Stye l)arlottt-b0tn)tr. j SXTBBOBlPlIOlfBATXS j ; I Daily' year (pott f advanot.... ...$8 00 &x jTomM 4 00 Three Month ............. 2 00 One Month-- -7T Twrr'r-"-iiMt:;S IvIf.ueA Tr7. WXMKLT EDITION Weekly, (in tus 00WV) a -?92 00 oixMonths.--- 1 00 VOL. XXIII. g- Liberal ReduetioMor ObOm. aii ii iii til ill in mii ii hi : u vi"i in iinii it hi .mi m ui-ji.n i ii i i w-r ir -r . ii . i tr. . i r mt . Emm m w to an -i. .ma mii i i -tub in t rfw 4. m w- - m -w w m mr.- 'j i & . a j' at a m rmw ... -. imr-it - .... " 'J ... .... v .asSS?55.. X ' " "t s .3 ,. o - . . , -mi ,rt i! .r,... ,i. ; . . i .. ; ,, lata ' w , I , i 1 , II II I . 1 i' . CHARLOTTE, N. CTtfESDAi.:-MAY ft. 1880. .- Nfi Pi&El W ! We have vfit relveJ 9 large Mne of teiy hid- BV1UO PARASOLS, which we bellve ore cheaper fban can be had etee- wnere, weaave an immense stock-01 DRESS (GOODS, 1 which we are offering very cheaps. Trimming siiKs, sauns ana uuiions vx matcn Dress JSoods. The Prettiest Stock of Fringes in Town. Don't forget that we keep the largest stock and the pest KID GLOVES in town for the money. Don't think of making your purchaser in Domestic uooaa until you see our stock. ILL ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE US ALEXANDER & HARRIS. may 9 $0ols and &Uaz&. SPRING STOCK 1880. OUB SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND TRUNKS Is now Complete. We are determined 3 sustain our former reputation for selling THE BEST BRANDS (1 ods, which every; sensible person knovTS Is tx cheapest in the end. Please call and see us before buying, estly with yon. We will deal fairly and non- PXOBAM A CO. March Democrat 1880. iod Home copy. ICE CRE -AT SMOKE PERRY'S BOUQUET CIGARS Th bst 5cet QtbxBs Ever sold In tMs market; the rich man's luxury -v, Pur uiairs soiaoe; tne travelers iavonie. Cray's Spciflc M)iicinci rRADE MARKTbe Gre Kng-TRADE MARK llsh Krmedy,Aa lunralllng cure fforrSkrWteal Weakoesa,SH matorrbea, Im potency, and all diseases that f ollow,a- a sequence of self- iiDuse; as loss 01 1MB. r vis-' rlsfeases' Tnontiii nr onsumntlon. andarte- iiiaturftGiuve. , . , Wiiii .... -it . a i .nvnamnhlAL wniCa ' je desire to send free by mall every " Medicine Is sold by an aruggists I free by malloh r&Aelo! the" Wdmssta c , : . No, fOtteenantoi' Wo'OeMJeh.J ouin in charlotte, wholesale ana remu, uj COMPLETED at jcs; .7 "Ht )nrt to gvg CS00jfts, XtrtMufl, Set. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW Sprig? & J Sorrier DRESS GOODS A N D T RIMiyi WO 3 j 17ERY HANDSOME Ait'DSOME PT rHEAP. v KRY HEAP. Just In, oar third stock of Summer Silks, In new and very desirable patterns. The hand somest line of DRESS BUTTONS In the city. A beautiful assortment of WHITE GOODS In fine and cheap Fabrics. Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, the handsomest and cheapest line in the market Very Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO. may 9 PERRY DAVIS' PAIR! KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE BEMEDY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. DAIU VI I I CD has never failed when used rHIll IMLLLll according to printed direct ion inclosing each bottle, and is perfectly taf even in the mott inexperienced hands. DA III If II I CD J A 8UUE CURE for rAIH MLLLft Sore Throat, Couftfas, Chilly DiarrhsfM Dysentery. Cramps, Cholera, and all Bowel ComUiintt. PAIN KILLER known for Hea-8lcknes, Sick-Headaehe, Pain la the Back or Hide, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia. , , iV , nllll l 1 1 I CD is unqueilionably the BBST rAIII IvILLtn liniment made, it brintrs speedy and permanent relief in all cases of nrnisea, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, etc DA 111 If II I CD is the velUried and trusUa rAIH IVlLLCK friend of the Mechanic. Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and in fact of nil classes wanting a medicine always at hand ana safe to use internally or externally with certainty of relief. . SW No family can afford to be without tlii lnralnable remedy in the house. Its price bri?ttr& it within the reach of all, and it will annually pa-, a many times its cost in doctors' bills. Sold by all druggist! at &. 50a. aud 1 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. March 13-d4wly. D I ftlJnC Stool, Cover andJwoks $210 to r I a II U aV itmniHMn. th gtoDA. S set Reeds. Z Knee bweus. tnooi,ifODw, vmr "145- t rated Catal omiA Freo Address bsjjll v. hkai- TY, Washlnstoa;ii. - f BRIBHT. ATTRACT1YC CalERFOL. Mm. J alia McNaIr Wwa-fct'si New Boole, llll. fa Isr I Jav 11 W III raU of Plta-CTICAIiiyTOBJaATBra, Th nsar Hotue.keeoer's UCXBK. Mr -rr . . - PUIVVIL HoQM-Xecvtaff. Ooof. Drew. Aseldjni Uekawt. Children, company, jtarnagi. wimoi, ,'ZIf 1 tnatoVTeUa how to nuke to HM BEAuTlTGIt " JL book of move practical trtlMtjrwfll seldom, If erer. be found outside of inspirattoa.1 7u-akj Adeocai. NEEDED fc JSiraSS By SWMZ ZTTXZdtio raoe,. LowpricU. Sells rapidlv. IT:.. Dmm lUaaa'l'wu. HaAUUIUI DUUHaK.DDlf BU1U1UUI'- AGENTS WANTEDr!,V32 Ursas J. C MeClRD V COt Philadelphia, Pm, . ... i.. . , : . nV T mial Tlranaf ftftlrt . Anf BUVeT CJnTOmOS.'W- sorted styles, with name, 10c NAS8AU CABD CO., Nassau, in. x. ': WATERS" PIAH0S1 DnfiAHS! Best made: Warranted Six Tears. NewlanosV Qtvni anri floMN. fil AO. iinward. New Organ 9, 9 ax. ttun sfL 75. unward. : Illustrated Cata logue lree. Aeents Wanted. Second. HandIn- straments at Bargains. HOBACE WATERS & CO., 82H, Broadway, w. x. on 30 BAYS' TRIAL. lara win annd out Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial lor 30 days to those ..iffarlniy Tram NArVOllH lKUIllLr. XUICUUIOWBUI. Paralysls orany diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, nd miuii nther diseases. A sure cure eaaranteed, nr no -oav. Address VOtTAIC BELT CO.. Starr Shall. MlCh. .. :..;:.;;. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WOULD. 175672 New and Old stanaaro aina, in Fccra TtonMrtmftnt of Literature. Al most given away. , Catalogue of General Litera- and ncnon iree. unmeuae (uuuwuitow : Clubs and Libraries. nnn g BeekmanSL opp. Post Office, New York. .-MaaaaVMU aalliaaa I unlike the jnam so-called nrerjaraUons fo? tWs'dls- smmr -m orripr whVh rtnlr relieve Lt.ii nuil h thA natfent. TURKS PERM ANENTLT! hm haATi ndoised In this resnect for the oast 20 rears by the leading medical authorities la Eu rope'i MD CHABGB made to give it a fair if sffi 5 g - i . Ii Ira I il Si ill THEGODPLtTEHOUh ir:J,TS DR. LASCE1.1JE w semi eacu uuor- i v""t, - i; i -ir- b Ing appUcant a FBKK package on their forwarding. I one in any event and that Mr. rayne, name indosi: omce aaaressto nis j --It haabeea Igured out that it takes Just fifteen minutes to learn to be ah astrologer well enough to bamboozle fools. Mistress Bridget, didn't you hear me call? Bridget Tls, mam: but ye towld me the other day never to answer ye backhand I didn't. . A patent medicine manias an advertising dodge, taught a parrot kept in a hotel to say "Take Dr. Jink's cougk medlcln," but the previous educa tion of the depraved bird .led It to add "and go die ye!" - Davis, the bigamist, doesn't part his hair m the middle nor lisp nor wear twe-poond sleeve-buttons, and yet see bow he mashed 'em! judge ToUTgee, author of "A Fool's Errand," Is writing a new book to be called "Bricks Without Straw' It win probably be devoted to showing how he complied the remarkable facts of bis pre vious work. ..-.,",3. Somebody has interviewed a Boston Ice-eart i driver who says that "the size of the lump left at ; the kitchen -door depends considerably on the good or Bad looks ei the cook." This argument ought to convince a man's wife of the desirability of keeping a good looking cook, but it won't. Paragrephers will not go down to a no grave. New Haven Register. But they will die ine same. Norristown Herald, And get pun-ished. t too, no doubt A PRIZE FIGHTER'S DIET. Jehu ITIorriksey's Food nnd Drink TThen Training' for tbe FJg;b.t wltb Ileeman. New York Sun. In May. 18T7. when the late Jc&m Morrissey was serving his last year in Delavan House in Albany. Even then he showed .symptoms of the desease which resulted in his death the follow ing year. 1 myseii was not in good health, and naturally we began to talk of our ailments. We had known each other well for years, and he talked with me freely. "I wish," he said, "that I had the time to go through a regular course of train ing, such as I used to take before a fight. I would soon clear out my sys tem. "I will try it," I said, "if you will tell me what it is." 'Well, then, take a pen and some pa per, and I will tell you and you ean write it down. Jiut 1 don t believe you will do even this." Having secured the paper and ink, Morrissey dictated to me as follows: fc irat Take a DiacK draught. Any druggist will put it up. All prize fighu ers take this when they begin to train for a fight. You'll find it the livliest dose of medicine you ever took. "Second Be sure aud get seven or eight hours good sound sleep every day' . .. . "Third In the morning wnen you first get up drink a glass of hard cider with a raw it. If the cider is not to be had, then start out and walk brisk ly fer a couple of miles. When you come back tate a sponge Dam and ruD yourself dry with a coarse towel. Rub until your skin is all aglow. ourtn or DreaKtasc eat a lean stake, cooked rare, and stale bread. Use no milk, sugar, no butter, and no potatoes, with the exception of about once a week. If you wish you can eat a roast or baked potato in the morning. Drink sparingly of tea and coffee. Tea is best. "Fifth For dinner eat rare roast beef and stale bread. Use no potatoes or vegetables of any kind with this meal. For change you can have a mut ton chop, but without fat. 'Sixth For supper, a lean steaK or a mutton ehop without fat. Do not eat any warm buiscuit or warm oreaa at any time. Stick to good, wholesome stale wheat bread. Eat no pies, cakes, or pastry of any kind, and use pepper, salt, and all other seasonings very spar ingly. .. . . . "Seventh use no stimulants 01 any kind. Do not smoke. Drink sparingly of water. Do not eat berries or vege tables of any kind, except occasionally a raw onion. 'Eierhth If vou feel weak m the morning before breakfast, it comes from the bathing, and it should De discon tinued for a few days. "There, my mend, continued tne Senator, "you have the diet of a prize fighter when m training, witnout me exercise that goes with it. If you will follow it for three months I'll guaran tee you will feel much better than you do now, and you won' troubled with dyspepsia. But I know you won t do it. Mr. Morrissev was right. I did not live upon the prescribed diet for three months, but 1 did for aoout nan mat time, and it did me much good. The readers of the Sun who may he troubled with dvsneDsia and loss of appetite and sleep might also find it worthy of trial. RELIGIOUS MONOMANIA. A Colored Herod in Kentucky. "Louisville. Ky May 8 A Clarks ville special to the Courier-Journal savs considerable excitement was caus ed yesterday by the lodgment in our jail of Dan Lyle, colored, his wife and, a colored woman nameaousan xjuib Tt seems that Dan and nis wire nave hp.r.oma rjerfect monomaniacs upon re licrinna Mibiects. He has asserted that ho was ttiB tsaviour. nis wue v u kiu jjaai t and Susan Talley, who lives with them, a prophetess, in nis zeal, ne nas on aij vpi-9 orfisions aDDearea ai mooes ui worship, both for white and colored people, and insisted on playing his part as preacher. Yesterday, (jonstames Romily and Saunders procured a war rant for his arrest, upon charge of disn rnrhinor nnblic worshirx and went to his house to excute the same. Lyle re sisted furiously, and assaulted Consta- Wa Sftnndftrs witn anr axe. uonstaoie TRtomilv fired three shots at Lyle, one of which- took: effectlin his right , brjeasti, and the other two in the groin x.yie tnen returned to his house and barricaded; the windows and doors, but, surrender ed when -Sheriff Mosely appeared with an additional possee. Upon entering the house, the oflicers noticed a smeu. of putrid flesh, and on making searen found two of Lyle's children, three and five years old, dead, with their necks hrnVfiTv. The imDression is that the murder Was instigated by " Virgin Maty" and the "prophetess," who have hnfh -wiAlrlftd a stromr influence over Lyle and that he did the killing to re lifive the women of the care of the children, believing that for the occasion he was Herod. Lyle's wounos are very painful, but not mortal. iriTiWeii:CMdId'ite.;.;;;;; rrhe fsTeir 'York Tribune says a con- versatidniookdjiaee Friday? last i be-; t-arem TTon. 8amttei J. ; Tilden and a wen-known iawyer,wnose reiauon w Tilden are most confidential. vMf TiiHi i asserted to have ssdd ; that he cratic cdnvehticflwhdiuAtrwMmi be nairiMathieagotDytne itepuDiican nf the nomination of Gen. Grant of rM.irrt hh! hiutS howt'Ttfsalved to be i otofeion woumoe oisienoMJH rLSTJsw- thWeideBlUail Naaa. .:-: Hi 1. lit:....: - inattloBi Mr. UmwmttnVm ItepattrMats shs. J31lLBaiUiB) , S.HVaii Retirot UsI 4t tlw Ananr-rii Pro Tarlfff &c. ' ; ; SpedattoBaltopreflNrn. - BJlN1N ILXINOI8. WAsmMBTO'May ,9. The Grant people here ppfeir toH) satisfied with the result of the election of delegates to the' Illinois Stlte convention,, which meets'iOo' .the i$t& to Chicago " Thy seem to conclude that the membet elected on the Washburne ticket will act -A'ith the Grant element in- the1 convention, thus leaving no doubt of ft1 majority. News from Ga lena is that Mi". Washburne and Gen. Grant had a long; private interview on Friday last, which, it is believed bad reference to the. presidential nomina tion. GenGrant will soon start an his Colorado trip. BLAINE IN PENNSYLVANIA. A Pennsylvania Republican member of Congress has lost returned from a visit home. While there he saw and conversed with a g6od many of the Chicago delegates and; with a number of the leading . Republican politicians. He says that the belief is now that the Blaine men on the Chicago delegation are in a majority; that they will insist upon adhering to the unit rule, and cast the fifty-seven votes of Pennsylvania for Blaine. This would be a sore Wow to Don Cameron, after all bis struggles to. control the delegation. .It is said, further, that Senator Cahn roil, who went over to Piiiladf lubia on Fridav last, has become mtirely satisfied of his inability tt vote the r delegation, for Grant, and will make no further fight on that liue.; .This is not, perhaps, prob able. REMARKS OF MR. CONKLING. Senator Conklini? to-d;iy expressed as much coiitiduice as ver in. Grant's nomination, wud said ' itreite never had been such stuutuduooa and 'colossal vinir as was 'daily' resorted to bv those who were tiyiug (u urevent tire inevi table. He said he was not at all sur prised at the defection of the New York State Senators who are members of the Chicago delegation from that State, as he had been expecting .it for some time. He did not seem to attaeh much conse quence to it. THE DEPUTY MARSHALS BILL. A Republican Senator, who saw the resident yesterday, said to your cor respondent to-night that while he had no authority to mane any positive Statement On the subject, it was his be lief that the President would sign the bill of Mr. Bayard relative to the ap fjointment of deputy marshals, &c. The Senator added that in his opinion, if the President did not sign it, he would commit a very unwise act Yet the Senator will doubtless himself fol low his party in Congress and vote against the bill. It is to be hoped that his surmise as to the President s action shall prove to be correct. RETURNINCKrBOARD WELLS. Mr. J. Madison "Wells, of returning- board fame, has been here enjoying himself generally, and varying his leis ure moments With chats with his par ticular friends and beneficiaries, the President and Secretary Sherman. Un der the law Mr. Wells is still the sur veyor of the port of New Orleans, and will continue in office until his succes sor is appointed and qualified. He was, therefore, not particularly unhappy when the Senate rejected his son the other day, and it will not give him much concern if they keep on rejecting. It is about time that the President had sent in another nomination for the po sition. THE RETIRED LIST. The retired list of the United States army is quite respectable in its propor tions, and the amount paid is very con siderable. From a statemeut just pre pared at the. office of the--adjutant-gen eral, it is shown that there are flv major-generals, eighteen brigadier-gener als, nrty-nine colonels, tinny-tour lieu- tenant-colonels, forty-nine majors, one hundred and forty-three captains, seventy-seven first lieutenants, fifteen sec ond lieutenants, and eight chaplains on the retired list . Up to December 31st last, the aggregate amount paid to these officers from the date ot Deing piacea on the retired list was S5,910,378. The largest annual nav to a retired major general is $5,625; to a brigadier-general 84.125; to a colonel 83,375; to a neuten ant-colonel 83,060; to a major $225; to a captain 82,100; to a first lieutenant $1,575.50; to a seconcHreutenant 81,470, 50: to a chaplain mm); The large ma ioritv in all the rades receive the largest nav. it should oe stated mat the number of major-generals on the retired list has been reduced .to four by the death within the last; few days Of Gen. Heintzelman. THE SUGAR TARIFF. There was a determined struggle over the sugar tariff bill in the commit tee of ways and means yesteroay morn insr. Several nroDositions for an ad va lorem tariff was voted down, and Mr. Fxye's uniforn tariff bill was defeated bv one vote that of Mr. Felton, : o Georgia. Mr. Tucker's polariscope hfll was then offered, and amended by sttf ing out the 92 per cent clause. Five votes were mustered in its support, an4 it was finally reported by the votes of some of the friends of a uniform tariff, one of whom, Mr. Carlislejjjave notice that he should move Mr. Frye's bill aft a substrate. Mr. W. H. PerOl, Richard i). jnsher and unanes a. uouncuman, f Baltimore, were here, urging the To4-KolQ hill ' VUilMiV af .. .j r t . (I ' ' j SCHTJRZ AGAINST GRANT. ( - Rotrtrarv Rhnrz recentlv informed gentleman that it Grant Wa'oWttai retire fSSe ,SSr as?giv the .rPdet;atuJvTPrtunity to apt point a'jievf; cretawv of , the Tntenor. Mr.Schurz will do this in the contin gency namedpactuehe ?wi 'rioV.aop. port Gen., Grant, and he takies tor granted thstthe admmistratidn' Would. V.-nY Peels Work in. Hat Mi J. H. MacGahan, the widow, of tbe welWcnown ir?aF porfespondent, is said to be preparing a translation of thepoems and tales of Edgar; A. ..Po into Russiau. Mrs. MacGahan is her? self -H JBussian; arrd Irer translatioii ought to be avert pTjlafoneforrWs sombrefancy and. Jus dark and. wler imaginings are adapted to the genius and taste of " tr f eDo wMntrvmen. The educated, elates of Rusia'arb, howeveri' MrtalV Jf aririliar7 with 'Poe's work through the French versions of theuderaire and-oth; ; fj h i t . To all who are aunering fiom the errors and m- Kuwothinaktf VODtll.- MTVOOS WeakOOSSW taWlOV cay. loss of manhood I vul eentfa reetpeOat wflcureTOU, FRXE OF CHABi.ThU great remedy was discovered by a aaisawmary soqu America.' ' Bead a sell-addressed -ei Eer. Jeseph T- rvuaway Station D, New orklCltr. WINE STIFF FELT CABLE BRIM MANILLA HATS, We have the exclusive control of the above goods in this protection to first class trade. Apriin. QSodMD TEN STYLES TO CALL ILi. B We call attention of the Wholesale N. B.--THE BEST WHITE SHIRT IN THE 1851. TO Twenty-Nine THIS SPRING THE LARGEST AND MOST Dry Groods, Notions, &c, Ever offered to their customers, learn our prices. mar.3. SPRITSTGI unn idisir. BOY S. T O TT T H S A WO'. OH I lk:B U UNEQUALED i ELEGANCE s STYLE I ; Rf The Public . ...... . . u. A fun assortment oi iaqies'. Mens-, 7? , mar28 ONE OF STAPLE AND Close and AGE NTS l Si. PL Cb-emioal i nhSr?Sial Prof. Borous.ot No- Jo, Vi' nhTianTcieTlo tt. aaleaa eOLtrm-T tkul 's mu ii U I WWII" " w . .---J- -r A truly WonderfoL PubnoaUonJtatogingtoe best elauof vocal SidSistrunientaTusle wln the unn wuKi laaum m'vrLrr oql. PhiiaoinnuL ra. $125 Maine." OUT1TJL- and all expen- . aes paid. SHAW, Alfred, U. Outfit A nil n exTjepaeaj" ,Y, Angus-; TMMPBLXT. Itfrertlsers. ; 100 Jtt JL-;- eenta. .BOWSLXtftCa, S(OTOOLGTICE UIbv-oenea8cnooi lor BoyfjU. fif. fztSl lv two Denonmenw, mmarj na w feiwae4late,arJetleingto the best poiwlhle tmP J propose W-Srrr rATa bol MalaoaV .for tbAri of " tegeniotr'5 wiMmsyjma" anu nrr Milt CtlOVSn'Or Jan vtiiv Miiit"" , vTr flg i.Tf i m r-r i u ttilky ii-m mtui Hu-fLu OXJTR I1T HATS, TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED MACKiNAW HATS. Respectfully, .i ''.It THE ALL WOOL SUITS IN THE AND EXAMINE THEM AT; Trade to the above Goods. THE TRADE. Years Experience has Enabled V TO PURCHASE Nearly all bought before the recent advance Respectfully, SPRING NOVELTIES. we tljti now ; ", ,' ""' i3 Cordially Invited; No Trouble to W; '. i j d.i. .) ckiiu Mn Kb tmvnA . ".v."1?-" tS?" ST"- wTrn7Mn rritii Wchudren. Give tu a call. THE LARGEST ANl)3EST ASSQRTn FANCY GROCERIES Prompt Trade Specially InVited, ANTE R'S FAVORIT ii Reading, grocers. ELEOTION NOTIGEv if ivnn'fl omcr If arch 81st. 1880. -Byvtrtoe oi leeototlon l)sedaialsi; tteet- h feariat: iieTd tn the. c m Kyii, n JHIW4.-A1TL. 1880V at ta ueoai polllag places, to ascertain the seiu (he aq nodwten, on. the- question ol establishing and maxirauik rate ot iaaation abaU beonemhi of one percent. , or ten cews w. trrvn wwnwn aoieeald election, there shall bo elected by bati lot two school eoacfflaissionera nqm wa wsw, There wfilbe .new regison iwor oa th a rn rta nf AbriL A: 1). 1 880. and' the same shall be kept open until sundown on UiaSatarday previous to said election.. I do hereby appoint as mMstnua and tnaneetors ior said election. lor Ward Jto. lrU A.!MeNtneh. .registwj inspec tors, J. W. Wadsworth, K. MIUiier ana ynanes Vard No. 2-Walter Breni; wgijtaspectora. WH1 Mm T S f"a P.U. AlaTmro aaa sm " Ward Not-B. P. Boyd, regWj?T. ln?pe0M, Tl H if euttuti X K Brown and m- Mwaroa. . - . s nWIGEi SXPilEi qUOTS! Tkfnft f' IhuTdlne mcinmeht at Klnfloi X tain win be received up to th 2fch,iOtiMayl iftsuL RnAriOeatlons esn be seen at B P. War- lug's office, at the eotntbdusVintliailotte, and at the house of OsrA A A .Urtehiaoa, kBpek Hill, a. CL. endrawlnrs at the office of Dr. J.M. Miller. over Traders' National Bankv Bid wlU to spewed teg of the Board ei AUenBes ol the icttr l lottei I am aothorizedto adverOae that there mUl traeSionToano? "wofte V oit th Warn MO. . riWaimR nCTKaciBniwiTO J. M- Suns, wm, B..iaoet fSri, TTTS HJ ( ion i S- i ison si ol m '.ii-ijiiri It .7 ;:nY .ij.i ft 31.1 I Ii 11 I -I ft. ; U V t 1 1 f market, and hold , them with " m E. D. LATTA & BRO. t. to J COUNTRY, J;'t Iff vfiii. J t V i i imi i litj. t; ! hlsh .v.- ! 1 : Ht -ii- tejiaih'g'Clothtew anfl Tailorii:ni til ; 'M: -iI'V I U ! !ii COUNTRY the Old, House of ii.; iin.i . COMPLETE STOCK OF ' in prices. Don't buy until you see and ELIAS& C?mEf. : : -; .' r u.'iiil-.f ,!ri : OT i ,1 A"S0NABLE' isnow. mem.-jsi ' KAUFMAN & CO, at'onr itATH. at Mrev orloes than; ttier 'tel n ;i i.l r i STOCKS OF - m' - . i;, i ' IN. THE STATE; .:if yi'l j: ! l;c -nil (. '! ! K JBX'a WlSiaR; IlJll.; tl'.l Uniic-jUU , lf!ili '.l'!iil,,:i'l'i'M'i.l V. AfftarriaLtHBirt tOTrtTk, ip' a4 IfmnL vmQk 8Q0PBAWI4 OJDflRAL.CLXAli .Cos, TMbleevrV bdV adflptioa' ot aaH!pBtoJeaouV;iMirfciM' 1KU GLOVES M SPECIAiiTY 1 A0rtent6MkttffroWHtiMl n'l 1 :rog5ahaB' l'ilionaL 'HomaaW.-lWJ-eoiioltailiiejU. Ifor frtbteocttatMn$tM eodtf ! . fcl , .. ?! .iv t i JL JL. V XTJ ' tV.,' - "til i i 'lttUl lUlZttimUMXLS. F .Mayfl.iWJfl.TfV'TT llTiTJJiTiTlTnJ hand fmWzuluLteteu ..Mi x V i marA XSa "'"Ot'P'fl eTejywnere. apr27- la sA u jIji-3 !) ni leiora

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