.mt villyT. 'til lJ.Wvax SUBSCRIPTION AX$i f t 'fYN Six JaoA .......... 4 00 Thrft Mantht ............. 2 00 (w jffw.-- '"V." fT t ti 75 XHX OBSXETXB JOB Has been thorouehly jucrlled with erery want, and with the latest styles oIType, and erery manner of JobPrinting can noir be done with toh at short notl u f " BLANKS, BILLrHXillS, - WXSKLJ EDITION t Weekly, ( V mty) m adwaaat.';.';, nwt oft V JJMfcw...'.....;. ,1 'I rS2 00 ..i':.L 2 10 TAGS, KKUX1K1-S. PUMlggS,' par- iAbrml Jbductionnfor (TUtM. , r .. CHARLOTTE,1 N. c:;;TUESDAY; iJTJNE. 29, 1880: NO. 3,530. : r ,rr PBOGBOMaim HANDBILLS, . PiMPHLXrmCULittHXC v v ..Vt .ii'i'i.ll Ijtwrax! .n"" JllJsJ J Uf -till j .'ill 11 f 7 1 llJH'i;!!! ..i 1- Hi Mil HI nn&irnedal attentkMs Ceiled to line of goods. at saUsfactory rloes: i . 1 v i (i ji t I Linen Lawns, ... Victols. qf-)jr) Moll Muslins, the following St ', ... v. Battlste Cloihst . ' ..TA-1'. -J4 ,. Organdies, Plain and . Great bauaiaa 1 yNCT:.HOSItaT, reduced from 1.25 tOSlj0drfrom S1.HO. toTTR ;fmm 75 to 60cronv60c 871 Striped Nainsooks, .-, f -r-i tt f f i v Laces of all kinds. Sheetings, Lace Tie Sik , Jl., .- .,. ,v Jl ,- ,;..' , .J;,' ' 1 tit! .';!!-'. .Ui ; . .. no! Ladles' Fancy Hose, . .: , nii tin- WW fl Children's fancy Hose, ' Misses' fancy Hose. .1! ''"v. U Gent's fancy Hem, and Lai dies' anl Lisle Gloves, There has been a general decline in goods, and we are offering bargains in several lines? June 20 Alexanaef SPRING STOaK 18801 MMffED 9 w 1 -Ti, OUB SPRING STOCrT)f BOOTS, MOESf DATS 'AND Is now Compll We are determined to sustain our former rmer reputatforfror seuthg THE BESTSkSKDS f wds, whkjejery. senatW fHM nows Is tk cheapest WTn. Pa aall indseens before buying. W We will deal fairly and hon- estly with yoa Ssuts. Democral wd Home copy. $5, ovo S3oots, ANOTHER AND iw get DizSS GOODS worth 76fr tor Ton tan ni XOc t-: 50a tor tnVtfi tor 25c with chaper jaU more costly goeds-iu same proDortlon. Great fwioettonla? 4 4 BtgaecUne-ln BLBACHBD anr-BSOWIf DO- tw i a call,' for we aie 'dterialned to sell these goods at veryjow prtctjs, in Jnaay cases at less than first cosO. ' ; , &tf ' " Men and Boy's will find a good line of QtS rnr to be sold at cost. Sympathy. A Knight and a lady once met In a grove. While eaclvwas in quest of a fuglUva love . A river ran mournfully murmuring by, Andthfcy wejt In its waters for apathy. "O. never was maid so deserted before l: "From life and Its woes let us instantly fly, '' And Jump ni together foe companyr. v i jl . . ThersearchM f an eddy that sotted the deed, i But here was a bramble and there was a weed; "How tiresome it la PA said the fair with a sigh; i So they sat down to rest them In etmpany 7 They gazed at eachothen the1 Maid and the Knight; Hew lair was her form and bow goodly his height! "One mournful embrace', sobbed the youth, vere , .wedier' .... . t vtvT!;,. -; So kissing and dying kept company 5 3i. ' ! "Qt fcad I but loved such an angel as joofi i f i "O.had but myswala been auarter aa truef ,,v, "To miss such perfection how bunded waajr Sure now they were excellent companyr ' ', At length spoke the lass 'twtort a smile and a tear, Tbe weather is cold for a watery bier ; when summer returns we may easily die; , Till thea let us sorrow in company.' ' : BifffmOd Weber. We have also some stylish CHEVIOT SUITS that will be sold ebear. : ; :"-r: Respectfully, T.L.SEIGLE&CO. June 2 li nt 'SH !l3 ' PERRVDAVIS1 r: ."j Mini 1 UILLER :i A.1?TJBEit V3eG.TABLa;BKM:i:DY For INTERNAL and EXTEBNAL Use. : fi A III' VII I CD hen Med 1 rHIII'1IUHl acoorainff 10 prmtu - mm mcMManr cca Doom, uu m -v- M in (iW Mxi iu Pi igI hand. .- - ) . Wi 1 u iili-K I H A KiniK tTTTRE for Ckil ), DiarrhM Dy eatery. CnuniMi r f I rr IS THE BEST,ewedy LILLEJl knows tor KeavtdHteM, Slek.He4uie, PaJa I" the Back or 8ide THimi PAW WmSBSBSS&S vs. w aa, sr v i Regardless of Cost. Hi TING TAKEN CHARGE Of THE BUSINtSg OF L. ASIEL, offer co 'sell I BOOTS. GENTS' AND LADIES' SHOES, GENTS AND BOY8' FUR, WOOL AND STRAW HATS, REGAR0LS 0F C0T,i Those wishing to buy, woulddoweU to eatandne tills stock before buying elsewhere, to be sold put In tbe ne J. KOESSLER, may 12 ASSIGNEE. yfl WeesSsper- in n matirrhM. w . MianM an1 air 4 AlanuXak ttaat 1 follow, sequence of self- awJ' V.! ItFDIE TAIir I.Meroory, Unites iTflJtAl.JaV " "il!u 11 C rack, timnen 1 offts- D.ZXl ,1.1 Iri arui mint ndiAr DUC8MS h. etc XxrUd and lnu(i friend of wifrMeekaiiie, uirl in fact of all clasaea wanunr a medicine always at nana m safe to use Internally or exierna.il j wnu certainty of relief. . ... . .. i tar-No family can afford to be without tuts RERRV DAVIS AOli; PwldrMef m. 1. d Si . SB AWjaaM . iJ WW'. 1 i a , ... PURELY VEGETABLE MaMojusflBverai -.r : ff I Mental Depression, f Bestlessness, f Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, ,iyf . BicK ueaaacne, Constipation and Billlousness. ARK thA mnomred dvsDentlcs. Billions sufferers, Ht2r! $Ml&vrtLnBdnri MAh. ArieflrhamrUs and good appetite-they wUl tell you by taking' Simmons' uver ueguiawn ' i - tv.i tnaiiw Minhmtwt -maAMntt. Besulates the Liver, promotes digestion, and fortifies the! system against maianai aiseases. r 1 :7txtmetflerfmioh.4 fa'&Uaod suits me better j ttanroors&?e remedied VIUGINIA'S GBEAT ORATOH. XJi Jlent apdl Ringiayr . Speech 1 puMmlmi JofcaTtr, Panic! tm Seooudtngr ' tbe NeturaisUIeai of (Sea. Hancock at Cincinnati.' . We are indebted to a friend -for a copy .of the Cincinnati Enquirer', of June 24to..cor4iainmg the great! speech of Major John W. Daniel, in seconding' the nomination of Gen. winfield Scott Hancock, for, the presidency, pf this eloquent and polished effort of : Vir-1 iginia's silver-tongued orator, the great orgaa 01 luti uuiu democracy Bays inai "it equalled in oratorical power, if in- deed, it did not excel, that of the finish- eu,i Bcnoiii- jjaiiiei. iougneixy-r-wno naa preceded mm." The speech in full was as follows: 1 v'. :i 1 Mr. Daniel ; Mr. President and broth er Democrats of theV national eonTen fion, it is not the weakness, bat it is the essential strength of true Democracy, tuat its uyiisLLueiiLS siioum possess varied antdiffereht"oDinions as to who is the'tnati'tO teceive Dnblic honors, to maintain correct principles, and to exe cute the people's will. It is the glory of true Democracy that its constituents will renounce all personal opinions and preferences when the voice of a major- ty lias pointed to the chosen servant c I the people -to execute : the people's Will.' :-...: We are here to-dav embarrassed by the very brilliancy and 1 variety of: the names which have challenged public favor for the first office in the people's gift. Jurists who have worn untarn ished ermine ; statesmen who have moulded the policy, shaped the meas- ures, anaiaugAS tnetJiaiues or cnepar- y : soldiers who nave enriched our his tory with, feats of arms, and who are battle scarred with wounds of honor; orators, scholars, thinkers, actors in every leading enterprise of a practical nature or intellectual endeavor, stand in glittering array around us, worthy to be crowned with any honor or to be the recipient of any trust that this great republic can bestow. The question which 1 have asked myself, the ques tion which, it seems to me, should be the index finger to guide our work to a i 5ai ; Tin. 11 .1 wise conclusion, is mis. wno is mat man among them who can mteriace to gether the heart-strings of this Ameri can people? Uheers.j Who is that man who can make to permeate through every portion of this mighty country those sentiments of mutual confidence and of brotherly love which once abided among us before the schism of the se cession war ? l a. voice. "Miiaenrj When I have asked the - question the heart of every man gives me answer that that man is Winfield Scott Han cock of Pennsylvania. Loud cheers, Did I say of Pennsylvania? Winfield Scott Hancock, or the United States cheers 1 : of every State by his good right hand reunited. They tell us, gen tlemen, that this country, is tired of the rule 'of the camp and of the sword. They tell us that tbe people are weary of martial habits and or martial meas ures. I ackno w ledge that fact-but all (he more will, they welcome jyittt glad some greetings the man wno aooiisned them. Who is he, indeed 2 He ia tha man who abolished- the' rule of ; the camp in civil places. ' ; All the more ready are we, therefore, to receive into theft hearts h,im who was. the first to salute with his stainless sword the majesty of the civil la i cheers . who was the hratl to now wit knightly crest at the bar of civil justice ; Who was the fijst Df aU whp, voice was oqarq. crying iuuuu m tuo wnuei ness of despotism; "Make e , way straight for the reip 04 peace .ana, ior the sovereignty of the people.". 0heers.j .Bethink: you not, my menos, mat ine "xnfilcitn people "are so indisciiminat ing as to apprehend the embryo of . Urutus 01 unnauoweci a.xmwi P.yeT ThoseVords came to this country like a sunburst upon a wintry day. They ,were.like the springing5 vpfot) SMf oiin- tAift-i-rt a desert. w Thev "were" URethe shadow of a great Tock in aweary land. Cheers. And long alter tms great convention has passed ,a way; troni earth tn Thillicins Who ate to come ' alter ius will be singing upon their tongue tnose words which belong tor jRunnyjaede and to Magna Charta, The great prhir CipieS 01 AmeilCiUi liuci ty io bvw uro lawful inheritance of this people. Ap plause..' Tae Itrial bt juryi he habeas cbrpiia, the freedom of speeeh, the lib- it !!! JflJS-iiSj 9 t-dl I- o1 raaTrMONT or the chibf jdstice or GEOBGIA I have used Simmons' I4vBrBegulator nm MnnaUnaUrm. rd mv howAbu-caused bv a tempo-. rsay derangement ot the Byep, forttieSast good medicine ior tne aerangement 01 mo mer it icoot mil iioa tioAn mv nttmatistl einerlenoe In the use. of It. HniWAmB,Chie JusQce frf " irAMTACTUBSP 0W.T BT - fP!wft4i-iloia IprlllffUfaw'.lwlyf. that lead to Insanttf or ConsompUon, and a pre matura Grave, ,....''. .-.-;. r r lir: 1 'J. CT-Fuu parUcularf fr'Qtt paropVet, W' w oesm to send tree oy nuw w V3 Siiertas Medicine is sold by all dnigglsts af 1 pel fr C Smith und all dragstftU eretTWbenb .R0.I3.:GRAHAMJ m. 1 v - . ... m.w, -1 nnni 1 Mnmn a lfechaiitos; piocfc By-" Zr of Titles. Surveys. Ac. furnished for com aim and Foreign, solicited. PB who have shown themselves - bo tenes! oasin welcoming us. Applause. TCfiefig my uieHus 41ft" vuisvanvBss,' oUi win hear the heartjf hurrah of the boys who wore the bind tainglfng with thd wild, sweet music olth rebel eheer. !b on gratKl-national anthem. ApnlauBe. ThcfB;" my friends, the divided tribes,8 who, like tbe Romans of bid, have come down from tha mountain of 1 secession,1 will roll in one' mighty and -undiyided stream for the regeneration: of this na tion. Applause. :! ' " -; " !.' jiSnral llaacc1c'e Haaa. . ' "'Goveriior's ,l8landr wbire :; General Hancock's headquarters are,s one of.the pleasahtest places iu the Beighborhood of If ew Ybrk. t it is only a ten minutes' ride frbm the city by the' Government cutter Atlantic, which makes about, a. dozerrTTOBttttlpsmily. From thei city the Island ban be seen plainly a shadjr; grassy spot, with a few frame buildin3 at the northern ; end,, and ; old Castle William at the southern extremity. The boat-landing is the northern end of the island,, and f afjes jBrdfliny, Erom theriasc xg a wide aveni. extends B6uThw4rd7 Q 'n pgni, q'f r which ; are rows of cannon ana caiicnon-balls. An avenue leading from', the Vleft of this Winds through a delightful grassy lawn, ma4e,shady by,' niany trees, rfro,nting upon, which are a dozen or-more : plain but roomy frame dwellings occupied by the various officers quartered on the, is land.' The general's headduarters are m a building near the lower end pf this1 avenue. - Vrenerai lian cock s house is a large pleasant frame building, situated, about midway between; the - general headquarters and the boat landing. It has a wide piazza extending along the froQt, a wide hall, to the righr of which are double parlors and to the left : the dinhing-room, with General Hancock's Erivate sitting-room in its rear., The ouse is handsomely furnished; in the parlor is an excellent painting of Mrs. Hancock. .V , - . i.l, '. '. As a place of resident tbe island' has' its advantages and disadvantages: it is some six degrees cooler than New York, in the sanrmer time, but it is the head qauarters of an! 5army of 'mosquitoes Which at times successfully wage war even against the General and army. .';..t l, -j ;:i. uu .1 . snT 4 bi im salmis wm 1 IE" CLibSIiG OUT SALE 20.00 SUITS; TO BE CL0SED AT 4fc tt fcfc fcfc 00 $17.00&$16.00 46 at. $15.00 $14.00' $12.50 We shall make a speend run and leading sale for a few days only oh FULL BLUE FLANNEL SUITS. Lot 5050, our celebrated and very attractive , handsomely lo'Pfiuroef $14 Sutt is placed at $10. It is the very BIQGIT Bargain ever oifered. aU wool ra fabr in every particular, so durable and a non-fading suit. The Best $12 Blue Flannel Suit ever sold In this market Is now selling at $3.5a ' We are now look lng'to early Fall purchases,' and must have BOOM; we WILL have it Ourapring Stock shall be closed, for LOW PRICES can do It. ' June 2fl lull .' .7 lIlI-fflMMlL; CILSHM JIf . Sf LIE. ' : ' .. ' i 'i -U . J' " ' "'-- ;. U ' 3D TTJ&TlSrO- J"TT IN" 12 LlSTlD T TJ Hi TT, ...... . , ; ' V ' " ; ; ' ' " '' ' : 'i ;s .; - ISUMMER CIJOTHING, HATSlG -Hi)! vi.lA Good Wool CaseimetiB Suitaat. .'.$7.50 AitElegant Blue Flannel Suit at, ... . .$ t.50, ftOO arid 10.00 Cassimere Pants from $2.50 to 5.00. worth 25 percent, more. The Very Best unlaundred Shirt in the market 1.00 jA Better Suit for v, .J"t', , . A Handsome Suit of our own Make.. . . If "r $ 0.00 $12.50 to 18.00 Ah Elegant ' White Shirt, laundred,( ready for wear, $1.00 Superfine Dress Shirts from."..,.'. , .... , . .$15 to 2.00 ; , - ( ..... J. 1 ' ' ' 'Xi ' ' 1 ' STRAW HATS SOLD REGARDLESS OieTr " .riKtl Ml l r erty of the press, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must a TirfinftrverL rADOlause.l Thev tell us that we, tbe American people, do not want a soldier. , The oTAatfist and best: the' Magistrate with- 1 a nrAMljM out a peer, was wno r .ureurgw n uwr ton cheers, the soldier, ueorge wasn- ingtdri, whose life Has been spent in the saddle, and whose history is made mus- inai with thecrmkina of the spur. Mad ison and Monfqe pfe kaldiers. , Jack s6h Bnd Harrwpn and Tayjorweje spl. diers. . . Cheers.1 BueftanRn and Xdnr olrubadTSotli bofne atmi &r taqmmD- lc. AH "adown'the line' of your Presi- dp.nta for one hundred years are tne soarkline names of the American sol- dir ' . . 1 '' .' And whv Shall ..We not nOW IOllOW the footsteps of our fathers and present t.h trreatest ofnee . Which this Republic can bestownpon xnai great uemocjrawc soldiervwlio shed bis blood, for his peo? 6on niiAfinor hannfir. rnheers.1 Just one word more, "The nomina tion of Oen. Hancock means instantan knd noritmuoBaaarffressidn. I It will 'sound to America like a general order from this council or war: we-inovB on the enemy's works to-mOTrow. Apt clause. The signal sounds the advance. The busies ring boots and saddles, the standard to the front with the nomina tion of -HCMk, and you will hear tjie treaOltJierdoiriQgieSiWs) APPlausjeJ, I am reminded that the nrst man yes- tirdav whose verv preaence In thl con vention toncheU the heartrand, brou,ghr forth snontaneouslv its applause was the soldier statesman of South Carolina.. T Applause. - Nominate Winfield Scott. ft Anttwlr and let the last cheer of this JcoBYentnjgo ujp f.qr theJUnionBoldiers 6 Bull-Flgatiar In ITewTwrk. Sign or Angel Fernandez, ' proprietor of the Havana bull-ring, has determin ed to introduce the sport in the city of New York, and has leased a lot for the purpose, in spite of the protests of Henry Bergh. He designs to oyercom e the objections on the ground of cruelty to animals by depriving the bull-fighters of the sharp points to their swords, lances, daggers, and darts, upon which they have had to depend for their own protection, so that it will require the formation of some other society to save the bull-fighters from the cruelty Of the animals. Fernandez takes the ground that all his fighters are experts in the business, and well able to take care of themselves. The chief is Angel Valdemaro, who performed in Madrid on the occasion of the festivities in honor of King Alfonso's accession to the throne, and to celebrate his two marriages. Texas cattle are to be used, because thev are more ; spirited tharrH those of Spam, as has been found in thoP - fights at Havana, where all bulls sacri ficed were from this country. Mr. Bergh has promised not to interfere so long as he witnessed no cruelty to ani mals. Signor Fernandez is a civil en gineer bv profession, but he became in fatuated with bull-fighting and gave up his regular occupation to follow it . . 1 Keea;l Testimay. Milwaukee (WTs. Dally News. Mr. Thos. B. Keogh, secretary of the Republican national committee, is in town for 8 short visit. In the course of an extended interview yesterday he said: "You wonder, do you, : why I am such a pronounced Grant ' man. - Well, I'll tell you. ' I supported Grant because I believed that in a greater degree than any other man named by the Republi cans his election would have tended to do a.way W;lth the worst features of lectiopalism. ''When I first went South the opposition t Northern 4 immigra tion was confined almost wholfv to the t-v a. . a.-T' ...... t--.iA a'.T ..rn-i xjemocrais. ; jnow" every, nmjf,,c ai changed, and the hostility showh to wards new-comers from the North is lajgejy manlf ested ' by the native Eet' publican element. Strange as it may seem, this is a fact, and I am, in a. posiv tion to Know whereof 4 affirm, ; This will certainly be quite an item.iOi polit ical news., nOfh to the: lirant ana.the anti-Grant Republicans of the country; MrMeogh. is a resident of North Gato linaV.j . .,1;;,. ' aasS-r-afrW-A-aaaWMaWBf t Scnajtr Bayav4 f araea tpM Ticket. WiLWtsaTON1,' Del, June Sen a- tor Bayard is at his residence,' in the suburbs of the city, and when -ap- 1 J 11. ! . 3 . . proacneu mis evening u .eierence to the nomination, ksaiL he thought the oonVentionihad,tl6be- its work well, and that General Hancock was a strong candidate, his rnilitary and, civil, reeord being unblemished. He ealled atten tion to the fact that Delaware's vote was cast for Hancock an .the convention of 1868, Mr Uayarcl ..heartily 1 endorses the ucKet, ana nas tent a congratula tory telegr am to General .Hancock and received a reply, Owing to ;.the ' disap pointment at Bayard's defeat, there is little enthusiasm here as yet over, the nomination uuaguocrata. geuerafiy tninK it is a suroiij? yiiVj aim uio iibxi. choicgttf&yard'TaincatWn meet- Til e Cele b rated Tavl or Mackinaw : Hats , at Gst. v Ail our stock shall and must be reduced, as we are determined to make some alteration in our place of business before fall. ., We need not remind the public that we always come up to what we advertise. There are great bargains awaiting in our Btore, and the wide-spread reputation, of our well-made clothing warrants us that a prompt response will be given to otir GBEAT INDUCEMENTS, which we now offer. ' ' ' ty We call the attention of wholesale buyers to our LOW PBICES. ' Leading Clothiers and Tailors. ple.yefc ;hfirpYed agen0roator conquered as he was loyal to the C ing .will beheld soon A Brilliant Dmomtratlon la - Palla- ; XIX 7 0. i elalal, '! I. :---';3 ! f'- :-PniLipELMU, J,une fceyeaa & large afld brilliant deronston an Ms citvlc?nirht on Uie.Tetoa.ofltne city delegation ande :neric'us, and Raticlftll clubs' f rem Cmcinnatr." Speaker Randatt "and TjbWIsT;: Cassidv remained irf CinciniraW, Wfl?1 Dariiel TDrjtigBerty, who nominated"5eTi. Hancock, was warmly received and cheered: all along ine line. y nereiejryaiUf vw:h inline, represenims.M'nw' 4tig the line of march there was a good, dis play otnreworxs,iparucuiwy(Oekwe9ft Broad and Tenth, streets, onj iCbetout. TVarv ninh had a- hand of musicand th,e street were pronged with; iswbpta- tors, x nere . was a siiaui; uu inm during the procesSidn, rut it Interfered but? slightly wiin me aemonstrauon. ii'S Fbatal IrMsraJailUea. i; Vii f'iTBatjbstmater-erar Jias: Issued B blrcnlBrtiotfyinglhe: pulirvwiiesever there is canse for ;cdmplinf as 'to'mail iCTegularities, Wladdress. tbe'-divlsioB; BUperinttndent'of rraflwBv matt sfervice in chareeTtftfflS fttvlstoTrin-which ther resideTwtJRm3iai fflwuding up. Aware, .NewjkenjlvanU afad MinjNew,ycM West ,ginlaaj4mtrict of Go lumbla.MlVeyrchmQnd, Va, is mail ohfUIIt inaii gum snnennterKlent: j lxwses By iofna!l; tiftftnAiffidrtft theehief BW6C agem, 01 ne poawxmjce ayyaamngin (E-DSlDDdl mm AT (DDesnnofliin '.1f ill j- , ", "I; T . 50,000 Yards of BfeBt Calico, 81-3, 5,000 Yards Lawns, 8 1-3, 5,000 Yards Pique, 8 1-3, . 5,000 Yards JBest Lawn, 12 1-2, 1 500 Yardk Frenqli Organdya 5 cts., 500 Yards Poplin Suiting, striped and plain to mateh at-10 cts., former prices 16 2-3, FORMER PRICES, 25 GTS. 30, 40, 50 DRESS GOODS AT 20 CTS. 25 35 40 60&75 44 a 44 44 44 it'-:- 44 44 '44"- 44 44 u 40, 50t l60 50, 60- ' 7p v - 44 hit 75,,i:00..1i25 Our Entire M ot Eoisiiry; doves, Ribbons,. Embroideries,. m MIiib Wv Tics ' and Parasols ftlbfe'Mdat.MMwXflst If. UjI Bemember thi is Dostttvebr se goods must be closed out. rwentyve per cent is insured. no humbug. Every purchaser will at once ' perceive the difference ; la prices. KFTY THUOSANB JX)LL ABQ.j worth of Our Clothlbi and Gent's Fumlshlne Goods are also offered at immense Bargains. Look well, to your Interest. , A saving Call early, as a great rush 1 expected at the store of j .. fli ku ju &..! :m ,i t 'ihii hi N Hi1- TO THE TRADE. ; , . '" ' ' Twenty-Nine Years Experience has Enabled (he Old, House; of, C3 A-'. - i- :r:"u..: 'V"s. ! THISPr THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPl ti'. iEver- offered to their customers.' learn our prices." '.' mar.8.- - i ; - ' (LxoocLs i .Iv 1 taons, j -t"t.-i-n jj .'i v asj.i'K !'r:!t a'iw ners. Nearly all Tttgbt Defdre, tne recent advance in prices. , Jgn buvmUkyw see -and ' 1 ' ""'Respectfully,' ' , . . f ., r ' uoo'riOSRrS?a , . it iii-'' - i i .III ii- ! in . i i " n i' i si ' 1 ' I ' ' 11 1 1 n mji saaj . EMLMUr M O V Jl' i!ifc. !') fT 1.IJ III" . . f 10?. 6ifJ 1. 'tU'-.yi'l r..-.0P.D Bi' i MiaBS lsr,; jvS O "3T Sa 1- 1 b ifm s.Ij no VUe public iff Cordially v Invited. - No Trouble to 5how;ihem, J AiTtulassltmenrof lAds,Men ow,!?3Jti!L2iaf11S; hoiight for aa?he else. A splendid assortmentof Bats,suchas Sttfl, Fur Wool, and Straw. , Hats for Men,' Boys, Touths ana CatldrenvJ Give rices than they, can be Gtveuaa-eauL X i IV. - ' A .. . . . ' . . . BftJ sV- m Jm- a F ..... ... 1 " -.'.'r'Dll i i l aa paa aar av iJ M''.! SJ;Jtoi7il.' t ,r.' -jr r - - - r 4 t ' . a '4 j a? . aifKiH &ili joi 'ifb-io ni .. ...... - e .1. .! :il if :ii-f , ; -"! i i t till II f ! Jl7 i: TTTTTTi Rl i - . - . . 1 : -J-,rsyixvwfn n.n' tJ)JjnwMli'rfi'al STEBLINGB'ii'lrrl Ovfp'taorie'o 'OWT hm ma haA. r.hmit of national remnaooa reeomraeaa u. as rroi. xwroowanu uai iun, auu iuuiocv ojaxiar Altonaonoisttyaiclanft called to Ik :Xoi aalete att Madias gHMQfikVj r.iijnu bitri 3nefflaiuc .iifc! I