... - ' ' ' " 1 ! l-i- I j J, . -.-.f., imkfikkii iWlMJB ..,., t . - II; nnnif i IRON BfTTEBS, A Great Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Bare Appetiser. IRONBnTEHS A CwspteU StTMfMMMT. IRON BITTERS, A ValnaUa Madiciae. IRON BTrTERS, Not Sold M ft lfVf IRON BITTERS, For Driicttariaulafc to the public for H iUh eases reqnirl nga certai a and efficient TOXtCt especially In Mi4iw. timtt, X jep, Itttrrtittent fm- tit r-. J.mmm mf 8trtt0tH, Ijmck nTW It tv ricaea the bloody strengthens the Bin eies. and glvea new ltfti to the nerves. To the aged, ladiea. and chil dren xeauirinff recaber- ation, this valuable nn.jjl.r oan lint ha trm highly recommended. It nrta IHre ekarat oa the digestive organs. A teaspoon ful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. .r Sold by ail Druggists. WimiCAlCDJ BALTIMORE, Md. -5 3 Nov. 15 d-w rB tx CELEBRATED FEVEB AND AGUE. The true antidote ta the, effect or miasma Is Hostetter's StomncB pttters. ' This medicine Is one of the most pofiular remedies nf arvage of sueoess ful proprietary specifics, and Is in Immense de mand wherever on this Continent f ver and ague exist. A wlneglassful three times 4d;iy is the best possible preparative for encount-rlDgTWaalarious atmosphere, regulafrng" the liver. andiyteoratin the stomach. 1.3 t er sale byH pmtgteU and DeaeTeoallj. pur: 2 Knee t t rated Ca TY. W;; Jfrea, Address uxsua xjufAX j. t ITTMBTlYEi t'ArOtt HUP 'teTj BIras1' afrWTteM? New? " mm. '..-aam a a... - f rb TMM Ifaaiaa tf par'a nlttV " h rla-Xriaa, Oaokinr. Dm. Aadteta. KiekftMC l hUOrn, iiampmy, MTnagn. nengiam, row, mobct, Faailr trM-emmeBt, aad a inalti tnda of ather topiei fntly trtaud. J''Wf to aaako tlM UaM USXtSTUfVU tun Burr -"A book f moral aa Cound.itaiatjintpiraUon.'-CArutowj 11 EEUteMrjoMMrp iS-BY TirffflJ: Fin PapK. Claar tm. IVaaabf ul Uindims,8ptendii nin-. tr alio.- Jfiurif OOO Pag. m prices. Stllmrupidlf. AGENTS VANTEDbilSfJS2 A Lovely Boqnet Gold, and Silver Chromos, as L3 sorted styles, with name, 1 0c NASSAU CARD CO., Nassau, N. Y. WATERS' PIANOS! ORGANS! Best made; Warranted Six Years. New Pianos, Stool and Covers, $160, upward. New Organs, 845, $50. $0, S75. upward. Illustrated Cata logue tree. Agents Wanted. Second Hand In struments at Bargains. HORACE WATERS & CO., 82r5, Broadway, N. Y. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure cure guaranteed r no pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Mar shall, Mlcb. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 175672 New and Old Standard Works in Every Department of Literature. Al most given away. Catalogue of General Litera ture and fiction free. Immense inducements to Book Clubs and Libraries, a .. - . 1 LEGG4.T BROS., 3 Beekman St opp. Post Office, New York. DPu USCELiES' ENGLISH i REMEDY. A I . I I unlike the many so-called I 1 kJ preparations for this dls- ! order which only relieve while used by the patient, ftBK PKBMANENTl.lt and has been endorsed in this respect for the past 20 years by the leading medical authorities In Eu rope. NO CHARGE made to give It a fair testas DR. LASCELLES undertakes to send each suffer ing applicant a FBKK package on their forwarding name and Post Office address to his Sole Agents for the U. 8. and Canada, Messrs. SLOCUM it CO.. No. 4 Cedar St, New York. apr20-d4w. WLixtrtxzs mid ijemelrg. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Fine Gold and Silver Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamonds, Slyer and sorer Plate! Ware, Gold and Silver Speetaeles, and everything kept In a FIRST-CLASS jkWELR'T STORE. The Highest Cash, Price Paid for - Old Gold and Silver. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of fine watcnes, uocks ana jewelry. ILL WATCH AND CLOCK W0EK . .. ;,,r-', v - - ' ! Warranted for Twelve Months. All v o Is fold attals estabUshment "warranted ' riarenfesented; "'' v JOHN Carolina Jewelry Store, Charlotte. ' - " m m i t ui iav a I'K i i .:u rx.xrf i " -'- - ' ' ii ' i iii I n li ' 1 T ' i i Cucumbers and saar befuis have ap- . pesired in the Wilmington ljparket. Judge Cantwell, of Wilmington, will hw-fcure ih Lurrtberton . oitl the. 10th of May, says the R&fiiew, and also in Fay- etteviiie at an eany aay. ... The Salisbury. Democrat says it has beard that Judge Schenck was ap pointed receiver for the Western- Divis ion, of the Western Norjih Carolina Railroad. ' At a meeting of citizens j?f Wilming ton Tuesday, to discus thf project or building a railroad to tne souna, it was decided to construct a tramway instead. 5hi& it is claimed, will last three years anqLwiii Dear a rate oi speea no&x ceeding fifteen miles per hcfiur. TTre"OrTJcefirof "the Thfiff " Regjfa&iC, r"Wyrrh I Ul til Carolina State Guard, met in Purham last Thursday for the election of field officers A. B. Gj6rrel. of! Wins-; Ion, was ' elected colonel Major W. T. Jilackweii. or. lien. Manivrs scamw jeuKieur: niauiEiniuircuivinx. i ouu war The Greensboro correspondent of the RaleigrWetaS writes :J Cot leaves in a day or two, to placehimself under some of the noted physicians or New York. His many friends in the State will regret to hear of the necessi ty of this step, and will but wish that he may find the much needed relief. ' Wilmington Review : A Republican in this city who is not an office holder, nor yet a politician, has offered, we un derstand, to bet a Republican official, a Sherman boomer, the sum of 6100 that a poll of the town will show that the colored voters of Wilmington is two to one for Grant He thinks ;that it will ba four orjiv to one,althougb.tbeprop o sit; an Js to fee&on two to onev- - The Wilmington Review, oi Tuesday, says : There has been ho decided im protement, we regret to - say, in' Dr. I F'anner's condition as yet, the only in- aications, siignt yiougn tney were,nav ing been as stateajby us yesiemay in a very slight ihCTe!se of consciousness. This, the nhvsiciaus say, was.not decided enough to justify thero in stating that there has been anything JiHe a jnarked or decided improvement noficeaLIe. Itailroad Inpcctin. On Friaday last Mr. JolmlS. Barbour, receiver, and other officials of , the Vii ginia Midland RaikoAd," afceompanfed by Mr. S. M. Felton, president of the Pennsylvania Steel Work Company, and Major Bent, superintendent of tlie same company, made art ofgcial tour of inspection of the Franklin -and Pittsyl vania Narrow Gauge Railroad, prepar atory to its reception by the Midland road under the contract of lease which has been executed for a year or ' more. I At every station between tjhe Midland junction ana tne KocKy? Mourit, the terminus of the new road, l!arge crowds first passenger train that had appeared on the road. AtRoeky Mobnt the rail road officials and visitors fere hospita bly entertained by the enthusiastic citi zens. At night a confererjee was held, at which it was agreed that Mr. Bar bour will acdept the road on the 1st of May, if the contractors and the Narrow Gauge Company can adjust any ques tions which may arise between them, so that the contractors wll deliver up the road, which doubtless will be done. ThePennsylvanians express themselves as greatly pleased in regard to the val uable mineral resources of the country opened up by the new road' The Wliitaker Cae. New York Herald. ' There seems now some probability that the mystery surrounding the Whit, taker outrage at the West Point Acade my will be dispelled. The fact that United States District Attorney Wood ford has caused the arrest oif Phil Ryan, the Highland Falls tavern keeper, on a charge of perjury, committed before the Court of Inquiry, shows that his detectives are in possession; of -evidence not yet made public, WtienRyan comes to be tried in a criminal court there will be a searching investigation and a thor ough sifting of the facts in the case. . It is unfortunate that the investigation by the officers of the Academy should have proved; so abortiye, for thp public ex- gected that tiiey would search to the ottom of the affair . without fear "or favor. Should Ryan's trial result in the discovery of the perpetrators the fair fame of the Academy Court of Inquiry may suffer in the estiraation'of the gen eral public This will be- a source of regret, but the public demands that the mystery be solved, no matter who suf fers. A Conteat by Noted Pedestrians. Daniel O'Leary, the pedestrian, re cently placed in the hnds 'of a New Yorker a forfeit of $500 for a match, long-distance walk, with Fran-' eis Hart nd John Dobler, dgainst anv two men in England, for any sum f roni $10,060 to $20,000, the wak to take place in New York city. Ib is expected that Rowell, Brown and Ilazael will accept the challenge. Thomas Davis, lately the backer of Peter J.- Pancbot, with two other mfcn in-New York city, has decided to -accept the: challenge. They have communicated vith Rowell and Brown, who have authorized them to arrange the match for $10,000 a side, Rowell to back himself for one-third the amount. Rowell and Brown are to draw up articles, which are to be for warded to O'Leary for his appoval. t Tle Only Present Urant xjver lieturn- V - i- :cd - From the Hour. The Mexicans are telli nor all Srtrfa vF stones about the meanness pi., General Grant When the party arBved at the charming mountain town of Orizaba, a wicauciu, ur twisung or bulls' tails. was given in honor of the e-President. Among the performers was; a woman. w no, mounted ttpon a fine mhstang, per formed many surprising feats of horse manship. General;Grattt expressed his admiration of her prowess and iirai the horse. In the usual Spanish, style, the latter was, at pnee .ofiered ,tb the treneral, who accepted ft. It was, how ever, pointed out to him that he must make some present in return, and rather than do so he seat the horse A Growing I nduairy. One of the indnstriAn th-A. up within the last few yeafr is the ex portation Of OVSters to F.nrnn An. vSvS1 Piwbed in? the N&w, York Herald yesterdav. fhr- thA fnnV years ended in 1879 there were sent to LuropeSS barrels of oysters, at a aiu ui .izi,i83.. K orthft six months ended in March, this year,? there have J?a"eI yalue: .i "u'"11 aitnougn rais is unac- wumauiy iess than last viear, yet the hgures are large enouflrhfctf show hriw important an industry this has become. How History Recalls the Past. J&.t' feari afeo in glatfd was con ?ir?K? 6lr James Ora- twittySw TrJR1- lad taken ciff-ted tt'8 FIFSL?? recetotW madety. Bon- - Ife PasteCIeneri; who has ordered that letters to M. A. DaaphlnVlWo city teiatrrs x The JWtusiana stto Lottarr pany, forwarded without interference, beinacon'' waned Of it being hcmetOy conducted.., l . t L TOOH-rfWH Y OIL A A Story tUje Anclnt Ucinpe- Which ' 1 Said ib be Truft anal Which lit ceunuiu Horrur iho lmacining off the Noireliwt. ju.1 Tlifollowjfh story of'Monsieur "Le coq, the Parisian deteti.vfe wtiom Gabo rian liastre fftirroils.1! vouclied "tol as 'haVtngireally a basis iii truth: WHien M.' La Reynie was Iieftteiiaht-Geiiei al of Police- terrW, produced 6y a myste ro'us disappearance of ' several persons, spread "through '-VariOtiS' districts" of Paris. Within fOur trioiiths' twenty-six young; gentlemen, varyingin ages fsom sixteen to twenty-five years, were imis sing from their inconsolable families. which" had been 'robbed of five "promis- a . rni. j jng tradesmen s sons. - me gossips ue- 'cJar that a princess wno was suner ing from a liver complaint, contended against the makulvjlfy taking bathe of lilimAn. ttlood., !Otlieri affimifed ItbM the Jews, at intervals, crucified Chris tians in hatred of the Savior, but lucki thisenwrt fl nip flftftppAre vail. Thetbc de Geit Ms spoEe on the sub ject to the King, and the latter com nlaitwd ttx-therLieulenant-Gaieral of the Police-Tbiarcrwing isuch' a; thing to go on. La Reynie, in despair at the King's dissatisfaction, returned very sadly to Paris. On arriving there he sent for a very smart agent, ONE whom he had previously employed with success in extricating 'tangled legal skeins. On hearing the report Lecoq. carried away by his actlvityrexclaimed: "Well, Monseigneur, I see tbqt.-in . oi der to relieve you from embarrassment I must renew Abraham's sadrifiee. H I ask for a week, and at the end of that time I hope to have good news for you." Lecoq gave no further explanation, and De la Resnie, whof regarded him a one t Jii6$UustwbFln!M f gghffeiSis missed him with a sign that granted him most -extensive- powers. "LaceH had a-son?4o whom hje- was sincerely attachefland -whose education he un dertook himself. This lad, called "Wide-awake'tby his conrradesyOwlng to; his leSdy wit,4really possessed" an un- comraoa' intellect. He was sixteen years of age, and nature, .while, , devel oping his mindl hfijd not -forgotten his external appearance. " Wide-awake, whose real name was Exnpere, obtained from Lecoq every-?. thing tftat OSIri flatlet . a .young man s vanity. His handsome clothes height-;! ened the effect of his personal appear-' ance, but he rarely went out, for Lecoq was aware to what young men are ex-; posed in the streets of Paris; he was' escorted by spies in whom his father could confide. ON THE DAY when Lecoq had his conference with De la Reynie, on his return home, he shut himself up with Wide-awake, with whom he had a lengthened con versation ; and an hour after the fe male neighbors noticed the boy go out in the most brilliant toilet, aiid this time alone. He wore round his neck and hat gold chains and medallions; there were two watches in his fobs, and he frequently clinked the louis with which his pocket was lined. Lecoq felt that the young men had necessarily fallen into some gallant snare, and that the lure offered them must be a pretty gin. rtence neroresaw ti.at m expos ing his son to a meeting with this crea ture she would not fail to try and ruin Wide-awake also; but the latter, being well warned, would not be caught in the trap by which so many others had perished. At about 3 p. m. on the fifth dav vounc Lecoq, in all his glory, was walking on the river terrace in the garden of the Tn)lleries, when t l REMARKABLY BEAUTIFUL LADY" passed close to him. She was alone, but followed at a short distance bv a sDe- cies of duenna. The youner ladv's ace might be from twenty-two to twentv- five, and her face and figure were mod els ot Deauty. Wike-awake examined her with interest; his glances were not lost, for pleasant ones directly re sponded to his. He foreboded that he was in for an adventure : could this be the "girl he was looking for v in order to mnke-eertainhe- checked his nar.e and eventually sat down on a bench acing the Champs Elysees. He had not been there more than ten ininntes ere, he saw the couple prowling arotfftd him, and ended by seating them selves on the same bench.. Thev hnwprl in the usual :fsMonyof the age and en- wueu into conversation. rne artiul youth, who thus found his affair readv made, asked the duenna who her com panion might be. "Oh, sir, was the reply, "my mistress' history is ALMOST A ROMANCK." . lhe duenna hereupon proceeded to iniorm wiae-awafee that her mistress was the daughter of a great Polish to his estate. prince, and sole heiress VV lae-awake, on his side. told the gov- ernante, with all the ingeniousness pos sible, that be was the son of a doctor at Nantes, jin wis: sent to Paris to attend the university lectures. After some minutes' talk the old woman took Wide-awake's handv y ! v uuiu "Will, UUU X reaily-feeFaaffeCTion-for you. Here is a proor. listen to me. My mistress bt jnst seen you, you please, and she instructed me to find out who you are. Come this evening to the crreat gate of St Germain l'Auxerrots, where I will meecyou, and in all probability brinsr you good news. Do not. fail ia , adorn yourself at your best, for vdu would be rained if you appeared rbefdre my mis tress liKe a,fceedy student." j: t s r 5 i After, this ttiey parted,' tmanVide awake was mad with delight, as-he felt certain tie had f ound the girl to whom the disappearance of the young fellows was -due. vHefhuryied to his father and told him all that was Sroinsr on. Lecoa shared -'; HIS SOlv'o SUSPICION :' and hope; bat, in -the hevte of suecesr, paternal tenderness wasarousdtitnd he trembled at the peril the young man must incur. In order to diminish its extent, he assembled ' lrfs' most tf ustv myrmidons, and ordered them to keep close to his son, though without com promising the success of theN plan, and placed himself at the head of the squad At nightfall Wide-awake, more hand somely attired than --before, presented himself at . the indicated spot. As the church doors were being closed.a poorly clad woman emerged from the sacred ed ifice. Looking around her furtively, and,, recognizing Wide-awake, raade him a sign to follow. They passed through several, streets, closely follow ed by the spies, and at length stepped in that of desiOrfevres, in front of A RATHER FINE4I0USE. "My pretty boy," the old woman said to Wide-awake,. "th lady does not live ,at this pattry spot,-but as thehoHsd iaher property ,"sher -wishes to receirfi'yon irt; it. I will go in and inform her of yof r arrival,?! . .;,-v"':;v:'i iT3-.sn;r After a short absence the wicked old crone returned; V She jasked "tha yoixast' man wjkuuow iu4 B5P w ho oanaagea, but on his refusal introduced hini with out , f urthef?f;6ppsitibif: intotha .fatal house. Wide-awake,,wliO; .was alarm fed. advanced iit. the-, darkness, bdotb j hendiag soiuddert 'atta?;; bi; ni f oundi himself in iial room sot" average size, Bplendidly f uriiished.''ad- lit.ith, wax tapers. A sofa covered with crim- son 8aUh'fi-eTnBnfeiied5lw!tli gilt nails occupied one-of the sides of the room. On thaaofa; declined, in disha bille, the PrincessjKbirouska,r,At,tl a) sighilrof the stranger-stie jtreeted rttie Ijfcmng man. anil with a word tlismissed ithtf i d uenna. Wide-awakein'j sjpite.rxf 'hls.sharpness, lost his presende-of In'ind. illre sight of this lovely person fasciar tied iii m ; he could not move; "the yodng spy in an instant j,.Uj. FORGOT HIS KQJLE, ; , ..H -The goddess descended" JpWpne and offered her hand .fa Wide awake, who kissed it. This kiss heated lirs blood and restored his boldtiess. Mot certainly he was in a bad placej mt he was close to a charm mg-'Woman. He became pressing, lost his head felt ,a hnd abstracting his purse, but said aaoibing. - i His fKiher was in the street With his agents,-impatiently awaiting the signal foe thiem to enter the house. But the signal was not given, and soLeeocfhere whistled ; even in the arms of the Prin cess h;s son started at .it, arid4Jus re called himself. Two minutes after the Princess retired to her cabinet. Wide awake took advantage of her, absence bx-examine the room ; he tried to un- fold a screen, but could not succeed, tot the leaves seemed nailed to each 6fcher. Wide-awake shook them smartly; one of them fell and disclosed a cupboard; in which twenty-six men's heads, ad jnifably preserved, were displayed t- ' OR STLVKll D181TE5: "SUbfiVl Vaerfe A8 1;ef jystf angl awakening frornj.pjasjare, and young Lecoq, whose lips were still vvaW.w.ith t,h stranfffir'a kissp.s. ooened tliejn'.tO utter, arcm'tiif " h6rror.u'But Wotsg'V.: mained T. benina;" en- approacfting ithe wmdOWfie fancied lie couid see throtign the pans other headSfjxrng'.thei r hash ing eyes;; upon him. Paler" thaui the death s heads, unafeJto speak, he fell on hisJireseaftl-!k"ped1lihAdls. At thfs moment the window was bursting and his fatBei", followed by the whole sqiiad, entered th 'apartnieiit'. Sttledby:his;soV.$Q'ehce,; ftrid fancy ing him probaoly Assassinated, Lecoj had bravely takeii the accuied" house by storm. This actioh. sav-ed.". Wide awake's life, for at the noise made by Lecoq .And his men in entering the room, tflerinces, accompanied by four bandits,, armed to the teeth, emerged froni the cabinet. The King's men were inforce resistance was use less, and'thjB four ruffians, with the girl, their accomplice, Wre led away in irons. A 'strict .examination of the house led tfano further discovery. It w?8 foupd.after yvard3 that the girl wras English, and employed to entrap young men, who ,wer killed and their heads cut oiff. The bodiesi were" sold to students of anatomy, while the heads, splendidly prepared, were sent in batches to Germany for phrenological purposes. The government, afraid of such a series of crime becoming known, punished the culprits secretly. They were all executed. A New Puzzle with Word. Boston Traveler, April 21. Students at the Institute of Technol ogy have uesignea a rival to the Gem putzjey whiph. is, beginning -to excite considerable interest about town. Given two words of an even number of letters the problem is to change one to the other by altering one letter at a time of the first so as to make a legitimate English word, continuing the altera tions until the desired result is attained. The conditions are that only one letter shall be altered to form each new word, and that none but words which can be found in English dictionaries shall be used. Here are some examples of the changes: East to West East, vast, vest, West. Boot to Shoe Boot, soot, shot, Shoe. Dog to Cat Dog. dig, fig, fit, fat, Cat, Milk to Hash Milk, mile, male,mate. hath, Hash. Road to Rail Road, rood, root, coot, coat, coal, coil, toil, tail, Rail. Soap to Fish Soup, soul, soil, foil, fowl, fool, foot, coot, cost, cast, fast, fist, Fish. : ;. ' The game is becoming quite popular in railroad ofiices, as well as in family circles and at firesides, and seems to furnish instruction with amusement. The Western North Carolina Rail road. Raleigh Observer, 27th. The associates of Mr. W. J. Best reached the city yesterday, having come here to sign the papers in the purchase of theWestern North Carolina Railroad. Mr. Best himself has been in the city for some days. The contracts and all the other papers in the matter were ex amined and prepared for - signature, some of them being re-written. Messrs. George Davis and Thomas Ruffin were present on the part of the State, and Mr. W. A. Boyd, of New York, on that of Mr. Best and his associates. The reading over and preparation of the papers occupied them until 2:30 this morning, when that portion of the work was finished. This morning the neces sary copies will be made and the signa tures affixed. Thirty Tears' Experience of an Old Nurse. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescrip tion of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-failing safety and suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one- week old to the adult It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and ' Diarrhoea In children whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the f ac-simlle of Curtis & Perkins, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by ail medicine dealers. riov27 d&w ly Soolts miCL j&tatimerj Million Dollars WILL be paid for SAGS, at the hlphest market price, by WM. & R. TIDDY, Paper Manufacturers, . Charlotte, N. C. etropolitan FOB MAY. ALSO THE MONTHLY JUST RECEIVED AT . mddy&Bro's ook Store. .',-j'-e::-.'Mi.:i. v. " ' : FULIeTOXJaf OJB UrTERIC&'i3: PATTERNS GARMENTS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. aprl8 Msgs RAGSr FASHION SHEET Delineator il OHOES use Br11iaa Skoe Polish. . It will not p mo off or soil the .afcirts. It is posl0relj free from anything that wtll injure the most deneate leasner. r sale Dy u. n, WKiaiva sua ml CYDONIN, rfjsi !best preparation ever offered for the core 1 of Chapped SftlB.Pimple8,Tan,Eruptions, Sun burns, etc. Sold only by . L.B.WBISTONACO. Fid. Ext Bochu and Jnniper. INVALUABLE as a Diuretic. L. R. WRISTON CO. PLASTERS, A ' LLCOCK Porous, Benson's Capclne, S. J's. xi Capstcam and Belladonna ' L.RiWEISTON4 00. BAKING POWDERS. DONLEY'S, Horseford's ana Sea Foam. Also, Prices' Yea-t Gem. L. R. WBIaTON CO BITTERS. HOB Bitters, Vinegar Bitters. Hostetter's Bitters. -. L. A WRISTON & CO. mar 21 M. J. H. MeAden, VKOWTSt UTD CkXBBBt, Now offers to the trade s full stock of Lubin's ljrtrrts and Colognes. English Select SB ICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soap. Cngllsh, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all boors, both night an day at 2. H. MCULDXN'S Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY, 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' Extra No 1 Kerosene AMD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West Sobs, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition Crystal 00 Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will tmrn. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dk. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agen CHARLOTTE. N. C. mm Try Dobyn's Sare Cure TX)R Catarrh. Follow directions, and money T will be refunded if you are not iclleved. One dollar per box. Send for circular to DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist Smith's Worm Oil IS on a boom. Read the little Spelling Books and be convinced. Dr. T. C. Smith has on hand plenty of the "Worm Oil," lor wholesale and retaU. The Biggest Box OF Blueing in the city for 5 cents; two sticks of Stone Polish for 5 cents; three good cigars 10 cents. DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist Physicians CAN get everything they need at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. AU the new remedies are kept In full stock. Ayer's Hernia Truss ITS the best in tne market Call at Dr. T. C f'-L Smith's l)mr fttftm iinrf Axamfnn Miaiti bflfora The Best Cigars rkj&JJ St-60. 81.75, J2.00. $230, JLJWjOO, 83.60, 5.00, SO 00 and 87-Ou per nandred. Goods taken back If not satisfactory. aprlS DB. T. C. SMITH, Druggist. mm IliHtt Wholesale Dealers IN DETlliOTTB, :o:- MILLER'S PATENT, PARAGON, MAGNOLIA, CITY MILLS, COTTAGE, All Guarauteetl to Give Full SaMacM. R. M. MI.T ER & SONS, Co t ge & Fourth Sts. mar21 Spring Greeting1-! SPENCER & ALLEN. THANKING OUR FRIENDS FoR TQE LIBER al patronage bestowed on us in the past, we beg to inform them that our stock of G1ROCERES AND "PROVISIONS TROCERIES iiND A ROVlSiONS Is now complete, and we are prepared to offer special lnducennants to close buyers, and thrak we am make it to their Interest to see us before purchasing elsewhere. ALL ORDERS WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT LOW EST MARKET PRICES. We are agents for the well-known brands of Rocklnghan 4 4 BheeUng and Pee Dee Plaids. Give us a call. SPENCER ALLEN, Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants. Corner Trade and College Stree's, Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 6. Fust Q&eceived AT LEROY DAVIDSON'S 150 BBLS. APPLES. QHOICE RUSSET APPLES. Y QQ BOXES MASINA LEMONS. 75 BOXES OF ORANGES. 25 BUNCHE3 bananas- Piere's Celebrated Soda Crackers, reduced to 16 cents; in Cans from 7 to 10 pounds. apr20. SMOKE PERRY'S BOUQUET j3IGARS T32 Best 5cent Cigabs Kfer sold In this market; the rich man's luxury tha poor man's solace; the traveler's favorite. api-21. CHAR., COL. & AUG. R. R. Optics Asst. Gin. Passxmgxb Aoxnt. Columbia, 8. C, April 7th. 1880 ONand after April 18th, to addition 1 thTsat urday exOTTsion cards, this company will nut on sale at all "taUora, good on any iuty or train, local exeursien tickets as follows: B5I?nd tickets, from and to all stations, good 10 V79 Per mi'e. each way. per,hg00d ,0r ten t4eent ..Have on sale, also, at coupon stations, tickets to New York, Philadelphia, Balttmore and WaahtoS iSr'lSLW?1 Pmi to AsheTmelKTic!, and etnm, and then continuing Journey to desH natlon, thus enabling passengers, at a stoall cost, iIflcent soeSery in the- famotS r,SdJLt,le8ky nyif abofwtlcketa, ap ply to station agent ' For uif carnation, address i . . . D. CARD WELL, Asst. Paaa,Agt V i JLl) wnn vi BOTH Mty, Malaiia, aad I If MM fl.il ImMr - il .s I """" - ViT CURES SCJIOFULA. Caret Rheumatism. Cures Syphilis. Cures Malaria. Cureg Nervous Debility. CURES ERUPTIONS. - ROSADAIiIS Phas its Ingredients published on every Kaoal ShowIttyurPhy8,claniond I"" wsii juu is composea or the Istrong-est alteratives that exist, and Is an Excellent Blood Purfier. ttuAUALiis is sold by all Druggists. For MAN and BEAST. External and Internal. " THE GREATEST PADT RELIEVER OF THE AGE. Pott's Liver Pills. THE GREAT VEGETABLE CATHARTIC) REGULATOR. 1 Vegetable WORM SYRUP Instantly destroys WORMS, and Is recommended by physicians as thd best WORM MEDICINE. C?"For sale by all Drutglsts. - JOHN F. HENRY & CO., SOLS FBOFRIETOBS, 24 College Place, New York. 8 - i ni iii nit -Vt. ABEAD". W ALL OTHERS SOLD BY Recommendations Messrs. Mayer Hoss: Gents. I have t een ulng the Fish Guano for three (:) years, and sty. without hes.tancy, it Is the best Guano I ever tried J. WATT KIRKPATRICK. Messrs. Mover Ross: Gents. The Fish Guano, bought of you this season, gives entire satisfaction, as tested side by side with three other standard guanos, the Fish being ahead, making a net profit of sixty per cent I expect to use more of it next season. Yours truly, J. A. POPE. Alexandrians N. C. aprl. in am TBI BEST IS ALWAYS The Cheapest. I HAVE IN STORE :s o ii WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE FERTILIZER OFFERED TO PLANTERS. To insure a full crop, and to mature it early so as to command the high prices, buy the celebrated COTTON FOOD FROM THOMAS 0. G AITIII i?. COLLEGE STREET. aprO DRESS MAEINOT UP STAIRS, OPP. THE OBSERVER OFFICE. Dress Making In the latest styles at the lowest Prices apr2 lm MRS. D. M. THOBNBUBG. UNDERTAKING. ' A' fun Dne ef COFFINS oonstanUy n band sha&p. . " W. M. WTLHELM, Oct t Rogers' Fumlture Store iROSilDALIS 3 ROSADALIS L BAKER PHI PANACEA Dr. Roners? in ROSS i mm,