CUAS, B. JONES, Editor 4c Proprietor I XOTBBSA A XHS POOT-OmCB AT CHAHLflTT, K. a. Aa aygap-Oi.Aas yT8.3 : .. TUESDAY, MAY 4, l&Sp. FOR PflESIDEIfll; , HORATIO SEYMOUR OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : WM. H. ENGLISH OF INDIANA. uGod has not breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of the man, or set of merit who can again thwart and de feat the fairly and legally expressed will of this people mark that Hon. W. H. English, of Indiana, in New York Herald. can v a'!' chicago. 11 any one riuubls that the ex-President will be the nominee of the Chica go convention, he has but to read the utterances of Senator Roscoe Conkling, as published in the New York Herald, of last Saturday, to have that doubt im mediately removed; not so much from what the Senator says as the reasons that lie gives for the faith that is in him. Although the proposition is talked of with bated breath, there is now no doubt that leading lights in the Repub lican party, desirous of retaining the power which can only be done by sup pressing the voice of I lie people, are laying the pipes lor a "strong govern ment." Imprudent writers, like the Lemars Sentinel, editor sometimes let the cat out or the bag at the wrong time. A few days ago (bat paper said : "We must complete the revolution of lS60-'t5 by abrogating so much of the constitution of what was called the United States, as conflicts with nation al solidarity," and he expressed, briefly, exactly what his party have been cou tending;for since the elose of the war. During and since the war, at every opportunity, the Republican party has gradually, apd sometimes almost im perceptibly, swayed the sovereignty of the country from the hands of the ma ny into the hands of a ft w..andat every stage of progress ifhas been fought inch by inch by the Democracy. Under a pernicious system of reconstruction, the halls of our Southern State Legisla tures, as well as thtfSouthem represen tations in Congress, were glutted with an influx of carpet-baggers, and men who misrepresented the people, and made the work comparative ly easy, but when a sense of returning reason brought the people to realize their situation, they took the bit between their teeth, and with an irresistable impulse, they stormed the citadel of the temple of liberty, and drove out one by one "them that sold doves," and otherwise polluted the puri ty of the building. Orignally a State's right party, the accretions of political power, through successive aels of parti sanships with- an army of more than one hundred thousand cflice-holdcrs, known and designated as the "bread and butter brigade," they have now be come the boldest advocates of the com plete overthrow of the rights of the States, and the establishment of a cen tralized government. This is the party platform to-day and ;:s stated by the Lamars ifentinel it is part of the pro gramme to "inaugurate Grant into the American Presidency March 4, 1881, and keep him in the Presidential chair till the nation is consolidated." We believe this policy has been de liberately decided on. by the Republi can leaders, and while the election of the ex-president is but a single spoke in the wheel, it is all important that the spoke be there, to connect the diameter with the periphery cf the plan. In the gathering in of the delegates the ex president is so fa.r ahead of all competi tors, that no reasonable bulk of his friends, or the jockeying of his enemies, can fail to bring him to the string many lengths ahead. Indeed, so well set tled is this fact that his advocates now claim that all practical opposition will have disappeared before the vote is cast in the Chicago convention. Under the plea of saving the nation the standard of imperialism is to be erected, and under another name the government is to be administered until the hour comes for throwing off the mask. Shall that day or that hour come?, The answer is with the Demo cratic party.; , Raising high the standard of the people, surmounted with the watchword of liberty, the party of im perialism can be overwhelmed, but it win be only by the hardest and most laborious work. Will the American pcup.e use 10 uie SUOlimity ot the occa- 81011 J The brains and courage of the Reoub- lican nai tv in n.Jmis vw.,ur-amug others Major D. T. Corbin. ex-United States District Attorney, ex-CencresS' man A. S. Wallace, Maj. Wm. E. Earle, formerly assistant United States Dis trict "Attorney, ex-Attorney General Samuel W. Melton, Col. J. C. Cochran. and ex-Congressman Simeon P.oHpv "i -z;:, r7"" 1 r, lve puuiiuan cuuveiiuun new at Columbia, The same old crowd that disgraced the party in the piist came up to the surface and tried to run things their own way. mi . j. ne result 13 a aivision which cannot readily be healed, and consequently the help, moral and monetary, which they hoped would be received from the North, will be lost; Friday night, at 12 o'clock, the reign of the Moffett bell punch came to an end. "It was not a success. The liquor dealers and tneir mends opposed it from lb beginning, and-the register AiAri'k ram star. : It now seems.prpbable that Congress will adjourn about the 1st of June, both : Democrats 11 and : llepublicans ap pearing to5 be pretty vrell agreed upon this time. 1 c? ; - .n. : . ; . Jdge jPessley.f of .South. Carolina, Matqj-eot tnat BiatepresifiuiuK prisoh'ment for failure to pay the po l tax.IaunTOiisUtinttonaL:' J ' THE CITY ELECTION. !i The result of the city election yester day illustrates the visdom o the Dem ocrats in calling1-- convefition and thoroughly organizing the p&rtj before hand. The fact that the Republicans put out a candidate after this) was done Only goes to' prove, that thj suspicion that they intended at the lat moment to run in their man,which first suggest ed organization, was by p. means groundless. It cannot, of Jcourse, be positively affirmed that this jnoveraent would have met with success, but .with the party divided between ijtwo other candidates it must be confessed that the chances of Republican success were tempting. Finding that thefr plan had been thwarted, a desperate attempt was made Saturday night t0 bring out all the Republican strength.;; It failed signally, as was abundantly illustrated .yesterday. Democrats were elected in every ward except one whicji is over whelmingly Republican, and even here one Democrat was chosen. The party is to be congratulated upon fts success, andthe city upon securing a excellent mayor and board of aldermen. The Republicans have gained nothing; if their object was, as the cljairman of their late meeting said, to Strengthen the party for the presidential election, they have failed in this, and' have lost ground. The trial, conviction and Sentence to the penitentiary of Kembl and his companions in crime in tha affair of corrupt solicitation of members of the Pennsylvania Legislature seems, after all, to have been a judicial ; farce, and not a genuine manifestation -of the ma jesty of law and justice. They were all pardoned Saturday, and, after paying the fines and costs, which pardons did not reach, were released from jail and went about their business Kemble was adistinguislied Republican of Penn? sylvania, and was at one timp chairman of the Republican State committee. It would have brought disgrace upon the party to have allowed one of its leading members to wear the garb of the peni tentiary convict and hence r'the State board of pardons relieved him. It is not a matter of wonder, after all, that there should be communism and com munistic riots in a State which allows distinguished criminals thusjlo go un punished It seems to be pretty well Understood that Kellogg will be allowed to retain his seat in the Senate, andit is said that the Confederate brigadiers will vote to keep him in. The Confederate brigadiers are receiving a gijeat deal of praise from Northern journals just now for their peaceful attitude on this question. Really, they are yery peace ful. If Kellogg is not entitled to his seat and the committee seuttoinves tigate the matter say that he is not he ought to be turned out, and if it raises howl at the North, why, let m howl. Hundreds. of people in Noith Caro lina will be glad to know Jthat Gov- Vance has so far recovered; from his throat affection as to be ablte to make himself heard in the Senate.' The brief notice of his recent speech published elsewhere, will be read with'interest. CABLE FLASHER. London, May 3. A Paws dispatch says the saw nulls at Aybervilliers have been destroyed by tire, and im mense stores of timber burned. A fare in the fire-works ; factory at Pauten resulted in killinir two and wounding several. A Saidabad dispatch states that Moosa Khan and Mahmoud- Jan have surrendered to the governor of Ghuz ni. r A Cabul dispatch renortsi that Gen.' Ross's force reached Araandeh. and Gen. Roberts met Gen. Stewart in the same place. The rest of the Candahar force is marching through -Logar Val ley to settle that district. Tha leading priests and Logar chiefs have submit ted, and one hundred Kohfetan chiefs have been sent home after? guarantee ing me saieiy oi two Susans, whom the British intended to send there. LATER. ihe whole Of Rriharta' fnme has arrived. Stewart has taken charge, ivoueiu leuumng divisional command. lwo natives have erone on u mission in Abdul Rhaman Khan. i Another Cabul dispatch savs the government is inclined to favor Abdul lthaman Khan as Ameer, but creat. cauuou is necessary. A correspondent of the Times at Cal cutta intimates that the Government would before now have takfin atena for the assumption ot direct control of af fairs at Cashmere (meaning the dispo- iuu vi mo luici, luf nanas not oeeniuii ot more important matters, liesiaes gross aouses in the'administra tion it is reported that thesMahairah of Cashmere is suspected of'-carrying on a wuncapuiiueiiue wiiii itusaia. LONDON, May 3.-rLord Charles Brad- well Bruce, (moderate Liberal) elected to Parliament for Marlborough, has been annninted viMl,aBi . 1 A Rome dispatch savs the. Kinc ho declined to accent the reiiicmat.inn nf ministl7. but has accepted instead " ,c,r proposition to uissoiv the Italian cnamuerot deputies A FalKc Renort of Veil New Orleane. Washington. Mav 3. The Post nf yesterday, stated that advices have ueen received from JNew Orleans to the effect that several cases of lever exist ed there. The storv mav he set nnwn .wh jonr, presiaent oi tne .Louisiana board of neaitn at JNew Urleans, sayi: "I affirm uJav. ew Urjeans is free Jrom fevers ot all descriptions. The weather is cool' and the health of the cittf was never better. i The Whitaker Ciu.e. New York, May 3. The Post this vening says in regard fcj the West 'oint case: "Credible -rannrta hav reached the Evening Postitom several inaependent sourches that the hand- wnting on scmps No. 8 and 77 of su- penntendent liayior, and &n scraps No. 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Mr. Hayn, and which "1 tuo "P"".un OL -oe genuemen cor- SESKnWtt 7H,V Wu;-r.u.. , to Whitaker. Fire in Ohio Destruction of Relics. Cincinnati. Mav 2. Memorial hall at the. Dayton soldiers' hone, was burn ed yesieraay. it cost $35,000 in ab7S. Dayton, O., May 3. Memorial hi.Us at the soldiers home, buried testerdttr was not insured. A large rjumber pt yU- I uable reports was lostind among them order of the secretary of nhe army of the Cumberland at the lat meeting in Washington. r r FORTY-SIXTH , CONGRESS. SYNOPSIST OF YE8TEHDAVS PBO- Washinon, May 3.-84rof In diana, asked unanimous consent to make a personal explanation to-morrow, after the reading of the journal, in regard to his connection with the claims against Venezuela, and the congress ional investigation of the 44th lCn- gress in regard thereto. There. Jbeizig,, no objection, Orth stated that he hoped the member from the Springfield, Illi nois, district, (Springer; would be pres ent to-morrOw, as in his explanation he might say something of interest to that gentleman. Under a call of States bills were in troduced and referred, as follows: Uy Ellis, of Louisiana, to establish a government postal telegraph service be tween Boston, New York and Well ington 'and intermediate postoffices, and if this experimental line 4s success ful to extend it to other cities of the country, the rates to be for 25 words or less for 200 miles or less, 15 cents; for 500 miles or less, 25 cents; for 1,000 miles or less, 40 cents ; for 2,000 miles or less, 75 cents; for 3,000 miles or less, $1.00. -' ; ' ' By King, of Louisiana, a resolution calling for information regarding the expulsion of Israelitish citizens of the United States from St. Petersburg. By Doggett, of Nevada, to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy. The Republicans demanded the read ing of each measure introduced, the impression being that their purpose was to prevent an anti-third term reso lution from being offered after the call of States should have been concluded. Doggett's bill was very lpng, -and Springer, of Illinois, moved that the House adjourn, inasmuch as it was evident that the whole day 'ould be wasted. Agreed to, and at 2 :20 p. m., the House adjourned. Senate. Bills were introduced and referred as follows : By Harris, by request, ta provide for the extension of letters patent for the improfemenfc-Jupon the Ectipy cotton gin. By Morrillfor the erection of a mon ument in Washington to the memory of Joseph Henry. ' By Williams, to establish an ocean mail service between the United States and foreign nations, and providing ade quate com pensation tlieref or. Referred to the committee on postoffices and post roads. Wallace submitted a resolution that the Senate will hold sessions on Wed nesday and Thursday iughts of each week, commencing at 8 and closing at 10:30, for consideration of bills on the; calendar in tl.eir order. Mr. Edmunds "That had better go over, l think we can maKe a oetter ar rangement." '1 he resolution went over. Mr. Cameron, or W isconsin, pursuant to previous notice, moved to take up the bills for the relief of Ben Holiday. The bill appropriating $520,739 16 satisfy Ben Ilolliday's claim for his losses" in the mail service by reason of not being protected by the government against the Indiana, and being obliged to change his mail -route, was taken up by a Vote ot 20 yeas to 25 nays, but the morning loi expired before action was taken on it It will require another vote to get it up again. On motion ot Utuce, the House joint resolution donating rations to the suf ferers by the cyclone at Macon, Miss., was taken up and passed. The Vice-President signed the imme diate deficiency bill (containing the election laws rider) and it sent to the President for his signature. Vance resumed his speech supporting the Kellogg-Spofford resolutions, lie reviewed the testimony to the effect that the returning board consisted of four Republicans, whereas the law re quired it to consist of rive men of differ ent parties; that Kellogg bribed mem bers or the i'ackard Legislature and paid others for aflidav its; that those instru mental in, or Knowing or inese irauas were given government positions to Keep inem quier, ana so on. lie gave partial translations that he had been able to make ot cipher telegrams be tween Kellogg and his friends. Kellogg interrupted V ance to say he had offered to translate these telegrams for the committee. Saulsbury replied that the committee had offered Kellogg the chance to do oo but he had not availed himself of it. Kellogg had left the chamber before Vance read the purported translations, which were to the eflect that efforts were making to suppress and pervert evidence before the committee. He cited dispatches from Washington to the New Orleans Times, of May 13lh and lGth, 1819, as showing that the ad ministration was then rallying to the support of Kellogg, and threatening nepuuueans who nau backed. The re mainder of Ins speech was a legal argu ment against the doctrine ot res adjudi eata. On motion of Hamlin the Senate took up the bill authorizing a convention between the United States and Nicara- ugua to settle claims. Lkmunds said the bill touched for eign relations and could not properly De discussed with open doors, and on his motion the doors were elosed.- When thev were ooened. at 5:20. the Senate adjourned, iio action was taken on the bill in seciet session. CONFIRMATIONS. The Senate in executive session tio day rejected the nomination? of TV mi vy . rnuKs us census supervisor ior Florida, and confirmed J. P. Osterhout as postmaster at Belton, Texas. COMMITTEES. The Senate committee on railroads discussed to-day the San Antonia & Mexican Border railroad bill, but post poned action upon it -until next Mon day. The C'ltinetto and the Amendment. Fourteenth New Yokk. May 3. A San Francis co special says a recent decision of Judges Sawyer and Hoffman in the 1 Tiburclo-Parrott case, is thatrthei4trH amendment ooverea me cninese yvrtn the prbtectlon of this government, even if no treaty existed with the .Chinese government. Members of the; Chinese consulate there arei perfectly indiffer- ent to anytmng tne newiy appointed minister and commissioner may seek to effect irt modifying any portion tofs the JtJaruugaine treaty. v rney are coritent ed witti the protection in the Hth amendment, and regard the mission to the Celestial empire now as a fool's er rand. Labor Reform .League lu Council. "NTtrw Yimif Mav P. Tha fort Hi uft. nual convention of the A'-"i ic m Re- form League met in Sci : Hall to- day, K. R. Ingalls in tht . ir. Reso lutions were passed denouj.c.ngiholand monopoly, advocating tne repudiation or all debts when the principal ids neen paid in the form of interest, and advo cating the repeal of all laws sanction ing the payment or rent, interest, and speculative! margins not covered by a labor equivalent. ik. -si' .v if, CSrant in Alabama. pi Montgomery; AxAv May rijbe J in meeting selectdelegates to KapuDiiCJins Oi two or inecity precmcis, the county convention, -resolved, oce- ttaanimously against:; Jpe;. tbrraj.term; the other for. Grant by a bare i majority. The counties which have had meetings io tat are greatly divided in ' thejr pre ferences. ' ' ' Death f an Ex Congressman. Boston, May 3. Ex-Congressman William. Wirt Warner died last night. U LOOSING JOKK. A. DConilneStnhffrtMan f Pittsburgh saW Jok lDgly to a latty patient who was complaining of ber continued ill health, and of hisjmabiilty to.cure her. -iTj Hop Bitters r The lady took It to earn est and used the Bitters, from wulch she obtained permanent hfalh. She now laughs at the doctor for his loke, but be Is not so well pleased with it, as jtrcost hltn a good patient , TWrif Years' Experience of an Old Hurse. Mrs. Wlnslow's SooUiine Syrno Is the prescrip tion of one of the best Female Physicians ana Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-falling safety and suc cess, by millions .of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to me auuiu i corrects acidity of the stomach, reueYes wina colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world. In all cases of Drsentery and Diarrhoea In children whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Fall diiections for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-slmUe of Curtis k Perkins, is on the outside wrapper. sola by an medicine dealers. nov27 dw ly Thousands Use It, Why Hesitate ? .Tnv tn the world I Wnmm la Treef AmOnZ the many discoveries looking to the happiness and amelioration of the human race, none Is entitled to higher consideration than Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator, "Woman's Best Friend." By it woman is emancipated from numberless ins peculiar to her sex. Before Its magic power all Irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures "whites" suppression of the "menses," and removes .ute rine obstructions. It cures constipation and strengthens the sjstem, braces the nerves and purines the blood. It never falls, as thousands of women will testify. Prepared by Dr. j. Bradfield. Atianrt, ua., i!nc-e $1.50 per bottle. Sold by T. C. Smith, and L. B. wriston sto. Thom as villi: . Ga.. June i I have been selling Brndfleld's Female Reguja- tor for years, and it still continues popular-an evidence of Its being all claimed for it. I can re call Instances in which it afforded relief after all the usual remedies had lauea S. J. CASSELL, Druggist. HOP BITTERS. (A medicine, nt Drtak,) CONTAINS HOPS, BTJCHTJ, MANDRAKE, DANDELION. As tkk PtrcresT axd Bxst Mkdich QtrAijTixs OF JLLI. OTHKK 15ITTEBS. CTJIUI3 n niuuei of the Btomaeh: Bowels. Blood. t itot Kidnevs. and Urinary Organs, Kcrvousnesg. Sleepleunesa and especially Female Complaint.' SIOOOIN GOLD. win 1m nMd for a case they will not cure or help. drf or anything impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. Take no Other. D. L C. i3 n absolute and Irresistible cure for Druntenega, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send for circular. tJSS may! eodAwly Office of A S. Giles. Ordinary, nouBTOX County. Perbt, ua, Jan. 28, 1S80 in the year 18H3. trere were two negro prison ers confined in the Jail of this county, who we e very badly afflicted with that loathsome disease byphlllis. in my official capacity as Ordinary, I employed Capt. C. T. Swift, then a resident of this pliice, to cure them, under a contract "no cure, no pay." He administered to them his now Justly celebrated Syphilitic bpeciflc, himI la a fe weeks I felt bound, under my contract, to p;iy him out of the county treasury, as he had effected a complete and radical cure. In testimony of the above. I have here- Seal unto set my official signature and seal f the date above written. A, S. GlLE-5. .Ordinary Houston County, Oil Chattanoooa, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1879. Gents: We take pleasure in saving that the S. S. S. is giving good satisfaction. We have had excellent results from a number of cases. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed for six weeks with Syphilitic Rheumatism was cured entirely with two bottles, and speaks in the highest praise of It It also acts as well in primary as in secondary and tertiary cases. Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta. Ga. Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston 4 Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's Friends." apr27 dAwlm. (G-HJAKTdD THE BIST IS ALWAIS fhe Cheapest. I HAVE IN STORK 500 Mams of 0 i 5 WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE BEST AND MOST HE 1 1 ABLE FERTILIZER OFFERED TO PLANTERS. - ... To Insure a full crop, and to mattm it early so as to command tne nign prices, Duy we celebrated COTTON. FOOD FKOM THOMAS II. GAITHER, COLLEGE STREET. apr6 G HARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND RAILROAD. AUGUSTA OrFics Gkkbhal Passbngek Agknct. Colcvbia, a C, April 2, 1880. On and after Sunday, April 4. the following schedule will be operated by this company: NO. 42, SOUTH-DAY PASSENGER. Leave Charlotte 11 27 a. m. Arrive Columbia, 4 20 p. m. Leave Columbia 4 25 p. m. Arrive Aiken Junction 7 fi2 p. m. Arrive Augusta 8 30 P. M. NO. 45, NORTH DAY PASSENGER. Leave Augusta 7 45 a. m. Leave Aiken Junction 8 24 a.m. Leave uranltevUle 8 48a.m. Arrive Junction W.. C. & A. R. R 1 1 55 a. m. Leave Junetion W., C. & A. R. R. 12 00 m. Arrive Colombia 12 05 p. m. Leave Columbia, 12 12 p.m. Arrive Charlotte, 5 00 p. m. Connecting with the South Carolina train from Charleston. NO. 47, NORTH NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Augusta. . 1 t 7 00 p. m. Arrive Columbia. ............... ... .... 10 53 p. m. Leave Columbia,. 11 00 p. m. Arrive Charlotte,., 340a.m. NO. 48, SOUTH NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte,... ... .12 85 a. m. Arrive Columbia,......... 5 17 a.m. Ljave CoUunbla.. .......... . ...... 5 23a.m. Arrive Aiken Junction-..... . v 9 07 a. m. Arrive-Augusla........'.... 45a. m, . . - , ;..-r J, R. MACMURDO, O. P. A. ; ' . .-. . D. CABDWKUU v - api6" . .. AastO. P.Aei.t i mill OXJB STOCK OB1 BOOTS iFToir tfte Spring and Summer Trade, I Vow very f& and is partJcitoS.fptod' U the wants of .all classes, both in "the city and surrounding connfrv We keep Goods of The Vkry BfisT Makes, warrant every pair or u.ein, ana will sell them at prices as low as thev cm be made by close buying by one thoroughly posted in the busmess. Our stock of Ladies' Fine Button Boots. Congress Gaiters, Slippers and Newport Ties, and of Gents' Hand-Made Goods, in Congress Gaiters, Prince Alberts, Navy nnl Strap Ties, cannot be surpassed m GOOD QUALITY, Style and Beauty of Finish. Buy only, the best. Shoddy Goods are always the dearest. a 17 t a mttt.t . mar25 BACK ACHE IS AT ONCE CURED BY BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS. IT IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS. In every way Superior to the Ordinary, Slow-acting Porous Plasters. mar23- 4w V- REGISTERED. Sumtsjcwjcttts. OATES'S HALL. FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY, OPEN AFTERNOON AND EVENING, 2.30 to 5.30 and 7 to 9 O'clock. 1 1IE WONDERFUL APOSTOLIC STRASBURG CLOCK o ADMISSION: 15 cts., Two, 25 cts., Children, 10 cts. mayl lw. SMOKING TOBACCO Tobacco grown In Western North Carolina is noted for Its good smoking qualities, the best of used In this brand. Ask your nearest merchant for a sample pack age; or, if you are a dealer, write to me lor cireu lars and wholesale prices. Address J. S. T0MLINS0N, Hickory. N. C. Jan 27. PATENT STANDARD DRY SIZED "READY FOR USE," This Kal-omlne is an article that in the most Inexperienced hands cannot fail to produce a pleasing effect. It is endorsed by Painters, Dea ers and House keepers wherever tried. . . , It Is ready for use, by the addition of water only. It will not rub or scale from the wall. It will work well upon absorbent, or what are known as hot walls, and also on wood work. It is Invaluable in cleansing and disinfecting walls that are Impregnated with germs of disease. It is made of the purest white, and in gradations of all the leading and fashionable tints, shades and colors. , t . . Tt i snirt fmm aiimniA card: all the tints, shades and colors are warranted in every respect accurate. It will keep for years without change in qualitj or color, and after being mixed-with water, will keep for months. . . A six pound package will cover 400 square feel with one coat on a hanl finished wall. It saves the loss of time and waste of material common with the old mode of mixing to product desiraple tints, Ac. . , A pall of this Kalsomine can be mixed in fm minutes. TO PEOPLE WHO WISH TO BEAUTIFY THEIR HOMES AT SMALL COST, Ojt XAL30MINE and FRESCO PAINTS are ef pecially adapted. For Sale by Wilson & Bnrwell, . Wholesale and Retail Druggists Dealers to Paints, Otlsi Chlmlcals, Glass, Ac as2aiw. Charlotte, NC - 0 KiLSfllli, mffiMlttlillt ' lotteries. BURGESS NICHOLS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ALL KINDS OT E BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suits. COFFINS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. W Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Bobes a One supply. NO. 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FURNTUR Boneset Bourbon Tonic An elegant Combination of boneiet and other fine Tonics with a ripe OLD KENTUCKY WHISKY. . From our large sioci oi pure, whlsWea, we select the best lor this purpose. Our tonic MUST BE jm6ub Nuiniflu. we nave no use rortalse pretense. For Dys pepsia, Malaria, Debility, the FoeWenos of Delicate Women. The P.-ostratlon of overworked Clergymen and Physicians, th morbid secretions which causes Bad Braih, and all Bronchial Weakness, it Is a ddUclous and reliable remedy. CHAMBERS & BROWN, Louisville, hy. mar9deodftm-wewftra. McD. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Whiskies and Tobaccos, CORNER COLLEGE AND SECOND STS., CH ABLOTTE, 1ST. C THANKING his friends lor the liberal patronage bestowed on bim in the past, he begs to in form them that he has made arrangements with the distillers in the mountains that enable him io keep a full supply of North Carolina Com Whiskey and Apple Brandy on hand, and he is prepared to offer special inducements to close buyers, and i hinks he can make it to their interest to see him before purchasing elsewhere. All ORDERS will have his best attention and the lowest market prices. Respectfully, McD. ARLEDGE. apr4 ly. F. C. MUNZLER, DEALER IN BOTTLED LAGER CHARLOTTE, N. C. BEER, Fresh bottled Lager Beer delivered to any part of ihe city every morning at 75 cents per dozen bottles. All orders 1- ft at J. Flschesser & Go's. Ice House, in rear of T. L. Seigle & Co. will re ceive prompt attention. BOUNDARY AVENUE BEER GARDEN Is now open to the public, and I will In the fu- j ture, as in the past, maKe it THE FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT for the citizens of Charlotte. Open from 3 to 8 o'clock p. m. Ice-cold Lager Beer always on hand. apr27. (traceries. WHOLESALE GROCERS, MILLER'S PATENT FAMILY FLOUR FINEST IN THE WORLD. College and Fourth Streets. may2 JUST IN. INE MAGNOLIA HAMS. SMOKED HERRING, CHICKENS, TURKEYS AND DUCKS. CHOICE FAMILY CROCKEIES. . Pickles by the Dozen or 100. EST IMPORTED TRIPLE STRENGTH TIN K- GAB. .'RESH BUTTER 8c EGGS ALWAYS ON HAND. a H. HOWELL. UlLfRl!. 8HOES Trofifw o .1 Trade Street, under Central Hotel. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A OR TUNE FIFTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS E, AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, May 11th, 1880-1201U Drawing Monthly LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. .vTTt8.Instltutlon was regularly lncorooratd i, v3T . .IS3-10 WDl eon tract the Inviola- Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday IngWbuaou: r postPne- " tn 'olW CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tlcc eta. One Dollar. LIST OF FK1ZKS : 1 Capital Prize eon nm 1 Capital Prize in nort 1 Capital Prize z'nm 2 Prizes of $2,500 k'ooo 5 Prizes of 1,000 fi ooo 20 Prizes of 'jm.jt.. i n'XXX 100 Prizes of 100.. 10 000 200 Prizes of 50 10 00O 500 Prizes of 20 i n'MXX 1000 Prizes of 10 '.'.'.'.'.'.".'.in Hon APPROXIMATION PRIZES : " 9 Approximation Prizes of 300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to 8110.400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at al 1 points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Write, clearly statlne full address, for fnrthpr information, or send orders by express or In a Re gistered Letter or Money Order bv mall, addressed only to M. A DAUPHIN. Nw Orleans. Louisi.ui;,. or same person at o. 319 Broadway, New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of General u T. Beauregard and Jubai A. Krly. K B.-ThisCwiipwiyhasNO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all arsons pre tending to be so and soliciting orders by circulars or otherwise aie SWINDLERS. apl 14. Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and fairest in the World. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on MONDAY, MAT 31, t8S0. These Drawings authorized by Act of the Legis lature ot 18ti9, and sustained by all the Courts ot Kentucky occur regularly ou the last day ol every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of the State. The Management call attention to the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, for only 82, any of THE FOLLOWING PRIZES: 1 Prize, StfO.OOO 1 Prize 10.000 1 Prize, 5.000 1 0 Prizes, S1.000 each 1 0.000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10.000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10.000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10.000 (100 Prizes, 20 each 12.000 P1000 Prizes, 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1.803 9 Prizes, 100 " " " " 900 1,960 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, 50; 55 Tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be uiade to the home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Cou-ler-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders. JbMiT Money by Mail oh Ex. PRESS Address R. M. BOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or at Nob. 807 & 309 Broadway, New Yt ri. May 4. fJXusixal. CHARLOTTE, XT. C. THE ONLY COMPLETE mm mmm IN THE SOUTH. BBA2STCH: OF LUDDEN BATES PRICES AND TERMS EXACTLY THE SAME- S I .BAND INSTRUMENTS, ORCUIiVIETTES, ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, &o. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List, H. McSMTTH, CHARLOTTE, N. C. BOARDING I BAEMNa WmEAhIm, " viuuoi nuit'i. ifi:$$Pm ft -nrn-rn-Tnfmi N aprl4 Near Air Line Depot.

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