fttf a r - i i Dr. IMGORATOR OnlpVegafjSmpound $ftt U tefoftfplirits, Jaun- 'ctlnn ' rpftfrtnensTtnc vstem, regulates the boefsfpiirifetfi QAiMT?nT?n toi ftroadwav. N. i. FOB BALE BV ALL VvkfU6Hi. 'M It yon are a man of wminea. weak- OI let- Sued by the strain of our duties avoid terstoUlMroTeriM ni.htwork.to restore tlmulanta ana le tram erre ', Hop Bitters. use Hop Bitters. - If you re yoancr and anfferina? frotn sir1 discretion or dlsilpa rled or single, old or tionj It yoa areJ mar otuur. auaeruur irom poor Dnm or wpw1 laanoq nv pw wiawn em, tejr oa. JtfOji KWHWo At Whoerer yon are, Thousands die aa-H hrhenever you feeltnat your ayatem needs tl nuaily from some form of Kldnev Mclmnwlng, toning- or Irflmnl.Hn WitbOOt that- might ,ve been prevented Hntoxicatlno, Mke hod by a tlmeiy use of Hop Bitter. Bjtters Bajrs yon Iv-f or urinary eomA D. I. C. IhttKM, disease of Is an absolute ttieitomacJt,oote-t and .irasistable Wood, aver nerves t Ton cure for drunk use of will bo cored If opium, Vroacco, ox narcotics. on use Hop B BoU w drnfir- If too are sim ply weak ana low fdata. Sand for I Dspliited, trjr4tl !lt may ae your life.! It has saved hop wrma to Co-, (hundreds. mayl eoddtwly -L riflSTETT NC? CELEBRATED Fortify the liystcm . ; And jou fe armed agtlrfst' diaeasfe. 1 Tie finest tonic for this purpose Is Hostetter's Stomach Blt- oounteract:WllliosnesJ,and- keeps the bowels hi order, and so genial and benencent are its effects, that not only Is the body Invigorated and regulated by IU use, but despondency banished from the mina. .-.iinrtn r v t ! s n A TESTIMONY OF DRUGGISTS. , f We certify that we have been selling "Swift's Syphilitic Specific" for many years, and regard it . far superior to anything known to science, for the disease for which It is retopimepded. V have never knowit&Btaglrf3$uhMf ? S. J. Cas'sels, Tnomasvllle, Ga. L. F. Greer & Co.. Forsyth, Ga. Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, Atlanta. Ga. Pemberton, Samuels Reynolds, Atlanta, Ga. uaniei a Marsh, Atlanta, Ua. 1 4t imiDi 'Hi T.il'lD! Mb C. T. SWiiT-DearSIr: We have been oslng your "Swiffs Syphilitic Speeffl(S" In the treatment of convlets for the last year, and believe ft Is tbe only certain known remedy that will effect a perma nent cure for diseases for which you recommend It $1,000 KKWAKD Will be paid tn any chemls whs will find, ent analysis of pn nusdred bo(tl3 M a 3. Si, oiei particle of mercury, iodide potassium, or any min eral substance, ; . aujBniA.'iA i nun i . Prepared only by the SWIFT RPXCTlTf! cou. PANY, AUanta, Gav. a, Atlanta, ua. Sold by T. C Smith and L. R, Wriston A Co. Call on your druggist lor a cony of "Young Men's Mends." , . , ,.,y i ., may27-dAwlm." ESTABLISHC1MH -1858. ' 'ill 11 "Xf13TA4 ll;C-l".v Fine Gold and Kilver Watches, CLOCKS Ari) JEWELliy, Diamond Slyer aM iter JWTjic, Gold and Silver Spectacles, and everythlnx kept In a FIRST-CLASS JEWELRY STORE. Tlie Highest Cash Price Paid for (.old Old and Silver. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Fine nawjues, mocks laaa jewelry. ALL WATCH UNO CLOCK WORK Warranted . for Twelve Months 1 AJJ goods sold at this establishment warranted as represented. ,) . ":!; )" : ' 'i-; 'V ! it; : ,tr, :. .r :-' . HONESTY IS THU BEST P0LICT. iViHin Y..::ui uw jv .-tat .. . n JOHN rT. .BUTLElt, Carolina Jewelry BUre, Charlotte. 1 U-J J' :n ff. M.'iruii jioirnfinoiiifi" vvrq?mi JiVf 1 HfrLIHTPf STT35 SWEET POTATOES. lllliriVnlAI Vfl.IDikiar M.l.l.saa o..v,. tit lunfla nlnnamoa .ttQhlidO lO Wl .Jl"V feiioi"j3 al io tJmxI 9flO 0! tsdJIs bnsf itldn9Tl I a a a i a acisc cite I mm R I disease j II 1 I I 1 I I I I J I t til I n rrrnni mi nil i rn.Mi 1 1 1 U 1 1 kiiui i r ri I) 3 -tinro II i' m . . - ii nrrn TA II I 1 .r.r. -y yv via baa xil!omofl vnltnrrt Halo uil. TroAaM ?nnp.rior: -Coairt meets next L1 holiday, 3 udge Gflilietreaidiiig. , The Methodist, Lutheran- jmd-res;: I acesfle neary ; buW-Cf PPt byterian Sunday sdilMlUury.MdenWtSit,is tifenaiujt OAJwMpII will have a union picnic on the Hth I have seen and from anjnhmate knojffl- will inst The nretnymheTrofrtkevfOT?"- rturv, UMSUVU UV The secarfnull fjwxoi t9n" Carolina 1 !?AAfatfijfl AssOefaMencoi- 1 nnMrPm-j mencemenr. exercises ui we .uaynou tJtjesnted the nftVeity-oi wooa yd WHin e mdestmcjCtre fire ?niffhfe-t the Twcurreu TJir iu; dest vdtas, corn, fish, etc. ! Statesvillc Landmark: - Ir revenue officers, in command ot Cape Abe Bryan, was tired upon py in which the commissary oeparimeut jsui 11 bf the mine5saf totiUVi toyedon-"iF sumin? a coskrerale an shiners on Lewis's lork, VViiKescouffcfitlie starvation which would have ty, last Monday, and Mr. L. 4'rHmIrlaHrredln the first instance ibut for ler. oBf ft tbttpirtrMfhot tomsMTSEJf wUi'M f (YoUI all the bblil HtfWi ite.WWsdiho:who areTfere ; ths eeteMiif Jnll U not eofiBiaeiea aeceBsainx swk 1 r.t4.iJJ aVJJiii-v. h n'fJanftbrvin.li6d,that the! Mnjte aias UfWBWWV JWltrT.- -a. ww - p iv w. 1ST. Hunter, charged wiCbtneM'fiOt yl passea wnen mucii guuu uwj u iho Pftnrt iiimsft- t.rtiimiA hv senainer suoscriuuous lu Irinatnn hart m hearinsr at that place on number of witness.tjfi9tlertn-Mltr to-e'-fiopeo, ioo, mat ouiei nounced their decision Wexbiesdjiy kbingsmfty be done, such as the under- morning, discharging the defendant. J Tredell held her primaries last: Satur- trayTandf roTri me7Stttesvtti5and mark WiXtltet. tWi'&lfcN'ite'- The meetings lender it reasonably certain th At ail of the . present county, jOftjcers wilj be re-oorainated. The respective frieiids of Col- Arrafteld and Mali Bob bins ea&h c(aim that theic chofcae will ha-te iiAraftn-ity of the-:toslris in the county convention. With reference to the legislative "ticket, there is noth ing vet upon which to base a surmise. s Salisbury WhtcTtmanf The 1 Rev1. ; Cf II. Bernheim, laboring in Davidson county, reports the accidental discov ery leeentlyiof Jit is believedto he a very fmooitant gblQ mine In that coirn1 ty. It about lur -wileg frwnilver Hill anjj b$tvitfcit asdriheEdmond's mine. borne or the ores, which is pi a, l.l . . A nlVnti tA 1 i rYi f i, U1UB IUIVC1I ; 11UU1 UJC OlUT face, resembles the slate ores of Gold. Hill,. though dtfterent, have been sent bp New York to be analysed. The vein is" about nine feet in wiofh,:a,nd tcacea t le for one-fourth of a mile." " : '; .The Statesville Landmark says that, for some time past there have been losses on the mail route from Marion to Bakersville. The Postofiice Depart ment has had its attention drawn to thse, and officers of the department having worked up the case thoroughly, last Monday arrested John L. : Dixon, postmaster at Grassy Creek, Mitchell, oounty. He was brought to Marion, tried by Commissioner W. Craige, and,-in default of bail in $1,500, was cpciuiitted to jail. The proofs against him are conclusive. Statesvillc American.' On Friday last, Revenue Agent Kellogg caused the registered distillery of Hiram Ellis, about six miles south of this place., to be seized for violation of the Internal1 revenue laws. The violation in this instance consisted in Ellis's having re filled a barrel which he had sold a few diijxaJbeXote. tUa&iuie liavingLe&ujuK turned, w lip without leaving the stamp x:iicelled.i . Ellis wiis-Arrested, tried and pleaded guilty, and was re quired to give bill in $1,000, but after wards, ma4ehi$ eacapejf rpna ttie oflicar . o r i A k iH.iijf.s i Bingham School closed its session on last Saturday. The workmen have be gun to raise; the; academy bnilding in order to add another story under the present building. The present pros-, pects indicate that there will le nearly? if not altogether, two hundred Btu dents lrere next session:1 Maj. Bingham has secured the' assistance of another teacher for next session, and also one to take1 the placd "Prof. -R. B. WiMis, who witlrdraws from school1 to prosecute his theological studies. There will,be,four assisUat professors sext seesibnfcteaaiofitrlree,1i8ileorel i O Sates viH- Amerioan - Wednesday the Jiorse of Mr. John D. Kerr, attached to abtiggy fh which' .there 'were two ladies, became frightened from some cause at the" depot and ran away. Run ning in the direction tn town he over took the express wagon in ; which was Mr. Joseph W. Stockton and coming in contact there witji thcoqeussion threw Mr Stockton to the grOQtid with great severity, cutting him about the head badtji Considering thejajge of Mr. S., and-ttie facC tlihf he has but One - limb, it is a wonder that he did not receive more serious lni-nes. The vounar ladies were thrown Wit of the buggy but were not hurt, though considrablv jostled. The buggy was badlyf damaged. POLITICAL. .1 The Cincinnati Commercial. Remit)- l'ptin OOVO' "'film rt V. T", cratice State ticket in Ohio next fall will be an unobjectionable man of large experience in public affairs. In casa ot the nomination of GenJ Grant. io matter who may be nominated by the Democrat- for President; ttie Derao cratic ticket wjrH .win in Ohio in Octo ber." " I -lh: .Vicksburc Herald one of the sixteen delegates ff ronj Mir sissippi jp roe iviucinnau convention is opposed. xo the nomination of Mr. Til den, , -- tsenacor Lmar has reee rd n. m ;T?irr?S reuawe-parties jwhoassntw him that tlie vote of the Miiinni rioi. ckwoh win oecaa wnarpr BayBrd, t Nearly ;'-M'hmimin Illinois that have chosen delegates -a tbe 6Uti eon ven tio& ha ve instructed In Xayor oi in. iv. morrison ior jfresiaen';. rue 4. Secret of th Pi..n ,A. Naw Yrtrlr Cfam Mr. CAhldrniW &-;Zk e.rk delegation at Chicago,, let Qitt the: true secret of the pre erence t or Gen. Grant over the "comptin candi tethat;Gen.rajant4s;th ctolyirrfo! ed, -rtWhichyj that il witpgi ifftGrpr'iW;tirf omin.tari. Ban tXiatiS, -( 'Jttayewas seated iwitKultF4iMetfJ4i resident irkor Mieranceiot Tiwusqefll 118 I 'l I Jl.T . ill mi!( l.n,.r -3 , tun. k. ,a KLaVwJaV """" IBSlSml'iAninJUiff.iH asoB jUasnovBriBfi m JtU TIIR DISTRESS ITw-4ISbAIU1w. Tbe Duke of dinbnrcb Declares that al b&aTiioBeeffxsierate. , Hla Si4eclUe4BulalsAer. riftAaj;le beUered, by many that the extent of the distress on "the west coat pf IftelaAd is j atjy.ejcaggeiatedr; that tne reiier aam lerea nas noi -in edge of how the relief lias bee fewttjed, that the distress in tle, maio jiot bejen exaggerated. It' hasgeMteJwes sively severe, and that it has not reach eel the pointthat itreashedfifctlfd tift known as the "Irish Famine3' W fltifeBrP tisely to thafact that jarepatto&s 7f meeting it had been taken fflMaaey cannot refrain from expressing my - . , i. it.. i limn sense oi now muuu tne uitLiug m muo tfwAteW charitbie exertions of been a great pleasure to me to be asso tiik wft&er Grace, as well as with ma-mi others in , this, beneficial - work. America tor ine great ana geuciuuo hjln tUe? haye sent to Ireland. It was my good fortune to be able to be at Queenstown to assist in the distribu tion of that magnificent cargo which , liB-XLCi 1U1 Cwl ICClSVtaJV " Uwa-a vw b&frlvhentlie firitcrop the po teillJsehredand is fol lowed by the general harvest. Until I . nnfnnl 1 1 QT llV A squa(T'HfT?r- tha nnnnlation in some por- ri r IT! TT1 Mil V i:jus. dLLUai lUlbl tions of tne West of Ireland, including m-fh&.igiands .must be continued. Other- Wr4t mind, nnd tell tothersSwWP fare " -rf . 1 J those creat funds which have alieady I L L A. J 1 1 J- i. 1 . taking or great worKS ana ue hjwui- 1-ind T-'-fabt-orfrO-triar. fTto- of the fishens on.thaacoast. which a present are very'raucti rreglected, would give the population there a moreecure means of existence. The lanrlisireally incapable of suppoiiing the'population from natural i esourceai andX ieet cer tain that, without the" assistance of the fisheries, tneSatne distress Wch h as occurred will occur again. And Tkls lM TUelT Poatitiou. Statesville Landmark 1" Since Vance: remarbed, when he heard that a man wanted to buy the Western North Carolina Railroad. -."Great1 Lerd, is there any danger of bis getting away J" since that time, we say, - the best thing that anybody has said with reference toV the bargain, sale, theff give-away or whatever you might call it, is the following from the Raleigh State Journ a if of 1 ast' w ee k : The time at which Mr. Best and his accociates are required to take charge of the Western North Carolina Rail road, is the 29th inst., and by that time they will have taken charge of it. -r - - - We make this announcement to ease the minds of those worthy gentlemen who oppose the sale of the road, and who have been denouncing the sale since it was acconplished as a robbery of the State, and who latterly, in the nterest of Judge Fowle and his ticket, lave been howling at Mr. liest ana his issociates for not having taken charge of the road and secured their plunder, ind at Gov. Jarvis for not taking Best and associates by the throat and forcing tlieui to consummate the rob bery.'- Locked in Eacli Oiher'a Aruiit in Death, Baltimore American. The bodies of John N. Rowley and Edward Willis, the two poor little 'col ored bojrs who were drowned, in Cur tis's creek on; Saturday last under cir cumstances detailed1 in the American of Siindayr:have been found by Mr. Ripgrow, in whose service they were employed at the time of their 'death. the bodies were found) floating on top of ; the water locked infeach ottier's arras in a death grapple, showing con- ciusiveij inax wnen tne nuie Doac turn ed over an4 they, were thrown, ant, tliey had 'Seized loid.4Jf each other in their tArirvr'' fltlid '"t.fins nno rini nirloH in drown erothei!; by impeding fe ef- ioiXH. Air. itingrow f eunct them, drought the bodies ashore, and buried them, in the sand without ihy coffins, j STlleTr friends, however, are taking up-a- -eo4- lectToTrttrf e-purpse of having 'TTi'em 0)duy4Muri 1 ITatada Rvmancea. : Nevada bapers' nerer ; debar t from the truth. A item in this column from r(e-6f theifil,0a?feW'dats Ago, gave an account or a Chinaman flying a sheet iron kite haying a log chain lor a tail. Another. Nevada paper gave a circum stantial account of a Iteno man flying a bar-room mirror, six feet by ten in size, the tail made of all the tin dippers in the place. The experiment was a suc cess, even to se$tiug fire to a haystack, twenty miles away, for which he had to pay 8500. JSow comes the Truckee (Cal.) Republican which but here is the story in its own words: "A hand car, with four men, started for the snow sheds to repair an old snow- plough which was damaged by the storm. On returning, the wind was so strong that they had to get off the hand car and push it down hill." Bernhardt Surely- Comiujr. Boston Herald. ThB cable dispatch published in last evening's paper, concerning the engage ment of Sara Bernhardt for America by Manager Abbey, is authentic. A private uispaicn 10 mr. cnoenei, mr. Abbey's partner, says he has secured her for an engagement of 100 nights, a. a 1 . 1 . -a ar . 1 1 -. and the great actress will first appear at Booth's Theatre, New York, in No vember, and subsequently make a tour of the country under Abbey & Schoef- fel's management. Mr. Schoeffel and Treasurer Tilloiaon. of the Park, went Jto Ne York last night 'pQ Aomplete Cer tain details' of the engagement; ' r- WOMAN'S WISDOM. ' "She Insists that U is toere tafwrtance, that her family shall be kept In full health, than that she Booh hare all thefashhyrraWe dresses and styles of the umea - She Vberefere sees to It, that each member ot. her family te snppHed with enough Uop Bitters, at the first auaranee of any symp toms of ill health, to prevenfa w pf fifkpgss with its attendant expense, care and anxiety, 4II wo? men should exercises their wisdom In this ,vy$y.? flflg ucatn fauaavwn. i. CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss ot manhood, Ac, I will send reeipe that will core you, FREE OF CHAH g. This great remedy was discovered by a nn-iwmary in sown America. Send a Bell-ad4rettKt4 envelope to ne lien josepn t. inman, Hiaiion u, acw iotk viiy. 5t J ' J T In view of the coming census returns to be made In June Bext, some . curious statistician has been calculating Irom the past experience of the draw lnes or too Louisiana state Lottery, which takes t)lace with exact fairness every month and se nnntmliv-unrter the eareand sunerrlsicm of Ge 7. T. Beauregard, of La,, and Jubal A. Early, of prize oj me invest or a whole or part pi SIOO.UOO, 850;- te captursa by n wkhrint hjit rule of BdnomcuT oeroi tii. Aartnint that-iioine on will draw tnem on t grisin iiiif - -Hut no one draws the capital-prize twloeT5 fto other facts are strikingly confhTnator 61 the modern discovery that there is such a thing ' YiT Bntforhe further inlormaaon desired let any one interested write to lt.'A.-IleMnjNew ur leans; uw or aomv yoiovu . .v. waViNewyorltfJl, 319 Broad it. u ;A! book on too Liver, tt diseases adtnelr treats teent sent frefl.' including!' treatises tipon Liver te. ceosapaaon,- wyspepsw maw, t&P (,r noqi- ni noillu-J3iie .nH X gmJi.Min ot mi 'ii Bin 'j tW..frrr!OTr5nri. .OOT.il i;t, I.iiii nut-0"f;OBttl 3iud-:i-cii;l years of Jigw etSis'vritk(ieasesoX tne Kidneys1 and fcdWrv-am; TfWB&f muimah for this, hilt ovpi wrtI i -the chief CftUSft' NibiH2 In the whole Materia lfdk-so,vett calctatted to inyhiforate and restore . healthi ,ton to these organs as : itanKin s uqmpouuu, v Uuoqu ana jumper, a iew qoses uuiei KWi jtsy disease of the Kidney or Bladder. PrhwiwI linlv hv Ttiirit: Rankin Ac Lamaj il gbWd for sale by.T.. & Smith; and L. .R.;Mfl5 i "n in loc'MoCip' Co t Ga.,. July. o:8Qk.-one 61 the unfortunate sufferers. ; frpia Gravel or disease of tne Kidneys, and Dnd more Bfld'speriler -relief tztom BankM'KBucmundl Juniper- tnaaJ aitythhig I harr evec iedt 1 I estee&d ItsoBIhlrfwere tfafePw watcoeMtfie, an takwartd I would wUltnfely fell. $1 Oij; orao amount foe it. I recommend It above all other similar prepasa tions. K T. WI.N. A Bent'ridti'ess. . rJustppen thtv4ooi; ,lqrei jDdMriwV5' will prove the American Florence NfgnteligalO .."of the Nursery. Of this we are sure, that we w teadbour "Susy" to say.- "A- blessing- en- Mi WJnsiovc". lor helplnr her to survive and escti fchA'briMrie'. eollekln.- snd teethinsr -siei WJlLOW'S SOOTHING 8YSUP relievesI'Miflf eUlld1 Iro4i pain,- and cures- -dysentery- entt'MiMaW rjScJ fesoften the gums, reduees -mtenatl0Of cxrreiwlnd colic, and carries- the infah"Baew ttirough the teething period; It performs preWse1) what it professes to perform, every part of It nothing less. We have neyet-jseen Mrs. Wlnslow only know her through the' "preparation of her Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we kad-tbe power ve:'woult makeiherv aj .slje vAi: a payBkstvlottttO! the Infant. raeftj-- oldii,bf,att toigglats. ) tacentaaboW'- -t'-'Iy-f '' ii .jL-.-.Vit Ir-.Ol'j i-.A'Miri- -xno va i ' HtVl Hiia. ImJjia'J blyiUiil oir,-tic.f!rJ bin: afvtfi;Vl 3! m-jJiswrifJoVI bins ojjii'jUl'j bnr.lgl kooh UA fc Jl aW ajl aw ala, jphlnK,' Scrorulous Tsint, iinem- CMuiV(I6BclVoiihuUs'j3'ervons De IbilltT. Malrta,nd all diseases arising rsaltairQaUUon or the Diooa, Isklaor, Cure RheumatlsnaU Cures Malarta. Kill i-J 1 ni .i4 Cure - Nervous DebllltTe CURES ERUPTIONS. has Ita incrredlents rmbllsheel - ckacre. Show it to your .rny sician, ana lb. and ha will toll vnn it la mmnaud OI the strongest alteratives that exist, and wan cceuen uiooa rurner. H0SADALIS is sold by all Draggigts. For and BEAST. External and Internal. ; .in- H the; greatest PAIN REUEVEB OF THay-XCPE off sliver Fills. : TTTR 8RHAT OATHARTIO1 EEGULATOB. H-JtU'i Dr. SYRUP SAd 4a refeMrrtnMded by pliyi BltftTlft i as MEDIULNS. c ctItoaieale 4w oltDiWglsial TOHTV 1? HENRY & CO.. g4 College Placet Wew York. .1 !J i i. I U i Eat TBBAT made with Horsford's Celebrated Bread XJ Preparation and you will not suffer with in digestion; 25 cents a package or $tf.Ud, per case oi a dozen, at Wash Price Smdk RICHM0KD Gem Cigarettes or Cigars, and buy at good 5 Cent SMITH'S Drug Store. Chew TTVBFOBREST'S Tobacco Substitute, fi-rxxl for sr the blood. breath and appetite. Price 10 cents at SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Prink , . GENUINE Saratoga Water, lea sold, 6 oents glass, at ; SMITH'S DBU STOREL Burn TjRATT S Astral OU Irt ranr larnns. chean J- clean, safe, produces best Iteht. burns longest. erajfi 40 unpleasant smell;- try it. On sale only at - SMITH'S DSUU STOKJS. -ifi-- "DOTD'S Batteries, Caprine' Plasters. Porous riasierspr Liver Pad: they: will do you no nann.- 'Buy at SMITH'S JJKXPQ STORE. FOE SAlvE; 1 O DOZEN SHOE BOXES wood1 bound, best -J. A made, and in good order. "r June l-d2t , W. M.. SMITH, Agt, f r,nn fpt T:': rpHE TJBSERvEB wTll Jtaynve uonars reward At fr the-apprehenslm, wan eviueaee to con-ctUio-' person or persons who; are engaged ni steaUng tbe Daily .Issue Irom U residence-f subscribers after It has been leu at the houses: also. One Dollar lor evidence neglect to deliver XHX OBSanvJtu in me kij, "i u vi its, .carriers. uiiunnouuB au m uo--,.;inoj .ft1 tun i paaaaw l. aaBSaBBBBVawaajaja 0 1 L BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA ;WORMr rWOWftW tne best WOKM. ' .J.137UII .If - .-. ... mm fd Be-eSel Ms tbftr htose -raanuiJlttrea? t ns ii y iil'ii il X'(l-U J.iJjvnJl 055 oi Mdei by P8lgnin jrrson.Whpj.deair tfjfalft.on ffte'pubic tbkaasandtiepimbtoufn djvase pltegvlatoH, tovlgocators. Bitters, Olidijq uiiJ iu iii-iv;;.' '.lij .:;;ia' .v .!::;. n rfeferarlaito nwJe, tMt9? Jtpow vtp have tpsO- Mfl, perfecfly haiifalesXand ftto all jjwiMto poison"s;irernik Wer, Clif' feloieis All Druggists and Sealers Sell and Becom mend it 'i' -'""1 Physicians who nave taken'the bxbfe to learJ yj:u iM7;)ii;iiv .s-iui 1:1 i: Ui) i. UAlylsnsesbf wltticonce- j.etye, l triandevtfWbrd'for Vt; you wfll twvep egt it, yrjirii; yiiT .r-asnfiifo-i 'ii; 1 ; n U-yn-tu j&econjftKeotnera, ayocafe an aayew serJaaieellowlnwfieiWe fail 'to raejik .UiJiii J Mill HO!U --U-rJlI'. V!S!,U)iM.i!',i-i of In Ahe.gheBl tejmsaivd ceominend Jtip BenBJ&iJONES. .-i .;A.;GBAE9Xa,'xi'l B. L.vCUmBBBTii ; 1 1 ; H- S, NEUFTlLLE. . : R-BUBNHAMif. D. X CBAWFOBJ), irit is-Simpler j btter and chfeapei than: any other Js,i vni bib -jiJi'iodlfri; ,Ui-tirJv.-;:r, o --a-.t. BOWIEJclSKHSic.iSole Proprtelprft, a Ti rT I T ' Cnariesfon, si C. ' ' .iMSHMHat.,.. June 1 'CEABLOTTEiN.lCir i ii ii in rn'-fidi mi!i.:i ri.i ': l.'.:it: wlH.no, leather. For sale br L. R. wKiSTDN At COu .GYDONIN, !- V. irthee rpHE Dest bwparatft eret offered fcfftlw w , jl. o lunappMSKinanmpii botns. eta. ; sold only toj, of. Chapped SklnjnmplfiS,TanJupUoos, Siin- L. R. WaiBfONCO. '.: ': ! ? v.- ' : ' i: T NTALUABtE as a iDraretlc. : ' l . i . 71 i i. L. B. WRISTON CO. A LLCOCK'S Porous, Benson's Capcine, S. & J's. tup8icum ana rjenaaonna L. B. WRISTON ft (XX BASING, POWDERS. .... . 'i - . : . , ET'S, fiorseford's and Sea Foam. Also, ces' jeati uem. L. B. WKlaTON CO. BITTERS. H OP Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Hostetter's Bitters. mar 21" ' DR. M. II. HcAdeii, DBSSersT Ajrn iiiimm, ' How pffeti to ttttTtapd foil steekrr ; . r ' LaMn's Exlracts and Colognes, ..,,. . ( s lagUah Select SPICE S Colgate, Honey and Glyoerlne 8oapv Kngnsh, French and, TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at an boon, both night ark Wat 3. H. MOADXZrS PrescrlpUon Store, SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels ot C. WEST SONS' Extra No 1 Kerosene AMD ' ALADDIN SXCDBITT OIL. Wosf Ixtea No. 1 feroiMte W, frw fjf $ Sons, BalUmow, . . Hight Medal awarded atpantonnlaf Kxposjn. OotalOilWc)rka,Cariton. Warranted to stand a ft" 0' 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It win VorSale hf 1' .U'.ij, -.' i i - t ; Dm. . TL McADKSr, Sole Agent. fe?$fM0NS!; llUPittlO COMfOUND bsljia!! im iwso't 'sUX xn .alto'r nl -ijJi?;iiM ano Mil 1' tJ ln-j eiiiv yJiu uiJ. nJ tu;ni-Uii-ij; oi Ji Huii JiM'1''1 J; iiii :i:r;i i')iO '.i .i. '!' 1 (.:'(... -.!. .lul l hi luHJin; );. l .!. i-;miu It TAKE tat 'method ot toforailng the Ladies of Charlotte and surrounding -country that I :bare secui theSoleipncy ol ' -if j; j U: iiv.i; r''), !;-.!; ; i;::.u-.'v J : I i 1 ; 1 1 rl 'to -.IiM;-.i BAZAR PATTERNS, lii; .! -ui. ) And will to future keep a fuH and complete Stock' ol j all. Patterns, represented In. the cata logue.':' i.; : All the Hew and Latest Styles will be received as published. , ' ' 'y. A GALL T) EXAMINE MT PATTERN : DEPARTMENT! is respectfully i iILlDSTBATED CATALOGUES sent free to any : adjesaon;apyieanoiiu-':' V: PATTERNS malted on reoeint of. number, size an I price. tery reppectfuf ly,.' , .' JNO. R. EDDINS. LTi be paM for BAGS; at the hfehest market pricevby WiLA Bw.TJDMr, : AT riDOY'S WILL BE FOUND A NICE LOT QF Fire-Screens, Wall Paper, and Bordering CALL AND EXAMINK: TIDDY & BROTHER. MARK WAIN'S -TRAMP ABROAD" - Jtr&T RECEIVE D xT Store ' Jane 2 .' i ! .17 ICE CRE IjE3 MOH ABE, AND BOUQUET CIGARS AT N. B. Having introduced the pateBt lee Cream Baskets, parties can be supplied at their resi dences id auantitles of 10a 25c. and 50c may 13 HEADQUARTERS Cpfrasey GIss Tpp, Mason Improred, Celebrated Gem; i i:i; . ; 8en4 for jCirtnra. lowest Prices to the fraiVj. Special TifiuH tor-ty tatty ro6tr.v , ; . ' 'i'-; -if I.i:iii7 ii -ri -, D. F. HAYNES & CO. JOBBERS AMD IMPORTERS, mm. Million Dollars TXTn TP may & 4wd4w s " I :-i . OT!!;! SOLl BY s exxrs. Mayer f jfofcg; : ; : . te ?evef a '' 11 !' Uu ?J. WATTKUJLPITBI'E. TiEKtS -Tbe yish GuahO.-jhT-oryotr this side with three r.ther standard guai o. the Kih being ahena. aiaklHaj a nt profit of sixty per cent. I expect tonse.more vf,U next season. Tours truly. J. A. POr-K. AlexandrliOia N. q.. . apri! : GRAND QBEHiNG: --si-.it: ,in , , j -,f , , . , JkX MRS. Pi QURR-Y'S. Y.E ae now opeutng our Petood Stook of J hie Mttliueiy, i M:i:ttuerj; huvlHt Just etunwd -li:-i ;(! Av,- from New York with all the very latest no- eltles In H :.:..: ::. u. . ; HATS and BONNETS trimmed and UBtrtmroed. SILKS, iLCi. aQ A) j A- MENTS, FLOWERS and FEATflE S in all the ew -shades and styles. : Tke exhibit. Is by far the mb'jeiegaW stock, ol fine' Millinery we have ever shown. jStjles very different Irom early spring 'and goods In a great many styles much cheaper - Also all the latest stjles in Neck Wear, Flssues, Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Bluffing; 4c : Fans anil Para sols something entirely new. Wldte Goods, Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, children's Ready made Suits and Cloaks, all new and cheap. Ladies will find our stock complete in all the different lines of goods we keep. The greatest variety and the most complete assortment of each line, and at the lowest prices of any establishment of the kind in this part of the country. We guarantee every article we offer as low in price for cash aa the same article can be purchas ed anywhere, Will open our flue trlmmsd Bon nets and Hats on Thursday. Ladies calling to see our handsome goods, new styles.and low prices, will not be disappointed, Respectfully,! MBS. P. QUERY. apr28 " : ; - - ' rtfckertj and (Slassiirare J. BBOOtrrjfLDi A w. LCiiour. CHINA PALACE "''-' ' -OF- y.'.-a:- !i , J. Brookfield & o. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED : REFRIGERATORS (UPRIGHT). ICE CHESTS (LOW). WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BIRDCAGES, Children's Carriages, Silver and Plated Ware, Full line of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW-WABE, MAJOLICA. IRIDES CENT GLASS Ahd-- FANCY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ELECTION NOTICE. MAYOR'S OFFICE, March 81st, 1880. . By virtue of a resolution passed at a late meet ing 61 tbe Board of Aldermen of the city of Char lotte, lam authorized to advertise that there will be an election by ballot, held la: the city on the first Monday in June, A. D. , 180, at the usual polling places, to ascertain the sense of the quali fied voters, on the question of establishing and maintaining by taxation in the city, public graded schools. I am further authorized to state that the maximum rate of taxation shall be one-tenth of one-iter cent, or ten cents en every one hundred dollars worth of property in the city, and thirty on eaon poll. At the nme designated for i ne said eiectUML tbereii shall be eleated Lv Dav it i two schpol' eomrnissjoners from eachS ward-, nerewijlbe.new tegisfratioii books opened pn 18 first day of Aurll. A. D. 1880. and the same shall be. kept open until sundown, on the Saturday previous to said tleZZ , 1 ,2? aDuotat as registrars and inspectors for said election tor Ward No. 1 F. A, McNtnch, registrar; inspec- wpk ff- w. waaswonn, it. a. Miner ana cnanes : Wilson. McD. Ward Ma'S-B.'T: ard ira.--iiB-.-p; i H, Medina, jrE.Broi . Ja- a , COME ; AT. .1?AST !" ROSS aitei Bient. yeiristrar: lnsriectors, :mW.mW'W Bryab: DTTWiJ. SCODBING AND GENERAL CLEANING i , ESTABLISHMENT, i -Iadedite6d8. LedW Dreaees,' Shawlsv Table Copsrs, Blboens; Feathnsv t and. arrety other de jerlpttea, ofi wearing, apparel .cleaned,, renovated and changed to any color deatredy , ; Ad Orders to be left for the present at MB&MONXLIS'S MILISBB.TSTOBE 'F. A. MIEEER. I

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