I GARFIELD'S HECORD. I I Only-ygetable Compound that acts directly upon tne L,iver, ana rures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice. Biliousness' Malaria, Cos-J tiveness, Headache crfition. .strentnens tnc sysu.m, remilatesthe bowels, purines tjip 'T6u. . . .V ta blood. A Hook sent iree. -ui. Sanforh, 162 Broadway, JN. Jf. rOA SAX.E bv alx. cbuqgists. . a? may30-6m.deod teratouina; OTer roar tlmulanti ana ait brain nerre nom Mop Bitters. tueHop Bitters, gofterina; from any in tlont If you are mar Tomu. aafFerlmr from If yon are Toantr tad dlaoxetloa or dinlpa Brlad or ainfto, old or Rpoor health or laogoiali lntf on bed of lek a, rely aa Hop Bltters." - Whoavar too are, Stoasand die an- tonally from aomel whenever you feel thai roar ayatam aeada Bdeanaiiia;, toning or Mraw.01. RiaMjr disease that might fatlmnl.tlng, without been prevented untoxieatfng, fcke Hod by a timely ruo of . Hop 1 4- LSlttora. . I Hare too dya- tar urinary comA r 1 - U an absDintej r warar ai )paM(. disease 01 lithaaAMnaoh, 6ou land lrreslstableV . Mood, Hwr cure for drank- or aertwa t Too eness, n a e of win be cored If kjplnm, tobacco, oa ueHop or narcotics. If to are dm- Sold by dratr- ml7 weak and low lapirRed, try itt elgta. Bend for ICtrculax. It may sav your life. KOP KTTEBS has saved hundreds." 1. mvl eod&wly Fortlfj System And you are armed against disease. The finest tonic for this purpose is Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, which renders digestion easy and complete, counteracts bllllousness, and keeps the bowels in order, and so genial and beneficent are its effects, that not only Is the body invigorated and regulated by Its use, but despondency banished from the mind. TESTIMONY OF DRUGGISTS. We certify that we have been selling "Swift's Syphilitic Specific" lor many years, and regard it far superior to anything known to science, for the disease for which it is recommended. We have never known of a single failure. 8. J. Cassels, Thomasvllle, Ga. L. F. Greer A Co.. Forsyth, Ga. Hunt. Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta, Ga. , Pemberton, Samuels & Reynolds, Atlanta, Ga. Daniel 4 Harsh, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga , July 1, 1 874. Mb C. T. SwnT-Dear Sir: We have been using your "Swift's Syphilitic Specific" in the treatment of convicts foe the last year, and believe it is the only certain known remedy that will effect a perma nent cure for diseases for which you recommend it $i,ooorTward Will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of one hundred bottles of S. S. S , one particle of mercury, iodide potassium, or any min eral substance. & Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COM PANY, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by T. C. Smith and L. R. Wriston & Co. Call on your druggist for a copy of "Young Men's Friends." may27-dwlm. Fine Gold and Silver Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamonds, Slyer and Silyer Plated tee, Gold and Silver Spectacles, and everything kept in n FIRST-CLA JEWELRY STORE. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver. Particular attention paid to tte Repairing of lna Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. - ALL WATCH AND CLOCK WORK ( Warranted for Tweke Months; All goods sold at this establishment warranted as represented. HONESTY IS THfC BEST POLICY. JOHN T. BUTLER, Carbllna JewrtrV stare, Charlotte. ' 1 1 . 1 i i V iii i 'i i t 111 lit ' ,i In, NOTICE OF SEIZURE. ,; r'lu'5-.3i:is to i 4... t r rNtXRKAtRXvKMirjL .; , . -, ..(J'JTATSSVII.Lp, 0. JO 11880..! rj oBwiHir Tiuuuioo or Knerruu ttevenue uim, uneisvi8S0, st jbaaeU) hlskeyktownery . B, Notice Is hereby given to the owner of claimants oiinesoove oescruea property to appear before me at my officer if HtatviUe ,nnd nuOce claim uiereio date be United s ..Mvnm Jin' T It 1 nf IiihIimtm aak 1 I n&n' O let-, : 1. j J .1 j S m fll 1 IV 1 y. 11 ffl iTri T II r a cr m 1 i i 1 niTTrnnll nuiuuiiuii 1 n .. 11 1 rarvrn I r-A II I frV STOHACH the oeiore lue Mfiquion inirayuays rrora l,.4iJLttaLa nri WW in ViCH t liiWTyrtTTva To!!-WIl.'-.J Tiil.tllil V4 jjfii- riv. wourgraries nVflihtfltalast week. i',. : . w -i r 'j Tnflpv.' Xohodv in this county-cafe's to rurif pr (he Legislature ; all desire to run from it. The five-North CaiStfJni3n&fl)0'otS ed for Grant at Chicago were, Isaac J. Young, J. JLraffln, J. Q-jDooJ0111 Keogh anf O. tT. fceprs,. . - ElizabfiD5ft9aZcol3?.O idmglnce was receiva pere leies" " dayiM the DurSrr)! WJ &iflSavngiSta- t.nn No. 17. on tniacoast. wmcu evem. took place mPmJ$9 1-J Jia idwwnsa.Wiip? bathing hertiipjitinrt hridfffi Saturday. H , . iy-, . ;,; - rS! TT 1UOLUJ1 kJOIViVIV i-i vi Ifarth Carolina will present .the nape; ni her rising votint? lawyer. C!lB. Wa sdrf, to thstatq pennon tor ajwt- T - . Ail rev lienerai. nnu 'sue asa. - ox JaiJja 4jjlj,recogju5d grfa was rre"ceited a this -ckjMeftday announcing the death of the wife of Mr. Thomas W. Elpwrj, formerlr of this city, invBK)okIyfVlSuniay. Mrs. Brown's matderi nakneJwasJjUCjElk Tii. Shft was a daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Empie, and a sister of the late Adam and W. K. Empie, of this city. ' i Second Century : We iearn upon in quiry that more nuggets have rbeei$; found at the Sam Christian vl&ine,- Washing has rate -lasN cenenced Lirtj 'to mine so famous. Goldsboro Messenger : On Wednes day last, Mr. Renno, rythrr fheMell known railway bri(buiMrrba(r the misfortune to have his right ariib4-r ly shattered by the explosion 01 a Hy draulic iack while ttta w6rk''c-n -euse river bridge, nearjthisjt03i:rj Alarge bolt from the . jack hit the. arm just above thVelbow'and produced a -com pound fracture 01 the bone. Second Century ; ,DjSFurr showed us Thursday morning ti most beautiful suecimen of gold embodied in quartz. It is about the size of a hens egg, ancrl looks as if struck with a'hnmrhr'r there is gold enough to adhere in a solid lump. He found it upon the surface near his residence in Cabarrus county, and says he has several others even richer than this, found in the same manner. Wilmington Star: A mad dog was slaughtered by a sergeant of police in the neighborhood of the. First Presby terian church Saturday'morning. He was a pet dog, and his owner had kept him in close confinement for a day or two in the hope that his maladymight not prove of the serious character at first supposed, but the delay only tended to confirm the first impressions in re gard to his madness and lie was there fore shot and killed. Baltimore Sun: Isaac Hendricks, aged 22 years, a seaman from the schooner David E. Wolf, was admitted to the Maryland University Hospital at a late hour on Thursday night, suffer ing from a severe wound on the right side of his head, which had been inflict ed by some blunt instrument in the hands of a shipmate the day previous. Hendricks last night had symptoms of paralysis and was delirious. It is hardly probable that he will recover. Hendrick's permit to enter the hospital states he is a native of North Carolina. THE DARE-DEVIL FOUR EST. One of the most Picturesque Charac ter of the War of the Rebellion. An Ex-Confederate Officer in the Cln. Enquirer. No man ever exacted stricter obe dience or more thoroughly maintained , it. He brooked no disobedience of his" own orders, and he resented their in fraction with characteristic fire. When his-command needed supplies he stopped on no technicalities of ob struction to obtain them. The writer well remembers once sending a requisi tion for food and forage to an officer at one of the railroad stations," and was refused on the grounds that ;the sup plies belonged to an infantry command in the rear. Forrest having failed in the same manner to obtain, needed pro visions, cooly took' what he wished without further parley, stating that if any complaint was made he (General' Forrest) was responsible. . His services were so valuable ,- that his Summary methods were-overlooked. He said to the writer in explanation of his taking these supplies that he never hesitated to override formalities when he deem ed it necessary: that he would break a thousand of them ja any: cost to himself before his men and horses should suffer for want of . subsistence, and . that the infantry in amp could get plenty more, while his men; always- in active service on the front, could net obtain supplies all the time.' a ?"tQTdlOr1 Another instance of his disregard of rules was that he allowed his rmen to absent themselves just when he pleased. He had bis troops onhand on all neces sary occasions for march' or fighting "or picket duty.. He would turn a whoh regirrient loose-: foca day of two twlietr in the vicinity of their homes, or when they could be spared, and this when; mere were positive orders against it from army headquarters. And-the practical result .of it ,was that 4t, absolutely-benefited the service; fit satisfied and encouraged the . men, and made, them better soldiers. No general pun- lshed-desertion more severely orde- uiciiiueu. iiuLuer service, ana jione-toOK more responsibility ; in behalf pi tlje comfort or "pleasure of his command. While the writer connected liries with Forrest the scouts of that officer . . A al' I i . . i were constancy in iront and rear. Forrest not only reconnoitred Jbis own ground, Jbul that ofc everybodyefee. ills search ior lniormation was unceas ing. It was this restless watchfulness and inquiry that constituted one of hia. ehief traits. His scouts were ubiaui tousrThey went eyery whsrrand tpeyth exhausted every ourceVfow8 I vvnerever he went he -hacr . etertawr. path; thicket -and rtot:;otiotervatloh or aDDroach. front. flanknd.Ttar rif in lf; ieted,add In, addition his scoatsswarfiis, ea ior mues arounu, sending tmnetinsf to him hourly e Pf J3 '; Just before tire battle pf ChiciairiaHiia: the writer was incQmrnana of a brigade of cavalry at AlDiheGrti -Forrest tassi ed byfeoing ta the sfrontafialnd hired. -of the condition ' of m atters and tb. news oj ue enemy. . 4iereaereq bm pf theinfonnation ?obtanabl ''mfm. , j . . , f T- T "F be started tff -to the front he- adieu and said: "I believe I and give them feTIpws adarZ 'trriiu'it'ii: iunf. ut t fl Cabinet ITlaklnff. , , I CuiOAGd. yune ik-AMentor YOhio dispatch to theT! a(,:frieh'';pf., ifUknern llilTRfM In lrionAi(TbrnrhMvrl r t U home, who are very confident of tris f election. ar already ,busy arrginaLliis;! ('cabinet and rore lung,-wiie iicvuipiui JTO:num-yiarffe nim jviui eon end sotalifihl big Hh&nU" im$m:hme-&emY gexbrdlc th&stf tmtrhave berdtofofe mflde-tne-pojistitrtents that he shoul foreign service, v ACC(rd,mted with saymgperiemitoxil vrher inziUito j their eiatefi 'jsyi vesier - a. Rruia.li: j-rettiuent Aiinsaa.ie.Air. inirv flnciaeeFMlresaen ana ftitnar 4uage- )) -.'-Jil A'H d)vr Matthewa,will!incceed Mr GArleHiiiy m United State SenatOwTL flJ K i inn'i nUiiM linn ijw i't i!j;nmMM imHMitif .0 the Republicans of Hit Own ?ttratricLSaf.ofn At a laiieDeirw6fati aalsMtafe etirwNaM New York iridaynisrii Chairman -vaw . a . .awar cKean cliimea'vtner attention meeangXot M& se- d by the Inde- pfettdentVItepnTjiicans orien. ixarneius X . f-l J 1 HAL awn aistrtcA or jnio,-o oeui-eiuuer. tu, 4876, wierfeeseiilRabarcaiv. wn districl ofphio.-oji S 4876, Wterthe4ireseiillRaf did ate tor President was a candidate didate tor President was a canuiuatei C ar tX . r mast preciseJStnd vigorous su the reasons why Garfield ne bathe chief ttagistrata of t the that had ever been pat befo liQ,Aand they were thfi ex hia fellow Republicans. Resolved, That there is no other man to-day officially connected with the ad- mmisfetioai.f the national govern-. itaintfiv tarnnm are '2 floTeW'Braychar: ruptiioaitiaan. aw i publicly made and abundantly, sustained against James A. "oreei?11 Republican convention f Resolved, That since he first entered Congress to this day there is scarcely an jnaance.which rings and monopolies harerbieetr arrayed against me lnieresis of the people ; that he has been found ;fctTv lnftpch ovoteTuBon the side 70hjrlaebutlafoslievery case henas beenirie ready champion of the JifigSj and monopolies. rwZeni'nofi That wft psnpp.iRllv charffe AiliOVC VlsWf - ' v f J d him with venality and cowardice in .... -n n A.1 A. - ..A. .permuting nenjamm f . 1 uuutjr wai- taefrfO he appropriauou uni ui ioo trMVerto be remembered infamy, the MMyteai, anttfif tmpmmfm P g 1 fcrrthateasutffiiiforlill nilaje ; a is constituents Repeal jirtd with evading said demand DyvOLing 1U1 LUG ilUltlllJlOUll .LllCiiCl- 2?SlS,.Shai FeA further arraign ajid4aaujice him for his corrupt con neMonwith the Credit Mobilier.for biscfalse denials thereof ibefoi- his con stituents, forh is pei ured denial'tfeereof before a committee oFTns peers in" Con gress, for frauft&541ffisrcoritituents in circulating among them a pamphlet purporatosetf orth, the. finding of said cornmilteej? ana uae veviaence against htiifj when'irt fact materjal Por tions thireeere6mitteti'a)rd garbled. Resorted -awertheiwarjrdign and charge mm with corrupt bribery in selling his fnciaWhfmence as Chairman of the committee on. appropriations for $5,000 to the De Golyer pavement ring to aid them in securing a contract from the board of public works of the Dis trict of Columbia; selling his influence to aid said ring in imposing upon the people of said district a pavement which is almost worthless at a price three times its cost, as sworn to by on&bf the contractors; selling his influence to aid said line in procuring a contract, to procure which it corruptly paid 97,000 "for hlfluehcef' selling his influence in a matter that involved no question of law. uoon the shallow-pretext that he was actinir as a lawyer: selling his in tluenee in a manner so palpable and clear as to be so found and declared by an impartial and competent court upon an issue soiemuiy meu.. .. .. . Resolved, That Tve arraign him for gross dereliction of duty as a member of Congress in failing to bring to light and expose the corruption and abuse in the sale of post traderships, for which the late secretary -Belknap was im peached, when the same was brought to his knowledge by Gen. Hazen, in 1872, and can only account for it upon the supposition that his manhood was de bauched by the corruption funds then by him just received and in .his own purse. Resolved, That neither great ability and experience nor eloauent partisan discussion of the dead issues of the late war will excuse or justify past disbon esty and corruption, or answer as a guarantee of integrity and parity for the future. Resolved, That, believing the state ments in the foregoing resolutions' set forth, we cannot, without stultifying respect, support at the polls the nominee of the Republican convention, of this district for re-election, nor can we,1 without surrendering our rights as elec tors and citizens, Bit silently by and see a man so unworthy again sent to rep resent us in the national Legislature. That, ctrohg in the conviction f right, we call upon the electors ot the district; irrespective of former or present .party. auacnmenr, wno aesire nonest govern ment, to unite with us in an earnest, faithful effort to defeat the re-election of GejQGarjfieJd and elect in his-stead an honest and reliablef rrfafi Jm Propoaition to Lease the AUaulic ' North Carolina Railroad. The following is the proposition made by Hon. li. R. Bridgers for the lease of the Atlantic & North"' Carolinh 'Rail road: Wilmington, June 9th. 18S0. J.D.'WJuiford;Esq.,PresideAtY f 'f Dear Sir In behalf of the W.: & W.' Railroad Company, I submit the fol lowing prdposition to lease the A, & N. 0. R. R. with its property : ,. , ' 1, An annual rental of 632,500 in quaHerly instalments for a term of thirty years the A. &T, C. R, Ik.Co. pay all taxes, and after payment of in terest and expenses, shall apply the re mainder of lease money to payment of debt. If . tins cannot ; "be paid : before maturity, then to. a sinking fund for the debt. ; 2. The present line of road shall jbe maintained, and the rolling stock,- nja ebvnery, and property shall be returned tot xhe expiration of the lease.' in !cbiir rdifcianYfls good as when jjoisession was taken! : . .vi --.- 'oil Mies ipf, cotton With tariff of ApfiP 1. 1878hau not be advanced bu the Ai;& N C. Railroad. The gauge of the road,: motive no. wer, and rolling stock shall be cttanged to thaV of tha W- & V. Rail road as a part of. this lease,; at the ex pense of the W. & W, R. IL Co. . A. If the State of North Carolina shall: EailroacUaf tec i the vtennination oi i its in svstem. the stock holders iui trener. 1 meettticr of the A. & N. C. R. K.'Co balTTiave power ,tp terminate "this iase. , UttUfilUn Garfield Unit Exola : A Nevirork letter says : The more ioaehttul of the Republiean -leaders 1 'fio.-ti''1 1 'cim -i-n-fn-f-rrtbrT 1bV!1mi'b-'t1i'WViT h somehow silence, thmonrAtic de;fi flaai .ndfoVh'extariktiWi f the'evefiia1 ift lS72.'Rrid which is embodied in repryMoy thijfa,8eQn,i3iii7ysayuneIh;w,np t6 anpnekcend if rem- tlfultest irw times iattHlia bhaiii'andr.they.Htfe.'irji arrataisuoeimLUE'tiUM bpbcuisi lnnric':wpi;whiiifl nh'WArTrVMahd'ttoVMi '.V'6bMotd and GOVw t nbthinfr in IV -5 int. nf ronrsfi the othfir ! n,Wnv fmM wirKoiri httiii'A' rrr "TTf LTIi:rTTrT7 ? 1 I ilOur drug Mores .are, now supplied w Wtte;,'ithe,ewl1Medimtte'wr What t,. anirfer lease to the 'Rifehmoml &mhvine R. IU n:; -tin ''Witt otViWal"''rm-ftH'a tect what is termed the: tNortai Caroj- 1 JChfel KIHMUH4HJ h: im 1th "KaJLL r Ra ranew bwwi ana comes ic 08"BD"SiiKinT rewiu i. . ' bills. '" Tiwikumi ir).Ai biiipin, mayl'8'4w'-'u1 r-Tion-n fetjHA .fJftt'ttni itivuZFr Ji,bsnlil is Statement ,fjrjsj tne of Hia SaviM MXXIalal i r. . ujii.Afti-J-"iJ mm PPpr iiie vice rrewBjf ii-y telegraph to the-Heraldy - t-A: Wdod, one of -Hhe Tilden dele gates to the Cincinnati convention, who afewdaysld)lMa''iTf !intjrView with 0x-Gov. Tilden, says-irr regard to the frurAortflar-awal 6fMr. Tilden : "I belTeWft fsltftiS; fjffrlgtny ponversa- )tt,WitTfthe'ge'ntIemail"he-Tiici;m foe would let me know wrietlifip; as a candidate or not and if iofe wbotmi tfould suDDort. on -Satardayi'siw 2, or the f ollowflafc ,Moaclay1''w? 3Uien you think tliatihe UlUint-rr true V" Mr. Woalas8kt 1 srith -Mr. taMttaid;' h'teirM' Mr&SS:, and that ne would let it be raawa jwt day nr Monday ?" "Yes. thaPs.whatJ was Ariven to u- erstSMf 'i SMftnysVliyjtde up his mind. - At thattimeit w-aa con- findential." rx fT-p v" "Whom wUVMrTiWesxroportr Seymour, k1.of ...CQursa, , He, M strontreatiiandKlaia and thaiTtxesf marf, rirrd, t rt thotit idoirb;! -can 'idsrry' "New .i.Vffftf i.Ir.1 .iV.y a !H'(V-:I ti! Jilt. suDDOse .vouiiiave an .idiea wno twui Haw-about ThurmauV - Would-Tal Mr. Bayard is a good man and a gentleman vYhm n.qpftTSd say a word against, do you uunK any ui these Presidential aspirants would, ac ceptfej i r i m Juhflati SiyincKir as he is the strong candidate.' illErtHAjk UCVENOB. Said to be Preparing to Enforce Civil VASo7f untl3.i1r1pt ed with some indications of truth that Johnu Sherman .has threatened j, -revenge on the treasury department and custom house, officials . who stop ped Grant instead of himself at the Chicago convention. This statement hid been )niud itH. especHcl tbfe pointment or ex-Gov. Hartranft, of Pennsylvania, to be collector of the port of 'Philadelphia in place of Tut hill. Mr. Sherman says that he had no knowledge of Hartranf t's appointment Until befitted df Uhfefa'ctby Hayeei 'It is said that the head of Collector Thom as, of Baltimore, is in danger. Sher man will not deny or aflirm the truth of that rumor. An apparently well authenticated rumor iiLin circulation togthgej CFttoa flrWnay er6nue Commissioner Raum will, in the lan guage of Denis Kearney, "have to go." This anticipated action of Mr. Hayes is based xmf the active part taken by llaum in political affairs in Illinois prior to and during the Chicago convention, ank which, it is said, was persisted in in the face of repeated warnings that it was in gross violatian of civil ser vicejrules and theories i In vew -of the, coAfrse rKifsiled fcf MfVHaye's in1 like cases in New York, it is not perceived how he can consistently do less now than ask for Gen.Raum's resignation, or, in the event of failing to receive that.re ihove him from office. Sherman cer tainly iWpuM be pleased to see Raunu's heddfall. "i" ..!' i HAUNTED ME. "A Korklifgrnan says: "Debt, ,D0veriy and suf frtng .taiunted.jme'for years, caused by a sick raifllfy ana TaTe bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was ' completely discouraged, until one year ago; by (he advice of my pastor, I procured Hop Bittri and .commenced their use, and in one month w Jh4wal;wellf and aon of us aave been sick a daralfjeeysnd Ianint to sayte all poor men you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than on doctor's vjgjt cost." Christian Advocate. Amid the hurry and din of politics the unceasing demand for profitable investments' continually re curs to the nilnd of the fortunate owner ofJunds bevond the antosnt of tie dailv actliaVnirtslttes of life. Bat now mxnteere are whohaving been tely u ticha; reguiany aid the cause Of Da 31 every month for the purchase of. a ticket in the grand monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, .which takes, nlace invariably, on the second Tuesday joflteverj tapnth at New jOriesns. ana wm;re iwu uoimre ' muj jpnxruee a rettrrhof SOU.UUU. BISHOP D. S. DOGGETT, Of the Methodist Church South., certifies to the. menu bf the'iFes Pcoketfiore-' as a remedy lof Dyspfpbiali FAoMS ceats Sold by Wimgglts Polk, Miller Co., Richmond, Va., Proprletofi. June4r6w. .. . . ,, tmwmn CAN IE CI1EBI Dr, 0 TBS n -T" lITLiLaini Cares ConsnmptieB Colds, Pnenmo nia,' Influenza; Bronchial Bifflenltles, Bronchitis, Hoarsenesg, Asthma, CronpOVhooping Conghf and all Bis eases of the Bwatlr Qrvans. It soothes and healA the' Jffembrftne nf i the LungsiBfUiaed and poisomed h tire-aisease, jnra pre vents me ni sweats and tightnfs, across the a TION is not an incurable malady. It lSiOnlv neeeAHrvt4 Hiftvrfhfti rte-bt i remedy. ' JDON'rDBSPAIR of ;;BE LIEF, for tiurleaigrft neetfleiwiU cure you, even though professional aid fails. it t m r - -t m r tim - mm m uwm) uu8v jrtnverjtu Jieaitnu isinv- mentuma jHsfoifectaHt" tlenry'a Carbolic Salve Ileal bums. , Henry's Carbolic Salve cures tores. mpies, npl vises. Ask for Hennti anil tika no other. g : t BEWAop.coiranaaa'EiTs.., L 1 f2' 2Trr For External and Internal Ust 1 y HE QREAJllSTrjf BELIJTICJ'tnrB AGE. 3 I -Edey.'s Carbolic -Tr oc ig l I w A BURS PRJJVKlWlf JSf b9 1 L lWiJ 'flit Senttathorltative bejttisua.'f-iecontt piace r ' "OhJ,, IMt? klidw,1" but "Henry B. Payne, or uhib; is a strong mat";; HfltL'S n n i a n CARBOLIC awA HE. uwyPontaaibti. -til lemsan to tho Xmste. 1 muni! brif; I.lilbfrf tl Eelleve Dyspepsia kmilb 3 fn-w. intTY mu .VL .imT .ltfj Imp ji n ) vela r. t mui; mylMd flin f-w.Jo viuii fjmuii n;n f hpi haw gttsacertiflcates are a thousind ilmes re & reited W !2jiantose order by designing persons who desire to foisted the public their drastic and depleting mixtures, on-. der the gukft Regulate rj, tnYlgprarOfs.Bitterg, &c. The proprietors of . jh-ii.-j :u;".vaiO -"Ji. : ; j .I'.hj-if, dHi LliVliR' CURE v n -mI: i: ; vi-' ; i it ! !.-.! f5i.- 'j IKfortdpeopte tatyou knowi whohate if fled to tts KrWrt valaVln all diseases of.uie1 tlver, StowcaiSkjn anl,iadney. .jtsto emireJr;veet- poisons, nievebtlticKertn CWllsf BUbusnessAs 7 ' 'All'-TirtiatJi art Sell arid i .iii-. jTiirr.-.m mend it ii iwvi-nvj'i hi lclaiis., jfii1 Jj'lenlis'jto ieara itormulk; jlnsbiikoomfkleoc er. as are the f!oUini, muij never foi to ffpeak if: It to; U highest terms aniTeeomniend 'ft to if. . I :.- 't 4.i .1 I I - ; r- - '(,-; J lu K ' .1 Dr. GEO. 8. PELtER, pr,W,?,JfiaHK C. ?A. QftAtsiSB;5 ji W. M. MUCKEXU88, H. S. NXtfFftLLS, J S. HABTIN,' D. J, CRAWFORD, W.H.WBOTON. Ret. A. OOKI BHITHj tev. H. C. POWER, Bey.'aB. joimy, "' 1 Rev! Ll CtJTTBBEBTV DtaiKPflON,''.,;! i ,, s.!BUBiiAir;',;I-; PR3E3TER, . . It is simpler, Detter and; cheaper than any other similar preparation ever offered. . .ft,. , , r , V BOWIE 4 MOlStf, Soe rroprietors. i Charleston,-8. & WILSON & BURWELL, Agents, June 1 CHARLOTTE, . C. For Ladies' and Childeii't SHOES use Brazilian Bhee Polish. It will not rub off or soil the skirts. It to positively free from anything that win injure the most delicate leather. For sale by L. R. WRISTON 9l CO, CYDONIN, nnHE best preparation ever offered for the cur jl oiunapi Skln.PimDies.Tan.EnrntloniL Sim. burns, etc. ild only by L.R.WRI8T0N4CO. Fid. Ext Bnchu and Juniper. INVALUABLE as a Diuretic. L. R. WRISTON CO. PLASTERS, ALLCOCK'S Porous, Beneea's Capclne, 8. & J's. Cupalcum and Belladonna. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. BAILING POWDERS. TOOLXFS, Horseford't and Sea Foam. Also, m-' rxvxs teasi uem. L.R. WRIaTONatOO. BITTERS. HOP Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Hostetter's Bitters. L. R. WRISTON 00. mar 21 DR. J. D. UeAden, BBUoeiR AJTD Xow often to Um trios a full stock tt Labiii'g Extraets and Colognes. lacusb Saisd SPICES Colgate, Hooey and Glycerine Soaps. English, Trench and Iwwlnw TOOTH BRUSHES. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hoars, both Bight sat day st ; J. H. MflADXirS Prescriptton 8tara SECURITY, SECURITY, I SECURITY, 200 Barrels of C WEST SONS Extra No. 1 Kerosene ALADDIN SSCrj&ITT OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Keroasae OIL bom ft, West ' Sons, BaWmortv i Highest Medal awarded at OentennUl Exposttteo jCrystal on Works, Canton. Warranted to stand s Irs test of '110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will Wra. C. .West k Sons, Baltimore. iii I ?i ?!i r.iVti I I "i . rr.u i 1 .ni i i r ! , l.. ! Oi-'- H ii.'4 .llKr;,lj f ( I Ill For Sale hf H. XoADZN, Sole Agent, 41) Da. J. CBIARLOTTE. N. C. -4-L wnisKey oarreis ut good order. For inform . r. mi I rant'aM Saloon Xayior street, tw4Jooiam, f ctmrdsea street, Columbia, aa -TiJHi lams 3m OillVfistr.i mwhi pnivr.d AvAiT 1 .: I I A SECOND HAND .1,. ) .r .il .! )ti J--.il) Two (2) Dorse Wagon. . .1 iFn n4 i .lit ii.i ) IN FIRST CtA,SS ORDER f ILL M SOLD LOW DOWN TO GOOD PARTIES FORCASnonOSTIUE. R. M. Her k Sons. June 11. Retail Dealers Take Notice In order to remodel and enlarge my store, I pro pose to reduce my stock during the next 15 days, by offering very great Inducements to buyers. Those desiring to replenish their stocks, would so well to can and get Quotations, as no such oppor tunity will be offered again hi the way of low prices. Prompt attention will secure bargains. House keepers wQl also find wonderful inducements in my retail department Very respectfully. LeRoy Davidson. June 12 WAG (M S. OWING TO THE DECLINE IN IRON. HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT MY LOT OF AT A REDUCED PRICE. CALL EARLY AND SECURE A GOOD WAGON AT A L O W P R I C E. One Hundred Thousand FINE CIGARS A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE OUT. AT OOMI OUICKLY, OR THEY WILL ALL BE GONE, Thomas H. Gaife June 11. Ti ..i ! 1 Tobaeeo ,gnmm,t&, ,w l this brand - -u. lyods. nearest aVaMrialiit miaamMiW Umu 11 01U 1:1- tww td r.J 'I ..f .-i.! I-. . -.. . Webster Wmib Ill i i I i' J l,j5&Jt Vn ',f' I tjtA lOi V.ii.i,.-.. ii, m, i l-- ' "viiuj n-ij-r-.4 rii p 1 1 ww waiT FLOU Ti FOR SALE. Lowest .Figures. WMit M FAIUILIK AT June 8 pttlUumj. rGRAND OPENING- -AT MRS. P. QUERY'S. TjE a;e now opening our Second Stock of Fine Millinery, Mr. Query having just returned from New York with all the very latest novelties in HATS and BONNETS trimmed and untrlmmed, SILKS.31TIN3.R1B3J.V3, L.l&i, OHX A- MENTS, FLOWERS and FEATHEbS in all the new shades and stiles. The exhibit la br far the most elegant stock of fine Millinery we have ever shown. Styles very different from early spring and goods in a great many styles much cheaper Also all the latest styles In Neck Wear, Flssues, Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Ruffing, 4c Fans and Para sols something entirely new. White Goods, Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, Children's Ready made Suits and Cloaks; all new and cheap. ' Ladies will find our stock complete in all the different lines of goods we keep. The greatest variety and the most complete assortment of each line, and at the lowest prloes of any establishment of the kind in this part of the country. We guarantee every article we offer as low in price for cash as the same article can be purchas ed anywhere. Will opea oar fine trimmed Bod s' i nets and Hats on Thursday, Ladles calling to see our handsome goods, new styles and low rices, will not be disappointed. Kes iy. MRS. apr28 ($VBthtxt& and (glassware I. BBOOSXDSU). , LDDOU. CHINA PALACE -OF- J. Brookficld & Co. CHARLQTTR, , JUST RECEIVED 1 REFRIGERATORS (UPRIGHT). ICE CHESTS (LOW). WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BIRD CAGES, Children's Carriage!, Silver and Plated Ware, Full line of CHINA. CROCXERY, GLASS-WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, MAJOLICA. IRIDES CENT GLASS AKD FANCY GOODS, WHOLESALE ASP RETAIL. COME AT LAST ! DYING, SCOURING AND GENERAL CLEAN!"" VadeaOobdsfaSSSE ' Shawls, Taoift Covers, Rlboons,' Featbers, sod every other de scription of wearing apparel cleaned, renovated and changed to any color desired. KID GLOVES A SPECIALTY. All Orders to be left for the present at MR8. McNELI8'S MILINEBT STORE F, ; A. MILLER. ! -ih liiyiii pairjAirOije.'fli t. iM,Js?OPuP?Pst Jlinef") r: i ! , i! vi ) -gj g,. HOWELL, I'M Hiff s VrVrWt-iiiri,,. NORTH CAnOLirA RirLSOlttJ COMPANY. l.frTHhWyf4ttt( )BWcarsrOOenn varauas,Hsuroso. wr rwuL be neia in MreensDoro, u, on n'tfThmisdai ot.lnlr,;i80,1ana rtto transfer r stock-ef siI raipbnn:wm be clossa iftomthMdsjtoanttijmeethe . rijnoo 2-jJ onee W. unto W t! tb J ffvWf li:4l -i iirnn 'iiin u j;' ; ? j-f.iU .' 1 t

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