. Hi 2!i Li! 1 ill 1 1 ' b "WfW.. -tRs- lJSSWsFWT MMBff IRON BITTERS; A Great Tonic. . Highly .recommended, to tbe public for all dis eases TWjoirlngacertain' and efficient. TOXICi especially In Indiges tion; ly m pep w , Intertnittemt , j-JFe-vera, Want of Ap petite, I.ottm of Strength, ImcH of c-il IRON SITTERS, A Sure Appetizer. 'neriru. EC II -g-U-- richs tkfie Clcfod.l jRtuiBjniRa streflfeuiens ?Tn mws-1 A CompleU Strengthener. IRON RlTTERS, IRON BITTERS, to the nerves. To tbe nged, ladies, and chil buC3jESiB dren reau at ion, tb remedy can not be too nigniy recommenaea. It nmtfilce a - on the dlgestiveyefgaftB. A teaspoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. 0-f i IRON BITTERS. Nov 15 d-w- 1-1 Y i"A'i I And you are" armed against disease. The finest topic for this purpose 1s iktstetter's Stomach Bit ters, which renders digestion easy and complete, counteracts bllllousne.ss, and -keeps the bowels In order, and so genial and benencertre its effects, that not only is the body lnv!gmtMnd regulated by its use, -buf despondency! Jtanfelied from the mind. v- -r 1 ortale BfvoQ'Puggist3 an Dealer generally. J c - Hcawrfr OnnwTT. Pkhbt. tti inn oa '7L& : In threaM863, there were tw nefwfc prison i-r 'BwuuuBa in ine jan oi ims oonniy whe-T?ere . rterybadly trfHJcted with thai loathsome Jdlsease J gyphllils. In Tny official capacity a.OHHAary, I Ployed Capt a T. Swift, then iresldenf of. : inisiplaee. to cure them, under a mnM. "nn eures nopay-" He administered to them his now i JusUy, celebrated Syphilitic Specific, and to &aw K w??2 r elt bound, under my contract, to, pay Aim t uumnuecouniy treasury, as be had effect Veoinplete and radical cure. a testimony of the above. T-havAvAi I Seal i unto set my official slgoatuietiTra seal me uaie uoove written. '' ' ''' ' : . i . A. S Ordinary nonstonCounty, On. !' -CHiTTXNOOOAj TBWN.L TAh 1i 187d GENT3.-t We take pleaswe h saying that f'he S.S. S. is giving good satisfaction. We have had excellent results from a number of cases. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed for of).i ,i; . xiiruuiHiira was cirred entirely with two bottles, and speaks in the highest ut ii. ii aaso acts as wen in primary as in uvw""1; anu icriiarj rases. baJ?0?17 the. 'SWIFT SPECIFIC COM- Sold by T. G. Smit h nnrt T. P Wrioin r-.. ; fnds J?ur druS8lst for a copy of "young Men's apr27 d&wlm ESTABLISHED IN 1858.' Fine Gold aad Silver Watches, & CLOCKS AND JEWELIlY, S !) . mamoods; Silrer ani Silyer Plated .fare, - V and evjnjhtneDt In a FIRST-CLASS -JEWELRY STORE. Old GoJd and Silver. ..i i i '...i Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Fine Watehas, ocfc3( and jewelry. Warranted for Tivelve Months. All goods sold at this establishment warranted : as repfesented. , . - HbkL IS TH IIST i)LW i . :i;)A'.)(i;m;i r Carolina JawhIvv ka rjottc. im-.v, li:. 1 dit J'lillli X; M. LICHTJENSTEIN customer are respectfully iny tte to mlv x.u.xne monthly, fashions for May to hand They are Just the thing that are wanted .m this A full Una of COFJ1KS constantly on t band' ' W.TrT; WTLHILM. Jl .M 'f Rogeri Furnlture;&tOfe 1 pwpmhmm ivi rw , . m was closed for the 20th. '. '. ' The Plant "says a new house is- being 'finished in Duriiam.every day. . It is announced tliat the venerable" .Dr. Fab, Haywood, of Raleigh, hits been stricken with paralysis, The Plant says the depot at Durham was entered last Thursday night by n thief who broke open a window and stole about forty dollars from tUe, draw-, er. The fund for the erection of a monu ment over Cocker and McMillan, the two young men recently drownedriejtr Kaleigh, has reached 5231.87. za ' Raleigh Observer: In observance of - I j. Tdroflldep&e!e capitol will be closed, and the nag win fltjatip fcbj breeds ajl day. y - -j A proposition has "been made by Mr. (to. T. Stronanh. through the Raleiffh 11 fifis a strontr iioic on me jtaieign vn Jews, and Hale(a) itjaders tiis norning with, a -big '(bailing : gun,-J Jiftvjng 1 crossed he Rubicon, or rather, tbe rippling Jor- x-)i!l !!. !!'- Iix, , iii-.O! The Masonic fraternity of Moores- jille are .considering the. advisability, of, noiaing a iesxivai in connection wnn the celebration of St. John's day, the proceed of which are1 to toe given to Uie,prpn,an asylum. Raleigl). Farmer .and Mechanic.' . It is state"d that Mr. Best has appointed f'er Erwin, Esq;, is the present incum ed 50 and sent to prison for 30 days In addition to this (the correspeadgiit timiKs) tne owner ot the liorses has been sued for damages. Durham Plant: One day last week four of the convicts at work on the TTTfrslL'yaflianrrilde tbfcir escitpe: Slrtcjjth1it,tign he tflhem was found ffVMltilia 1 M was adly dis eased and died, we suppose, tfrwii' die effects of over-exertion in making Ins escape. The others have not been heard iioni. . , Raleigh Observer: "A fe'v' day's past tut uoserver contained a referenrm hi PeF amara. ,w,Jio wasftrm feVryn fehe-of the itoMan f!atru.lu ohuroli of this eity. -He--ha3--rraw4eft that Church, ajid ffmnilpd hrJJ"pw V-rb- a ch urrjtf 8f 1f& bvit, ''ito which he h as lven tne name ot the "Indenenden aiioiiQ fJhiirch,'' JJU4iGaiJh he W 1 V . . d . J -., L cured the Metropolitan Hall for the session of the Conservative-Democratir; VfftepQnvenieu that jneeta in tliis city f ort ntl df. June, ensuing. tfh& West practical arrangements will be made in regard to railroad fare, of which due riotK;e.wui te giveiv , . -Ralerg"lf Observer: An error was 'in autenuy,raade livesterday's issue- ui tue atitwjineni uiac sislKp Atkinson administered the holv rite ofmnfirnia. tion at Christ church and the Church oi tne uood biiepherd on Sunday last, Bishop Atkinson is at present at Ralti. more, under treatment , We learn wit.h great pleasure ; t,hat . hs& .condition is mucn improved. fctjuesvule Landmark - A v fvim Salisjory, who carried a bundle Under uei urm, ana wno went are-footed and played a jews4iarD to iwrfertti gentleman, fi$m 'Ashei Svho irnhibea WU1CU iut xuueii Willie lie negieeiea iteiorm-tbese tiavebeen the sensations of the totyn this week. Tbe ady took the track for Charlotte, while mr t"ice "wk inesomevhat boisterous j. uuemie 10 me locK-up, The StatesvilJe American sav1;: Wa are srlad to learn frnm tHft nCtn: v.: i?M6aco,n tbai tbe aepablieans of -Stokes we ior a; Mi Joycei Ksq- of tliat coun ' T0sWfi?. Mr.Joj-ce is one of the ablasC. flphutArB in vn. -i,. i.-' and . would ; be- an o?ermatch on the stmtip for' his Denipcratic competitor, wfweyer be .might, ".&., LetMr. Joyce be nominated, and t.lrp fyivi-!im jority m the-hfth district will be great ly reduced, if not overcome. Ijiffbon i Rtvii?f rvvfc earn tliat fa difncnltG!, Atf , V" Slllr. in linn a jc,,-if . r i. --ujpiic;auon nere cinity.. It . seems that (ta. instructing the canal it became necessary nion obstruetions across a creek which" the people ose in transnoHtnir'. iiiir ducte jwuk- :-rxf tKtt& SiSifiSPi creef , WSfn obi otiutcu mm again iney Avere removed, caTl from Bishop Lyman, and the resi- ucu t xwoiors, a large meeting of the Itid v i",mnif s-Mary School, assembled rt'the ttokpel of CJirlstJchdfdh last tWw anu ueciaea lo Hold an annual i?o.tt: juu,i uiieuitnattotrters anngrand moth ers of sorrte fett Wadihg families were present an4 warmly wtr.estied.iAA;ef. tort win be made ta estaWiBtt a number serving young ladies had the benefit ot T --Jl . Atv-uil" I1U1U this movement. -r--r nu caroiina Wilmington Beview. The;Wll:knbwfi as thfe "river nnrt h. bor appropriation bill " whinh lc dtives, appropriates tbe <owirj?fd5 the improvement of th rive aisu " bors in North Carolina; "air For continuing the improvement' in North LandiajfMver in North 'Carolina and Virginia, jm. , For, -cpntinuing the improvement iri the Cape Tear Av er, $40,000. For continuing the im WovemrtfGff(5tfrritif6k Sotindl Cdanidk Jay, and North river bar- 25 noo t? continuins'the Broad riren WflQ0f For continuing the ', WBtlftUW!C,t,imbiV)emfenfc-(ii.,i. Sirn nnor. j muiovemerit uini WaivamiinHi t n k - H-otoHs, '.lit li li'i TI" "' iannmaH now a Freacli cook Improve HlaWolML' te i At the celebrated home of social. 1 but aristocrat 'fc Club, on Finn of conversatioa receutiy naspeen not so much as to the comin f MTrlVZJ""1 rhefoWSSf &?&lT2JLI'lDSt wprldSotted ix),l??f?'s,ltu39 Ij?ttr''at Hew Orleans, to4ref fcalt fAhe-seeoBd oapltal-of 10,OOa He puttt tu-UOenrrimimt 4 per cent! loarf.too? -ptui presides over the pots and pans. Who fs- next? I hispnvate secretary, Capt. Cddigan.td Jefflmf; i fjpi iQr as u r e rf the West frnTvoffh Carolina RalTroadT Geo. Fhi- ti file s Weeklv N ew York corresnond- If t J" V. -i liorses iuMl-caragBr-ovr Mrs, C, B-Hp. fcS VI I Iu ks,tjpllsuiftlin Xew jtmk Fr-1 W H flip Oth WiriQiO iAAvinMM HH. 1-' iaaBaHhaMlaaaBMBl citizens who live in that i mrnpdiato 1 .Kfefitaming itimproyenaefttnin .Scunnm-. Ar-jl DowfTerfei vlrurpsssed several sTeepl ercbauL Clefts nhrhts. dMtartKT1 -'3- i Ltd. by tHeagdnlesSna:crieS5t a suffering qlrfiaVl 2 l-atad becoming eonylriWdJthn lift, i WT&stow' reoothffigyrop-was Tust Ore -tOTltfle-rreetf-dJ pro-; curen. supply iwrjna enuq. i reacnuig iomi be nau tone. Thai night tbe cll passe d a suffering, and tUe parents without sleeo. , Belurnlng honje 'the day loiiowing, inBTaibet'imiBd tbe baby sua worse; and while contemplating" anotner sleepless night, the mother stepped from the -room to -atterkl to ss, ana 4eiuiae ratner witn tne bsencR'he administered H pon- hineSmifi'to the baby:' and said nothing.: That nigltt all binds- slept well, and tbe little fellow awoke In the niornlns bricht and hap py." The mother was -delighted with the sudden and'Wonderf ui change, aneliltllough at first offend- d at the deception practiced upon her,- has icon unueato use the sy yruD p. and suffering crclng bhbles laredlsaDDeared. A single and restless nights bare. trial c the Syrup neer yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome thepreludicas of the mother: Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Jeel9d&wly Y : FT IS FOUND AT LASTt TSomethj0g-Ne sr the Sim. A " new eM Is fawnrig jnpon an. Hitherto she has been alleuponOo jMffexvthe llls'of mankind and her I own besides. The irequent and distressing irreg ularities peculiar to ber sex have long been to her tmans oireiui spring oi woes unnumoerea." in we Tnansion of the rich and hovel of poverty aliite. womsin has been the constant yet patent victim of a thousand luaunKpown te man ana. witnout a Aemelly. "OblLotdi how longl" to ttte akony of ' her soul, hatto she cHef. But now the hour of her. i redemption is come, fcne win suiter no more, jot Bradtield's Female Regulator, 'Woman's Best : -K f f smith anq l. p. ym-. ;parea df or j. araoneia. Atiai ta, ua., price $1 50 per bottje. r- "V r it": 0-i . - ... A book on the Liver, its diseases and their treat ment sent free.! Including treatises upon Liver ixjmpianns. Torpid Liver, j aundice, miiiousneas, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, etc Address Dp. gANFQRP, IQ2 Broadway, Kew York 3MB ?)'Kf! ill; i i if maylg 4w ,0nt ini3tarea are-now supplied with "Halt Bitters," the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us so highly recom mended. Try It It may save you beaj . doctors bills. may 18 4w Tbe Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mipb. Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaid BeKs to the afflicted upon 80 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. nov. 15 Er, This is the only lattery of any State ever voted on id endorsed bv its veoole. -H1" endorsed by xUpeapu. UNPBECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVEB HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTEBY COMPANY. This Institution was 'fthJthrArnarat h. the Legislature of then State forCMueattonal and Charitable purposes tn 1868. tor th tkrm of twimtt-fivk YKABB, to which contraot the inviola- uic lauu .ue.jsaw nieogetv Whioh pledge has been renewed bv an overwhelm! vote securing its franchisft in th nw Ann etl f 1 1 ti nn ai"t'i i'fceniDer a, a. v., i7, with a capital of 81,000,000, to which it has since added a Re serve Fund of .over $350,000. i.PIUrVP stNH.E NUMBER DRAWINGS will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It-never scales or nosfnnnpa t rit at ho fniinn, lng distribution: GBAND BROM BJf liCOUOERT, dVteg which will take place the : - I21st GRAND MONTHLY - AND TEE EXTApUDlNAjtYslMl-kulL ,'DBli.WJNG, At New Orleans, Tuesday, Juke loth, 188a Under the personal supervision and management of GEN. jrjBAL A. EARLY, of Ylrglnla. CAPITAL PRIZE, J100.000. Notice -TIcketa are Ten Dollars only. Halves, V. , a uuu, i riu in, j,, LIST 0V PRIZES : i uipuai i-rize of.... glOO.OOO ...S100.000 RSSS .f. 50,000. ... fio.000 1 uuu x u: vi 2U.UUO 2 Large Prizes of 10,000.... .fnLDLKe l268 of s.ooo. . . R.2801 1.000.... f0 500 100 " hoo'" 200 3-" ooo " ion 10000 " iq" 20,000 '20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 80.000 40,000 tiO.000 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 1 9SI Approximation Prizes of 200. . . 00 " - loo.... J00 " " , 75.... $20)00 10.000 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounUng to S522.500 en. G 'Tf BE AJJREGARD. of La. . ? , Gen. JUBaL EARLY, c tvi. ( Conirn3s'rs Application for rates to clubs should onlv be Write for circulars or send orders to 2r S llt KJ?n at 319 Broadwa7. j3ewYoffc" SS. B. This Cnninun hna Nn inwrna . BRITISH POSSE&WsTand terxtlogto b so and soliciting orders byditufo, or otherwise are SWINDLERS. "rcuars may j.a(tw6w - ; Authorized, by. ihe Commoawealtb. of Kentucky i iuiaairestin the Wertd. POPULAR MONTHLT DRAWING OF THE i f ' r Ooinmotaifealtti ! -i Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on 1 MOtnTiYJUiiY ii! i8sa - These Drawings authorized by Act of the Legis lature of I860, and sustained by all the Courts of Kentucky, occur regularly on the last day ot every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citiaens of the State. " The Management call attention to th errand opportunity presented of obtaining-, for only $2, VA THE FOLLOWING PRIZES: J iI - - 830,000 Hze' 10,000 1 Prizes 5.000 mi jtTizes. . 1000 Prizes. ,ailT frnn in rvir maaowiinMs $2,700 s, 200 " 1,800 , " 1 1 Del rrKm -. 11)8-1)3,400 e Tt iaokets, $ft22Tloi Tickets, tinn"? 1"'. ter sbbuTa be made temiofflceX llslied lnt ouilMife Cou- f v'Ul Her4Mft totalled to U tick m l ,ii Brbadw; ' . i mm i ii.iiirAirrtS- i'. .mM'ri A-.s.s. v ri JL till 'inAifiw opeaed.flBcbool, for Bors in ,tm .bchoot Bnildlagtooai ; 6en.i Bar- rtnie'.Jot ea iChwoll street. CAoorthebfesen orMit ef nn. f;liWr'eimrtment.r!mar Mnit the the - tei-medlata my -object being tt secure the beat possible daesineatlon In order that In msirucnon may De thorough. Terms, (payable Bioothly,) 8a per month. . L. HOLMES. - P..S. I propose to open a Night School If a suf Sclent number of punlls can be obtained, tat th purpose of teaching Writing, Arithmetic and' wimiin jam'iTia ue msa jenown en abpiteatron at my School Rbonv, or to Dr. F. H, Glpyer, or Mr. Gus Durham at Burwell 4 Springs .m FOR SALT J A Valuable trajct of kmc; one n.lle east oL the lYifP18 iuiiO acres. M rthi laad-either la one bdi- or la eeetians to suit purchasers. - ' Fof further information, apply to ' k deeljteodtf "T - fa J. yOBBlfflCB "COME AT L AST ! li. I .ijit. I) u; iSai-ABiilbUMJfiNT. !. ,! ,j c M' i . Faded Gowfe, Ladies' Dresses Shawls, Table Covert, teDtidns, Fealbera, and eiery btiei'ae- ardcfo?ilreffT1, xkVAHW4kib be1 teftfo tUfc-RresehtatH'1 JtbMjt M!1 ln-3. TiHhiv. j !!,- I i -- i i - - - - . - SQtviv 10,000 , ,. . i o.ooo Tan i sl drsfw fjiutj (ftrhpldiraf -E. 4b-0s8B.MB dlnfLonlsviae, ;'V" j h.':t r in.; t-xa-Ji..-. .iv- V .! I MILLER'S PATE.VT -1(! I LY FLOUR; ; i FINEST IN THE WORLD. College and Fourth Streets. may2 JUST RECEIVED. " lO Barrels c HOICK N ORTHKRN EACH B LOW POTATOES Call Early v(i Secure a BARREL Chas. R. Jones, mayl'2 OBSERVER BUILDING. CRYSTAIj LEMONADE AND BOUQUET CIGARS AT N. B. Having introduced the patent Ice Cream ipaaneis, parues can De supplied at their resl- uenees in quanuaeoi luc. 25c and 50c may 13 - HEADQUARTERS FRUIT JARS. Cohansey Metal Top, Cohansey Glass Top, Mason Improved, Porcelain Lined, Celebrated Gem, Celebrated Gem. Send for Circulars. Lowest Prices to the Trade. openai r igures lor 2b to 100 gross lot?. D. F. HAYNES & CO. JOBBERS AND IMPORTERS, lusta blished 1858. BALTIMORE, aid." The Hornet's Nest, OyJL.-ntalned Phllo Henderson's iriS. hvinnTn i7 "rY " "".vTl."."t...6,i'iy?' fiiio w Bcuuomaii ui tiiia uilj. oena to """."'tfw-. ... may uu-u Fiae ! White J Head Calibme, SWEET POTATOES, Dried i Angles . and , Pickles may 20 ' 1 - 4 atS.M. HOWELL'S. i t f I NOF HAVE OK AAA pounds of Northern Lake Ice stored" t3 JJVJ in my Ice house on comer Trade and xnanKiai to a geberdus public fornhe" patrbnaro already so liberally bestowed and promising todo uij u m icito BiuiBiovuuii in crtsij VoluCUlar In lha fntnv T a . r. . 1 1 u . T'TTTitmrj, T. JULIAN. i. a. ouuaay aenveryirom t w v a. m and AftVAJU M.O ui. w M. iff. III. - J S i ' f may 19 i lSllM- L 'Silt! l ' ' II III Hill I fl flt lllltll the Chita.' .'I: lIftlllaMIIJI Jlllr'ftlll IP(Birfloy9go -lii'-f.: QHOKS nse-BmzIaB Ehoe Polish. It OYDONtN, : !. . : ..: .' : rT,HE best preparation ever offered for!the rWM'anytMWgtriat will ifljure -ffieiost 'delicate , iKi lm -ir n -mU , ; cgftj -i vutpptMioiuii.runpiea,iaajtruDuoriS, bun bums, t& Sold only by L.B.WBI8TON Ce. Fid. Ell Buchi and Juniper, TOTALDABLE as a Diuretic. JL 1 L. R. WRISTOlt CO. PLASTERS, ALLOOCK'S Porous, , Bewon'sCapcine, S. J'a, Cupslcum and Belladonna L. B. WBISTON 4 CO, BAKING POWDERS. Df&KE v,Hle,erd?s Sea Foam. Also, JU Prtces Yea-tGem. ; - , . ' ,::L Bi WEIsTON& Ca BITTERS, HOP BUfers, Vinegar Bitters, Hostetter'a Bitters' , o, L." B WRISTON rCO. ' DR. J. H. MeAden, DBT7GSIST IBS CEVCStt, Now offers te tbe trade a full stock of Labia's Extracts and Colognes, English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soapi. English, Trench and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night anc day at 3, H. McADKN'a Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' Extra No, 1 Kerosene Aim ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will sum. C. West 4 Sons. Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C 1H PATENT STANDARD DRY SIZED KALSOMIM, "READY FOR USE," This Kalsomlne is an article that in the most inexperienced hands cannot fall to produce a pleasing enect. It is endorsed by Painters. Dealers and House- Keepers wnerever tnea. it is ready for use, by the addition of water only. It will not rub or scale from the wall. It will work well unon absorbent, or what ire known as hot walls, and also on wood work. It is invaluable in cleansing and disinfecting walls that are Impregnated with germs of disease. It is made of the purest white, and In Gradations of all the leading and fashionable tints, shades and coiors. It is sold from samde card: an the tints, shades and colors are warranted in every respect accurate. It will keen for vears without change In oualitv or coior, and alter being' mixed with water, will seep ior monins. A six pound oackaee will cover 400 souare feet with one coat on a hard finished wall. It saves the loss of time and waste of materials common with the old mode of mixing to produce SSSSS& Onts! Tc. A Pa" of this Kalsomlne can be mixed in five minutes. TO PEOPLE WHO WISH TO BEAUTIFY THEIR HOMES AT SMALL COST, Our KAL30M1NE and FRESCO PAINTS are es pecially adapted. EorSaleby Wilson & Bnrwcll, Wholesale and Retail Druggists 1 Dealers to Paints, JOlls, Chlroleals, Gtefg, Ac. mayfa diw. ' ' v ' Charlotte, N. C, FOR SALE. , 500 5J1skey In go' ordej. ' Tor idfor- JJJ matlon nnlT at J. p uxinivu r, Izr". w-SL-S1 SaJoon- Taylor streetTtwo doors Xrom artan 8treet Columbia, & C. " " 'I' "li , - i. - ;' .. :1 .-. ... .; FllK TRTP i ron a now comDietn special induceoionteto elo pared P we -can make It He their intmu.t and tMnlr purchasing elsewhere w see us before ORDERS WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT LOW :! i EST MARKET . PRICES. Wholesale fl JT"1.V . JUST RECEIVED AT LERO Y DAVIDSON'S ONE CAR LOAD BAN ANAS, 1000 PINE APPLES, ALSO lCAR LOAD SALT. Soo&santattoucieg TOTlIELADiEs7 J TAKE this method of Informing Hie Ladies of Charlotte and surrounding country that I have secured the Sole Agency of the BAZAR PATTERNS, Ana win in future keep a full and complete Stock of all Patternsj represented in the cata logue. All the New and Latest Styles will: be received as published. A CALL TO EXAMINE MY PATTERN DEPARTMENT is respectfully solicited. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES sent free to any address on application. PATTERNS mailed on receipt of number, size and price. . Very respectfully, . JNO. R. EDDINS. Million Dollars VK7TLL be paid for BASS, at the highest market t r price, by WM. R. TIDDY, Paper Manufacturers, Charlotte, N. a TIDDY & BROTHER have received the METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEETS, FOR JUNE. ALSO THE JUNE DELINEATOR, Call and get one, at TIDDY'S Book Store, j i A full line of ifnu J BTJTTERICK'3 ' "; 1 PATTERNS OF GARMENTS, ; always on hand. alwar nn hiA ; -f ria patterns please slmpiy istate ' tbe J number and size msmtA. it to rf ' ' L I f? 1 'ataloiae r heet by eatttar ute- fltyeui ; aeftH.. . Jj. , , sMngkb ALLEN . M-W1JL' ass Ibnity, iTiTJL!, SCROFULA Cwrp lUjieumatism. ROSADilLIS Curea Syphilis. Cure Malaria. IROSADALIS Cares ycrvodg Debility. -CCttES-JEmilPTIOKS. 11 wiwciani-cH inas exist, and la nn eatoeirept Uleo4 Purfier, ' U M BOSABAHS to sold by U Pranrht. For MAW and BEAST. External and Internal. THE GKEATEijT-PAtlif telJEYER OF THE AOIC i 0 B.IUUI TI IIS. Dri Rogers "( ; Vegkbl'WORM : SYRUP Inrtdntfy destrtVTr WO$tM3 'atari in rewmmended , ; t?For sIe by oil Drtwgiata. fa JOHN HENJIY & CO., , SOUS PKOFETCTOES. College Place, -A': , '.BfewTork. Pise GUANO. -.0. 4HKA1IW OF ALL OTHERS. SOLD BY itctoni lunula I ions ewrs. Mayer Ross: Gents. I have I een u-lnc the Pish (iunnn fur three (3) years, and s.y. without he.taiiur. Ills the best Guano I ever tried J. WATT KIBKPATKICK. Messrs. Mover if Ross.' Gents. The Ush Guano, boutrht of you thi season, gives entire satisfaction, as tested sMe tr side with three other standard guanos, the Ki-li being ahead, making a net nrotlt of siYtv ner cent. I expect to use more of it next season. Yours truly, J. A. POPK. Alexandriana N. C. aprl. GRAND OPENING AT MRS. P. QUERY'S. "yyE are now opehlng bur Second Stock of Vint Millinery, Mr. Query havins lust returned from New York with all the very-latest novelties In HATS and BONNETS trimmed and untriimned. SILKS, 5 IT RU33m L V. J i. OtVA- MENTS, FLOWERS and FEATHEBS in all tbe new shades and styles. The exhibit is by far the most elegant stock of fine Millinery we have ever shown. Stjles very different from early spring and goods In a great many styles much cheaper Also all the latest styles In Neck Wear, Kissues, Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Ruffing, Ac. Fans an t Para sols something entirely new. White Goods, Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, children's Ready- made Suits aud Cloaks, all new and cheap. Ladies will find our stock complete in all tbe different lines of goods we keep. The greatest variety and the most complete assortment of eat line, and at the lowest prices of any establishing ' of the kind in this part of the country. We guarantee every article we offer as low m price for cash as the same article can be purchas ed anywhere. Will open our fine trimmed IM'' nets and. Hats on Thursday. Ladies calling to see our handsome goods."' styles and low prices, will not be disappointed. ; " - Respectfully. . MRSi'P.'UEKY. iBoard of. Pentalj gamblers. E Board or Etaminera Annolnud dv ir North Carolina rental 4)i(inf-Tf1nn'iiid( r the ww enacted ?tb day of March,' 18 TO, lHI meei i the city of Raleigh on Monday JthenSlst day 0! May, 88a All persons holding temporary cer tificates, and those, wishing to commence tbe prac tice of Dental Surgery without a dtpfoma, are here by notified to appear St that time for eBamma"011: All persona who toawiomenoedtbi practice,0' Denttfltrt -KirknAi tba lhf . Hunkn t B7Q without s dlrtoma or oerUficatev are dnlngso In direct viola tion of the law,' and are 1 liable - lb penalties thereof. 1 -x-o -.n. . ,.j -..- .ViKL-TUBNEB. IROSZlDilLls' D ROSjCUXiLLIS BIIIS II 111 I MAYER ROSSI I. K EVERETT, :. n: t;. ... presWeui. maylS - sec. uoard 01 Examiners.