LOCAL OTELLIGSXCli: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 80, 1SS0. BAltCOAd MBKCTOKT. - The following table shows the roiuuW of passen rertroliutoaiid from Charlotte, onaU, the rail roedi (Wellington time): ? f 7. RICHKOKD DAJTVrrj.. f ' y 1 Arrives from Richmond artdfJoldsboro, 12.80 a.9ni Arilves from Richmond,... ,;....,.,.,, , i.20p.m. beaveafor - -4 lu i. jb. ATLANTA CHABLOmi ArR-UMX. Arrives fJtmtot :.:; 8.50 a. m Leaves for Atlanta.... ...... ...v, J2.SO a. m Arrives from AUantn,-.j....-;.. wj.. 4.10 p. m Lewes for Atlanta,. .. ,t .-, . . . . 1 25 p. m CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & ACSOSTA. i , 1 ves irom augusui, .J( Leavcafor Augusta... . CAROLIXA CEHTRAU ....j,... 4.00p.m. i.zt p. m. Arrives rrom wuuiingwn,. imvesfor WlliuiuxUMi. .. . . . 'I"" 7 00 a. m. ? 20 p.m. ; 6 00 p. m. 8.00 a.m. A rrlves from Shelby,. . . . . . . . . Leaves for Shelby Atlantic. Tnarawn a ohio. Leaves for. Statesvllle,.... , : a rrlves from Stares vllle, H.15p.m 6.45 a. m INDICATIONS. ; .... , ,: , I-SHA .. i t War Dkpartmrvt Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, June 29, 7 so p. 11. ) For the South Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rains, vari able winds, mostly southwesterly, sta tionary or lower temperature, station ary barometer. Iocitl Report for Yemerdar. 17 A.M. 2P.M.9P.M Barometer Thi moraeter. v Helative Humidity...... vVInd Direction, ... Velocity,. West net. 80.011 85 a w. 3 LtRaln Highest temperature 93 deg.; lowest 6ft Index to New Actrorftlkements. Schedule changed A., T.AO.RB. watermelons-8. M. HowelL King's Mountain Centennial W. T. R. BelL Excursion Bates T. T. Smith. H01913 FKI IXIKGS. Another one of 'Vennor's storms yes-1 terday. Tne cantaloupe ana the grape crops i in ue city are very promising. Probably as manjjpas thirty or forty young people will go up to the David son place to-day on. the picnic. The flag had to be taken down. The very shadow ofit frightened the He publican horeS, dark and otherwise. It is said that several intelligent col ored men in the city will vote the Han cock and English -ticket have deter mined to do so already. The Seaboard Air-Line is advertising a very cheap rate to New York, and surely it is a pleasant route either the Old Dominion or the Bay Line steam ers from Norfolk. ..7 J The cemetery keepers are not allowed tointerabody without i, certificate from a practicing physician. This or der was passed aia late, njeeting of the board of aldermen, and does not ap pear to be generally known. CaptD. IL Murchison, the prospective president of the Carolina Central Bail way company, went up the road yester day in a special car. He is to be elect ed, it is said, at the meeting which is to be held at Weldon on the 14th of July. Mr. W. W. Grier yesterday received a telegram from Matthews' Station stat-. ing that a small dwelling house owned by him at that place, and occupied by a man named Allen",, was -destroyed by fire during the storm. There were no further particulars. 1 How rhey Received tne News. When the jailor carried to George Q 'lloway and Frances Hood the news 2 commutation of their respective death sentences he was surprised at the manner in which it was received. Con trary to what might have been expected under the circumstances, the man ex pressed delight by clapping his hands and blessing God for a deliverance from the jaws of death, while the woman did not manifest by word or action the slightest emotion. She did not-speak while the officer was in lier presence and has been equally reservea since then. The two ; will be carried, to the penitentiary to-night, to spend there the remainder of their days. 9Iore Ratifications. The artillery was sent over to Salis bury to assist in the ratification? meet ing there. Statesville Had hers Satur day night. A correspondent says it was aeciaeoiy entnusiasticana aaas: ion fires were lighted. The cornet band was out The citizens turned out in force and old States ville gave Hancock and English a grand send off. Speeches were made by Hon, R. F. Armfield, Hon. W. M. Bobbins. Col. W. H. H. Cowles,Capt P. C. CftHton.Thea F; Kluttz, Esq, Gen. M. P. Taylor, of Wil mington, and Mr. Savage, of New Jer sey. Old Iredell is eoini? to come up to the full siature of a man and will roll up a bis maioritv for Hancock and English in our next electibn. A flag will oe hoisted in the publie square shortly." it t 3 King's mountain Centennial Notes. The local committee in chanre of the matter want bids for? privileges oniithe, grounds durimt the centennial fcelebrar tion. Their advertisement aDDears else where and shows what privileges will be sold. There J are some' excellent chances for enterprising business men, At the next meeting of the executiv committee another point ' will 'be ag. tated, beside that of reducing the num ber of dava for tha celebration. Mem bers of the commiltes ,who have' be come acoiiaintpd -with the locations and distances wijl urgfruthat the point of debarkation from (ttn& cars be some point nearer the battlefield than King's Mountain atation. The Goldsboro Rifles are to decide to night whethernhey-iwill attend the cen tennial. . ' : .s.h r : The Wilmington Light Infantry will in all probabilitrgo to King's Mountain in October. This company;, haaTO , ac tive members and is represented,, to be in a most flourishingcondition. ; Vi 11 i incensUarism in Itock HillTjwro At tempts. One taccemfnl . tv. i-L-iiisl.iiiJ1 "..'. nJtn lAnca in lkriKtown'w " ' , vi.i tun onv lutiSBA ilVfi JSi.iS?SSjl 29.062 29 894 79 . 85 t 62 47 8. W. W. 2 12 Clear. Threat. son rSS i firef burned to Fhe be ciry offering to the young men su The sk werel ioUeit out of the perior .and more innocent attracUons u--Ia than tha saloons nd.iirambline, halls. infijfSMmgtt fa !i-f?.2?5ihi J EvSnar on inyeetiirat on" found that . it came froiSSSJ aoprenUvlidu They succetededm "smothering the a !rly- '-fiS? jJPSSZZmA & nnrJ ?u t of the Incendiaries;. WffB nottie under steps near ay.; w nen tuey returned , shortly 'afterwards the. bottle nad been: removed, indicating beyond a ( uoubt that the lncenuianes iueuicis. were watching the movements of their' Purauerl' TheneopTe are considerably alarmed, and toe town authorities have Tne Old Case of tbo iWt asnW " 'S. f annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company, a commit tee 1 consisting of Messrs. RY. McAden, I:frXaS-?nd.iL V- Jamison was appointed to investigate the ' matter connected with the lous of the Iredell county bonda and the .suits against JSiam Mornson, former treasurer, and report at the approaching meeting. The committee held a meeting in . the city yesterday in the First JNationaal Bank and prepared their report. The circum stances in connection with this case are known to the public; the general im pression is that the mystery connected with it will never be solved. The na ture of the committee's report has not been revealed. 5r ,Ue A' I ' The campaign, this year in this coun ' n r ! t . ! ty will be an exciting and interesting iVoi.'j no. Lu Morehead, chairman of f oncf,and of no small importance to the ine committee to .which . was referred i Democratic piirty,- especially in regard the question of the lease of the Atlantic . to our county officers, all of whom have yji m viuuinia jsanroau, ltsturrrea i yesterday, from tne i raeetinflr. of t the ' stockholders. It is learned that his committee held a meetinor- nhnnant to that of the stockholders,-and ap pointed the 14th of July as the time and the Morehead City Hotel as the place for the re-assembling of the com m ittee to heair any propositions thaF may be made to secure the control of the prop erty. A sub-committee was appointed to address a circular .letter to l l-all-road; companies, private firms or indi viduals who might be interested in the lease, informing them of the powers' of the committee and of itspurposes with reference to the time and place of hear ing propositions. This letter has al- 1S. la KnH ...A. A. Jr.' . . ictiuj urcu sent, out. fMiouia tne com mittee determine upon a favorable con- omwftuuu ui any proposition maae tt that time, a meeting of the stockholders will be called not earlier thaa twenty days thereafter to consider the matter further. It was understood at the meet ing that there might be more than two propositions, including one from Best & Co. v The Wilmington & Weldon Kailroad has already made its proposi tion. Bids ai e open to the Iworld. The Storm and Its Effects. The storm which threatened to burst upon the city about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and passed to the south of us, was confined to the space between here and Rock Hill, with the centre about Pineville. The wind was very violent in that region, prostrating trees, fences and some houses. In the village of Pineville, a partially completed frame house, belonging to Mr. Temple ton, of that place, was blown down and the timbers badly injured. A tree near the house of a man named Morrison was uprooted and fell on the building, partiaiiy crusning in tne roof, but not injuring in any way the occupants. So far as has been heard up to this time, no one was injured, but the damage in some parts of the track of the hurri cane is considerable. The rainfall was also very heavy. Another storm struck the city last night about 8 o'clock, and raged with considerable fury for about fifteen min utes. The rainfall was very heavy, and was accompanied by hail, and the air was filled with electricity, but the wind was mueh less violent, and so far as could be ascertained last night, no spe cial damage was done. Our information is that nearly all sections of the country have been. vis ited by storms. The telegraph lines are down in almost every direction; hence the absenc of associated press reports this morning, those that were re ceived coming from Washington by way of Cincinnat Destructive Fire -Loss of Thoronih- bred Stock At 3 o'clock vesterdav morninsr. Mr. lEd. Rigler, who was sleeping on Mr. JJai. M. Kigiers place, just beyond the city limits, on the southern continua tion of Try on street, was aroused by a bright light in his room, and awoke to find the barn in flames. He ran at once towards the building in the hope or liberating tne stock, but it was too late He - could not approach near enough , to open the doors, although Several expedients were resorted to to accomplish this. The flames were con fined to the upper part of the building, ana in less than nve minutes alter ne reached, the spot, it fell in. "Merry "Wade," a noted blooded mare, mother of the famous "Wade Hampton," and "Mecklenburg," with her colt five months old was burned, besides a beau tiful two-year-old colt out of "May" by "Wade Hampton " The horses made no noise and must have been suffocat ed before Mr. Rigler reached the stable. They were all nne animals, a aa couia scarcely have been bought from the owner. Besides these a cow and hog were also burned, and a quantity of wheat and oats cut from tventy-five acres of land. Mr. Rigler is satisfied that the fire was the work of an incendiary. No one on the premises had been in tne stable since seven o'clock in the even- in?, and there is no Question that the fire began in a portion of the build ing in which was a lot of dry hay and cloveft Furthermore, Mr. Ed.1 Rigler was aroused earlier in the night by the harking Af ji fierce doir. and - had gone out in the stablryard to investigate tho cause, uub-iniuus tu oeo auj turned ana again went to sleep. The barn was one or me oest in me county, having cost originally about 8100.; .It was instrred for $800. Mr. Itigler estimates ins ioss;over anaaoove insurance at $2Jiuu or3,uuu.w A Public Iiibrary. It seems tfot be generally under stood that thefbnia Ui this city a free public library and reading room.i ine Vnimer Men's Christian. Association bas one: which is Icent oDen every evening, freA to all who wish to avail themselves of its advantages Tbe-'roorrr is pieas- nnf.rhanriMmeiv tnrnisnea. anu conve niently Ideated oh the second floor of the Merchants sina ii armeis , iauouai Bank building. Thera are at present abottttwo hundred and fifty volumes in thalibrary and eight papers and four magazines are Kept on nie. a. numuei have alreudv availed themselves of the nHvileffes which are thus offered, but to accomplish the purpose- of its estab lishment additional readme matter is nopssuirv. . To obtain this the -associa tion proposes to have a book reception in their library, Tuesday evening, July 13th, somewhat similar to tne one ueiu a year ago, but in many respect3 more interesting. Tor this reception every one is expected to carry or senu one or moretbdoks or set ; ,or to contribute a year's subscription to sotae newspaper or magazine. It is to be hoped that the citizens of Charlotte; will give-this' at-. tempi to, establish acxxi nriDUC library la a nsps . whiehaddresses itself ? to ever,mau?aiMrtwtoanrin Charlotte. This is about the only. public place in surelv the citizens of. Charlottbwill see tfiat the associaUon isenabled to. carry Plan of providing Pleasantre, sore ior young- Wizens h-aveIoodbc,ksathome.wWch UifliepnlA verywelUfford ptage. i thii i w kr rotners coma ywwisoi at books for the same purpose not but books for general' reading-ay for instance, the works of Scott, Dickens or .Washington Irving, tne. essays joa nni av f!arilal and others; any of the noted works of science, history, traye 1, J poetry.or approved ficuooranyoii tne 1 j?ffi"P the library and reading room and be of real .service, to our many young men who have no, suitable . place to spend their leisure moments. That there may be no uneasiness about the custody of the books, it may be well to add that the Young Men's Christian Association 7 has passed the days of infancy, , and has now become one of the permanent (institutions 1 the " city,' Increasing every year strength.and efficiency. ... THE COUNTY CAMPAIGN. Of in A. few Thoughts in ' Connection Therewith und Seme Ilemarlu on Rotation; To lhe Vduorof ThftOnfteivfirt to be eiectea tms year, except tne clerk of ' the ikroenor Court. Judsrinsr: Irom spvpisiI' articles that have annestred in the f Charlotte papers,inthetway of communications, announcements - and advertisemenls, it seems that the race is about to begin before we .are ready for it; But there is -nothing like start ing in time for a long race. If the news paper ?rtieles ai e a correct criterian, it seems that our present worthy and ef ficient incumbents will be requested by some of their, fellowrcitizens to step down and out; so that some who are out in the cold, and who want an office, with iitlte Work and "big pay ,7 will be .enabled to disobey, the Divine injunc tion. whicb says:; "In the sweat of thy t faje shall thou eat bread." This seems U to be the case in regard to the sheriff's omce, with its suiai y or $8,000 per an num (the amount alleged in a recent ai-ticle in a Charlotte paper.) Is it not a little strange that the "big scramble" is always for the office with the "big pay ?' I am in favor of changing of ficers, national, State and county, for the reason that those who fill offices for a number of years have it in their pow er to acquire more influence over their L'ellow-ciuzens than I think is necessa ry for the good health of political par ties. As an illustration, take the of ficers of this county who have been in office for the last eight to twelve years. It is not too much to presume that some one of them know every man in the county, who is worth knowing, and has more or less influence over him. Now, suppose, they combine to retain their offices and exert their knowledge, power and influence to control primary meeting?, de'egates and convention?, what power will be able to successful ly oppose? and if they are able to se cure their own nominations so long as they want the offices, why cannot they in the same way -dictate who shall be their successoi-s, or who shall be candi dates for legislative honors,,etc? I say rotate the officers. Another reason why I advocate rela tion is that I have a strong feeling of sympathy for the Confederate soldier. He can draw 110 pension, only what he earns, and I do think when we have those among us who have endured untold hardships, risked their lives, and num bers of them lost limbs in battling for a cause thatf was dear to us an, that thev are entitled to our sympathy and assistance when in want, and especial ly when it will cost us nothing but our votes. I do not advocate the election to office of the Confederate soldier simply because he has been a soldier, but when he is pool in. this world s goods and possesses all the necessary qualifi cations to fill the office, I do think he should have the preference. There is strong fellow-feeling of sympathy existing among the ex-soldiers that no human power can crush out, yet that feeling does not amount to fanaticism ; it does not dethrone rea son. They have no desire to place an r it oiu comrade in an omce mat ne is un worthy of or incompetent to fill, but only those of intelligence and strict in tegrity of characterwhich entitles them to the esteem and mil conndence or their fellow-men. Again I say "rotate the officers. Let me call the attention of your readers to this fact, that since the or ganization of the present political par ties in 1868, the Democratic party has been invariably victorious when the ex-soldier had a place on the ticket (though an humble one) and whenever he has been left off entirely, we have been badly defeated. Though we placed our standards in the hands of our strongest and best men.it seemed im possible for them to arouse that en thusiasm that is essential to victory. The old soldiers do not want to monop olize the offices,but claim that they have a right to representation on our tick ets. One of the most important things to be considered in selecting our can didates for the present year is to select men of strict integrity, men who pos sess a high sense of honor and who en joy the full confidence of the public. We cannot afford to go into the cam paign on the defensive.for we will have to work hard to elect our ticket, let who will be nominated, Mecklenburg has never had- a dishonest, mean; )in- grirfcipled officer since I cari remem er, and her good name has been the pride of her people for generations. Yet some of our good people are oppos ed to rotation for fear that we will be worsted in the .change; that, we had better let well enough alone, and o n. I think such expressions are a reflection on the thirty-four hundred Democratic voters of this county and do her peo ple a gross injustice, amounting al most to slander, insinuating that the glorious old county of Mecklenburg cannot find in her bounds more than a half dozen men capable of filling her Offices. Away with such nonsense. While I fully realize the fact that her good name and credit depend in a great J measure upon her oflicials, and while: I i advocate the rotation or tne omees ana expect to urge the system of short terms in office, yet I am no extremist or radical, for some of our people have aspired to official honors that 1 cannot endorse, for the reason: that I had con cliisive evidenee that they sought the office with an eye single to their own pocket. The honor and good name of the county was not to be taken into con sideration. If we are to rotate with such material, I am opposed to a change, and before I will vote to place our stand ard in such hands. Twill vote to keep our present, incumbents in office as long as thev live, and when they die, will vote to abolish their offices, for our pres ent officers are gentlemen of the highest official mtecntv. and 1 uo not nesitaie to say that they deserve the sincere thanks of everv cood citizen in this county for the able, faithful, impartial and indulgent manner in which they have discharged their duties. But they havA received a more substantial com pensation than the thanks of a grateful people. In my opinion they have dis-, r.harced those duties and received the compensation long enough ; they ought to step down ana oui.Dut 11 uiey un refuse we will make an effort to place our standard in the hands of gentle men who are not running themselves to death, wearing all the button holes out of our' old coats when they meat us. and who will not,, resort to dnnhtf ui measures to Secure the nomi nation; who will only accept the nomi nation when tenoerea 10 tnem volun tarily and fairly bv their fellow-citizens. They are the men-to bear our stand ard to victory in the t oroing struggle. Rut if the "ins" are too strong to be "ousted" and secure their nomination, 1 will do all I can for the success of the party ticket, which ( consider ,the first duty 01 a party man. - . .RespectfullytJ:- . ; , ijohnTV'. Moore. ' Huatersville, N. C, June 28, 1880. : .1 Democratic Cln Appointments. " In obedience to anresolution "of the Democratic club of Charlotte, I hereby announce tne iouqwing committees : : ji COM. ON WATS AND MEANS." : ' Ward No. liR. ALHiller and T. L. Vail ; Ward No. 2, Dr. J. M. Miller and I W. W. Ward; ward NoJS, W: J. Yates and Jncv E. Brown ; Ward No. 4, Frank coxe and Juatta Johnston.? com on coNSTmmoN and bt-laws. Ward No. 1, a E. XJrier and ilerman Baruch; Ward No. 2, Jno. L. More head and Jno, L.1 Brown ; Ward No. & Geo. E. Wilson and J. 6. Harris; Ward jno. 4, jc.xi. ivaiKer ana sonjonen. - 1 These, wrnmittees are requested to jno. 4, r. u. waiter ana souuonen. H. C. Jones, Resident. Charlotte; June 29th. - Krs, Wiasteir's Seat alas Sj rap. Ber. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes. In the Boston Clii-i&ian 1' reeman: We would by no means re- commend am kind ox medicine which we did not l.'oow to be good particularly for Infants.' Bat of H i. Winston's Soothing Snap we can speak from lioowledee; in our own family it has proved a ble??!ng indeed, by gfring an infant troubled with coile pains, qnlet sleep, and Its parents unknown - i ?sv at nignc uost parents ean appreciate tnese blessings. Here is an article which works to per fection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which It affords the infant Is perfectly natural, and me iiuie cneruD awakes as "Dngnt as a witton." And during the process of teething, Its valneis Incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by au druggists. 25 cents a botue. Cecil d&w ly j i i i lie Voltaic Belt Ce., Marshall, Mica. Will send their celebrated Eleerro-Voltalc Belts I to the afflicted upon 80 days trlaL 8peedy, cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to hem wiihoKC delay. : nor. 16 ly. ear &mvtxsttatnis. REDUCED RATES TO NEW YORK. Caboliha Cektbal Railway, Jchi 80, 1880. Excursion tickets are now on sale at the office of the Company and at the Central Hotel, from Charlotte to New York and reform via the Sea- I board Air Line and Bar Line or Old Dominion Line, from Portsmouth, meals, state-rooms and sleeping cars Included. Price for the round trip thirty dollars. Good to return nottl November 1st. jr. it t.vJuAjuk, tteu. truss, jmc. T. T. SMITH, igL King's Mountain Centennial Privileges. We the undersfcawd- Committee on Priyileges for ttte King's Mountain Centennial Association, hereby offer to the highest bidder, the loilowlng privileges on the grounds, under the control of said Association, during the week embracing October 7th, 1880. These puvlleges are thus clawed: - 1st Hotelprivlleges Two are offered. 2nd. Lager Beer, Five " " 3rd. Cigars and Tobacco Five " ' 4 h. Confectioneries, exclusive of cases ana nes, and sucn oiner eatables as would infringe on Hotel privileges 1 Three " " 5th. Lemonade, Ice Cream and Soda Water . . .Five " " 6th. Barbershops, Three " ' 7th. Blacking boots and shoes,.. Five " " 8th. Artists, .-. Three " " yih. conceit Troupes, two Any one rarty will be allowed to purchase exclusive right to any one of these privileges, orovlded thev are wUllna- to Day more for said exclusive right than said privileges would bring separately, neierence wm on reouirea oi oiaaers to accompany their bids. Purchasers of bids will be expected to perfect their own arrangements. Lumber Mill In operation in close proximity to the grounds. No gambling, nor outside shows will be tolerated on the grounds. Bids must be placed in the hands of the Committee by the 19th of July. Other papers in the State who may feel interest enough in the Celebration to give this a few lnseraons, free of charge, will confer a favor upon the Association. rtesp'y, W. T. K. dELIj, L W. GAHHETT, F. PILLING. Committee on Privileges. TO ARRIVE ONE CAR LOAD EXTRA LARE WATERMELONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL june 30 at S. M. HOWELL'S. FREIGHT NOTICE. Ofkcb Gekjebai. StrFEanrTXHDiBT, Cabqliha Cknthal Railway Co.. WnjosoiOKr N.. C June 28, 1 88a ) 3b the Patrons of the CaroUnct Cetit.'al lty. Co. Notice is given that after tne '2W.n; Oils compa ny will be unable to reach their Trade street depot in the Cltr of Charlotte with their freight ears un til after the completion of their independent track. Until tnen tne puoucis noonea was uus company and the Seaboard Air-Line will pay the difteience in cost of cartage on all goods both Inward and outward, (except on lumrjer, nmoer, snrngie. laths, and heavy machinery), as between Trade street depot and Lincoln depot V. V. JUHIX3UW, June 29-1 w Gen'l Supt Atlantic, Tenn. S Ohio R.R. -I jCharlotte; If, C, June 25th, 1880. ) On and after Monday.: June 28th, 1 8804 the following schedule will be run over this road: ' GOING NORTH, Tjiva Cli&xiotta..... 8 15 P. m. " Davidson college, iu oa p. m. Arrive at StatesviUe,. 11 4o p. m. GOLKC SOUTHr Leave Btatesville. .... 2 15 a. ir. 1 Davidson college... 3 57 a. m. Arrive at cnanone, . . i. tyClose connection made .... 5 45 a. m. StategvlUe with trains over the W. N. c. R. B. . J. J. GORMLEY, June 30 ' u Sup'U TLANTIC, TENNESSEE A OHIO RAILROAD SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, . , . CHABLom, N. C., June 18 1880. f THE Annual Stockholders meeting the Atlantic, Tennessee ft Ohio RahroadCpmpanywiU be held In the city of Charlotte in Thursday, July 1, l KKfL : Rtocknoiden ana tneir ramuiee win do nassed to and from- the meeting npoa exhibiting their ceiOncate of stock to the conductor. . . June 29-3teod . , i . . i . Superiatendeok , bahd WBrainrEwT cataloottx. you, Drw Xajort' Btai&l ad BaU. toMteU. Owl Mmuta ire. ITOH BXALYt W 8Uw QUOSCO. IB. Wi NEW MOREBEU) CITY HOTEL, s3!iM0BEHEADJic. nnnis now and'snlendld Seaside Resort wi 1 be A -throws open for the accommodation of the nubile br4he aistef June. . ' The hotel is entirely new and affords ample ac commodations. The building ts supplied with wa ter. u and otwer 'desirable corfreniences. The rooms are large, thoroughly ventilated and well fur- nl3hed wltn new rnnmure tnrougnout. - - i wraeTatenuiinain8annguaitnu is tne most delightful Summer. Resort on the Atlantic Coast- It Is safely located neat the water and com mands a magnificent ocean view and a fine refresh ing soa breezo. Tuaintr lnmtAil nn thn Morehead side, visitors, on tettincoff the cars, aie saved the annoyance of MVMfitnff the water in boats, so lattgntng after s lonirionmev. and especially at Bight time or lh atAnnmBAfltbAF The lnnldlng is so censiructed as' to lender It pe euuany eomionaoie ana aarawve w penuus doc- lmr health and pleasure. - - . thk TiRM will be sunn! lled with an the deU. eaetea of the seasonboth land and water. Ser- vants polite and attentive, and notumg win ne ten untried to renoer ruesis anu Tiawr cumiurvu-, wiBATlinTG AND SAlXIlS G.i ( t bniAnni iMtMn arranffiments wftnrn a short distance from the hotel, and nne facilities for open, 1 bathing. '" The son is oniyaooui a muo uiouwiv. Fast aalllnsr boats can be had at all times for surf- j bathing, fishing and sr,Ulng,"wlth experienced boat a bTth.M nf thmI- u 1 '' " We hare a splendid Ball Room and the Kalian Xim-wxA Am nialAAH frW the- flAftMtn J ' i ATT5s-BoardbTthed?y$2.00:tfythe week- $12.00 andby the monthOO - - rim lV' wra. J I- - " June, 20-eodlm. Froprtetor. 5 UJ? ,D IF? We bare tills day reduced L A R G E A N D V 20.000 yards of the Best Galico at 5,000 5,000 u it it u u cit tfti ( &3fj3j 15;000 " A180, Dress Goods, Trimming Sis, Hamburg WE HATE, ALSO, INCLUDED Hens', Boys, and MdrensV Ready-made Clothing, Straw Hats, Shoes, Slippers, A CALL Willi C05YIICI lOt TH1I WX iSX DT'SKID BAiRGrA IN .... AT E. G. ROGERS' VAREROOMS, NEXT TO POSTOmCB. My stock is Terr large, and embrace j a fall line of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Office fur nlture. AU goods packed free of charge. SortteritB. TAKE NOTICE. This m the only Lottery ever voted on hu the people of a State, and under a late decision af me unuea states supreme Court at Washmoton is the only Leaal Lottery now in the United States. all other charters having been repealed or hating no xisience. A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNTTY TO WIN A FOR TUNE SEVENTH GRAND PISTRIBUT10N, CLcAfJH O, AT KW UBL.JSANS. Tuesday, July 13th. 1880-1 22nd Monthly Drawing LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by i ine Liegisianire oi ine mate ior jsaucauonai ana Charitable purposes in 1868, fob thk tkrm or twknty-kiyk years, to which contract the inviola ble faitn of tne state is pledged, wnich pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in the new constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879, with a capital of 81,000,000, to which it has since added a Re serve Fund of over 8350.000. its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION win take place monthly on the second Tuesday. it never caies or DostDones. JUxjk ax tne follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tlco ets. one Dollar. - ' ' LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize...., 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1.000.. 5.000 r20 Prizes of 500. . B 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10.000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10.000 1 000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100...... 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agento wanted at all points. to wnom a liberal compensation will be paid. Write, clearly stating full address, for further Information, or send orders by express or in a Reg istered Letter or Money Order by mail, addressed only to . M. A, DAUPHIN, New Orleans. Louisiana. or same person at no. 319 Broadway, New York. All oar Grand Extraordinary Drawines are under the supervision and management of General G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. N. B. This Comnanv has NO AGENTS In the BRITISH POSSESSIONS. une 15-dxw4w Slst POPULAR MOOTHIiT DRAWING OF THE Commonwealth Distribution Company, AT MACAULETS THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, on MONDAY, JOK 30, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by the Legisla ture, and sustained by all the Courts of Ken tucky, according to a contract made with the owners or ine jrranaron grant, wm occur regmuriy on the last day ot every month (Sundays and Fri days excepted), for the period of five years, termi nating on June 30, 1885. Tne unuea states circuit court on auucu oi, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the commonweaitn Anstnouoon Rom any Is legaL 2d Its drawings are not fraudulent The Management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which wlU again be presented for the . . . JUNE DRAWING. 1 Prize "I.... 1 Prize,..:. r.. . ..... $30,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 10.000 1 Prize. 10 Prizes, $1,000 each,.. 20 Prizes, 500 each... 100 Prizes, 100 each... 200 Prizes, 50 each,.. 600 Prizes, 20 each... innn Prlw. lO each... 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 1.809 9 Prizes, 100 " M " " 900 1.660 Prizes.. ..$112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, 60; 55 xicaeis, viuu. Remit bv Postoffice Money Order. Registered Tetter. Bank Draft or Exnress. To insure against mistakes and delays, corres pondents wal please write their names ana places of residence mainly, sdvina number of postofnee lim n, nfrr-f ajut tmn,. mnntr and State. All communications connected with the Dlstrt hntlnn and Ordera for Tickets should be Addressed to R. M. BOARDMAN, ComierJournal Building,' Loulsniic, Ky., or at Nos. 8U7 owt uroaawnj NewYork. iunel tva &SMsxtlsexatv&. ADVERTISERS By addressing GEO. P. R0WELL4C0., 10 Spruce St., New Tork, can team the exact cost of any pro posed line of ADVERTISING la. American News-i papers.! ty lOOpage pamphlet, 10ft YEAR ' and expenses to Agents.- Outftt free. Address P. ivtui,; : Augusta,, jtauw. For sale by Jane 13-tf CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. m tae prices of all Leadlns Domestics and A R I E D S TOO Union Lawns, Printed Piques, ' - 4-4 Bleached Domestic, 4-4 Sea Island, - WIS HAVE REDUCED THE PRICES OF ALL OUR ings, Torchen and Valenciennes IN OUB SWEEPING BIGUCTIONS, ALL OV 0UBNEW SPBINQ BTTXES 0T Special Bargains in Frames of all Kinds METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEET Aa'D the MONTHLY DELINEATOR For Jnlj Just Received AT TIDDY'S BOOK STOE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF Fire-Screens, Wall Paper, and Borderingi New Books Just Received: MARK TWAIN'S TRAMP ABROAD, : : $3.50 HIS MAJESTY MYSELF, :::::: 1.00 MBS. BEAUCHAMP BROWN. : : : : : 1.00 THE READER'S HAND-BOOK, : : : : 3.50 Bret Harte's Complete Prose Works. Bret Harte's Complete Poetical Works A FULL SUPPLY OF THE SEASIDE LIBRARY Constantly on Hand. TIDDY & BROTHER. June 11. gtqttors. McD. ARLEDGE, Wholesale and Retail dsaleb nr Whiskies and Tobaccos, College St. CHARLOTTE, N.C. rpHANXING his friends for the liberal patronage jl De stowed on mm in tne past, ne begs to in form them that he has made arrangements with the distillers in the mountains that enable him to keep a fall supply of North Carolina Com Whiskey ana Apple uranay on nana, ana ne is preparea to offer : special Inducements te close buyers, and thinks he can make it to their interest to see him before purchasing elsewhere. tW All ORDERS will have his best attention and the lowest market prices. Respectfully, McD. ARLEDGE. apr4 ly. F. C. MUNZLER, DEALEBtS. BOTTLED LAG Ell BEER CHARLOTTE, N. C. Fresh bottled Lager Beer delivered to any part oi tne city every morning at lo cents per aozen bottles. All orders left at J. Flschesser ft Co's. Ice House, lh rear of T. L. Seigle ft Co. will re ceive prompt attention. BOUNDARY AVENUE BEER GARDEN Is now open to the publie, and I wm In the fu ture, as In the past, make It THE FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT for the citizens of Charlotte. Open from 8 to 8 o'clock, p. m. s Ice-cold Lager Beer always on hand, t , . , ,,; ... , apr27. BEDFORD. VA., Alnni and Iron; WATEE,: MASS AND FILLS.' ' "Pulnce of lOneral Tonics." Francli Gilliam, .'D.;N.Ci I "Efficient in 8crofula and Skin Diseases." J. M. lien. M. D.. N. C. t-A-tt .i;uuti- s :.;) iH-i. ' "Best remedy for dlntberta and inflamatorr sore throat ever used. P. A. Bifferd, M. D., N. C. , ' i Lneouaied inieure 'of Hemorrnagie iiaianai Fevef'-rWrn.' Alex. Greene, M.D. Ga. i w "Exceuent . Tonic. Alterative ana . mureuc." , Medical Association of Lynchburg. Va. : , "Most salutory in majerity of Female Diseases." E,H.MurreLM.D.vVa. t..;,i ii'-t a-:. ui' Successful in Dyspepsia and Chronic Blar- rhcea." Prof. Samuel Jackson, M-.D University oi irenn., jTuiaoeipnia. ... . . Summer season begins Jane 1st vi I " i , 1 Greatest health-giving: waters known. These waters, purify the Dlood, strengthen the system, and give It vigor Of action.- restore healthy fnno ttons, regulate the secretive organs, and prevent IntemtttentBV -.f rtt 1 - Si . For Dyspepsia, Debility, Nervousness, Headache, Bronchial and Cutaneous Affections, Scrofula, Dis eases peculiar te Women, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chills, Malaria. r-"ir-s ir "'Kii ,'--.. .' Terms, $30 s month. . Carriages meet visitors at Lawyer's and Forest, each 4 miles distant, upon advice of arrivaL ;;- j Pamphlet and Clxcular sent free. AdbesBV?Vr: I '.ii Sn;.rift,f r A. M. DAV1ES,. . , s .!, J L" president 0f the Company, n -' Jane 12-sLtna.hs.ftsan. Lynchburg, Ta, floaosssnss ftassnmlBH " WttllKmit ' KmRtl ' IN PRIOES-ii, erertitlng kepi la oar K ,0 FLO O D S: .t StCtSe- - a. 6 I 8i!cts.-; 1 W 1012ic.ts.o 10 & 12 ctkr " 8, Lam, Dress linen,! Gents' Famishing Goods, 4c, &c. IIBHEST and Styles. E. H. Frkxb, Charlotte. T. E. Fixld, Hickory, N. C METROPOLITAN HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. FIELD- BROTHERS, ' Priprs- TERMS MODERATE, THIS Hotel has the lareest and most comfort- X able rooms of any hotel in the State. It is fit ted up with all modem Improvements; is conve nient to inepostomce anacanKs, and is cemrsuy oca ted in.zae business part of the city. Large SAMPLE RVMS for Commercial Travelers. With these advantages we offer superior Inducements to the traveling nublio. BBumniDuses aaa carnages at every Tram., FIELD BROS,, Wholesale and Retail Grocers,' AND TtXiT.ERS a ,' , , ... COUNTRY PRODUCE, ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND GROWN ft SPRING CHICKENS, FRESH BUTTER, EGGS. BON' EY, fte., ftc. THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR ALWAYS IN STOCK. Trade St., CHARLOTTjB,. C. LARGE BASEMENT under Metronolltan Hotel for rent, mayzs St. Charles Hotel. STATES VILLE, N. C, THIS HOUSE Is now under the management of Mrs. Dr. Reeves, formerly of the National Ho tel and Boyden House, Salisbury, N. C, whose aim it will be to make it a first class hotel in every re spect, Commodious Sample Booms on the first floor. The patronage of the public solicited. Feb. 13-dtf. HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., SITUATED 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the rear. Eaual to any hotel in the United States as a SUMMER RESORT, s Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc. - ' : HARRISON PHOEBUS may 23-8m , : .Proprietor. IMPROVED PATEHT LITER PAD1 Nstxb Gars Hakb. Can sa Mab axt 8toth Dastasn. Lasi i wica as Loao.; SUeuat Curtl vltluut 8rttgslatti 8itia. cuaas Ckills and Fever, Liver Comainiv Pyspewiv Reuralgia, Renossiess . Bbemnatuo; Costivenea, Female Wetheii, Skk k Nenoui fieadAcbe. TTi nn Ti 1i Tin n TI Mnmirl fir Itaunttia.' Ma S i Care til Diseases I rTozkuiPlll.OUi. or Poiwmotu Medici ne are takes ' . into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over tha Fit : - of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, . '' also the Liver and Stomach. - A gentle Vegetable --rr. Tonicis abeorbed intotbedrcnlationofthe Blood and -Liver, purifying the Blood, stimnlaring the Li verand ' Kidneys to healthy action, and ttrengthenlog the Stomach to dlget food. - Paica o Pads $1 and S3. . sacs. Sold by all DhmutI) or seat bxMait i : g Express. . . Manufactured and for sale at 92 Germain street, Baltimore, Md. ' ' For sale in Charlotte at the drag stores of L. R. Wrlston ft Co., F. Scarr, T. C Smith and Wilson ft BurwelL - tmaylS 17. THE EXODUS v , DERANGES labor,' making neeessary every fa cility for handling Cotton at the Gin. SAVE LABOR by using a JONES FIVE-TON WAGON SCALE, PRICE $60, and Iron and Steel Brass Beams. FREIGHT PAID BY US. If ordered now can pay at Ginning. Everybody send for free book. Address, - JONES OF B1NGHAMTON, may 14-w4teow Blnghamton, N. T. HE WASHINGTON GAZETTE, V VJ ' Published at the National Capital every Sunday ' : Giving ruu resume oi the preceding week, news . of all naUoaal topics and general intelligence, bs sides kelnc the only f .. 5 . REPRESENTATIVE SOUTuERN PAPER There supporting the National Deeratlo Party, ' Edited by GEORGE C WEDDERBUltN,' of Virgin- . is, lormeny publisher oz tne suenmona tva.) c Tmira nv Single copies, one year, -postage paid, ; 3 00 Five copies, towne address, postage psldv t - 7 50 xen copies, to one saaress, postage paia, . . n oil Twenty copies, to one address, postage rV 1.1 00 (With a eopy.free to the person securing the clubs, ;:, ' GAZETTE PUBLISHING COUPJNT, BVI OAAt .IT 09UUIKUIU, Mf, Vm VI UtV UrtiUUr : TM 91 .... .. TT. , . .!'!' FOR; SALE, Kfifi Whiskey barrels to good em ! Tor taforv OUU matlon apply at J. P MEDIAN'S Eestatf rant and Saloon Taylor street, twetdoonj rom RlchardsensiTef4 Coigmbla, & Of --Mil Suitings,&c:;J unc fn n. am nniita rnrM ' . . : iiiCBO wuum nuu wuvn w yv ,

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