dull; JNo. a mixea 41. Uaw dull; No. 2 mixed 35. Pork ouiet at 10.25. Lard dull at K.90a 9o. Bulk meSts firm; shoulders 4.00, clear ribs rt.20, clear sides 6: bacon firm; should ers 4, ribs 6, sides 7 Whiskey Quiet at 1.05. Sugar quiet; hards lOala, New Orleans 7V8a8l& nogs nrm; common a oua-i iu, ugnt 4.i:oa4 ou, packing 4-10a4-45, butchers 4.50a4-70. New York Southern flour heavy; common to fair extra 5.2535.80, good to choice do 5.65a7.0O. Wheat closed heavy; ungraded winter red 1.21a 1.26. Corn easier: ungraded 52lfea54lfe. Oats lower at 39ai4 for No. 3. Coffee quiet; Rio in cargoes 13al5i4, In job lots 13i4al7Vfe. Sugar qniet; Cuba 7 5tta.62, fair to goodjenning 7a 7, pflme 7?b; refined firm; standard A 91fe. Mo- lasees dun : uuoa rennea oo, JNew uneans 4uamj, Porto Rico 38a50. Rice quiet: Carolina 6a7. Wool dull; domestic fleece 45a62 pulled 82a55. unwashed 18a42, Texas 18a42. Pork quiet at 1 0.50a.80; middles dull; long clear 6, short clear 7, long and short 6. Lard active at 7 32te. Whis key nominal at 1. 1 la. 12. Freights to Liverpool firm. COTTON. (lALVESTON Dull; middling lltec; low mid. lltfa: good ordinary 108b; net receipts, 78; gross ; sales 58; stock 31,830; exports to coastwise 375. Norfolk Quiet, middling llc; net receipts 322; gross ; stock 12.288; exports coastwise 600; sales 26; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Dull; middling llc; low mlddl'g 1114c; good ordin'y lOtfec: net receipts ; gross 54; sales 25; stock 13,151; exports coastwise 15; spinners ; exports to ureal Britain ; to Continent . Boston Dull; middling 12c; low middling llc; good ordinary llic: net receipts 344; gross sales ; stock la.tao; exports to ureal Britain . Wilmington Q det; middling 1114c; low mid dling lOfec; good ordinary 1014; receipts ; gross : sales ; stock 2,667; exports coast wise ; channel . Philadelphia Quiet; middling 1214c; low middling 12c; good ordinary 11c;. net receipts gross 588: saies loz; spinners ido; stock 14,607: exports to Great Britain . Savannah Quiet; middling 11: low middling lliC; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 85; gross ; sales loo; biock ia,acn; exports coast wise 10; continent twu. New Orleans-Quiet; mid llc; low mid dling lli; good ora'y 10c;net receipts 2,129; gross 2,231; sales 440; stock 202.174: exports Great Britain ; coastwise 762; France , Mobile Weak; middling lllAc; low middling llitp-sood ordinary lOUiC: net receipts 43 : gross ; sales 500; stock 34,990; exports coastwise 260 Memphis-DuII: middline UlAc: receipts 152; shipments 2.1 10; sales 100; stock 73,583. AUGUSTA Dull; middling HSfec; low mid dling 1H4C, good ordinary lOsc; receipts 107; shipments ": sales 18: stock . Charleston Quiet; middling 12c; low mid dling llc; good ordinary 11 Vac: net receipts 735; gross : sales 100; stock 17,889; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; channel . NtwTnsi-Cotton steady: sales 123: Middling Uplands 11 13-1 : Orleans 11 15-18: net receipts 682; gross 1,14 V ; consonaaiea nei rev us o,ui, export Great Britain ; continent 630. Litkbpool Noon Cotton quiet Middling Up lands, 615-16d; Middling Orleans r ia; saie 7.000, speculation ana expon, i,uwi recciym 3.300, all American. Uplands low miaanng clauses April delivery 13-16d, April and May tt 'A-Hyaia-itiCL iiay ana june o ao-ou, mure uu Tuiw Hin.iM Jniv and Ansrust 6 27-32(L August and September 6 27-32adJ September and Octo- hue . ' Dctorjer ana - noyemiwr -osu, nvreuurei and December flf5fe(L . JWares quiet. 515--Fdtiffes closed very steady. FUTURES. ; Nw li oIk Futures closed steady. Sales 116, 000. Aiprll - May - 11.70 11.70 ll.82a.83 11.92a 93 June July.v..... - ' .- A umiot . . ........ 12.00 November l0-9Ht$h ne(mber 10. wll FINANCIAL. nvw vrHK Monev 1.06a3. Exchange 4.85 governments steady. New o's 1.03. tour ana a half Der cents 1.08. our per corns i.u( v- bonds nominal. : NeW YOBK-Stocks closed lower. New York Central - Erie - Lake Shore . . Illinois Central Nashville and Chattanooga Louisville and Nashville Pittsburg Chicago and Northwestern..... i " ; " preferred. Rock Island Western Union Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 . ; " ' Class A, small, " Class B. 5'8 1.30 . 4214 1.07 1.04 7 9m l.OM 1.89 1.05 B8 60 75 Class C, 2 to 5 63 SI 02.366.1 81 fiib-treasnry balances-Gold. . . . ;T8U i Carres 86,529,980 , CITY; COTTON, MARKET. i Office or the Observer. I " j Charlotte. April 29, 1880. : (The niajket, yesterday closed aufct , r dood Mtddjiiig. ' Jl Middling. . , ;v3 Strict low middling.,. Low middling. ... r. 10 j Receipts 'for the day, lft bales. Cbarlvue Produce market - : apkh. as. i88a feorroar ties 'New, per bdje.. 8plloed, BAeoixQ.peryd. Corn, per bush'l Meal, i'BAH. ' " oatb, shelled, Bacon N. C hog round Hams, N. C Hams, canvassed. Bulk Meats Clear BJb Sides. Lakd, per lb. Coma Prime Bio..... Good. Stbup Sugar-boose. Molasbes . Cuba..... Sugar Syrup. Choice New Orleans Common.'. - .. Salt Liverpool Arte Coarse Sugar 2.50a2.75 2.00 1U12 65a70 70a75 76S80 45a60 9 10 1U12 714 8alo 15a 18 14Vial5 80 30a35 KfiafiO AOatiO 40a45 1.25a2.60 1.10al.25 White............ OttalOlfc Fffiss&i- - y9 Sweet 7fia80 .Irish. 40a60 Butter North Carolina. Ra25 Egos, per dozen. 9al0 Poultry Chlcken8... 20a25 Turkeyg 50a 1. 00 Ducks.... 15a25 Flour . Family 3.75 Extra, 3.50 8uper a25 ANNOUNCBITipNXS OF CANDIDATES. A Card. Fello w-CrnzKNS : . The Democratic executive committm of th rft having unanimously called a cbnventton, I take this method to announce myself a candidate for the mayoralty, subject to the decision ef the con vention. I have lived an open life anions you for six years, and my character and record is before you. Respectfully, Cmab, b. Jones. A Card from F.S. De Wolfe. Fello w-CrnzKNs : approaching election. I am not to the "manner born," bnt sixteen years ef busy life, spent in your midst has fully identified me with you In interest, and will enable you to Judge of my fitness for the office. If elected the best return I can make for . . n AnnAAnAA 1 1 1 1 . ... . . uio nnuiucum icyoanu iu ui3 nut io U IttlUlIUi discharge of duty. Very respectfully, jr. a. uewuLjns. .N,OUNCJEMEIVr. Tol Having determined to appear before tbe people of eept the tioaiiiiatlon tendered through your paper Mn WI .ma Hi'Aiuii. a nil rcuuii my iiiaiuu ivr tun cum puilivuMii; VAIVOOIVILO MrlJUUUvU Ul tUC WlUOlU nlcatloti. f. I. Osborke". April 1 st, 18W. zvj &&vtxtiszmmts. NEW ICE HOUSE. WE beg leave to inform the citizens of Char lotte that we are now ready to deliver Ice to any part of ihe aij at OXE CENT PER POUND. Orders properly filled at short notice. Ice Houe In rear of T. L ceigle fc Co's Store. Leav- your orders. apl29-if J FIS HES8ER A CO. MARK TWAIN'S NKW BOOK. A TRAMP ABROAD. THIS book is a large and fully illustrated vol uine. sold only by subscription. Mrs. C. COLBY is the only agent authorized to sell this work In Charlotte, and all others canvassing for It are lraposters. The authorized agent will visit Charlotte the latter pan of this week and make a thorough canvass of the city. aprzu-it TO THE LADIES. TAKE this method of informing the Ladles of Charlotte and surrounding country that I have secured the Sole Agency cf tbe BAZAR PATTERNS, And will In future keep a full and complete Stock of all Patterns represented In the cata logue. All the New and Latest Styles will be received as published. A CALL TO EXAMINE MY PATTEBN DEPARTMENT is respectfully solicited. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES sent free to any address on application. PATTERNS mailed on receipt of number, size and price. Very respectfully, JNO. R. EDDINS. UWIliujcrg. GRAND OPENINGS -AT MRS. P. QUERY'S. )yE a e now opening our Second Stock of Fine Millinery, Mr. Query, having jost returned from New York with all the very latest novelties in HATS and BONNETS trimmed and untrimmed, SILKS, SATINS, RIBBONS, LACES, ORNA MENTS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS in aH the new shades and styles. The exhibit is by far the most elegant stock of fine Millinery we have ever shown. Styles very different from eaily spring and goods In a great many styles much cheaper Also all the latest styles in Neck Wear, Flssues, Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Ruffing, Sx. Fans and Para sols something entirely new. White Goods, Trim. mlngs, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, children's Ready- made Suits and Cloaks, all new and cheap. Ladles will find our stock complete in all the different lines of goods we keep. The greatest variety and the most complete assortment of each line, and at the lowest prices of any establishment of the kind ta this part of the country. We guarantee every article we offer as low in price for cash as the same article can be purchas ed anywhere. Will open our fine trimmed Bon nets and Hats on Thursday. Ladles calling to see our handsome, goods, new styles and low prices, will not be disappointed. Respectfully, - MBS. P. QUERY. apr28 . - ' The followinjlis the LATEST FBIGBJJSI-of-Ziegler Brotffbdt)! J. MOYEiyS BOOT AND SHOE'STORE, iegIesTebb!eGotBut&nt Heel-PUted,: ..u. ... . . ; , - Kid Box-Toe " - Fox - 4M U M U u M Serge r.14. '.1 High Cut Kid, Lace " W M M jtqx u H Kid Newoort Ties " " Fox Lace .f. " Serge ! - Pebble Goat Congress " " Serge " .-" ., - KkTCrirapedVainp1' u u M Finest Kid Button ". : My Stock of Oentlemen's Gxxids cannot be apr9 FRAMES. ALL THE LATEST NOVEL TIE FOR PHOTOGRAPHS We have an immense assortmejit;,'andWH.l'lI'.tb at the ALL SHADES OF ZEPHYR, FANCY CARD We have added all the latest noveltiea of thj season CLOTHINO, SHOES and SLIPPERS, STRAW O00D3 for Men, Women ahidren, FUaHtNG in the city. Be sure j and give us a trial before purchasing, and It will be to your advantage. Beautiful Styles of apr22 NEW AND SPECIAL T1Z rWITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Millinery Department. MOST COMPLETE LINE OF New and Stylish Mais and Bonnets. Whire Goods Department The Lar;f. t stock i f the Most Desirable Fabrics. Dress Goods Department EL EG NT AND CHEAP. 500 pieces l,;rtvi:s, Linen Lnwi s Orgun!k's, A X.AT.GE LINE OF I)R ESS SILKS AND TRIMMINGS. Carpets, fc'ugs, Matting, OIL CLOTn-'.CHJMR CLOTHS' CUUTAINS JN COTTAGE DRAPERY, NOTTINGHAM LACES, CRETONS, H. .A. B B, E Q XT IIT S. PILLOW SHAMS. Clothing Department. WE HAVE IN THIS LINE THE NOBBIEST GOODS' OF ' THE SEASON. STYLISH. ELEGANT, CHEAP. Our Neck Wear Cannot IBIS EXGEL1.EID. COZjIiARS and. OTJPPS, COMPLETE LINE OF UNDERWEAR. Gents' Boys' & ( liildrcns' Hats IN STRAW AND FELT. G IE2- IE -A. T HST3DtrCEE13"TS WILL BE OFFERED TO BTJTBBS. Our Goods are New .A. HSr ID IB1 1R IE S lEi - AND OF THE BEST FABRICS. wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky wittkowsky Wittkowsky Wittkowsky Kid tiloves Kid loves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid GlOVBH Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Tumid Gloves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thr-nd Gloves Thread loves Thread Glov s Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thread' Moves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corse ts corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes BAEaAINS -IN- FHIH. IHI1I1 AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock Is very large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office Fur nlture. All goods packed free of charge. . - - - CHOICE FAMILY CR0CERIE8. Pickles by the Dozen or 100. BEST IMPORTED TRIPLE STRENGTH VINE GAR. Syrups, New Orleans and Cuba MOLASSES, ALL GRADES. Very fine Small Hams, Whole and Cut, to Suit riircnasers. FRESH BUTTER & EGGS ALWAYS ON HAND. apr 24 S. M. HOWELL. VKX. WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday Giving a full resume oi the preceding week, news of all natkmal topics and general Intelligence, be sides being the only REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER There supporting the National Democratic Party. Edited by GEOBGE C. WEDDERBURN. of Virgin ia, formerly publisher of the Richmond (Ta.) Enquirer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Single copies, one year, postage paid. ,200 via. aamJaa to. ama .Um.. nfiffteuMk roan T nil Ten copies, to one addressy postage paid, i 12 6 Twenty copies, wood auunnw, iw9wwiw, w W ILU a copy Utsc w uw imsuu Bcuuiuifi uk uu MOW IUrUltSr lllltri Uliuiuii nuuiva GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, I' Box 822, Washington, D. C, or the Editor . , Dec. 23. r '.' ' ','!V)' '.?. " .. " " u ; it M Plain .- " n : " . u ''"Wii French, i surpassed. Call apd see them., QF ALL Sl25ES. qHKO.34ps - 'ANjE)' BOARD NOVELTLES, BEADS AND FANCY ICXTIJR: to qw large and varied stock, and will gnaraitee 1! Children's Spring ATTRACTIVE. E3 2& E IsT T S.- Baruch Barach Baruch Baruch Baroch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Handktf chiefs Handkerchiefs IfimdVerchiefs Hatidkerchiefs HnudKet chiefs Uaniikerctilt-fs Handkerchiefs Hauditercltlefs HafHlkerchlefs Handkerchiefs Silk Mitts ; tUk Milts silk Mitts Silk Mitts Siik Mitts Silk Mi ts bilk Mitts Silk Mitts eilk Mitts Mlk Mitts Silk Mitts Laces , Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces j Laces Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Curls Cuffs Cuffs Guffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table - Linens Table Linens Table Linens Napkins ' " Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-48heetings 10-4 Sheetings I0r4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings CLEAVELANI) MINERAL SPRINGS, WILL OPEN MAY 15th, 1880. These Springs are two miles from Shelby, fifty- lour miles west Oi unanoue, ana one mues oi Carolina Central Railway. .Haaka will be at Springs Station on arrival of every Train At KING'S MOUNTAIN STATION, ON AIR-LINE RAILROAD, HACKS CAN BB OBTAINED. DISTANCE, TEN MILES. Cold and Warm Baths. White a Red Sulphos Chalybeate Watebs. A GOOD STRING BAND SECURED FOB THE A Bowling Alley In Good Order. Livery Aeconv; oinra nvDninn, .4ln'rlA ilav S9 ninirlA OIW, Sl-Al TTV.V, LEWIS S. WILLIAMS, Sunt apr21. WANTED, At the Charlotte i Cttr MiUsi; busbtaCflrii ,000 bushels Wheats Rye Oats, Peas, -c for nica casn, or meai m exenapge, wtu e psm , ConstaalJj ea hancLriout MeaLJIUl-feed. ckc. WIS -O'lf'tf' ' 3 'l jki' ii . These imllsliave.beea theroaghly . refitted an4 an grain sei If desired; , JanloAT V Cloth V .Ijimim I t mm 2 10 ytt ti sfti ri tTtrrttfi f i riff . .y'v ...., 3 25 4 00 EfiJIrTOii! r f V 1 . . ... i ..... t5 .-Very ressectfuily. .fWH.-.-...i I mm hohi S IN " "F RAMES ilkt " FANCY PICTURES. Ia SETjULTCITT PRICMt , 'l - to sell all the, leading Articles lev DJtY GOODS, GOODS, 4&mTowOT prices tlrin any Ottter house , 5 f:f? M-v 4 - V r V T. E. F ffickon; X, C-iiV Charlotte, OTEL. FIELD BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS, OSimiiOTTE, ixr. o. THIS HOUSE is neatly fitted up with all the modern conveniences Electric Bells. Tele phone, &c. Convenient to- the Banks, near the Postofflce and Telegraph Office. Next door to the Opera House. With these advantages WE CAN OFFER SUPiEr'RIOll INDUCEMENTS TO- COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS and THEATRICAL COMPANIE8, t-Omnlbuses and Carriages at every Train 2 il U TERMS i - '" -3- 2 PER DAY ON FIRST FLOOR apflO. St. Charles Hotel. STATESVILLE, N. C. THIS HOUSE isnowunderthemanagementof ; Mrs. D& Reeves, formerly of the National Ho ' - tel and Boydeni Hoase.,"8aUsbury, NC, whose ainr v: ii wm oe io mase ii a nrsi ciass, noiei in every rw spect, Commodious Sample ' Rooms oil, the: first floor. The patronage Of the pubHosojlclted. jrec ljf-atr. .ti. A. W. LtTDOIiV. i. BBOOKFIELD. CHINA PALACE -OF J. Brookfield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. d JUST RECEIVED : REFRIGERATORS ICE CHESTS , WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, 5 BIRD CAGES, Children's Carriages, Silver and PlatM Wai-e Full fine of ' : CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, V:3 li n u eat Ft ix UvU err; ri c rn &smw vv j I aiwon - - 1ST JMrm ' LOOKING GLASSES, ,CLOCK8, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, MAJOLICA, IRIDE3- ' . . i! 1 1 0 If. CKST JeiASBJi li i.ULI i ; ?l kSD FANCY GOQBSr - ' WnOI.ESAI.E km UET4II,. 1 t...i tiii uut -J vt: ..:. it KSA UsJskiyisod Irder. .OUU matlon apply at J. P. MEEHAN'S Restao rant and Saloon, Taylor street, two doors ,rom" RlchardeoQ street Conbia, 8 R J - , ; Miu"') apr4 3m v $ uie.JfeaeralGoqrfc,..