DrZH3N. 1VU Ui 2j'f m m rf1 1 r VrtAbM Compound tH .anfedffdctui tMJLiver, and x 1 " 4 T . . cures over ompiainu, j dipe, Biliousness, Malaria, Cps .tiveaess, Headaioh'. !ltias$i$t : o-estion. strenethens the system,,. regulates the bowels, purifiesthe blood. & cook sent iree. ir, Sanford, 162 Broadway,: ;M;YT FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Fortify tte System And yoa are armed against disease. The teest tonic for this purpose Is Hostetter'i Stomach Bit im. whick renders digestion easy and complete, ooat. tenets Mllkmsness, and keeps the bowels in order, sod so rental and beneficent are its effects, that not only is the body invigorated and regulated by Its use, but despondency banished from the mind. lor tale by all Druggists und Dealers generally. TE8TIM0XI OF DRUGGISTS. We certify that we have been selling "Swift's Syphilitic Specific" for many years, and regard It far superior to anything known to science, for the disease for which It is recommended. We have never known of a single failure. . & 3. Cassels. Thomasvllle, Oa. L. r.Oreer & Co.. i'orsjth, 6a. Hunt. Ban kin & Lamar, Atlanta. Ga. Pemberton, Samuels dc Reynolds, Atlanta. Ga. Daniel 4 Marsh, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga , July 1, 1874. Me C. T. SwnT-Dear Sir: We have been using your "Swift's Syphilitio-Speclfic" in the treatment of convicts for the last year, and believe it is the only certain known remedy that will effect a perma nent curt for diseases for which you recommend it. $1,000 REWARD Will be paid tn any chemist who will find, on analysis 01 one hundred bottles of S. S. S , one particle of mercuryi iodide potassium, or any min eral substance. Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECBFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston & Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's Friends." may27 d&wlm. ened by the (train of roar duties avoid tolling over it work, to res sciraniants ana use brain nerve and wi Mop Bitters. use Hop Bitters suffering from any in If Ton are toois and discretion or dlssipa tioni It yon are mar- pea or imtrie, old or yoane. Suffering from jpoor kaaHh or langinsh inr on & bed of sick- tma, rely on Hop Bltters. Whoever yon are. inoasands die an-H Whenever yon feet that your gTitem needs Baaliy from some form of Kidnev KtonSStafc01111 or disease that might been prevented by a timely sax Hon or Hop jBltters. Bitierta Have yon dv- mxju, kidney. Kr HTtnarg oom- D. I. C. rpuant, disease of is an absolute and irregistable core for drunk the ttowiac, 60W- tm, otooa, aver nerve t Ton en ess, use of will be cored if opium, fcmaooo, or narootics. jyou use Hop B If yon are dm- Sold by druir- piy weak and tow brists. Send for spirited, try 1T utreniar. it may save your lire. It has saved HOP BIRXSg vra co hundreds. mayl eodAwly tatchcs and grol8. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Fine Gold and Silver Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamonis, Sfliar ani Sflyer Plated Ware, Gold andSilver Sneetaeles, and everything kept in a FIRST-CLASS JEWELRY STORE. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver. Particular attention paid to tbe Repairing of Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. ALL WATCH (AND CLOCK WORK : WAiWiite4l V fVr. Twelve ontlis, !,.-.!), . All goods' sold at this establishment warranted as represented. .'.'..'! r;ili.!;'.!)'l ; xno.. u'',. f.ni Vj--'-"O'iH- i' -iilirti ,Vr5f-(HM''0! 1 ft M". 'l 7f ! i -s'V HONESTY t!8 TH BEST POLICY. "". al M( 'ai.fey .mnldut ooo oi jitlwi ft'T. f Mi o'j .Ui 'to;i!ti .fIi5 !!" m jr Oh-"'T 1 Ij,, IT rrrm A This banaV OMITH Sj some poDyiontUdinB:, f- reft dten; three stories and wldtbBfeetbylOQi basement isonerea Ior rent to a good tenan borate f tiMMiAniiM tArm froih1 June 1st. '188 . - - - Hl.i lujr. 4444T. 44 1 -4.4....j " -nr xt Dsn a u- w., qbj38 , 109 Pearl St., New York. i 1 I y It yon are a maul If 70a ve V I 1 of basinew, weak- I m&n of let- VkJ ten toiling overntid-B night work, to restore M .L ! wn-r II li ,4111 II n mill 1 111 ii idn IrKM uiiiumi l 111 Bll I H kicuro II l r a 1 1 . 1 mil 11 r i- , JARVJS TO.-'THE PEOPLE; r. r 1 1 C COVEHNOB DEFENDS IBIJI SELF AGAINST ClIAXtOES. , -a- ' 1 i i j 1 1 i ' ' ft His Action In tbe Legislature Kxplain ed Somietnin'g Wthov ie4rd of bit Pilvate tlfc.'cr f , . ,4 f r J . ? ? ATtlf n-Nf C.f ifcry 2S. 1880. lanvass that has befloirig o he ndmina- Hnn f nrf fWrfrttnt'T h.-IfftrleOTtO act in GofeYriorT hi a becomine nianrjer; . ii haye remained I 9tont.lv at the caDital: have been ,man orL community, ..uaye uixu ..or ICllt UllUCl HIO IUWII 144, l yj , vv,. malienant. misrepresenlatfQn; of my liibmrcal rcoi-d and the'radst: ttife-eling Sneers at tne cnppiea conuitiuu ui m. ftelplessirightariM IIT 10 M'UM) Takinp: courage from that silence, my Mfsteltiigd to lOSck my SrnnarihtprTtvT Wdinif conven- text uiiiiie foe bciHraaiiiidTislMfl dera in a newspaper at the head or. whose columns st(J-the-ame of the chairman (iM;rie DieilrSqcratfc Staexe cutive cortmrtCtee.1' rn face Of- ach f.hartrps so erravelv affecting my person irinflr thA nnnsnallv bitter C w. r . r - n r al inteerritv. and so circulated, 1 aiwWpttii whom T had made the compromise, willing to remain silent. special tax bonds. - It is charged and insisted that In g T.Paislatiirft of l8G8-'9 I favorea the is-j iino nf di,4Vntic1tMmritn& that I srasl afiiena toa uif jet;isiu A"u thatfdebt tfDOniftfie eoDM .ineviacts i ar theie :J i siap eressioa oi 18G8 appropriations were maae.tpya-i-iniia railroads, and amons them to the Williamston & Tarboro Koad, to the Chatham Koad and t tor- -Western North Carolina, Otoxid. &is ; none of which did I vote except for 300,00arto. thA Williamston and Tarboro ltoad. In October, 1S6S, ttiese bondawere issued and went into the hands of the presi dents of the several companies. When the Legislature met in ' tegular session in November, 1868, it was concluded, tltattbese bonds were unconstitutional and void. .Some of thero had hen5used by the president of the -Wflfiamston &, Tarboro: Railroad:- f anal by?; the president "of the Chathaiurldad, in y t J a 1 making bonajiae purcuases ior tuuse roads. A bill passed the Senate to al low the presidentsof thesethree roads to return to the treasury these void bonds and get others in their place of like amount to those returned, which were thought to be valid. My decided views on this bill, were, 1st. The void bonds ought to be returned. .2d. Thatine ac tual bona fide obligation incurred with these bonds" for which the State was to be benefited, ought to be redeemed, when those who had taken them did not have notice. This amount, how ever, was but small. In this I thought the honor and credit ot the btate were involved. 3d. That the feature of the bill which authorized the issuing of other bonds over and above what was necessary to redeem those bona fide obligations, ought to be stricken out. The bill was passed under tbe call of the previous question, and my only chance to move to amend was to vote with the majority, which I did. I was cut off the first day by a motion to ad journ and the second day by a motion to reconsider being made by another member and a friend of the bill. After that nine other separate and distinct bills were before the House, (eight of which passed,) to appropriate spe cial tax bonds to the railroads,, not one of which did I vote for, but opposed as best I could. I believed then and believe now that the Legislature was limited in its pow er to tax the property of the State to sixty-six and two-third cents on the $100 worth of property, and that this must include all taxes. In February 1809,1 tried to have that feature made a part of the Revenue Bill for the ex press purpose of defeating the special tax bonds as I then so declared. At the session of 1S69-70 I was the mover in the House of their repeal and repudia tion.' And in the convention of 1875 I sought to have it put in the constitution that the-people should never be taxed to pay them. I have always been an enemy of the special tax bonds and al ways expect to be. My hostility to all the special tax leg islation was so well known at the time, and not apprehending that a day would ever corae when I would be charged with favoring such legislation, the fact that the record was left as it now stands gave me no concern. THAT I MISSED ROLti CALL. How many times I did miss 1 do not know; probably quite as many times as charged. There were many special tax bills for local purposes in different counties. I could not vote for anv of them and very frequently failed to vote on them at all. In addition to this I often refused to vote on either side of a question before the House as the only means of fighting the villainies of that Legislature, thus in many notable in stances defeating them.? It ia now only alter the lapse or more than ten years, during which time I have been almost continuously before the people, that a whisper even has been heard impeach ing my fidelity to my constituency. Un- tu now x uuve oeen universally com mended for my course then. BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION. So long as the charges against me af fected only my political record, grave though they were, and so long as my helpless physical condition was sneered at, I was content to remain silent; but now that I am charged with positive bribery and corruption I am forced. to the only redress my position as the chief magistrate of vonr Sr.at.p l open to me, that is to say, a plain state ment oi me iacis to you. l am charged with having corruptly received from John F. Pickerel Si ,500. ffi8FSEFS US I went into a mercantile narhnArsh.t. with a gentleman who afterwards, be came my brother-in-law. The business was f airly prosperous, and in 1868 1 sold to him my interest, taking his obliga tion for the purchase for about' $5,000. In the summer of 1868 1 was In Baiefgh. In the fall of that year. I. wad on duty no ii cicuim jlui luy-aiBGnec in tne Sey mour and Blair campaign. Fom No vember, 1868, till April, 1869,- I was in lialeiglv In Xovemhex,l869,I again returned to Baleigh where I. remained until ; . about April l 1870, when ' I re turned home to find my brother-in-law in failing health and business, and my- i j . y. rt lusPr 01 tPO.wp out in- vuiveuiornim in the city; of ; jyorfplk . x was noc aoie to ipa1 in full. Not wanting this indebtedness uu.uaiig over me, i asked. f or man taineo; a compromise forvcaih, to lAete1 which I wrote to.CoUJehni D.i iftAt fOrd. Who Was th(n iivfrtrrfn WswYmV tzer&fTaakJbaakers of thattyani xryw get'fer-me $l:500--orf aHWfirinie, MJWLte. him mv conditiofi" ItlSR OT mv TioorTa Tha -to!iii,.ii 1 Itbe a qu. to jwx. taitsr wnsa tuar.inr n ...uwjj. wtjoutfri iw lire nwafl- ui. tdjojpped at thet Yatborongfc Whfer-erl Vaj also boariing;0! troaueeo, tor hkmand refiaently saw - him.CiIU ntioiic1! tM iel that hW reasuret and,, V0Yefnor. e said he did not think they represent- t am be'tter preferred rnry 6pmOH. f-toid hirI-ota not think the white people of the State dollar of them nor, wouia i vote ior any raaif that 'would: ' The conversation, was several times repeated and.the e-1 civ. Liithat Jte detliaeG id pnrchafce the bonds, and when he was leaving he rTecOttktie fielt under; great obligation StfpA for havinsr by my advice sav vice saveti mnitfiruuu warm anmeariiest in mnnpv and was "J , ... . Tv.U.- i.J his expressions as to tne servicer iau 4one himi , assuring jpe tlt iyprAe could serve me in any way; I naitAoly to let him know how. it coui4 e doae. It was the warmth and th jeaftilenisa of these assurances so recently given me that led me to apply to Mr. Baltzer, when 1 naa neea 01 money,, w v1 , ivTlqrfficeiVedi rilt )eter bd .Wft! ( M lie afterwards t61d tte, in Mr. -icKerexs officej andtmentiontthe fact of having received the letter and its contents, and rhy :Bjynlr.i Pickerel; as Cel. Vhit fiord wvote me and has often told me grace, ; safcKthere was no need to take that trouble, as he would gladly let me have the money, and drew his check at nee- ior vlW ana nanueu n w ui. vfeiforeLTWs check Col. Whitford sent me. I received it and did not nesi rtatf lrTKe iWJL deposjtea tne cnecK wifli .Mesfers. w. Wanpy oons, in ITorfoTk.and drew upon it tor airterenc amounts in favor of my creditors mere i nave since repaid to Mr. Pickerel near $1,400. The balance due is in judgment ISS jrrcKerei, wuiuu huj-o - a SQ. distant filay y j m vefVUf xWfeh arced ivita Beind: afcltlEit&irae lfor- tunaiiily for myself and my creditors is iooM,rue. In 1SG0 I left college with a ebt of over 82.000 hanging over me Uf rfldliefUhat iThad borrowed to pay ffrfflf,eWcattorr', tvhich was secured bv a txilicv on mv life. In May, 1861, 1 enlisted in the State Guard, under Capt. W. F: '.Martin.1 X was dangerously wounded in the arm- and shouMer.Pn the 14th of May, 1864. -Wheiy the war ended, with my shattered arm ka sling, and wjtlMiQ possessions . in tne wpria but dne feuit? 6i Confederate1 gtaji aiid with this debt of $2,000 with accumu lated interest hanging over me, I went to work as; best I could to make an honest living, and have struggled pn ever since. Unfortunately for me I was quickly forced to the front iri poi tics, in consequence of the disfranchise ment of so many of the older men in 1868. I never like to do anything in a half-hearted way and. the campaigns through which I have gone have cost me no little. As a result of all of - this, I am stjll in debt, a fact that I regret more than any one else can. Painful as it is to me to go into all ' this, I have felt that after the bitter as saults on my character there was no other course left open to me. I have a clpar conscience before mv God. that I never knowingly wronged my State, or any it-How being, out ot one penny in all my life, and it, to-day, 1 am still a poor man and in debt, it is because I devoted so much of ray time and so much of the proceeds of my labor to the service of my party and State. All the facts stated above are within the knowledge of witnesses now living, and 1 have no tear tor the result ot any scrutiny, n matter how searching, or how ntnd, and no matter even how harsh. Very respectfully, i iTnos. J. Jarvis.' Politics in an Illinois I'niyt-r. 1 Senator Logan had his convention opened with prayer by one Mr. Xourse, and this is the prayer: Almighty -ana all-wise God, we come to Thee at this critical moment of otir national history and ask Thee in Thv wisdom to make us wise, and out of our confusion make Thine order. We desire the success of this party, believ ing that it will further commercial prosperity ; that it will favor morality and will du the thing9 wlrich are right in Thine eyes; and therefore we pray that Thou wilt show this convention the men whom Thou hast chosen for the offices that are to be filled. And we pray, O God, that no mistake may be made to-d ay.br fdDririg the1 period IBf this convention so that odi' political ppponerjts inay not got intofrpower bn Our, mistakes. We fthanl TheS tttat there is bo many goaidtoen frdnr whom "foselgcC In ThV lsdonChelp uo choose the men, and we ask it all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Ilae BfxUrsad ITf nant Vwuvlf). IqilcB'lJiitd.ate3: cocslil at Naples, ia dispatch to the Deparcment of State, reports that the new railroad to the summit of Mount Vesuvius is about ppmpjete. and .will be opened to thep&btic in aTew days-.Thetascerit 4V . i- Atr t -i A 4 m. I nimerio toilsome win tnus Decome a pleasant ride of but ten minutes, at a moderate expense. The cost of the road is estimated at $100,000, and an exag gerated idea prevails that it will pay for itself in one year.( The number, of visi tors win unaouoteaiy oe largely in creased. The invention is attributed to an engineer of Lombardy and also to an American, it is quite different from that in use at Mount Washington, in this cotintry, or the more celebratedone up iiutr ivjiii , m-o wj&zeriajicu ine? car 3atsupporxeu oyiwrwiieeis, onexor ward of thfjother, like a bicycle. ' A Denver Episode. John and George Bond, brothers fell in love with . Miss Whitney, the daugh ter of their landlady, at Denver. She cared very little for either, but encour aged both, and they became jealous of one another. George lost his position as clerk in a store, and had time to stay in tne nouse witn tne girl. John im mediately abandoned work, so as to keep even with his rival. They court ed Miss Whitney, she testified, about sixteen hours a day Then she jilted them, and engaged herself to marry Mr. Smith. The brothers Dromntlv combin ed to whip Mr. Smith half to death, and that was what made the matter public in a ponce court. . .; , Mnslcal Ag-rlcnlture. f Raleigh Observer. : . i , vve see m a Jvincston paper a very clever thing about Maj. W. A. Blount, i icrmeriy pt tnis oity, now of . vyashing- ton, m tlrts State.1 He tell the newspa- per man of a novel plaiLof aettine extra work from .his cotton choppers. ' ' No ticing several years ago that thev were in the habit of singing religious son cb miu mat uiey biuicu liiieir 'coilou chop- jlx. a. a.1 a.; a jli i a i i wem-'ou.' nu -uireu1 w naaier to-stay in tne neia atapjay tiyeiy ;airs with quick tirne; audi zn.j consequence the cotton chopper keepings timo to the fiddl made wle iartind .vueds. fairly fl Tteanfort. pjiinty rnp.Qjy yf np faft .frr fr- Tlfe)clMc4iij JaveSigjltohts- 6fA us ttana-are-paraiieieam jsevadar They t atf flesci?ybeas: almost -perfecUif iround 'JfPPAirft.memai he- mM&mWS mm. a,cpmmoncAiter ana cnera nv iiuuuaeu t up : use t a.iot of A'-ptngie sipne, fethov- ieei,Qivr,e ui neapuijuti i I iessr -Aney are -mo iron ore. ai4iP1fiotheFeTtsrfa6t.rwit v VHU,., Ulnar t BSH OI lUOlilui mviv .IIS 'III A fine. bust of., Thomas ,Moore,the Irish poekby the s hau, was, njftyeiled; WpW99Kl.; HW1. e f , auspices 61 foe .Ftfetfflyhs bf , '.t. rt.P! jeswruyuemouu,.u undertaken uif w,pr,u.Mo jrci4sv.. site, selected for, tbe . pionjiment is on 4t.a 'nrallr oaAintr Trorri t.hfi"Flfth avenUfl and ,rifty-nintti( street entrance, and running, dp wn to. ajid around the, lake slI -Vi ftv-ninth street: The , unveiling setati0R of thpst citybeiirg manft nv non.t liROEffe ouert. jut ueutu. oC the iMopre ta6rjial; cpminiittee,; and the cloaiiiji addxesa being delivered , by Mr. phnBvage, president of , the ao- TiV' - i -:: ii- I-'-V '? i Ml .-! f.i!l. , Our drugstores- are now supplied, with "Ma t Bitters' the new Food; Medicine which has done muoh good and teoine td ' -A bo highly recom mended, 'Try iu; may save yu ueuvy aucwn M.-i JOIS l.il j !, .rnayliM ; i ..-14 41 If.Hk.ll Ul.k li.Wlllisend their:: celebrated EleeftO-Voltale. Belts tha afflicted ui n.SO days trial Speedy cuces mranteed. Thi mean What may say. write to em without di h ' ? In ! H Is There Such a Thing as LuckT ' 1 1 In view of the coming seasus returns to be made Jv Jlumfteit, seme GMritKU stttltlclaa Jja .fcen calculating rrom tne past expenence oi . ine praw- ines of the Louisiana State LcryV'wmch' takes pliiee with exact fairness every month and. semi annually under the eare mo; supervision of Sens; . T. ueauregaraor lju; ana judei a. jtany.ci Ytoi tl:Pf08pf4t;pji.eWnt , iPTjze by thaiayestt utarw ten ior a wapie or Ban prize of ai0O,'00O, 9S0, etc are captared Hi- dlvldaals without jany rule of perdodiotty beyoad the. certainty taat some one wui oraw. inem on tne certain day. But no one draws the eapital ' pr twtod The othe taetsaresmkmMy eobiteniati of the mod era discovery that there ia; such a thing as luck. But for the further information desired let any nne Interested write to M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans.' Da. , or same ! person at 2; S19 Broad- way, JfcwYork City. 1 ...ju i-n, ,: .-li-'riM, .-.-;-):.:' , v.! Mothers I Mothers It Mothfti's 111 -, Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufferlDg ajid crying with the ex cruel aHng pain of -cutting eethf?J If so. g at once and get a bottle, f JIBS: WINSLOW'3 SOOTHING SYBUP. . It will relieve the poor little 'sufferer immediately dpenfl upori It ; there W no mtat.Airn ahnnt. it TheTft-H not mrtther on earth who has ever used it, who wfll not tell you at once thai It will regulate the Doweis, and give rest to tne mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing tike magic. It la perfectly -safe to use in all eases, and o feasant to the taste, and u tee pre scription of one of tbe oldeat and best physicians and nurses in the united states, boia everywnere. 25 cents a bottle. nov 6 ' Testerday, To-iaj an TO'isarrow, . . The war Is over the battle-fields ef the recent untDleaaantness are overgrown with floor or are ultlvated farms the old names once so familiar to every reader of a newspaper are daily disappear ing among the silent majority, ana yet tne son rises and sets--new Issues' present themselves and the mottled web of life Is span on but one thing seems fixed and certain that in each June and De cember m the city or jew orieans wenerais u. x. Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A Early, of Ya., conduct with exact lalmess and lustice the semi annual drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and over half a million of dollars are etven away. For particulars write to- M. A. Dau phin, New Orleans, La., or same person at No. 319 Broadway, ew xork uty. Do Yon Want Health? Why will ye die? Death. or what Is worse. Is the inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It to a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional ruin. - In all cases of suppression, suspension or other Irregu larity of the "courses," Bradfleld's Female Regu lator is tbe only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, Improving the Mood mid determining directly to the organs of men struation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the moat intelligent pnysicians us it. .Prepared- by Dr. J. Bradfieid, Atlanta, Ga, 31.50 per bottle. Bold by T. V. smith and L. K. wriston A Co. NotAsulga. Ala., July 7, 1877. Bradfleld's Female Regulator has been thor oughly tested by me a In a great variety of cases. and I am fully convinced that it is unrivaled for all that class of diseases which it claims to cure. J. C. HUSS, M. D. Scrttcrijes. ThU it the only Lottery of any State ever voted on ana enaorsea oy m people. TTNPBECEDENTED ATTRACTION. U OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated bv me Legislature oi isc state ior Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868. fob thx Ttax of Twaim-rivx years, to which cofitnict the Inviola ble iaith ol the State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular voie, securing its irancnise in toe new consutuaon adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. with a capital of 81,000,000, to which It has since added a Re serve Fund of over S350.000. IIS UKAJNl) SLNliLK JNUsUlKB DHAWLNU9 win take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing aistnoation: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. Oaring which will take place the 121st GRAND MONTHLY AND THX EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING. At Iew Orleans, Tuesday, Juots 15th, 1880, Under the personal supervision and management of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. ' CAPITAL PRIZE. $100,000. tNoncii -Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; iiias, saf Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES : ! Capital Prize fi-.USlod.OOO .Ljido.OOO 1 Grand Prize of 50,000. 60.000 1 Grand Prize of.. 20,000 -m 2 Large Prizes of. . 10.000. . . . 4 Large Prizes of 5,000.... 20 Prizes of 1.000.... :Rrt. M ..- .fiOft 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 ,23,000 i.30.000 40.000 "wtOO ! . 800....; 200 " 200.... 600 " 100... 00,000 100,000 : $20,000 10,000 7,500 10000 " 10.... APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 1 00 Approximation Prizes of $200. , t 100 . " ;' 100.. i. 100 " " 7o.... 1 1 ,279 Prizes, amounting to .$522,500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. I cnmmX'n'r Gen. JUBAL EARLY, of Va. f Commlss n rs Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. N. B. This Company has NO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pre tending to be so and soliciting orders by circulars or otherwise are SWINDLERS. may ll-d&w5w Wil&czllixnzovLS. I NOW HAVE 25,000 labs, Of. Nortta Lake Ice , Store! - IN MY ICE HOUSE, or. Trade & Tryoti Sts. which I Will deliver anvwhere in the cltv Vat al iwursi ior uinjs cent ; per pound. L Thankful to aigenerpas ublie for tbe, PftTfflrfge W lttwrallj! bestore4li promising to do ,fboaJt.tOi glye.satlsfacHon In every parOoular fa the future,,! asi,T tfnll; IjlianJ ajw kiu ui in w i laA i luain r Trvmt a. m., and f .:;! may23 unve Jl'jKl '.Ii' !31 'Wli8 73111 i n nnw nu RHuan Shoe 3ol O BOSS use BrazUiaa Shoe Tollsh.) islll loot kj rub off or soil the skins. It is DOslUvely;! ' from anything that will Injure the most delicate ! leather, for sale by Lu js. wiusiun at CYDONIN, best nrenaratlon ever offered for the cure Xot Chaoned Hkin.Pimnlea.Tan.KruDtlons. Sun burns, etc Sold only by : ' u. k. wtuaiv iaj. Fid, Ext,; Buchn and Ja&iper. PLASTERS, f 4 1, 14. Ill V lijll. . lil A i LLCOCK'8 PorcJBehson's Cfipclne, & it J's. L, Cupsicum and Belladonna Ifc'H. WRTBTON A CO. VI!- ,-A: y i i i I i,, it : ! Ill BAKING P0WDEB8. ,J. ). I . . . ! ' H i :- . ' . .!. lOOLKys, Horeeford's and Sea Foam. Also, XJ ces'. .xeast (iein, ti.wToisrjtcot .-A BITTERS, HOP Bitters, YlnegarBltters, Hoetetters Bitters. L. B-WRISTON CO. i mar,2J.;::. . - ;. . ' . . . .-. DR. J. H. SIcAden, DsTvaanrf asd Mow offers to the trade a toll stock o(tt Lubin's Extracts and Colognes. English SeUot SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerins Soaps. Enghsh, Erench and Amerlcaa TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at an hoars, both night art day at J. H. M0ADET8 Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS Extra No. 1 Kerosene AJTD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West A Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will sum. C. west & sons, Baltimore. l"or Sale by DR. J. H. McADKN. Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C l, BBOOKTOXD, A W. LDDOV. CHINA PALACE OF J. Brooklield & Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIYED : REFRIGERATORS - i ..." UPRIGHT), ICE CHESTS (LOW). , . WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BIRDCAGES, , . ; Children's Carriages, and Plated Ware, " ' Eon linebf ' ' CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, : : LOOKING: GLASSES, CLOCKS,' TIN,: . . WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, ... MAJOLICA. JEIDESc CENTGXASS I'! J bi Jul USD FANCY GOODS iiiin l! Hilt UttU i H:1 1oiHh-TTJ fai n ji K((ii Whisker- barrels Infor- M KnlB 4. T tnt 1 and' 8boh7-Tkvl6r street.' twA iVvm .' 4;chardsostieeVColumbla,S. a: !' i i apr am Sim? in.n k4s M V M A AMkAWaMH' I kod; uiiuK '-wirriiii" Wilt. Una-Ur n M"'"'i- lA 'l")li i-Hin & ALLEN. THANKING OUR FRIEND'S FOR THE LIRKW al patronage bestowed on us in the oast w beg to inform them that our stock of ' GiBOf 'ER ES TROCERIES A ND PBOVISIONS R0V1S ONS ND Is now complete, and we are prepared to offer special InduoeiMOts to elose buyers, and think we can make It. to their Interest to see us before purchasing elsewhere. ALL ORDERS WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION AT LOW EST MARKET PHICES. 'SKV8?, 1ol wll-known brands of Rocklngban 4 4 Sheeting and Pee Dee Plaids. Give us a call SPENCER & ALLEN, Wholesale Grocers & Commission MerchantF. Comer Trade and College Stree. s. Charlotte, N. C. Jas 6. ook$ and tati oners WfHffiLATOE J TAKE this method of inrorming the Ladies of Charlotte and surroundine countrv'that I hsv secured; tile ffokHsgency qf the BAZAR PATTERNS, And will in future keep a full aud complete Stock of all Patterns, represented in the cata logue. All the New and Latest Styles will; be received as published. A CALL TO EXAMINE MY PATTERN DEPARTMENT is respectfully solicited. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES sent free to any address on application. PATTERNS malted on receipt of number, size and price. Very respectfully, JNO. R.IEDDINS. ONE Million Dollars YXTTLL be paid for BAGS, at the highest market VV price, by WM. ft R. TIDDT, Paper Manufacturers, Charlotte, N. C TIDDY & BROTHER have received the METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEETS, FOB JUNE. ALSO THE JUNK DELINEATOR, Call and get one, at TIDDY'S Book Store. A full line of A full line of BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS OF GARMENTS, always on hand. r always on hand In ordering patterns please simply. state the number and size wanted; it Is not necessary to mutilate the catalogue or sheet by cutting out the picture. maylB pttscjeHatxe0tt5, HEADQUARTERS FRUIT JARS. Cohansey Metal Top, Cohansey Glass Top, Mason Iinproved, Porcelain'Lined, . Celebrated Gem. ' - Celebrated Geiri. Send for Circulars. Lowest Prices to the Tra. special igares for 25 to 100 gross lot?; ' IX F. HAYNES & CO. 1 JOBBERS AND IMPOBTER8, ; . i i .1), , ' Rstablished 1858. may 9 4w diw "BAITIJIORE, . .IC.E CREAM." OPEN. li'll rtV --ti it it, t Hi ilUUf:. VtTj-tn ..,-ittUi Vi J !l i,i TE3,rDaBJIlXWITH ii'i awm at am m m ii ma w ' a w mm mas tm maj8 D. M.RIGLER. CONSUMPTION CAR BE CORED! ft nflLLO WM. f OB Tfi LUNGS. Cure Ton rh-w Hoarseness, AsthW Croup. -Tfhoopinff Cou?hand all Bit eases of the Breathing Orcani it soothes and heahi theenKe l the Lungs, inflamed and noiSd k the disease, and prevents tRih sweats and tightess acrSs the cf St fASKeUleffl f,aB ZVB7 BONT DESPAIR p l . , m.vm. wis ueiugn specinc will lid fall" ma th01lsh Pwoiil I HENRY'S tlie Most jPotverftU llealiny Ointl jiicnt ana JJisuifectant everJMscovered Henry's Carbolic Salve heals burns. Jlenry's Carbolic Salve cures sores. Sentry's Carbolic Salve allays vain. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures eruption,. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals vimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals bruises. Ask for Henry's and use no other. 3P BEWARE ,0F COTJNTERFErrS. , For MAN and BEAST. For External and Internal Use. THE GREATESTPAJN ELlEVEB OT THE APE. Edey's Carbolic, Troches OUJOkU. AJU1. Y AAlUVlt Contagious Diseases, Colds, Hoarseness XUpnuariaf and wnsoauiff Ooug-h. Pleasant to the Taste. 3 Relieve 2yspepsia and. Biliousness. For Sale by ill Druggists. JOHN F. HENRY & CO., 1 SOLB PROPRIETORS. 24 College Plaoe, . . . New York. L GUANO. "A1B1EAD" OF ALL OTHERS. SOLD BY Recomniendatioiis esxrn. Mayer f Rots: Gents. I have been u?ing the Fish Guano for three (3) years, and any, without hesitancy, It Is the besi Guano I eu-r tri'-d J. WATT KIBKPATRKK. Hemrt. Mayer e lions: .! Gents. The iish Guano, bought of you this season, gives entire satisfaction, as tested side by "side with three other standard guanos, the Kish being ahead, making a net profit of sixty per cent. I expect to use more of it next season. Yours truly, J, A. POP F. Alexandriana N. C. aprl. piiUitijertj. GRAND OPENING- AT MRS. P. QUERY'S. "Yy E are now opening our Second Stock of Fine Millinery, Mr. Query having Just returned from New York with all the very latest novelties In HATS and BONNETS trimmed and untrlraraed, SILKS,5iTty3. RIB3D.Vi, LtOtfj, O.l.V A- MENTS, FLOWERS and FEATHEBS In all the new shades and styles. The exhibit Is by far the most elegant stock of fine Millinery we have ever shown. Stjles very different from early spring and goods in a great many styles much cheaper Also all the latest styles in Neck Wear, Flssues, Ties, Scarfs; Collars, Ruffing, Ac Fans an 1 Para sols something entirely new. White Goods, Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, Children's Ready made Suits and Cloaks, all new and cheap. Ladles will lind our stock complete in all the different lines of goods we keep. The gieatest variety and the most complete assortment of each line, and at the lowest prices of any establishment of the kind In this part of the country. We guarantee every article we offer as low in pripe for cash as the eame article can b pure has ed anywhere. Will open-our fine trimmed Bon nets and Hats on Thursday. '. 'Ladles caning to see our handsome goods, new ; styles and low prices, will not be disappointed, ; . ;Bpectfully, , .' j MRS. P. QUERY .' 'Board of Denial Examiners. rpSE Board of Examiners appointed by the JL,prthCarollhaDental Association under the laW enacted 7th day of March. 1879. will meet in J V tbe city ot Raleigh oo Monday, the 8 1st day w CMBOLIC INI ROSS :ia, iBUi au, persons, noiduig temporary tlflcates, and those wishing to commence the prac Uce of Dental Surgery without a dlpuma,,are herer by notified to appeaf at that-time for examination. All persons vvho have commenced tbe" practice oi Itenuatry.since. the 7th of Match, 187a without a diploma or certificate, are doing so In direct viola tion o the taw, and are liable to the penalties thereof; m . r.i. -.a. D. eTEVERETT, -. ..I, -President. Sec Board of Examiners. ., -- maj2 -1

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