vi. .4... . ' -4 4 4 ' i . i y i , f ; ' ' " "r RAILROAD LlUKCTOBk. The following table shows the running of passen .prtral'1'' toiiiid Irom Charlotte, on all the rail ro da (W Jhlngton time) : RICHMOND A TAHVTXXJL rriw from Richmond and oldsrrpi 12 30 a. ny Saves tor - W t Sr.oOa A i rrlve troin Kicn nww.. i- 1 1 UTB- m. IV Ul. i .HHve . tor ATLANTA GHARIANTK AJKUNK. ...rives from Atlanta... 8.50 a, m leaves for Atlanta. 7..;. .". I2.a6 a! m Arrives irom Atlanta, i . . A A( p. m Leaves for Atlanta 11.17 a. m CHARLOTTE. COLOMBIA ACUU8TA. Arrives froni Augusta, 4 00 p. m. Leaves Tor Augusta. . 1 1.27 a. m. Ill KOLIN A. CENTRA ,.riv froniMlhnlngtoa ilOOtini 'Leaves lor Winutiitfloii., A. W. . J ft (,Q fn, Airlves from Shainy ; i . . . 7.0O a. m Leaves for SlxjiOy .i . p.f Q J. m ATLANTIC. TKnnaiut uuiu. Leaves for SUtesvllle 7 30 a. m a i rtves from Statesvllle - .-. . . . 7.00 p. m , it ! -'tV ; VAR t)EPAtttMKNT; V OV Kl K C1I1KF SlONAL OFFICER, W ash iNfiTON. June 4,. ! SO. p. m. For the South Atlantic sttttfes1. station ary barometer, lower teuiiatUl-wal mostly from northeast to southwest, warmer, clear or partly cloudy weather. - ,,'.' i ,' ' f4j ' ii " luteal Heport' for etertfte. ;. 2P.M.!flP.M K ni,.eter Tl- rmoniPter Uelallve Humidity,.. rtind-nirectlon " Velocity - Weather '- 50' 12 il s. 5 Clear. Highest temperature': degY joysySft ? index to New Advertisement. f? M Howell Just In. Wanted-Address L. 80X134, HOME PENCILINGS. Muss meeting on the public sqti to-night. Excursion tickets to sumrt'er resort have been put on sale on all the rail roads. : " ..- Y :.! a- Graded school election Monday. It will take over six hundred votes to carry the election. Dr. E. IT. Green left the city -yesterday for the summer. He goes first to C'.eaveland Springs. -. jn s-j v nv The Charlotte Oommandery- Knigbte Templar contemplate an excursion or something of the sort for their t)enefit.' It is understood that Charlotte will also furnish a candidate for tlie Demor cratic nomination for Senator from this county. The long, lean, lantern' jawed printer is of the opinion that Conk ling -will not let the forms go to press until all the columns are justified. The lawn party I'.tet evening fully re alized the pleasurable .anticipations of the public, and highly was satisfactory to the young ladies. "y- There are fewer prisoners in jail than lias been known in, .Mecklenburg for three years. The number is twelve, two of whom are United States pris oners. The census takers report that. very few heads of families are able to give the names and ages of their servants, or other persons living on the premises. Questions are asked as to both. Gen. Barringer has been heard from': He appears in the Chicago -.Convention as a member of t,le committee on organ ization. The other Charlotte delegate is not quite so conspicuous, but two to one he is having mote fun. Mr. TT. SmitharnaTr oTa-TSltlJreri and native of Cabarrus county; dietf a his residence yesterday afternoon. He was taken sick Monday evening and being enfeebled by old age, readily gave way to the effect of js disease. The remains of tfte;)late Dr. F. M. Ross were,bEOUght to jrjtje cilyyardav afternoon Vrbm Yorkvllle 'antL l)tied from the First Presbyterian church, Hev. Dr. Miller pteabjng the funeral sermon. The Hornets will decide Monday about going to Columbia and participa ting in the firemen's ,tournainent for the .3100 prize. tMM9ffHf e . "m; ber of men can leave Lome they will certainly go. Sixteen companies from Charleston and a batf'.dozen from Av gusta will be present. There is a good deal of complaint about the condition of ttie' court house pump. Of the, flinfidreds wJvv have been getting Ibofivwatet MPWlthtre, over half have abandoned it altogether. The pump has affected1 the taste of the "':"r- .- .(:-. :-di Colored Graduates. Biddle University sends out this year six graduates; vftoBemriie ah"dplAes of residence are as follows": J. lVCraw- frd, Lansisterr$ CM f 344la!,W' of Charlotte, frofil the ebloWaUdepart ment ; T. A Attles, of Cheater, C ; A. Johnson; of NVLnnsfcotov S. Ci? Morris Scabrook, of Columbia, S. C. ; . E. H. iarhmd, of DanHHeviYai Tile last named was the valedictorian of his class. heM.ate,, Wfine? Jxioiug.setJQf tneh; nhd ttHHtolieaWlteirgH4 tas ting speeches report that they were marked bv eoed sense:1 good taste and tinish. Dr. Mattoon and , bis, assistants are doincr conscientibus.' (rood work, and earnestly attempting, b? solve pne Of the piouierns ot-tne:aay.; ; uV traded School Commiloners-Pnblic mi rirftro'ns for school 'commfssion a to be,vtte&iffiM U4 JmiUiI Mon- uay, on, flip gvnflpfl srhnni qnpsMon. were made bv onlv two tlfee wards last night, Wdtnets -Wt rMding con ventions. In the First Gen. Jptu ston and rant.. w.iAJ Bariier. WPife ' liosen. and in thSecond. Dr. A. Y A lex ander and' Mr; iHenrjnB Williams. it was decided to ask: '.tn$ citi?cprto attend a "rrisiaa mfiriflr in ltha'.tiublic square to-night. , to di'senss the graded school question. is proobsed td'hav number of speeesand.'abjg,tlmi generally. . - .u i.y . Attempted 8MlcidcSMved by nir Aoei- Niirht beforh last between ti and H o'clock, a mptnUr ff Tlr4: J. IV, 'Joiles'A family happenedj U call Uie houaamaiii, Jiivy rramer, anqTecemng nn'inwuc- iit answer.'went; outto th bouse' on e premises to lrttelgaTAneiJanse. H r conduct excited, still iurWiejrsu.spi- '"ns.and finally she was induced to coft f; 88 that she had takfcH,IafldanUm';;i.Ofl the mantlepleCeXto106 boW6 '"una witkail lh rnntftntsrerone exeent :lout one tmemWWLMlfifo " i es were at 6'iKe. 'tof " arotl .Jer tue usual restorauve4ppc. - oo ll,1;tlly;reoveid t'lirtimionrf wAkfrrtr rrd ttite wmlcatJOn of cold watarbafclMfihfi was keut awake '.iit the effetstihe mte 5ub" sided, wbich was, not uaUI Aealy:dy- "ght vesterdair mstrnuA Sh cive;' cause for her desire to (idf Betttftt ncetUat ber,l?nsband3fk, deBert ed-ei-. the afternoon before she took It by a ne gro ooy Wh0 iiyaa in am adjoining aoij (-80220. 3A 171 5, 7K, 49 '23 " K" SET j J 8; r t 4 V Clear I Clear. tae Tbejr Posaevs a Presented br One Engaged In tUe Work. The following Jetter received by a gentleman in this" citv wn Rpnt tn Ttrc. : Observer with a request that it bo puDiisnect. The author is Prof. Alex ander Mclver, principal of the graded aQbool inGrsenflbogru,. taiid oae -ofcch most distinguished and successful edu-tatUii-s intheState' '''""'- '' mhna' i Greeksboro, April 10. ISSO. A erad ,ed school is one in'Whfcrrpu'rfs'afe siried according to their ages and attain ments, and in which pupils of similar !atta;nmeiUsaeiaughJ; together, sup?. posfept pi rfvelhri(!Lied pligsC h&i ous ages and attainments are to be or ganized into a school and taught in alL the branches of a common school education- Haw is it to be dune? ia Divide the Whole number if rtnnila itvto ten equal classed 'putting in each class pupils of like ages and attainments rum provide a separate room and a teacher for each class. At. first. th studies assigned to each class should be Kutpieu u Live wants and necessities of upus. uut after a few vears.the course may be so arranged that the studies of one class shall be asteprradu to those W thfenext higherl ,Th classes are therefore called grades, and the si i hool thus organized a graded school lilieasentialridea. as the nameimpliw, is that of an orderly siiprpssinn if sia. cending steps, each of which is a pf&. t 7. 101 lue one wicli follows. degrees of mental development itnA competent knowledge of certain siiTC jfects of instructiun. The time allotted tr cacti grade is generally five months; and at the end of this time all nunils who are thoroughly Drolir-ietil. n tbp studies of the grade are advanced to the next nigner; DUt those who are not pro ficient are required to go over the course oi ine.atifegfatte igarrt. Pnll$ who are mdustriotts, puftctdal, arid -a'p't to leatrn, may at aiiy tLme. when-their" ngnr cad' Tbu trie wavs-alavs ot Vhfe Tie aM he potHare thaught To geelrandrt!e4uarterrpraiey learn to reiy-npQn gtJotbve6qaCt riupon good Qonduc!r?rkje, fbtuipcesg $eTf-relianoef- taught, and cAafarfr is formed. ' - TUa adyiiitage&f Scb a sclfrjaljhust bWiidnsrffetefysorie. It is anap- PMcauoji.o.f tbe gieat Jaw of divisioa-6 labor, .to i the work of teaehimr:.: TKp. teacff$time,'t3letits, and energies are concY'.nffnt'ffl -upon, a single class And upon a liqwieuraBga ef. daties, and he may thef ef of e fcxeel inihis iwfirk. The principal or superintendent of such a school should be a man of hisrh attain ments in his profession, and bis skill lULvery soon manifest itself in every ad rftfM Wrtf n tx-A xt ftre(iV'HmMrrs the teachers in their work, and retain only those who are found to be indus trious, energetic, and competent. Such an organization will necessarily make a good school in a very short time. The public schools of Iliehmond, Petersburg, Atlanta, and other Southern cities were. very soon'after theirorjraniatKo. eoual in all respects to the public schools of JNew lork, Boston, or Baltimore. Thev came forth like Minerva from the brain of Jupiter, full-armed, for. their work. and they are now? firmly '"established in the confidence of the ptople. Education is an element in our civili zation which we cannotrafford to ect. An educated nermlp. are evev.v- wltere tbfl cMjorJdi Over an industrious. thrifty, prosperous people. If we in tend that North Carolinians of the next generation shall stand on an equal foot ing and enjoy equal , -advantages with citizens of other States we must educate the children of to-day, and we must educate them in public schools. This should pptjbe madefa qpestiqn; pi dol iars ahd cents f ftj Is1 rather5 aBalteV 6f duty, of State pride, and of patriotism. x ou may publish tins letter it you think proper. A Remarkable Xrial and Acquittal. Quite a remarkable trial has recently closed , in Rowan Superipr Court, , T)ie reer?L 0 rnE.UfiSEKyif fiii recpjueet that in last February there was pub lished an account of a horrible infanti cide in the upper part of Rowan coun ty, in which: : young; white woman, Maxj Poteet, mother of the child, and Jane Rankin, colored, were supposed to be impUeated.! Theiwo woinyenf wee tdgrCMheSSieavMrdfei- ted, and when the body was found near the. iionsrva few jflavAiyMiBiarilSi e&fcb, accused the other of the crine On the trial btttiP fyttert 1 frafea their chargegamst eacji otber and there was noyevmerfci t&Aa to r&itfo&rt or sustaWTtte-ts6Tiy tT fetttier. The testimony of both had, therefore, to be rejected, and with this left out there was not sufhcient evidence to convict either. They were accordingly acquit- taiwy tae j ofrl ioteeT, maryS mr, Sbd aflKln, J arte s jpuf- OW ai i; rOTtnefccnuo'ere ia- km eaw sfrfes- fit wMthonaSt vA tib e ZfZa to.7idn.lwh& uff Account drtberffiaT, has quite a that they would have to atone for an outraged law, and it was confidently predicted on the streets that tney wouia go to the penitentiary at the least. But meaubiudgBuxtoa jva aarct ing tieMillwWsfsiJtdtW feet &t i 3MibC jrenaeA mtlje ,case of mtylPJriatianldllani Eakif,fand whfen7 thcaM hgiSnt Jdhnoet and Scott Rankin as accessories was called, to-wit: on the same day, announced thftteJterwas iiellehQrdejrit neh T , , i H i I. 1 . i I . marcneu out oi uie uuuit uiuoc m tut; face of the sun, and returned to their homes unscathed.. , His Honor's decis ion was based on the argument that ac cessories could not be guilty of a crime otAVlJich tlprin'qipals fvesef flecjaded inridcefit, which we 'suppose is 'good law. though it must be admitted that the law is strangebyafrf ault when such crimes may be committed and the guil ty onesscape the penalties aueim. The StaCsville Landmark says: "Within the past two or three years, as is well known, anrrmberof Democrats have received appointments in the revenue service in this distric. v ety Iatelrtheftas'fcorji ters" a Tot of b!atiKsrwhich "StjtOj'e filled by answers to certain j questions wlifcBJatfc flffiaoanaeqtpf npsMi? revetfile 'se'rfifce. Piwmiheirr ttmrjng the questions is one as to the politics of the parties interrogated, x nose, or se v eral of those wKormifd fiiibl8fflk, Hyjtti -Democrat," havdbetn VxmQi yf the plank, while in other cases the odor of the leeks and garlic has ; presented temntatioa strong-enough to overcome poc&Anyifetidhs." (Hi g-t b Wii e r s to whom these questions were put, was Mr. Jno. G. Young. He was told that the honora ble commissioner (0.11 mvn,0 wished to W tnlr, political status of every offiqariinihliyrirvielftwAse- vote in Uie apfti4atirielBellon. Hav ing answered .hQtKrwiy ! the word wmO KoaacalidnUf bis discharge, notwithstanding he was confessedly one of j ra jt efficient apd reliable learn, were any bf those h0 Bald they were or would be Republicans, dis- W- 91? "KfotS Jl awe om tMeaCann'nWt&st oeiafl 1X7 0 f.Ff 3. DcDowII retires fronx,, the tiiR of th6 S4kefn Hcfok wd is succeeded' by Di aHilli Jii' soil of the founder, and present owner of the aper.' 4 The iirifa6nheenleht';fe'tttadMn yesterday's issue.! We yerymucu, regreli to see Brevard IcDoweli retire from journalism, "as 'We ' nnderstanfl il is bis , purpose t tOvdoi, Ho &ga,t reer with The Observer nearly six yearW agtfWibwfng frotft he' begining unmistakable talent, 'energyand judg ment, winning the esteem of the public at id of tbe' pxessj ijistnjanagemeaut r pf the Home has ibpen,. bighly, creditable and satisfactory ; hiscoricfuct toward the brethern of the press universally kind afrff courtebus'. His suecesson although yet a student of Davidson CoHege has wan ccuisiderable reputation as a writer, carrying off the ess ayut's medal last yt a ' and the debator's this.- Mr.: Hill com pletes,, his , course at College on the 17th. The Editor Explain. T Uje Editor pf Xbe Obaenrer; , Pardon in this, whatever may seem to b&lntrusive,' arid iekfrig"the correc tion -of twoi articles w.hicU,JTBcently ap peared in your columns. The article signed In the Stat of on,"and whicli you saw ,fit jto severely , criticise, pronouncing sentence upon the editor, found itS-way into Or columns with out our slightest knowledge, being in Montgomery, Ala., at the time. A sub seqoenfc artiele says the editor' of- the Starpfion hasjbeen displaced, one A. S. Riciiardsohi of Concord, substituted. The reason of the correctionls nt that we liave ever felt timid in reference to current events, but because we have taken no pride in stirring up old by-gone feuds ; and secondly, the article in your columns' Was calculated to mislead the j udgefflent of you r readers i in refer our disposition. We peremptori ly resigned the editorial control and management of the paper, because in our judgment, authorities did not take the interest in it we expected. We hope this will disabuse the false impressions made. J. A. Tyler. ,it- ' " T -; Give ITtecklenburg- Another Chance, To tbB Editor of Too Observer; - Cuyiag-to tha , factthat one of .he friend of,Jai;vis stated before sour county convention i that Gen. ? Scules would not allow his name to go before the Raleigh convention, thereby chok iiig him off, th e . peo pie of Mecklenbarg demand that the executive committee rcihe.delfeSiites. ejects to meet in convention again, in order that with the additional figlftyniitis before them,they may express the sentiments of tho peo ple of this county intelligently. ' t ' f -'uTJr3def;the'CircumStJtnces this" is rfo maretUanright.nd fair; and the re sult wiftfehow that the late conVjyvtion did hof seTforrmhe voTceT of The people of MeokJielbcgi. wbb tO-day are almost a TinifJ IhTavW rjf "that' -noble7 patriot, soldier and statesman.Gen.A.M. Scales,! o' . ; . The People, t J21ia.tLo.tte, JjrsjG, y ne.,4, isso. MARKET BY TELEGRAPH PRODUCF. BA1.TIMOKE Oats easy: Southern 44a45. Wes tern white' 448444 kiulxtid 4142, Fennsyl vaula 43!i44. Provisions1 quiet; mess Twrlc 1 1.25a 11.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 4. clear rib sides rit, ditto packed 5a7; bacon shouldes 58. clear sides 7, hams lltal2. Lard-Defined '-tierces 8 Coffee quiet: Rio cargoes steady atTnia. Trelgms unsettled. Cincinnati Jlour heavy: family 4.75a5.10, fancy 5.25aB.OO. Wheat quiet; Ko.' 2 red winter 1.12. Cora steady; No. 2 mixed 40atj. Oats quiet; No. 2 mixed 34. Pbrlt dull at 10 75. Lard Arm at ri.50. Bulk meats strong; shoulders 4 25. clear ribs H 40; bacon firm; shoulders 4?8, ribs 7, sides SJfewW Maker steady at iUMJ. Sugar steadfi hards lOiai2, New Orleans 7$ia8 Hogs quiet; com mon 3.25a:UHL liobt 4.UU4 ila, paciOiUL 4.00a 4.:jo, bi 14 j COTTON re. vtv TT : . .. .1 Gax,vkston Quiet; middllne 10: low middling 104; good ordinary 9A; net receipts, 84; gross 34: satas430; stock 10,749; exports , $oatwise Weekly net receipts 2,075; gross 2,100; sales 1.A44; exp. coastwise ; Great BriUaln 1,821; 2,069; gross do; stock 20,205; exports coastwise : sales ; exports to Great Britain . Weekly net rec'i3 7,fi49,gToss 7,549; sales 257; exports coastwise 1,308; to Great Britain ; continent . . ... v Baltimobk Qufet; mid 11 13-16c;low mlddl'g 11 14c.; good ordin'y 10c: net receipts 28; gross 430; sales 15; siqck 7,003; exports coastwise ; spinners; export tq dreat , Britain ; to Continent ' k -1- J 1 -t Weekly net rec'ts 31; gross 782; sales 480; spinners 2r50; exports Great Britain 1,998; coast wise 1 45; Continent i U ws: Boston (julet: middling llc; low middling lUc; good ord'y 1 OJcviet receipts 324: gross 388; sales ; stock 11,535; exports to Great Britain . Weekly jnet req'ts 3i38ifirHtfs 8,81.?i sales ; exports to Great Britain 3.514. WjumiaxoH Dull; .middling c He; low rmld dliiW ldricf .good ordinary lOi reJafpls f 1 1 ; grdss'lr. sales ; stock 1,601 , -'exports coastr wise ; channel . Weekly net receipts 82; gross 82; sales ; exports coastwise 112. Philadelphia Firm; middling 12c; low middling lltc; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 11; gross, 232; . sales .- ; spinners. : stock : ewojt8(treM ifam? i - ; if Weeklynet receipts iMreririli sales 3,089; spinners, l,0rf5; coastwise; Contin't ; to Great Britain ; stock 13,112. -A?Awi-Qulet;afii4Jl l-16c:.low mlddtlnc lOstec; good ordinary 9 9-16c; net receipts 537 gross ; sales 100; stock 10,702; exports ;eoart- Week'ly net receipts 1,842; gross ; sales 625; portto JGrJat Britain ; France ; coastwise 1,346; conUnent . ffinf dRLSiKslirm; mid llc; low mid-dllng-101 -goe4 erd'y 9tC4--fte-rotlpta 433; gross ; sales 2,000; stock 1 15,907; exports Great Britain ; coastwts--j cfntlpen 1 v. Weekly net receintsl 313101 1 eribsa '2JBOT; sales 13.050; exports Great Britain 2r,979; Chan nel ; France 4,290; continent 2,087; coastwise 5,220. V-T ' " ' i'l Mobilb -Flrtn ; Snlddroig ' 1 114'cf low middling lOiAc; good ordinary 9i&e; net receipts 168; gross i. ate8,4O0 tock j 4,891; exports coastwise ' Weey net ireceTpt3 6ll; cross 513; sales 3,100; to exports Great Britain ; coastwise 3,014 Memphis -Steady; middling 11c: receipts 54: shipments ; sales 400: stock 38,079. Weekly net receipt 7S3;:. shipments 5,368; sales 5,300- AUOTJ8TA-Q let; middling 10:.; low mid dling 10c, goklowllwy9l4c; receipts 40; shlnmients : sales 274: stock . Weekly net " rects 155; shipments 926; sales Charlsstom Steady; middling llc; low mid dllng lOic; good ordinary 1014c-: net recelpte 231; gross ; sales 20 stock 9,837; exports Weeklv net recelDts 1.444: gross ; sales 1,300; exp(opasXwtee-?r;to4Cqiitliient 2.966; to Great Britain ; Trance ; Montgomery Stead y : middling lOtfcc; low mid. ments 445; stock, present year, 4,942; stock, last ' Macon Dull; middling 10l&c; low middling 10e: eood ordinary 9iAc; reoetpts jl-8; sales 809; stock, present year, 1,462; stock, last year, 494; saies 4. C0LUMBU8-Qu;-t: middling 101; low middling mil..,, rmnA nrllnnrv QlaP.: rpfiplnts 141: fihlr- mfints 519: sales 141; spinners ; stock 6.481. 10c:KO9d middling 9i&c; net receipts 338: mpmma 669;'sales lJlOy spinners f; -Btdck, pxeseui year, n.oiii; ewcu., ljpi, oai, ,j,,u m. POBT Botal, S. C Weekly net receipts ; stock ; exports wreat Britain ' w Providence. R. I Weekly net receipts 39: stock 16,000; sales 700. Selma, Ala. Qnletf Middling lOlc; low mid lOVfec; good ordinary 9c Weekly receipts 37; shipments 107; stock, present year, 1,562; last comparative cotton statement, Net receipts am.UirffcfljStatesite a durinrthe VeeE. .'.--vMr: . .t.?a rwvMA nraolr Inol. TOUT ....... 23,689 12,016 rnoi mstoinfa tiithla Ant 4.77H.H87 " to-SanMaelasVyear... 4.387.626 Exports for the ireeltii. .xi-v- ;-t0J Cimuilrligtniir. ... 14..9H7 Total export mSW&L , I j ... 3.6J8.B09 " " to same date last year.... 8312,286 Stock at all United States porta sc "ysy,02 .a.4 ,. iiifcV. i :-Bii;n Xf'-V Stock at all Interior towns . 7 1 ,606 .'t 1 A : . june 4, X880 last Tear.'.'.;X.v;iw...:;r..,:. 21.850 Stock at Liverpool. - - -........ . . . . - 778,000 . - same tune last rear. .? oui.oou stock of American afloat for G. Britain. ; 241.000 S use time last year. . .............. . ,-, 136.000 LrvEBFOOLXooii Cotton inlet Mlddllna Or lands. tt5t: Mfdillins Orleans H 11-lrtdd: Bales 8 000. speculation and export 1,000; receipts I1.7UU. American 3.000. upiaoas low midaiins clause: June dellfery 6al932dV June and July o 1-32L July ana August a. August and Septem ber 65hal9-32d. September and October 6 I&32d October and November November and Decem ber 6 3 16d. yuturesdull, .. . . Sales for the week ; . 46,000 .i. ....... ' 83,500 1.900 , ..... 6,800 . 6,700 ........... 68,500 55,000 776,000 S27X)00 ......... ....... 392,000 211,000 American . . '. . . . . . . . . Speculation .. Export ... Actual exports., if. ......... Imports.. . American.... Stocky.-:.. ............. American, Afloat , ..... American. ....... . . . . K.15 n. m. Sales of American eotton bales. Uplands low middling clause: Octover and November 6l4d, December and January 6 5-32d, Januiry -and February 6 5-32d. Futures closed steady. FUTURES. Nw Yoke Futures closed firm. Sales 80.- 000. June ; - - 11.52 July , 1161 August , ll.6Ha.70 September............. ll.24a.25 October-... . 10.76a.77 November 19.58a.60 December.. 10.58a.60 January 10.67a.69 " FINANCIAL. New Tore Money-1.034. Bxehange 4.8614. Governments steady. New 6's 1.03 Four and a half per cents 1.09. Four per cents I.09J4- State Donds nominal. New Yobi Stocks closed weak. New York CentraL .... Erie 1.25 32 H7 1.02 49 I.20J& 1.13 Lake Shore Illinois CentraL Nashville and Chattanooga liOuuvuie ana Nasn we ......... . Pltlabortc. . .:. . . i ..'. .s. ........ Chicago and Northwestern 9014 pref erred.... 1. 0814 Rock Island 1. Western Union . . V 901& 571 Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5. . Class A, small, Jia b, 5's. . . . . Class C. 2 to 5. , 80 67 $88,604,405 8,451C6 Sub-treasnry balanees Gold .... ... Currency.,.. CITr COTTON MARKET. OmCB Off THE OBSEBVER, I Charlotte.- Jan 5, 18801 ni markt4 yesterday'cloeed steady; unchanged GoodMlddlmg.....:. , 11 Strict low middling., , . M.. ., . , v . . . . : uu" mmwtug.. ......... . . . , .BECEIPTS FOR TEE WEEKENDED TESTEEDAT. Saturday. ... . . . . .. Tnesday Wednesday..... ... Thursday 356 bales Charlotte ProJ'iice Market v JUNt 3, 188ft Cotton Ties New, per bdlev. . DUeed. " ... 20a2,75 2.00 llal2 65a70 (0a65 70a75 45a50 9 10 Hal2i& 7 8al0 15al8 14V&115 30 30a35 35a50 ROariO 40a45 Baogiko. neryd. .' Cork, per oush'l ...... Peas, ..TT.: OAmaheltecL ...... BACON N. 4J hog round . Hams, N.C.r.'.. Hams-canvassed. ... BtTLX Mk atb Ctea Bib Sides. Lard: pet lb... Coffee , Prime BJa.... -Good ..... Sxstn? Sugar-house MoLAsaae-i- Cuba... 8ugar Syrup. Choice New Orleans. Common....'. SALT Liverpool fine " Coarse 1.25a2.50 1.10al.25 9al01 8a9Va 75al.00 40a60 I5a20 15al6 Sn&AB White Yellow Potatoes Sweet Irish....;......,.... Butter North Carolina. EoGS,T)erdozen.: r. . . Poultry , . Chickens....... . Spring u Ducks 20a25 12ol8 15a25 Floor t Family. Extra.;, . . r.:... Super .i .v .-. 3.50 8.25 3.00 JUST IF, NORTH Jj K. W H I T E-A N P, . . . 1 v, . .; ; ' AND NEW CROP ONIONS. June 5 S. M. HOWELL. WANTED. HPO rent or purchase, a GOOD SAFE. J. Address, P.O. BOX 134. juneo THE' FINEST LAKE ICE JL parent Ice produced by the newly Invented Process." owned and o Derated, exclusive ly by The Georgia Ice Compiny, Atlanta, Ga. By this method, a running stream, Instead of a confined body of water, Is frozen, and nothing but perfectly clear, nard ice, without core or porous parts, can be produced. A- larg9 quantity always on hand. Wholesale and retail orders promptly filled at low rates. THE GEORGIA ICE CO. W. Alabama St, Atlanta. June 4-dlw&w4t NOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S.'lNTERNAL REVENUE. Collector's Otfics, Sixth District, N. C, Statesville, n. C. June 1, 1880. . Selzed for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, June 1st, 1880, 2 barrels whiskey, owner J.. B. Lanier. Notice Is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office 'jfU Statesvllle and make claim thereto before the explratton of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, - Collector. June4 3t ih80d. - ; FOR RENT, SMITH IRON FRONT BUILDING. This hand some Iron Front Building, width 25 feet by 100 feet deep, three stories and basement, Is offered for rent to a good tenant lor one or more years on reasonable terms from June 1st, 1880. Parties wishing to rent or lease will apply to 5 W. M. SMITH. Charlotte, N.C., or B.B SMITH A CO., may23--lm 109 Pearl St., New York. NQUCE. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, Secretary and Treasurer's Office. ; Company Shops, N. C., May 31, 1880. rpHE thirty-fifth annual meeting of the stock- jl noiaers 01 tne nona uarouna oaiiruau w nanv will be held In Greensborck N. C. on the Second Thursday of July, 1880, and the transfer books of stock of said company? will be closed from this date until alter th meeting. 1 j 7 HB. B. BUFFIN, w ' - ' " ' Secretary. June 2hL once w. until July 1. , . E hrw ii fltatn ru TTnltafl StAtAa finnrf r.ollpiS. A tlons, Home and yorelgn. ' solicited. 1 A.b- stracts ot Trues, surreys, c., .(unusnea ior cam Office j N. E. Corner Trade Tryon streets, 11 1 - T flan " a 47 ba'es 6 ' 46 " 106 45 " 43- GRE A.T DEGLI3STE IN We haTe this day reduced LARGE AND VARIED STOCK-QFOO'DS: 20,000 yards of tho Best Calico at - - ' -' 7 8i cts. 5,000 " " " 5,000 " " " " ALSO, 20,000 : " 15,000 " Dress Goods, Trimming SOks, Hamburg Edgings, Torchen and Valenciennes laces, Dress linen, Suitings, &c. WE HAVE, ALSO, INCLUDED IN OUR SWEEPING RTGUCTI0NS, ALL OF OUR NEW SPBING STYLES OF Mens', Boys', and Childrens', Ready-made Clothing, Straw Hats, Shoes, Slippers, Gents' Furnishing Goods, fc, fo. A CALL WILL C05YINCE TOU THAT WK ARE IK DEAD EARNEST. Special Bargains in Frames of all Kinds jaad Styleg." BARGAIN f . IK 1 1 firiii. 1 iwi 1 in;, AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. My stock is very large, and embraces a full line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office Fur niture. All goods packed free of charge. ottzvizs. This is the only Lottery of anv State ever voted on and endorsed by its people. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Destitution was resulariT lncoroorated h? the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, for the term or twenty-five years, to which eontract the lnvlola- has Deen renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in the new constitution adopted December '2d. A. D.. 1 KTtt. with a canital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Re serve Fund of over $3!50,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER ; DRAWINGS will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution : GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. da i;ig whch will take place the 121st GRAND MONTHLY AND THE EXTRAORDINAItY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At New Orleans, Tuesday, June 15th, 1880. Under the person, il supervision and management of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000. tN0TiCE - Tickt ts are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $0; lifihs, $2; Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Pr ze of $100,000 ...$100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000.... 50.000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000" 20,000 2 1 arge Prizes of 10,000.... 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,000.... 20,000 20 Prizes of 1.000... . 20,000 50 " 500.... 25,000 100 " H00.... 30,000 200 " 200.... 40,000 000 " 100.... HO.000 10000 " 10.... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 1 00 Approximation Prizes of $200. . . . $20,000 100 " " 100.... 10,000 100 " " 75.... 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. ) ,,, ' Gen. JUBAL EARLY, of Va. f Commlss'n'rs Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the ComDanv in New Or leans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, . New Orleans, La. Or same person at 319 Broadway, New York. " : N. B. This Company has NO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pre tending to be so and soliciting orders by circulars or otherwise are SWINDLERS. may 11 aawow mat. r POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on MONDAY, JUKK 3 0, 188 0. These Drawings, authorized by the Legisla ture, and sustained by all the Courts of Ken tucky, according to a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day ol every month (Sundays and Fri days excepted), for the period of five years, termi nating on June 80. 1880. The United States Circuit Court on March 31, rendered the following decisions : 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are not fraudulent The Management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the JUNE DRAWING. 1 Prize $30,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize, 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each ' 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each ; 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each . 12,000 loon Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes,. $3 00 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 Prizes,: 20U " " " " i,uy Frizes, ; 100 ' " " " 900 .1 .960 Prizes .$1 12400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets. $1; 27 Tickets, oO; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit by Post office Money Order. eglsered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. To insure against mistakes and delays, corres pondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number of postofflce box or street) and town, county and State: AU communications connected with the Distri bution and Orders for Tickets should be Addressed to B, M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or at Nos.' 307 4 309- Breadway, New York. June 1 SCHOOL NOTICE. I have opened a School for Boys In the School Building. on Gen... Bap- ringer lot on Church street. The school tor the present, consists of on ly two Departments, Primary and the termediate, my object being to secure the best possible classification in order that In instruetion may be thorough. Terms, (payable monthly,) $3 per month. : ,. L. HOLMES.. P. S. I propose to open a Night School if a suf ficient number of pupils can be obtained, for the purpose of teaching Writing, Arithmetic and Book-keeping. Terms will be made known on application at my School Room, or to Dr. F. H. Glover, or Mr. Gus Durham at Burwell & Springs' Jan. 23 tt . , . L. H. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO RAILROAD SUPKRINT KN1) KWl'8 OFFICE,' 1 Charlotte, N C, May lOthi 1880. T ' On arid after Wednesday, May 12th, j880," the following schedule will be nln over this road : ,; . GOING NORTH. ,. " . Leave Cnarlotte, I ... i . '. .. ... :', . ' 1 3 b L xa. " Davidson College,.. .... f . . . . . . 0 15 a. m. Arrive at,StatesvUle.., 10 .45 a. in. . . . . yvam boutil !lavlanCkuiege, ...... Arrive at Charlotte.. . .' .. 3 50 i;&. ft 20 p. m. 7 00 p. m. ; -Close connection . made.. at Statesville with trajiispver,tbeyN.aB.R. ,,. ; ;:: J. J. GOBMLEY, may 12 Supt the prices of all leading Domestics and Union Lawns, Printed Piques, - s - i 1 j8l?sl 4-4 Bleached Domestic, 1012i cts. 4-4 Sea Island, - 8, 10 & 12 cts. WE HAVE REDUCED THE PRICES OF ALL OUR TBlTfil 1 ! COTTON FACTORY AND 740 ACRES OF LAND. TO BE SOLD BY virtue of a decree ot the Superior Court of Gaston county, I will expose to pub'le sale at Ballas, Gaston county, North Carolina, On Monday, 7th June, 1880, 12 o'clock Noon, the following valuable property, towlt: The v ST0WEV1LLE COTTOff FACTORY, and machinery belonging thereto, Cotton Gin and Press, Saw Mill and Grist Mill, all in successful operation, the factory running Thirteen Hundred Spindles. With the factory, gin, mills, and thirty tenement houses, will be sold as part thereof, about Two Hundred and Fifty acres of Land, on which said factory and mills are situate, the same lying on both sides of the South Fork of the Ca tawba, and embracing, besides the factory site, another good water-power on the opposite side of the river, which Is a never falling stream. This property Is two miles from a depot on the Air-Line Railroad. The residue of said tract of land, to-wlt: About Five Hundred acres, will be sold, cut into three or more tracts of convenient size, and is valuable agricultural land. TFRMS OK SALE: -The factory, mills and land attached will be sold and purchaser required to pay $8,400 cash, and the residue of the purchase money on one, two and three year's time with in terest at 8 per cent., bond and good security re quired, and also mortgage on the property. Pos session given Immediately. On the remainder of the lands, one-fourth cash will be required, and the deferred payments upon the same terms as the factory, the purchaser In all cases having the option to pay the cash In full. SALE AT DALLAS, 7th of JUNE, 1880, NOON. E. L. GAIT HER, may4 Commissioner. OLEAVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, WILL OPEN MAY 15th, 1880 These Springs are two miles from Shelby, fifty four miles west of Charlotte, and one miles of Carolina Central Railway. Hacks will be at Springs Station on arrival of every Train AT KING'S MOUNTAIN STATION, ON AIR-LINE RAILROAD, HACKS CAN BE OBTAINED, r DISTANCE, TEN MILES. Cold and Warm Baths. White 4 Red Sulphur a C&autbeate Waters. A GOOD STRING BAND SECURED FOR THE SEASON. ' A Bowjing Alley in Good Order. Livery Accom modations Attached to the HoteL. BATES OF BOARD: Single day, $2; single week, $12; four weeks, $35. S. McPOSTON, Propr. LEWIS a 'WILLIAMS, Supt. apr21. NEW ICE HOUSE. WE beg leave to inform the citizens of Char lotte that we are now ready to deliver Ice to any part of the city at ONE CENT TER POUND. Orders properly filled at short notice. Ice House in rear of T. L. seigle & Co's Store. Leave your orders. apl29-tf J FI3C HESSE B & CO. CARD TP THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., From fifteen years experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure In all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz: Organic and Seminal Weakness, I m potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debili ty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., all resulting from abuses in youth or excesses in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely- eradicated from the system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of tne leading physicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all fe male complaints and irregulartles. All consultations strictly confidential, and medi cines seat to any address. Call or write, enclosing stamp for reply. septlO It Agents Wanted To solicit orders for Photographs, etc., for en rargement A paying business. For particulars and terms address J. D. LEMER, Box 167, Har risburg, Pa. YEAR and expenses to AgeritSjOutfit free. Address P, VlCJLKii, Augusia, .uaine. ADVERTISERS by addresslngGEO. P. ROWELL A CO., ten Spruce St, New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING In American Newspapers. E7100-P3ge pamph- let, lOc. , THE EXODUS TtKRANGES labor, makmc necessary evenrfa- XJ cility for handling Cotton at the Gin. SAVE LABOR bjrualng a JONES 'FIVE-TON WAGON SCALE. PRICE $60, and iron and Steel Brass Beams.; FREIGHT PAID BY 1)8. If ordered now can pay at Ginning. Everybody send for free book. aaress, . jvnx&vs mixtinAaixu. - may 14-w4teow - Binghamton, N.T.' XXT:A XTHPT? Ti By Philadelphia wnole YV 2Vi L HjU sale clothing house an experienced salesman for North and South Caro lina. Address, with references, box 2045, Phlla- aeipma r. u. mayia-eoagw 2RB3:H eTerjthlnj ept In oar - - 8Hcts. R. H. Field, T. E. Field. Chart iharlotte. Hickory. N. C, METROPOLITAN HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. FIELD BROTHERS, Proprs. TERMS MODERATE. I THIS Hotel has the-largest and most comfort able rooms of any hotel in the State It 1 fit ted up with all -modern Improvements; Is conve nient to the postofflce and banks, and is centrally located in the business part ot the city. Lnrge SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling public. "Omnibuses and Carriages at every Train. Ef FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND dealers in COUNTRY PRODUCE. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND GROWN & SPRING CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, HON EY, Ac, &C THE BEST BRANDS OF" FLOUB ALWAYS IN STOCK. . Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C, LARGE BASEMENT under MetroDolItufi Hotel for rent. may28 St. Charles Hotel. STATES VTLLEN. C. THIS HOUSE is now under the management of Mrs. Dr. Reeves, formerly of the National Ho tel and Borden House, Salisbury, N. C, whose aim It will be to make it a first class hotel In every re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms on the first floor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 13-dtf. HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., SITUATED 1 00 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to any hotel in the United States as a SUMMEB RESORT. Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. HARKISON PHOEBUS, may 23-3 m Proprietor. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD1 Nkvkr Gkts Habd. Can be Mass anv Btkkrgth Dkiibkd. Lam Twice as horn. -Usenet Cure! vittcut Sraggiag tte Syitan. T CUBES Chills and Fever, LWer Complaint, lepsia, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Costivenea, Female Weakness, Sick Nerrou Headache, These Pais Care all Diseases by Absorption.' 'No Noxious Pills, Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit of the Stomach, coverinir the Great Nerve Centres, , also the Liver and Stomach. A' gentle Vegetable- Tonieis aJworbeditothedrenlaUonofrtieBloodand ' Liver, purifying the Blood, stimulating the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomach to digest food. Prick or Pads $1 and $2 each. Sold bt all Druggists, or sent by-Mail or Express. . f ' Manufactured and for sale at 02 Germain street. Baltimore, Md. For sale In Charlotte at the drug stores or l. k. Wriston & Co.. F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson & Burwell. may 18 ly. WANTED, At the Charlotte City Mills. 3.000 bushels Corn, 1.000 bushels Wheat. Rye. Oats. Peas. Ac. for which cash, or meal In exchange, wilt be paid. constantly on hand, Flour, Meal, MUi-ieeu, sc. for sate. These mills have been thoroughly refitted, and ail grain sent will be promptly exchanged il aesirea v. j. lit win a uj anl5-tf rjpHE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday Giving a full resume of the preceding week, news of all national topics and general Intelligence, be sides being the only . , REPRESENTATIVE SOUTHERN PAPER There supporting the National Demoerafle Party. Edited by GEOKGE C. WEDDERBURNr of Virgin' la, formerly publisher of the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer, ,, TERMS OF1 felJBSCaiTTJOir i toi Single copies, one year, postage paid. $ 2 00 rive copies, to one address, postage paid. i w Ten copies, to one address, postage paid, 12 50 Twenty copies to one addrees, postage pd, 20 00 (With a copy free to the person secoringthe clubs.) Foe further information address GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 322, Washington, p. a.or the Editor ' Dee.23. i . TV ,' . i .1 : ' , FOR SALE. 1 Valuable bact of land on' mile- - Valuable bact of land onei rnile. east of ihe xa city of Charlotte, comprising about 150 acres. I offer this land either in one body or Id sections to suit purchasers. , Ifor further herniation, apply to . decll eodtf S. J. TORRKNCE II. li V. " s me time i&.

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