" 1 ' ' I OwiDgtftihflahaAtiaft'f an ftf.n,al IA- ;f-!itW4 'Hin'ui As this quesUon la fte .-AfS N ItXI 1 J J IPyJ En MM , JUNTE 12, iO? saturDaIt IU1LB0AU DIBKGTOKI. Ttie following table shows the funning of passer er trans w ana uuiu vuonww, u w ins ran roadi (Washington tlmeu i rrives from Richmond ana wiasoors, 12.30 & m. lBlchmonianclOoldsboW, 12.30 i vrrlves from Rlchmont......i ...g. 11.17 aim. avesfor J" 410fiP. ATLANTA CHARUITTS AIB-LIMB. Arrives from Atlanta. 8.50 a. m L-avs for Atlanta. 12.30 a. m Arrives rrom Atlanta...... 4.10 p. m, Leaves for Atlanta,.. .-,- 11-17 a. m cHABixmni, Colombia Lososta. Arrives from Augusta, 4 00 p. m. leaves for Augusta 1 1.27 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives Irora Wilmington 7 00 a. m.i Leaves for Wlliuliigtou 7 25 p. m.; : Arrives Lrom Slieuyw J -r l.ives for 31elb;Jl .J ... t T Ji-QQ a. m ATLANTIC, TKNN1W8KK A UHHX Leaves for Statesvllle A rrlves from Statesvllle 7.30 a. m 7.00 p. m INDICATIONS. 5 (AijjLWi!WWtT, Hl FlCK CHIEF SIGNAL I'FFICER IER, V P. M. ) Washington, June 11, 7 30 For the South Atlantic states,8tation .iv m- risine barometer, slightly warra- pnstprl v winds, partly cloudy weather. iwillv preceded by occasional local rains on the North Carolina coast Local Report for Yesterday. I 7 A. M. 2 P, Mj 9 P. M B;irometer, Thermometer,... ; Relative Humidity, . - wind Direction...... " Velocity,...:.... Weather. 30987 30 040 19 999 1 83 ? . 64 : & E. - 3 Clear. i Clear. Fair. ntghest temperature flOTleg.! lowest 68. ' " Ji ? J Ji'f Index to New Advertlseiaesiter L Berwanger & Bto Grand Closing Sale. I.eKoy Davidson Retail Dealers Take Notice. D Cardwell- Firemen's Turnament. S. M. Howell Just In. LostA Meerschaum Pipe. Ma. R. Bingham gingham School, f HOflE PEIVCIL.INGS. A drummer has' riot been seeniin Uiese parts irtwo weeks. Our firemen should 'take warning. Tlie Columbia companies are practicing daily. Summer's elory beamed upon us yes terday in all its sweltering fullness. See local weather report above. Strawberries are not abundant, and tlie fruit is small, but the never fail itiL' blackberry never showed finer pros-. peels. . - : . . ... : A number of , Trinity ...College boys were in the city yesterday on the way home. The commencement exercises closed Thursday night,,, .., , . . (), From present indications there will he a nrettv large delegation from Mecklenburg to the State Convention, which meets on the 17th in Jialeigh, , The hremen are consiaeraDiy exercis- v eil over the coming tournament in (o- I lumhia. in which the Hornets are B to I participate. They talk about nothing else. A part of the machinery for the ice factory has arrived, refreshing in telligence in such weather as this. It has not been determined yet where it will be located. The first issue of the Southern" Home under the editorial management of. Mr. D. II. Hill, Jr., has made its appearance. and fully meets the expectations or Mr, Hill's friends. Rev. Z. Haushton. pastor of the Ebe- nezer Baptist church, announces that he will baptize several canumates to-mor row at 3 o'clock p. m. The public gen erally are invited to attena. The colored military company, which passed tnr6ughth'ecity dayTf ore yes terday was the JJoagias. r.ignu iman try, of Augusta. They are going on an excursion to Washington City. A quiet little cock fight has been go- incr on the fair grounds for the past few (lavs bet wen chickens from Rock Hill and Charlotte. The -main hasno, yet been decided, but probably will be to day. 'Squire McRee, of Greenville every- bodv knows him was among the visi tors who left vesterdav morning. He is an improvement on "Uncle Dan'l,' and if he lived, Jn iNorJthl Carolina, would doubtless o ntmi cne -arvis Section." In all probability the lawyers will have Mr. James E. Boyd with them at the approaching term of the Federal Court in this citv.. Tlie New North State, of yesterday j' says: James E. Jioyd. Esq. of Alanianee, '.had beeto ap- pointea unitea states attorney ior tne Western district of North Carolina, as we learn bv a telegram from him to a friend ip. tliis-clty ' i" .Carriage of a Cnarlottean in South Carolina. ... Capt. Jas.F. Johnston, Of this city, was marriea in L.aurensviile on the 9th to Mias Mary S..Todd, daughter: of Mr. .Samuel It. Todd, of that towp. Soon after the ceremony they left' the home of the bride to visit friends and rela tives in other parts of South Carolina, auer wincn tney win return to Char lotte which will be their home in fu ture. The marriage" has been di'sctissed with interest for some time in social circles here, where both have many menus. Tlie .bride is a gister of Mrs. pr. lobert qibbon. r Itjiighnin School. The catalogue of the Bingham school tur the year ending June l, 1880, is he- lore us, Tlie exhibit is better than ever before. 'Shu roll corhtainfl 189 names, (presenting ten Southern and four Northern States. District of Columbia. South America Brazil), Europe, Scot- januj, and Asiai((iamH-a fnumDer and iu-ea unprecedented ih ''the ' history of Southern schools.-, Those best acquaint ed with tlie school; say that f tne disci piuie and instruction were never as Kood as at present, and that the satis i action given topatroris nd pupils was never as great. An advertisement of wus school appears elsewhere. - : larture of the Oreenville Party Their Visit. 1 " 1 ' The GieenviUe uartv. including the Ksther oomrianVjleft on ft speaiai train vesterdav morning at 130 for' home, many of them going -direcUy-from the "p. given them by the-" leisure uiud, t the deoot. Our neoDle will be gladio know that1 they were highly pleased with their visit, and .with; the efforts made to rflnrir their: stay pleasant; i'he success tf -the presentation of "Esther" was the common.topiC' on the streets vesterdav. The visit of the par ty will be cherished as the beginning of very pleasant social 'relations - between. 'he people f fcha! two's -.cities now 'i-ought so'closetogether b? the facili ties of the A ly.T.ini Railroads ws&tfA 1 i vet stomach tteeda an" annetlaer. or the bid eds purifying, the cheapest and best remedy Is UP Bitters, in ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure, don't wait until you are prostrate hy a disease that may take months tof jva. ta re ftri r . . - ' " ' III - .n. M'mmr Hod Bitters. Just kflhls iseasoii of the tear whan KM bwlnir to the abnenrft fit nn nt tlho LrJetabeys cCthef committee- iDDeihted to investigate the charge against Sani tary AXHiceman .nencinck:, the master has not yet been disposed, of, but pend ing the investiflrdtion I hehas sent nis resignattOffto tfife fthSywho rtn ceived it and appointed IJ. C. Irvin in his stead. . The aDDointee will, nndor. take the work in a few days, and it may be remarked en passant fthat there is much for him to do. The odors which arise i inr yarious parts of thecity after nignwall. and esDenialtv fw miH night, indicate the immediate necessity of a thorough cleansing, f - - T Tlie tdOO WliUkc Tax. Th'eactioof tnsJboardtrf AjZin in raising the price of a license to re- tail hquor and, in effect, bringing drug gists under this ; class, Jias,- as might.: nave been anticipated, produced quite a sensation. Bar-keener lalfc. nf hr,M iftfneetjiBg a insider the flpestfeh Wlth-a View fjcr-secrlrinrit.hfl rh!! rtf this section of the ravfnuA hill ana SOtne action will no drill ht. h tab-bn i-A day or to-morrow. , TJierei are now; twenty-three licensed ibar-rooms in Charjott audit 4awiarrforced as it Ho btanfdsr it will, it i hri&rv&t. mr! out at least half f theset 'VrSome ; nrtt-1 fess tdtie scarcely able ti pay- the$i25 the druirarists assert tkfr eonvietion that the courts will not sus-i tu Mcviun wiinvreierence toxaem. and1 (hereappears to. seafood rerteim for believing the Question will li at fin OA submitted.to ,thfr tribunals., Seveiil members of the board whn arl the measure say ,they were moved lado oudjf in tuo i jiicrvsp i lemperance Th Federal CoBrtTb aaeWtioa" if c Auwiuci , ui tn - vMuiruui oar re ceived, dy before -yesterday, the- fol lowing in a letter f rpm JJudge Pek bl auon w w yuv ijx relation io me mawer Val lias noinonev tattav.iurnrR And T Jfttidersland the appropriations b that -xjao uave ueeu emaustea. -j.aftre Jare suppose ahat there yviliije bo iury trials in Charlette. I do riot know what the "attorney-general will do in- tha matter." I . t This leaves the matter vet unsettled. but of course does not ? relieve iurors andV xyitnesses: from 'appearing in ac cordance' with the summonses served upon them. The sundrv Civil bill which includes, we believe, appropriations for this purpose, is now txsndinsr before Congress, and its nassafre mav atTpct-. thdease one way or another.' There are seyerat persons ?in laii awaiting trial WW will hre tt remain there another fist tmontlis Unless tried :at the present J udge Uond, of the Circuit Court, has written that he will be able to appear nere aDout tne I5tn inst. mue biwiiBf curcitei oi cue j. iu. i. Tlwclosinsfeleicises of the (Carolina Military Iiisutue took, place last even- Z 1 il T - ' - - i l iiigju ute xiismiuie ruapei iq me pres- erfe,0i first rate idiiA : knrl flrp rJTS"7?jS C?:r I '7r?SrlTXV?r - V ,V iici rxvev. o. jv. Mason. There were only two graduates this season, cadets L). W. Eboujgh.of Charles ton.' S. C and' J. L. fMcLaurin. of Marlboro, S. C, Both delivered ad dresses, the former on the; "Elements of Success in Life," and the fatter on "The JPhilosophy of Mohammedan Success. The speeches were especially well de livered, oratory being- one of the branches taught with especial success iu iub xuatiLutiuii, aim suuweutuuu evi- dence;of thorough traidingin the depart ment oi oeues leures. Original addresses were also deliver ed by two members of th'e junior class, which were also creditable. Mr. vv . H. Gibbs, of Columbia, spoke on the "Ca reer of Napoleon," and Mr. E. H. Folk, of Edgefield, S. C.,, discussed "Party Spirit i.- ' v,..,: The annual address was delivered lv Maj. C Dowd, who dischssed develop ment in nature, including -education, it was eminently suited to the occasion : thoughtful, original and suggestive. A full report will be made hereafter. - On the Railroads. . A car load of meat was brought to this city day before yesterday from Cin cinnati, over the Cincinnati Southern Kailroad. 3n exactly forty-eight nnurs, the fastest time Dy all odds ever Known in these partSj - . , The survey and estimates of the vir einia Midland Extension is now com pleted, and the work is well done. The map was drawn and plotted Dy major Andrews, the draughtsman of the DartV.! J .- -i i; 'Ihei waaesooro nerwa says? -me bonds of the Cheraw and Wadesboro Bailroad can't be bought at par. This sneaks well for the road, and we are truly glad to know that sucn is tne case. for the men who invested their money in the bonds (a great imany discom moded themselvesrto do so) deseryeto make something oh theii investment. The New y ork correspondent or tne Raleigh News writes: Paper car wheels, with iron nuDs and steeu tires, are rap idly superceding iron wheels. A facto ry at Hudson makes frorii 100 to. 125- a "week: arrd cannot suddiy tne aemanu, so that another is now in progress of erection at Chicago that will turn out from 300 to 400 a week, at is dearer at first, but with one tire tuns irom eignt to sixteen times as long as the iron wheel, and may then ha;ve a new tire to repeat the operation. It is also safer and less wearing to the pars. -T'. ! Western Nnh Carolina Bailroad, The new management of the Western North Carolina Railroad have taken hnlrl nf the enternrise. apparently in earnest. The agents arid employes of tlie company are ordered to ooey au.or- 1 1 am frnm M o UCiO 11V1U JJXJ . . I Another order published m the Ashe- vi le t?i.t.itnn reads as toiiows: x roiu nnfl afrr date, the 20th of the month win rut t he nav tiav or tms company On June 20th, omcers; anaempioje will he naid all arrearages of wages from March 29th to May 81st, inclusive. The board of directors Of the late cor- nnratinn appointed Mai Jas. W. Wil son, John S. Hendersoni Esq., and Dr. X U Well Ch UUlUUJlbbCW AJ !UCWiiuiiiv vmw amount of its "floating -debt" on March 29th, 1880. Its officers and employes, as well as other creditors, snouiu, mere- fore, present their claims to the gentle- men namea, wno wui uuin.n uic- Pavments will ,oe maae oniy on tne certificate of the committee.""- All aDDroved claims, to the aggregate of 30JK)0, wm oe -:paia uuiy:wtq, uy which time it is presumed the commit tee will have completed Jtheir audit." The A sheviUe Citizen says : -Jtresi- dent Best and General Superintendent Andrews are this week laJNew zone en gaged in purchasing lrorJr rolling biock anri ntn or minora necessarv ior reucti- ind restocking and; the ; genera; pro- crrees of the work upon the road, ana ex- ne tAhn hank In Asheville some time net week, when Mr. Befet will take the management of tbe 4roa4immedia,tely. in imvu-nJf &J ', "iir :?aa'WganrT4iet seCTewryurip eadu-located in AsbevUw, .-'hutTta af breseint m m m ww w: ngftged ih taking genemi" fnVwtwt'- pf -what roan i - , mm a' I he Voltaic Bell Co., Marsaau, Mica. 4 m iin ihrxH triAlr mlebrated Electro-voltalo Belts ta th affliniAd nnon AO days. triaL 8peedy cures guaranteed. Tney mean what, they sayr; Write to thoffiu her to memorize V TT c't 'txt ' w , tneiinoyraent -jwiIIj result .ml drfvmg such a niftci of rr. nri wifh tha nhnn. .1 IT S T I N- put an ttie small dealers and giving theltofe a iarger;one? a monopoly; V'T: f toa.tth a. modst dijmitT thaf..i , vr THE very best .Northern Gilt Edged Butter and oorae or tii rtruororfafa -aaearf. Kiri- tlv j t zr. it jl cneeso. Also,. jutcKerei. smoxea uemn?. nor. To the idltot of the Obsemt It is greatly to be regretted that .the appreciative stranger, whose criticism upon the music- Tuesday night, showed such nice distinction, could . not have ' tefnaihed for the concert the following night. , Had. he done so, probably the superb duet played by Mrs. Dewev and Mrs. Atkinson would not have passed unnoticed. Difficult, brilliant and erace fully delicate as were its different pas- Sages, tfcey werei execnted with utmost ease, showing a fineness of, touch and expression that impressed' the audience a? instrumental music rarely does. 'Bealitf folly sung1 was theduet which Misses 1 -Wayt ; and Gregory de lighted, us. with. . Miss Wayt's execu- tiuu wjis parucuiany uira-iiKeana Deau tifuk showing her voice to - better ad- ! .vantag.ei tljani dfi her jsolo. but proba- uiy mis was owing to less ingni ana mre self-possession in the d uets - we could see nne possibilities an ,the voices of Misses Swink and Johnston. and shall watch with interest their de velopment, , for already we see the suc- -t-boj.ui icsuib ui careiui Lrainin? in Miss JSadham's voice, wha rendered the J ewel Scene in. Faust with brilliancv and feeling. "Such tender and oassion- i-iite expression in one.: so young is re quiet and attractive. As citizen of Charlotte I reioicet the success of this department, of the institute at the success of the entire schoof in fact ; and predict for it a suc cession and long life. . . , , x. , i Hauler vs. the Bank of Statesvllle. Statesvllle Landmark. - : iThis is an action in which one Hau- ser, a citizen of Sfadkin. brines suit against Sam'l McDowell Tate, as presi- ucut u .wie lawuanKoi atatesviiie, for money deposited bv said Dlaintiff in said oanK ana lost in the failure of that in stitution. , Defendant j alleges -that he was.notfLpresidentfiOf' the bariki and never had more than a merftlv nnminai cmnectiOn with it: that he was nnh. JiskecLas president without his previous Knowieage or consent, ana that he had iu vim mi w au au 'Ui) cio.uU71.a4V UVCI 1 LS management either nearly or remotely, and that therefore he is not responsible, morally or, otherwise, for any losses sustained by depositors or other credi tors. The plain tiff jjlalms. that defend- ui a iduuie w ueilJ U1S t-onnecuon wim the bank d(ringitsjex3sten0e, and his failure to hive his naihe" stricken from the advertisements, constitute a vrima fmie case against him, and upon this grpuno, ask- judgment. The case was tried in Eowan court last week and after" a'long' and patient hearing the jury iooK;it ana gave ihe planum a vctuici. jvn appeal was tHKen xo tne Supreme Court. If. the verdict stands the decision in the above case will open the door to al most numberless suits. i Two Thousand Dollars Lost Georgia Judge. by Columbus Times. Several months ago Judge O. A.Loch- L2I". rane, ot Georgia, was in jsew Orleans blowiogiiis Qranlf jbubbles sta see how pretty he Could make them look ih the eyes of the Creoles, and the papers re ported that he let his raith runaway with his prudence, and that he was be trayed-wto Uiexo4ly4)i making two-oets. One or a thousand dollars that General Grant would be nominated on the firtt ballot, and the other of another thou sand dollars that he would be elected ih November. Now, we know nothing about the truth or these little gossiping reports, but if they are true, our amia ble Judge is out somewhere in the neighborhood of two, thousand - dollars. It will take a good deal ot "hedging to make that two thousand dollars back, but the Judge is a good "hedger. The Judgeship In the Fifth. Farmer & Mechanic. Ifc ns I announced ; with seeming au thority that Hon. John Manning is not in the held as a candidate ior judge, we take this to mean that he simply is ma king no effort to get the nomination. it is said he was "Drought out tnrougn mistake. That is to say he had inti mated to his friend, Col. Thos. Ruffin, that in the event of his candidacy he himself should not enter the race. Pen ding Ruffin's reply, which chanced to be delayed a week or two, the friends of Manning nominated him in the pa pers, and used his name rreeiy tor tne position. There is hot much doubt that a large section of the district would prefer Mr. Manning, if forced to decide : but would be so well pleased with eith er Gilmer or" Ruffin as to: seemingly havemr choice. ... Democrats on Their Mettle. Springfield Republican, Ind. To the positive record which Gar- fielcUoffers; the Democratic party will be forced to oppose a candidate whose record is eaually positive, a man whose character is above reproach and whose pnblic services have given open proof of his ability. Bayard is such a man and such a man is Randall. It will not be strange ifH the Democratic party, trusting to" the Influence of Garfield's earlier free-trade record in Pennsylva nia, should endeavor to make the Key stone State the centre of assault by put- tine up a protectionist iikb KanoaJi. However this may oe, tne democratic selection, if the party heeds its necessi ty, is limited to men of the first rank by the ltepuDlican nomination. Preparing 'Or the' Democratic Nation al Convention. Cincinnati. June 9. The resident committee of the Democratic national convention has made considerable pro gress in preparing music nan ior- tne use or the democratic national conven tion. The telegraph companies will have offices in the corridors on each side of the hall, in direct communica tion with the delegates,; press represen tatives and stage. The reporters tables will be placed in two rows in front of the stage. Ladies will be admitted to reserved seats in the rear of the stage. The decorations will be simple, the Grandeur of the interior of the hall it- sen ioroiuuinz auv eiaueiate uiauiav. 1 . 1 , , , 1 1 The committe is assured that railroads all over the country will give reduced rates to persons attending the conven tion. Bright 8 Disease and nther affentlons of the Kidneys and Bladder are sometimes brought on and often aggravated by the neglect of the symptoms, which, if takes in Ome. would no doubt in a majority of cases yield to treatment. No medicine is so -weu suited lor this as Rankin's Compound Extract Bucha and Juniper. It is a reliable neaung tonic 10 tne pans, allays lmiauon, ana restores neaiuir acuuu. Praimred oniv bv Hunt. Rankin A Lamar. Drug gists, Atlanta, Ga., and for sale by x. u smitn and I,, u. wriston x uo. rOKSTTH. UA. ie& 1. IBM. I have sold Rankin's Buchu and Juniper for 10 years, and it hai always given satisfaction, prov ing tne most vaiuaoie preparation ui me iunu vu tne mancek . v. m& xo, urugitisi. The Fatare Benaaza loe, Bo-.ii fUMi nis wice aeb naw oeeiu u. ra mum 01. lucKV miners wno set kwu. WJ! patiaM ana neu yu w turxwar rniM win tana a siate ana uenmi ana an. do a simple role ot three they cannot hainhntimm trw ttM ennclriston 'that instead of dropping wera anu bbuv boiwb wuumim best way to strike a rich. vein, of gold Is. to send from one to ten dollars; for part wwhela f ticket in ttie June drawing of the Louisiana State same person & N;81.-B AUthej stakes of TBit If am awn ana Is this ouestlon Is freouentlT askBd. we will Rim- x - T j I IiT HU Ultftfc HUB IB ll ABUT WUU 4UI UllWiUlU Ul UUP I ... ... L. . J , "J , i " i -i i pl7 say that she Is aladj who or upwards ot thir ty years, bas untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among cnnaren, sne nas espeeiauy studied ue constlHition and wants of thla numerous class. and, as a result o this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained In a lifetime spent as nurse and Jmysician, sne aas compounded a Soothing syrup, or children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. wins low Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and oiess ner; especially is this the ease in this city. Vast Quantities of the Soothing Sftud are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow bas Immortalized ber name br this ln- vaiuaoie aracie, ana we sincerely believe tnous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use. and that millions ret un born will snare its benefits, and unite in calling ner Diessea. no mower nas aiscnargea ner auty to ber suffering little one, t our opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Wln&low's Soothing Syrup. Try it, mothers try it now. fjadles. Visi tor. ew xotk vuy. cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. 25 norjOddtw w ; .' ' AmauceBeiit The friends of lieutenant Jna Graham Alexan der respectfully announce him as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the next election. Believing blm to be in every war weU qualified to discharge the duties of said office, they cheerfully and cordially recommend him to the kind consideration of the different townsblDs when they assemble to "send up" delegates to the nominating convention. mallard ukkix. june o -we' Spring Chickens, Honey, and the very finest of onions. S. M. HOWELL. June 12" BINGHAH SCHOOL. MEB AH ESVILLE N. O, ESTiBLISHED In 1793, is now pre-eminent among Southern Boarding Schools for boys in age, numbers and area of patronage. The 173d Session begins July 29th. JTor catalogue, giving run particulars, address , June 12 MAT. B. BINGHAM, SupX LOST In this city, day before yesterday, a Meerschaum Pine, well colored. A reward of Si will be paid for its return to THIS OFFICE. June 12-3t LOST In the oners boose last night, a thous and-mile railroad ticket over the Air-Line Hauroad. The finder will confer a favor by returning it to June ll-lt. this ujrjrius. Retail Dealers Take Notice In order to remodel and enlarge my store, I pre- pose to reduce my stock during the next 15 days, by offering very great inducements to buyeis. Those desiring to replenish thMr stocks, would do well to call and get Quotations, as no such oppor tunity will bt offered again In the way of low pricer. Prompt attention will secure bargains House keepers will also find wonderful Inducements In my retail department. . Very respectfully. LeRoy Davidson. June 12 Firemen's Celebration at Columbia, S. C., lOtlx, 1880. Charlottk. Columbia ft Augusta B. r., Orncs Asistakt Gxk'u Pass. Agsmt, Colukbia, s. C Mat 27th, 1880. TO induce large numbers to visit Columbia on the occasion of the firemen's Celebration and Tournament, this company have reduced the rates from all stations to the following very low figures, viz: Charlotte, : : : $2 20 I Woodward's : $1 00 Woodward's White Oak, : Anger's, : Wlnnsboro, : Simpson's, ; Rldgeway, r " ; Boko, : : Sharp's, 11 KlUlan's, : Marrow's, : : : : z OU Wttite uaK, : WO Fort Mill. 1 85 1 70 150 85 75 65 55 Rock Hill, : Smiths', : : Lewl9Viv-2r: J 145 1 80 115 :1 05 Chesterr'-: ': Cornwall's. & Blackstock's, 40 85 25 This will be a ere at event among firemen. Fire companies are expected to be present from Char leston, Augusta, and various other points in tne State, and will Compete for the prizes, which are artered to the amount or R47fi hold, in prizes Tickets will be good from June 15th until nieht of June i 7m. Special rates wffl be made by hotels. This a nod time to visit Columbia at a trifling oos&i; Soetlal trains will be ran if found necessary. Conductors will be furnished with tickets to sell to passengers taking trains where there are no agents. For any further Information, or tickets, apply to our station agents, or to tne undersigned. D. CARDWELL, Ass't ien'L Bass. A2t A. J. Beall, Agt. Junl2-8t ffittgeeltaueatta. NOTICE OF SALE. X WILL sell 'in front of the court house, to. Char lotte, to the Highest bidder, en Saturday, the 12th day of June, at 1 1 t'ctock a. m., one feather bed, bedstead and bedding, six parlor chairs, one bedstead and mattress, a iot 01 tools, etc. - 4. A. JlUliUKJS, lone 11' ; Constable. FOR RENT, CMTFH IRON FRONT BTJILDINO; This hand- O some Iron Front Building, width 25 feet by 100 feet deep, three stories and basement, is offered for rent to a good tenant forone or more years on reasonable terms from Jane 1st, 1880. Parties wishing to rent or lease will apply to : : -: , ,w. jxu BJU.1H, wnanoe,n.v., or B R . SMITH A COw may23 -lm v 109 Pearl St., New York NEW ICE HOUSE. XX7E beg leave to inform the citizens of Char- T V lotte that we are now ready to deliver Ice to any .part 01 the cuj at . . : OKE CENT PEB PQUOT, Orders Dronerlv filled at short notice. Ice House In rear of T. L.,belge Co s store. Leave your orders. ' apI29-fl 'J FI3CHESSER & CO. A CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 SCJJTH EUT AW STREET, .. BALTTMOBJB, MD., From fifteeif years experienca ltth08pita).aiidprl vate. pcactht guarantees a rjermat cfla In all diseases of the Urinary Organs and uf the Nervous Ytn vtz! - Oruiie aad Seminal Weakness. T flnlla rtf nini'i TiTiimihim TloKili. rTanfl'ItmriBUpg, PaTpltadon oTthe Heart, Dtm eSot 0 or$i4Meue Sfsins in the Backand mtho recejtfljcojuTacted iitr of Marvland. refers to any of the leadlrur nhrslcians of ,BattilDOBSv Special liltenttdtt ghresuto U tor rnalecoraolalntoandirreefllartlea. X All eonsultatlans strJey oohndentlal, and modi fies 6ATt to aaj axkvesa.. uui or wn enclosing taiona, wkr on resuams xrou r exoessealijmsnhood. 'Diseases cured In five to- ten days, and We hare this day reduced L A R GE AND 20.000 yards of the Best Calico at .t .. TT TT. s,uuu 5,000 20,000 ii 15,000 ii ii ii ALSO, Dress Goods, Trimming Sis, Hamburg Edgings, Toreta and VapteiM - ' WE HAVE, ALSO, INCLUDED tti?t Mens9, .Boys9, nd''-'Chfldrais--' Rfsaiy-inade A CALL WILL mm iiii AT E. G. ROGERS' VAREROOMS, NEXT TO P06TOBTICE. My stock is very large, and embraces a full line of nlture. All goods paeed free of charge. This U the only Lattery of any State ever voted on and endowed by its people. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALl A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, fob tbx term of TWKnty-fivk years, to which contract the Inviola ble faith of the State is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise .In the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital oi $i,ooo,uuu, to wmcn it nas since aaueo a lie serve Fund of over $350,000. Its UKAND sINtiLK NUUBEB DKAWIKUS will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. it never scales or oostDones. look at tne loiiow- ing distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, du ing n h ch will take place the 121st GRAND MONTHLY AND THE EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At New Okleaits, Tuesday, June 15th, 1880. Underthe personal supervision and management of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE. 8100.000. oncE - Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, So; lifihs, S2; Tenths, SI. -LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize of $100,000 .$100,000 . 50,000 20,000 . 20,000 . 20,000 . 20,000 . 25,000 . 30,000 . 40,000 60,000 . 100,000 1 Grand Prize or 50,000. . . . 1 Grand Prize of ..... . 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10.000. . . . 4 Large Prizes of 5,000 20 Prizes of 1.000 ... 50 " 500.... 100 " 300... 200 " 200.... 600 " 100.... 10000 " 10.... APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 1 00 Approximation Prizes of $200. . 100 44 " 100... 100 " " 75... $20,000 10,000 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. r.mra!9S.n,N Gen. JUBAL EARLY, of Va. f Commlss n rs Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Or same person at 319 Broadway, New York. N. B. This Company has NO AGENTS in the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pre tending to be so and soliciting orders by circulars or otherwise are SWINDLERS. may 11 d&w5w POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACACLEY'S THEATBE, In the City of Louisville, on MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1 8 8 0. These Drawings, authorized by the Legisla ture, and sustained by all the Courts of Ken tucky, according to a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day 01 every montn (aunaays ana Fri days excepted), for the period of five years, termi nating on June 30. 1 885. The United States Circuit Court on March 31, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d its drawings are not rrauauieni. The Management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the JUNE DRAW IK G. 1 Prize, $30,000 1 Prize, 18,000 1 Prize 5.000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each IP-GOO 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each... 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 innn Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes. $300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " 1.800 V Prizes, 100 " " " 1.660 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets. $1; 27 Tickets, 50; 55 TlCKetS, iuu. Remit br Postofflce Money Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. To insure against mistakes and delays, corres pondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number of postomce box or street, and town, county and State. All communications connected with the Distri bution and Orders for Tickets should be Addressed to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or at Nos. 307 & 309 Broadway, New York. June 1 SCHOOL NOTICE. I have opened a School for Boys in .the School Building on Gen. Bar- wringer lot on Church street. The school for the present consists of on ly two Departments, Primary and the termediate, my object being to secure the best possible classification in order that In lnstruction may be thorough. Terms, (payable monthly,) $3 per month. L. HOLMES. if. a. 1 propose to open a xsigm scnooi u a sui ficient number of pupils can be obtained, for the purpose of teaching Writing, Arithmetic, and Book-keeping. Term 5. will be made knpwn ea application at my School Boom, or to. Dr. F. H. mover, or go. uus.4urBam at iwoeu & apjinga' Jan. 23 tL JTWUm TENNESSEE & OHIO RAILROAD SURKHUITgH ItkWT'S OfTICX, 1 Charlotte. N. C, May 10th, 1880. f On and after Wednesday. Mar 12th. 188a the following schedule will be run over this road: GOING NORTH. avediarlotte.i.i..--....'....-.,... 7 30 . m. " Davidson college 15 a. m. Arrlveat Statesvllle... w.... .. ...... 10 45 a. m. GAttMG SOUTH; ; I Leave Stateavme..... ....... S 50 p. m. ", Bavidsona)iiege,...i. ......... 5 zu p. m. I' Arrive at Charlotte,. . .. . . .. . .... .'. . . . .. 7 00 p. m. ; lCloseonnecaon made at states vine with trains overtae W.K.U., if, tk f,., .-tf ESS the prices of all leading Domestics and VARIED Union Lawns, 4-4 Bleached Domestic,' iu 'Sl0ii!ts, 4-4 Sea Island, WE HAVJS REDUCED THE PRIGES OF ALL OUB w ww-.. '(.. .. IN OUB SWEEPING REGUCTIONS, ALL Of OUB tv rvTTD gtowdtvii wcLTirrrTfxKQ. k t t. txtp fiTTP Clothing, Stawjlats, Shoes, Slippers COHYINL'E YOU THAI WK ASS la JVJAD KAK3 EST. ser Special Batgaiiis in Frames of all Kinds Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Office Tor METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEET Att'D THE For July Jnst Received AT TIDDY'S BOOK STOBE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF Fire-Screens, Wall Paper, and Bordering IVew Books Just Received: MARK TWAIN'S TRAMP ABROAD, : : $3.50 HIS MAJESTY MYSELF, :::::: 1.00 MBS BE AUCH AMP BROWN. : : : : : 1.00 THE READER'S HAND-BOOK, : : 3.50 Bret Harte's Complete Prose Works. Bret Harte's Complete Poetical Works A IULL SUPPLY OF THE SEASIDE LIBRARY Constantly on Hand. TIDDY & BROTHER; June 11. &V0ttVi5t &t. A SECOND HAND (2sT E W) Two (2) Horse Wagon. IN FIRST CLASS ORDER WILL BE SOLD LOW DOM TO GOOD PARTIES FOR CASH OR ON TIME; K M. Miller k Sons; June 11. Agents Wanted, To solicit orders tor Pnotogmpbs, tic, for en larsrpmp.nL A tiavire business. For . DarUculars and, terms address J. D..LEMER, Box ,167. Ha risburg,Pa.; ii I - ' ..... $ 77.7 XEAB and expenses to Outfit tree. Address r. CKERY, Augusta, Maine. ADVERTISERS by addressing GEO. Pi ROWELL Jtr rf tan Qnnuta fir Vabd VAl4r AQI1 .Ukflm tVkO W U VA VOaa SJfl Wfef sas-WW A VS fvuw uw exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING to American Newspapers. t""l 00-page pamph let, IOC. - f'-"! T" aamaW4WawawBwHMBWViwwwawavaBM THE EXODUS DERANGES labor, making necessary every fa cility for handling Cotton at' the Gin. SAVE LABOR bv ustnz a JONES FIVE-TON iWAGON SCALE. PRICE S60,iand iron and Steel Brass Beams. FREIGHT PAID BY US. ' If ordered now can pay at Glnnrng. Everybody send for free book. Address, ' . JONES OF BINGHAMTON. w may 14-w4teow . i : BinghAtntoo.Ji, I r WANTOK-a.t expertenceA salesraan Ior. Noitb and South Caro- nna. Address, with references, dox zu4b r-nua- aeinnia k u. may 14-eoaow or Sa f or Sale! 1 eierjtl - 8, 10' eta. f T Laees, Dres uip,Siiiting8, fe . . , .. . NEW SPRING BTTLES OF M ww ffpwrwn ht f t.wizfxw ' - - J- 1 ' 1; - Rents rurnisfijngjrljwass it ' and Styl3s7&j , ij.-m B. H. Field, - . Charlotte TrK-FfcEAJ),. u . Hickory, .; -4 METROPOtlTAHEOTEI . nil-.'.! V Uutt tK x.J-JW g - - t-1 i- - SrsK ' -' t CltAKLt o 1 . till 4 o H a J m J TfmMQPijAT. I IPV Til I , TFq I .m' I L-l !' S IU.I rpmS Hotel has the largest af most comfort- J- able rorjTrrsof ariyiMjtoUtf the S able rodrtrs ot hny bDUlm the State. It Is fit ted up with all modem improvements; Is cotjve nientto the postofflaeiBilDtaik3 and Is eentrlly locatedtai fflevtuslness. part oX-Um atyistJta-ge SAMPLE ROOMS reCbaanSbSl aJt5lersf-Wlih these advantages we offer si4erior .nducenieot,i to the traveling public. M S jdumniDuses ana wirnagBS at every Train.. i FIELD BUOS.,' Wholesale and Retail' Grocers', AND DEALERS IN COUIJTRL-PROPUCEs ALWAYS. .XXBj&tiip HAM D S4fN,f PfflKG U1CX8, IflLEtU JUTTJCa(j Uff5, HUH JT?, ke.. ei THE BESTilBNDSy.OlP! llARQE BisElitNt undlr'iioSolJtan r rent. - . 'i-iil Vttvfi Hotel for may28 .'I.' - . "I'!. If : St. Charles Hiftel A 1 STATES VILLE, N. fA.i , THIS HOUSE Is now under the management of Mrs. Dr. Reeves, formerly of. the National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, TjL Gt whose aim tt will be to make it a first class, bote! Ui.?ecy re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms on, the first floor. The patronage of the public Qliciled, Feb. 13-dtf. T? l-U .:.' HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA.. S1 ITUATED 100 yards from Fort Monroe. . Open all the rear, xaual to any hotel ni theTJtmed States as a SUMMER RJBSOSTv Send forclrcular describing hygienic advantages, etc. HARRISON' PHOEBUS ! - may 23-3m - Proprietor. 1 m&zkim:y IMPROVED PATENT. LIVER PAD1 Hwrxn simrHABw- " -Can bx MAMavrMwH Dmibsjm- lwun Vw)cx as -LBkSa. ttieiui eore&jrltb Jrogsg to SyfUffl. CUBE Chills and Feyer, Liver Complaint, neuralgia, Enenmafcm, Costiveness, Female Weakness, Sick t Rerroii Headache, These Ttia Cnra all J NaxiaBaPirb.6ib.nr Pn iMhaii 'M v -.irM nm tekra j into the Stomach The Pads are worn over the fit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also the Liver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonic is absorbed intothecirculation of the Blood and Liver, purifying the Blood, atinralating the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomach to digest food, f aicx or Pads $1 and $3 each. Solp ay all Dbpogists, or sent byMai orExpregg. . - 1 ' C : Manufactured and for sale at 92 Germain street, Baltimore, Md. , , , For sale in Charlotte at the drag stores of t. R. Wriston & Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson fc Burwell. WANTED, At the Charlotte City Mais, 8,000 bushels Corn, 1,000 bushels Wheat, Bye, Oats, Peas, Ac, for which cash, or meal In exchange, will be paid. Constantly on hand, Floor, Meal Mill-seed, c for sale. These mills have been thoroughly refitted, and) Janl5-tf - TOE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, UxVj I- Published at the National Capital every Sunday Giving a full resume ef the preceding week; news or an national topics and general intelligence, be sides peine the Lf iVe seuTHERNVIryBr1 There supporting the National Democratic Party. Edited by GEOHGBCj WBTJDERBVBM; Of Trrjrh- la, lormeriy punusner oi the Richmond. (..va. Enquirer. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTTON : Single C6ttt,bhey4ar. postage. tap, i Oft 2 00 rive eopies,"td one Address, postage "$aia. ' 7 5 i Ten copies, to one address, postage paid, 12 50 Twenty copies, to one address, postage pd, 20 00" (With aeopf fsee la the versos securing the clubs. Jfor further iufonwMien address om!.jo i w. V , GA3QETTB j PUBLISHLNG iCOMPANY, . , Box 322j Washiogton IXlDn esthe-EdhUS Dec.2to ,U m al in J E jUgsI eas . . .nHilniJ 'WTaliBMrfejact of VoiAHt& mntT'eisi trt th wtjs awoi vnarioneeompfisini sdo 150 acres, 1 oner uns lanq ermerm one pooy or wsecraras information, apgi TOCKWf p: 1 I PA rhaiM vitnMir. im uw. - i