jui i . omsmmw BiW1' """" 111 1 - WTHWiiilf 111!" riinMWMIWWMfWrr" IfTTinWilTITTIHWT """" " " " i ' " 1 "wJ3fe '-'"- t-(-' r ' -r n i -t. crrr-n "lin WinirnTi vi 'fcrir'HiririiHTiwnir'-'fMi'rriirii WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1880. RAILROAD U1BKCT0BI. The following table shows the ver trains w una iui jmui f RTCHJfOXD Ml ArrlTe8 from Richmond W iaaesft)r "j? Arrives from Richmond,. . . Leaver lor ATLANTA CHAJtLOTnt ATB-LiNB. Arrives rrom ausuio,.! - . - u.ou a. m Leaves for Atlanta. 1 2.80 a. drives from Atlanta! f . .Al t. xrJ 4. 1 0 p. ' a. 111 m Leaves tor am.h . .j. t. . 1 . a . 1 i.i 1 a. a. m CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA AOftUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,. 4 OO p. m. ... 11.27 a, m. Leaves lor aukhsw, CAROLINA CKNTJtAU .. r- Arrives from Wilmington ... . 7 00 a-m. Arrives fromSeVl5yt.7 i. . 1 & W&J pSl Leaves for Shelby B.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TXMNJS38KS OHIO. Leaves for Statesvllle 7.30 a. m A rrives from Statesvllle . 7.00 P. is 1 1 1 ilk!' I . I I 1 War Departmknt. T, J Elt, V . M. l!.v('K ("1I1KF SIGNAL OFFICER, Washington, June 15, 7 SO p. For the South Atlantic states, station ary or falling followed by rising ba rometer, stationary pi lower tempera tine westerly winds, partly cloudy weather and occasional local rains. Local lteport for Yetterday. t 1 B rometer,-.. 4 T hei niometfeL. i . '. i Relative Humidity vViiul Direction,. .". .. " Velocity Weather Holiest temperature, S4 (It? Joft 72. Indz to New. Ayer1 ieni S. E. Linton Notice. LeKoy Davidson Water Melons. j s. Grier-Standard Cotton Press. H9VE fEpCILlJGS. u First day of the commencement at Davidson College. Melting, think of it' SriOw "itt Minfl neapolis day before yesterday. A few bets were takeriiastTiight 011 the Hornets winning in the firemen's tournament in Colombia to-day The Cleaveland delegation came down yesterday thirty strong. The'cOunty1 is ilivided between Jaryis and Fowle. The $500 liquor tax is still a common' street topic. It will be livelier still when it Roes into effect a few wee'ks hence,- . . .. 1t; ;,Uf .,iv)j( w Kev. Dr.W- E, Jioggs, pf Atlantawbo is to deliver the annual address at Da vidson Coll ege to-day, passed through the city yesterday moping. , . There will be an extra train from JStatesville to-morrovr to Davidson Col lege to carry visitors to the commence-' The State convention .of the Young Men's Christian Association meets in Haleigh Tlmrsday. Mr.'J.- M. Pittman, State secretary, and Dr. Davis, will, be the delegates from the 'association' in this city. . .- .. : . The Carolina Ceo tral people are going ahead with the work of . constructing their track on A street.' Track laying has commenced on the other, end, near the Reduction Works. AVhy not ship Cleayeland! Springs wa- ter to tis city daily ? Several persons who have tried it, uaiug beer battles for the purpose, say the water is almost as good as '-' when it cornea from the spring, ,. - ., . The closine exercises of the,;eolored rresbyterian school, corner of College and Se Tenth.' streets, will : taice pace Fridav at 4:30 p.in., and the examina tion the dabsloie. J.Iiaitley.'iis 1 principal r- f! f ti 11 'IV. Iff ! Jt 1 r"S Tlie Secretary of State has sent to the register of deeds the Senate and House journals of the late extra session of the Legislature, Supreme C&Virt reports, and .uiLnnr tlio m q frictra f Ki' tf" f lio rnnnfv Mr, A, A. ITand1 haa ecerVed from the i'ianeer fire company a beautiful gold medal awarded inijfor punctuali ty and gallant service during the year s7i). These medals.afe given annually and are awarded fromthe records kept hy the secretary. A special train LiljifAvetUtlcilLtt 8 o'clock to-morrow evening for the ac commodation of those who may wish to spend the evening at Davidson Col lege. Returning, it will leave Davidson about 12 o'clock, allowing those who go three or four hour iwltbthegay throng Uf visitors wU.Q viU crowa the campus Mis that iihU '!)).. IIc(iulretl3' of people in Charlotte township have not made their tax re turns for this year, iod yet theti me ex pires Saturday. '--failure tdm&ke the returns within the specified time ren ders the oroueriv owner liable to in dictment foe nudemioriarixuby jects liim to'a double tax.' 'A rtufrrber of persons were iudieted. last year.3 otijcrs) dingAhjoat ) f I 4 lie corgregatoh ftf- the Baptist church haa granted tb,astol,,rRj8VDr, Theo. Whitrield. a leave of abgerice for two moiiths, which if vriU spend U. Riuoiift ' He wlflioB coainieaj fcyi ins wife and the two expect to sail irom New York next Saturday We under stand that several other (Charlotte peo ple contemplate'a trip1 'abroad during the present summer. ' The rates of "pis sage have been'pnt down1 to - a 1 lower figure than they fcaVe heert f of years, T)iMaruirc of tlie IIornetM. The Ilornetilre ddrnDariV lethal; XtiZO niiy witnxrie norsCfl. 'A'nev w I'uuled by tlie.ohiej.of the .depart, "tent and a number of visitors, firemen i'l others. . W. in" Clu'inbia, they will be the Kuesof .Uie Palmettos- ii' -: derul Court JurO: OlWcfiarCed. i 1' I uon t ie asse , ond. of the Ci pffrt.afidpfck 'of dingtvfan- .1 . IT'JT n! 4Jistrwr,;oi: uoiinced that the , iVvjal year.endrmf ropriafcion sion jqr toe ving hi en exhauated JJier'flL,v'cr& uans to pay jurors, and accordingly ,aU qaseari re ordered to be eontiued.V-Atr 3r tfclocWi in the af teiUbdn ialt - jtfrorr wereTlls- Mich caaps oro'llipi pivil docket as ccuiid W- d jswsedpy notion , decree or-tth- rwige. weveraiioaiWfrBirispoBeu 01 in this mannetrfnteJtfte' fdy. The CO ranningof passen l T W 4T ff ' i i.i 4 a. in. 4 10 p. rr. 17 A.M. 12P.M. HM 'sf W. 1 s. W 1 N: 6 12 v 8 Fair. Fair. Clear. 1 1 1 . 11.,, r 1 r .r ; riL... r .Tin 1 a ..iiotii c,t mATA jBhn.ivAiiIn hlffbfltliritS. 'X"l"rVL.. txa uciwur mbimc rriut rtjpr ipp 1 uner-auiDi. uu rtof 1 ! aveed f rOhv InflfteT , gefrice tie 'iM terra.,.. iA'rMAi'fihA-l ' The'cduft hkn tirtice'edea 16 CdflSldl urt will fewOite fimlVkl WfWUdHP? the lays yet,i4ealu9giwitlAicHiKa.a3 iose tef erft t tVbGW AWfrtr those Mtcaip beadia rof uitvttiiasilyrbt i 1 ie Bpatah'buritf 'and' lAisa wad cMehicijaipVfeb' "ii MMiavos ineepori m tested, as there Is a first rate array of legal talent on Doth sides. mmm?n mm m. M W . .A VTI . lX.fj.ia A La WtllU testimov: hiRtA la an ; imoortant I Eaton anfLMrU'lXaCI1 onn nnanhl HnnUlchii wdrmlv onn..l prnrin krtt thtaiwrecka hardlY a ' trice AttornerHlitp sremsi iQiDe a J. -M - mm attdrMevs: up niairict. 1 1 rsoiicitor 1 A Jcoilfd- fe that he is out. the Praai esident having nominatea J as. E. Boyd, ofi Alamance, ana consequently did not appear at phe court now in session here. It is stat- a tnat J udge Bond received a telegram mo ciieuu mat, mr. jjoya s appoxnt ent would certainly be cdnfirmed bv ie fcaiMeff efeterdafclutWiWkfefe&rAna astYifrfttlriftikhCfirtd fnSlffrf uch action by that body. The truth 'f the matter is that Mr. Bovd's firmation is by no means a certainty, as 1 e understand there have gone up to he Uorth Carolina Senators some very strong protesUagainsliCaiid it may be that they ca&Suodded JnUiaving him rejected or at any rate in postponing ne consideration of his case until after he ajournuient of Congress. . In the meantime, Mr. W. S. Ball, as lStant district attornev. is filli nr t.hA Jlactfr :" 0 ww w km mm w v mi 1 Judge Brooks, of the United States District Court for the eastern district pi JNorth Carolina, is in the city as a looker-qii. . pf the., pieedings of the court pfeslrie'd over by Judges Dick and Bond. Among the visiting lawyers in at tendance uiion 1 he United States Court are; the lol lowing: Messrs. James II, jnei i inion, m. Xi. maiuf Aihen S. C; Col. J. F. Hoke, of Lincolntnn- Messrs. W. A. Hoke and lleuben Mc Brayer, of Shelby ; W. J. Montgomery, of Concord. Mr. John PThoraas, Jrof the Caro lina Military Institute, who obtained from the Supreme Court, a year ago, his license to . practice law, has decided to go to Columbia and hang out his sign. nnWM trlOtir tiifd 'must'erenfualfv win suc- f cess wherever he coes. He has manv tfriends in Charlotte who are sorrv to see him leave. Capt, Jo C. Mills, of Burke, the staunchest Democrat in the .West, was in the city yesterdays e?i route to the States ;0hventiJn;hHe Us for Jarvis against Fowle and speaks out for Sey mour and Thurman. On ibe Kailroads. It is said that the new owners of the Carolina Central will organize in Wil mington Saturday or Monday and that jur. jj. it. Murchison, of that city, will be elected president of the new com pany. Mr. J. F. Divine, a well known rail road man, has recently taken the posi tion of superintendent of the North Eastern Kailroad. Mr. Divine is now general superintendent of the Wil- iamington & Weldon, Wilmington. Co lombia and Augusta, Cheraw and Dar lington and Cheraw and Salisbury roads', andr' the North Eastenvwhich is, an important link In the Atlantic! Coast, Line.'will hereafter also be under his; direction. The Piedmont Airne, now claims to be able to take eoods from Boston to Atlanta; in 'four' daw and-nineteerr hours. The Carolina Central Hail way Is now selling tickets to Wilmington and re turn, good till and including the 20th, at 83.75. The rate was Obtained through' the merchants of Wilmington1 for mer chants "and their friends" along the line of the road. ' ;'" Theatrical Notes. The manager of the Charlotte opera house has already booked several com panies for next season. Among these 13 Bartley qampbelL'a ."Galley Slave" company. , The tax on theatrical companies is heavier in Charlotte than in almost any city in the South, and it all falls on the manager, not on the companies. Mr. B. Macauley is to' have a new play next season. it is said that John A. btevens has received an offer from the London ioyal Amphitheatre to play "Unknown" Plrt A ncrnar wavpriv i Haverlv is said to have- eneaeed Blondin.the tight rope performer, now at the Public Garden in Pesth, for a tour of this country next season. Mr. Frederick Paulding, who is espe cially well remembered in Charlotte, &nd who haa connections living here, las partly rerwitten "The Ldve of .feu Life," -byrrank liters' &nd ttvill it; in2JeAv orkiismrai"r, tairig the leading part himself. The play is to be . first presented this week, and amorrfe2 the' leadihg actors ini'the;, com pany is Mh FfSnk'Mdfdadnl:,; wh& ap peared in Charlotte with Mrs. Cnanirau during her farst emra srement. i 1 ' f ! ATiWYTTTf ITT ' 1 itrrr rerrih mlcddc anU s A friend in Paw Creek township sends us the followrhg'particulars of the storm which prevailed f n: some narfa nf this pnnntv Satlirdav: i ....... ,,,. , . Ab4uti2 qtiMtt pt tiiraajtaitet-i noon a heavy cloud began to show it self in the western horizon, and con- tinuedtcf fhV9 'aiMr-thi6kett' withomi nous rumblings until about 3 :30 o clock, when. i.read ovec the, rma- rcjinyites, after thp torni bst upon us Vith all the fiiry o a. tropical cyclone unroofing nouses, hams and other build ings, tearing) tip Weeljby tfceirarOots and tWistin? sotne of tlie largest into one mass of splinters. The wind was Laaoompanied by--a terrific hail storm, DUfc ionuuaLeiy tue nan uiu nut iuuuh the storm its entire length. As far as I can learnt 4 thi st6rm began ii the neiehborhbfcdldf fflickaiefeel Fol and turned url Lohk 4rfeek, tfillb1vin the creek to WhitleV sVmiJl, vrhere ispent its fury, For a mile on each side of Long oreek the timber is down and the rnartaa mnsr, l romssaDie. xnet cenertLii direction of M Wffce&ti points of the compass at the same time, making terrible havoc amongst. the timber. &Mu& ft ) fiiliB scfaed of mm the hau as awiui. ine l suable, uuw ui- Yie beeiuan inch , 'arid dfter the gform they lay two feet thick on the .1 grOUIiU. ,, ; j n -j" ;.(. , .'J V .. ' v 1 '.lf To give you some loeaox tne vioieuuo of tlie wind I will cite an instance that camfcuriderlhiy . owni Ibbservation. In an.hHfehHfieftl fltrSbdnan immense hickory tree measuring neariy ionr feeUn dirr-M'-ifl4'med4o- . a . 1 . UriKp it W4tnwnH:uu-APMSfu wisted it or?uttnrefeetriTDm the firound,tearing the tough,soiid woodin- - iAa far as 1 can c;-'-aTrvitnere were no ilves lost, air - . v uan . and a prse were rer JiaVe been iowj oyer a re rja sev r- ed. TWirlrldthe oi' pankspr. tree ck. Ah ilrrtnr;, v oescn destru hau lias row. a enuyMna aevaatauon was Ulmwck WwbiB ; lieiailedheirWwrrlBr RtlaTjyrind rearfttlfb: n BortJ of Mitch. iioJ carter, ami w. Cole- L ' 1 1 ii to aldyaiWatel sreiy inju IK throucli faeTb. MJtq t ig ateitttnrSL"' 1 &jWWt k"r? aajPiKiseuu iit&ifeuejia nih-M0a iTafclhfflTaraiDJSaTd ;frOMJ,horids noininar. i . ----- - .-rii'r tt fiaaIAtflHnniAipLrni OLtSlBi lan 'lfw fntrse' 16a to bo seen in the fields, n othing rernains standing in the cotton fields cottpfi) fetlks-,iplrfefetlt.lareSt iQvtel and limbs. Many others are badly in UttrexLbaln aomelocalities within' a! mile awxu AXilM. CU1U IHO BUU I CillttiilCCl un- uiuuuetuj i-.i. Are Yon Republican or Democrat S Or owtoWa1 Uefenue Otricer."1' r"! eeK ago the ubsekver copied e fatatesville JUandnuirh a. atale- b- -rnecf tnaraeverai ofTfftpfni in the reveniie service Vih t thW district, yiho are Democrats, had been made "to W-tbSplapk" :becausej in . answering cefiaqaestiojaa enLrOut jfreim Jtiea4.-, quarters they had said they were Dem oeraia'ad intended: r Tote the Demo ro&Dg?iiwboi wast acknowledged to be in efficient, officer, had-been asked, these ilestlOns, and sTiorttrafler saying "that e was a Democrat had received his fea- ers of dismissal. The farts a nnh. wl freely, cniessedlhoeliel thatnixii had peen discnrged on account pf his polifg: 'YfeMOTf toaftifiig Wfefe" ihea cajdsayin&thafc iroBitiafefjffltafti tion received through parties, who were irftfTtoSitfcrhd nm-ettrd 'Wc'tiow bievft,t)iit. tUiiiHd,lMaea4hQ: cause o his dismissal. An examination into the facts of the case shows that the officers t M MmfSmP. Pertvice lay his jftxpla-i nauiun iu lUctKe ul me quesiions put to the mmft tneservice: .3 wi 5 .if t It hadsbeen charged by Jteeublcana, in the district that Collector Mott had appolMed iMar'geh umber Of Deinflcrats to ppsitipnf n the revenue, service ( to, the exclusion of Republicans who were capable 'Of 'filling them. These com plaints reached, "V)Tashingtonn4 Conjr missiO'nef Raiim sent the questiOns're-' ferredtoftoas6ertain exactly w hat pro portion of the, appointees of Collector Mott were Democrats and how many Republicans. And further;- that the dismissal of ;Mi Young, and others was accidental, or the result J0f' a' cutting do wnof the service duringthe summer months : This s .pretty fiititary wlilardly 1 disinterested persons' as possess- strike lng.he rermiaite plausibility, especially, since the officers to whom the questions weigpucvwoiieTertoia tneTftrfpoge of tha4ejrtrjnt,inaqng them. It must be' remembered that they were not simply asked what are your ..politics now; but; there was another question i what? are they going to be? In other words, ybu were notperhaps a Rpubli carMhenyott -entered the-seTviee', but now that you have enjqye.d the gov ernment pap.whkt; areyou going to doV Answer, on penalty of being dismissed. They all caught at Uiis meaning of the questions and some of them trem blingly hesitated, and finally leaped o veriota-U ltobiiaa partyir - - And this is ,the way the honorable comfilisaioner 'undertakes to find out the political status of his employes! -. '- i --' m ; " Physicians freely prescribe the new Food Medl-clnerMyt-BlttgTs-toeCTmsc "inm TKrartsMnp, strengthening and .purifying than all other fonrs of malt or medlctrtei while free, froijt the objec tions urged against malt liquors. ' June 16-lw. The. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.' Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures Ill HI W . W . I Kuiuaiiiccu. xucj uicciu niitti liici aiir. Tiiun 10 them wlteQutjaaia..., (vS ,. , , nor. 15-rlr. ' I Hi : II MARKETS BY TELEGRAP JJJNE 151880,,, PHbDtci. BAumaoKS Oats active; Southern 42a43; Wes; tern white 40a41. do mixed 89a40. PennryH vanla 41a4'2. Provisions firm; mess pork li,25a 11.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 4. clear rib sides tii. ditto packed 514a7i4; bacon shoulders 5, clear sides 74i. hams lQal2i- Lard re fined tiercM.. J Urm: Kto tfgoes 1 Sal 5i& .a0 jte Jiik A , toft . JUiley quiet at l.llalg. Freights firm. Cincinnati Flour dull; family 4-70a5.00, fancy 4.40a4.80.nJWaaat ttnaer-, Helped winter I4I2. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed 3. Oats quiet; Nb. 2 mixed 331A. Pork firm at 10 75. Lard firm at tt5k .Bulk meats strong; ahouldera47 clear nus o nu; uacun urm; shoulders 4. ribs - sides 7- Whiskey firm at l.Ort. Sugar firm: comrtaai 1 3jfea 74? ' Hght ' 34 08fi, TkWs5 d.ua4.a, butcners 4.aou.ao. New York Southern flour dull; common to fair extra 5. 00a5.rt0, good to choice do 5 05ar.50 Wheat closed lower; ungraded winter red 1.21Vfea 1.26. Corn stronger; ungraded 48a51 Oats heavy at 37i4a38 for No. 3 .Coflae quiet; Rio In cargoes 12"4al5, In Job lots . Sugar quiet; Mllado 6 3 16, fair to good refining 7a7, prime 7; refined strong; standard A-wsaVS- Mo lasses quiet; Cuba 37, tNew Orleans 40a60, Porto Ulco 32a48. Rice steady; Carolina 6lAa7l4 Ran goon 5.80. Wool dull; domestic fleece 40a57 .pulled 22a50.unwashed 15a34, Texas 18a35. Pork quiet at 11.45a.60fFtoradleqfnetj'1drlg clear' T.'short clear 7.45. long and short 7.25. Lard active at 7-12l&a7.25. Whiskey nominal at 1.18al.l5. Freights to Liverpool firm". " .. : ..COTTOM - ' GALViSTOH-rOulet; middling llVki low middling 101; od jpiliary J lne recalfltsi 31; g8 ; sales ; stock 8.313; exports coastwise 304; to Great Britain 1.241. Norfolk Quiet; middling, 1 IVfcc; net receipts 133; gross ; stock 17.370; exports coastwise 246; sales 89; exports to Great Britain . Balttmork Quiet; middling llT&c; low mlddl'g 1 1 c. ; geeiordiii7! 1 0a : fifttj refects -;;? ress 274; salesT2f40: 9tok 0,822 f-exports toastwlse fid: spinners 7o; exports to Great Britain j 0 Continent BomBS-HQulet: mirtdtlm; V&kOi tow middUng llVicigood ord'ylOVjC; net receipts 849; gross 1,096; sales ; stock 11,535; exports to Great Britain . WttMiNHTOHr-.Qulet; middling 1 lc; low mid dling 10 7-16C; good ordinary 94s; receipts 40; gross tt, sales i stock 1,370; exports coast wise . PHTTuitLPHiA-Qulet: middllne: l2MiC.; low middling 1 l?fcc; good ordinary loc; net receiptt - ; stoss 453; sales : ipinnefs, J75". wocf- ll.lo j; expons 10 wreai aiuaiu . Savannah Quiet; middling lll&c: low middline lOlfcc; good oitlbart ' lfce;' iet ireejts 59: gross; sales-; stock ,282; exports coast' wise 763. NKWOfLBAKf-Quiet;- ml4 U4io; low med dling &V&&ad. o&iAOIkte n&P1 11 ?5 gross 196; sales 1.0Q0; stock 90,073; exporU Great Britain ; coastwise ; continent . Mobile-DuII; mIddl!ngTTc; low middling lO&fec; good ordinary w; net receipts iu; gross j sales 250; stock 11,862; exports coastwise 68; to continent . ' '" MKMPHis-Steady; middling 1 114c; receipts 73; shipments 1,692 . sales. Oi.stock 30,259. Auousta Steady ; "middling l6,c-; tow mid dllng lOlfec., good qrluary tbj receipts 21 sMpments-lesSiy 1 ..jJ CharIjK8TON Steady ; middling 1 lc. ;low mid; dllng lltfec; good ordinary lOVic: net receipts 199? grow -T sales 150;otock 8,348; exports coastwise . ifxw York Cotton dull; sales 204; middling uplands 12c: middling Wleaat 12; aetirecelpts S91: gross 3,518: consolidated net rec'ts, 2,356; exports Great Britain 1,241; continent ; France. Liverpool Noon Cotton quiet. Middling Up-. lahdirdr Middling Orleans 15-10d;t ' sales 8,000, speculation and export l,0Q0i. receipts ofinn! American f.lSO. Uplands low middling c tontWw ga25?32d, June and July rma. July and August pw, ?&KSr October and November . - Futures barely steady. 15 15 p m.-Uplands low middling clause: June delivery 6 23-32d. June and July de. October and kAvota. &i na. Novaxnber ana- Aieeemoes Fut ires closed very dulL x j c t'.IAJ S i-.f-;-rj.: ft .'---.j.;.;-, i . . ' t.'Ji ; mm H aio'. H! "0RR-?Mturfs0ctee 3ieadj.4' Sales L5?;H Nxw 000, June...---July....,, ll.6Ha.67 11 66a.67 ll.73a.77 ll.13a.14 10.75a.76 10. 58a. 60 10.58a.60 10.o0a,gQ AUgUSt . . . September October. . November. December. January .. 4 -1E-frt (PWAK01AL, - . . mm . - A O Ffl. HDL i tun irrnninipt myn. Governments qi t and a M half per eenta I State ,i - laioi jla luinots Central. Nashville and Chattanooga Louisville and Nashville . . . 1.20 1 Aw trgm,tii hieifttoth taS.HTCtJH aw v.4r,tar (Ui VarlcCanlmLi. .i.vi - .Wi ..'iOduiH If?1 1 1 Erie. . ..x.i.;aWwti"' HB'f! .-..; i.U4 RtttbttK. l.;-?.'.V. ! .'.V . . :?f.?na 1 ' 'T.l7 - jf..i,:i,;w... hock lsiana.. .... ...v.. MB1 UMOBi.l...'.. so till Alabama Class A. 2 to 5. ...... ..... . , .571 VMMAfBUHUJ, DV I VIOSS X, O B. 1 w" Class C, 2 to K. 8ub-treasnry balances Gold.... t-,i:u r Cunency. 6' S88.774.642 . 8,746.220 j ji ; . irWTJ CQTXON 1UBUT. 1 Otfict or m Onnna, 1 . .. i ; ?,.!QAjaMTr. Jane 16. 188a f ' The' market yesterday closed quiet; unchanged fekwdMlddang..:..!.;..... . u MlddUns:.'.. ......v... lfju 8ttfct low mMdhncv. .............. .v 40 LowiiaWdlaK.; ,,.....,.....,. . W j Beclptsfbrt)i0(taj!,43tHdea. . :., The friends of Lieutenant Jno. Orahstn Alexan der respecttallr annsaneb him as a candidate for ttie office of fiberin of. Mecklenburg county, at the next election. Believing him to be In every way well qualified to discharge the duties of said office ney cneenuiiy and cordially recommend nun to ne Kina consideration 01 tne different townships 'hen they assemble to "send ud" delegates to the laminating convention. , Mallabo Ckexx. NOTICE. I A T a meefllg of the stockholders of the Char lotte as LlKht Comnanr the followlhr resolu tion was offered and adopted. ; That from Jaly 1st 1880 the price of Gas wlU be $5 per 1,000 feet, with the following discount, on all bills paid by the 10th Of each month: bill of 10,000 feet and over. a discount of 20 per cent, and all bills of less than l.uuu ieet a discount of 10 per cent . . 8. E.LINTOK,Supt June 15 d3t LBROY DAVIDSON I3 8TILL OJTEMNG Great Inducements to the Trade, BUYERS WiLLL DQ WELL TO "CALL' AND EXilNE HIS STOCK' KEFORX OH BERING FROM THE NORTH as he Intends to sell at REDUCED PRICES TO June 16 REMODEL HIS STORE. ARRIVING DAILY AT LeRoy Davidson's TOMATOES and PEACHES, and to arrive ONE CAR MELONS, AND A LARGE LOT OF BANANAS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT, June 16 LOST On Sunday morning, between the resi dence of Mrs.Nancy Johnston and the Second Pres byterian church, it lady's Thread Handkerchief. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It at THIS OFFICE. NEW LUNCH ROOM. GRAND OPENBSG OF W. R. COCHRANE'S NEWLY FITTED UP LUNCH ROOM, Tuesday, June 15th. ' '. ADJOINING HIS SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOMS, upon which occ ision he will be glad to see his friends and patrons, to Join him. In a Grand Free Lunch. W. R. COCHRANE, Central Sample and Billiard Rooms. JNO. V. GRAY, Caterer, of New York. ,; , - - June 16-tf. t r JJARD Head Cabbage, the - ven best' Northern Gilt Edged Butfettand heisselt ittdw- Mackerel, Smoked Herringf, Sprite Caldtbis'oneyand the very finest of orfloni SM. HOWELL. SMITH IRON FRONT BUILDING. This hand some Iron Front Building, width 25 feet by 100 feet deep, three stories and basement, is offered for rent to a good tenant for one or more years oh reasonable: terms front' June 1st, 188a Parties wishing to rent oe lease will apolv to . , . , .' ' , W, M. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C . may2Sh-lm 10 Pearl' St.; New fork. Mtdsummer 1 offer IlluBtratea free. Adaresa DlNIil F. BEATTY, IWflBhington, H. .- - -. j'l.( JiViiOili I)SILUiTJN&Y THE? NASAL AS- ST17 t r. teens u y ; ' u 3 u 43 ii y z u 4 v-:.- . . DESTROY1N.G TBE . STOMACH AND BOWELS. Destroying the. IilQl anti Vital ThepoisotioTis'catatrlial hratter filling the nasal plages rta awai jaM membran . tisBues, and MTheutrjdT,acumuJajbB drop, daring steep, into the throat and iare swallowed, rjejalyzlng: (ft fToctihn - s h i t i fir: T , ! ; T- , - Taken op by the absorbents; the virus enters the blood, weakening and debilitating every organ, and neraturg larai aneouons pr me lnngs, iver, u of thWgs&iQc olseaseT7CJeahfeT6ariry7aho: n the rrMadc Un big. itePoaMpae sage &na by ceaetiaittOBB Iteatwinifti sAeMHrOlye Ahe in the blood a o, buksh j yr ,v Jwwih tmmmm own .paw the -mnrririg .,uia.ji. BtnTtna. itilaJradiaBl and permaneaL It Is eco-,i namuM ain wuot 3ffS'?"fl r "far - ST . J - . W. lAkJiMiklU am mi.a. Hit .Mtrp w :r aMAsi udnerin2 school Mas ' " ttlanA..... r r.r-fcjrreuuireioenui, expMc, ews 1 Address, DAVID M. GREENE, June 15- Director. Ttmm fmmpt JCmn mwm m M, jt &, 4i GREAT DECLf NE . ' We Have tkls day reduced LARGE A ND V A R I E D S T 20,000 yards of the Best Calico at -51000 : c I. Union Lawns, 4C 44 44 Ci 20,000 15,000 (4 .... . ALSO, WE HAVE REDUCED THE FRIGES OF ALL OUR " , - Dress Goods, Trimming Silfe, Hamburg ippjorcte and Valenciennes Laces, Ditss linen, Siiffin k. 1 WE HAVE, AL80, INCLUDED IN OUR SWEEPING REGUCTIONS, ALL OF OUR NEv" SPRING STYLES OF 1 - ' ' Mens', Boys', and Children', Ready-made A CALL WILL BARG- FURNITURE. Ig 111. AT E.G.ROGERS' WAREROOMS, . r ;. :.jy. toTTOPOSTOFFICI. My stock Is very larjte, and embraces a full lint of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Office Fur ntture. All goods packed tree ol charge. otterijes. TAKE NOTICE. This m the only Lottery ever voted on by the people of a iStote, and under a late decision of the United States Supreme Court at Washington, is the only Legal Lottery nolo in the United States, all other charters having been repealed or having no existence. 1 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNESEVENTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS Q. AT NEW ORLEANS. Tuesday, July 13th. 1880 122nd Monthly urawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, for the term of twknty-fiyk YKARs, to which contract the Inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged, which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its trancmse in the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital of 81,000,000, to which it has since added a Re serve Fund of over $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tlcc-ets, One Dollar. LleT OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 880.000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of 82,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500... H ,....10,000 lOOPrtzesof 100 .10.000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20. 10. .10,000 1000 Prizes of .10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 0 Approximation Prizes of 8300-. . . 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. . 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. .. . $2,700 1,800 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. Responsible corresponding agents .. $110,400 wanted at all points, to whom a lirx beral compensation will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further i information, or send orders by express or in a Reg istered Letter or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Louisiana, or same person at No. 319 Broadway, New York. An our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of General G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. N. B. This Company has NO AGENTS in the BRITISH POSSESSIONS. june 15-ddtw4w 31st POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULEY'S THEATRE, , In the City of Louisville, on MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1S80. These Drawings, authorized by the Legisla ture, and sustained by all the Courts of Ken tacky, according to a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day ot every month (Sundays and Fri days excepted), for the period of five years, termi nating on June 30, 1885. The United States Circuit Court on March 31, rendered the following decisions : 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. f 2d Its drawings are not fraudulent The Management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the JUNE DRAWING. 1 Prize, $30,000 1 Print .... li.000 1 Prize .00Ol . 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, JJ.WU 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prlies, 100 each,... 10,000 300 Prizes, 50 each,. 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each, 10000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1.800 9 Prizes, 100 ' . 900 1,960 Prizes .........$112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1 f 27 Tickets, tfoO; 55 Tickets, $100. Remit by Postofflce Money Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. . To insure against mistakes and delays, carreer pondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number of postofflce box or street, and townt oauuty and State.; . - All communications connected with, the Distri bution and Orders for Tickets should be Addressed to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, LouisviUe, Sr., or t tfoa, 801 309, Broadway, New Yprk. M . ,- inapt BINGHAH SCHOOL. TASTAB WISHED In 1793, la now pre-eminent Vj araona - Southern Boarding Schools for boys in age, numbers and area of patronage. The 173d Session begins July 29th. For catalogue, giving roil particulars, address . June 12 MAJ, &. tSLNuilAal, oup i. -1 A.T0TICE is hereby given to alt persons residing 1 in the city ot Charlotte on the 1st Monday in February, island all bodies politic or corporate who owned or possessed taxable property in the ty on the oay aioresaia, io return to ue uiiy lerk and Treasurer, on oath within 80 days, from and after the istn day or one, ixu, a run. true and perfect list of their taxable poUs,real and per sonal estate, and of their incomes, received during the fiscal year next .preceding the said, first ,Mon- rir In Vhmnrr: 1 1 ' ' - .-! By rder of the Boat of Alderman JimVi530d.; , i , Cleqfc ana Treaaurerw PRQET. 1 HO expects to remain in Charlotte ihroughr ' nf tl,. oimmu Bflnld llkA taAetrotA a DOT- tlon of hlstima to teaching a few yqnng ladles or centlemeR in htusic and the most popular modern r mtm. - j A m 1 n n, nAMMIL. laneuaeea. - unanEes muuenw. . .jiuuitoo iif.- ally or through the Charlotte postofflce, lunetv I IN the prices of all Leadln t Domestics and o o JL A AAA 1VsVA JL AVUOj " 4-4' Bleached Domestic, 4-4 Sea Island, Clothing, Straw Hats, Shoes, Slippers, Gents' Furnishing GoodVfc, fe"' CONVINCE TOU THAT WK ASS 15 DEAD KAE5EST. sr Special Bargains in Frames of all Kinds A.ISrS METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEET AttD THE MONTHLY DELINEATOR For July Jnst Received AT TIDDY'S BOOK STOEE CALL AND EXAMINE OUB STOCK OF f ire-Screens, Wall Paper, and Bordering. New Rooks Just Received: MARK TWAIN'S TRAMP ABROAD, : : $3.50 HIS MAJESTY MYSELF, :::::: 1.00 MRS. BEAUCHAJMP BROWN. : : : : 1 .00 THE READER'S HAND-BOOK, : 3.50 Bret Harte's Complete Prose Works. Bret Harte's Complete Poetical Works A SULL SUPPLY OF THE SEASIDE LIBRARY Constantly on Hand. TIDDY & BROTHER. June 11. ;ptistsll$me0tis. All Havana Cigars, 1 A CENTS each, 3 for a quarter; best in the 11 market at T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORK Don't Forget THE "Cosmopolitan" 5 cent Cigars, fine flavor, bum well and give good satisfaction; six for 25eents at Da T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE, For Ruptures TRY the Ayers Hemla Truss. It Is recommend- JL ed by some of the very best physicians in the land. DR. T. C SMITH, Sole Agent. Horsford's Bread PREPARATION is ahead of all others in quality and result It Is wholesome and economical. 25 cents a package or $6.25 per box of three doz en. . DR. I. C. SMITH, Sole Agent. Smith's Worm Oil. GO to Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store and get a bottle of this niedlctne if your children are troubled with worms. Price, 25 cents. Warner's Kidney CURE will relieve the most obstinate difficulties - of this class, no doubt It For sale at SMITH'S DRUG STORE, Cholera Morbus AND Summer Complaints are speedily cured by the use of abater's Blackberry Brandy. Sold only at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Saratoga Water, BROUGHT In barrels from Saratoga, New York, - and sold by Dr.- T: C. Smith at 5 cents a glass. Try It, - " Agents, Wanted, To solicit orders for Photographs, etc, for en larPttmnntL A uavlne business.- For Dartlcolars and terms address X IX LEMJEB, Box 167 Ha- nsourg, ra, : . :. ..! !'.; t. YEAR and expenses ''to Axents. OBtfit freec Address Pt ' June 9:: .,. : ... -I- " ;,- :. .' viukvKttx, Augusta, tmin&ii m 1 DVERTISERS by add GEO: 9i BOWELL on, can learn-the exact east of any proposed line f ADVERTISING ln Amerteaa Newspapers. PBTltW-pagw, pampk- 7 JW-1 i a W A'rVFlTFTi J W Plffladelphui wiW , v v ixxi -jl jllixs Baie-dothiBg bouse aa experienced salesman for North and South Caro lina. Address, with references, box 2045, Phlla- aeipnia r. v may. l4-eod3w eTerjttlSfkestli Kit e! k O'EigiGr o o;; 8, 10 t&12 cts. . -. . ... and Styles." R. H. Field, , - T. E. Eislb,. -M j Charlotte, j 7 . a tt Wfa9, N..CU g METROPOLITAN HOTEL FIELD BRnfHERSJ Prnnil l P1-- : ; i i : t I, : THIS Hotel has the largest and most comfort able rooms of any hotel in the State. It is AO ted up with all modern Improvements 18 conve nient to the postofflce and banks, and 13 centrally located in the business part j5f the' city. Large SAMPLE ROOMS for Commercial Travelers. Willi these advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling public. tar-Omnibuses and Carriages at etery Train. CJ FIELD BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND DEALERS P, COUKTRYPOD ALWAYS KEEP OWHAGROWMJNG CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTEB,' EGfiS. HON; m-.Ae.Uft' THE BEST"BBANDSf CJ FLOUR AXWAYS IN.fiJOCJt. Trade St., CHAELOTTE, N. C. LARGE BASEMENT under MetroDOlitan Hotel for rent. 1 may28 . . Si. Charles Hotel. STATES VILLE, N. C THIS HOUSE Is nowfihdertheTriariagemeritof Mrs. Dr. Beeves, formerly of the1 National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N, Q.L wbUse aim It will be to make It a first class hotel m every re spect, Commodious Sample Rooms, on the first floor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 13-dtf. IIYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT; VAi, SITUATED 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open' all the year. Equal to any hotel in the United . States as a SUMMER RESORT. - Send for circular -describing hygienic advantages, etc. ?-, HARRISON raOIBtS, 'i may 23-3m Proprietor. IMPROVED PATENT UVER PAD1 Nvxi Grrs Haxs. Car bx Mass axt Stkknoth Dssibed. Lam Twicb as Lono Slieuu Cored vlttontSraczjag tt Syrtem. Clvills n4 Fever, liver C6mplaiiit,' Byspepsis, nenralgiA, Nenonsness, Costivenesav Female Weakness, Sick & Nenou Eeaiwk " - These Pads Cure all Diseases by Absorption. No ff axiom Pills, Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the fit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also the Liver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Tonicis absorbedintotbecircalationofthe Blood and Liver, purifying the Blood, stimulating the Lirerand . Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the- -Stomach to digest food. Pbick of Pads fl and 2 . xach. Sold bt all Druggists, or sent byvMail or Express. . fit o - " Manufactured and for sale at 02 Germain street, Baltimore, Md. For sale In Charlotte at the drug stores ot L. R. Wriston 4 Co., F. Scarr, T. C. Smith and Wilson fc BarweU. . may 15 ly. THE EXODUS ' DERANGES labor, making necessary every fa cility for handling Cotton at the Gin. 8AV LABOR by using a JONES FIVE-TON WAGON SCALE. PRICE $60, and Iron and Steel Brass : Beams. FREIGHT PAID BY C8J It ordered new if can pay at Ginning. Everybody send for free book. Address, JOMJSS Uir blfltiUAMIUN, may 14-w4teow, . Binghamtoa, N.X ; HE WASHINGTON GiZETTE, Published at the National Capital every Sunday Cfirlncr n frill ManmA nf thft nrnvrtliw vuttr nMrA of all lUttloaal topics and general - mtelilgeneeTlre if. sides being the only ' lfc J . rAlT,M REPBESjENTATIVE SOUTHERN JAPEB V There supporting the National Democratic Party; ; Edited by GEORGE C. WEDDERBURN. of Virgin- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Single copies, one year, postage paid. 9 2 00 Five conies, to one address. Dostate nald. 7 Rii Ten core8v to ene address, postagfr paid, 12 50 Y-wenty coptea, w one aaaress, postage W ar orj 4Wltb,a codv free to ,-. For nuthm information addren au-'-v i AAZETTE PUBLISHING OMFlJrr,i t Box 829. Washington, n. CL. nr th UHitna;-t ii. T'L Box 822, Washington, p. C,j, or PJ I 5 ,iUlil. Jfl f4.il Hiake:aeidflaii one mile' j m. w( vt, vuaumw, vuiapriBiua Hvvub kOJ acres. I offer thla laud either ia one body or to., section,, to suit purchasers. " r - rot further informaUon. apply to dec 11 eodtf S. b TORSENCX

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