, 1 . -I - M Sl)e l)arlottt bscrucr. LOCAL ITELLIGEiNCEt ' TUESD AY...M AY A, 1830.v The following table snows the nmnlng of pas sen wf trains to and from Charlotte; oa alV the rail ads (Washington Ume); - v j KICHMOKD DANTTXLS. .' i nives from Blchmond and Gtoldsbbro, 12.80 a. m. investor " r" , 8.50 a.m. Arrives from Blchmond,: ......1....,..' H J7 m. Leaves for " - '.,,. 5.00 p.m. ATLAHTA ft CHABL0TT1 Ant-LDTS. Arrives from Atlanta ............ 3-fjO a. m Leaves for Atlanta,. .i..f;. 12.80a. m irriTes from Atlanta,.. .!..... 4.50 p. m Leaves for Atlanta,. .... . . .'. . . 1 1.17 a. m CHA BLOTTO, COLUMBIA ACOUSTA. Arrives from Augusta 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Augusta.. 12.85a. m. Arrives from Augusta 3.40 a. m Leaves for Augusta,.. ..t. ........ v.. HJiOa.ja. CABOLINA CENTRAL, . , Arrives from Wllmlngton-.-.v.. . . Leaves for Wilmington,. . i rHvM from Shelby...... .'..,... 8.20 a.m. 8.25 p. m. 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby 8.40 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKMNKSSEI A OHIO. ' ' Arrfvesfrom Statesvllle....... ...;. 9.50a. m Leaves for Statesvilie , ..... 3.00 p. m JNUICATIOINS. : War Dkpartment, )" Oh KICK ClUEF SIGNAL OFFICER, f- Washington, May S-riH) p. m. ) For trie SoUTi Atlantic aftd East Gulf states,- falling barometer, southeast winds, warmer cloudy weather, possibly folio wefljby, rain::. Index IV ew Advertikciiieni. E L Gainer Trustee Sale. Jiis Irwin House for Rent HOME PENCILING8. A very quiet election day. A The Pioneers meet to-night. The Hornets' drills this week, will en liven the evenings considerably f , 1 The closing of bar roomd on jelectioft days is the only savory souvenir of radi cal rule. If a rain should come up to-morrow at tlie Catholic picnic grounds there are houses which are within easy reach in which refuge may be taken. The town election in Pineville yes terday resulted in the election of Jotm G. Potts, intendent; J.A.Younts, W. L. Fisher, A. C. Good and L. W. Smith commissioners. The Charlotte Relief Association will hold a monthly meeting in the Young Men's Christian Association rooms at 5 o'clock this evening. A full attendance is desired. Mr. C. Fitzsimmons, who, during the few years he has been in business in Charlotte has made tnany friends, will, we regret to learn, make his home here after in Montgomery, Ala, where he has secured an advantageous position. Hornets' Prize Drill. The Hornets' Nest Riflemen will have drills on the streets every evening during this week, and on Friday night a prize drill for a handsome plume "will take place. At this, the ladies and all others who desire, are invited to attend. The company have been drilling pretty regularly in their armory for some time aim are improving both in the manual and the tactics quite rapidly. The Lutheran Seminary. In the article in Sunday morning's OissEKVEii in relation to the Lutheran Theological Seminary, the amount sta ted as pledged in subscriptions to se cure the removal of the institution to Charlotte should have been $1,700. Dur ing yesterday this amount was raised to about $2,000, and efforts will be made to-day to increase this sum, as it is fear ed that unless a liberal offer is made, the Synod will refuse to locate the sem inary at this place. I lie Catholic Picnic To-Morrow. The Catholic picnic which was post poned from last Thursday, will, the wrather permitting, take place to-morrow. All arrangements have been made for a first rate time, and if the sky is bright to-morrow morning a large cnvd will no doubt be in attendance ;it the Air Line depot promptly at 7 o'clock when the train leaves for the beautiful picnic grounds,Srings's Shoals, on the Catawba. Returning the train leaves the grounds at 5 o'clock p. m. State Episcopal Convention. The sixty-fourth annual convention of the Church in the Diocese of North Carolina will meet in St. Paul's church, Winston, on Wednes day, May 26, 1880. The usual reduction of fare has been granted by the different railroads for clergymen and delegates, who must in, all cases purchase return tickets. The secretary calls special attefltifjn of the clergy to the change in Canon 21, as stated on page 16 otlastl Journal and they are particularly requested to call the attention of the secretaries of the parish vestries to Canon 2,60. 2. Colored Aliaaeft. : , While an Observer reporter was talking to Henry Horn&inv the jail, last Saturday, a prisoner who was walking the galleries, approached the burglar's, cell and addressing Home as Mr. Scott, disked the loan of a Testament which he held in his hand. The reporter asked Home why the man had called him Scott. He said that after emancipation many of the negroes discarded their master's names and took those of the most distant ancestor whose name they could rind. It is a fact that very many negroes are known by numbers of sir names, and this is the first time the re porter had heard it explained. The Mqonr Dealer's Tax. The State treasurer has decided that the act passed by the last Legislature, i educing the tax on liquor dealers does "ot go into effect until after the 30th (,i September, at which time the fiscal year expires. Therefore, all purchases made or licenses issued before the first flay of October next are subject to the taxes under the revenue act of March Wth, 1879, and tne provisions in the amendatory act giving it effect "af ter the first day of July, 1880, taken in connection with section 3 of the amend ed act, fixes the time at October 1, 1880. Talking with Greenville Through Oie Telephone " ' "" Telephone connection was established Sunday afternoon between Greenville, S- C, and this city. The instrument at tms end was in the McSmith Music louse. After a little delay, caused by "wing to adjust the transmitter for Sllpll ;i 1 changed and conversation carried on lAh i . l J A, some time, A music dox piaceu b his end and played was heard distinct V lit J AT rnnoiil in, ju ecu vine, ana wubb me wuou ceased, the party at that end instantly i.muea, "mars a music uoxi . j-ucj a'so recognized the music from an or f:n. This is a remarkable succesp, cof. ilering the distance a hundred and It'll tin. , a. J 1 i. aart wiles ana mat tue wuo was a regular telegraph wire, 'on the Kara tViA latter iivinir hp.aw hatroviPH which caused Rreat induction, and necessarily lessen ed the Volume nf oniin1 fllfrnals thrOUETh '"e phones. The experiment was con- . hi uie presence oi eveiw g- ;cmen m the music house here ana ai '"eenville. The experiment will be re I'eated npvt &mT or, a a annn as the "ew telegraph line between '.Charlotte vv ummgton is compieiea,n yumv l be made to connect these two Places. w! ;tf;B THE MUNICIPAL A.ECTIOIV A Duiocratic Victor j a llual A Soiall,Voteaa a Walk. orer-The Facta and Figure. The quietness of Hx4 election waii the general remark yesterday. As the Democratic nominees , for the alder men led from the beginning, very little excitement prevailed, asit was apparent that the race would be a' walk oyer. Most of the interest wa? in' tliO re'ablt of the voting for aldermen.iu Second ward. Only two Democrats had 6een nominated there, and as the ward was largely; jBepubliean, it was known that they could only be elected by hardTwork, and good work "was done, but it ac complished only the election of one of the nominees, Walter Brem j two col ored men, John Schenek and Jha Davidson, being the otber twd who fe ceived the highest votesf '" ' It will be seen that Capt. De Wolfe and the Democratic candidates for air dermen,ean-ied the, third ward, De Wolfe receiving ji " majdrifyof 28. At the last party election i a 1876 this ward went 65 Republican. The second ward in the Same P.leftinn wunt. Ori Pannhli. can, and Sloan only received 64 majori ty. The Democratic Majority in the town was only about, 16, whereas De Wolfe'a majority is 21t.i-The vote of neither party, however, was full,".' " " ; ; In the first ward. TV. V. VmA elected with nearly as;, large a. vote as the two nominee received. - ihe entire vote oCtHejcity was only ,215. whUa"therarn;.KriYit i.roo rpp-is- tered names: DeWolf!llSlTW;eived 7irt votes, 81oan 499,;Mym&Aelformer a The following is" thellfiTcijil vote in full: X "l vAju JMOyJ. JiAATDK. . s. DeWoife. . -' oi Wm. Sloan 114 DeWolfe's majority. 132 ALDERMEN. RAOIUltr. . iX . . k- .4 &. 315 C.W. Eddins 272 L. W. Perd ue i 119 Scattering . . . ; Ward No. 2. Mayor. Wm. Sloan : 191 F. S. De Wolfe ! v7 Sloan's majority... . . : ALDERMEN. . , 04 17 183 178 160 150 ( 25 1S1 153 John T. Schenck'. . . k ...... '. Walter Brem J Dayidson 4 Grose ; . C. Eccles II Scattering i AVard No. 3. Mayor. S,De Wolfe I. F. Wm. Sloan - DeWolfe's majority ALDERMAN. 1:8 D. W. Oates 4 II. Edwards 219 21J 216 150 127 !.T. Walker . W. Gordon v . M. Goode ; Ward No. 4. (Mayor. S. De Wolfe i.i 162 41 Wm. Sloan ; DeWolfe's majority 121 alderman. D. G. Maxwell i. . C. Dowd J. H. VanNess 195 182 182 The following is a table of the last three city elections! as estimated by the vote for mayor: 1878. 1879. 1880. Ward 1 395 442 3G0 Ward 2 3'i0 318 318 Ward 3.... 3k 1 344 334 Ward 4 27 215 203 Total 1319 1319 1215 Last-night the usual" saturnalia oc curred. Boys with tbe?sweet-souuding cow bell, and that nightmare, the sque dunk, paraded the streets, and the peo ple visited tne happy elected who treat ed. ; . CapL De Wolfe was serenaded "by the bands and escorted to the square, where le made a snort speech thanking the people for their enthusiastic support. Several others, among them Dr. T. J. Moore, Capt. Harrison Watts, Geo. E. Wilson, Chas. K. Jones, and (Jol. Wm. Johnston, made remark in the glare of burning tar barrels which were seized upon in the absence of-'anything in the shape of fireworks. I The party is to be congratulated on the successful termination of the con test, and the city on the , quiet manner in which it was conducted and the of ficers who are chosen. IfXeetingr of the Hoard of toiinl) Coin- mUkionerti, i ii The regular meeting of the board of ponntv commissioners bean vesterdav. All the commissioners w'fere present and the regular chairman T. S L. Vail pre sided. " It was ordered that an acre of land be mirchased for 822 froin G. G. Mcliee for the purpose of a school for colored people in District 29, Crab Orchard township. W. D. Stewart, s. 13. Alexander ana J. C. Dowd were appointed to have Ir win s bridge over bugar ureeK renoor ed R. R. Peenles was allowed a correc tion of $13.50 erroneously listed for tax- J. P. Irwin was allowed to use ror 1S7A. eitrhtv acres in Piw Creek, and twelve in CharlotfcejtoWiisMptj v The gheuff wiw" allowed a creaitj of the taxes on"2424, th valutttottof 00 acres ui juuiui jii vviilrtl-u 11 taxes 'OA 234 acres in T.eese town ship, listed twice ?uk iil uecraii&io. ftonlvtnejusinesiwas tne a uni ting of accounts. Ie board day wW appoint.tax assessors for the year. , f t Aprlf Fickle Weatlier. . The following meteorological data tor fv,Q mntih . Aril isisn. m furnished of the signal office inthis.clty: Monthly mean Daronieujr, ou.uo; wisncov uaivm eter, 30.378, on the 12th; at 10:45 a. m.; lowest barometer, 29.699, on the 6th, at 545 pi ra,; monthlyrans WW .619; moBtfiiy mean uieFpptoBi-wif oifj lowest temperature, 83, m ?thMia l2th Trfonthly range of tentperatrrre, 82 f greatest daily range of temperature, 33, on the 13th ; .least daily ..range of tem perature, 6,? 'on the 3d bimonthly mean relative mimiaiiy, ou. ; prevniiig irinu, southwest; total monthly movement ot wind, 4,913 miles; maximum velocity 4-- onH lirftfit.irm. 'IA miles, south. at 11 :30 a. m., on the 3d; total rainfall, cloudy 'days', 8 ;' ntimblr of "days oft wnicn rain ien, i; nutHwet- ul uaja which no rain fell, 16 ; luar halo,oi the 23d; datof ietPtn, jptlithlSth. New Trtetfifiirtrfcrntf. f' ' The now telegraph lie from Wil !rinfrtrm tn Cliarlotte. now being con structed by the' Westernf Union- Tele frrnnii nmmnv. is comnieieu as lair s (to be used exclusively for commercial 'TITrTVlHf. n I III ail UU11CO W iiwa uiu" f.n-K(Law iAt fAltf JTfiftline now in peraticm belongs, to tueCarolipa .Cent I I ! t-. Well Water. " ii i tl 3. :Jl. nii,, -The analyses of the water from some of tlve wells inthe city have, beep re turned t0D. Wltf&r. C&utotyi phfvsician I and superintendent of health. The I nkiirf?prl. x ,Viir' crru-ui innbinrr tit i t-t- Thef watev f hi& Che well neanthe Char lotte Hotel runs too high in ammonia -aadefttcaiail3MiittloyiBayandtu ay4he 1 ' " " 1, J L I ieusL ta very suspicious, a w en in tne rear of theMoors tiVoek ooptains more solid matter tmr tne Sedona mentioned, and less, chlorine, andj is therefore considerably Jbettjer, but by no means a good drinking water. r ''hl"'"" roi,ir "YnnTaTiiTiiMIr Road Supervisom Appointed. .lifitS'JSfor Charjotte townsinp met in conformity to the act of the General Assembly lor the -purpose" or assuming charge of the public roads in the township. A majority be- was enected by tne election or S. H. Hilton, cljairman,f ajid H. M. White, treasurer. ' 1 ' 1 4 1 . JThe treasurer, was instructed to pjur chase whatever books and stationery tcixf be nebeSsary for the use of the trus tees. Gtoi Wf43atT-w8 elected super visor of thCaett,(NAiion Frd and .Jork viife tbttiflsjl and ' the batMfeAbject to work on public roads, living in, the ter ritory frbm the corporate limits oft the city.-.to the township line, embraced be- Uwnthjwo .SugaLjaafikai ware as- signed to work on the aforesaid roads. J. D. PhaeVj'ias; api4ted supervisor of tht Pro'videhce road from the coi porate line Of the city to the towrrsiIp line at ttfe-fOui' mile post, and assighed. the hands Iivins between easC " Sus-ar! orof fiohrofejaf rfrSfekof : the roads at Torrence's to the township line. xsufut ami Twbjxa Baxter H. Moore was appointed su pervisor of the Lawyers's road from the ! corpteifeftthenonsTrrp line, and Supervisors W. L. Wolfe and B. H. on these roads, including those living on the Peter Brown-lands to a division line between their respective roads. J. M. Davis was appointed supervisor of Phifer's mill roan ffbm the corporate limits to the boundary line of the town ship. v, -ft j t c j R. B. CaldWeB was ftppfflnteil super visor of the Salisbury road from the corporate, lmi tp the t,ownh,ip line. J. MrDavis and B. II. Moore were di rected to make an equitable division of the hands on theTerrilory between these roads, and J. M. Davis and K. B. Cald well weretasti-iicted tonvake-An equit able division of the hands on the terri tory between tfceir read?. ? 'y '' - Jseaf-Ftzier'' was apprfiwetlHpeTvi sor of the Statesville road, from the corporate limits to the township line, and he and H. IVt'aldwell were in structed to make an equitable division of the hands living on the territory bc twejMi.xlir i-c'di ; f C. W. Alexander" was' appointed su pervisor of the Beatti's Ford road, from the corporate limits, to the town smp lfne.'and he and NeatFra.ier were instructed to make an equitable divis ion of the hands living on the territory bet weeu. their roads. John 'McGe'e was appointed supervi sor of the nozzle's Ferry road.frpm ti e corporate limits to the township Ymr, and he and C. W. Alexander were di rected to make an quitjable division ef the hands living in Biddleville " and on the territory between their roads. Edward McQuay was appointed su pervisor of the Tuckasege road, from Asbury's creek to the township line, aritf ;he and McGee were directed to make an equitable division of the hands living on the territory between their roads. J. C. Dowd was appointed supervisor on the Lonegan Ferry road, and he and Edward McQuay were instructed to make an equal division of the hands living on the territory between their roads, and the hands living between Lonegan Ferry road and Sugar Creek to be assigned- to work on the Lonegan Ferry road. The chairman was instructed to noti fy the supervisors of their appointment, and that they report the number of hands assigned to work on their re spective roads to the next meeting of the board of trustees. The board adjourned to meet in the office of the clerk of the Inferior Court, at 3 o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 17th of May. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MiY 3, 1880. PRODUCE. CfliCAGO Flour dull; Westenrsprlng 5.00a5.50. Wheat geneially active: No. 2 jed winter , No. 2 Chicago spring 1.12la, No. 3 do 97. Corn unsettled at "MVg. Oats easier at 2D34. Pork lower at U.80. Lard dull at 6.77a6 HO. Bulk meats lower; shoulders 4.15, short ribs 6.20, short clear 0.55. Whiskey steady at 1.07. Baltimore Oats strong; Southern 43a4o, Wes tern white 42a43. do mixed 41a42. Pennsyl vania 41 a42. Provisions -firm; mess pork 11.25a 11.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 4. clear rib sides 6, ditto packed 5a7Ujj bacon shoulders 5Vfe, clear sides 7. feams lOall.-: Lard re fined tierces 8. Coffee strong: Rio cargoes 132fcial5 Sugar quiet; A soft 9. Whiskey quiet at l.lOai. Freights more active. -GtMoiMHATi Vkwr --qtteti- fMWly4.905.25 fancy 5.60a6.25. Wheat weak; 2o. 2 red winter 1.12. Corn dull K6. "2 "mixed, 40L Oats easier: No. 2 mixed 33Va. Pork dull at 10.00. Lard dull at 6. 30. Bulk meats In fair demand; should ers 4.Q0r-cleaV rii a 15, claf sides ; bacon firm; shoulders 4,4rlb9 6 sides' 1 Whfstfey at 1.05. Sugar quiet; hards 10a, New Orleans 71&a8V2- Hogs easier; common 3.35a4 00, light 4.25a5.50, packing 4.10a4.40, butchers 4.50a.60. New York Southern flour dull; common to fair extra, good to choice do 5-6oa7XK). Wheat closed heay; lingrtded Winter red J,'20a 1.25. Corn lower; ungraded 50a52. OaU lieavy at 40 for No. 3. Coffee quiet; Rio In cargoes laaioi, in jod lots limauva- sugar steady; Moiasses sugar, yo degrees test, y, uiun d 8ia5-16.'-falr to eood rettntag 7a7, 0rlm 7; rettned steady; standard A 9a9i&. Molasses Rico 88ao0. Rice qalet: Carolina 6a7. Wool dull: domestic fleece 45a62, pulled 32a55, un washed 18a42, Texas 18a42. Pork lower at 1 0 85:mlddles dull : long clear 6, snort clear 7 long and short 7. Lard active at 7.22ia25. Whis key nominal at 1.10. Freights to Liverpool weak. COTTON. Galveston Dull: middling lllAc: low middling 1 ILfar vnnd ordinary 103ir net reraints. 2'2: eTOSS .aloii Ql atrwtr JU tK. avnnrtai AnAatmilSA 1(47 S to France 1,041. Unniw.T . T t . 11 . mM111nn 1 1 Ki-t net rAfrttB 11684; gross stock ! 1,970; exports coastwise l.Woi; saies juo; expona w oreai ruiituu . BAurmoRB-Dull; middling llcr lowmlddl'g: 11WUKWU viuiu j J J 70V. . oi ivwituj t e 8U7; sales 150; stock 10,840 exports coastwtsa 3U; spinners IW, exports io ureal nnwui , Boston Dull ; middling 12c; low middling 1 1 Kin- trnnA nnllnurv 1 1 lhc: np.t re.CelntS 87: CTOSS 1 nflV 6VV" V. ...... . M. - . . . . - - - - I - " 979; sales ; stock 12.087; exports to Great Britain i,n WnJknroTOH Quiet; middling 1114c; low mid- H1ir. 1i7ti- irnrwi nrrllnRn 1 OUi : receiDtS - : gross ', sales stock 2,288; exports coas wise ; channel . tuTT inirr pun-Olllftt: mlddllns 1 21ilC. : lOW middling 12c; good ordinary lie; net receipt 5 gross 88; saies ; spinners exports w urea oriuuu . . Savannah Quiet; middling 1H: lowmkldllo 11 9.1 An.tnni4nnllnn 1 0Lfan: net TeceilitS IVtti gjoss205; sales ; stock 14,648; exports coast? wise 89. ' Wsif ' Oklkahs Quiet; mid llc; low mM- dl ng 11; gooaoru y i ic; raei rewii ,o., gross 3.217; -salts 1,500; stock 196,968; experto Great untam z,jy; conuneiii uj.. - t ' -At.tttTh11. mMAVnr 1 1 1A: low middling 1 llc; good ordinary 10Mc; net receipts 74H; grosj ; sales zou; siock 04,01 ; etiuu- " 'MsiMPHtB-Quiet': middling 1 HAc; receipts 412; shipments 608; saiesi sfocls ; fn ; . -. rk,,ii. mitfiinir 1 1U low mid dflirg lle..ood ordinary 10e;-WoPt 1,880; Suipmeuis ; tuuca pu. r-oV'OTir,iIot- middling 12c: low mid ' jh-.. ,1 1 . nmi oniinin 1 1 tin. s net ireeelnt i;ooa8twise i.oiu, NEW YOMODttOBj quiet; wdea 260: Middling lo1 Britain continent 2.8081 Liyekpooli Noon Cotton duIL MlddliM Dd- 5.00a,speciUaaaa and export , 1,000; receipts 1.250,' American J ,100. Uplands low middling r..T ! o"eri maj ana jane am, 23 32ad, Jiane and, July 6a25-32d. Jul and Au gust 6 25-32al3-16d, August and September 6 13 1 6d September arid October 6 23-82a4d. October and .November 1&324, November and December o 5-16d Futures steady. - . 5.15 Futiires closed very steady. FUTURES, New Yokk Futures dosed steady, oaiea 54, 500. Ma' - - - r 11.71 Tone...-...: n.79 Ju'r- - 11.89 August ll.96a.97 September 11.61a62 October., ll.10a.ll November: 10.85a. 87 December.. 10.84a.85 FINANCIAL. New Yoke Money 1.05a6- Exchange 4.841& Sovemments weak. New 5's 1.02. Four and a half per cents 1.08. Four per cents 1.07-& State bonds dull. New I obi Stocks closed 1 r gular. New York Central 1.284b Erje 4i:u Lake 8hore : 1.04 Illinois Central 1.04 Nashville and Chattanooga 39 Louisville and Nashville ." 1 .24 Pittsburg.., l.lSVk caileago and Northwestern 91 " " " preferred.... 1.08 Rock Island j 89 Western Union 1.04 ALibama Class A, 2 to 5 . 581 Class A, small, HO " Class B, 5's 80 Class C, 2toK.... fi.5 Sub-treasnry balances-Gold $"8,433,289 Currency.... 86,395,981 CITY COTTON MARKET. Office or the Observer, i Charlotte. May 4, 1880. f The market yesterday Hosed steady. Good Middling.... nati Middling.. 1114 Strict low mlddltag,. n Low-mMdllng. 10 Receipts for the day, bales. , Chart ot4 Produce Market. MAY 2, 1880. Cotton Ties New, per bdle, , 2-50a2.75 Spliced, " 2.0O BieeiNG.iper jxl , Ilal2 Core, per uth'i 65a70 Mrai ". 70a76 Pkas. 75a80 OATP.shd 45a50 Bicoj. N. C. hoif round 9 Earns, N. C 10 Hams, canvassed. Hal 2Vi Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides. 714 Lard, per lb 8al0 Coffee - Prime Rio lBal8 Good. 14Vfeal5 Sntuy Sugar-house 30 Molasses Cuba. ........ v HOs.35 SiKjafSyrnp 35f;50 Choice New Orleans ROaftO Common , . 40;i45 Salt Liverpool Hue , .25a2.f 0 Course ,.. 1.10al.25 Scqab White 94feal01 Yenow 8Via9Vi Potatoes Sweet-...-. 75a80 Irish. 40a60 B otter North Ciirollna. 1 5a25 Bogs, per dozen. Ilal2 Poultry Chickens 20a25 Turkeys 50a 1. 00 Daeks 15a25 Flour Family 3.75 Extra. 3.50 Super 3.25 COTTON FACTORY AND 740 ACRES OF LAND. TO BE SOLD BY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Gaston county. I will exnose to Dub'ic sale at Ballas, Gaston county. North Carolina, On Monday, 7th June, 1380, 12 o'clock Noon, the following valuable property, to-wit: The ST0WEV1LLE COTTOX FACTORY, and machinery belonging thereto, Cotton Gin and Press, Saw Mill and Grist Mill, all in successful operation, the factory running Thirteen Hundred Spindles. With the factory, gin, mills, and thirty tenement houses, will be sold as part thereof, about Two Hundred and Fifty acres of Land, oh which said factory pod mills are situate, the same lying on both sides of the South Fork of the Ca tawba, and embracing, besides the factory site, another good water-power on the opposite side ot the river, which Is a never ftlling stream. This property Is two miles from a depot on the Alr-Llne Railroad, The residue of said tract of land, to-wlt: About Five Hundred acres, will be sold, cut Into three or more tracts of convenient size, and is valuable agricultural land. Tr'Kma OK SALE: The factory, mills and land attached will be sold and purchaser required to pay $8,400 cash, and the residue of the purchase money on one, two and three year s Ume with in terest at 8 per cent., bond and good secarity re quired, and also mortgage on the property. Pos sessien given immediately. On the remainder of the lands, one-fourth cash will be required, and the deferred payments upon the same terms as the factory, the purchaser in all cases having the option to pay the cash in full. SALE AT DALLAS, 7th of JUNE, 1880, NOON. K. U UA1THEK, may4 Commissioner. FOR RENT A comfortable dwelling house. may4 It JAS. P. IRWIN. Board of Dental Examiners. THE Board of Examiners appointed by the North .Carolina Dental Association under the law enacted 7th day of March, 1879, will meet In the city of Raleigh on Monday, the 31st day of May, 1880. All persons holding temporary cer tificates, and those wishing to commence the prac tice 01 Dental Burgery khuom a atpioma, are nere- by notmea to appear at that time lor examination. All persons who have commenced the practice of TtenHsrrv si nw the 7th nf March. 1S7Q wtthnnt. a diploma or certificate, are doing so In direct viola tion of the law, and are liable to the penalties thereof. V. E. TURNER, D. E. EVERETT. President. Sec. Board of Examiners. may2 tf SELLING OUT. HAVING determined to sell out my entire stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, &c, by the 15th of May, If possible, I offer them at and below cost Dry Goods sold by the piece, Hate, &c. by the dozen. Merchants visiting Charlotte would do well to examine m stock before pur chasing elsewhere. J. ROE3SLER. aprlu d3w. EliKtevtaltiufl. UNDERTAKING. A full line of COFFINS constantly on hand sheap. W. jn. W lLrX.L 31, Oct 8 Rogers' Furniture Store OARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MS., From fifteen years experience In hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in an diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz: Organic and Seminal Weakness, TmnntjTuv MnM r sexual nower). Nervnoa Debili ty and Trembljng, Palpitation v the Heart, Dim ness of Blunt or Giddiness. Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., all resulting from abuses In youth or excesses la manhood. Diseases recently contracted curea in nve to ten aays, ana the poison entirely eradicated, from the system. Also all skin and blood diseases aulcklr cured. Dr Robertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians Of Baltimore. Special attention given to all fe male comnlalnts and lrregularties. , All consultations strictly confidential, and medi cines sent to any address. Call or write, enclosing stamp ior repiy. septIO IT IttflMLI! PL EA SE R EA D T H IS ! The foUowing is the LATEST PRICE LIST of Ziegler Bros goods, of which a complete line can be found at J. MOYEB'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, - - - - .'a&a Ziegler's Best Pebble Goat Button Boots,French Heel-Plated, ma ts - Kid Box-Toe " " Fox " " q nn u Serge " . ' o AX " HighCutKid, Lace" " '.'.Y.'.'.'.Y. ' loo " - "FOX - u " " , ' o rX " Kid Newport Ties " " ' Z " Fox Lace u Plain " '." - Serge " - ' ' '" ZtZ " Pebble Goat Congress " " . "; 2 50 " Serge - " " " ." 2 " Kid Crimped Vamp" " " - Finest Kid Button " French" I.'!."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.'!!!!!!-!!.'!!!.' 4 00 W My Stock of Gentlemen's Goods cannot be surpassed. Call and see them. Very respectfully, J. MOYER. FRAMES. FRAmST JUST EEOBITBD ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FRAMES, Comprising all Sizes of Walnut, Ebony and Silk, JL.2ST1D SILK YELTET IIST "V".IOTJS SHADES, FOll PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL SIZES, CHROMOS AND FANCY PICTURES. We have an immense assortment, and will sell them at the ALL SHADES OF ZEPHYR, FANCY CARD BOARD NOVELTIES, BEADS AND FANCY PICTURES, WHICH WE SELL AT CITY PRICES. i We have added all the latest novelties of Ilia season to our large and varied stock, and will goaratteeto sell all the leading articles lu DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES and SLIPPERS, STRAW GOODS for Men, Women and Children, FURNISHING In the city. Be sure and give us a tr!al I efore purchasing, and it will be to your advantage. Beautiful Styles of apr22 NEW AND ATTRACTIVE. SPECIAL IsT LTJCBME1TTS. IjOW priceb. (WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. Wittkowskv Millinery Department. MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Ni v and Stylish Hats and Bonnets Whi e Coeds Department The Larges-i Hock i-f tLe Most Desirable Fabrics. Dress Coeds Department ELEG i NT AND CHEAP. 500 pieces Lawns, Linen Lawns, Organdies, A LARGE LINE OF DRESS STLKS AND TRIMMINGS. Carpets. Rugs, Matting, OIL CLOTHS. CIiUMB CLOTHS CURTA1NK IN fOTTAGE DRAPERY. NOTTINGHAM LACES, CRETONS, PILLOW -SHAMS. Clothing Department. WE HAVE IN THIS LINE THE NOBBIEST GOODS OF THE SEASON. STYLISH. ELEGANT, CHEAP. Our Neck Wear Cannot IB IE EXCELLED. COliLAIlS and. OUPPS, COMPLETE LINE OF UNDERWEAR. Gents' Boys' & Childrens' Hats IN STRAW AND FELT. G-EEAT HTDTJCEMEN"TS WILL BE OFFERED TO BUYERS. Our Goods are New .A. ZLST ZD IF Hl E S EL - AND OF THE BEST FABRICS. Wittkowsky wittkowsky , Wlttkowsky Wittkowsky Wlttkowsky wittkowsky Wlttkowsky wmkowsky Kid Gloves Kid ' loves KUi Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kid Gloves Kkl Gloves Kid Gloves Thread ilove s Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thr-ad Gloves Thread Gloves. Thread Glov- s Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thread Cloves Thread Gloves Thread Gloves Thread:Gloves Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery H'Slery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Heslery Hosiery Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Corsets Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Fans Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Parasols Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes Fringes - Fringes BARGAIN i ( AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICI. My stock Is very large, and embraces a toll line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office Fur Dtture. All goods pacaed free of charge. NEW ICE HOUSE. WE beg leave to Inform the citizens of Char lotte that we are now ready to deliver Ice to any part ot the city at ONE CENT PER POUND. Orders DroDerlr filled at short notice. lee House In rear of T. L. Selgle & Co's Store. Leave your orders. apl29-tf J FI3C HESSE R 4 CO. NOTICE. ALL persons Indebted to Williams & Finger will please call on Dr. F. H. Glover and settle and save cost apr30-lw. rpHE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday Giving a full resume of the preceding week, news of all national topics and general Intelligence, be sides being the only REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER Them supporting tne National Democratic Party. Edited by GEORGE a WEDDERBURN, of Virgin la, formerly publisher of the Richmond (Va.) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Single copies, one year, postage paid. $ "2 00 Five copies, to one address, postage paid. 1 6 Ten conies, to one address. Dostaae nald. 12 50 Twenty copies, to one address, postage pd, 20 00 (With a copy free to the person securing the clubs.) or iunner iniorninuon aaaress GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 822, Washington. IX C, or the Editor Dec. 23. . Children's Spring Clothing Just Received Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Baruch Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Silk Mitts Hlk Mitts Silk Mitts Silk Mitts Silk Mitts 6Hk MRts Silk Mi ts silk Mitts SUk Mitts Silk Milts Hlk Mitts Silk Mitts Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Laces Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Collars Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Culls Culls Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Table Linens Napkins Napkins Nankins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins Napkins 10-4 Sheetings 104Sheeilngs 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings 10-4 Sheetings -IN- CLEAVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, WILL OPEN MAT 15th, 1880. These Springs are two miles from Shelby, fifty- four miles west oi unarioae. ana one mues oi Carolina Central Railway. Hacks will be at Springs Station on arrival of every Train AT KING'S MOUNTAIN STATION, ON ADELINE RAILROAD, HACKS. CAN BE OBTAINED. DISTANCE, TEN MILES. Cold and Warm Baths. White a Red Sulphob a Chalybeate Watebs. A GOOD STRING BAND SECURED FOR THE SEASON. A Bowling AUey in Good Order. Livery Accom modations Aiiacnea w me nowi. rates OF BOARD: Slmrie day. S2: single week, 812; four weeks, 535. e. nerval, urs xropr. LEWIS S.-WILLIAM3, Supt apr21. WANTED, At the Charlotte City Mills. 3.000 bushels Corn 1,000 bushels Wheat, Rye, Oats, Peas, Ac, for wnicn casn, of meat ineaenange, win oe paid. Constantly on band. Flour, Meal, Mill-feed, && for sale. These mills have been thoroughly refitted, and all grain sent will be promptly ground.or exchanged tf desired, . J.IRWIN 4 CO ' janl&tt Lowest New York Prices. GOODS, Ai, at lower prices than any other house R H. FlKLD. Charlotte. T. B. Field, Hickory, N. C, METROPOLITAN HOTEL FIELD BEOS., Propr's., czbcMjOtte:, int. o. Terms : $2 per Day on First Floor. THIS HOTEL is neatly fitted up with all the modern conveniences Electric Bells, Tele phone. &c. Convenient to the Banks, near the Postofflce and Telegraph Office. Next door to the Opera House. With these advantages WE CAN OFFER SUFERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS and THEATRICAL COMPANIES, "Omnibuses and Carriages at every Train. FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. mayl Si. Charles Hotel. STATESVILLE, N. C. THIS HOUSE Is now under the management of Mrs. Dr. Reeves, formerly of the National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N. C, whose aim it will be to make It a first class hotel In every re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms on the first Boor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 13-dtf. vtrcttertj and (glassware . BROOIFIELD. A W. LUDOLF. HINA PALACE OF J. Brookfield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED : REFRIGERATORS (UPRIGHT). ICE CHESTS (LOW). WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BIRD CAGES, Children's Carriages, Silver and Plated Ware, Fun line of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, TIN, WOOD AND WIL LOW-WARE, MAJOLICA, IRIDES U i CENT GLASS AMD FANCY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FOR SALE. f r Kfl A-TIThlakey barrels In good order. For lnfofy dW matlon apply at J. P. MEEHAN'S Re rant and Saloon, Taylor street, two doers Bicnarason street, voiumoia, & u apr48m itrai nauroaa. j. I