. ir ' i r-r -- iii - ' ' ' &)t I)arJottexbseri)er mi i . iVTriiinrvi :s It Al LB J A a D lttKl'tWHi . ' " The following table snows the running of pasaeni ,,er trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail (WaaWiiatottttina): $j , bichxoxd dajtvillx. Arrlves from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12.30 a. m. Leaves tor. - ' 3.50 a. m. Arrive from Richmond... 11.17 a.m. Leaver for .i-..i;,nv 4-10n.n, ATLAITTA HAKLUTT AIB-liKE. . ,. n arrives from Atlanta,. .i.w Witt Aim Leaves for Atlanta.. .ri ; ,r.M,j. f , I2.a0-w m Arrives from Atlanta,.. , , xv, , , ... . . 4.1 0 p. m Leaves for Atlanta '..'A1; .'.V., .'. , .. 1 lU7ii.ni Arrives from' Afagta..,.).t.!.v;: :'. ?A . . . .- 4 0(1 'p. to. Leaves for August..' . .'ii.JuV..v.A; 11.27 aim. OABOLINA CEHTHAU ' ' ' ' ' Arrives from WllnUlijtonVi1 UiVMX-Ji ,7 Off aim. Le;ives for VVUnnngWf,-.- . , .!.. j. t CO p. m. Arrives from SheU)V-0...tT;:, vrrt 7iUU n.m. Leaves tor SnelDf-. j.-r Ti-,.-r,-:,. ,8.00a. m. ATXAirrtc, tss&w onfa , ' , " ' Leaves for StatesVtyleV.. . vcr -r ftm A rrives rrem Statesville..' .... ... . . . L TOO p.'m W-jhri)KrA HTM KN T, j ( i M- l K ( ' 1 1 IK SIGNAt FF1CKR, V W A.sillNjUTpN, .ALaV $17 J2J , M, L F-r the SimUi vVthtiutigj Hfekti6h ary barometer. stationary orlowef en,. i e;iture,: sotrtherl f-vvhMs clear or,tlrtly donily weather. -x ' Local Hepri tit.' Y&icrday. f 7 A. M.-1 2 P. 41. i P. M Barometer, Trtf.nuoiiuster. Relative Humidity,. 29 965 7tt -64 8 Clear. vvlud-DlrecUoiu., ' Velocity Weather - ' nighest temperattfi'8Td:'noweatr65. ' lnAx to New rteien"" The Common'wBa&a Distribution' fcorbpany. A exander & Hards June 1st, Wilson Burwelt--People that 'we Knowi r. K. Miller 'Attention .Rra.etsi " i h. b. Long AceoueaAftoneeM. . - , W M. 8mlth-Jf ox Bale. illX h. a Beattle For Rent' , s f r b. M. Howell-r Justin. ' -f r . ' Grand ExctirSIorf-antf Basket Plcrrle. - r. : " 1 1 " . 1 1 1 .' : y 1 i ; ' ' i - A dorOTTO6rfr Charlotte W ple leiiVcr for! CjijipL; JUill' comoieii ce ment to-day ,,j ; Ooly a fw io.qjtj pdltJciana and sport ing meu , will -beL .anything , against (r r an t "at GhicHgoonrror " " Tle CarUj'wdjwv train ,leavps the Ciiarlolte; Columbia :.and' Augusta (Tepot to-meriow morning at 1 :30 o'cltwki i ., The cadets of tKe Caroliha'Mmtarv Institute wilt give a" liopL'. Thursday ev ening, June 10th. ,. People arelbeginning' to form plans and make up parties to go to the sum mer resorts,- They, are generally look ing towards Asheville. The commencement exercises at Bid die University begin to-morrow. The address will be delivered by Rev. Dr. C. L. Thompson, of Pittsburgh, Pa., at 11 o'clock, and the graduating exer cises at 2 p. m None of the fire companies have taken action on the question of going to Co lumbia to participate in the fireman's tournament,' bat at least one of our companies will go down. !bhe Columbia Register of Sunday says : Lieut. Arthur Metts of the Gov ernor's Guards, returned to the city yes terday from Charlotte, where the hospi table Forth Carolinians have kept him ever since the 20th. The handsome silver sportsman's cup which has been offered to contesting teams of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen and the Grays the shooting to be had at the Catholic picnic at Pineville to morrow is on exhibition at the Central Hotel cigar stand. Eli Cunningham, colored, who fired the pistol in the Blue's armory, Friday night, was before the mayor yesterday. He was fined $2 for this offence, $2 for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and bound over to court on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. It has been decided to haye the grand out-door entertainment for the benefit of the monument fund on the 22nd of June instead of the 17th, the date at first agreed upon. The change was made because the first date conflicted with the Davidson commencement and other events. - - The special train, which leaves the city Wednesday morningTor RockiDg ham, will carry the delegates down for one first class fare, and tickets bought on the Western Division will be taken. The train will leave at 7 a. m., arriving at Rockingham about 10i0, and will return as soon as the convention is over. .iilcran Picnic. St, Mark's Sunday sohool will picnic at Bellemont Spring, Thursday, pro vided the weather will permit. The school will be taken out orj the train at half-past 8 o'clock in the morning, the crossings at Fifth and Ninth streets bting the places selected for those wish ing to go to board the train. After spending the day at the spring, and be loie returning, the party will be carried to Matthews' Station, returning to the city about sundown. the Cabarrus Instructions. Our information in regard to the ac tion of the Cabarrus county convention was in a measure incorrect. The con ventkn instructed for Robinson foy lieutenant-Governor, not for Holt. Holt was put in nomination by Chas. McDonald but received only one vote. The delegates to the State convention were also instructed to vote for J. Sol. Keid. of Mecklenburg, for auditor, and Dr. Bikle. of Cabarrus for superintend ent of public instruction. Commencement at the C. ITI. I. The commencement exercises at the Carolina Military Institute will occur J une l lfh. The annual sermon will be preached the Sunday before, on the 8th, by Rev. Dr. "R. TT. FTardinjr. The ora tions and addresses of the members of the graduating classes will occur on the nth at 11 o'clock, a. in., and will be lollowed by the annual address before the corps of cadets, which will be deliv ered by Maj. C. Dowd. These exercises will close the seventh annual session of the institution, and are always of an interesting nature. I roni Charlotte and Begging. The Wilmington. .Star of xSaturday, eontains an account of the begging.per lormances of a well dressed white man who prof esses to be a resident of Char lotte, but the name is not giyen. The Star says: He gives as bis excuse for ;wkingalms J,hat he lefthia.li0ma.in Charlotte aod, went.tq Charleston to lijolc fori :cr, tititfOMt tvitnh'diEaiccess; his money soon gave out, and now lie'is trying to get thd means o pay his wayijouje. One g'ehtleraari fto vhom he prenen ted hii petition offered to give mm worn whereby e ooveted arrinntifc ftnrl t. liand at his store vesterdav 8 o clock to commence, onerationa.: 'He promised W dO siy, tint; fallihg'tTJr put in, his appearance, Atr ilM presumed he thought' -begging an easier mode of raising the wherewithal.' ;i '? , 3O-O1.0 ,2a946i B8 , 8.Vy -o .... 40 : i - 4 . -.4 . CTeudy. J Clear. . BEGINNING THE CENSVS TAKING, The Enumerator to start en the RoMTfyfMMlii About the Question to be Asked and An swered. To-day the census enumerators begirt Ifei&V An this cityf the. jvPfkvUl ll?rfc T IT' W-W- PhW ; Second War J K. II. Aldrich ; Third Ward, A. A. Mac aulay; Fourth Ward, D. G. Maxwell; J? or the township, (outside the city) A. Shorter Caldwell. ; - ! l-1 v The period of enumeration is by law limited to the month of June, and in cities having 10,000 inhabitants and oyer, according to the census of 1870, is still further limited to the first two weeks of the month. The duty of each enumCT4itorty to visit persoriaiW every dwelling m his subdivision, and each lamily therein, and each individual liv ing out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head ot such family, or of the member there of dearued most credible and worthy of trust, or of such individual living out of a lamily, to obtain each and every item of information and all the particu lars required. It is tlte, prime object of thenumera tion td obtain tfce nam e--and the requi site particulars as to personal descrip tion of every person Ln the United States, of whatever age, sex, color, race, or condition, with this single exception viz: that "Indians not taxed shall be omitted frdrn the enumeration. ' It is not within the choice of any4 lutbitant of the United States whether lie shall or shall not communLcate the information required by the census laws. s En n m erntrrrs rrre;-ho weverp nstrueted that they ,wiHrdriwel! , npt unwepssari ly to obtrude the compulsory feature of theuiumeration.: It t will j be found in the vast nrajoritykjf-Cases that7the per sons called upon to erive information will do so without objection or delay. The enumerator is not required to ac cept answers which he knows or has reason to believe, are false. He has a right to a true statement on ev ery matter respecting which he is bound to inquire; and he is not con cluded by a false statement. Should any persist in making statements which are obviously erroneous, the enumera tor should enter upon the schedule the facts as nearly as he can ascertain them by his own observation, or by inquiry of credible persons. TKefpregoing remark is pf specihlim portance with reference Jto" the 'state ments of the heads of families respect ing afflicted members of their house holds. The law requires a return in the case of each blind, deaf and dumb, insane or idiotic, or crippled person. It not infrequently happens that fathers and mothers, especially the latter, are disposed to conceal, or even to deny, the existence of such infirmities on the part of children. In such cases, it the fact is personally known to the enu merator, or shall be ascertained by in quiry from neighbors, it should be en tered on the schedules equally as if ob tained from the head of the family. The enumerator is prohibited by law from delegating to any -other person his authority to enter dwellings and to in terrogate their inhabitants. The - work of enumeration must be done by the enumerator in person, and cannot be' performed by proxy. Five regular schedules are created by law for the enumeration of the several subjects of inquiry as follows: Popula tion, agriculture, manufactures, social statistics, and mortality. Schedule 4 (social statistics) has been withdrawn from the enumeration- and placed in the hands of special agents and experts. Upon schedule 1 (population) is to be entered the name of every man, wo man and child gpjtjie .first day of June, 1880, shall -nave ins or ner usual place of abode within the enumerator's district. No child born between the 1st day of June, 1880, and the day of the enumerator's visit (say June 5th or 15th or 25th) is to be entered upon tbejsched ule. On- the other hand, every person who was a resident of the distiict upon the 1st day of June, 1880, but between that date and the day of the enumera tor's visit, shall have died, should be en tered on the schedule precisely as if still living. The object of the schedule is to obtain a list of the inhabitants on the 1st Of June, 1880, and all changes after that date, whether in the nature of gain, or of loss, are to be disregarded in the enumeration. The word family, for the purposes of the census, includes persons living alone equally with families in the ordinary sense of that term, and also all larger aggregations of people having only the tie of a common roof and tables. A hotel, with all its inmates, constitutes but one family within the meaning of this term. A hospital, a prison, an asy lum.is equally a family for the purposes of the census. On the other hand, the solitary inmate of a" cabin, a loft, or a room finished off above a store consti tutes a faroilv in the meaning of the census act. In the case, however, of tenement-houses and of the go-called "flats" of the great oities, as many fami lies are to be recorded as there are sepa rate tables Charlotte and Greenville. Recently the cantata, "Esther," was given in Greenville by the young la dies and gentlemen of that city with fine effect ana to crowaea nouses, me entertainment was so successful that the people of Spartanburg invited them to come over and present it there, which was done last week to a crowded house. We understand that they could be induced to visit Charlotte ahd it is sue-srested that thev be invited. The entertainment was gotten up for the benefit of the Presbyterian church of Greenville, and the amateur actors embrace the be3t musical talent of that city. A New Order Organization, A: Tifiw T;ndfra of the Order ;Ksher Shel Barsel Was instituted Sunday, May aoth. hv Rev. S. Mendelsohn, ot Wi:- minerton. bv the name of North State Lodge No 194 O, KS.-J3.Dlstrict No. 3, with the folloryviugbfbcers tor the ensuing term : President R. M. Kopf. Vice-President L. Leon. .3ecretary-.W. M. Morris. Assistant Sec N. Schloss. Treasurer D. Goldberg Conductor M. Lichtenstein Assistant Conductor A. A. Nathan Guardian D. Blum. Outside Guardian J. M Mendel Past President HJ Baumgarten. : m mining Notes! Mr' .tosenli RO'wark has struck severa rich ' veins on a plabe a mile this side of Huntersville, within the past few davs one nearly three feet wide and annt.her about eight inches. Gold is f6und in large, quantities iii brown ore which is easily woricea. The superintendent of the Simpson mine, Mr.,!. 4) .nartneia,;nas.orun? w have estimates tnadeUfid secure lumber for putting: up mills and to go on with the work at that mine. ' Mr. a J Warren who, has been pros pecting and examining the mines of North Carolina for the lastrtwo or three years ahd re)drtingiupoh, tjiem to peo ple iM1iedrltf, has feCently effected a sl. of several mines, among which IS the Ferria mihe,!flve mues uoro wit) -Annftf irtrt: which work will be com menced in a short time, , He is neotia XXttit fo? the Sale df several inbre" Mr.1 Warren isvo wuperinteaaing ine wor at thJrrii mine- . r I .. . i. : u w V o o alraariv hPAIl TOigtit earn tne cuy, upon wu'; ZfaaH. hid him to be'on J cbmmeneedi and tb? ?hifen aftd uen- mdruinc at I ly mines, below Matthews, in union- divine a False,. Fire Alarm. j f "i f s jT - i tf ;j ti 'j f n Sonday morning about 4 o'eTdck the fire bell was sounded and the police wentfjaiound ta.,cfertairi..theicause. They saw retreating figures, and order ed them to halt They did not stop rvjnd policeman.; Stephens fired his pistol twice.with a.view to frightening them into surrendering. They were subse jfiueutly. captured w& ordered to. appear before the mayor yesterday morning. One of them appeared, but proved that he had nothing to do with the ringing and was discharged. . For this reason his name is not given. The other Has not been heard of and it is reported is not in thecity: .golitiool Matters in ih Seventh PAs trict. Our.wrreBpqndent.at Statesvatewri tihgiyesterday,,,saysr The-' figuring to day sis to the result of , the, , township primaries of Iredell show at this wai ting (2 p. m.) that 21 delegates are m- '-sjUuctedfQr Bobbin s and 8 for Armfield ; un instructed delegates 13, and 9 dele gates to hear f Kim. Twenty-six votes carries tfre odmityt ..: i ' , Davie county unanimously voted inr strutStiOns for bobbins, Saturday; ' ojRQwan; Forsythe arid Davie have led off in the Seventh district, giv ing Mai .llQbJbinj. . lYpte Mlf the number, necessary for the nomination in M&mAirei&Qiwl cfca Mention, 5 .d . . .i'.J ii. ... 1 - 2. J! A - Capt. P. C. Carlton and Mr. A. Leazar tle editor of; the Mooresville Qaqette are, prfijient for the Senate from this county, and j.T); Click, Esq., and a host TJT HtiiersTor lite itotrser May Marriage. - 1 : Marriage licenses were issued to the following named persons by the regis ter of deeds, of this county, during the r !fJ3Trth9sMay J - J.'granB4.att...-..-.-;--..r- WHITES. J. WiShaWM. A? Smith. ; H': F. feeefrlLrzzie'E: caldwfelF. 'a Thos. Gallant, Ellen Hargett. W. D. Prjcjgfejos Ferris, John L. Rea, Isabella McAulay. Nicolas B. F. Duls, Annie M. Vogel. H.Elam, Llzrie D.Moyer. T. A. Allison, Sallie J. Crowder. ,AV. Ds. Noles, A.fA. Jieenan' j COLORED. "W ' Delta Alexander, Sallie Alexander. Adam Lee, Mary Massey. M.L. Dammons, Charlotte Wilson. Sam Meak, Amanda Jackson. Wessley Morrison, Angelina Grier. Marshall Nal, Julia Strong. Adam SfurphyMaiaft Moore. D. F. Blakney, Katie Held. ' Christopher A. Carothers, Rhina Os- E. Houston, Mima Beatty Thos. Myers, ETMorrison. Wm. Sanders, Susan Morehead. Benj. L. Qvpckson, Ella Harris. JameS Moore, Laura Torrence. Caroliii4 Cenral Soldi ! ( ,; j'j The Carolina Central Railroad was sold at public auction in Wilmington, yesterday, under a decree of the court, and bought by G. K. French lor the com mittee ot the bondholders, tor $1,200,000, which was the nly bid made, r It is learned from -private sotfrces) tliat Mr. Murchison, of Williams & Murchison, and two other gentlemen of Wilming ton recently bought a number of the bonds, and are, therefore, among the owners. It is understood that Mr. Murchison desires the presiden cy of the road, and will proba bly get it. Another report is that there will be a proposition to establish an of fice known as general manager, ana that the present superintendent, gener al freight agent and other officers, will be retained in their present positions. The news of the sale was received in the city, yesterday 'early in the after noon, and was generally discussed While it was anticipated that the bond holders would become the purchashers general satisfaction was expressed that they had actually secured it, and not a foreign and rival combination. The price is, of course, nominal, as the pur chashers were the owners. FHE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT. The Duty of the Women of Charlotte in Connection Therewith. To the Ladies of Charlotte: In pursuance of an invitation extended through The Obsekver, on Saturday morning, to tne laaies or tne city to as semble at the Central Motel, to aevise ways and means for the erection of a Confederate monument, I went thither, hoping and expecting to see a large as semblage, but my fond anticipations were not to be realized, out or an tne ladies in the city but seven had re sponded to the call. I blush for this apparent want or patriotism and pride, of love and gratitude, that should ani mate every heart at the mention or our Confederate dead, bureiy it is nttiewe can do, even if it be our best, in return for theu devotion to us. Do vou not remember, how in the davs so long ago past, in the enthusiasm or tne nour, wnen arums were oeaung, music Dlaving, banners flying, we, in our pride at their bravery, buckled on the accoutrements of our dear ones and sent them forth to war ? Oh I they were our fathers, brothers, husbands, lovers, sons, and some, alas, returned not again, but to-day are sleeping tneir last long sleep on many a battle-field. All over this hroad land of ours, from the heights of Gettysburg to the shores of the Gulf, from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, are green hillocks, marking the resting place ot our uomeaeraie aeau. a rue, none who were loved by 1 us may be lying in this particular cemetery, but " f 1 A J J TT and as we do for him so others may do for our boy, who doned the gray and went forth to death. . WAhftarf Confederate monuments all af oundVus, i at Richmond, Raleigu, Wilmington, Columbia, and shall Char- lotte oe Denina mem an r jx thousand times Not! Then let us tro to work and have a monument of which we shall be Proud. This can on ly be accomplished by strenuous efforts, and earnest enoeavor, ana mat too on the:nart of t&w6tfieiu- It seems to me this is sDeciallv our work, though all should be interested in it, and lend a heloing hand: It belongs to no particu lar creed or denomination, nor is it con fined to any social circle. Jew and lien tile, rich and ?toor. alike fought and died, and, the friends, of .each, have a Tlifin do not stand back for Mrs. A., B C. or D- but let each one feel that she has m nersonal interest, to do what she can, and work LapCordingly.j (Now, the Memorial Association; proposes to give an outdoor entertainment, about the 22nd,of June.by which ,they hope to re'aliie severaihundred dollRraerdiaps a thousand, me association .uein; small, can do hut jittie : if "left to wor! alone. So it is necessary that every wo man yes; and man, too snau come to their assistance. In a few days, per haps a week, another meeting will be calleaariditis most' earnestly desired that every ladv in the city, who .can -uiH sttfindi, Of course there are heads OJL lrtllllllco auu ouiud wijitj , .v can not be present; but friends, if you can't come . yourselves, why then send your aistersi your cousins and your aurrts.'.''. And dear ladies, come with vnnr hearts full of thef memoiy of our brave boysM -Never let u forget then), t norfeelthistaik)i a:rflornentio ue h nuisqnve bit let mothers taifc of their bravery, for ages 'yd, to come, and tell howb&ft&lbtfani djl ,4 let us and to which we can point with swell ing heart aidhw recorded upon its while fchatvthe valiant deeds of fath er!? Hhd'brothers to children yet 6bg7i. Charlotte, N. a. May SlslS80. :i APietol .a 171iIInery Establish menu Marshall Mott is the name .of a negro boy arrested by Constable Orr vester dav, in front of Mrs: P. Query's store. on a warrant charging; him with lar ceny. "Let me see Mr. Query, afore I go, said the prisoner, and the officer consented to accompany him up stairs. Just before he reached the top, he made 1 L. , ' -1- m 1 Jl . . J MM a ieap wnicn ianaea mm on ine noor and another which carried him out of the two story window. The officer ar rived just in time to see him disappear, and, running to the window drew" his pistol and fired at the negro, who bv tViuf tima woa rrrvvner of -frill enAaI AAMaa the lot in rear of the store. ; The ball miS9wl ifj mnrlr hnt. th'n firinci- nf'fha I pistol in a room adjoining that In which 1 the seamstresses of the establishment were gathered produced a decided com motion. One of the number fainted. and the nerves of several others were so severely shocked that they did not re cover throughout , the evening. The officer was upbraided for his conduct, out replied that he did not know or did not think of any one being in the other room. An effort was snbsequently made by Mr. Query to get out a war rant for him, but the magistrate sug gested a difficulty in bringing any spe cific charge and the- matter was aban doned ! ft iu . A Sensation in Shelbr A Ulanlae in theStreetH. Just before nooh Yesterday. Mr. Phil ip Wilson, a well known and esteemed citizen of Cleaveland county, who lives about a mile and half from Shelby, ap peared on the streets of that town in a perfectly nude state, rushing wildly along the sidewalk, towards tne centre of the town. His appearance produced such a shoek that he was allowed to proceed along several blocks before he was captured and removed to the jail. His mental condition was brought about by religious excitement. Rev Mr. Nelson, of Hendersohville, has been conducting a revival meeting in Shelby for several weeks, and a iigh state of religious excitement has prevailed in the community, people coming from all the surrounding country to join in the meetings. .Last nday night Mr. Nelson preached a sermon on "Conse cration, and when he had concluded Mr Wilanm ahn hurl liaan a roarnlar af tendant upon the meetings, arose in his seal, mm auuresseu uie couuienaiiun. betraying the first symptoms of lunacy. His friends thought he was laboring under excitement which would soon pass away, but it was subsequent ly found necessary to con hue mm in a room at his home. He grew more and more iranuc, and finally becoming un controllable, burst out of the dwelling and made his way to Shelby, tearing his clothes off as he went Mr. Wilson is about forty years old and owns consid erably property. Up to' the time of his participation in the meetings, according to our information, he had never given any symptoms of mental disease what ever. The matter lias produced a de cided sensation in Shelby. WOMAN'S WISDOM. "She insists that it is more importance, that her family shall be kept ln full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles oi the times. Sne tnererere sees to nvtnat each member of her family is snpplied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symp toms of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All wot men should exercises their wisdom In this way." New Haven Palladium. exo Vxlxrjertiseiucut5. ATTENTION HORNETS! A TTEND a call meeting of your Company this XX (Tuesday) evening at 81fe o'clock, sharp. Busi ness of Importance. R E. MILLER, K. K. rat, President. Secretary. June 1 ATTENTION PIONEERS! "V"0U are ordered to attend the regular monthly A: . . .Ll- m 1 weeding oi jour cumpauy mis v i uesuaj ; even ing at 8 o'clock, sharp. Business of importance. la. a. iiunu, B. A. Krkbman, President Sec. and Treas. June 1 JUST IN. NICE HARD HEAD CABBAGE. Honey intheComb, S. M. HOWELL. June 1 PEOPLE THAT WE KNOW Who have given certificates are a thousand times more to be relied on than those manufactured to order by designing persons who desire to foist on the public their drastic and depleting mixtures, un der the guiso of Regulators, Invlgorators, Bitters, &c The proprietors of SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND OR LIVER CURE refer you to people that you know, who have testi fied to its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Stomach, Skin and Kidneys. It is entirely vegeta ble, perfectly harmless, and a fox to all malarial poisons, prevenUng Fever, Chills,' Bllousness, &c All Druggists and Dealers Sell and Recom mend it. Physicians who have taken the trouble to learn its formula, prescribe it with confidence. Give It a trial, and our word for it, you will never reget it, but become like others, its advocate and adverti ser, as are the following, who never fail to speak of it In the highest terms and recommend It to others: Rev. A. COKE SMITH, R3V. H. C. POWER, Dr, GEO. S. PELZER, Dr W.C FISHEB, C. A. GRAESER, Bsv. a B. JONES, RsvA. M. SHTPP, W. M. MUCKEFUS3, Bev. L. CUTHBERT, Dr. J. 8IMP30N. i&BlJRNAMj. 6. J. PR1ESTER, H. S. NEUFVlLLE, J. S. MAJBTIN, t D. J. CRAWFORD, W.H.WROTON. It Is simpler, better and cheaper than any other toapreparark).TeiveTOffered. - BOWIE MOIS, Bole Proprietors, a Charleston, a C. WM&Bl'RWaU Agents, June 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C H TIP O IF -1 We have this day reduced LARGE AND u,uuu yaras 01 me xest uanco ai 5,000 5,000 it ( a n a u f u u 44 44 ii 20.000 VJ vv w 1 000 iV'vrv'v' ALSO, Dress Goods, Triraig Sis, Hamburg Edgings, Torcta and Valenciennes WE HIVE, ALSO, INCLUDED HcnsV 'Boyf-tUii 'Cdra; - neady - A CALL WILL BARGAIN -IN- AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFTTCX My stock Is very Urge, and embraces a toll line of nlture. All goods packed free of charge. is cellatuc0tts. ELECTION NOTICE. MAYOR'S OFFICE. March 31st 1880. Br virtue of a resolution passed at a late meet ing of the Board of a Idermen of the city of Char lotte, I am author'zed to advertise that there will be an election by ballot, held in the city on the first Monday ln June. A. D. 1K80. at the usual K!HRg places, to ascertain the sense or the quail- tea voters, on me question oi esiaoiismng ana maintaining by taxation ln the city, public graded schools. I am further authorized to state that the maximum rate of taxation shall be one-tenth of one per cent, or ten cents on every one hundred dollars worth of property In the city, and thirty cents on each poll. At tne time aesignatea tor the aforesaid election, there shall be eieetea By oai lot two school commissioners from each ward. There will be new registration books opened on he first day of April, A. D. 1880, and the same shaU be kept od. n until sundown on the Saturday previous to said election. I do hereby appoint as registrars and Inspectors for said election, for Ward Ito. 1 F. A. McNmch. registrar; inspec tors, j. w. wauswortn, n. H. Aimer ana unaries A, razler. Ward No 2 Walter Brem, registrar; Inspectojs Wm. M. Wilson, McD. Arledge and G W. Bryant Ward No. 3 B Y Boyd, registrar; inspectors I H. McGinn. J. E. Brown and H. Edwards. wara o. 4 - a. r. waring, reeisirar; inspectors, J. M Sims, Wm. 11. Nlsuet ana w. r. sniar. aprl F. I. OSBORNE, Mayor. gvoessi0tml. DR. R. C. DAVIS, A GRADUATE OF THE Medical "y of Nw York Havlng permanently locatea m unanotie, oi lers his professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity. Office la Charlotte Hotel. may 11 dsw2w RO. D. GRAHAM, N the State and United States Courts. Collec L tions. Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab stracts of TiUes, Surveys, Ac., furnished for com pensatlon. Office : N. E. Corner Trade & Tryon streets, Charlotte, N. C. fjan. 6. CRYSTAL ICE CREAM JLiIj momabe 9 AND BOUQUET CIGARS AT N. B.--Having introduced the patent Ice Cream Baskets, parties can be supplied at their resi dences ln quantities of 10c. 25c and 50c. may la A TLANTIC, TENNESSEE 4 OHIO RAILROAD StJTPERINTENDKNT'S OFFICE, ( Charlotte, N. C, May 10th, 1880. i On and after Wednesday. Mar 12th. 1880. the following schedule will be run over this road: GOING NORTH. . . Leave Charlotte 1 7 30 a. m. Davidson College w i o a. m. Arrive at Statesville, 10 45 a. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville 3 50 p. m. " Davidson College, n 2 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 7 00 p. m. rw-Close connecnon made at btaresvine wim trains over the W. N. C. R. R. J. J. GORMLEY, may 12 Supt. COME AT LAST ! DYING, SCOURING AND GENERAL CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT. TTarW ftnnds. Ladles' Dresses. Shawls. Table Covers, Ribbons, Feathers, and every other de scription of wearing apparel cleaned, renovated and changed to any color desired. KID GLOVES A SPECIALTY.. All Orders to be left for the present at MRS. MCNBLIS'S MILINKB I STUB. F. A. MILLER. ppr!8 , - . SCHOOL NOTICE. : I have opened a School for Boys la .the School Building on Gen. Bar- ringer lot on unurcn street. Tne school tor the present, consists of on ly, two Departments, Primary and the termedlate. my obiect being to secure the best possible classification In ordef. that In- lnstruction may oe wiorougn.- xerms, tpayauie monthly.) S3 per month, i .,J:; ; L.HOLMJE& , p. a I propose to opes a Night School if a suf ficient number of pupils can be obtained, for the nmmn or warniiuc wnunc.' Anuuusuc oou ook-keeping. Terms wUl be made known oa .Animation a mr Hcnooi juwis. r w ur. m. zu. Glover, or Mr. Gus rwh.am aj Bjnetf Sprtow' I Jan. 23 minis, DECLINE JL.JL the prices of all leading Domestics and VARIED S T O C Union Lawns, Printed Piques, - 4-4 Bleached Domestic, 4-4 Sea Island, WS HAVE REDUCED THE PRICES OF ALL OUR IN OUR SWEEPING REGUCTTONS, ALL OF OUB made - Clothing, Straw Hals, Shoes, Slippers, Cents' Furnishing Geods, fit, fie. CONTINUE TOU THAT WE ABE IN BEAD EARNEST. Special Bargains in Frames of all Kinds Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Office Fur - COTTON FACTORY AND 740 ACRES OF LAND. TO BE SOLD BY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Gaston county, I will expose to pubUc sale at Ballas, Gaston county, North Carolina, On Monday, 7th June, 1880, 12 o'clock Noon, the following valuable property, to-wit: The STOWEVILLK COTTON FACTORY, and machinery belonging thereto, Cotton Gin and Press, Saw Mill and Grist Mill, all in successful operaUon, the factory running Thirteen Hundred Spindles. With the factory, gin, mills, and thirty tenement bouses, will be sold as part thereof, about Two Hundred and Fifty acres of Land, on which said factory and mills are situate, the same ( lying on both sides of the South Fork of the Ca l tawba, and embracing, besides the factory site, anoiner gooa water-power on me opposite siae or the river, which is a never failing stream. This property is two miles from a depot on the Air-Line Railroad. The residue of said tract of land, to-wit : About Five Hundred acres, will be sold, cut into three or more tracts of convenient size, and is valuable agricultural land. TF.RMS OK SALE: The factory, mills and land attached will be sold and purchaser required to pay $8,400 cash, and the residue of the purchase money on one, two and three year's time with In terest at 8 per cent., bond and good security re quired, and also mortgage on the property. Pos session given Immediately. On the remainder of the lands, one-fourth cash will be required, and the deferred payments upon the same terms as the factory, the purchaser In all cases having the option to pay the cash ln full. SALE AT DALLAS, 7th of JUNE, 1880, NOON. E. L. GAITHER, may4 Commissioner. CLEAVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, WILL OPEN MAY 15th, 1880. These Springs are two miles from Shelby, fifty four miles west of Charlotte, and one miles of Carolina Central Railway. Hacks will be at Springs Station on arrival of every Train AT KING'S MOUNTAIN STATION, ON AIR-LINE RAILROAD, HACKS CAN BE OBTAINED. DISTANCE, TEN MILES. Cold and Warm Baths. - White a Red Sulphub & Cbaltbeate Watebs. A GOOD STRING BAND SECURED FOR THE SEASON. A Bowling Alley in Good Order. Livery Accom modations Attached to the Hotel. RATES OF BOARD : Single day, $2; single week, $12; four weeks, $35. S. McPOSTON, Propr. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. SuDt apr21. NEW ICE HOUSE. WE beg leave to Inform the citizens of Char V V lotte that we are now ready to deliver Ice to any part of the city at ONE CENT PER POUND. Orders properly filled at short noUce. in rear ot T. L. Belgle & Co's Store. Ice House Leave your orders. ap!29-tf J. FISCHESSEB & CO. CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience in hospital and pri vate practice, euarantees a permanent cure ln all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System vie: organic ana seminal weamess, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous ueoiu tv uid Trembllmr. Palnltation of the Heart Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains ln the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, eta, an resuiong irom aiwuiAa in vnuth or excesses In manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eraaicaiea irom tne system. Also All akin and blood diseases auicklv cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all fe male complaints and lrregularties. au Mmimitatinnii aMctlv confidential, and medi cines sent to any address. Call or write, enclosing stamp for reply. septlOlv Agents Wanted, To solicit orders for Photographs, etc.. for en largement A paying business. For particulars and terms address J. D. lehkb, box ltw.uar- risburg. Pa. $M M H A YEAR and expenses to Agents. Outfit free. Address P. O. . TICKER Y, Augusta, Maine. ADVERTISERS by addressIngGEO. P. ROWELL ft CO., ten Spruce St, New York, ran) earn the exact cost of any propsed line of ADVERTISING ln American newspapers. MyAUU-pago painpu et, IOC. wanted 'af asaysasft ATMriflnoad aaiftmiian ' for North and South Caro lina. , Address,. wilt lefeteiices, box 2045,: Phila- oeipniaf. u., . , ? may 44-euuaw. THE EXODUS TERANGES. labor, raafelng necessary every f - XJ cllity fee handlnu Cotton at tb Gin- savk i LABOR by using a JONES ItYfrTON-WAGONj 8CAL& - prick vwh ana nen ana Hteei urass Beams. FREIGHT PAID BY ua If ordered now can pax at Ginning. Everybody send for free book. Addresa, r .lOKWBINGHAMTON. may 14-w4teow. : Blnghamion, N. T. m i m JU iMi JLfJL-SiW tff eYerTthiHS iept In oaf K 0$ Q Q Q JXp' . - ,. 3.- - "5 3 vto. Sfeets. 0 7 9 i CIS. 8, 10 & 12 cts. Laces, Dress Linen, Sniigs, fc KEW SPRING STYLES OJf ' r and Styie3,"gtt R.B. FlSLD, Charlotte. T. E. Field, - Jckory, N. C.( METROPOLITAN HOTEL CHARLOTTE,' FIELD BROTBERsfSf roprs. g THIS Hotel has the largest and most comfort able rooms of any hotel ln the State. It Is fit ted up with all modern improvements; is conve nient to tne postomoe ana Banns, ana is eenirnuj located ln the business part of the city. Large SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we offer superior inducements to tne traveling pudiic. -Omnibuses and Carriages at every Train.. FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND DEALERS IH COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND GROWN & SPRING CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, HON EY, &c, &C THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR ALWAYS IN STOCK. Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. LARGE BASEMENT under Metropolitan Hotel for rent. may 2 8 St. Charles Hotel. STATESVILLE, N. C. THIS HOUSE is now under the management of Mrs. Dr. Reeves, formerly of the National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N. C, whose un It will be to make it a first class hotel In every re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms on the first floor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 13-dtf. HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, YA., ITUATED 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the rear. Eaual to any hotel ln the United States as a SUMMLEtt RESORT. Send for.clrcular describing hygienic advantages, etc. HAHttlSUN JfttUJUJUB, may 23-3m Proprietor. tisjceUatte0xts. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD 1 Nsvsi Gcti Hied. Can bs Mass ami Stibhoti Dmimo. Vamt Twicb AS Loko. Siieusi Corel wltiout Drujgiaj Syitta. CUKIS Chills and fever. Liver Complaiat, Dyspepsia, neuralgia, Kenonsness, Rheumatism, Costiveness, Female Weakness, Sick t Nenoni Beadacbe. These Pads Cure 11 Diseases by Absorption. No Noxious Pills, Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also th Lirer and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonioi s absorbedintothecirerfatloii of the Blood and Liver, purifying the Bteod,ttiwiltlDgth Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomach to digest food. Peicx of Pads tl kd ti kacb. Solo bt all Dboosists, or sentbi-Mail orExpress. . r-j" -f Manufactured and for sale at 02 Germain street. Baltimore, Md. . , For sale ln Charlotte at the drug stores of. L. R. Wriston ft Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson Burwell. " Lmay ioiy. WANTED, At the Charlotte Qty Mnis. 8,000 bushels Corn, i nno huRheis wheit. Rve. Oats. Peas, Ac, for which cash, or meal ln exchange, will be paid. constantly on nana, nour, ueoi, uu.eeu, . for sale. . - . : ? - . These mills have been inorougniy rennea, ana all grain sent will be promptly .ground.or exchanged If desired. T. J, IRWIN ft CO Janlo-tt ; HE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday Giving a full resume of the preceding week, news or all national topics ana generar intemgence; Be sides being the only REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER There supporting the National Democratic Party. Edited by ukukue u. wjslumskbuiux, oi virgin la, formerly publisher of the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Single copies, one rear, postage paid j i S ;2 00 Five eopiesyto oae address, postager'naldU v -7 & Ten copies, to one address, postage paid, 12 50 Twenty copies, to one address, postage pd. 20 00 (With a eopy free to the person aecurtnirtbe clubs.) For farther Information address . , GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Box 822. Washington, D. C, or the Editor Dec 23. Ots acres. I offer this land either ln one body or tor section to suit purchasers. " : .;. , .v. . ., For further information, apply to ' " ' "Z,,' declT eoatfT , S. J. TORRENC. 5 :!J .t .'T . ilR SALE. KT5if K'tmm traetbr: iatod W.mlle m of xA: ritr of Charlotte, eomnrtslncr about 150 i