iw.j. ....'uwxr jst. Only Vegetable Compound that a(Sd&aiIo.the Liver, Wi currIiivefc Gmplaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos-, tiveness, Headache. Itassistsdi gestionj strengthens Hesysteme regulates the bowels, purifiesthe. blood. A Book, sent free. Dr. SaNford, 162 Broadway, Ni V. FOB. SAUST ALL SBUOOZAT&. inay30-6m.deod i ' k u ' aioUworicto Mattasft bralaaerra ana vane, VHop Bitters. If m ar yownsr mad llrTlHM T dtfllDA tfon; if you are mar rM r atari, old or! Toant. mama irom boor aaatth or lanrvlah in oa a Dea ox bus- Wkoinrw ror LttoMBal e3e-Sr nnaUj from aomo form of Kidney1 disease that might tawnr roe taal that Rroir ijiUa need htlaiBlating, withoat been prevented by timely on of Hop WatastvatAf, Hob .Bitter. ixxersa Haro to AWf a-fyl D. hC m an absolute jtaotoaMwa,oia. and IrresisUble , Mooav twr nerve f Too eare for drunk- leneam, use of hffl bo cured If! opium, tonaeeoJ Eyoe maeHop B wr naroooca. If roe ara Sold by draa Mr weak and low lobta, Bend for spirited, try It it idromlar. It may reur 1 iiti thirimd hundred. marl eodAwly Fortlfj the System And you ire armed against disease. Tbe finest tonic for this purpose Is Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, which renders digestion easy and complete, counteracts billiousness, and keeps the bowels in order, and bo genial and beneficent are Its effects, that not only Is the body Invigorated and regulated by Its use, but despondency banished from the mind. TKSTIMOXT OF DBIGGI8TS. We certify that we hare been selling "Swift's Syphilitic Specific" for many years, and regard It far superior to anything known to science, for tbe Uaeasefor which it Is recommended. We hare never known of a single failure. & J. CasseU, Thomasrille, Ga. L. . Greer k Co.. Forsyth, Ga, Hunt. Bankin tc Lamar, Atlanta. Ga. Pemberton, Samuels A Beynolds, Atlanta, Ga. Daniel ft Marsh, Atlanta, Ga. . m AnTA, Ga . July 1, 1874.' Jul C. T. 8warr-Dear Sir: We hare been nstnc 2 ftffl STPWllttc Specific" In the treatment f eoflyMf for the hut year, and bellere It Is the iv certain known remedy that will effect a perma nent eftre for diseases for which you recommend It WUl be paid to any chemist who will find, on aaalysU of one hundred bottles- of S. 8. S , one paracle of mercury, Iodide potassium, or any min eral substance. JPJ?Hilyby the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. od by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston ft Co. FrtendsV1' AmsSiat iOT of "Youn Men's may27-dAwlm. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Fiie G Id and Silver Watehes, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamonds, Sflrer and Silrer Rated fare, Gold and Silver Spectacles, and everything kept In a FIRST-CLASS JEWELRY STORE. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver. Particular attention paid to the Bepairlne of Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. ALL WATCH AMD CLOCK WORK Warranted for Twelve Months. All goods sold at this establishment warranted as represented. HOVESTT IS THC BEST POLICY. JOHN T. BUTLER, CroUaA Jewelry Store, Charlotte. r A-'ir i r.f.i .&r jFj-.ft a-it-'t til . ; .' ....:-.iii..u-U.& INTERNAL RKVENTJR, M floteAdfof ivieuaem of Internal 'Revenue Laws. of the above, alescrThed Monertfc to ennear before thent9 before- tM expirattoiv of thirty day;fron i Iy It joe ai7Tman If ycaar aV it.. Itiw V m ft I a a amijCrl C aiamtf aia ase kaa is., l p rv-v a 1 i sn 111 mil I n MrnAI 1 luuiwimii I I Airwro II I 1 Ilk I U1 Jr-A II I 1 ft r u mm irVIUI iwnm ' 1 . II wr ox. r tarjr ir " " r- ;i mriT r i mtt SATURDAY, JUNE 12, J880. J STATE NEWS. ' -Henderson county instructs for Fowlb ind Bobinsoii. . ; The huckleberry crop is a failure in Sampson county. . t Iredell" county endorses falter P. Caldwell for Attprney-GeneraJ. It is sfe'tett f'riaVprof.1 lAZ iRe'dd has severed Jhia eeohection with lie State Universltyt'i " ' ' Of33td Serft?dsK a very malig- nant ana iaiai 4ever nas roaae us ap pearance ; fflseveral families in For sythe c6iinty. ' J 1 The Revifrw says Geo. Myers, a col ored hnrrlar. succeeded in releasing: iitoself ii from his Irons and escaped irom v nmingion jan xnursuny mum- The Watchman reports the death in Salisbury last Motiday of- Mr. E. H. Marsh, an esteemed citizen, who had been a resident of that town -ff a long nnmher nf years. ; airedett'6rVKrett.-Iapt S. Peland, aiiieyjon jtf the Tayiorsviiie vvaaes bofd RaiTrbad; began tlie'stlrviey of the route between Mt. Pleasant ;ana mg Lick last Monday.; ,yT J , Raleiffh At trie institution for the deaf and dumb and trie blind, Wednesday evening:, a gold medal-was awarded to Ferney Willis, a pqpil from Bladen county, for the best original speech. Five entered the contest On Sunday lastthe death of a young womanf some; 1$ or 20 y ears old, -tookJ county Tbl wonaan was of ajrespecta blfaniily liul tiadJbeeit forsaken by her father, alter lier motner s qeain. The Messenger says that Alex. How ard, respited until, the. 25th.. ifisU will in all probability beiexeeuif'd Golds; boro on that davVas no coriaiderable efforts are being made to prevent it The crime of which he staudsCjQnYM? is me muraer oi .utrey. : Newbern Nut Shell: Our people need notgtoBeauf6ftfoTsoft crabs or to fish, for the bottom of JSease river seems to be covered with both. ,Soft crabs, as delicate and large as ?those at Beaufort can be bought every day at our fish market in as large quantities and at prices even knrer.thin thoge asked in Beaufort New York correspondence I Raleigh News: Mr. Chas. E. Mallett formerly of this city, now an energetic truck far mer near Newbern, is the contractor for supplying some hundreds 'or thous ands of tons of pine straw, to be brought north, to have the oil extracted, and the pulp made into paper. ; Wilmington Star: The pilots report the following poundings as jnade by them during the month of May : Bald Head channel, 12 feet 6 inches: West ern Bar, 12 feet 6 inches. The above show' the state of the water with an or dinary high tide. With the highest spring tides, or when the win(l is from the east, as much as IS teef can fre quently be had. Greensboro North State: Tom Paynr, from Surry county, and Ed. MjcCauley, from Alamance county two! colored convicts escaped from their guards at the Cape Fare and Yadkin Valley Rail road, near Martinsville, on Monday morning last. The men were? pursued several miles and fired . upon j without effect. They made good their escape. Greensboro North State: Capt. Wil liam H. Wheeler, with a force of 23 hands, has just finished putting up new telegraph poles between Danille and Greensboro. The number of oles be tween the two points is 1,(0. The poles were cut in the State of Tennes see, and are of the Lebanon cedar va rietythe most lastinc; of all t&nber. It is supposed they will remain good for 30 years. The poles cost, deliyered at Greensboro, $1.70 each. Salisbury Watchman: Our SuDerior Cour terminated about half? past 11 o'clock Saturday night,having tip to that time, tried only one civil case,? leaving still on the docket no less that 117 un touched. The criminal docket rwas un usually large. At a late hour Sathrdav night the case vs. Robert Banie, was ealled, and upon agreement thj indict ment was amended so as to mae the al leged offence an attempted rape. On this, the prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 10 years in the peni tentiary. A petition for an e?itra ses sion of court has been sent to the Gov ernor, i A Brilliant Vairrant Thp iiini.t.. of the United States to Sardinia in Jail. PlttRhlinrTrtlppranh JTanO . . 7 m ' e f i" v a. i t A letter was received at the "Aljegliany Poor Board office sevpml Huva ing information in regard to In aged ana insane tramp, who had been arrest ed at Butler, and whose case was be fore the poor authorities of that city He stated that he came from Pittsburg Nothing was known about him at the Alleghany office, but later it hs been xuuiiu out mat ne was at nne timo about thirty five or forty years ago, e or forty years ago,, .a JWirtilitarJa; pK4istoefl, r, afid a mfem'beE of the lwver of no eloquent sneaker. ;ioqt State COnstltlltinriHl flnnvonHnnAf 1007 M u.u,viiaiU,ut J(w a Wat, nlciA n : f i n,waiou a iiucian 01 sonpe note ana took an active part in the campaign which resulted dent Pierce, and received as hisaeward tiio pusiuon 01 u. a. minister ; to the Kingdom of Sardinia. Here he served with no little abilitv until suddenly he became insane, and while nut nf i,ja mind committed some acta winvv. ...... . : ; " .iHivei iicco" sitated his immediate recall. lie was brought back, t hisj countryj andiretun- eiii iu vma cnyt wnere we attempt- w iccauiuiau ins iegai practice, tak ing UD an Office in tha iirlQ on Fifth avenue. But the storv of hit insanity had preceded him, and lie was jcgaiueu wim universai distrust. No body would entrust hi m wif-Vi omit voS ness, and his subsequent action justified "r uiatiusu Among? other th incs. he tried to recn vpr a 1 of, tuition from, a former student in Ju$.pftloe, and made great' ejtortSto reopen old cases in which he lfad act ed as counsel. He finaiiv l m muii j - Vt A A A LULl out of view and latterly has been com- iict,Ci lusb signc or dv thosft of his ing60 gues wbo are 8ti11 praetic- . A87 and 18S6. new, f oik tSUO.. i,t . . , , JUbWid and patriot resolution was SmoaaS ,Tuesday.by, the Michigan "The Democracy of Michigan have ntSPiS8' confldence in the-abMity and will bf the peorfle' to defeat th 1 nbmi nataon of the Chicago convention, and to declare at i the -polls hi Ndvember Eiht to Seven 'Cc&fhissibn that assist ed in perpetrating the great fraud iof lilV?l?:-er e elected President of the United States by the suffrage Wri ?r?, .Pgoi'lg. ' i ii ! of retraiiJt(eW is ibewWediwtfeiij prtnypl mi.de enoughzoj TkiH tribunal? SiglibVto KVr " 7,."Mpira. in, : ntoJT.'overaiiw a,tre arMlSfair; totoh mpm. 0.!?a,wiia whelped strike that-mu r- "!?H;0w;-ui suffrage Jsb6Uld"ie4 . r,.."1??. Awtttiekj wa ione of THE PHESIDENTIALi CAMPAIGN. How tbe Chicajre NopjlnatinaQe neceiTedSorene of tbe Grant JTIeu Xlie VicePresldentialcandJ date Sberman7 Jfarrevw .Escape from Nomination. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. i Chicago, June 9. A very .noticeable fact, to which- attention ' has been re peatedly called to-day, is the absence of any spirited expression ,6f Isatisfactidh over the nominations. There t was. no attempt at display or demopstrQEfi of any kind last night, except the crdwd of curious people who called on Gfci. .-Oar-field at his headquarters. Not ' hur rah has been heard for thejnttMfee$(m any public place to-day. vPilfir ;af ter noon, while, at least five hundred snim were gathered in the spacious loopy kf the Palmer House, some ne proposed three cheers for Garfield, and there was not a sinfcle .response. , . ( i ; The , majority. . of : tlie ,4eleifritf I'Me still here, and have mainly engaged in discussing the nomination. Grant and anti-Grant alL ,.say they will work for the ticket, butiwith the fdrme! ele ment at least there is certainly' nothing qf enttwrsiasm. Senator Conkling, in his peech seconding the nomination, yesterday, indicated that harmony and unity would be restored, but such is not the case. The Grant men are sore over their "defeat, and take a melancholy pleasure in. talking over, their griev ances. ' Jtls of course jre4t satisfaction -to-enatat Conkling that the men who had been fighting him so tenaciously came in the hour of victory to put at his disposal the second place on the ticket, and in the face of his haughty refusal to accept selected his near per-, sonal friend. But this will not placate him. . , - wThe vice-presidency, I as Jb'e!y f one1 knows, is considered of IlittleJ ii(flunt, and from the temper exhibited by the New Yorkers of the Grant wfajf, it is not thought that they will make any more of a sincere effort to carry New York than had Blaine been nominated. Senator CChktingsays the majority of; the convention were elected with the understanding that they should vote for Grant, and that Grant was defraud ed of : the ntfminaticHr by patting' fyto the convention men who werahot elect ed and by others violating their pledged honor. ' - George Gorham said to-day, in the presence of twenty or thirty delegates and others, that the bolters irNew York.- and,- Pennsylyantahad f been bought, and they were jiars if they de nied it. DcCameron-stalkerliatound, said little, and when asked if the nomi nation was a strong one, smiled a ghastly smile. Privately, many of tfye Grant leaders say they have no-doubt at all of the defeat of the ticket. Sherman's friends are rather down in the mouth to-day, and regret that they were in such a hurry to go over to Gar field. It has just transpired that a com bination had been formed whereby on the fortieth ballot all the Blaine vote from Pennsylvania, with respectable additions from elsewhere, was to be transferred to Sherman with the Mas sachusetts vote. This would have giv en him about 170, and in all probability the next ballot would have nominated him. There is no question that both Gov. Foster and Gen. Garfield were re cently working for themselves. Foster had two prizes to strive for, first the nomination for President, and if he failed in that and Garfield won, as he has. then Foster had the United States Senatorship in view, which Garfield will give up if he is elected President. In the caucusing on the nomination for Vice-President, during the recess yesterday afternoon, the Ohio delega tion mentioned Washburne. Gen. Lc gan immediately notified them that if Washburne was nominated the ticket should not receive the electoral vote of Illinois. Giant's friends all were bit terly denunciatory of Washburne to day. They say Washburne's treachery is undoubted. But for their convic tion that Washburne had been playing an underhand game, his nomination yesterday would have been entirely within the range of probability, for when the break occurred there would have been no difficulty, had the leaders oeen so disposed, in eivincr him the Grant vote. IWr. Seymour and tbe Presidency. New York Herald, Independent. , In political circles just now the inter esting question is, Whom will the Dem ocrats nominate at Cincinnati? For tunately for the country that party has a large number of eminent and distin guished statesmen from whom to select a standard bearer, so that unless it is wilfully blind, or its voice is stiflodbv the machine politicians, it cannot fail to make a good nomination; 'Among the three or four gentlemen whom the nomination seeks vfe do"XR3, hieTfli those who are seeking the nomination is Mr. Seymour. Thousands of Dem ocrats in all parts of the country -who have the welfare of the Republic and of their party at heart are looking toward the Deerneld Sage in,,the ;hope ithat; tie may be chosen to head the Democratic column in the coming struggle. A dis-. patch from Syracuse on another page feems to indicate thai, notwithstanding his well known disinclination to again enter the political arena, Mr. Seymour would, if he were commanded by his party to take the field, not hesitate ito do so. Mr. Seymour, it will be seen,ha3 no sort of doubt that he (JjQuId, Car ry New York, which is the real battle ground in the next presidential elecU6n. me party that carries it is reasonable certain to carry the. countryj. II ..Cin cinnati should reverse the order of the States on the ticket nominated at Chi cago, giving the first place to the Em pire State and the second to Ohio, it wouia lena an aaaitionai interest and excitement to the November struggle. A Picture of ttarfield. . Gen. Garfield, the Republican candi date for President of the United States, has five children living,' and has lost two, who died in infancy. The two older boys, Harry and James, are now at school in New Hampshire. 'Maryydr Molly, as everybody CaHs her.is' a hand some, rosy cheeked girl of . about .12. ne two younger boys are Irwin and Abram. The general's mother is still living and has long been a member of his family. She is an intelligent, ener getic old lady, with a clear head and' a strong' will, who keeps well posted;, n the news. of the day, and is very proud of her son's career, though more liberal or eriticrsmrnan pmsis ; In persofrGeriettoJ3attfefd'i3 six feet highr 4tdhotildered-and strongly built, He has aminiKully large ihead, that fceetfls to he three-fourths forehead ; light brown ha(r and beard, largeMight blue eye$, a prominent nose anbr full cheek?, " He dressy plainly; is fond of broad-brimmed slouch hats', and " $lpu,t boots, eats heartily, caree nothing for luxurious livings is thoroughly .temper ate in all respects save in that of brain work, and is devoted to h wife - and children, and very fond f hii ' country uuiuc. , v ... .... i., , . .. ! How tbe eenersLl and IHr. j;iolC'I4. 'Genrant, and.Mrs. Giianjt'uspd lhrougJi, here Q-day en, route q t the . soldiers reunion at Milwaukee. Tley: breakfasted at the Palmer House with' Senators Cam'eron -and1 Logan and one or two'othfet frtettds,ii SGei)-. Grant or; versed' enti'Hlp'dri'the actionofthel convention ; sadiLhe hod.no fault to find! with it; that Garfield was a good man' and p . hoped he would, be elcted'ahtl! mat atis menus woumv Biipptff.nim heartily. That 'be was ' disappointed, howBjei-, was apparent ude a'phleg malio demeanor. Mrs. Grant jexpressQd hF crreat disanoointment ' as she had firmly belieyed from the beginhrdg that the GjeneraJ -iirfaWw Mmmti&vM - - Imwyen. . The Supfewe 'ttotirtW Wednesday, afterU patient: and tbronghV examina- Lttonmrcti taissne toi the ; folio wiog -gentlemen, '2 jac::mmak .;'A.very. 'ISiirkCQUh- ! i'TedrecK Frobie; uarrowr in ortnamp ton county. ; . : , . , .: ; William .Robert Booker, Surry coun ty. " " joha ,Qa$kin,s unR'Chw;, cduh- Samuel James Calvert; Northampton ;:V;FIeetsilCpe $psot-'ounty. - waiter jsugenfe) Daniel, Maitiux coun- r: Wliani CSarnpipdttsJasanolpli county." " "" ''' .iriii :. ' William Carson Ervin.Galdwellcouni Uyr - rxobert Anirftw.,Jiiaftftigan, uauarrus fionntv. Jaioesi Arias !' Fwlke8, Alleghany "f owiui us .' ViCaxy ' Ha wk ins, 1 . It aii f aix doonty.-,; -: ' -v-1 .t-- - " vnuti Sottas Wrlliams Hawking .'Watten jcountx. '. -. - Samuel Carey Herren, Haywood county. y i 'r -j f Erastdsr Beverly Jonfes, Forsyth coun.-tj.- ,:; ,.-r i. .:i -u-.y. : rt' : i Wesley Nor wood Jo nes A.Wake co un- ty' ' " - '' '. ' .- i '! -..i : . . "Jaines Frederick Augustus Lamoh'd, Wakecountv. lycurgvrs Ehsha Muneyi Cherokee county. Benjamin Flannei MayheW; Betufolt co-unty; : ' ; ' ! ' : " " ' 'Waller , Hivrt iNealilRiDlunoiid coun ty. - !:. '.i-:- . ' Wnilkirr Jseph Peele, Nortlmmpton' JamedJender, Kagecombe county. Baftitfel: "Jones PersbT, iMfteriaM county. 3 ' , ...WUiiam Hayes Polkt :Varenr coin-: ty. . .: : - - ' x .: :. . Na,tt Augnstus Reyn61ds, Buncombe county. " 1 Gaston Ahi Robbins, Randolph coun ty. William Walter Scott, Jr., Caldwell county. Samuel Lloyd Sheep, Pasquotank county. Henry Fielding Slater, Wake coun ty. Charles Spurgeon Vann, Hertford county. THE SLAVE TRADE. How It Is Carried On in EgyptHid ing' tbe Slaves in Cave. Washington June 9j Not withstand ing "the laws, treaties and, deoreB. for the I siTEpressioh of ! tlw slave! UMdejifr Egypt and even the activity displayed by the Egyptian government for its ex tinction, dispatches received at the de partment of State from our consul general at Cairo would seem to prove that the inhuman traffic, although not carried on as openly, is plied as. ener getically as formerly. The slaye trade is: carried on by the Arab caravans which, while nominally trading in legiti mate merchandise between Egypt and Darfour, in Central Africa, run the slaves into upper Egypt to the city of Assiout generally, on the Nile, ab'out 230 miles above Cairo, where the Lybian range pfmountains.run nearly down to the river. The slavers secrete the slaves in the ; ancient grottoes and tombs in these motftitjains until they are disposed of and distributed throughout the coun try. The activity of a young Swiss at tached to the American Mission at As siout recently resulted in the seizure and -manumission of 08 slaves and the incarceration of 35 Arabs, charged with being slave dealers. Through the rep resentation of the British consul general at Cairo there being a treaty for the suppression of the slave trade between Egypt and England three hundred soldiers were dispatched to Assiout, the caravan surrounded and the seizure above noted effected. Although it was well understood that this caravan had brought more than 1,000 slaves into the country, the most rigid search failed to discover more than 08, tbe remainder hayjng tyeen disposed of and safely dis tributed before the arrival tof the sol diery. Of the 68 persop4 majvumitted soiwre-seizea m-tneniratiVe coun try while sleeping in their tents,; others w(er6.prrjCB6fi! whltendingthei sheep arid cattle fh he fields; some of the gir.were forced away from, their hus bands and still others: were originally slaves and sold to thecaravanv T M1 CONSUMPTION CAN BE CBUOl Dr. WLJ. . Cures donsrunpUoB. Colds. PneomO' nia, Infltaenzat,Ttrottchial Vifflcnlties. Bronchitfs, Hdarseness, , Asthma. Crotip, Whooping Congtt. and all Dis soothea..aird;ahe,Jeri of the Lungs, Infianiea ana poisoned by the jdii ease,, and prevents the night which accompany,, t, fcONSaiP TION is not an incurable malady. It is only necessary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedy v DON'T DESPAIR ' of EE LIEF, for this benign specific will l.awaBaa 'S ni: GADOOLIC SAiTE. t?i0 Moist Powerful Mealing Oint ment and Disinfectant Bnv VaUilnValtrM Henry's Carbolic Salve cures sores. Henry's Carbolic Salve allay pain. Henry's CarboUe Salve eures ervptioiim. Henry's CarholieSalve heals pimple. Henry's CarboliolSalve heals bruises, i Ask for Henry's and nee no otber. For External and Internal IJee, THE GEEATEST AiS &E1IEVER OF EB 'A7E. .T A PUXU. A-AUl AUn A A,T JMV . 1 Oentagicwe Diaeaeee, Ccddm, gortteneea, Mrvt ' Pfmrfwif ts thm XastO. V At aJ I I Lb Ul BUV'lf L" VI FI1 rXT L tW am .ru:-f i imU m vtUjt)i.i;t:' t'!l't.'l i iiii irft K. haw 094 OoUeg'Slaeey fcTyW'-fbrk. r MaWMaMM HALL'S . !' .till. .('I . : - ' . BALSAM PEOPLE W mm, j Who have given certificates are a thousari times more to be relied on than those aaanafactared to . - . j !' r t - i if i: ' : : : ii- i il '7! i I'M if. i Order by designing persons who desire to foist on the public their drastic and depleting mixtures, tifi- der the guise of fiegolatc rs, Invigoratorst Bitters. &l j Tbe proprietors of . SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND OB LIVER CUBE : refer yoo to people tkat you know, iho hare testi fied to its great value In all diseases' of tbeUrer, Stomach, Skin and Kidneys, ItlS erltlrey vegeta- ble, perfectly harmless, and a to t all nalarlal poisoqs, preventing Fever; Chillfl,' 'Bllbusnes, Ste All Druggists and Dealers Sell, and Becem- .mendtt. ,': V.. . ',.'' , .Physicians who have ' taken the trouble to learn Its formula, prescribe it wlOj confidence. ,' Give It a trial, and our word for. it, yoo will never reget' It, but' become Uke others, lta adrocate an4 tdvertl ser, as an the following, who never fart; to speak of it In the highes terms and recommend, ljo otbem ' ' -'M ut-''rr. Bevi H. C POWEJi, ! - ; ' ! Dr. W. C HTSHIR.' : Bet.Sy B-oiirKa i a aVgraesxb Sey. A. M. SHIPP, W. M. ITOCfiSFDS, Itev. L. -CUTEBEBT, H. S. NEUFVlLLK, Dr. J. 8IMP30N, J. S. MARTIN, E. S. BUBNHAM, i i i i : . V t G. J. PBIESTEB, - . . - - D. J. CRAWFOBD, H. WBOTON. . It is simpler, better and cheaper than any other similar preparation ever offered. ' , , i .'. BOWTS 4 MOIStf t Sole Proprietors, ; . . . ' Charleston, 8, 9, WILSON & BLWttW Asettts, June!. . CHABLPTTK, N. C. , ' ;:- . a. - j . ; . ' For Ladies3 and Childen's SHOES use Brazilian Shoe Polish. It will not rub off or soil the skirts. ; It la positively free from anything that will Injure the most delicate leather. For sale by L. B. WBISTON CO. ; - ' CYDONIN, THE best preparation ever offered for tbe cure of Chapped Skln,Plmples,Tan3rupUon8, Sun burns, etc. Sold only by L. B. WBISTON ft CO. Fid. Eit. Bachu and Juniper. INVALUABLE as a Diuretic. ' L. B. WBISTON CO. PLASTERS, ALLCOdK S Porous, Benson's Ca peine, S. A J's. Cupslcum and Belladonna. l. r. WBISTON ft ca BAKING POWDERS. DOOLEY'S, Horseford's and Sea Foam. Also, Prices' Yeaat Gem. , L. B. WBIaTON ft Ca BITTERS. H OP Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Hostetter's Bitters. L. K WBJSTON A CO. mar 21 DR. J. n. MeAden, BSOMIBT AMD Jtow offers to the toKte full Lubin's Extracts and Ctltgnes English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, Trench and American TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS .Carefully prepared at all hours, both night anl day at f. H. McADEirs ' ' . .'.it''' Prescription Stoce SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY, ' 200 Barrels of C WEST ft SONS' Extra Not 1 Kerosene ' AMD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, : West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene OIL from a West ft Sons, Baltimore. - Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition gfysjg Op, Works, Canton. , Warranted to stand a In testof UO degrees Faftranheit befgrji wyi tni & W ft Som, Baltimorp. For Sale by ! i ' a.:i.'l "(-Si: 'it i til ; Ds. 3. H. XaADEN, Sole Agent, Jr.! in 'f.' it f.-, i- ' . ,'l . 1 f. - ' - .-! i'T ' ! 'HI. ATVanilGigar?, itTCKNT3 ieacb.i 8'for: a quartfn: best In i the ffl market , T.frWJPBVG STQBRj "!vr. 1 1 ' II .-v TBE"Cosmopolitan" ,5 cent Clears, 1 fine flavor, bum weir and give good s;tflsf action; six for 25oents at . DR. T. Q. SMITa'a DBUG STORK. For Ruptures TBY the Ayei's Hernia Truss It is recommend ed by some of . the very best physicians In tbe 'and. JOBJC (L.SMITH. Sole Agent Horsforda Bread PREPARATION Is ahead! of all others la quality and result. It is wholesome and economical. 25 cents a package w, 86.25 per box of three doz .en,: ; KB, T. U. SMfTH, Sole Agent. ; Smith's Worm Oil. GO to ir. T a Smith's Drug Store and get a bottle of th's medicine if your children are troubled with worms. Price, 85 cents. Warner' Kidney CUBE wllhreTleve the meet iobstinate dUncultles .of this class, ne doubt It. , For sale at t . SMITH'3 DBUG STORE, ' era Morbus A Summer Complaints are speedily cured by Saratoga Water, TVROUGHT in barrels from Saratoga, New York. JL and sold by Dr T. C. Smith at 5 cents aglass, iry ib ; , ------- - . June 0 mmmw liJS MOITADE, AND BOUQUET CIGARS AT IP(Bnony9s N. B. Havtnz tntrodnced the natpnt Tr Cream Baskets, parties can be suppUetTaT tfielr resi- aeDces in qu&naaes 01 iuc Zoe. aadooe. may 13 OWING TO THE DECLINE IN IRON, I HATE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT MY LOT OF AT A REDUCED PRICE. CALL EARLY AND SECURE A GOOD WAGON AT A L 0 W V R J V E, FINE CIGARS AT A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE OUT. COME QUICKLY, OR THEY WILL ALL BE GONE. Thomas H. Gaither. June It. Tobacco grown m WesCBm Nnrthi rjtTniin. j. nlrln. Tl 1I1 1. .il!L" ? ?! Mm jwiaaueeEmereiumt for samp! pack fge; or. If you are adealeri write to mefoV cSca law nd;whplesaleVrteei,, Addres mm ICE Webster Wagons One Hundred Thousand s FL0U1 1 FOR SALE. Lowest Figures. SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES AT J one 8 Utttttnerij. GRAND-OPENING- AT L-MRS. R jQUERY'S. TE are now opening our Second Stock of Fine Mllllnerr, Mr. Query having Just returned from New York with all the very latest novelties In HATS and BONNETS trimmed and untrimmed, SILKS,31TIr3. BIB33N3, LlOKi, 03X A- MENTS, FLOWERS and FEATURES in all the new shades and styles. The exhibit Is by far tbe most elegant stock of fine Mllilnery we have ever shown. Styles very different from early spring and goods In a great many styles much cheaper Also all the latest styles in Neck Wear, Fissues, Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Buffing, ftc Fans and Para sols something entirely new. White Goods, Trim mings. Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, Children's Ready made Suits and Cloaks, ail new and cheap. Ladles will find our stock complete in all the different lines of goods we keep. The greatest variety and the most complete assortment of each line, and at the lowest prices of any establishment of the kind In this part of the country. We guarantee every article we offer as low In price for cash as the same article can be purchas ed anywhere. Will open our fine trimmed Bon nets and Hats on Thursday. Ladles calling to see our handsome goods, new styles and low prices, will not be disappointed. Respectfully, MRS. P. QUERY. apr28 (r0ckerg and (Slassttmrje l. BBOOITCKLD. A. W. LUDOUr. CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookficld & Co. CHARLOTTE. N. a JUST BECEIYED : REFRIGERATORS (UPRIGHT). ICE CHESTS LOW). WATER COOLERS, ICECREAM FREEZERS, BIRP CAGES, Children's Carriages, Silver and Plated Ware. Full line of CHINA. CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, MAJOLICA, IRIDES CENT GLASS AMD FANCY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COME AT LAST ! DYLVG, SCOURING AND GENERAL CLEANING . ESTABLISHMENT. Faded Goods. Ladies' Dresses, Shawls. Table Covers, Ribbons, Feathers, and every other de scription of wearing apparel cleaned, renovated and changed to any color desired. KID GLOVES ; A SPECIALTY. All Orders to be left for the present at MRS. McNELIS'S MI LINER Y STORK F. A. MILLER. prl8 0TT7ST NORTHERN WHITE BEANS fiiwi&i-fif x " u y p ' ANP NEW CROP ONIONS, Jw sn I- a-. ... tnna MT m m vvnrmT T , )juu o. - mx m, nun miiH 'ii , ri r ; i u -a. "W -v mrm-W NORTHCAROUNA .RAILROAD COMPANY. SBCBXTARY AMD TKKASUBXB'S OfTICK. CtoMrAXT8H(pg,N.C.,May31, 1880. THHE thirty-fifth annual meeting of the stock- perry will be held in GnsboroN. CM on the Second Thnrsdar of JnlV. 1 8kfL MnT t tmnsKE books "of .stock ld company-, will be closed uyat.wiu note qntu anerue meeting. .,1. .r . ii , jiiT. i',j ' .t - iti pi Dnvitv rroces jowf-i once tiwm'mu.V'-:-- ' -! .: : i .

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