00li aixjft Soft gritxUtt0 mn ftMtmro 7(W HTP 1 HTM ICN'!1 ' Hm beA eAoBMri sostllea Mai ifm lDiA want, and with the latest styles of Trpe, tod erexy : manner orJoh Tflntln ean new be done with - neatoesv disitch' and Caeapnees.-'e can ftan " 4 lah at short notice, -. 1rr-rr'' rr-;c. BLANKS, BILTi-HTAPa, T -au LKTTJtB-KEADS, CAXSS KJuit u t-t. ,.U A - TAGS, BECHM9-,- POSTERS, r-r PBOGttiMina, HANDBILlar, 'XH' ' 1 4"00 prfe Mmtt ........... ' ;? jj-iffi"W -. ... ... 2 00 ..... 7S ...$2 no. ... 2 10 i oo NO! 3,531. VOL. XXIII; GIIAHLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1880. " 1 " "V , , .A. .4 '. ' , - -Sl . .. . "flilT 111 lil T lililiHMi, mill in i i i, , i- - -- - - - ' lllrlilllHb! . nttphllO Y01lr . f!. fetor, nrleest or gm' " - - line Linen Lnns. Viotoiia Lawns, f Mull Muslins, ff ml 11 owing Lfnon de Dacca, Battlste Cloths Organdies, Flutn an.l ' Striped Nnsooks, V JSuteher' Ltagn, L.ices of all kluds, Sheetings, ANOTHER You can now get DRESS COODS worth, 75c for 60c ; 50c for 33c ; for 25c, with cheaper and more costly gaos In same proportion. Great reduction In. - ; J ' : CALICOES, im M EMBROIDERIES Lace Ties, Silk Ties, " ii r. 1 i Great bargains In jjKCY H03IRRT,- reduced JromS1.25 to $ l.QQiirom- S1.00 to 75c; trom 75c to 50c ; from 5Qc to 37c v Bla decline In BLEACHED and BEOVN DO MESTICS and SHEETr GS. T(Kwns a call,; for we a-e detenninel to, sell SiUeeAgooda at ery low prices, In many cases-ifit less than first cost. -N 4 ; - ii . ... - - -i .-. Men and Boy's will find a good line of .... - -v-,. - Ladles' Fancy Hdse, " Children's Fancy Hose, Misses' xhxcj Bo3ei 1 11 Gent's Fancy Hose, and Ladles' and Mlsses'.Laea TMe Gloves. There has been a general decline In goods, and k are cITering l argalns In several lines. Alexander k ilrri0 june 20 j-.... SPUING STOCK 18801 tobesoldaUcost. ,We hare also some styll&h 1 . -V-;S 5 tfv CHEVIOT SUITS that will be sold cheap. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO. June 2 TheBoTfrJ' '-. - I will return," the swallow said, To my old nest once more; My home beneath the spreading eaves Or yon gray cottage, framed In leaves, f . Awaits me as of yore." She sped across- the-scented land,. : One blue and breezy day; .'".. But where the house was wont to jstahd ' ! " ' ; ; A heap Of jralnslay. . '.'.. "I will return?' the rover said,- ' 'v-' ; "To my old love once more; - ' ; So true she is that well I know The heart that held me long ago ' " ' Awaits me as of yore." He came when south winds sighing pass O'er fields of cowslip gold; But underneath the trembling grass Her heart lay still and cold. ; . - . ;i( r,T, .. Sarah Doudney. st- f u a Box. . c v yu"f- 1 saw ffiem last hlglitln a bos atthe play " old age and young youth side by slde-f 'V' u Tou might knbw' by the glasses "that pointed that way That they wer a groom and a bride; And you might have known, too, lay the face of the i groom. And the tilt of his head and the g.lm Little smile of ids lip, he was proud to presvme That .we men were all envying him. Well, she was superb-anEliiiae In the face, A Godiva in figure and mien. With the arm ami the wrist f a Parian "Grace" And th his-h-lifted brow of a oueen: But I thought, in the splendor of wealth and of pride. And in all her yoi mg beauty might prize, I should hardly be glad if she sat by my side With that far-away look in her eyes. ' . , indicniGEOlis Jcumal. OBSEBVATIOKS. The jiotel poller whose business it Is to wake pe ppie ior uio eaiiy txaius mut artvuaiua luuc. Whlttaker-wlll lecture, and will begin. his dls course with the quotation, -Lend me youi ears." The .London newsnaners tell of a belle who paid S25 to have the initials or her lovev's name tatooc d. on her arm, and later, havin2.ouarrelled with mm, was osering a5uU ior a means oi ODwerauon. A little fellow turning over the leaves of a scrap book came a toss the well-known picture of some chi kens Just out of their shell. He examined the picto unef ully, and then, with a grave, .-.agaclous look, slowly remarked: "They came out 'cos they were afraia of beln;;, boiled.-' One hour after an "old master" had painted the name of a patent medicine on a big iork. a cow came along, licked it off and oled before sundown. When the samDle name of a medicine kills a tow, human beings vant to beware of tne snitt it' elf. A mw was np.ver killed bv licking the name ot a pa tent medicine in a newspaper, and no other kind can be recommended.- .Ac.i i-stown iiera a. com i-i)n.'iMM OUR SPRING STOCK OI,,., BOOTS, SHOES, AND , h now Complete. We re, determined to sustain our former repotattoH)r se1 ii mil I if iIIhI - IS PEItSOSALAND liE.MlRAL. THE BEST-BRANDS, T' -ods, which everf -sensible person Iuiotts Is tK cheapest in the end.-. Please call'andlee' us before buying, estly with yoa We will deal fairly andhon- March Democrat 1880. ,nd Home copy. $ 5 , O OiO -A-IsT ID ECTH" TO BE SOLD ' : ; h . i. 4 J Regardless of Cost. ::o: HAVING TAKEN CHARGE OF THE BUSINESS OF L. A S I-E L, offer to sell his entire stock,! .consisting Of Amone tne early consvatulauons re ceived by Gen. Hancock was the fol lowing telegram fiom Majof-Gen Schuyler Hamilton, an old companion in arms in Mexico: I am a Kepubli can of the blackest stripe, but as an old friend I congratulate the man into whose arms 1 fell, bleeding almost to death, on the honor he has attained through his spotless reputation. If 1 mav not vote for you, I may congr.itu late you a3 your sincere friend, admirer and tellow-soldier, Among the congratulatory dispatches received bv Gen. Hancock was one from Dr. Edward, Paris, France "Warmest congratulations; best wishes for vour success. Col. Hazard, Han DUE WEST COLLEGES. ; CajmEXCEJIEHfT EXERCISES Xi AST WEEK. MAm . i . .. . New and Novel Feature in tne Female College Exercises An Enjoyable Oc- i caslon. Due West, S. C June 2S The annual commencements at 'Due Ay est '.have ever been to us a center, of attraction; We left the humble cottage, where we for a time tabernacle, to join the festive crowds that might gather upon this oc casion. Thougn we pitcnea our tenis at an early day, yet we found sdlands b6sy, and every heart in joyousafitici Dation. As you may know there are three institutions in this place Erskine Colleee. Due West Jfemaie Uuege,.ana TErskine Seminary eachone demand ing its share of interest. Jach one oi these institutions is weu mannear ana all cope with any similar institutions in the land. The first of these, Erskine Celleere. is presided over by the Key. W. MoffattGrier, D. D,who is himself 'a graduate of the institution, .vine sec ond, by the Rev. J. I. Bonner, D. D., and the third by tev. James iioyce, u, u. all able and zealous advocates of learn in a? in their several branches. These gentlemen represent old and valuable institutions of learning, such as may point to their sons and daughters witli the greatest pride and say, "these are mine." ' . For forty years Erskine . College has sent out a continual stream of educated men to occupy the important positions of life. The pulpit, the bar, and the medical profession have received valu able additions therefrom. Many of these occupy the highest places in their respective fields. - , On last Friday (25th iust.,) the first scene of the commencement was open ed. This was the anniversary of the Amelian Literary Society. This socie ty is connected with Due West Female College, and is entirely under the con trol of the young ladies of the college. This occasion was itovelty in the his tor of the society. Never before had they attempted anything of the kind ; therefore it marks an epoch in. its his tory. For this reason, at the appointed hour, the guests, (1 may use this term, for only a select audience was admit ted,) were in their places ready and anxious to see and hear all to be seen and heard. After some little time the members of the society entered the hall and took their places and the exercises began. These were conducted by the young ladies themselves. The presi dent, after the roll was called, arose and made a most beautiful welcome ad dress. She then proceeded to give us the purpose of this new step in the his tory of the society, which was sufficient to satisfy the most skeptical on the question of young ladies being educat ed to act such parts in college life. Af ter the addresses, the representative of the societv, Miss Kate llankin, of Iluntersviile, N. C, was introduced. She acquitted herself with honor and re- i ceiVed srreat praise. She discussed CLOSING SALE E3 tbr id $20.00 SUITS TO BE CLOSED AT $18.00 " " u " " $17.00&$16.00 " " ' " " t. art $15;00 $1260 Lot 5050, our celebrated and very attractive, It is the very BIGGIST Bargain ever offered, all wool In fabrics. Indigo dyed M fcolor &d suterl0T , We shall make a special run and leading sale for a few days only on FULL BLUE FLANNEL SUITS. handsomely bound Flannel $14 Suit Is placed at $10. in every partlcnlar, so durable and a non-fading suit The Bast $12 Blue Flannel Suit ever sold In this market la now selling at $3.50. tag to early Fall purchases, and must have ROOM; we WILL have It. Oar Spring Stock shall be closedtfor LOW PRICES can do It. ffio UDo ILsiiMs). & IB We are now loolf- Jane 2 CSKAND SESn-AMBIJiWL JL0MKR (HOT MM SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, HATS, &G., - ' I Good Wool Cassimere Suits at -37.50 An Elegant Blue Flannel Suit at $ 7.50, 9.00 and 10.00 Cassimere Pants from $2.50 to 5.00, worth 25 per cent. more. The Very Best unlauudred Shirt in the market i.oo ill ; i thin &.00 A Rftttpr Rnifc for A Handsome Suit of our own Make.. $12.50 to18.00 An Elegant White Shirt, laundred, ready for wear, $1.00 Superfine Dress Shirts from $1.25 to 2.00. STRAW HATS SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. The Celebrated Taylor Mackinaw Hats at Cost- TJIT IDERWEJL &c liTECKWSAB AT COST- An our stock shall and must be reduced, as we are determined td make some alteration In our place of business before fall. We need not remind tho public that we always come up to what we advertise. There are great bargains awaiting in our store, auu wC r,-,y clothing warrants us that a prompt response will be given to our GREAT INDUCEMENTS, which we now offer. We call the attention of wholesale buyers to our LOW PRICES. " Leading Clothiers and Tailors. cocKscmeior anuiery at uetLysuuiK. i . .RpSn0nsibilities of the Educated teiegrapnea irom j. verpooi - Cln.thm Woman." It devolved upon this reader to present the prizes award ed by the society for merit, to such as were the-fortuuate ones. -These -prizes were given, one for debating, one for composing and another for reading. Next came an assay from one of the al umnae of the society. The audience were privileged to near PURELY' VEGETABLE? BEMEDY ;. For INTERNAL ?.nd EXTERNAL Use. even in tk motl "2cr&M ce rTrnv for PAIN KILLER lore yKffi&,. Chill" IMaSWii, Dysentery. Crajups, r'hnlpt-iL. and Ul Battel Cnmplamt'. n ?ll5 lll I CO IS THE BEST remedy PAIN KILLtn known for Sea-Hicktiess, WcHeSlaSleVPttin in the Back cr fe.de. r iuu i i j' . VlAJWv. it PAIN Bolfetoiie internally or externally v. it .-. Cet5SNot3falye, T afford to fco wiCioui J. ; iTivaliiftble remedy in the houBe. Its price bru t wffitte2a of Wand tt.wffl annually wv, mSy.times its port in feotorf biUs DOia UJ tui urupgi. - TMMHtHHltlMIHl PERRY. DAVIS 4.S at T PrAnr fi Iff 'Jr Providence t FS HBffi tora 4 3 cept my heartfelt congratulations. ' A delegation of a half dozen promi nent Republicans of Washington Heights, New York, waited on Gen. Hancock Saturday, congratulated him on his nomination, and assured him of their cordial support at the elec tion. Gen. Garfield was in the depot in. Cleveland when the Tammany braves passed through on their return from Cincinnati. On one of tire cars was Dlacarded in huge letters: "New York, 50,000 majority for Han cock." ;A dispatch from the GreenDrier White Sulphur Springs states that Senator Don Cameron emphatically declines to accept the chairman ship bf the Republican national com mittee. Chas. Atherton, son of Congressman Atherton, : has disappeared from his home in Columbus, O. He left a note saying he intended committing suicide. Attornev-General Ward, of New York, decides that telegraph poles and wires are taxable as real estate. Capt. Bogardus proposes the organi zation of a team of expert wing shots to visit England to meet some of the crack shots of the old country. Sheriff Bowen, of Charleston, S. C, who died last week, married the widow of Henry C. King, and daughter of Hon. James L. rettigrew. : - - B ir ffi dq DurB-a;ir'n-img AX" EHE CHANGE- M PIH1E ! 50,000 Yards of Best Calico, 8 1-3, V O one of the most finished essays (your correspondent being the judge,) they ever had heard from any rostrum. Now came in order the valedictory from the society to its graduating mem bers, which was read dv one oi ine junior class. This was replied to by one of the senior class m a nappy manner These were both highly interesting and very touching. Fartmgs ot this kind have a peculiar sadness about them HrvT "1700 nrfYTlQ AT 9A P.TR 5,000 Yards Lawns, 8 1-3, 5,000 Yards Pique, 8 1-3, h 5,000 Yards Best Lawn, J 2 1-2, 5UU 1 ards JbTencn urganay, o cis., 500 Yards Poplin Suiting, striped and plain to match at 10 " cts., former prices 16 2-3. mm mm i dress mm i 7 M h 3 I JliWillKsSV T v td!: i mull I T Mrs. Kate Sanborn has been appoint- "t$L iKanSe in 1 Id-to the chair of English Jiteraturo in Snue to send 1 Prof. Greener will apply for a court- martial in the behalf of Cadet AVhitta- ker. . which onlv those that haye been separ ated from long and cnerisnea conege comDanions can ever know. - . i ' j? After closing tne regular exercises oi the societv. a few gentlemen" present were invited to address 'the young la dies. The president of the college and a few others responded, ut. isonner informed the audience of his surprise at what had iust transpired, he Having been kept in profound ignorance oi tne proposed celebration until uienmewas at hand and he was invited to be pres- sent. It was a source of gratification to: him, and to all connected m any way with the institution. Thus closed a most enjoyable enter tainment and one that shall never be. fore-otten bv those who were fortunate o----. . -r. . . enough to ue present. At is our earuebi wish that tne Amenan oocieiy may usefulness and forth its living streams to srladdeh the hearts of thou sands. , V. 11 6b 25 35 40 60 & 75 n n n FORMER PRICES, 25 CTSv n on Ad Kn " ii ii ii ii ii 40.' 50.' 60 50: 60v0 75, 1.00 1.25 am m ' 1 ' T " T OrEntirc-M of -floisery, Gloves, Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Collars, CuBs, lies ana mm -. will be Mat and Mow lost . , f miva th difference in Drtces. FIFTY THUOSAND DOLLARS worthy of Keme?.r" "'"i1..""" oeredat immense Bargains. Look well to your interest .a vmg inese gooas must uc uiuseu uuu uui viumiug ouu uu. o "A"ij"i"t - -t m of twenty-five per cent Is tosuped. i Call early, as agreat rush is expected at the store oi t ; ,jl 1851. 1880, : . It - An Fflectaal Specific Icr Bowel Ciwnplaints.JDyspepsla ' Eenlal depression; w n--: Bes Jaundice, Th. r-niintt'rfeitlns' Busdne -The i -Hundred Dollar Counterfeit. Special to the Baltimore Sun. iVastttvoton. June 27. Very exag gerated rumors have been circulated of r.i.. ,.n'n.i.!nrriia !imiMinl. nf muntp.r- fmr. money now outstanding. Inquiry at. ihA :Sftcret Service Bureau of the Treasury Department, however, dis closes the fact that the recent $100 counterfeits arc the only ones that the rioarr.mpnt has not vet been able to MlA j v-w" " w , ,, . , out. All me otner cuuiuenut A Glimpse of London Life. London Telegraph. I t.lmiiQ-M " observed Mr. Flowers at Bow street on Monday, "we had people tn look after this sort of thing." "Well," replied the excellent magistrates in terlocutor, "they -don't do it, sir.' me case which prompted the magisterial rpmti rk and the'rerilv which we have quoted was that of a young Irish girl, trhtpp.n. who was charged with being drunk, disorderly, arid usiag-re vnltiner aneuaffe on aaiuruay iiikuu m constable who ha3 the fortune to reside- in this delectable thoroughtare "round TO THE TRADE Twenty-Nine Years Experience has Enabled'the Old H6use of ' i '. . ' - j : i : - ' H cSS CD? CLD TO PURCHASE THIS SPRING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK, OF tt7" (T-oorl ISToln oris. &DG. ru: i Ever offered to their customers. 16am our prices. Nearly all bought before the recent advance in prices. Kespectfully, Don't buy until you? see" ilild ELIAS & COHEN.: mar.3. A " w r - A m VI plates including skeleton plates, from the prisoner surrounded by Other young which so manv different counterfeits ladies of Bimilar tendencies, and as sfrfe Ka mofio'iinvA hppri seized bv the wna ovrpntionallv obstreperous" and UUU1U fcU UAiwv, " ' " . I vw v - r - . . ask the recovered dyspeptics, Biuio sufferers, secret service detectives,, and counter- abusive, he toother ; 3tlW;f nHmo f ttotit and Aue. me mercuiiai . A,Mfiiht-inri ni nnifis nrinteu aiulii tran prn sinea nab iu uusiuiuamo m Blmmons LiverBegulafor. .". ca ' counterieirs Nausea, Colic, " - Sick Headache, jmm,,.MS Uonsupauou auu diuwuouvoU, SPRING NOVELTIES. - , "WIE 3STOW E00T8, GENtS' Iti& tLMtS SHOES, 6E51TS AND BOYS' FUR, WOOL AND STEAW HATS, REGARDLESS OF COST. Those wishing to buy, would do well to examine HiIs stock herore buying elsewhere, to be sold out In the next THIRTY DAYS Ci agi "mry may 12 ASSIGNEE. Gray's SpecifiiTMedicine. rRADE MAR It The Orest Eag-TR ADE I ARK Iff I ai Weakness. Sper- matorrheavr Irn-r Dotencv.-and hh4 diseases .that follow,-.-as a earAi&iAb fit BP.If-.?; . .. 'V. L W) -I. , W-9 rr-; J r ' a&us is loss BU v. , wtrtW . i.;iivuug, yarn ia insii iiL""i"',-" ii'Ht lead to insanity ConJBoptlon, ana a trio nature GraveT-i II rTrvU fi "i-'Z. u particulars are 1u our pamphlet, which we desire to-send free by mall to every one. TM MICk;tft nr .i, i.rX. ,.cf . nt wrtlf 1)6 Sent by mall on reiptTf the Soney by addressing - THE GRAY. IIKVIUW ;. fln.rt , 10 teecblilcsVBloPelt MIch. 8o0ll V Charlotte, wholesale and retau, by Da X- which are now troubling occurrence, and that it had become . . . i.l.ii mininii itp(r!iiaL5s tun HuMrtmsn r ni lm fimuiauB wuu- i irinn nr Tfima,ie uauuoiuuuiuui, xnisiusuy eereuiaiu .""yv'"l ..T" iiHmiu.v. . - , .,- I : ,,-QOt, t ver, promotes oigesuon, ana lof"""3 terfeit3 on at least Six DanKS me mei- py young guiSi ujl iiwxu . xuut wcu i-w ainst maianai uiacooca. v,nnta'Va' nnn i.inirni wew iseororu: pirhtppn. wno were leaumu numuiai Extract of a letter from Hon. iiaMnder H. Stevens, 5I occa sionally s whennyondltio tf than more-active remedies.' CONSTIPAHOX. rnrcTTTwmrv nv TTTE CHTBE JUSTICE OF A I haveiuseft-bunmonsr.ivu xioaujiwi iissnoies oust flernTKJflTnenx OIU1B uvoi. iui '"-f" ""iVK. four xears, una aiwtya - diieonsrwltn cidedjbonefltI 11W9 g--medidije forthe degemtftfcah atleast wWtfei ntyi3onalpehferte-ln th use of it. Hikam Wakneb, Chief Justice of Gekmda. j ) nI4 qt1 -NTatinTiWi "Rnntr of Wilkes- Phvps and diverted themselves by noc- rhrirwL-Ta.T the National -Kevere -ianic turnally shrieking, ngnunganu getuuK . wnemn! the Pittsfield - -National drunk. Among other evidence, it was Tiii. TiH&jfliilA' "M"-flri- 't.hertitthiirr I ofofolTinxirarrl f seventy DerSOuB 'llYCd I iilll IV UA. JL IbUDUiu, , ' o I Quabbu ' . . . . (. National BanK oi uommeree, nuaiui, mine pamutuaj uuuoo r Pa., and the National exchange lianK ani this pertectiy amazing uuwuwuu of Baltimore. Thenrst lour wereeir- led to Mr. t rowers jiaiv ui,u. onH -fl- cm vprnmnnh de- i1Q rhmurht there were neople to lOOK tectives think theyhav'e secured all the after this sort of thing, and the mhab- lit UUUl IVIOUUJ l'-mv ;- "v'v;" I I bail t O .""-5 , T. IaV ffo iLt. inin nfn annn ii v hot t nom tvkvh dcijuic vv wua Giph counieriens uu iutix mtouuiis i,uius uj. iu o auiu, T-r- -- indoneon the Baltimore banit have it Eventually Mr. Flowers; Ogress-. been thus far discovered. The last two i ed the opinion xnai . ine laiiuwiu An.,nfirfaito ara mnnp. irnm liib kuiiio i mnrn r.n niame Liiiui- iuo 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 L. lljlk- UlA v " .1 ww . . - . S I Z" O XT 1? H S -A. IsT JD l C -E3C 1 1 -D e nr . TT1TSTJ-E-PLS-EX ctotj. -KT 151 "KT- "HOT S. "! UNEQTJALED i ; ELEGANCE s ; STYLE S REASONABLE PRIGES. S The Public is Cordially Inyited. No Troupie. to. now ; xnem .sa, , ; :. J 's . ' - ' Ij-.'- t,jt be found at our store, as lower pneca m-nure w y. .. w lb. ..J IUIJnhI '.11m lla MlV . i . 4 t Wntiiii Dnn Vlaaaa nnrl Th1MrAn' RrtOtS and ShOeS C3I1 A 11111 aSSUriilUCUk Ul XKtuica , mouo , uvu , ; j cfnn bpught for anywhere else. A splendid assortment oi tiais, sucn.as puu, x ur, w uw,,., mar26 Hats foi Men, Boys, Youths and QiSMxt'.&pAmWMiyJii - V - - - . - - - - j--. ;- i .ii n if ,l.i ) HI U m, - . -.ji r' i t , - IER, ...... Jvkitt'tiy 5 TasMn-rrartV iq ThnTft dansrerous oho wnq arrain mulcted m the sum or wwv v---w . w. . - 1 , K r - - .. riyuc-x-iuvouuic, vw..m " . i wuv. o . .... r ' ... ; ;-, tin . i f,' " ' r1 . . , J .lK2ZBIEira&.'CO., PH1LADELEHIA- PA. prli ;g-yaw&wlyr, 4 : HI, i2 7 than any of - the others fronvthe lact tavfait: HTKlll iwau-u.-uuio PVilfnr: ! l..:"-., summer winds solely by the goveinmen. at ica ui iu 7 yeSiast when a fever- West Chester county, ". ;,- "iS ,luc?f?4; 1 Bfak ken cemmnnlty in New Orleans looKeforna. ,.,i1f. tn imitate, and the -fact that -.the The- Woild-Famous Charity HptoL B alas,. Pittsburg counterfeits are engrayed up- ggSffllSJSS u3mni i,a 1 -a rrm r-MTntal must lriyLV"', inn and warm comforter of the r . . , ... 11. . t...i!n;i-h,ifiTsnrt-:ii-1... wir th mmnuA it draws, pyine be invested in tue uuuutci iUu j. jetoiation (prlm-bnt stingy The department ig confideiit.that the, JgJgg1 So Wcho-hKdin.)from Ii. Zf afriTori sriTrtTi lVi rrovern-i SR0"MJ"J3. .t Jr t rnmnanv under a Jj r-KT-fnT -AlT-VTr I paper wasiipt stolen frcrhi the goyern- TheJLoiana B.i-Pmfi2S 1:3 : " ..: ment mills,, because, wm e, nanw wJia" fl im rni mi'jipu . 1 1 1 i . Liuiicir c s. A-n-nnau in i iim liiiiiiii i,iin c3UOkt . , -l am e - - ..ii M t- . ir i i inuu luiLvuvivui . ONE OF THE LAJiGEOTJ-rOpj STOCKp O STAPLE 'AND QW$mA:: ,;ciosena; a flmKTs'fflffl P.t;;A N.TE R IS'-FA VO BITEi Iffi'lJ-aNiiS'tllSlSB:.; W.J-! 9".l i m-w vjK't c?t tef-,i INthe,Etate and unitea ov"- t tioXoes nud Jfowign..olicited. straefi-S-weysAc. Xurnlshedi la -At- straet t IJWsV-Juweys-a iuru-iw . nUN.E. Coiner Trade ft Tryon streets, IU11VU V. Hw wwyi- J . .J ,l u " " " w " ' " J ' 7 a Af lnali7a-; J530.OOO, occuion.u tion - leave- no-doubt as to its; being a J appucauon N V v I I fry. II 1 YSljCXiX. xXJ CJLiU-lOJLrfLi marO. d4w iy. m j CharUptte, N. C. .',?.